440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 17, 2002 05:17 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Gary worried people don't care about good management.
2...Good Management Takes More than 20 Minutes to Learn
3...5% Microsoft Features Shows Good Management Takes More than 20 Min
4...SDS Can be Created Using Microsoft Word Using Visual Basic
5...Time, Money Not Constraints, But Expertise May be Factor
6...Proof of Concept SDS Existence Shows Time and Money Not Constraints
7...People Care About Good Management, Blocked by Ignorance Inexperience
8...Intelligence Capture Organizational Memory Convert into Knowledge
9...Knowledge Add Intelligence to Information from Organizational Memory
10...Organizational Memory Intelligence Converts Information into Knowledge
......Build Better Mousetraps Do Not Always Bring More Customers
......Mouse Trap Improvements May Not Yield a Lot of Customers
.........Chronology Requirement for Reasoning Hidden in Plain Sight
.........Good Management Must be Specified to Meet DOD Requirements
.........Meetings Fundamental Team Process Latent Demand SDS Support
.........Latent Demand SDS Improving Communication Seems Beyond Reach
.........Communication Requirements Ignored in Complex World
.........Connecting the Dots of Cause Effect Drives Power of Knowledge
.........Intelligence Applies Locality to Chronology Context Connections
.........Power of Knowledge Traceability Original Sources Controls Future
.........Point Fingers Accusation Blame Cannot Point Relevant History
.........Finger Pointing When People Cannot Point to Relevant History
.........Management Degrades to Entropy When Memory of Cause Effect Fails
.........Chronology Context Connections Yield Command and Control of the Work
.............Examples of finger pointing...
.............Case Study Frustrated When Command Control of Record Fails
.............SDS Intelligence Converts Information into Knowledge
.............Time Context Management Enabled by SDS Precision Access
.............Command and Control Finds Right Information at Right Time
.............Organizational Memory Fast and Easy Structure Shallow Outline
.............Shallow Outline Scheme Line Numbers Orders Narrative
.............Line Numbers Shallow Outline Scheme Adds Structure to Narrative
.........Connection of good management with SDS is missing ingredient
.........We cannot wave a magic wand to form new paradigms.
11...Diligence Overcomes Lack of Tools to Drive Good Management
12...History Organizational Memory Not Important Enough Get By on Gist
13...Audit Trail Aids Productivity Only When Management Forced to Do So
14...Bad Management Can be Helped by Efficient Tools and New Work Role
15...Memory Strong Sales Point Demand to Augment Intelligence
16...Tools Alone are Not Enough to Advance Civilization
17...Civilization Only Advances under Leadership with Broader Vision
18...Post-project Review Evaluate Com Metrics to Improve Management
19...Specify Good Management Overcome Overwhelming Tendency Bad Management
20...Try Using SDS Need Compensation for Welch
ACTION ITEMS..................
Click here to comment!
1...Would be interesting for Gary to comment on the correlation of
2...Gary does not comment about analysis on 020110 that shows
3...Gary, for example, could comment on the scope of services for
4...Gary's writing expertise and experience on major technology and
0201 - Dynamic Alternatives
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
Gary Wants to Collaborate on KM Development Path
Alliances Communicate on SDS Com Metrics POIMS Critical Marketing Devel Culture of
Link Communication to POIMS for Foundation to Build Culture of Knowle
Microsoft Word Outlook Email Linking Addressability Anchors on Every
SDS Deployment Experience Use Buy Try Customer Need Terms for Use tha
Link Email Using Addressability in Knowledge Space Recommend Doug Sen
Addressability Anchors Archived Record, Engelbart, 000601
Visual Basic for Microsoft Word and Outlook Can Create SDS
Visual Basic Programming Language for Word Outlook May be able to Imp
Word Gary is an Expert Works on Documents Constantly
4012 -
4012 - ..
4013 - Summary/Objective
4014 -
401401 - Follow up ref SDS B8 0000, ref SDS B7 0000.
401402 -
401403 - Gary's letter today included more links, continuing the effort to rely
401404 - on the record. We, also, need links to POIMS that build a foundation
401405 - of consistent understanding about objectives and definitions for
401406 - advancing beyond information technology to a culture of knowledge.
401407 - ref SDS 0 CH7J Gary agrees with Morris that people use only about 5%
401408 - of the features in Microsoft Word and Outlook. He feels it may be
401409 - possible to create SDS in Microsoft Word and Outlook using Visual
401410 - Basic, but indicates that nobody has time to undertake the task.
401411 - ref SDS 0 J66M Lack of progress advancing beyond wordprocessing and
401412 - email may further indicate that nobody has time to learn how.
401413 - ref SDS 0 9F4J Gary raises important questions about marketing and
401414 - deployment of SDS. ref SDS 0 425M Powerful cultural forces that
401415 - oppose good management are balanced by people with value at risk who
401416 - are harmed by bad management, ref OF 0 4R5K, as clearly described by
401417 - Roy Roebuck, a DOD program manager. ref SDS 0 1332 Gary argues today
401418 - that people can use good management by investing more time and
401419 - diligence working harder. This overlooks the fact that information
401420 - technology causes information overload that prevents good management,
401421 - and further overlooks the fact that SDS makes good management faster,
401422 - easier and fun, which means more people can use good management more
401423 - often. ref SDS 0 P64K Gary correctly points out that tools alone are
401424 - not enough, since management science and a new work role are needed to
401425 - transition from information technology to a culture of knowledge that
401426 - saves time and money. ref SDS 0 NX5M Therefore, Gary's comments would
401427 - be helpful on the scope of services for Com Metrics that explains a
401428 - new management science applied by a new work role to solve problems
401429 - that cause productivity, earnings and stock prices to fall.
401430 - ref SDS 0 U14O
401431 -
401432 - [On 020223 follow up letter to Gary on this. ref SDS C2 0001
401434 - ..
401435 - [On 021126 Gary submits information showing people care about SDS
401436 - support for augmenting intelligence. ref SDS D2 NV6H
401437 -
401438 -
401439 -
401440 -
401441 -
401442 -
401444 - ..
4015 -
4016 -
4017 - Progress
4018 -
401801 - Good Management Takes More than 20 Minutes to Learn
401802 - 5% Microsoft Features Shows Good Management Takes More than 20 Min
401803 -
401804 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Gary who responds to the letter sent
401805 - yesterday, ref DIP 4 0001, which congratulates Gary for learning to
401806 - create links in Microsoft Word and Outlook.
401807 -
401808 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 responding to Gary's letter to thank him for
401809 - continue to use links.
401811 - ..
401812 - Gary comments as requested previously in a letter, ref DIP 4 J66L, on
401813 - 020216, ref SDS B8 UY4N, about Morris' idea on 020110 to convert
401814 - Microsoft Word into SDS, ref SDS B1 S97L, in light of analysis on
401815 - 020110 and Gary's comments on 010408. ref SDS 87 AU4O Applies
401816 - planning on 020213. ref SDS B7 DF7J
401818 - ..
401819 - Gary says....
401820 -
401821 - Morris indicates that people use about 5% of features available
401822 - in Microsoft products, and that this raises questions. I agree
401823 - with the issues being raised.... ref DRT 1 0001, as shown in the
401824 - record on 020110. ref SDS B1 0001
401825 -
401826 - Gary's link to the summary of the record on 020110, and to
401827 - other resources in Knowledge Space demonstrates commitment to
401828 - a new way of working that uses connections for intelligence
401829 - that provide context to save time and money, and so fosters a
401830 - culture of knowledge, as planned on 020213. ref SDS B7 3N8H
401832 - ..
401833 - 5% use of Microsoft programs, and Morris' reasoning that this
401834 - implies people would not use SDS, if it were a Microsoft
401835 - application, is discussed in detail on 020110. ref SDS B1 CK4K
401837 - ..
401838 - Gary seems to be agreeing with Morris' reasoning.
401840 - ..
401841 - Would be interesting for Gary to comment on the correlation of
401842 - using 5% of Microsoft programs, with remembring only 5% that
401843 - is the gist of information, which is another issued raised on
401844 - 020110. ref SDS B1 I66J
401845 -
401847 - ..
401848 - Gary continues....
401849 -
401850 - ...and also with the possibility that difficulty learning SDS may
401851 - have more to do with a general lack of willingness to use tools
401852 - to improve than with any real problem with SDS. ref DRT 1 0001
401853 -
401854 - Gary seems to further agree with analysis on 020110 showing
401855 - GUI is not an intuitive learning experience for new capability
401856 - like SDS because people have no experience from which to
401857 - intuit, and so learning good management skills takes more than
401858 - 20 minutes. ref SDS B1 QE5O
401860 - ..
401861 - Gary continues....
401862 -
401863 - I have encountered this situation repeatedly. Since I work on
401864 - documents heavily, I have learned Word rather well and continue
401865 - to learn more. The average knowledge of other that I encounter in
401866 - the workplace is far lower. Additionally, there is little or no
401867 - interest in increasing skills with the programs. There are
401868 - individuals who have become power users because they actually
401869 - care about accomplishing useful work with the tools, but they are
401870 - in the minority.
401871 -
401872 - People learn more that 5% of Word features who do a lot of
401873 - writing that leads them in that direction.
401875 - ..
401876 - If people can get by without learning more than 5% of Word
401877 - features, because their work requires givng more attention to
401878 - other matters, then they will be skillful in the other matters
401879 - and less skillful in using Word. So, if people spend 100% of
401880 - their time writing, and that writing benefits from using more
401881 - than 5% of Word features, then those people will acquire those
401882 - skills. If people spend 5% of their time writing, it does not
401883 - make economic sense to spend a lot of time learning features
401884 - in Word that only come up once in a great while, since this
401885 - has marginal impact on earnings.
401887 - ..
401888 - If people spend a lot of time writing to convert information
401889 - into knowledge, and there are no features in Microsoft Word
401890 - that support adding intelligence to information to create
401891 - knowledge, then there is no incentive to learn features that
401892 - have only proven to be useful for creating information because
401893 - that causes information overload, which reduces productivity,
401894 - earnings and stock prices.
401896 - ..
401897 - Gary's experience seems similar to Morris, who has acquired a
401898 - lot of skill using Word and Outlook because those are the best
401899 - tools available for creating information, which a lot of
401900 - people use because IT has been the most advanced capability
401901 - for aiding management, as reflected by Stuart Harrow's comment
401902 - on 020130 that everybody at DCMA likes Microsoft programs.
401903 - ref SDS A9 LQ5K
401904 -
401905 -
401906 -
401907 -
401908 -
401909 -
401910 -
4020 -
Visual Basic Programming Language for Word Outlook May be able to Imp
Control Fields SDS Implemented by Tables in Word
Cadillac for Style Not Work Wordprocessing Good for Style Publishing
Integrating Structure and Style Difficult Like Using Cadillac for Wor
Word and Outlook Can be Converted to Accomplish SDS Using Visual Basi
Microsoft Word and Outlook Can be Converted to Accomplish SDS Using V
Outlook and Word Can be Converted to Accomplish SDS Using Visual Basi
Word Used for Email Wordprocessing Collaboration
Wordprocessing Effective Architecture Used by Many a Lot for Everythi
Word Integrates Spreadsheets, Graphics
SDS Can Be Created by Modifying Microsoft Word and Outlook Using Visu
Text Better than Wordprocessing GUI for Structure Required to Aid Man
Spreadsheet for Knowledge Structure Text Better than Wordprocessing G
Wordprocessing Less Effective than Text for Structure Required to Aid
Text More Useful than Wordprocessing for Executives
Johnson, Gary SDS Proof of Existence for KM Not Technical Problem Ena
6318 -
631901 - ..
631902 - SDS Can be Created Using Microsoft Word Using Visual Basic
631903 -
631904 -
631905 - Gary continues....
631906 -
631907 - Morris mentioned in the record on 020110 the possibility of
631908 - developing SDS capabilities in Word, using Visual Basic,
631909 - ref SDS B1 S97L, and you asked about it in your letter of
631910 - 2002-Feb-16. ref DIP 4 J66L I see no reason why this couldn't be
631911 - done. SDS is currently written using a macro language in an
631912 - editor, and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is just a macro
631913 - language for the Word editor. This is why I asked Morris about
631914 - using Medit as a base for SDS as opposed to using any existing
631915 - Windows editor that supports a substantial macro language, which
631916 - most of the major commercial and many of the shareware and
631917 - freeware programming editors do. ref DRT 1 R66M
631919 - ..
631920 - Gary does not comment on analysis of modifying Word and
631921 - Outlook to enable SDS funcationality, as set out in the record
631922 - on 020110. ref SDS B1 4O9N
631924 - ..
631925 - Gary continues...
631926 -
631927 - As to the specifics, I think Word is overkill and I am not
631928 - certain that it offers any advantage beyond the fact that people
631929 - already know about Word. ref DRT 1 6R8M
631930 -
631931 - The fact that people already know MS Word is a very big
631932 - advantage that cannot be ignored.
631934 - ..
631935 - The fancy style and formatting is not needed since SDS uses only
631936 - a small amount of what is available in HTML, which is far less
631937 - then Word provides. ref DRT 1 HR9G
631939 - ..
631940 - Gary may be agreeing with Morris on 951228 that wordprocessing
631941 - is not effective for management that needs structure and
631942 - integration of tasks available in SDS. ref SDS 27 S47O
631944 - ..
631945 - Would be interesting to get Gary's comments on theory in NWO
631946 - that skill using IT for creating information has created a New
631947 - World Order, ref OF 4 1675, which requires a fundamentally
631948 - diffent kind of technology, as called out by Larry Ellison on
631949 - 970222, ref SDS 40 3967, and is explained in POIMS.
631950 - ref OF 1 0001
631951 -
631952 - [On 030316 Gary reported that experience using SDS shows
631953 - the level of integration required for Com Metrics is not
631954 - supported by Microsoft programs. ref SDS D5 EV4N
631955 -
631956 -
631957 -
631959 - ..
631960 - Time, Money Not Constraints, But Expertise May be Factor
631961 - Proof of Concept SDS Existence Shows Time and Money Not Constraints
631962 -
631963 -
631964 - Gary says further....
631965 -
631966 - I doubt that the problem of implementing SDS is inherently a
631967 - technical issue. It has been done. This provides an existence
631968 - proof that it can be done. The questions relating to a new SDS
631969 - implementation are much more ones of who has the time and the
631970 - energy, and what tools are they comfortable with than whether the
631971 - job can be done in this tool or that. ref DRT 1 GI8F
631972 -
631973 - On 000426 Jack Park reported that SDS is an existence proof of
631974 - concept for OHS/DKR and KM. ref SDS 69 3315 Later, on 001130
631975 - Jack reported that SDS has the right structure for knowledge
631976 - management and an interface that makes KM useful to people.
631977 - ref SDS 79 H17O Earlier, on 000324 Lee Iverson reported at
631978 - SRI that nobody else has done this. ref SDS 67 4877
631980 - ..
631981 - Gary might comment on the record for 020110, as noted above,
631982 - ref SDS 0 3O9J, that shows considerable effort has been made
631983 - at IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, SRI, LANL, DARPA etc., to create
631984 - KM, yet only SDS has succeeded. This may suggest there is
631985 - something about this task that is more difficult than meets
631986 - the eye. ref SDS B1 4O9N
631987 -
631988 - [On 030316 Gary reported that experience using SDS shows
631989 - the level of integration required for Com Metrics is not
631990 - supported by Microsoft programs. ref SDS D5 EV4N
631991 -
631992 -
631993 -
631994 -
631995 -
631996 -
631997 -
631998 -
6320 -
Intelligence Debugs Management Discovers Alignment Problems Before Mi
Intelligence Organization Indexing by Subject Continuous Information
POIMS Link Communication Shows Commitment to SDS and KM for Awarding
POIMS Defines Intelligence Requires Capturing Information Organizatio
Things SDS Does and the Problems SDS Solves Does Anybody Care About T
Care About Memory Productivity Intelligence Context Analysis Story Or
Care About Good Management Enabled by SDS But Resist Improvement Unti
Good Management Nobody Cares About SDS Support Good Management Peopl
Good Management People Care About But Resist Improvement
9011 -
901201 - ..
901202 - People Care About Good Management, Blocked by Ignorance Inexperience
901203 - Intelligence Capture Organizational Memory Convert into Knowledge
901204 - Knowledge Add Intelligence to Information from Organizational Memory
901205 - Organizational Memory Intelligence Converts Information into Knowledge
901206 -
901207 - Follow up ref SDS B8 425M, ref SDS B7 425M.
901208 -
901209 - Gary continues....
901210 -
901211 - The major question surrounding SDS remains, IMO, "how can we get
901212 - people interested enough in solving the problems that SDS
901213 - addresses that they will be willing to spend time and energy
901214 - first learning and then using SDS to address the problem?". I
901215 - continue to run into the situation that those who control the
901216 - expenditures don't understand the problems and have no desire or
901217 - even inclination to solve them. Once this is made sufficiently
901218 - clear to the workers, they stop trying after a while. ref DRT 1
901219 - BH9K
901221 - ..
901222 - On 000706 Morris asked the same question. ref SDS 70 RX3K
901224 - ..
901225 - In discusion with Gary, he feels there is no demand for SDS, because
901226 - people do not care enough to use the tools they already have for good
901227 - management. He worries that attitudes must change in order to sell
901228 - SDS, similar to the report on 990505. ref SDS 57 4732 Research on
901229 - 000307 found that knowledge management is a lot of hard work that
901230 - takes a lot of time, and therefore diligence using information
901231 - technology. ref SDS 66 5182 Marketing SDS applies the Boy Scout
901232 - Napsack theory developed on 990816 where demand for technology to
901233 - accomplish important tasks rises, when the degree of diligence drops.
901234 - ref SDS 60 2880
901236 - ..
901237 - [On 020618 Gary discusses developing customer profile by
901238 - modeling needs for working intelligently that improves
901239 - management to save lives, time and money. ref SDS C7 VF6K
901241 - ..
901242 - [On 030416 Gary's record on 030413 reports progress
901243 - learning SDS for performing 8 steps of Com Metrics to save
901244 - time and money by working intelligently. ref SDS D6 7P5F
901246 - ..
901247 - [On 030828 Aerospace company's customer, the US Army,
901248 - cares about timely access to accurate organizational
901249 - memory. ref SDS E4 HK7M
901251 - ..
901252 - [On 030708 Gary explains SDS supports good management
901253 - requirements that are "hidden in plain sight" by the "fog
901254 - of war" that causes people to assume good practices are
901255 - being performed because they are regularly spelled out in
901256 - professional papers, events and in books, and because
901257 - anything people are unable to perform with tools they like
901258 - and skills they have is dismissed an "unnecessary
901259 - overkill. ref SDS E0 595H
901261 - ..
901262 - [On 030830 Gary worried about burnout from overwork by
901263 - being too successful because people care about getting SDS
901264 - records for working intelligently. ref SDS E5 VB4J
901266 - ..
901267 - [On 031008 Morris commended Gary's progress using
901268 - Communication Metrics at Aerospace company and cited benefits of
901269 - accurate remembering are better than forgetting.
901270 - ref SDS E6 KR6X
901272 - ..
901273 - [On 041110 shovel analogy applies Boy Scout napsack
901274 - showing technology that makes work faster and easier
901275 - increases willingness of people to use good management
901276 - consistently; an example is preparing agendas to guide
901277 - meetings, and distributing in time for people to be
901278 - prepared. ref SDS F5 H58J
901280 - ..
901281 - Impatience with the pace of transformation reflected by
901282 - Gary's analysis overlooks Gary's letter on 011210 pointing
901283 - out that improvement takes 50 years to become accepted by an
901284 - estabished culture. ref SDS A6 R66K On 020131 Secretary of
901285 - Defense Donald Rumsfeld explained powerful cultural forces
901286 - resist advance, and this natural resistance to improvement
901287 - presents an illusion that nobody cares about improvement,
901288 - ref SDS B4 G15V, when in fact everybody likes to save time
901289 - and money. Rumsfled also urged persistance and innovation in
901290 - selling improvement at the leadrship level, ref SDS B4 6L5K,
901291 - because transformation is essential to meet new realities of
901292 - a new world order. ref SDS B4 QE4H
901293 -
901294 - [On 030416 Gary reported benefits of SDS. ref SDS D6 7P5F
901296 - ..
901297 - [On 030709 after gaining experience using SDS Gary
901298 - reported that things people care about that SDS supports
901299 - are "hidden in plain sight." ref SDS E0 LV8G
901301 - ..
901302 - [On 030813 Gary using SDS and develops a record showing
901303 - analysis of demand for marketing SDS. ref SDS E2 0001
901305 - ..
901306 - [On 040227 Gary reports unable to accomplish SDS support
901307 - using popular tools and methods with extra staff assigned.
901308 - ref SDS E8 RH6K
901310 - ..
901311 - [On 040422 "good to go" SDS back in buisess for Wayne
901312 - after 2 year break, complementing Gary restoring SDS use
901313 - at Aerospace company after a 3 month break. ref SDS F0 SY5F
901315 - ..
901316 - [On 040305 SDS improvements reduce good management to mere
901317 - volition changing attitudes that previously denied good
901318 - management to save time and money is needed and so
901319 - complain SDS support is gold plated and unnecessary
901320 - overkill, suddenly when good management is fast and easy,
901321 - demand sores; good management to save time and money
901322 - becomes essential and indespensible, implementing Moore's
901323 - Law applying faster computer processors to get work done
901324 - on time and within budget. ref SDS E9 BS5O
901326 - ..
901327 - [On 041004 Woody worries Aerospace company has no
901328 - requirements for tools that meet SDS capabilities to
901329 - improve accuracy. ref SDS F4 W93K
901331 - ..
901332 - [On 041118 telecon Woody, Gary, Gil discussed SDS features
901333 - that are not common requirements in industry; Gil feels
901334 - company should be proactive making people aware of
901335 - features for saving time and money. ref SDS F6 KU85
901337 - ..
901338 - [On 050303 example SDS binary search reduces time from 20
901339 - down to 1 second for finding subjects, changes work
901340 - practice from good management never used to good
901341 - management suddenly indispensible, and constantly used.
901342 - ref SDS F9 SL6O
901344 - ..
901345 - SDS makes common work practices fast and easy that people
901346 - care about shown by constant struggle to perform these things
901347 - for centuries, lested in POIMS. ref OF 1 2688 SDS makes new
901348 - practices that extend traditional methods to augment human
901349 - intelligence. ref OF 2 3385
901351 - ..
901352 - Below, program manager discusses what SDS does in relation to
901353 - DOD management requirements that seem fairly universal.
901354 - ref SDS 0 1332
901355 -
901356 - [On 020301 growing use of weblogs show interest in the
901357 - things SDS does and builds a cultural foundation for an
901358 - intellectual bridge from IT to a knowledge enabled by
901359 - SDS. ref SDS C3 GT4M
901361 - ..
901362 - [On 021126 Gary submits information showing people care
901363 - about SDS support for augmenting intelligence.
901364 - ref SDS D2 NV6H
901366 - ..
901367 - [On 030821 Gary reports growing interest in accurate
901368 - understanding of daily work, evident by wish for a
901369 - "history button" to quickly look up relevant history to
901370 - make meetings productive. ref SDS E3 SO52
901371 -
901373 - ..
901374 - Gary, also, asks...
901375 -
901376 - ....where you have consulted, demonstrated the possibilities and
901377 - benefits of SDS, and even gotten substantial agreement that SDS
901378 - is something special and valuable, how many of them are still
901379 - using SDS on an ongoing basis? Are they returning and asking for
901380 - new features or new ways of using SDS that indicate that they
901381 - have "gotten the message"? I suspect that even where the power
901382 - has been demonstrated and people agreed as to the power,
901383 - improvement, and importance, that SDS usage was not continued,
901384 - much less expanded. If this is true, the question is "why not?"
901386 - ..
901387 - This issue was discussed with Pat Lincoln during a meeting at
901388 - SRI on 010517. ref SDS 90 9B6J
901389 -
901390 - [On 021126 Gary submits information showing people care
901391 - about SDS support for augmenting intelligence. ref SDS D2
901392 - NV6H
901394 - ..
901395 - [On 030708 the movie Gladiator with a scene depicting Caesar
901396 - citing fragile understanding of "republic" and "democracy"
901397 - illustrates that understanding concepts and practices that
901398 - enable a new way of working, like SDS, is fragile and
901399 - fragmentary and a whisper that is barely heard. ref SDS E1
901400 - WZ7N
901402 - ..
901403 - On 011210 Gary cited Buckminster Fuller observing that a
901404 - new way of working takes 50 years to be absorbed by an
901405 - established culture. ref SDS A6 R66K
901406 -
901408 - ..
901409 - Build Better Mousetraps Do Not Always Bring More Customers
901410 - Mouse Trap Improvements May Not Yield a Lot of Customers
901411 -
901412 -
901413 - Gary continues...
901414 -
901415 - The adage "build a better mousetrap and the world will beat
901416 - a path to your door" is totally false. The history of computers
901417 - is replete with example of superior technologies or products that
901418 - didn't succeed. It is so common that instances in which the
901419 - superior product actually prevailed are unusual. ref DRT 1 QRSW
901420 -
901421 - [On 020820 Murray Altheim is discouraged about challenge of
901422 - marketing a "better mouse trap." ref SDS C8 EH9O
901424 - ..
901425 - [On 040429 Gary submits analysis showing that business success
901426 - does not depend on technical superiority. ref SDS F1 VR63
901428 - ..
901429 - [On 041110 Gary cites mouse trap analygy again to underscore
901430 - challenge of marketing SDS by proactive selling. ref SDS F5
901431 - 2X7F
901433 - ..
901434 - It is clear that is isn't for any reason of usability or
901435 - advantage since those had been both demonstrated and accepted, so
901436 - why isn't the use of SDS growing in those places where the seeds
901437 - were planted? Even if the organizations believed that only you
901438 - could use SDS effectively, why aren't you so busy with additional
901439 - consulting that you have no time to bother with the email that
901440 - you deal with daily? Do these organizations accept the usefulness
901441 - of SDS when they are desperate, and then drop it when the crisis
901442 - is past? What is happening? ref DRT 1 JE6K
901444 - ..
901445 - Max Wideman mentioned in his letter on 970704 having struggled
901446 - in the 1930s to improve management. ref SDS 42 8894
901448 - ..
901449 - Gary's question about how to get people interested in solving
901450 - problems that SDS addresses, ref SDS 0 425M, requires
901451 - identifying what SDS does and how it is used, as set out on
901452 - 001219. ref SDS 81 FO5M That is why I requested comments on
901453 - the scope of services for Com Metrics supported by SDS, per
901454 - below. ref SDS 0 U14O
901456 - ..
901457 - POIMS explains SDS enables good management by empowering
901458 - people to add intelligence to information. ref OF 1 6649 This
901459 - raises two questions....
901460 -
901461 - 1. Is there demand for good management, and
901462 -
901463 - 2. How to make connection between SDS and good
901464 - management, discussed further below. ref SDS 0 BN6O
901466 - ..
901467 - See for example comments from DOD rep below,
901468 - ref SDS 0 1332, and Gary's pending analysis of scope of
901469 - services for Com Metrics, also, below. ref SDS 0 U14O
901471 - ..
901472 - [On 020223 follow up letter to Gary on this. ref SDS C2
901473 - 0001
901475 - ..
901476 - [On 020222 letter to Ed Traille asks if increased worry
901477 - about accountability due to Enron collapse has created
901478 - increased demand for good management. ref SDS C1 3H6K
901480 - ..
901481 - [On 021126 Gary submits information showing people care
901482 - about SDS support for augmenting intelligence. ref SDS D2
901483 - NV6H
901485 - ..
901486 - Gary's mouse trap analogy applies to marketing wordprocessing
901487 - and email. ref SDS 0 VG4O People who create better
901488 - information technology expect to compete based on providing a
901489 - better tools, where "mouse trap" reflects the idea of
901490 - improving what everybody is already doing.
901492 - ..
901493 - Marketing SDS is a different challenge, because it is a new
901494 - class of tasks that aid intelligence. This is disruptive
901495 - because in some respects Gary's analogy could be applied by
901496 - saying SDS is a better "mouse" so we can do away with the trap
901497 - -- this "mouse washes the car, cleans the house, and takes
901498 - care of the kids. Applying something in a different way
901499 - disrupts the social order and customs that are familiar to
901500 - customers. This takes time for people to absorb, no matter
901501 - how helpful for saving time and money.
901502 -
901503 - [On 021126 Gary submits information showing people care
901504 - about SDS support for augmenting intelligence. ref SDS D2
901505 - NV6H
901507 - ..
901508 - Disruptive technology, explained on 990527, ref SDS 58 1221,
901509 - takes time for the paradigm of a new way of working to gain
901510 - visibility. SDS has 7K records or so on the Internet that
901511 - illustrate a new way of working intelligently which cannot be
901512 - accomplished by other means. Some benefits of SDS are
901513 - self-evident observing and using SDS records on the Internet.
901514 - This provides an advertising vehicle for enabling forces to
901515 - align for a new market, planned on 000802. ref SDS 73 PG75
901516 - When too many people are suddenly having too many problems
901517 - using methods they like, and when emotional jolts to national
901518 - security occur, as on 010911, then the cost of failing to
901519 - invest in intelligence for good management becomes clear.
901520 - Stated another way, when the cost of bad management is no
901521 - longer easily absorbed, transferred or put off to another day,
901522 - then the cricket feels the pressure to improve and begins to
901523 - care about following the advice of the squirrel to invest, as
901524 - reviewed on 010908. ref SDS 95 5U6L
901526 - ..
901527 - Submitted ref DIT 1 3J7J noting there have been no call-backs
901528 - for Com Metrics, which reflects overwhelming tendency to use
901529 - bad management, as noted by Morris on 911123 explaining "feel
901530 - good management." ref SDS 8 1331
901532 - ..
901533 - Poor salesmanship by Welch caused customers to avoid good
901534 - management that uses intelligence to convert information into
901535 - knowledge, ref DIT 1 5052
901537 - ..
901538 - Cultural forces encourage....
901539 -
901540 - 1. fear of accountability reported on 980405, ref SDS 49
901541 - 5065, and
901542 -
901543 - 2. laziness explained by Jack Park on 010908, ref SDS 95
901544 - YF5O
901545 -
901546 - ...create an overwhelming tendency to rely on bad management
901547 - that resists Com Metrics. ref DIT 1 5052
901549 - ..
901550 - Andy Grove noted that people prefer to work on familiar things
901551 - in familiar ways, reviewed on 980307. ref SDS 48 1660
901553 - ..
901554 - Cultural forces that resist improvement were cited by....
901555 -
901556 - 1. Morris Jones on 990527. ref SDS 58 1233
901557 -
901558 - 2. Gary's letter on 011210 explains major advance takes
901559 - about 50 years. ref SDS A6 R66K
901561 - ..
901562 - On 011006 Gary reported improvement in big organizations
901563 - is hopeless. ref SDS A3 MO6F
901565 - ..
901566 - SDS is a new way of working to advance literacy. ref OF 1 3742
901567 - Since alphabet technology is the engine of civilization, as
901568 - reported on 991108, ref SDS 63 5628, it takes extra time and
901569 - effort for SDS to get noticed and accepted through trial and
901570 - error. It is not a smooth deployment curve.
901572 - ..
901573 - On 000716 Professor Ransdell forecast slow acceptance because
901574 - fundamental advance is slow in an established culture; he
901575 - urged not to become discouraged. ref SDS 72 7838
901576 -
901577 - [On 021126 Gary submits information showing people care
901578 - about SDS support for augmenting intelligence. ref SDS D2
901579 - NV6H
901581 - ..
901582 - Objections to good management are discussed extensively in
901583 - POIMS and NWO. Correspondence like Gary's letter today can be
901584 - strengthened by linking to these sources...
901585 -
901586 - Good management is overkill......... POIMS, ref OF 1 QT5L
901587 - Cost savings using good management
901588 - is harder to explain that using bad
901589 - management by cutting corners....... POIMS, ref OF 1 LE6L
901590 - Embarrassing to ask for help using
901591 - good management..................... POIMS, ref OF 1 4G4I
901592 - Conversation seems fast and easy...... NWO, ref OF 4 273X
901593 - Fear of accountability................ NWO, ref OF 4 274V
901594 - Feedback disliked..................... NWO, ref OF 4 2670
901596 - ..
901597 - There are two case studies, and three (3) interviews where use
901598 - of SDS and being called back have been addressed...
901599 -
901600 - 1. DNRC...................... 990316, ref SDS 54 0001
901601 - 2. PG&E dinner discussion.... 941228, ref SDS 20 9954
901602 - 3. PG&E telecon Morris....... 000709, ref SDS 71 0052
901603 - 4. PG&E 2nd telecon Morris... 020110, ref SDS B1 454K,
901604 - 5. USACE..................... 981027, ref SDS 50 3621
901606 - ..
901607 - People have adopted and promoted SDS in the past based on
901608 - experiencing benefits for saving time and money from seeing
901609 - SDS applied over a span of several months. This builds faith
901610 - to overcome disbelief (paradigms) that technology can improve
901611 - management, as seen from following examples....
901612 -
901613 - Wayne Wetzel, DNRC.......... 010725, ref SDS 93 03DW
901614 - Jeff Ghilardi, Seawest...... 990419, ref SDS 55 3072
901615 - Mark McGovern, USACE........ 970403, ref DRP 9 QWST
901616 - Leonard SoHoo, USACE........ 970403, ref DRP 9 J6S1
901617 - Tom Keesling, USACE......... 970405, ref DRP 9 00G0
901618 - Max Blodgett, USACE......... 970406, ref DRP 9 C4A1
901619 - Herb Cheong, USACE.......... 970407, ref DRP 9 Q6RY
901620 - Bill DeHart, PG&E........... 941230, ref DRP 7 1759
901622 - ..
901623 - Note: Tom Keesling, Merry Goodenough (District Counsel) and
901624 - one other manager quit the Corps, and the Contracting Officer,
901625 - Tom Benero, transferred because command turned down repeated
901626 - recommendations to use SDS. ref DRP 9 1279 For example, on
901627 - 971030 Keesling cited SDS capability in a meeting on an HQ
901628 - initiative to implement Lotus Notes. ref SDS 46 2336 So, SDS
901629 - is attractive to those who experience benefits. This ability
901630 - to grow strong advocates, suggests a Com Manager role is an
901631 - effective way to introduce SDS.
901633 - ..
901634 - DNRC was a call-back client in 1991 after service was stopped
901635 - in 1989, on recommendation by DNRC's management consultant,
901636 - Tudor, see record on 890324. ref SDS 2 6399 Wayne Wetzel,
901637 - Deputy Director of DNRC continued to use SDS after 1991, and
901638 - wrote analysis on 010725, when he retired from the agency.
901639 - ref SDS 93 WJ7L
901641 - ..
901642 - USACE prepared call back contracts on four (4) occassions...
901643 -
901644 - Contract extension on Oakland..... 961206, ref SDS 34 0001
901645 - Oakland call back................. 970117, ref SDS 37 0001
901646 - Richmond Project.................. 970212, ref SDS 39 7749
901647 - Oakland claims.................... 970722, ref SDS 44 7488
901649 - ..
901650 - Initiatives to call-back Com Metrics at USACE occurred in
901651 - numerous ways over two (2) years, and none were successful
901652 - because the Commander opposed Com Metrics, reported on 970624.
901653 - ref SDS 41 6499
901655 - ..
901656 - Bill DeHart initiated a call-back on 001129 to use SDS at PG&E
901657 - for a fiberoptic project. ref SDS 78 0001 This project was
901658 - later cancelled due to problems at PG&E and in the telecom
901659 - industry unrelated to SDS. Bill comments on 000709 seem to
901660 - align with Gary's concern about good management, ref SDS 71
901661 - 0052, and so are cited for response to Gary's letter.
901662 - ref DIT 1 4E6M
901664 - ..
901665 - The letter responding to Gary notes that he seems to concur
901666 - with Morris' point on 020110, ref DIT 1 0001, that since there
901667 - is no demand for 95% of the features Bill Gates thought up for
901668 - wordprocessing, then there is no demand for SDS, ref SDS B1
901669 - 653N, because people do not care about....
901670 -
901671 - intelligence
901672 - working intelligently
901673 - good management
901674 - proactive management
901675 - risk management
901676 - accountability
901677 - national security
901678 - safety
901679 - saving time and money
901680 - improvement
901681 - productivity
901682 - earnings
901683 - stock prices
901684 - Drucker
901685 - Covey
901686 - PMBOK
901687 - ISO
901688 - Mom's apple pie
901690 - ..
901691 - Gary does not comment about analysis on 020110 that shows
901692 - experience with wordprocessing, ref SDS B1 653N, which has
901693 - minimal impact on good management, as Morris noted on 951228,
901694 - ref SDS 27 S47O, does not show what people care about
901695 - intelligence enabled by SDS. ref SDS B1 4O9N The record on
901696 - 010907 seems to indicate people readily recognize added value
901697 - of SDS by seeing work product on the Internet. ref SDS 94 KX3L
901698 -
901699 - [On 021126 Gary submits information showing people care
901700 - about SDS support for augmenting intelligence. ref SDS D2
901701 - NV6H
901703 - ..
901704 - Investors, taxpayers, and others with value at risk from
901705 - purchasing services that require performance of complex tasks
901706 - over an extended period with multiple organizations, need good
901707 - management. ref DIT 1 GQ5H Demand for accountability by those
901708 - with value at risk, as reported on 020204, ref SDS B6 N97F
901709 - should overcome fear of accountability in business management
901710 - who seek to avoid scrutiny, as reported on 020204 in the Enron
901711 - case. ref SDS B5 4K4G
901712 -
901713 -
901714 -
901715 -
9018 -
Accuracy Critical for Some Communication Have to Pin Somebody Down O
70% Day Wasted Unproductive Meetings Not Enough Time to Be Prepared
Facilitating Meeting Begins with SDS Record of Prior Meeting
Specify Good Management Contract Requirements Because Nobody is Ever
People Point Fingers in Blame and Accusation During Meetings because
SDS Links Meetings Listening Understandings Follow Up Accuracy Conve
AU08 -
AU0901 - ..
AU0902 - Chronology Requirement for Reasoning Hidden in Plain Sight
AU0903 - Good Management Must be Specified to Meet DOD Requirements
AU0904 - Meetings Fundamental Team Process Latent Demand SDS Support
AU0905 - Latent Demand SDS Improving Communication Seems Beyond Reach
AU0906 -
AU0907 - Gary's question about what people care about that SDS does,
AU0908 - ref SDS 0 425M, is presented in POIMS. Working intelligently
AU0909 - using chronology with connections to context, ref OF 1 8555,
AU0910 - was cited on 990225 by Roy Roebuck at DOD, noting overwhelming
AU0911 - demand to improve communication. ref SDS 52 6956 Roy explains
AU0912 - demand is latent, i.e., "hidden in plain sight," because
AU0913 - confusion about chronology is suppressed and characterized as
AU0914 - failure to "listen." Drucker notes that better communicaion
AU0915 - seems beyond reach, ref SDS 0 9360, so only very rarely does
AU0916 - anyone pause, as Roy does here, to frame an express
AU0917 - requirement for SDS....
AU0919 - ..
AU0920 - DOD program manager states...
AU0921 -
AU0922 - As a manager, and also as a certified "Facilitator" and
AU0923 - "Facilitation Trainer", I have a strong interest in the
AU0924 - "record" of meetings, and references to that record in the
AU0925 - "meeting minutes" and subsequent actions and decisions.
AU0926 - (Especially since a "meeting", whether formal or informal,
AU0927 - written or audible, is the fundamental team process.) This
AU0928 - is analogous to some of the stated criteria for
AU0929 - "requirement management and tracability" common in
AU0930 - outsourcing, system/software development, and other types
AU0931 - of projects. "Working Group" minutes from a particular
AU0932 - subject domain are often the only basis for establishing
AU0933 - initial SOW [scope of work] and for formalizing
AU0934 - modifications to contracts and/or contract deliverables.
AU0935 - ref DRP 8 1332
AU0936 -
AU0937 - [On 070202 asked Roy to coment. ref SDS G1 C15R
AU0939 - ..
AU0940 - On 890809 Morris Jones described managing a technology
AU0941 - business is 80% communication, and listening is big
AU0942 - problem. ref SDS 4 8812
AU0944 - ..
AU0945 - On 970110 example of Roy's point about role of
AU0946 - meetings impacting contract changes. ref SDS 36 2487
AU0948 - ..
AU0949 - DOD program manager continues...
AU0950 -
AU0951 - As a proposal/project manager and proposal/project
AU0952 - management trainer, I am constantly emphasizing to staff,
AU0953 - clients, and support personnel to "record" and share their
AU0954 - ideas, comments, corrections, etc., so this record may
AU0955 - become part of the "proposal/project history and knowledge
AU0956 - base". ref DRP 8 0482
AU0958 - ..
AU0959 - On 010420 Jeff Conklin describes organizational memory
AU0960 - to document accurate communications is very weak using
AU0961 - popular methods and tools. ref SDS 88 IE4M
AU0963 - ..
AU0964 - On 011105 Jeff says SDS support for Com Metrics under
AU0965 - the POIMS technology specification, ref SDS A4 4S6H,
AU0966 - is a step in the right direction to implement
AU0967 - management standards for documenting accurate
AU0968 - communications, because SDS work product "walks the
AU0969 - talk" of organizational memory that enables people to
AU0970 - work intelligently. ref SDS A4 6T6O
AU0972 - ..
AU0973 - [On 020315 Space Station software project shows
AU0974 - opportunity for strengthening management.
AU0975 - ref SDS C5 QH3V
AU0976 -
AU0978 - ..
AU0979 - Communication Requirements Ignored in Complex World
AU0980 - Connecting the Dots of Cause Effect Drives Power of Knowledge
AU0981 - Intelligence Applies Locality to Chronology Context Connections
AU0982 - Power of Knowledge Traceability Original Sources Controls Future
AU0983 -
AU0984 -
AU0985 - DOD program manager continues...
AU0986 -
AU0987 - As a contract worker and manager, I am continually trying
AU0988 - to retain clarity and linkage between the original SOW,
AU0989 - the Proposal Technical Approach, the baseline/funded
AU0990 - Contract Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (with its
AU0991 - corresponding resources, milestones and deliverables), and
AU0992 - the intended and unintended variation from that baseline
AU0993 - WBS. Sometimes this variation from baseline WBS is stated
AU0994 - as a new requirement or change, is negotiated, and is
AU0995 - formalized by a modification to the baseline WBS. Most
AU0996 - times it is because undocumented new ideas, distortions,
AU0997 - or unstated assumptions creep into the minds of my clients
AU0998 - (managing expectations), my staff/support and I
AU0999 - (variations in their understanding, or responding to
AU1000 - client variations in understanding during direct contact -
AU1001 - i.e., scope creep). Somtimes the variation is because we
AU1002 - don't pay enough attention to the baseline WBS in the
AU1003 - chaos that is often a part of any complex project, and we
AU1004 - get off course. ref DRP 8 QM7M
AU1005 -
AU1006 - [On 070202 asked Roy to coment. ref SDS G1 C15R
AU1008 - ..
AU1009 - In support of system and software engineers, I am
AU1010 - continually trying to help the engineers keep on track in
AU1011 - regards to requirement management and tracability
AU1012 - described above. ref DRP 8 9N9H
AU1013 -
AU1014 - Roy describes requirements in management standards,
AU1015 - training, and contracts for documenting traceability
AU1016 - to original sources, commonly called an "audit trail,"
AU1017 - and supported by notice provisions. Examples are
AU1018 - PMBOK and ISO criteria reviewed on 950721. ref SDS 26
AU1019 - 1740 Laws, contracts, and professional standards
AU1020 - reflect human biological drives to grasp chronology
AU1021 - based on context, because "connecting the dots" of
AU1022 - cause and effect imparts the power of knowledge to
AU1023 - control the future under the locality principle,
AU1024 - explained in NWO. ref OF 4 I38N
AU1026 - ..
AU1027 - SDS provides a platform and integrated tools for
AU1028 - managing chronology, context, and connections, as set
AU1029 - out in POIMS, ref OF 1 1105, which otherwise is very
AU1030 - difficult in a world of expanding complexity.
AU1032 - ..
AU1033 - [On 020504 study shows professional standards for
AU1034 - communication practices and requirements on good
AU1035 - management specified in FAR, ISO, Health Care,
AU1036 - Covey, Drucker, law, contract notice provisions,
AU1037 - and 2,000 years of literacy for contemporaneous
AU1038 - documentation for alignment and feedback to work
AU1039 - intelligently, quickly, and accurately are ignored
AU1040 - in government, business, health care, every sector.
AU1041 - ref SDS C6 NS6F
AU1043 - ..
AU1044 - [On 040505 Paris peace conference in 1919 heads of
AU1045 - state began holding meetings hoping to avoid
AU1046 - keeping records, but found the top people in the
AU1047 - world could not remember enough to perform daily
AU1048 - work; eventually leadership yielded to an even
AU1049 - stronger fear of accountable for failing to get
AU1050 - anything done, and so a record of organizational
AU1051 - memory was prepared and this change in management
AU1052 - practice yielded results that expedited progress.
AU1053 - ref SDS F2 MQ49
AU1055 - ..
AU1056 - [On 040720 applied for SDS standard at Aerospace
AU1057 - company in ref SDS F3 6W4N
AU1059 - ..
AU1060 - [On 041230 doctor explains comprehensive treatment
AU1061 - plan during meeting; effective collaboration
AU1062 - through patient partnership yields written analysis
AU1063 - that saves time for the doctor. ref SDS F8 LU6K
AU1065 - ..
AU1066 - [On 070202 asked Roy to coment. ref SDS G1 C15R
AU1067 -
AU1068 -
AU1070 - ..
AU1071 - Point Fingers Accusation Blame Cannot Point Relevant History
AU1072 - Finger Pointing When People Cannot Point to Relevant History
AU1073 - Management Degrades to Entropy When Memory of Cause Effect Fails
AU1074 - Chronology Context Connections Yield Command and Control of the Work
AU1075 -
AU1076 -
AU1077 - DOD program manager continues...
AU1078 -
AU1079 - The common thread through these scenarios, ref SDS 0 0482,
AU1080 - is the need for a written "record" of words, sentences,
AU1081 - paragraphs, and documents that is categorized by its
AU1082 - chronology, origin, and context. (e.g., People point
AU1083 - their fingers at each other in blame and accusations
AU1084 - during crisis (see examples, ref SDS 0 TT3F), because they
AU1085 - can't point to contextually relevant written and shared
AU1086 - facts.), ref DRP 8 9360
AU1088 - ..
AU1089 - This may involve direct stenographer transcription of
AU1090 - meetings, making audio recordings of meetings or
AU1091 - conversations and then having a stenographer transcribe
AU1092 - them to text, or using the newer voice-recognition
AU1093 - technologies to simultaneously make audio recordings of
AU1094 - meetings and transcribe recognized words to text for later
AU1095 - finalization by a clerk. ref DRP 8 9972
AU1097 - ..
AU1098 - [On 020927 movies of the 1930s and 40s indicate
AU1099 - demand for capturing an accurate record of daily
AU1100 - communications with stenographer support, e.g.,
AU1101 - Maltese Falcon, now corrupted by complexity in a
AU1102 - faster paced world. ref SDS C9 W682
AU1104 - ..
AU1105 - [On 021108 Bill Gates at Microsoft points out that
AU1106 - merely writing everything down does not improve
AU1107 - memory and productivity, unless people can find
AU1108 - relevant parts of the record in time to be
AU1109 - effective saving lives, time, and money.
AU1110 - ref SDS D1 EF5I
AU1112 - ..
AU1113 - [On 070202 asked Roy to coment. ref SDS G1 C15R
AU1115 - ..
AU1116 - Requirements to align communication in daily meetings,
AU1117 - ref SDS 0 OR6J, linked to objectives and commitments,
AU1118 - explained by Roy, above, ref SDS 0 0482, is a military
AU1119 - task for "command and control" using documentation.
AU1120 - Drucker observes, however, that people have given up,
AU1121 - because communication is too complex using popular
AU1122 - tools and methods for documentation, reviewed on
AU1123 - 931130. ref SDS 14 3851 Andy Grove says in his book
AU1124 - that Intel has given up and accepted angry meetings
AU1125 - with free flowing conversation as "constructive
AU1126 - confrontation." ref SDS 47 0261
AU1128 - ..
AU1129 - [On 020930 Morris Jones notes efforts to reduce cost
AU1130 - using tape recordings in the 1950s and 60s created a
AU1131 - cultural dynamic that reduced the value of accurate
AU1132 - communication by storing records beyond reach of
AU1133 - intelligence, i.e., out of sight out of mind; this
AU1134 - increased mistakes and lawsuits where critical
AU1135 - details in tape recordings were discovered; so, tape
AU1136 - recording was eliminated to avoid accountability for
AU1137 - mistakes; yet, without accurate communication
AU1138 - mistakes, loss, and lawsuits escalate; SDS reverses
AU1139 - cultural dynamics of ignorance, fear, and denial.
AU1140 - ref SDS D0 5T5I
AU1142 - ..
AU1143 - [On 030821 group manager on aerospace project wants
AU1144 - a "history button" to facilitate productive
AU1145 - meetings based on shared organizational memory.
AU1146 - ref SDS E3 0P9K
AU1148 - ..
AU1149 - Communication by finger pointing, accusation and
AU1150 - confrontation degrades command and control to entropy.
AU1151 - People get mad when they get a record of meetings
AU1152 - because everybody has a different interpretation and
AU1153 - memory of common events, reported on 961017.
AU1154 - ref SDS 33 5832 People get a lot more angry when
AU1155 - conflicting memory causes mistakes, crisis, calamity,
AU1156 - and loss of life. Therefore, getting mad to correct
AU1157 - differing memory in documents is faster, easier, and
AU1158 - cheaper than recovering from mistakes that cost lives
AU1159 - time, and money. However, failed meetings that
AU1160 - degrade to bickering and finger pointing are only a
AU1161 - small part of the price people pay for relying on bad
AU1162 - management, substituting common sense to fill in the
AU1163 - gaps of failed memory, rather than rely on the record
AU1164 - of organizational memory to get the story straight,
AU1165 - reported on 900303. ref SDS 6 4456 Henry Kissinger
AU1166 - reports that daily govenment becomes an Alice in
AU1167 - Wonderland of continual bumbling, because information
AU1168 - overload prevents people from investing time for
AU1169 - analysis, reviewed on 940609. ref SDS 17 4238 The
AU1170 - same pandemic degrades quality of health care,
AU1171 - reported on 990912. ref SDS 61 0001
AU1173 - ..
AU1174 - Support for conversation fits the metaphor of voices
AU1175 - across the ages in partnership that lift civilization
AU1176 - which argues for liberal education agena, reviewed on
AU1177 - 991027. ref SDS 62 ZX8G
AU1179 - ..
AU1180 - [On 030421 Work at DISA on architecture to solve
AU1181 - problem so people can find right information at the
AU1182 - right time. ref SDS D7 0001
AU1184 - ..
AU1185 - People worry that capturing an accurate record and
AU1186 - getting feedback to refine accuracy of communication
AU1187 - that makes command and control effective causes people
AU1188 - to get mad. Roy's point is that people get mad anyway
AU1189 - when nobody can remember, or when everybody remembers
AU1190 - incorrectly and mistakes occur that cost lives, cause
AU1191 - delay and extra cost, as related on 961017.
AU1192 - ref SDS 33 5832
AU1194 - ..
AU1195 - Earlier on 970123 Intel's methods for constructive
AU1196 - confrontation strive to address conflicts in memory
AU1197 - that cause anger because people are worried about
AU1198 - mistakes. ref SDS 38 1111 On 960406 people are
AU1199 - worried about their job when the boss gets angry
AU1200 - because nobody can find critical information on the
AU1201 - computer when it is needed. ref SDS 31 5922
AU1203 - ..
AU1204 - On 970707 US AFIT stufy reports organizational memory
AU1205 - fails, when information overload degrades information
AU1206 - management to entropy. ref SDS 43 0108 As a result,
AU1207 - command and control fails, causing failure of the
AU1208 - project.
AU1209 -
AU1210 -
AU1211 -
AU13 -
People Point Fingers Blame Accusation Meetings Poor Productivity Cas
AZ03 -
AZ0401 - ..
AZ0402 - Examples of finger pointing...
AZ0403 - Case Study Frustrated When Command Control of Record Fails
AZ0404 -
AZ0405 -
AZ0406 - 1. Broadwater Dam meeting on compliance with contract
AZ0407 - requirements, 880907. ref SDS 1 3402
AZ0409 - ..
AZ0410 - 2. Santa Clara County Jail $40M dispute with architect,
AZ0411 - 891201. ref SDS 5 3W50
AZ0413 - ..
AZ0414 - 3. Meetings at DNRC reported on 920128. ref SDS 9 EZ9M
AZ0416 - ..
AZ0417 - 4. Small inconsequential details ignored unnecessary
AZ0418 - overkill to write everything down, later explode into
AZ0419 - major problems, reported 921127.
AZ0421 - ..
AZ0422 - 5. Founder of Project Management Institute (PMI) worried
AZ0423 - that after decades, there was still no solution for
AZ0424 - making meetings productive, reported 940114.
AZ0425 - ref SDS 15 2290
AZ0427 - ..
AZ0428 - 6. $500M loss ship sinks at sea because communication was
AZ0429 - not aligned with requirements, 940611. ref SDS 18 O14S
AZ0431 - ..
AZ0432 - 7. PG&E contract development $2M dispute about removing
AZ0433 - active electrical line, reported on 941209.
AZ0434 - ref SDS 19 PK5M
AZ0436 - ..
AZ0437 - 8. Executive frustrated people point fingers in meetings
AZ0438 - when small inconsequential details that seemed like
AZ0439 - unnecessary overkill for anyone to write down and
AZ0440 - follow up to fix, later explode into major problems,
AZ0441 - reported on 921127. ref SDS 11 0674
AZ0443 - ..
AZ0444 - 9. People waste a lot of time in meetings pointing
AZ0445 - fingers and blaming others for mistakes because
AZ0446 - differences occur remembering the meaning of
AZ0447 - discussion in meetings, calls, and documents, reported
AZ0448 - on 950204. ref SDS 21 Z56N
AZ0450 - ..
AZ0451 - 10. Meetings frustrating executive complains everybody
AZ0452 - remembers differently, arguing about prior meetings,
AZ0453 - calls, and documents, nobody has notes that anyone can
AZ0454 - decipher, everyone's talking, nobody is listening,
AZ0455 - productivity falls, reported 950228. ref SDS 23 1994
AZ0457 - ..
AZ0458 - 11. Meetings in Paris engineers cannot remember details of
AZ0459 - agreement, nobody took notes, major legal dispute,
AZ0460 - reported 950303. ref SDS 24 3333
AZ0462 - ..
AZ0463 - 12. Meetings among lawyers who hire out to solve problems
AZ0464 - for others, disolve into squabbling, reported 950605.
AZ0465 - ref SDS 25 1842
AZ0467 - ..
AZ0468 - 13. Study shows people waste 70% of day in unproductive
AZ0469 - meetings, reported on 960205. ref SDS 30 5902
AZ0471 - ..
AZ0472 - 14. Meetings at Lockheed, reported 960721. ref SDS 32 0896
AZ0474 - ..
AZ0475 - 15. Meetings at Intel reported on 970123. ref SDS 38 1111
AZ0477 - ..
AZ0478 - 16. Constructive confrontation at Intel cited by Chairman
AZ0479 - Andy Grove, reviewed on 980307. ref SDS 47 0261
AZ0481 - ..
AZ0482 - 17. Meetings at USACE, Tom Keesling, reported 981223.
AZ0483 - ref SDS 51 HS8J
AZ0485 - ..
AZ0486 - 18. Meetings to improve communication with Knowledge
AZ0487 - Management degrade to uncivil discourse, reported on
AZ0488 - 040113. ref SDS E7 EJ8S
AZ0490 - ..
AZ0491 - 19. Meetings in Paris for Peace Conference 1919 President
AZ0492 - Wilson and Prime Ministers (the Big 4) tried to avoid
AZ0493 - writing things down, but found no one could remember
AZ0494 - who said what, yelling, pointing fingers; someone was
AZ0495 - eventually brought in to capture the record, reported
AZ0496 - on 040505. ref SDS F2 MP5O This was later described
AZ0497 - as a very productive effort. ref SDS F2 GA5I
AZ0499 - ..
AZ0500 - 20. Meetings in medical practice treatment planning fails
AZ0501 - under requirements for doctor/patient partnership, on
AZ0502 - 041130. ref SDS F7 763L and ref SDS F7 ZK6F
AZ0504 - ..
AZ0505 - 21. Meetings in health care frustrating nobody can
AZ0506 - remember in medical practive reasons for diagnosis and
AZ0507 - treatment decisions, reported on 041230. ref SDS F8
AZ0508 - XQ84
AZ0509 -
AZ0510 - [On 021126 Gary submits information showing people
AZ0511 - care about SDS support for augmenting intelligence.
AZ0512 - ref SDS D2 NV6H
AZ0514 - ..
AZ0515 - [On 030102 Greg Oxton reports study by CSI shows
AZ0516 - context adds value to information; stumbling block
AZ0517 - using conventional methods. ref SDS D3 O969
AZ0519 - ..
AZ0520 - [On 030626 US Army rep Nancy demosntrates interest
AZ0521 - in productivity of meetings, offering feedback to
AZ0522 - correct the record. ref SDS D9 LC8N
AZ0524 - ..
AZ0525 - [On 030821 Gary using SDS has now been
AZ0526 - recognized as the "history button" for making
AZ0527 - meetings productive. ref SDS E3 NH5N
AZ0529 - ..
AZ0530 - [On 040422 "good to go" SDS back in buisess for
AZ0531 - Wayne after 2 year break, complementing Gary
AZ0532 - restoring SDS use at Aerospace company after a 3 month break.
AZ0533 - ref SDS F0 SY5F
AZ0534 -
AZ0535 -
AZ0536 -
AZ06 -
Intelligence Support SDS Converts Information into Knowledge Time Co
B703 -
B70401 - ..
B70402 - SDS Intelligence Converts Information into Knowledge
B70403 - Time Context Management Enabled by SDS Precision Access
B70404 - Command and Control Finds Right Information at Right Time
B70405 - Organizational Memory Fast and Easy Structure Shallow Outline
B70406 -
B70407 -
B70408 - Shallow Outline Scheme Line Numbers Orders Narrative
B70409 - Line Numbers Shallow Outline Scheme Adds Structure to Narrative
B70410 -
B70411 - DOD program manager concludes...
B70412 -
B70413 - Command and control to solve common management problems,
B70414 - per above, ref SDS 0 9360, is supported by SDS design that
B70415 - discretely labels each line of continous text in a shallow
B70416 - outlining scheme, applies some form of time-stamp to the
B70417 - record and its outlined elements, and references other
B70418 - recordings while also serving as a reference for both past
B70419 - and subsequent recordings, thus enriching and clarifying
B70420 - context with each new reference, ref DRP 8 3105, so that
B70421 - people can find the right information at the right time,
B70422 - as reported on 010425. ref SDS 89 EP7F
B70424 - ..
B70425 - The [SDS] technique of creating the shallow outline scheme
B70426 - for the various recorded texts, combined with the detailed
B70427 - decomposition structure of your filing system (Web or
B70428 - local files), thus yielding unique and time specific
B70429 - labeling of textual content, is clear. It provides a
B70430 - useful variance in technique from traditional filing
B70431 - systems, document management, and records management.
B70432 - ref DRP 8 PO5N
B70433 -
B70434 - SDS "shallow outline" design starts with chronology,
B70435 - and uses line numbers for flexible structure that
B70436 - uniquely identify context, explained on 890523.
B70437 - ref SDS 3 T1VQ Records provide flexible fields to
B70438 - organize critical details...
B70439 -
B70440 - 1. Description
B70441 - 2. Contacts
B70442 - 3. References...
B70443 - 4. Control Fields
B70444 - 5. Headlines
B70445 - 6. Outlines and lists
B70446 -
B70448 - ..
B70449 - SDS support for time and context applies "precision
B70450 - access" in a multi-dimensional "Knowledge Space,"
B70451 - explained in NWO. ref OF 4 PX6J A "useful variance"
B70452 - from popular methods presents a big opportunity to
B70453 - save time and money by strengthening communication
B70454 - with alignment that avoids mistakes, loss, and
B70455 - conflict.
B70457 - ..
B70458 - On 010420 Jeff Conklin describes organizational memory
B70459 - to document accurate communications is very weak using
B70460 - popular methods and tools. ref SDS 88 IE4M
B70462 - ..
B70463 - On 011105 Jeff says SDS support for Com Metrics under
B70464 - the POIMS technology specification, ref SDS A4 4S6H,
B70465 - is a step in the right direction to implement
B70466 - management standards for documenting accurate
B70467 - communications, ref SDS 88 QZ3O, because SDS work
B70468 - product "walks the talk" of organizational memory that
B70469 - enables people to work intelligently. ref SDS A4 6T6O
B70470 -
B70471 - [On 020315 Gary notes need for SDS support of
B70472 - traceability to original sources. ref SDS C5 01X2
B70474 - ..
B70475 - [On 020504 FAR 4.801 requires organizational
B70476 - memory, ref SDS C6 IY4I; and can be improved by
B70477 - adding SDS intelligence support. ref SDS C6 AV9K
B70479 - ..
B70480 - [On 020504 study shows standards and requirements
B70481 - for accurate communication specified in FAR, ISO,
B70482 - Health Care, Covey, Drucker, law, contract notice
B70483 - provisions, and 2,000 years of literacy using
B70484 - contemporaneous documentation for alignment and
B70485 - feedback to work intelligently, quickly, and
B70486 - accurately are ignored in government, business,
B70487 - health care, every sector. ref SDS C6 NS6F
B70489 - ..
B70490 - [On 020507 Roy cited labeling information as a key
B70491 - requirement for improving productivity. ref SDS D4
B70492 - OJ7F
B70494 - ..
B70495 - [On 030421 Walt Okon at DOD working on architecture
B70496 - to solve problem so people can find right
B70497 - information at the right time. ref SDS D7 0001
B70499 - ..
B70500 - [On 030527 SDS records improve communications in
B70501 - meetings at major project for aerospace company.
B70502 - ref SDS D8 0001
B70504 - ..
B70505 - [On 030626 command and control more than "skin
B70506 - deep" requires SDS for Com Metrics, cannot be
B70507 - accomplished with wordprocessing and information
B70508 - technology; planning to review with US Army rep,
B70509 - Nancy on major combat readiness project.
B70510 - ref SDS D9 LC8N
B70512 - ..
B70513 - [On 030821 Gary using SDS has now been recognized
B70514 - as the "history button" for making meetings
B70515 - productive. ref SDS E3 NH5N
B70517 - ..
B70518 - [On 040720 applied for SDS standard at Aerospace
B70519 - company in ref SDS F3 6W4N
B70521 - ..
B70522 - [On 060412 outline software represents two (2)
B70523 - worlds of using structure to create good ideas,
B70524 - essential for production; and wordprocessing for
B70525 - making ideas look good, essential for sales.
B70526 - ref SDS E9 3H5G
B70528 - ..
B70529 - Roy's analysis shows that people need command and control of
B70530 - the record for good management in government, business,
B70531 - education, health, and science to find information when
B70532 - needed, as reported on 011003, ref SDS A1 EC5N, and
B70533 - illustrated by the record on 960406. ref SDS 31 5922 SDS
B70534 - solves the problem with technology that implements a theory
B70535 - for converting information into knowledge, as further reported
B70536 - on 011003. ref SDS A1 PS7I
B70537 -
B70538 - Good and bad management are distinguished in POIMS,
B70539 - ref OF 1 3385, and illustrated by the example of Enron
B70540 - reported on 020204. ref SDS B6 6B9O
B70542 - ..
B70543 - Nobody advertises for bad managers; almost everbody advertises
B70544 - for good managers with strong communciation skills, as noted
B70545 - in POIMS. ref OF 1 PS7G
B70547 - ..
B70548 - For example, Gary's letter on 011006 seems to exhibit desire
B70549 - for good management enabled by SDS. ref SDS A3 EL5F
B70551 - ..
B70552 - Another example, Secretary of Defense Rumsfled reported on
B70553 - 020131 that the United States taxpayers want proactive
B70554 - management and so DOD is seeking ideas for new tools and
B70555 - methodologies to avoid failures in national security that
B70556 - occurred on 010911, which demonstrated that tools and
B70557 - expertise being applied are not adequate for new realities.
B70558 - ref SDS B4 QF4H
B70560 - ..
B70561 - People with value at risk want better accountability to
B70562 - protect investments at Enron and other companies where there
B70563 - is concern that bad management bumbling and covering up
B70564 - failure, as reported on 020204, ref SDS B6 0001, and discussed
B70565 - further above. ref SDS 0 4R5K
B70567 - ..
B70568 - People who go to the doctor want good management to avoid the
B70569 - high cost of medical mistakes, especially for themselves and
B70570 - their family, as reported on 991207. ref SDS 64 0889
B70571 -
B70572 - [On 020221 another example of demand for good medical
B70573 - management. ref SDS C0 0001
B70575 - ..
B70576 - Too many people having too many problems that cause national
B70577 - security to falter, as reported on 010911, ref SDS 96 0001,
B70578 - and cause productivity, earnings and stock prices to fall in a
B70579 - faltering economy, as reported on 001207, ref SDS 80 0001,
B70580 - care about good management.
B70582 - ..
B70583 - Thus, there is overwhelming evidence that people want good
B70584 - management, and spend a lot of time and money trying to get
B70585 - it; but, the information highway caused by IT prevents people
B70586 - from using good management. No amount of desire, willingness
B70587 - nor hard work can overcome the debilitating effects of IT. The
B70588 - only solution is technology that complements IT by enabling
B70589 - people to convert information into knowledge faster, better
B70590 - and cheaper. At this this time, only SDS can do this, and we
B70591 - are merely working through the period of time required for
B70592 - people to recognize the problem, that it cannot be solved by
B70593 - more IT and mord hard work, and so SDS must be used whether
B70594 - anyone wants to or not.
B70596 - ..
B70597 - Connection of good management with SDS is missing ingredient
B70598 -
B70599 - People who interact with SDS are "sold" but those who do
B70600 - not are ignorant, and those of us who know about SDS are
B70601 - unable to come up with words to convince others that, in
B70602 - the case of USACE, saving $30M is a good idea. (see case
B70603 - study on 981027. ref SDS 50 9152)
B70605 - ..
B70606 - At this hour, many still believe that Microsoft programs
B70607 - improve management, as seen on 020110, ref SDS B1 5HYX, and
B70608 - that consultants like Arthur Anderson, Booze Allen, Ernst &
B70609 - Young, Delloitte and Touche, et al, are good investments to
B70610 - improve management. This is beginning to change, as a
B70611 - result of reports on 011003, ref SDS A1 O76L, and recenlty
B70612 - on 020204 showing poor performance by Enron relying on
B70613 - Andrson, ref SDS B6 N97F and ref SDS B5 WC5H; yet, there
B70614 - remains schitsophrenia in the market place: a titanic
B70615 - struggle between intelligence to improve, and the desire
B70616 - for wriggle room to escape accountability, as reported on
B70617 - 970830, ref SDS 45 0995, and more recently on 010517.
B70618 - ref SDS 90 WP8G
B70620 - ..
B70621 - For example, there are now growing calls for accountability
B70622 - to protect investors, shown on 020204, ref SDS B6 0001, yet
B70623 - management fears an audit trail that shows traceability to
B70624 - original sources for augmenting human intelligence, also,
B70625 - shown on 020204. ref SDS B5 EX5O Indeed, Gary despairs that
B70626 - overwhelming calls for better intelligence to avoid
B70627 - catastrophies, like Enron and national security on 010911,
B70628 - ref SDS 96 UP5K, do not create demand for good management
B70629 - enabled by SDS. ref SDS 0 I34L
B70631 - ..
B70632 - Similarly, on 010712 DCMA reported confidence in IT has
B70633 - erroded, causing budgets for IT to decline, which is big
B70634 - plus for SDS by guiding people toward good management.
B70635 - ref SDS 91 ZR5G However, recently on 020107 DCMA reported
B70636 - confidence in Microsoft programs, which means residual
B70637 - faith in IT still remains that is a huge hurdle to using
B70638 - SDS for good management, ref SDS A9 LQ5K, as Gary points
B70639 - out today. ref SDS 0 425M
B70641 - ..
B70642 - We cannot wave a magic wand to form new paradigms.
B70643 -
B70644 - One change that was made at USACE, which followed PG&E, was
B70645 - effort to sell a broad range of managers, rather than
B70646 - simply interact with a single point of contact. This was
B70647 - successful in that we wound up with a lot of support for
B70648 - continuing SDS, but it failed because we failed to sell the
B70649 - one person who mattered most, the commander. If there is
B70650 - ever a chance to do another contract, then the lesson from
B70651 - the record is that more time must be devoted to selling
B70652 - while on the job, in addition to doing the job.
B70654 - ..
B70655 - We can sit by and wait for the tide to come in with enabling
B70656 - forces for change from information technology to a culture of
B70657 - knowledge. As noted above, on 011210 Gary cited authority
B70658 - showing this can take 50 years. ref SDS A6 R66K On 011120
B70659 - enabling forces seem to be forming, as discussed with Doug
B70660 - Engelbart, ref SDS A5 H67I, so proactive marketing may have
B70661 - some influence on the pace of acceptance.
B70663 - ..
B70664 - We can foster a culture of knowledge by presenting paradigms
B70665 - that enable people to connect SDS with good management. This
B70666 - takes skill, persistance and time, again, as Gary noted in his
B70667 - letter on 011210. ref SDS A6 R66K
B70669 - ..
B70670 - One person cannot do this alone. It takes a team to advance
B70671 - beyond information technology to a culture of knowledge. The
B70672 - team must be comprised of people who recognize a problem and
B70673 - that SDS offers a path toward a viable solution. Gary's help
B70674 - was solicited because his ideas on 001219 and on 000418
B70675 - demonstrated promise of being a bright star, an ambassador of
B70676 - change. ref SDS 82 1613 and ref SDS 87 FT4N Later, on 011006
B70677 - Gary cited work showing how the business community, where he
B70678 - sees problems, can be improved with SDS. ref SDS A3 O99K
B70680 - ..
B70681 - We cannot make adults improve by putting them on a bus and
B70682 - sending them to school, like children. We must recognize that
B70683 - in fact adults experience enormouse cultural pressures to
B70684 - avoid literacy after formal education, as reported on 991108.
B70685 - ref SDS 63 7520
B70687 - ..
B70688 - We can teach by explaining, recommending and demonstrating
B70689 - improvement that encourages efforts to adopt Com Metrics for
B70690 - immediate benefits of intelligence support that saves lives,
B70691 - time, and money, while more people learn new skills reported
B70692 - on 001219. ref SDS 81 FO5M
B70694 - ..
B70695 - We can form circles of influence, and be persistant, as
B70696 - Secretary of Defense Rumsfled suggested in his presentation to
B70697 - the War College on 0201131.
B70698 -
B70700 - ..
B70701 - Gary, for example, could comment on the scope of services for
B70702 - Com Metrics to accomplish his understanding on "acquiring
B70703 - knowledge," as set out in his letter on 020113, ref SDS B7
B70704 - 425M, where he commented on POIMS, ref OF 1 6649
B70706 - ..
B70707 - As noted on 020216, we need to maintain and expand discussion
B70708 - on POIMS in order to form common definitions, ref SDS B8 425M,
B70709 - as Gary did in his letter on 020213, ref SDS B7 425M, and we
B70710 - need to widen the circle of people collaborating on this
B70711 - matter, as shown in the letter, ref DIP 4 LV5F, to him on
B70712 - 020216. ref SDS B8 425M
B70714 - ..
B70715 - Above all, we must avoid the depths of despair by focusing on
B70716 - what needs to be done, and how SDS enables Com Metrics to
B70717 - provide intelligence support better than other methods by a
B70718 - factor of about 10, as reported by Morris on 020110 commenting
B70719 - about ability to remember dates for understanding cause and
B70720 - effect. ref SDS B1 I84G
B70721 -
B70722 -
B70723 -
B70724 -
B70725 -
B70726 -
B70727 -
B70728 -
B708 -
Not Ready for SDS Cannot Write List of Action Items
Good Management Consistently Routinely Difficult to Maintain Stressfu
Specify New Way Working Like CPM Cost Control Need Experience Pilot T
Bad Management Overwhelming Desire Fear Technology Changes Too Fast N
Bad Management Cheaper than Good Management in the Moment Failure Cos
Front-end Investment Difficult Managers to Make, Wideman
Good Management Not Enabled by Tools People Can Use Good Management i
5% Gist Increase Memory New Way of Thinking Through Writing Planning
Get By Without Improving Productivity Earnings Stock Prices Lazy Loat
Tools Don't Enable Good Management Not Due to Lack of Tools People Ca
BZ12 -
BZ1301 - ..
BZ1302 - Diligence Overcomes Lack of Tools to Drive Good Management
BZ1303 - History Organizational Memory Not Important Enough Get By on Gist
BZ1304 - Audit Trail Aids Productivity Only When Management Forced to Do So
BZ1305 - Bad Management Can be Helped by Efficient Tools and New Work Role
BZ1306 -
BZ1307 - Follow up ref SDS B8 P64K, ref SDS B7 P64K.
BZ1308 -
BZ1309 - Gary continues....
BZ1310 -
BZ1311 - Fundamentally, bad management practices are not now and never
BZ1312 - have been the result of lacking tools to get the job done. There
BZ1313 - is no bad practice that cannot be corrected if the intention and
BZ1314 - the ability are available. Keeping track of history is easier
BZ1315 - with SDS than with word processors or pencil and paper, but the
BZ1316 - job could be done with the most primitive of tools if it were
BZ1317 - considered to be important enough. It took me years to
BZ1318 - understand that stupidity really and truly exists and is not the
BZ1319 - result of lacking better tools. I want better tools because I
BZ1320 - care about doing a better job, particularly for some of my own
BZ1321 - work, but I have been forced to the conclusion that I do not
BZ1322 - represent the norm. ref DRT 1 3L4G
BZ1324 - ..
BZ1325 - Gary's argument that bad management does not result from lack
BZ1326 - of tools and support for good management, ref SDS 0 P64K,
BZ1327 - overlooks the fact that the human mind has created a world for
BZ1328 - which it is not well suited. see NWO, ref OF 4 2082 In the
BZ1329 - new world order where time and distance are compressed by
BZ1330 - technology that Gary and others use every day, day, all day
BZ1331 - long, the mind unwittingly creates "secrets" from itself and
BZ1332 - spreads misinformation to others, see POIMS, ref OF 1 V8P1,
BZ1333 - all with the best of intentions to expedite by relying on
BZ1334 - style and image to get people to say "yes." see Enron on
BZ1335 - 020204, ref SDS B5 KM4F This makes communication the biggest
BZ1336 - risk in enterprise that paralyzes productivity, which was
BZ1337 - cited on 011003, ref SDS A1 EC5N; Gary made a similar point on
BZ1338 - 011006 about poor productivity in technology and aerospace,
BZ1339 - ref SDS A3 MO6F, and recently on 020204 at Enron, ref SDS B5
BZ1340 - 0001, as further explained in NWO. ref OF 4 9449
BZ1342 - ..
BZ1343 - The dominate technologies used by managers are wordprocessing,
BZ1344 - Powerpoint and email. These tools make bad information look
BZ1345 - good, and spread mistakes faster and wider than was previously
BZ1346 - possible, creating an ethic of style and image rather than
BZ1347 - intelligence, as again Enron on 020204, ref SDS B5 KM4F, also
BZ1348 - Intel reported on 960103, ref SDS 28 8409, and IBM reported on
BZ1349 - 920402. ref SDS 10 0344 Avoiding intelligence causes continual
BZ1350 - bumbling that fears accountability and so covers up the truth
BZ1351 - to enable denial based on ignorance. This can only be a
BZ1352 - recipe for continual problems.
BZ1354 - ..
BZ1355 - Gary's idea that good management tracking history of personal
BZ1356 - and organizational memory, as related on 921205, ref SDS 12
BZ1357 - 2552, can be accomplished by investing more time working
BZ1358 - harder using existing methods and technology with greater
BZ1359 - diligence, rather than use SDS, aligns with Morris' comments
BZ1360 - on 020110, ref SDS B1 CK4K, and is supported by Eugene Kim's
BZ1361 - letter on 001126. ref SDS 77 BY4K At that time Grant Bowman
BZ1362 - pointed out that good management takes a lot of time using
BZ1363 - existing technology. ref SDS 77 325L Earlier on 000307 Henry
BZ1364 - van Eykan reported that people get by relying on remembering
BZ1365 - the gist of the story, about 5% - 10% of organizational
BZ1366 - memory. ref SDS 66 1122 On 000927 he submitted research
BZ1367 - cooborating his earlier analysis, ref SDS 74 PO4F, that
BZ1368 - supports earlier research on Campbell's work reported 900303.
BZ1369 - ref SDS 6 4456 and ref SDS 6 6689 Fragility of memory was
BZ1370 - reviewed again on 950204 developing Communication Metrics to
BZ1371 - improve accuracy. ref SDS 21 0550
BZ1373 - ..
BZ1374 - NWO explains "diligence" to verify accuracy is an excuse
BZ1375 - people pose to avoid investing time to improve skills with
BZ1376 - tools that enable people to be diligent, with the result that
BZ1377 - diligence is never actually used. ref OF 4 FU6J
BZ1379 - ..
BZ1380 - As long as people can get by remembering 5% - 10% of the gist
BZ1381 - of information, there is no demand for, i.e., nobody cares
BZ1382 - about, the other 90% - 95% of personal and organizational
BZ1383 - memory, until failure occurs, as reported on....
BZ1384 -
BZ1385 - Too many people having too many
BZ1386 - problems causes productivity,
BZ1387 - earnings, stock prices to fall.... 001207, ref SDS 80 V54M
BZ1388 - ..
BZ1389 - National security damaged when
BZ1390 - intelligence fails to perform
BZ1391 - analysis to understand a greater
BZ1392 - share of daily information........ 010911, ref SDS 96 YNGH
BZ1394 - ..
BZ1395 - Failure to align daily information
BZ1396 - with objectives, requirements and
BZ1397 - objectives causes collapse of
BZ1398 - industry giant.................... 020204, ref SDS B5 4N6F
BZ1400 - ..
BZ1401 - When the economy, national security and industrial giants
BZ1402 - falter, people begin to wonder if they can get by relying on
BZ1403 - only the gist of things, ref SDS 80 V54M, and question why
BZ1404 - nobody bothered to understand the other 90% - 95% of history
BZ1405 - that SDS supports better than other methods.
BZ1407 - ..
BZ1408 - For example, on 010916 Eric Armstrong reported no one can find
BZ1409 - anything, and on 011003 Eric reported existing information
BZ1410 - technology (IT) paralyzes productivity in a quagmire of
BZ1411 - information overload. Even Morris noted on 020110 that IT
BZ1412 - does not enable effective memory, ref SDS B1 I84G, and today,
BZ1413 - Gary notes organizational memory is not supported by IT.
BZ1414 - ref SDS 0 DY7J This record shows that information technology,
BZ1415 - which Gary seems to argue supports good management, in fact
BZ1416 - creates conditions for which the human mind is not well
BZ1417 - suited, see NWO, ref OF 4 4925, because information overload
BZ1418 - overwhelms mental biology and compounds meaning drift, as
BZ1419 - explained by research in cognitive science reported on 990303.
BZ1420 - ref SDS 53 6120 This makes good management impossible without
BZ1421 - a new kind of technology that adds intelligence to management
BZ1422 - for converting information into knowledge, set out in POIMS.
BZ1424 - ..
BZ1425 - The proposition that good management is harmed by information
BZ1426 - technology requires defining good and bad management, which is
BZ1427 - set out in the record on 020204, ref SDS B6 6B9O, and further
BZ1428 - explained above by a DOD program manager commenting on
BZ1429 - advantages of SDS. ref SDS 0 1332
BZ1431 - ..
BZ1432 - Gary's comment that SDS makes it faster and easier to track
BZ1433 - history of personal and organizational memory is an important
BZ1434 - but small part of improving productivity, earnings and stock
BZ1435 - prices. Below he notes frustration of not having command of
BZ1436 - the record which forces reliance on remembering only the gist
BZ1437 - of things. ref SDS 0 DY7J The record on 001219 shows eight
BZ1438 - (8) steps for adding intelligence to management in order to
BZ1439 - strengthen organizational memory. ref SDS 81 FO5M Morris
BZ1440 - noted on 950223 that SDS work product can be created by hiring
BZ1441 - more accountants and secretaries, using 3x5 cards and filing
BZ1442 - cabinets. ref SDS 22 9933 Later on on 010924 Morris noted
BZ1443 - that in fact nobody else has created organizational memory
BZ1444 - like SDS. ref SDS 99 XT5F Jeff Conklin, who is a strong
BZ1445 - advocate for organizational memory came close to a similar
BZ1446 - admission that SDS is a unique capability in Jeff's letter on
BZ1447 - 010926. ref SDS A0 9V8G Hiring more people to examine
BZ1448 - information with a microscope like SDS merely causes
BZ1449 - congestion with diminishing returns, leading to worry that the
BZ1450 - effort is "overkill," noted on 950204. ref SDS 21 5932
BZ1452 - ..
BZ1453 - Accordingly, SDS technology that makes intelligence faster,
BZ1454 - easier and fun, as reported on 001004, ref SDS 75 6N9G, is
BZ1455 - essential to leverage human mental capabilities in a new world
BZ1456 - order.
BZ1458 - ..
BZ1459 - For example, in 2000 BC people could construct big buildings,
BZ1460 - but only a few got built, because it took a lot of people.
BZ1461 - Today, big buildings are constructed routinely, because the
BZ1462 - technology is better.
BZ1464 - ..
BZ1465 - Bad management results from ignorance, fear and denial.
BZ1467 - ..
BZ1468 - People believe intelligence enables success, but are ignorant
BZ1469 - that SDS technology augments intelligence. People fear that
BZ1470 - documentation causes accountabilty, as reported on 980405,
BZ1471 - ref SDS 49 5065, and people believe paperwork does not improve
BZ1472 - productivity to avoid mistakes. People therefore deny they
BZ1473 - need SDS, because they equate SDS with paperwork rather than
BZ1474 - with intelligence, which their experience indicates is beyond
BZ1475 - the reach of technology, since all the claims for supporting
BZ1476 - intelligence have failed for the past 50 years.
BZ1478 - ..
BZ1479 - However, experience with SDS overcomes ignorance and negative
BZ1480 - paradigms as seen by the record on 970107, ref SDS 35 4953,
BZ1481 - and more recently on 011003. ref SDS A1 PS7I
BZ1482 -
BZ1483 -
BZ1484 -
BZ1485 -
BZ1486 -
BZ1487 -
BZ1488 -
BZ15 -
Leadership Broader Vision Helps People who Fear Writing Obtain Analys
Technology Reached State Where New Work Role and Discipline Needed fo
CA04 -
CA0501 - ..
CA0502 - Memory Strong Sales Point Demand to Augment Intelligence
CA0503 - Tools Alone are Not Enough to Advance Civilization
CA0504 - Civilization Only Advances under Leadership with Broader Vision
CA0505 -
CA0506 - Gary poses a number of important questions about deployment, largely
CA0507 - concluding that SDS is an effective KM solution that enables good
CA0508 - management, but how do we get people to use good management....
CA0509 -
CA0510 - Gary says....
CA0511 -
CA0512 - ...better tools alone don't improve matters. Just because a task
CA0513 - can now be done better doesn't mean that it will. Modern tools
CA0514 - for software development, for example, are nothing short of
CA0515 - amazing in some respects, but people using these tools can and do
CA0516 - produce truly terrible software. The existence of word processors
CA0517 - and publishing systems doesn't, in and of itself, bring about
CA0518 - better novels, better proposals, or better memos -- just more of
CA0519 - them. Those who have mastered the craft of writing and take the
CA0520 - work seriously can do much more with modern tools than has ever
CA0521 - been possible before, but it is the skill and attitude of the
CA0522 - person, not the tool that makes this possible. ref DRT 1 HH5L
CA0524 - ..
CA0525 - In the late 60's or early 70's, Doug Engelbart stated (I wish I
CA0526 - could find the reference) that the technology was already at a
CA0527 - state where the problem was no longer one of tools but of how to
CA0528 - develop the collaborating communities that would be necessary to
CA0529 - make effective use of the technology. The technological base has
CA0530 - improved dramatically since then though the tools have not. The
CA0531 - problem still appears to be how to develop communities that will
CA0532 - use new tools and new ideas to bootstrap their capabilities. Even
CA0533 - Augment, no matter how archaic and clunky it might seem, is well
CA0534 - beyond the level that most people can handle, and that has
CA0535 - existed for decades.
CA0537 - ..
CA0538 - Doug's paper published in 1972 made reference to Gary's point
CA0539 - about the need for deployment scenarios and training to
CA0540 - implement technology for better collaboration, as reported on
CA0541 - 000327. ref SDS 68 IZ5K
CA0543 - ..
CA0544 - Doug's 1972 article advocated developing a new way of working
CA0545 - using expertise for a Com Manager role, as I am doing now, to
CA0546 - create the record of organizational memory using specialized
CA0547 - technology which at that time in the 1960s and 1970s, Doug
CA0548 - called a Workshop.
CA0550 - ..
CA0551 - Gary's argument that because people will not use Augment, this
CA0552 - shows we cannot help people with SDS, is similar to Morris'
CA0553 - argument in the record on 020110 that because people use only
CA0554 - 5% of Microsoft Word and Outlook, which do not improve
CA0555 - management, this means there is no market for SDS that does
CA0556 - improve management, per above. ref SDS 0 JC8N
CA0558 - ..
CA0559 - Augment does not run on many computers available today. There
CA0560 - is no work product that demonstrates added value to customers
CA0561 - showing differences between information from wordprocessing
CA0562 - and email, and intelligence produced with SDS. On 010907 many
CA0563 - people seem to recognize added value of SDS. ref SDS 94 KX3L
CA0565 - ..
CA0566 - If Augment could run on today's technology, it likely could
CA0567 - improve problems Gary cited on 011006 that plague technology
CA0568 - and aerospace, ref SDS A3 O99K; Augment could likely aid Enron
CA0569 - and others who need better management. On 020128 Doug
CA0570 - reported that Augment does not have a capability for organic
CA0571 - subject structure, ref SDS B3 VT6L, used in SDS for organizing
CA0572 - the record to find things when needed, e.g., finding Doug's
CA0573 - 1972 paper noted above. ref SDS 0 CJ8M
CA0575 - ..
CA0576 - Gary's wish for better memory, noted above, ref SDS 0 DY7J,
CA0577 - reflects Eric Armstrong's concern on 010916 that nobody can
CA0578 - find anything. ref SDS 98 KA6H Later, on 011003 Eric said
CA0579 - that information overload, caused by technology, which Gary
CA0580 - argues has improved things since Augment was developed in the
CA0581 - 1960s, paralyzes productivity since nobody can find anything.
CA0582 - Since Eric further says on 010916 that SDS enables amazing
CA0583 - memory with mechanisms that obviously work, ref SDS 97 0001,
CA0584 - and since this same advantage was noticed by Morris on 020110,
CA0585 - ref SDS B1 I84G, it appears that people recognize added value
CA0586 - of SDS, and that SDS support for human memory, augments
CA0587 - intelligence, since human reasoning is largely a function of
CA0588 - memory, as reported on 900319. ref SDS 7 0005
CA0590 - ..
CA0591 - I agree that tools alone are not enough, as explained in NWO.
CA0592 - ref OF 4 4305 We need tools, management science and a new
CA0593 - work role, plus leadership with a broader vision. A new
CA0594 - management science and work role require education.
CA0595 - ref OF 4 31G7
CA0597 - ..
CA0598 - On 011210 called Doug Engelbart to discuss the need to foster
CA0599 - a culture of knowledge with education that creates a new work
CA0600 - role and management science. ref SDS A7 0001 As shown on
CA0601 - 011210, this matter was originally raised in a letter to Doug
CA0602 - on 000303. ref SDS 65 0001 Based on several years exposure to
CA0603 - SDS (e.g., telecon on 001027, ref SDS 76 XR3H, following the
CA0604 - call on 011210 Doug facilitated a meeting with Terry Winograd
CA0605 - at Stanford on 011219. ref SDS A8 3K3M It turns out that the
CA0606 - people in education are trying to teach things they perceive
CA0607 - industry wants, according to Terry. ref SDS A8 J44L, which
CA0608 - indicates that transition must start by generating demand in
CA0609 - the marketplace.
CA0611 - ..
CA0612 - Transition (what DOD is now calling transformation, per report
CA0613 - to War College by Secretary of Defense on 020131, ref SDS B4
CA0614 - QF4H, requires more than merely writing effective history for
CA0615 - organizational memory, as set out in the record on 010924.
CA0616 - ref SDS 99 JS6G Better management is an integrating task and
CA0617 - so good writing needs to be deployed through a technology like
CA0618 - SDS that leverages intelligence, as explained in POIMS.
CA0619 - ref OF 1 3742
CA0621 - ..
CA0622 - Leadership is the key ingredient, and this is expressed in
CA0623 - procurement through requirements that direct specific steps
CA0624 - for effective use of resources.
CA0625 -
CA0626 -
CA0627 -
CA0628 -
CA0629 -
CA0630 -
CA0631 -
CA0632 -
CA07 -
Post-Project Review Scope of Services Com Metrics Review in Re
Scope of Services Com Metrics Transitions Organization to Prepare for
DCMA Budget Cuts Cannot Hire Consultants Propose Specifying Com Metri
CH05 -
CH0601 - ..
CH0602 - Post-project Review Evaluate Com Metrics to Improve Management
CH0603 - Specify Good Management Overcome Overwhelming Tendency Bad Management
CH0604 -
CH0605 - Follow up ref SDS B8 U14O, ref SDS B7 U14O.
CH0606 -
CH0607 - Gary asks if there is demand for solving problems SDS addresses, per
CH0608 - above, ref SDS 0 I34L, but he does not comment on specifying scope of
CH0609 - services, ref DIP 4 SH8F, for Com Metrics, ref DRP 9 4929, as related
CH0610 - on 020213. ref SDS B7 U14O
CH0612 - ..
CH0613 - Letter responding to Gary explains it would be helpful to get comments
CH0614 - on the scope of services, ref DIT 1 WQ5O, in relation to experience on
CH0615 - the major aerospace project, per above. ref SDS 0 XZ9L
CH0617 - ..
CH0618 - Gary's writing expertise and experience on major technology and
CH0619 - aerospace and other projects may help refine scope of services for Com
CH0620 - Metrics to influence future project requirements for competitive
CH0621 - bidding, as suggested by Max Blodgett on 960105. ref SDS 29 1008
CH0622 -
CH0623 - [On 020223 follow up letter to Gary on this. ref SDS C2 0001
CH0624 -
CH0625 -
CH0626 -
CH0627 -
CH0628 -
CH0629 -
CH0630 -
CH07 -
SDS Gary Wants to Try Using SDS but Need Formula for Compensation He
SDS Use Buy Try Customer Need Terms for Use that Protect Welch
Leadership Broader Vision Helps People who Fear Writing Obtain Analys
CQ05 -
CQ0601 - ..
CQ0602 - Try Using SDS Need Compensation for Welch
CQ0603 -
CQ0604 - Follow up ref SDS B8 R25G, ref SDS B7 R25G.
CQ0605 -
CQ0606 - Gary does not comment on this issue.
CQ0607 -
CQ0608 -
CQ0609 -
CR0441 -
CR0442 -
CR0443 -
CR0444 -
CR0445 -
CR0446 -
CR0447 -
CR0448 -
CR0449 -
CR0450 -
CR0451 -
CR0452 -
CR05 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"