440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 8, 2003 10:37 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Jerry submitted comments on POIMS with ideas for SDS development.

2...Links Make Navigating Knowledge Space Fast Easy Save Time and Money
3...POIMS and SDS Records Show New Way of Working Intelligently with Links
4...Star Trek and Others Can Provide Cultural Energy for Improvement
5...Transformation from IT to New World Order for Culture of Knowledge
6...Futuristic, Alien, Utopia May Attract Following to Promote Improvement
7...Linking Records for Different SDS Users Improves Collaboration
8...Collaboration Improved by Linking SDS Records Between Users
9...More SDS Users Improves Collaboration Verify Connections Cause Effect
10...More Connections Cause Effect Triangulates Accuracy of Knowledge
11...Hidden in Plain Sight Good Practices Overlooked by Fog of War
12...Fog of War Information Overload Endless Menus Hides Good Practices
13...Microsoft Programs Potential Platform for Re-writing SDS
14...SDS Will be Re-written Software Challenge is Planning and Resources
15...Maltese Falcon Movie Demonstrates Cultural Change in Role of Manager
16...Meaning Drift Makes Communication Biggest Risk in Enterprise
17...Communication Biggest Risk in Enterprise Because Understanding Fragile
18...Customer Profile for SDS Experienced Manager Knows Knowledge Fragile
19...21st Century Skills New Way Working for New World Order Com Manager
20...Work Role for Knowledge Management to Make Management Productive
21...Com Manager New Professional role Makes Information Technology Useful
22...Listening, Memory, History, Intelligence Important for Family Life
23...Family Life Requires Relief from Information Overload Just Like Work
24...Good Management Enabled by SDS Resisted by People on the Job
25...Transformation New Way of Working Needs Critical Mass Enabling Forces
26...Critical Mass Enabling Forces Overcome Cultural Inertia Resists Change
27...Above Average Effort for Above Average Results SDS User Profile
28...Profile SDS User Cares About Saving Time Money Lives Avoid Mistakes
29...Scribe Invests Time for Organizational Memory Improve Understanding
30...Technology to Strengthen Management Expands Market for Good Management
31...Fun Strong Selling Point Exercising Power for Effectance
32...Executing Powerful Functions while Blindfolded is Lots of Fun
33...20 Second Elevator Pitches Derived from Desire to Work Intelligently
...........................Be Prepared
34...PRO & HEAT Supported by SDS
35...SDS Supports All Information Technology Applications
36...Disruptive Technology Breaks Out of Obscurity Skill Resources Luck
37...Visibility Advertising Requires a Message and Resources for Delivery
38...Advertising Revenue through Platform of SDS Records on Internet
39...Sales Pitch - Accountability Driving Force of Management
40...Accountability Helps Manage Subordinates - 20 Second Elevator Pitch
41...Study What Works SDS Only Target for Research Funding
42...Diamond in Rough Hard Sell for Funding Looking for Easy Diggings
43...Research Funds Available for SDS Applied To Methods That Don't Work
44...SRI Promoting Knowledge Management Pat Lincoln Interested in SDS

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Examples of this problem that Jerry is capturing in Outlook will be
2...Jerry might consider Bill's reasoning at that time for accomplishing
3...Helps to express one or two "traps" "POIMS brings out" with links to


Review Foundational Documents Bibliography of SDS Publications and SDS
Links to Support Review Reading for Comprehension Applying SDS Explic
POIMS Link Communication Shows Commitment to SDS and KM for Awarding
SDS Learn 8 Steps for Com Metrics Enables Good Management at Aerospace   mpany b
Nord, Jerry CSG Submits Analysis of POIMS No Links
POIMS Analysis SDS Good Management Marketing Ideas No Links Jerry Nor
Links Resisted to Support Review Reading for Comprehension Applying S
Culture Resists New Way Working Intelligently Links to Support Review
POIMS Links Resisted to Support Review Reading for Comprehension Appl
Allocate Time Learn SDS Jerry's Boss Approved Jerry Allocating Invest
Foundational Documents Bibliography of SDS Publications and SDS Record
New Way Working Intelligently Culture Resists Links to Support Review
POIMS Review to Begin Planning SDS Application at CSG

2515 -
2515 -    ..
2516 - Summary/Objective
2517 -
251701 - Follow up ref SDS 95 0000, ref SDS 94 EL7N.
251702 -
251703 - Jerry submits initial analysis of POIMS; this is faster and easier to
251704 - incorporate into planning with links to original sources. ref SDS 0
251705 - 7L6J  Star Trek and similar "futuristic" movements offer cultural
251706 - energy that aids transformation to a new way of working. ref SDS 0
251707 - PM4M  Gary discusses barriers to linking, ref SDS 0 WK6M,
251708 - caused by lack of experience using SDS. ref SDS 0 WK7M  Gary notes the
251709 - need for good practices is "hidden in plain sight" by the pace and
251710 - complexity of daily work.  As a result, people have difficulty seeing
251711 - benefits until after they gain experience using SDS. ref SDS 0 LV8G
251712 - Leadership is therefore a key enabling force, shown by Jerry's boss,
251713 - along with Jerry's idea to engage Star Trek enthusiasts for cultural
251714 - support on transformation. ref SDS 0 YY3N  Microsoft programs like
251715 - Word and Outlook may provide a platform to develop a next generation of
251716 - SDS. ref SDS 0 PPYS  Regardless of the technical platform, Jerry's
251717 - idea to enhance the technical advisor role at CSG fits the model of
251718 - SDS enabling a new way of working with eight (8) steps to perform Com
251719 - Metrics.  This combination of new tools and roles restores the balance
251720 - between cursory analysis that is common in conversation and email to
251721 - expedite getting things done, with deliberation to get things done
251722 - correctly on time and within budget. ref SDS 0 GD3G  Com Metrics helps
251723 - cope with the perils of an information explosion that threatens the
251724 - cohesion of family life.  This is another way SDS applies the POIMS
251725 - model for an integrated life experience. ref SDS 0 5H4O  Solving the
251726 - communication gap Jerry notes between conventional work practice and
251727 - Com Metrics, enabled by SDS, requires "intellectual bridges" based on
251728 - familiar methods. ref SDS 0 4E4L  SDS work product on the Internet is
251729 - a helpful sales aid to overcome both a credibility gap and sense of
251730 - giving up on improvement, that people feel, by demonstrating better
251731 - results are possible with a better tools and practices. ref SDS 0 Q242
251732 - This means the most striking characteristic of the user profile for
251733 - SDS is the customer seeking to make above average effort to get above
251734 - average results.  The company or group "scribe" often fits this role.
251735 - ref SDS 0 O94F  The modern "scribe" is energized by having "fun" using
251736 - SDS to exercise ergonomically designed functions that leverage the
251737 - power of working "intelligently" under the common rule:  "knowledge is
251738 - power." ref SDS 0 YQ9H  The keyboard is a key part of ergonomic design
251739 - for making work on a computer like music to the piano player.
251740 - ref SDS 0 SA7O  Jerry recognizes POIMS has many "intellectual bridge"
251741 - concepts for crafting a "20 second elevator pitch that helps people
251742 - "get it" quickly. ref SDS 0 SA8N  While the integrated design of SDS
251743 - is harder to understand than conventional tools, ref SDS 0 GD9X, SDS
251744 - work product on the Internet is a powerful and unique phenomenon that
251745 - justifies coverage in popular media. ref SDS 0 MH4F  Additionally, the
251746 - SDS design shows a propensity to sort at the top using popular search
251747 - engine programs; this may provide a source of revenue from
251748 - advertising. ref SDS 0 4X6F  Jerry cites the potential for "fear of
251749 - accountability" to be a marketing advantage by shifting the light of
251750 - knowledge down to subordinates. ref SDS 0 GD4T  This presents a
251751 - dilemma because knowledge cannot be contained, and so requires
251752 - research.  Jerry asks about available grants to fund research on
251753 - transformation to a culture of knowledge. ref SDS 0 GD5P  SRI has
251754 - experience and familiarity with SDS; there is some effort underway to
251755 - develop a foundation to support development of SDS and Com Metrics.
251756 - ref SDS 0 RD4F
251757 -
251758 -     [On 030718 CSG benefiting even before starting to use SDS because
251759 -     there is elevated awareness about accurate communication.
251760 -     ref SDS A0 6O83
251761 -
251762 -
251763 -
251764 -
251765 -
251766 -
251768 -  ..
2518 -
2519 -
2520 - Progress
2521 -
252101 - Links Make Navigating Knowledge Space Fast Easy Save Time and Money
252102 - POIMS and SDS Records Show New Way of Working Intelligently with Links
252103 -
252104 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Jerry submitting initial analysis of SDS
252105 - foundational documents, beginning with POIMS.  This follows up Jerry's
252106 - request on 020630 for a bibliography to study SDS, ref SDS 94 YJ6N,
252107 - which is a vital step in learning a new way of working and becoming an
252108 - effective advocate for transformation from information to a culture of
252109 - knowledge, noted by Don Rumsfeld on 020131. ref SDS 71 6L5K
252111 -  ..
252112 - Jerry's analysis today of POIMS makes progress on action item set in
252113 - the record for 030612. ref SDS 93 U96N
252114 -
252115 -     [On 030718 Jerry's willingness to "study what works" by reviewing
252116 -     the rationale and practices of SDS explianed in POIMS, increases
252117 -     the chances of converting "fragile" opportunity into a succesful
252118 -     project for CSG. ref SDS A0 G46I
252120 -  ..
252121 - Notice there are no links to the original source that provides context
252122 - for understanding analysis in Jerry's letter today.
252123 -
252124 -     [...see below Jerry discussing how to increase visibility of SDS
252125 -     and Com Metrics. ref SDS 0 MH4F
252126 -
252127 -     [On 030709 discussed advantage of explicit links to save time and
252128 -     money for working "intelligently." ref SDS 97 H25J
252130 -      ..
252131 -     [On 030709 Gary comments on Jerry's analysis. ref SDS 98
252132 -     0001
252134 -      ..
252135 -     [On 030718 Jerry noted that forward links in SDS, like this one,
252136 -     are confusing when people navigate in "circles" back to the
252137 -     starting location in Knowledge Space; reviewed challenge of
252138 -     balancing binary forces that require attention to time and
252139 -     location in charting an effective course through Knowledge Space.
252140 -     ref SDS A0 S73G
252141 -
252142 -
252143 -
252144 -
252145 -
2522 -

Star Trek Cultural Organization that Can Recognize SDS POIMS Com Metr
Futuristic Alien Utopia Discovery Star Trek Cultural Promotion Overco
Futuristic Vision Technology Improves Management SDS Makes Everything
Star Trek Culture Values Futuristic Alien Discovery Utopia Promote Ov
Links Alien Foreign Futuristic Utopia Discovery Culture Star Trek Val
Nord, Jerry SDS Linking Star Trek Culture Embraces Promotes SDS Futur
Culture Embraces Promotes SDS Futuristic Alien Foreign Utopia Discove
SDS Development Marketing Business Plan and 7 Programmers Jerry Offer
Cultural Resistance Overcome Star Trek that Can Recognize SDS POIMS C

4111 -
411201 -  ..
411202 - Star Trek and Others Can Provide Cultural Energy for Improvement
411203 - Transformation from IT to New World Order for Culture of Knowledge
411204 - Futuristic, Alien, Utopia May Attract Following to Promote Improvement
411205 -
411206 - Jerry's analysis says....
411207 -
411208 -    1.  POIMS Review
411209 -
411210 -        Star Trek log entries - In the background, links must be made
411211 -        to all the information the captain, commanders and subordinate
411212 -        officers enter in their logs.  Will look into this "story".
411213 -        Star Trek fans have an amazing ability to take something like
411214 -        POIMS and run with it to fruition when it is exposed.
411215 -        ref DRT 1 0002
411217 -  ..
411218 - Jerry's insight to  seek review and support from Star Trek enthusiasts
411219 - is supported in part by....
411220 -
411221 -        SDS "futuristic" compared to
411222 -        other technology for improving
411223 -        management at Intel.................. 960315, ref SDS 15 4545
411225 -         ..
411226 -        SDS support for working
411227 -        intelligently is alien at
411228 -        Intel................................ 990713, ref SDS 29 2150
411230 -         ..
411231 -        Com Metrics provides coherent
411232 -        theory of management that has
411233 -        eluded discovery since at
411234 -        least the 17th century............... 000716, ref SDS 43 7838,
411236 -         ..
411237 -        Using SDS a "utopia" compared
411238 -        to conventional information
411239 -        technology everybody likes........... 010425, ref SDS 56 EP7F
411240 -
411242 -  ..
411243 - Futuristic, alien, discovery, and utopia might appeal to organizations
411244 - like "Star Trek."  There may also be cultural resistance by people
411245 - looking to talk rather than apply a greater share of human cognitive
411246 - strength by using hands, eyes and ears, as related on 990121.
411247 - ref SDS 26 CO6I
411249 -  ..
411250 - The next day on 030709 Gary developed analysis showing that
411251 - despite general availability of tools for linking, lack of utility in
411252 - these tools makes linking difficult and time consuming without SDS.
411253 - Gary's analysis is supported by reports that...
411254 -
411255 -        Creating links using tools
411256 -        for information technology
411257 -        like Microsoft Word, Outlook,
411258 -        Powerpoint, take a lot of
411259 -        time................................. 020820, ref SDS 77 O1QQ
411261 -         ..
411262 -        Links for Knowledge Management
411263 -        takes too much diligence using
411264 -        popular information technology
411265 -        that everybody likes................. 001126, ref SDS 51 B15I,
411267 -         ..
411268 -        Knowledge Management is a lot
411269 -        of hard work using tools and
411270 -        methods everybody likes.............. 000307, ref SDS 34 5182
411272 -         ..
411273 -        Gary submits list of
411274 -        conventional tools needed to
411275 -        perform KM without SDS............... 030407, ref SDS 85 6Q4H
411277 -  ..
411278 - Since the tools people like do not support a new way of working that
411279 - enables routinely connecting the dots of cause and effect based on
411280 - context, i.e., working "intelligently," linking is therefore reduced
411281 - to a mere cliche, rather than a core competency and best practice for
411282 - augmenting intelligence.  Without routine capture of daily working
411283 - information and without routine construction of an audit trail, no
411284 - improvement of management can occur, and this lack of progress causes
411285 - people to give up in despair and abandon the effort, noted by Drucker
411286 - and others, reported on 011003. ref SDS 67 QX8Q  When linking is not
411287 - fast and easy people are discouraged from discovering the power of a
411288 - connected record for saving time and money, which then grows a dynamic
411289 - of disincentives to do any linking. ref SDS 98 5F7L
411290 -
411291 -
411292 -
4113 -

Linking Audit Trail Traceability to Original Sources in SDS Records G
Linking Improves Collaboration Productivity Multiple People Using SDS
Collaboration Mass Wide Based Wrong Goal Model for KM

4805 -
480601 -  ..
480602 - Linking Records for Different SDS Users Improves Collaboration
480603 - Collaboration Improved by Linking SDS Records Between Users
480604 - More SDS Users Improves Collaboration Verify Connections Cause Effect
480605 - More Connections Cause Effect Triangulates Accuracy of Knowledge
480606 -
480607 - Gary indicates in his record on 030709 that experience linking between
480608 - records for different SDS users (e.g., from his record to mine) shows
480609 - that collaboration is strengthened. ref SDS 98 5F91  This experience,
480610 - illustrated by this record, addresses questions Morris raised on
480611 - 951103 about the impact on productivity when many people are using
480612 - SDS. ref SDS 13 9066  More recently on 000602 Jack Park asked the same
480613 - question. ref SDS 41 1500  Gary's analysis today complements his work
480614 - on 011006 arguing that conventional efforts to improve collaboration
480615 - by many people working a single document are ineffective, because
480616 - better communication begins with better understanding by leveraging
480617 - ability to make connections of cause and effect, which is a personal
480618 - capability. ref SDS 68 536J  Today, Gary indicates that SDS meets this
480619 - core requirement, and thereby provides a foundation to improve
480620 - collaboration by extending links from personal to organizational
480621 - memory within the meaning of POIMS. ref OF 2 01TU
480622 -
480623 -
480624 -
480625 -
4807 -

Johnson, Gary Good Management Hidden in Plan Sight by Fog o  Daily In
Hidden in Plan Sight by Fog of War Daily Information Overload and Eno
Secret Hidden in Plan Sight by Fog of War Daily Information Overload
Good Management Practices Hidden in Plain Sight by Fog of War Daily I
Secret Hidden in Plan Sight by Fog of War Daily Information Overload
KM Hidden in Plain Sight by Fog of War Daily Information Overload and
Secret KM Only Supported by SDS Transformation from Tools for Informa
Secrets Discover Intelligence Correlations Implications Nuance from M
Understand Not Enough Time Listening Read Write Analysis Learning to
Hidden Understandings from Meetings Calls Documents Secret from Parti
Communication Biggest Risk Enterprise Metrics Accuracy Links Alignmen
Good Management Hidden in Plan Sight by Fog of Daily Information Over

8414 -
841501 -  ..
841502 - Hidden in Plain Sight Good Practices Overlooked by Fog of War
841503 - Fog of War Information Overload Endless Menus Hides Good Practices
841504 -
841505 - Gary notes in another record the same day on 030709 that SDS solves
841506 - the problem of enabling good management practices that are otherwise
841507 - "hidden in plain sight" from everyone using conventional information
841508 - technology for meetings, calls, wordprocessing email, etc. ref SDS 96
841509 - FX5X  Gary further explains that the power of SDS to support daily
841510 - work derives from synergy of complementary features and data bases,
841511 - ref SDS 96 FX65, cited as well in Gary's earlier record a month ago on
841512 - 030612. ref SDS 92 9W2G
841513 -
841514 -            [On 040415 Gary explains again that synergy from
841515 -            complementary features and functions gives SDS efficient
841516 -            usability that applies computer power to improve daily
841517 -            work. ref SDS A5 L560
841519 -  ..
841520 - Requirements for synergy from integrated, complementary functionality
841521 - with efficient usability is evident from the fact that Microsoft Word,
841522 - Outlook, Powerpoint, etc., have many features needed for good
841523 - management, but they don't work well together. ref SDS 96 FX65  POIMS
841524 - makes the same point, cited on 010603, ref SDS 59 0001, about the need
841525 - for a critical mass of complementary tasks that are smoothly
841526 - integrated in order to advance from information to a culture of
841527 - knowledge. ref OF 4 2688
841529 -  ..
841530 - Gary's analysis on 030709 that SDS benefits are hidden in plain sight,
841531 - contrasts sharply with Sally Nerlove's feeling at NSF that Com Metrics
841532 - is a "diamond in the rough" that is hidden and difficult for people
841533 - see, reported on 9912221. ref SDS 33 0001  In any case, Gary's
841534 - observation that SDS support for good management practices that
841535 - everyone professes to be striving to accomplish aligns with Wayne
841536 - Wetzel's report on 010725 explaining results using SDS at DNRC during
841537 - the 1990s, ref SDS 60 OY5L, and, therefore, answers, at least in part,
841538 - Gary's letter on 020217, asking what customers care about that SDS
841539 - supports. ref SDS 72 425M  Later on 020618 Gary suggesting modeling
841540 - customer needs for working intelligently to save time and money that
841541 - drive demand for SDS. ref SDS 75 2S5H
841543 -  ..
841544 - The challenge has been to help overcome the ovewhelming tendency to
841545 - use bad management that will always be faster and easier than good
841546 - management because bad management can be accomplished by doing
841547 - nothing, and dismissing good management as unnecessary overkill, as
841548 - reported on 890324. ref SDS 1 2940
841549 -
841550 -        [On 030803 Gary submits analysis explaining how common
841551 -        experience using documents and diaries is extended by SDS, and
841552 -        this tends to obscure the power of SDS until people gain
841553 -        experience with the new way of working. ref SDS A1 LG5R
841555 -         ..
841556 -        [On 031230 Gary submits information showing Tofflers call for
841557 -        continual learning, which enabled by SDS. ref SDS A2 UZ4V
841559 -         ..
841560 -        [On 040201 listed "hidden in plain sight" for lessons learned
841561 -        that drive demand for SDS support to use Com Metrics to enable
841562 -        consistent good management. ref SDS A3 KT4N
841564 -         ..
841565 -        [On 040214 cultural inertia resists improvement because ideas
841566 -        for saving time and money are hidden in plain sight by the fog
841567 -        of war from information overload; in the heat of battle
841568 -        attention is on solving immediate problems; when popular
841569 -        methods and approved technology are inadequate, economic and
841570 -        social pressure to retain position, prestige and payment drives
841571 -        conformity to be a "team player" giving in to bad management
841572 -        that ignores objectives and dismisses requirements, commitments
841573 -        and regulations that seem like unnecessary overkill when
841574 -        compliance requires improving the work; delivering "fools gold"
841575 -        doing familiar things in familiar ways is always fast and easy
841576 -        compared to opportunity that comes dressed in coveralls and
841577 -        looks like work to retool skills and use the right tools for
841578 -        saving lives, time and money. ref SDS A4 3Z9H
841580 -  ..
841581 - What "hides" good practices in "plain sight" that makes effective
841582 - management a "secret" from top managers and executives?
841584 -      ..
841585 -     On 990625 Fortune magazine published an article on good management
841586 -     practices that are a "hidden in plain sight" from CEOs who fail,
841587 -     ref SDS 28 0460, Fortune reported that psychological barriers
841588 -     prevent top people from discovering the secret of good management.
841589 -     ref SDS 28 4914
841591 -      ..
841592 -     On 010908 Jack Park implies that the speed, convenience and ease
841593 -     of pressing the "reply button" in email appeals to laziness.
841594 -     Under cover of "expediting," people are drawn inextricably down
841595 -     the wrong path by the glitter of fools gold and the siren song of
841596 -     the sweet sounding pied piper. ref SDS 63 YF5O  Information
841597 -     technology makes bad management so fast and easy that people
841598 -     cannot resist the temptation to react spontaneously with cursor
841599 -     understanding, rather than with deliberation essential for
841600 -     converting information into knowledge.
841602 -      ..
841603 -     Jerry astutely recognizes the benefits of SDS to make working
841604 -     intelligently fun, ref SDS 0 GD7V, when he cites POIMS analysis
841605 -     showing that people cannot slow down information, so the only
841606 -     solution is to use SDS technology that speeds up mental metrics
841607 -     for converting faster information into accurate knowledge, as
841608 -     related on 950204, ref SDS 8 XQ7L, and explained in POIMS.
841609 -     ref OF 6 6944
841611 -  ..
841612 - Gary's analysis showing good management is "hidden in plain sight,"
841613 - per above, ref SDS 0 LV8G, complements POIMS theory and practice using
841614 - SDS that explains critical understandings in meetings, calls and
841615 - documents are a "secret" from people who attend meetings, make calls,
841616 - and issue and receive documents, because information overload and
841617 - limited time creates a chronic "fog of war" that prevents deliberative
841618 - analysis from making connections of cause and effect. ref OF 3 V8P1
841619 - As a result, correlations, implications and nuance are not evident to
841620 - participants when events occur, and can only be discovered when an SDS
841621 - record is created and "intelligence" is added to information that
841622 - people acquire from sensory perception by observing and hearing.
841623 - ref OF 3 R69H  Research on the Toffler's work reported on 950911
841624 - supports experience that shows communication is the biggest risk in
841625 - enterprise, ref SDS 12 4E3N, and enables SDS to turn the liability of
841626 - information overload into an asset of timely knowledge under the
841627 - common rule that time is money and knowledge is power.
841629 -  ..
841630 - Cited Gary's support for POIMS theory and practice. ref OF 4 0307
841632 -  ..
841633 - Intellectual bridges help unlock the secret of Knowledge Management so
841634 - that the good practices are no longer hidden in plain sight.  This
841635 - forms an important enabling force, as listed in the record on 010730.
841636 - ref SDS 61 LC5O
841637 -
841638 -     [...see below for more on 20 second elevator pitches for selling
841639 -     SDS. ref SDS 0 3U7H
841641 -  ..
841642 - Bridging the gap between two (2) worlds so that people can step from
841643 - the past into the future using technology for growing a culture of
841644 - knowledge, must overcome barriers to transformation from IT to a new
841645 - world order of working "intelligently."  Overcoming powerful cultural
841646 - paths, walls and paradigms that resist improvement, noted by Don
841647 - Rumsfeld at DOD on 020131, ref SDS 71 KW9N, requires strong
841648 - leadership.  Jerry's correspondence and discussion a few days later on
841649 - 030710 indicates his boss, Ken Heatherly is supporting Jerry's effort
841650 - to evaluate SDS at CSG.  Support by leadership is a critical enabling
841651 - force, as related in NWO. ref OF 12 4305
841652 -
841653 -        [On 030716 Jerry reports that Ken and a colleague at CSG, Brett
841654 -        Greis, want to see a demonstration of SDS. ref SDS 99 W16R
841656 -  ..
841657 - So, too, cultural movements, like the Star Trek organization that
841658 - Jerry cites today, can be powerful enabling force to unlock the secret
841659 - of good management, which Gary notes is hidden in plain sight, if
841660 - their imagination and energy can be attracted to the cause of
841661 - advancing civilization. ref SDS 0 PM4M
841662 -
841663 -
841664 -
841665 -
8417 -

Morris Proposes Creating SDS for Windows Application Not Enough Time
SDS Development Marketing Business Plan and 7 Programmers Jerry Offer
Microsoft Programs Platform to Rewrite SDS from the Beginning
SDS Development Marketing Business Plan and 7 Programmers Jerry Offer
Windows SDS Next Version Development Rewrite SDS Using Microsoft Prog
Microsoft Word and Outlook Can be Converted to Accomplish SDS Using V
Johnson, Gary Reviews Proposal by Jerry Nord Offers No Additions or E
Microsoft Word and Outlook Can be Converted to Accomplish SDS Using V

9210 -
921101 -  ..
921102 - Microsoft Programs Potential Platform for Re-writing SDS
921103 - SDS Will be Re-written Software Challenge is Planning and Resources
921104 -
921105 - Jerry continues his analysis...
921106 -
921107 -    2.  Have you thought of re-writing SDS from the beginning?  Using
921108 -        technology like Outlook (I am currently developing some other
921109 -        tools in Outlook with the help of my sons to improve daily
921110 -        email handling), Microsoft server technology, or Lotus Notes?
921111 -        One axiom I have used is to remember to throw away the first
921112 -        cut of a project and work in the "Now", after the first pass
921113 -        has proved successful!  Some see this as costly, but my
921114 -        experience is that it makes for a better product with less
921115 -        hidden defects and hardened designs, resulting in more
921116 -        efficiently evolution of the product. ref DRT 1 7L9F
921118 -  ..
921119 - Consideration to "re-write" SDS has a long history that is short on
921120 - resources; a very short sample of records on this subject
921121 - includes....
921122 -
921123 -           a.  Microsoft Windows Proposal
921124 -               to re-write SDS for new
921125 -               platform, Morris Jones........ 930819, ref SDS 6 QL7H
921127 -                ..
921128 -           b.  Macro language conversion
921129 -               for new SDS program, Morris
921130 -               Jones......................... 980722, ref SDS 25 3280
921132 -                ..
921133 -           c.  Word and Outlook platform
921134 -               to re-write SDS, Morris
921135 -               Jones......................... 020110, ref SDS 70 S97L
921137 -                ..
921138 -           d.  Word and Outlook platform
921139 -               for SDS, Gary......... 020217, ref SDS 72 J66M
921141 -                ..
921142 -           e.  Experience using SDS shows
921143 -               Word, Outlook, et al., less
921144 -               attractive platforms for
921145 -               re-writing SDS, Gary
921146 -               Johnson....................... 030708, ref SDS 98 DN43
921147 -
921149 -  ..
921150 - Analysis on 020110 suggests that a Cadillac can be used to transport
921151 - people to the airport, and can be used to haul dirt from an
921152 - excavation; however, in each case a stronger, more robust solution is
921153 - more effective. ref SDS 70 T690  Microsoft Outlook and Word enable
921154 - some editing functions that are conducive to Knowledge Management in
921155 - the same way that a Cadillac has a trunk for hauling things.  However,
921156 - Word and Outlook are designed for adding style that makes information
921157 - look pretty, because pretty things sell, noted in POIMS, ref OF 4
921158 - 0959, and most people feel communication is primarily a selling task,
921159 - i.e., telling people what we know, and convincing people to say yes to
921160 - what we want, also noted in POIMS. ref OF 6 24A7
921162 -  ..
921163 - SDS is designed for working "intelligently" to discover, build, craft
921164 - and refine what we "know" in order to accurately decide what we want
921165 - and establish priority for allocating scarce resources to ensure we
921166 - get what we need.  POIMS explains "intelligence" adds organization,
921167 - analysis, alignment, summary and manages feedback for better
921168 - understanding and timely follow up.  These strategic differences
921169 - between the purpose of a Cadillac for driving to the theater and a
921170 - truck for building the theater suggest a more fundamental platform may
921171 - be more effective to re-write SDS.
921173 -       ..
921174 -      [On 030709 Gary notes that the list of possible platforms
921175 -      upon which to build SDS is much smaller than it might at first
921176 -      appear. ref SDS 98 DN43
921178 -       ..
921179 -      [On 030709 Gary cites limitations of Microsoft programs
921180 -      that do not support linking in the manner required for SDS.
921181 -      ref SDS 98 9Y5I
921183 -  ..
921184 - Since Microsoft programs do a good job supporting information
921185 - technology and since information is a building block of knowledge, if
921186 - the code for Microsoft programs were available to build the features
921187 - required for converting information into knowledge, then this would be
921188 - helpful, because compatibility with a large installed base of
921189 - technology would be assured.  Accomplishing this objective requires
921190 - placing a sufficient reward on the table for Microsoft to invest time
921191 - on learning how to produce technology that enables working
921192 - intelligently, as defined in POIMS. ref OF 5 6649
921193 -
921194 -
921195 -
921196 -
921197 -
9212 -

21st Century Manager Has New Assignment to be a Repository of Informat
CSG Has Technical Advisors Scope Needs to be Enhanced
Scribe, Communication Manager until Tools are more Common
Discovery Futuristic Alien Overcomes Cultural Resistance New Ideas Li
Maltese Falcon Movie Illustrates Evolution of Culture Away from Secre
Manager Required to be a Repository of Information and Information Ma
Technical Advisors at CSG Scope Needs to be Enhanced with Training an
Repository Information and Information Manager Beyond Manager's Train
Secretaries, Filing Cabinets Welch Improves Management Not SDS
Work Role Hard Sell Prevention Proactive Management Front-end Investm
Money Save Time Explicit Links New Way Working Review Reading for Com
Information Management Beyond Manager's Training and Time but Because
Money Save Time Explicit Links New Way Working Review Reading for Com
Time Not Enough to Manage Information CSG Has Technical Advisors Scop
Com Manager Title Name Other than Com Manager
Examples Existing Roles Perform Com Metrics
Secretary Perform Com Metrics
Maltese Falcon Cultural Drift Away from Accuracy Secretary Informatio

AM20 -
AM2101 -  ..
AM2102 - Maltese Falcon Movie Demonstrates Cultural Change in Role of Manager
AM2103 - Meaning Drift Makes Communication Biggest Risk in Enterprise
AM2104 - Communication Biggest Risk in Enterprise Because Understanding Fragile
AM2105 - Customer Profile for SDS Experienced Manager Knows Knowledge Fragile
AM2106 -
AM2107 -
AM2108 - 21st Century Skills New Way Working for New World Order Com Manager
AM2109 - Work Role for Knowledge Management to Make Management Productive
AM2110 - Com Manager New Professional role Makes Information Technology Useful
AM2112 -  ..
AM2113 - Jerry continues his analysis...
AM2114 -
AM2115 -    3.  One of the other problems of the 21st Century manager is he is
AM2116 -        expected to be a repository for past technical information.
AM2117 -        CSG currently employs most managers in the role of technical
AM2118 -        advisor.  This function of technical advisor needs to be
AM2119 -        enhanced.  The problem is when I hear the words "I think..."
AM2120 -        and "If I remember correctly..." alarm bells are sounded since
AM2121 -        this usually means the "story" they are about to relate to help
AM2122 -        resolve a problem is out-of-date, only partially accurate, or a
AM2123 -        guess about the actual facts that relate to the problem at
AM2124 -        hand.  (Have several examples I'm capturing in Outlook).
AM2125 -        ref DRT 1 6U4F
AM2127 -  ..
AM2128 - Jerry notes the importance of accurate memory, reviewed previously on
AM2129 - 010916. ref SDS 65 KA6H  Critical change in culture has occurred since
AM2130 - the acceleration of information technology in the 1950s, causing
AM2131 - people to forget about the importance of accurate memory.  "The
AM2132 - Maltese Falcon" released in the 1940s illustrates a cultural change by
AM2133 - eliminating role of secretary for information management that enables
AM2134 - people to solve the problem Jerry recognizes in his letter today that
AM2135 - nobody can remember anything accurately, reviewed on 020927.
AM2136 - ref SDS 80 W682
AM2137 -
AM2138 -     [On 030716 submitted this record demonstrating opportunity to use
AM2139 -     SDS for enhancing Technical Advisor role. ref SDS 99 6O83
AM2140 -
AM2142 -  ..
AM2143 - Examples of this problem that Jerry is capturing in Outlook will be
AM2144 - helpful use cases for the management at CSG to grasp the opportunity
AM2145 - for new tools, skills and roles to improve productivity by improving
AM2146 - memory.
AM2148 -  ..
AM2149 - Analysis on 020930 shows how better technology reduced productivity of
AM2150 - management, creating a slippery slope toward avoiding accuracy and
AM2151 - accountability, ref SDS 81 A53Q, which is the current predicament,
AM2152 - reported on 980405. ref SDS 24 5065
AM2154 -  ..
AM2155 - This record and reporting on 010916 shows that SDS helps solve the
AM2156 - problem, ref SDS 64 PG6J, when adequately configured and supported
AM2157 - with the skills of Com Metrics.
AM2159 -  ..
AM2160 - Today, without Com Metrics, the duty to organize the record falls to a
AM2161 - manager, director, VP and CEO, who now has a computer to produce more
AM2162 - information, without complementary duty, technology and support to
AM2163 - organize the record for fast and accurate memory when needed.  This
AM2164 - missing link omitting Com Metrics in the process of "working
AM2165 - intelligently" paralyzes productivity in the faster paced world of the
AM2166 - 21st century, reported on 011003. ref SDS 67 EC5N  When too many
AM2167 - people have too many problems, productivity, earnings and stock prices
AM2168 - fall, reported on 001207. ref SDS 54 V54M  On 020930 Morris Jones at
AM2169 - Intel explained how improvements in information technology led to
AM2170 - evolution away from allocating labor for information management that
AM2171 - makes communication effective, with the result that communication,
AM2172 - which should be the most powerful asset in management, has instead
AM2173 - become the biggest risk in enterprise, ref SDS 81 5T5I, because, as
AM2174 - Gary notes, good management is now "hidden in plain sight," as
AM2175 - discussed further above. ref SDS 0 GC9G
AM2177 -  ..
AM2178 - On 941010 Bill DeHart explained experience at PG&E pointing to a
AM2179 - significant opportunity for improving earnings by adding Com Metrics
AM2180 - support. ref SDS 7 M96F  Jerry made very much the same point in his
AM2181 - analysis on 020415. ref SDS 73 0001
AM2183 -  ..
AM2184 - CSG's solution to develop skills for a technical advisor, noted by
AM2185 - Jerry today, per above, ref SDS 0 P64F, aligns with PG&E's practice of
AM2186 - supporting a project manager with a "project analyst."  On 941010 Bill
AM2187 - DeHart explained plans at PG&E to strengthen analysis by adding skills
AM2188 - for a Communication Manager. ref SDS 7 0042
AM2190 -  ..
AM2191 - Jerry might consider Bill's reasoning at that time for accomplishing
AM2192 - the goal to improve management today by enhancing the technical
AM2193 - advisor role at CSG. ref SDS 7 M94K
AM2195 -  ..
AM2196 - Com Metrics contributes to improving memory, productivity and earnings
AM2197 - by providing tools, roles and skills, explained on 001219. ref SDS 55
AM2198 - FO5M  The skills needed to implement Com Metrics are applied by
AM2199 - performing eight (8) tasks, also listed on 001219. ref SDS 55 4W4L
AM2200 - The US Army Corps of Engineers published a scope of services for
AM2201 - guidance on implementing Com Metrics in an organization. ref DRP 2
AM2202 - 4929
AM2204 -  ..
AM2205 - Gary summarizes the customer profile is someone who sees the
AM2206 - need for improvement, but has not given up on improving. ref SDS 98
AM2207 - 6T4G
AM2209 -  ..
AM2210 - Gary is gaining experience pioneering a path for transformation of
AM2211 - skills and practices on a large scale at Aerospace company, so that good
AM2212 - management for the 21st century can be implemented using a 3-layer
AM2213 - architecture without everyone having to change all at once, planned on
AM2214 - 020820. ref SDS 78 0001  On 030413 Gary reported steady progress,
AM2215 - ref SDS 86 0001, and on 030604 he reported steps to routinize applying
AM2216 - the eight (8) steps for enhancing daily work practices using SDS,
AM2217 - ref SDS 91 0001, as Jerry suggests in his letter today, per above,
AM2218 - ref SDS 0 P64F, and as called out by Peter Drucker in his article on
AM2219 - Enterprise Management in the 21st Century, reviewed on 991025.
AM2220 - ref SDS 30 0785
AM2221 -
AM2222 -
AM2223 -
AM2224 -
AM2225 -
AM2226 -
AM2227 -
AM23 -

Applications Listing for Intelligence Organizational Memory
Nord, Jerry Cites Applications of SDS to Family Life and Notes Family
Family Life and Personal Applications for SDS Reflects POIMS Design f
Technical Advisors at CSG Scope Needs to be Enhanced with Training an
Applications Family Life and Personal Applications for SDS Reflects P
Care About Listening Meetings Productivity Calls Email Management Str

AR08 -
AR0901 -  ..
AR0902 - Listening, Memory, History, Intelligence Important for Family Life
AR0903 - Family Life Requires Relief from Information Overload Just Like Work
AR0904 -
AR0905 - Jerry continues his analysis...
AR0906 -
AR0907 -    4.  The concept of POIMS can be used in the family environment.
AR0908 -        Maybe this is another market/target to pursue.  The family is
AR0909 -        in crisis, and the reason may be information/task overload.
AR0910 -        Too much information, too many things to do. (Kyle's thoughts
AR0911 -        may apply here). ref DRT 1 5H4O
AR0913 -  ..
AR0914 - SDS augments intelligence.  The range of applications for intelligence
AR0915 - is universal, as shown by the explanation of POIMS technology....
AR0916 -
AR0917 -          Personal and Organizational Integrated Management
AR0919 -  ..
AR0920 - Better memory at home begins with better listening; works just like a
AR0921 - good memory on the job. ref OF 2 01TU  Examples applying SDS to family
AR0922 - life are listed in the record on 020708. ref SDS 76 MZ6O
AR0923 -
AR0924 -
AR0925 -
AR0926 -
AR10 -

Analysis Not Enough Time Read Write Think Remember Communicate Overki
Accountability Fear Greases Slippery Slope to Murphy's Law Deleting R
Fear Accountability Attitude Resist New Way of Working Fear Organizat

AU05 -
AU0601 -  ..
AU0602 - Good Management Enabled by SDS Resisted by People on the Job
AU0603 - Transformation New Way of Working Needs Critical Mass Enabling Forces
AU0604 - Critical Mass Enabling Forces Overcome Cultural Inertia Resists Change
AU0605 -
AU0606 - Jerry asks about how to solve the common dilemma?
AU0607 -
AU0608 -    5.  So, how would one communicate POIMS/SDS without falling into
AU0609 -        the communication's trap the documentation for POIMS brings
AU0610 -        out? ref DRT 1 U25L
AU0612 -         ..
AU0613 -    6.  Need to understand why others in the field of management don't
AU0614 -        get it...Are they concentrating too much on finding tools to
AU0615 -        speed up getting information and having access to that
AU0616 -        information that they are forgetting the summary process the
AU0617 -        subconscious does which precludes faster information flow?
AU0618 -        ref DRT 1 CK6M
AU0620 -  ..
AU0621 - Helps to express one or two "traps" "POIMS brings out" with links to
AU0622 - the original text, since there are a lot of challenges and dilemmas
AU0623 - cited in POIMS that resist transformation.
AU0624 -
AU0625 -          [On 030710 discussed using explicit links for clear, concise
AU0626 -          and complete communication. ref SDS 97 H25J
AU0628 -  ..
AU0629 - Jerry frames a powerful question that must be addressed by every
AU0630 - innovation, "Why don't people get it," echoing Andy Grove's
AU0631 - observation in his book "Only the Paranoid Survive," reviewed on
AU0632 - 980307.  Grove notes that success blinds people to both the danger of
AU0633 - standing pat and the need to improve. ref SDS 23 2648  Opportunity
AU0634 - usually arrives dressed in coveralls and looks like work, which
AU0635 - collides with the desire to get by working on familiar things in
AU0636 - familiar ways. ref SDS 23 1657  Overcoming personal and cultural
AU0637 - inertia requires a critical mass of enabling forces to align.  A
AU0638 - developer who happens along at the end of the process, who puts the
AU0639 - last piece in play that starts the music, largely goes along for the
AU0640 - ride, but must be astute in recognizing when a new wave is forming on
AU0641 - the horizon, and skilled in riding that wave without being distracted
AU0642 - and losing the balance required for a successful ride.
AU0644 -  ..
AU0645 - There are two powerful communication traps that stifle advance toward
AU0646 - adopting SDS and Com Metrics....
AU0647 -
AU0648 -        a.  The gap between two (2) worlds of information and
AU0649 -            knowledge, illustrated by the record on 000503. ref SDS 40
AU0650 -            5033  As well, on 010730, a DOD procurement manager noted
AU0651 -            that people need an "intellectual bridge" that makes it
AU0652 -            emotionally easier to make the effort to grasp why SDS
AU0653 -            succeeds, ref SDS 61 LC5O, where others fail to develop
AU0654 -            technology for consistently (Drucker says "routinize,"
AU0655 -            reported on 991025, ref SDS 30 0785) working intelligently,
AU0656 -            as defined in POIMS. ref OF 2 1X6G
AU0658 -             ..
AU0659 -            Accordingly, one way to solve the dilemma that Jerry poses
AU0660 -            is to provide an "intellectual bridge" that makes it easier
AU0661 -            for people to understand what SDS does and why this is
AU0662 -            useful, as related on 010730. ref SDS 61 LH6M
AU0664 -             ..
AU0665 -        b.  Credibility.
AU0666 -
AU0667 -            This problem is closely related to the first problem that
AU0668 -            separates understanding information and knowledge, as
AU0669 -            explained in the record on 900303. ref SDS 3 7739
AU0671 -             ..
AU0672 -            IBM, Microsoft, Aerospace company, Harvard, MIT, DARPA and many, many
AU0673 -            others have all failed.  Pat Lincoln related on 010426 that
AU0674 -            the nation's top defense research agency has given up on
AU0675 -            improving IT because everybody has failed to create KM.
AU0676 -            ref SDS 57 657O  This creates a threshold belief that
AU0677 -            nobody can succeed, which in turn reduces incentive to
AU0678 -            invest time for evaluating SDS, created by an unknown with
AU0679 -            no computer science training and no resources.  This mental
AU0680 -            construct strains credulity.
AU0682 -             ..
AU0683 -            Despite giving up, under the right circumstances, people
AU0684 -            continue to try to improve, shown by DARPA taking a leading
AU0685 -            role in the project that nominally is trying again to
AU0686 -            accomplish work in KM under the umbrella of CFISR, compare
AU0687 -            the report on on 030506, ref SDS 87 Q57I, with the record
AU0688 -            on 030515. ref SDS 88 IJ5K
AU0690 -             ..
AU0691 -            The main reason people give up and then try again is
AU0692 -            because failure is inevitable using IT in a faster paced
AU0693 -            world.  See for example the example of the Space Shuttle
AU0694 -            that crashed in 1986.  On 921021 employees of JPL and NASA
AU0695 -            report that good management is no fun using the tools and
AU0696 -            methods they like. ref SDS 4 3744  However, failure led to
AU0697 -            a mandate for NASA to improve. ref SDS 4 4499  Now, that
AU0698 -            failure has occurred again, there will be another mandate
AU0699 -            to improve, which will fail again, per the report on
AU0700 -            030304. ref SDS 84 KV6K
AU0702 -             ..
AU0703 -            This dynamic is good news.  People are trapped into a
AU0704 -            technology and work methods that guarantee failure so that
AU0705 -            demand regularly rises for the capability that SDS
AU0706 -            supports, and which nobody else can provide.
AU0708 -             ..
AU0709 -            SDS has one core advantage for overcoming communication
AU0710 -            traps to breakout of the innovation loop...
AU0711 -
AU0712 -                Show me don't tell me.
AU0714 -                 ..
AU0715 -                So far as is known, SDS is the only source of work
AU0716 -                product for KM.  Ability to perform demonstrated by a
AU0717 -                growing record on the Internet overcomes loss of faith
AU0718 -                that nobody can perform KM.
AU0720 -                 ..
AU0721 -                The only challenge is to get the right people in front
AU0722 -                of SDS records in an open frame of mind to observe that
AU0723 -                this is a method that works to solve the core problem
AU0724 -                of the ages, turning information into knowledge, rather
AU0725 -                than another pipe dream of turning straw into gold.
AU0726 -
AU0727 -
AU0728 -
AU0729 -
AU08 -

Profile SDS User Scribe Makes Above Average Effort for Above Average
Scribe Makes Above Average Effort for Above Average Results Wants Few
Above Average Effort for Above Average Results Wants Fewer Mistakes M
Links Star Trek Cultural Support for SDS Linking Beyond Reach of Most
Opportunity SDS User Wants More Better Memory Organization Analysis A
Family in Crisis POIMS SDS Design Personal and Organizational Integra
Care About Productivity Avoid Mistakes Save Time Money by Investing T
Knowledge Repository Organizational Memory Analysis Alignment Summary
Technical Advisors at CSG Scope Needs to be Enhanced with Training an
Save Time Money by Investing Time Money to Work Intelligently for Org
Motivated by Productivity Avoid Mistakes Save Time Money by Investing

B813 -
B81401 -  ..
B81402 - Above Average Effort for Above Average Results SDS User Profile
B81403 - Profile SDS User Cares About Saving Time Money Lives Avoid Mistakes
B81404 - Scribe Invests Time for Organizational Memory Improve Understanding
B81405 -
B81406 - Jerry continues his analysis...
B81407 -
B81408 -    7.  What is the profile for a person that will use and demonstrate
B81409 -        success with POIMS/SDS?  My feeling is this person would have
B81410 -        to understand and practice some of the key elements of POIMS,
B81411 -        become frustrated with those efforts, go back to "cowboy/
B81412 -        forman"  management and FAIL!  What other characteristics?
B81413 -        Where should I look?  WHO??? ref DRT 1 IS6F
B81415 -  ..
B81416 - Good point.  The profile of SDS users is people who strive for...
B81417 -
B81418 -        Accuracy, fewer mistakes to save lives, money and time.
B81419 -        More opportunity by understanding cause and effect.
B81420 -        Better memory who, what, when, where, where, why and how.
B81421 -          "    organization
B81422 -          "    analysis
B81423 -          "    alignment
B81424 -          "    summary
B81425 -          "    intelligence
B81426 -          "    understanding
B81428 -         ..
B81429 -        Willing to make above average effort for above average results.
B81431 -  ..
B81432 - These objectives are described in the military as...
B81433 -
B81434 -                       command and control
B81435 -
B81436 - ...and are, also, summarized as "intelligence", as explained in POIMS,
B81437 - ref OF 6 1113, and in the business world by the notion of....
B81438 -
B81439 -                       working intelligently
B81440 -
B81441 - ...which is also noted in POIMS. ref OF 2 1X6G
B81443 -  ..
B81444 - Since literacy is a traditional method for augmenting intelligence
B81445 - using alphabet technology, SDS support for improving basic reading and
B81446 - writing, explained in POIMS, ref OF 6 3742, seems to attract people
B81447 - with the profile of a "scribe."  Every organization has someone who
B81448 - strives for accurate understandings, and is aware this requires
B81449 - investing a little more time than others want to spend on writing
B81450 - things down under the common rule....
B81452 -                ..
B81453 -               So let it be written, so let it be done.
B81455 -  ..
B81456 - On 030527 Pat Lincoln mentioned a desire to use SDS so he can do a
B81457 - better job of being a "scribe" for meetings with the CEO. ref SDS 89
B81458 - QE9O  Gary at Aerospace company clearly fits this model; he has always
B81459 - been recognized for producing better notes of meetings.
B81461 -       ..
B81462 -      [On 030709 Jerry mentioned in a call that he is the "scribe" in
B81463 -      his group.
B81464 -
B81465 -
B81466 -
B81467 -
B815 -

Sel -directed Teams Failed Jerry Concerned Similar Forces Impact SDS
Disruptive Technology Business Plan Must Recognize SDS for Com Metric
Fear SDS Makes Management Obsolete Self-directed Teams Failed Jerry C
Augment Intelligence New Way Working Thinking Through Writing Concurr
Thinking Through Writing Concurrent Discovery Plan Perform Report New
Communication Biggest Risk Enterprise Information Overload Fog of War

BJ08 -
BJ0901 -  ..
BJ0902 - Technology to Strengthen Management Expands Market for Good Management
BJ0903 -
BJ0904 - Jerry continues his analysis...
BJ0905 -
BJ0906 -    8.  WIKI!
BJ0907 -
BJ0908 -        An alarm bell sounds - - - the barrier of making management
BJ0909 -        skills an infinite resource instead of a scarce resource will
BJ0910 -        need to be resolved.  I fear POIMS will run into the barriers
BJ0911 -        self directed teams did - the elimination of the manager
BJ0912 -        position threatened the very existence of the individual who
BJ0913 -        really needed to initiate the change.  With POIMS, the skills
BJ0914 -        outlined which make a person a good manager will be reduced in
BJ0915 -        importance. Those individuals may NOT be the best as a POIMS
BJ0916 -        trained manager?????????? ref DRT 1 TW3I
BJ0917 -
BJ0919 -  ..
BJ0920 - Concern in this section appears conflicting with User Profile that
BJ0921 - shows opportunity for improving management is limitless, ref SDS 0
BJ0922 - BL7J, and is exceeded only by the desire to avoid improvement,
BJ0923 - ref SDS 0 CR56  This combination obviates any concern that technology
BJ0924 - poses an actual threat to eliminating the need for management.
BJ0926 -  ..
BJ0927 - An example is illustrated by the record on 950705 discussing popular
BJ0928 - views at that time about replacing the role of project manager with a
BJ0929 - team leader under a self-destructing theory of "self-directed" teams.
BJ0930 - ref SDS 10 2165
BJ0932 -  ..
BJ0933 - Later on 970624 a book was published under the title "The End of
BJ0934 - Work," that likewise considered the notion of technology reducing the
BJ0935 - role of management, which overlooks the self-fulfilling prophecy of
BJ0936 - endless rework fixing mistakes. ref SDS 20 Q64K
BJ0938 -  ..
BJ0939 - On 030709 Gary points out that SDS does not eliminate the role
BJ0940 - of the manager nor the skills that are necessary to do it well.  SDS
BJ0941 - and the Com Manager support the manager by enabling consistent use of
BJ0942 - good practices, which are otherwise impossible to perform, as related
BJ0943 - in the record on 921205. ref SDS 5 6013  SDS augments human
BJ0944 - intellect, it doesn't replace it, as discussed previously on 021109.
BJ0945 - ref SDS 83 5Z4P  There is no danger that SDS will minimize the
BJ0946 - contribution of management, quite the contrary -- SDS empowers the
BJ0947 - manager to make decisions based on more complete and accurate
BJ0948 - information. ref SDS 98 AV7S  Later, on 030413 Gary expanded on how
BJ0949 - SDS empowers managers to work intelligently for saving time, money and
BJ0950 - lives. ref SDS 86 0001
BJ0951 -
BJ0952 -
BJ0953 -
BJ0954 -
BJ10 -

Fun Intelligence Effective SDS Context Supports Natural Thinking Mode
Context Fun Effective Adding Intelligence to Management
Fun Gary Not Having Fun Using SDS Converting Information into Knowled
Keyboard without Erognomic Design Functions on Left End Prevents Lear

BN06 -
BN0701 -  ..
BN0702 - Fun Strong Selling Point Exercising Power for Effectance
BN0703 - Executing Powerful Functions while Blindfolded is Lots of Fun
BN0704 -
BN0705 - Jerry continues analysis of POIMS...
BN0706 -
BN0707 -    9.  So, is the tool fun?  Is SDS fun, challenging, and effective in
BN0708 -        delivering the POIMS method? ref DRT 1 TY3O
BN0710 -  ..
BN0711 - The next day on 030709 Gary comments on experience using SDS
BN0712 - at Aerospace company answering Jerry's question by saying....
BN0713 -
BN0714 -        No, the tool is *not* fun.  The fun comes *after* the tool, in
BN0715 -        being able to recall information better, in being able to point
BN0716 -        to the record where your statements are supported, in being
BN0717 -        able to help others align with the record, etc. The tool itself
BN0718 -        isn't fun, but the impact that the tool can have is.
BN0719 -        ref SDS 98 X634
BN0721 -  ..
BN0722 - SDS is lots of "fun" because the power of integrated and complementary
BN0723 - functions is fast and easy balancing left and right hand activity,
BN0724 - discussed in a letter, ref DIP 4 TO9I, and submitted on 001004 to the
BN0725 - OHS/DKR group at SRI. ref SDS 47 GR5L  Balancing left and right brain
BN0726 - activity creates synergy between mental thought and physical action
BN0727 - that satisfies the deep seated desire for harmony and effectance noted
BN0728 - by Landauer reviewed on 950710. ref SDS 11 0738 see also POIMS.
BN0729 - ref OF 3 8559
BN0731 -  ..
BN0732 - Wayne Wetzel offers another view on 010725 reporting experience using
BN0733 - SDS at DNRC for about 10 years. ref SDS 60 XS8I
BN0735 -  ..
BN0736 - Reconciling Gary's experience at Aerospace company with the record at DNRC, PG&E,
BN0737 - USACE and so on over the past 15 years relates to difficulty Gary
BN0738 - reported configuring the keyboard.  In the same way that Microsoft
BN0739 - Word, Outlook, Powerpoint and other IT solutions are not effective for
BN0740 - Com Metrics, because they do no have the functions needed for
BN0741 - converting information into knowledge, which Gary notes above,
BN0742 - ref SDS 0 7N5I, neither does the keyboard Microsoft supports provide
BN0743 - the technology needed for making working "intelligently" fast and
BN0744 - easy.  This leads to a simple rule.....
BN0745 -
BN0746 -       If work is fast, easy and useful, then the work is fun!
BN0747 -
BN0748 - ...under Landauer's rule of "effectance" reviewed on 950710.
BN0749 - ref SDS 11 0738
BN0751 -  ..
BN0752 - On 010924 Morris Jones noted that SDS improves management better than
BN0753 - other methods because of immediate synergy between use and
BN0754 - development. ref SDS 66 NK4J  He further noted that nobody uses other
BN0755 - software the way SDS is used for converting information into knowledge
BN0756 - to save time and money. ref SDS 66 XT5F  A lot of work has been done
BN0757 - over many years to make using SDS fast and easy because if the work is
BN0758 - not fun, then people won't invest time to save time and money.  An
BN0759 - example is work on 000821 to make linking faster and easier by
BN0760 - pressing Enter and double clicking.  At that time, the issue of the
BN0761 - keyboard was reviewed for making the work more fun. ref SDS 46 5184
BN0763 -  ..
BN0764 - Thus, an awkward keyboard encourages minimalist effort saving time and
BN0765 - money, because nobody likes to spend more time than is absolutely
BN0766 - necessary doing things that are awkward and unpleasant, rather than
BN0767 - fun.
BN0769 -  ..
BN0770 - People tend to stick with familiar tools, and view opportunities to
BN0771 - change initially as "overkill."  The stronger the cultural imperative,
BN0772 - the greater the tendency to view improvement as overkill.  One of the
BN0773 - strongest cultural imperatives is that the keyboard that comes with
BN0774 - the computer is optimized, or at least good enough to get by,
BN0775 - otherwise why ship it?  Both assumptions are correct: the standard
BN0776 - keyboard is optimized for information technology and that has been
BN0777 - good enough to get by in the old world order of the 20th century.  NWO
BN0778 - argues that the success of information technology is rapidly creating
BN0779 - a new world order that requires a stronger solution. ref OF 9 TQ4O
BN0780 - This means change; it means improvement through transformation from
BN0781 - information to a culture of knowledge.  On 021108 Bill Gates announced
BN0782 - plans to work on making good management fast and easy using Microsoft
BN0783 - programs by integrating commands. ref SDS 82 EFBE  Results of this
BN0784 - effort will be evident in a few years; note that Steve Balmer earlier
BN0785 - indicated on 010510 that Microsoft hopes to have better tools in about
BN0786 - five (5) years. ref SDS 58 8Y8H
BN0788 -  ..
BN0789 - In the meantime, experience shows that good management is fun because
BN0790 - SDS tools make the exercise of power fast and easy using the right
BN0791 - configuration.  The importance of configuring tools for optimal
BN0792 - ergonomics that fit human physiology is not new to SDS and Knowledge
BN0793 - Management.
BN0795 -  ..
BN0796 - A piano player would not have as much fun if the foot pedals were at
BN0797 - each end of the keyboard rather than placed conveniently in the
BN0798 - middle.  Same problem when function keys are not positioned for
BN0799 - ergonomic application of complementary power.  Without efficient
BN0800 - placement, the power is dissipated, so it's no fun.  Bill Gates
BN0801 - commented on 021108 that burying functions in a labyrinth of menus
BN0802 - results in minimal use of the power, so he is scratching his head for
BN0803 - an answer.  We have a proven answer that costs $200.  I am sure that
BN0804 - the evolution of the piano likewise had some false starts, where
BN0805 - people started off in one direction, changed directions, then over
BN0806 - time eventually settled on a design that maximizes user efficiency.
BN0808 -  ..
BN0809 - Gary later submitted a letter showing new research that supports
BN0810 - experience using SDS with a keyboard designed for the ergonomics of
BN0811 - knowledge rather than information, saying.....
BN0812 -
BN0813 -     Here is an article that agrees with you -- some ammunition.
BN0814 -
BN0815 -,aid,97425,00.asp
BN0817 -  ..
BN0818 - This location has an article published by PC World. Com....
BN0819 -
BN0820 -   Home Office: Treat Your Fingers to a New Keyboard
BN0821 -
BN0822 -   'Penny-wise, pound-foolish' goes for your favorite input device,
BN0823 -   too.
BN0825 -    ..
BN0826 -   Steve Bass
BN0827 -   From the July 2002 issue of PC World magazine
BN0829 -  ..
BN0830 - The article says in part....
BN0831 -
BN0832 -    The keyboards that ship with most PCs are torture to use:
BN0833 -    mushy-to-the-touch feel, tiny Backspace key, narrow spacebar, and
BN0834 -    weirdly placed backslash key (\). (For another look at what's wrong
BN0835 -    with keyboards, see Stephen Manes's May Full Disclosure.
BN0837 -     ..
BN0838 -    Northgate is long gone, but the Northgate keyboard has been
BN0839 -    resurrected by Creative Vision Technologies. The company's $189
BN0840 -    Avant Stellar has the same great feel as the OmniKey, along with
BN0841 -    features that let me get things done fast, starting with two sets
BN0842 -    of function keys--12 across the top and another 12 in a double row
BN0843 -    down the left side. (My feng shui consultant approves, provided the
BN0844 -    keyboard faces east.)
BN0846 -  ..
BN0847 - The article further says....
BN0848 -
BN0849 -    The keys on the side make it a breeze to touch-type Ctrl, Alt, and
BN0850 -    function-key combinations in Windows, Word, and other programs.
BN0851 -    For example, I can do a Shift-F7 spelling check or close an app
BN0852 -    with Alt-F4 while blindfolded.
BN0854 -  ..
BN0855 - This information helps explain why using SDS is lots of fun with the
BN0856 - user interface for executing powerful functions while blindfolded,
BN0857 - while using other technology is no fun, as Gary reports above.
BN0858 - ref SDS 0 1X4I
BN0860 -  ..
BN0861 - Gary later called and got information on how to get the tools that
BN0862 - make executing SDS functions fast and easy while "blindfolded," as
BN0863 - reported by the article.  The record on 011203 shows how to contact
BN0864 - Creative Visions. ref SDS 69 OU46  There is also guidance on how to
BN0865 - map the keyboard to support SDS. ref SDS 69 U48M
BN0866 -
BN0867 -
BN0868 -
BN0869 -
BN0870 -
BN0871 -
BN09 -

30 Second Elevator Pitch POIMS Offers a Lot of Marketing Pitches
Intellectual Bridges Marketing 30 Second Elevator Pitch POIMS Offers
Marketing 30 Second Elevator Pitch POIMS Offers a Lot of Marketing Pi
Nord, Jerry Suggests 30 Second Elevator Pitch POIMS Offers a Lot of M
Sales Pitch 30 Seconds Elevator POIMS Offers a Lot of Marketing Pitch
Elevator Sales Pitch 20 Seconds to Capture Customer

CH08 -
CH0901 -  ..
CH0902 - 20 Second Elevator Pitches Derived from Desire to Work Intelligently
CH0903 -
CH0904 - Jerry continues analysis of POIMS...
CH0905 -
CH0906 -            "This does not argue for less speech, but for more support.
CH0907 -            Sometimes we forget that our heroes in the movies are
CH0908 -            speaking very finely crafted lines that require
CH0909 -            considerable effort and rehearsal to impart the correct
CH0910 -            impression of spontaneity. Similarly, politicians give
CH0911 -            moving, but carefully written, speeches, in order to avoid
CH0912 -            mistakes. POIMS empowers managers to do the same, so when
CH0913 -            they speak, it is both effective and properly directed to
CH0914 -            ensure we go down the right path. "
CH0916 -         ..
CH0917 -   10.  This metaphor may be a key to the 20 second elevator pitch.
CH0918 -        How can POIMS/SDS help create the elevator pitch? ref DRT 1
CH0919 -        PN5N
CH0921 -  ..
CH0922 - "Elevator" sales pitch was introduced in the record on 000423.
CH0923 - ref SDS 38 5096  The "intellectual bridge" conveyed by this pitch to
CH0924 - craft and rehearse to make communication effective is the Boy Scout
CH0925 - motto and military duty to....
CH0926 -
CH0927 -
CH0928 -                           Be Prepared
CH0929 -
CH0930 -
CH0931 - ...for success, reviewed at length on 950327. ref SDS 9 8822
CH0933 -  ..
CH0934 - "Intellectual bridges" provide a number of 20 second elevator pitches
CH0935 - that help people "get it" by associating a new innovation with
CH0936 - something people already know about, listed on 010730. ref SDS 0 Q65I
CH0937 -
CH0938 -       [...below, Jerry identifies an example of a 20 second elevator
CH0939 -       pitch that is supported by analysis of SDS in POIMS. ref SDS 0
CH0940 -       GD4T
CH0942 -  ..
CH0943 - Gary notes in his record on 030709 that experience using SDS
CH0944 - and using SDS work product has proven to be an important ingredient
CH0945 - for understanding value that SDS adds to conventional tools and
CH0946 - traditional management practices. ref SDS 98 AV49  A key point in
CH0947 - Gary's analysis is to separate...
CH0948 -
CH0949 -           a.  Using SDS
CH0950 -
CH0951 - ...from...
CH0953 -                ..
CH0954 -           b.  Using SDS work product
CH0956 -  ..
CH0957 - In other words, while SDS can be difficult to understand for reasons
CH0958 - set out on 890809, ref SDS 2 6162, SDS work product is fast and easy
CH0959 - to understand for many people.  At Aerospace company, Gary is the only person
CH0960 - using SDS, but many, perhaps hundreds and eventually thousands are
CH0961 - getting the work product.
CH0963 -  ..
CH0964 - People fairly readily grasp the value of SDS, shown by the growing
CH0965 - list of people writing and calling to commend work product, reported
CH0966 - on 010907. ref SDS 62 KX3L  While some struggle with the flexible
CH0967 - structure of knowledge, noted by Jack Park on 001130, ref SDS 53 NQ43,
CH0968 - people, who get the chance, discover that using SDS work product to
CH0969 - regularly support daily work saves time and money.  Examples are....
CH0970 -
CH0971 -           a.  Tom Keesling at the US Army
CH0972 -               Corps of Engineers discovered
CH0973 -               that applying SDS work product
CH0974 -               on the job every day turned
CH0975 -               out to be a much different
CH0976 -               level of support than was
CH0977 -               expected based on seeing
CH0978 -               demonstrations and reading
CH0979 -               explanations prior to
CH0980 -               getting experience............. 961101, ref SDS 17 8888
CH0982 -                ..
CH0983 -           b.  Bob Johnston president of
CH0984 -               Dutra discovered that
CH0985 -               using SDS work product shows
CH0986 -               a new way of working that
CH0987 -               is more effective than
CH0988 -               popular methods................ 970107, ref SDS 19 4953
CH0990 -  ..
CH0991 - These examples illustrate how extended, regular experience using SDS
CH0992 - records enables people to discover that knowledge management works
CH0993 - better than information management.  Generally, when people are forced
CH0994 - to use SDS work product, as in a contract setting, discovery occurs
CH0995 - very rapidly within a matter of months.  Often people struggle to have
CH0996 - SDS stopped because the format of knowledge looks funny, foreign and
CH0997 - alien, and there is fear of accountability, epitomized by the Legend
CH0998 - of Prometheus, reported on 991108. ref SDS 31 5368  This resistance
CH0999 - requires strong leadership, illustrated by the record on 960924 where
CH1000 - Tom Keesling's boss helped Tom acquire experience, ref SDS 16 4454,
CH1001 - that later led to Tom's report commending SDS on 970328. ref DRP 2
CH1002 - 0001  When people are merely exposed to SDS work product, and are free
CH1003 - to ignore it, rather than follow the record, then discovery that
CH1004 - knowledge works better than information takes much longer, and may
CH1005 - never occur, because span of attention is overwhelmed by information
CH1006 - technology in meetings, calls, email, Powerpoint, etc.  When people do
CH1007 - not have time to think, which is chronic and pandemic today, reported
CH1008 - on 970910, ref SDS 22 3479, then understanding how to improve thinking
CH1009 - is beyond reach.
CH1011 -  ..
CH1012 - Still, extended exposure under any circumstances, both compelled and
CH1013 - voluntary, is a powerful path to discovery, and so exposure of SDS
CH1014 - work product is a primary objective to market SDS, much more so than
CH1015 - demonstrating SDS itself, at least initially under the common rules...
CH1016 -
CH1017 -           •  Show the product, where emphasis is
CH1018 -              on the work product of "intelligence,"
CH1019 -              discussed on 020920. ref SDS 79 EX9G
CH1021 -               ..
CH1022 -           •  Sell the sizzle, not the steak.
CH1024 -  ..
CH1025 - Using SDS work product, as at DNRC, PG&E, USACE, SRI, Aerospace company, et al,
CH1026 - enables people to improve the work without changing work practices.
CH1027 - Instead of spreading guess and gossip, people are working from a
CH1028 - record of "intelligence" and this has immediate impact, as related on
CH1029 - 011006, ref SDS 68 W56K, when supported by an experienced Com Manager,
CH1030 - Jerry indicates CSG calls this role a "technical advisor," per above.
CH1031 - ref SDS 0 P67I  For example, Tom Keesling at USACE proposed enhancing
CH1032 - the Communications Department. ref DRP 3 4173  Other organizations
CH1033 - likely have similar roles that can be enhanced to enable a 3-layer
CH1034 - architecture developed on 020820. ref SDS 78 0001
CH1036 -  ..
CH1037 - A big challenge is moving people beyond the level of being helped to
CH1038 - actually producing SDS work product to help others, as Gary is
CH1039 - doing at Aerospace company using the eight (8) steps for Com Metrics, as listed
CH1040 - on 001219. ref SDS 55 4W4L  People look at a record like this and feel
CH1041 - they could never produce it, because doing knowledge management with
CH1042 - information technology is a lot of hard work, reported on 000307.
CH1043 - ref SDS 34 4472
CH1045 -  ..
CH1046 - In all of these cases.....
CH1047 -
CH1048 -           •  Helping leadership approve helping people gain experience
CH1049 -              with SDS work product, i.e., selling a Com Metrics
CH1050 -              support contract, illustrated by the record on 960105.
CH1051 -              ref SDS 14 0001
CH1053 -               ..
CH1054 -           •  Helping people transition from information to knowledge
CH1055 -              in the absence of a contract or other compelling force,
CH1056 -              i.e., showing SDS product on the Internet and supporting
CH1057 -              work groups like OHS/DKR, reported on 001017. ref SDS 48
CH1058 -              1575
CH1060 -               ..
CH1061 -           •  Helping people believe they can produce better work
CH1062 -              product with better tools, so they will try.
CH1064 -               ..
CH1065 -              This point speaks to Gary's view that a critical
CH1066 -              part of the customer profile is someone who has given up
CH1067 -              on popular information technology, but has not given up
CH1068 -              on improvement, per above. ref SDS 0 PK4K
CH1070 -  ..
CH1071 - Each of these is a selling job that benefits from Jerry's model for a
CH1072 - 20 second elevator pitch that provides an "intellectual bridge" to
CH1073 - understand benefits of SDS, which people have not experienced, by
CH1074 - relating something similar that people have experienced or at least
CH1075 - heard about, per above. ref SDS 0 Q65I
CH1076 -
CH1077 -
CH1078 -
CH1079 -
CH1080 -
CH11 -

SDS Supports All Information Technology Applications
Application to market
PRO Existing Technology Work Practice
HEAT Existing Technology Work Practice
Implement SDS Integrate Complements Other IT Programs Systems Does No
Deploy SDS Integrate Complements Other IT Programs Systems Does Not R
Integrate SDS Complements IT Does Not Replace Groupware Adds Intellig

CP09 -
CP1001 -  ..
CP1002 - PRO & HEAT Supported by SDS
CP1003 - SDS Supports All Information Technology Applications
CP1004 -
CP1005 - Jerry continues analysis of POIMS...
CP1006 -
CP1007 -   11.  How would I integrate PRO and HEAT into the SDS process?  Can I
CP1008 -        drive SDS with Outlook? ref DRT 1 EO6H
CP1010 -  ..
CP1011 - SDS has proven helpful to support people using any tools they like,
CP1012 - provided someone is building a record like this showing analysis,
CP1013 - history, correlations, implications and nuance of work product
CP1014 - generated by information technology.
CP1015 -
CP1016 -
CP1017 -
CP1018 -
CP11 -

Advertising Requires a Message and Resources for Delivery
Deployment Experience Using SDS Discover Intelligence Saves Time and
Culture Knowledge Deployment Experience Using SDS Discover Intelligen

D805 -
D80601 -  ..
D80602 - Disruptive Technology Breaks Out of Obscurity Skill Resources Luck
D80603 - Visibility Advertising Requires a Message and Resources for Delivery
D80604 -
D80605 - Jerry continues analysis of POIMS...
D80606 -
D80607 -   12.  He feels that making more money helps people accept change, but
D80608 -        he hasn't heard about SDS or Communication Metrics in the Wall
D80609 -        Street Journal, the Harvard Business Review, or any of the
D80610 -        places where he has heard about TQM.   WHY NOT! ref DRT 1 JO6L
D80612 -  ..
D80613 - Getting things in the WSJ and HBR requires credibility and/or money
D80614 - and/or a large footprint in corporate America, which also requires
D80615 - money for developing a base of early adopters.  This is a chicken and
D80616 - egg issue, a sort of innovation loop.  Demonstrating viability at CSG
D80617 - and at Aerospace company helps break out of the loop that typically envelopes
D80618 - disruptive technology, reported on 990527, ref SDS 27 3960, and which
D80619 - limits early growth of sales, also, discussed on 990527. ref SDS 27
D80620 - 074D
D80622 -  ..
D80623 - Gary reports in his record on 030709 that people need
D80624 - experience using SDS on the job in order to grasp enough meaning to
D80625 - pass along the benefits of SDS and Com Metrics. ref SDS 98 026L  Gary
D80626 - supports this idea with reference to difficulty Deming had getting his
D80627 - TQM ideas reviewed by serious thinkers. ref SDS 98 8W50  Consideration
D80628 - might be given to writing about the SDS record as a unique form of
D80629 - organizational memory, which is not hard for people to understand,
D80630 - whereas, understanding the SDS tool and why it alone can produce such
D80631 - a record is harder to understand.  Deming never had a work product
D80632 - that is turned out every day demonstrating the merits of TQM.  SDS
D80633 - records on the Internet demonstrate to many that at a minimum SDS
D80634 - supports better analysis, shown by the people, like Jerry, who have
D80635 - written and called to commend SDS records on the Internet, listed on
D80636 - 010907. ref SDS 62 KX3L
D80638 -  ..
D80639 - One way to increase visibility in WSJ, HBR, etc., is by spreading the
D80640 - word wide as the waters, initially through the Internet, as planned on
D80641 - 000802. ref SDS 45 2501
D80643 -  ..
D80644 - When Jerry, Gary and others write SDS records and send email that gets
D80645 - into SDS records on the Internet, and when these writings are linked
D80646 - back to foundational documents, as shown in this record, and explained
D80647 - above, ref SDS 0 5P93, a culture of knowledge begins to grow that
D80648 - increases the opportunity for others to encounter ideas and
D80649 - capability.  A large and growing presence on the Internet attracts
D80650 - attention of everyone, including journalists, who then aid the cause
D80651 - by writing their own story about transformation from information to a
D80652 - culture of knowledge.  Since SDS records seem to be prominent in
D80653 - search engine operations on the Internet, reported on 030512, this
D80654 - suggests that more SDS records on the Internet creates more
D80655 - advertising for SDS.
D80656 -
D80657 -
D80658 -
D80659 -
D807 -

Internet SDS Records Published Advertising Medium for Generating Reve
Internet Search Engines Provides Powerful Advertising Medium Seem to
Internet SDS Records Published Advertising Medium for Generating Reve
Internet Search Engines Provides Powerful Advertising Medium Seem to
Web Search Engines Provides Powerful Advertising Medium Seem to Give
Web SDS Records Published Advertising Medium for Generating Revenue B

DE08 -
DE0901 -  ..
DE0902 - Advertising Revenue through Platform of SDS Records on Internet
DE0903 -
DE0904 - Follow up ref SDS 90 R64F.
DE0905 -
DE0906 - While getting information on SDS and Com Metrics into prominent
DE0907 - publications for advertising requires a lot of marketing muscle and
DE0908 - savvy, SDS has proven to have an inherent advantage that may do an
DE0909 - even better job of advertising SDS and provide a revenue stream from
DE0910 - sales of advertising.
DE0912 -  ..
DE0913 - Experience shows that SDS record sort at the top of routine search
DE0914 - engine reports, due in part because of SDS records have a lot of
DE0915 - links, like this one.  Since more and more people are shopping these
DE0916 - days online, and doing research to evaluate procurement decisions, an
DE0917 - advertiser might pay for the opportunity to present its case through
DE0918 - an SDS record knowing that this is most likely the first thing a
DE0919 - customer will see when making a purchase decision, as reported
DE0920 - recently on 030530. ref SDS 90 R64F
DE0921 -
DE0922 -
DE0923 -
DE0924 -
DE0925 -
DE0926 -
DE0927 -
DE0928 -
DE10 -

Accountability Sales Advantage for Managing Subordinates
Marketing Sales Pitch Fear Accountability Sales Advantage for Managin
Intellectual Bridges Marketing 30 Second Elevator Pitch POIMS Offers
Fear Accountability Sales Advantage for Managing Subordinates
Accountability Audit Trail Alignment Traceability to Original Souces

DM07 -
DM0801 -  ..
DM0802 - Sales Pitch - Accountability Driving Force of Management
DM0803 - Accountability Helps Manage Subordinates - 20 Second Elevator Pitch
DM0804 -
DM0805 - Jerry continues analysis of POIMS...
DM0806 -
DM0807 -   13.  What if the accountability problem could be shifted downward.
DM0808 -        Convince upper management that subordinates need to be under
DM0809 -        the SDS magnifying glass to increase their (lower totem-pole
DM0810 -        sitters) accountability to upper management.  The tool to use
DM0811 -        for this is POIMS/SDS! ref DRT 1 0P7H
DM0813 -  ..
DM0814 - Jerry complements his analysis above, ref SDS 0 SA8N, noticing POIMS
DM0815 - supports a powerful 20 second elevator sales pitch for overcoming
DM0816 - resistance to saving time and money by turning fear of accountability
DM0817 - into an opportunity to strengthen command and control.  The project at
DM0818 - Aerospace company is suited to Jerry's idea, because the primary deliverable is
DM0819 - to improve command and control under a criteria for CFISR, reported on
DM0820 - 030515. ref SDS 88 NH8Q  Similarly the notion of "accountability" can
DM0821 - be presented with an alternate view of getting "credit" for success
DM0822 - using the process of accountability, as related on 980405. ref SDS 24
DM0823 - 1491  In sum, Jerry supports analysis on 970829 showing that
DM0824 - accountability is core engine of management, productivity and
DM0825 - progress. ref SDS 21 6666
DM0827 -  ..
DM0828 - Generally, the idea of accountability is to align the work with
DM0829 - requirements, commonly called an "audit trail."  For example, a
DM0830 - transcript is taken down in government hearings, such as a trial, city
DM0831 - counsel, in congress and so on.  The record can be checked for
DM0832 - conformance with procedure, laws and commitments.  Government
DM0833 - contracting has a lot of requirements.  Federal law requires a
DM0834 - contracting officers to prepare a record of organizational memory,
DM0835 - which is supported by SDS, as shown by review of the Federal
DM0836 - Acquisition Regulations (FAR), reported on 020504. ref SDS 74 XV7L
DM0837 - Tradition has evolved, however, that since no other method enables
DM0838 - performance of the regulations, the regulations are waived, rather
DM0839 - than creating a mandate to improve the work using SDS. ref SDS 74 NS6F
DM0840 -
DM0841 -     [On 030716 Jerry suggests specific customer for marketing SDS to
DM0842 -     support accountability. ref SDS 99 QO74
DM0844 -  ..
DM0845 - When the light of knowledge illuminates problems of others, SDS is
DM0846 - embraced, until people discover that knowledge cannot be contained,
DM0847 - and so eventually some begin to strive harder to turn out the light
DM0848 - than to use the power of knowledge to improve the work.  It's a
DM0849 - dilemma.  See for example analysis on 961206. ref SDS 18 5002
DM0850 -
DM0851 -
DM0852 -
DM0853 -
DM09 -

Research Funding Available for SDS Needs Polished Presentation Overco
Finance Development Research Funding Available for SDS Needs Polished
Writing Predicate to Getting Things Done Ramses II So Let It Be Writt
Revenue Finance Development Research Funding Available for SDS Needs
Re-tool Skills SDS for Com Metrics Skills to Accomplish Knowledge Man
Development Research Funding Available for SDS Needs Polished Present
Foundation Fund Payment for Generating SDS Records on the Internet to
Research Funding Available for SDS Needs Polished Presentation Overco

DX10 -
DX1101 -  ..
DX1102 - Study What Works SDS Only Target for Research Funding
DX1103 - Diamond in Rough Hard Sell for Funding Looking for Easy Diggings
DX1104 - Research Funds Available for SDS Applied To Methods That Don't Work
DX1105 -
DX1106 - Jerry continues analysis of POIMS...
DX1107 -
DX1108 -   14.  Is there fed grant money available for SDS research and
DX1109 -        implementation?
DX1111 -  ..
DX1112 - On 991221 the National Science Foundation (NSF) reported that a
DX1113 - proposal on SDS, ref OF 14 0001, was not approved for an award of
DX1114 - research funding, because Welch is a "Diamond in the Rough."
DX1115 - ref SDS 33 0001
DX1117 -  ..
DX1118 - There is an unlimited amount of grant funding for SDS provided the
DX1119 - presentation has sufficient polish.  The project at Aerospace company is
DX1120 - essentially a $26B research effort that is in search of support, for
DX1121 - the reasons reported on....
DX1122 -
DX1123 -       SRI reports people at IBM,
DX1124 -       Oracle, Microsoft, et al,
DX1125 -       trying to develop KM have
DX1126 -       failed and need ideas.................. 000324, ref SDS 35 4877
DX1128 -        ..
DX1129 -       IBM failed to develop KM
DX1130 -       after spending $4B because
DX1131 -       understanding how to advance
DX1132 -       from information to knowledge
DX1133 -       is hard................................ 001130, ref SDS 52 F26K
DX1135 -  ..
DX1136 - SDS proposal on Knowledge Management to NSF was rejected on 991213,
DX1137 - ref SDS 32 0001; on 000425 research shows KM is a secret of SDS, and
DX1138 - this secret is difficult for professional researchers to grasp until
DX1139 - they gain experience with SDS. ref SDS 39 0480
DX1141 -  ..
DX1142 - On 030417 draft endorsement for SRI proposes research funding of SDS
DX1143 - to "study what works." ref OF 1 UQ6V
DX1145 -  ..
DX1146 - KM generally has fallen out of favor for research grants, because IBM,
DX1147 - Microsoft, Harvard, CIA and so on have all failed, indicated by the
DX1148 - record on 010426 where Pat Lincoln at SRI reports that DOD research
DX1149 - money awarded by DARPA has lost confidence. ref SDS 57 657O  More
DX1150 - recently, Pat related on 030527 that he has lost confidence in
DX1151 - pursuing grant funding for KM initiatives, even though he believes in
DX1152 - SDS, ref SDS 89 FS6H, because SRI had a bad experience a few years ago
DX1153 - seeking funds for the OHS/DKR effort. see below. ref SDS 0 2Z6F
DX1155 -  ..
DX1156 - Since everyone is discouraged because credible organizations have
DX1157 - failed, there is reluctance to invest time and effort to study what
DX1158 - works.
DX1160 -  ..
DX1161 - On 030417 began considering need for a foundation to finance research
DX1162 - using SDS record which requires someone to create records like this
DX1163 - one. ref OF 1 ZT6M
DX1165 -  ..
DX1166 - Gary explains in his record on 030709 that the project is a
DX1167 - good target for SDS, and he is looking for ways to help management at
DX1168 - Aerospace company and in the US Army, ref SDS 98 X66W, grasp the core deliverable
DX1169 - requires support for organizational memory, and SDS is the only tool
DX1170 - that has figured out how to accomplish this requirement, per
DX1171 - discussion above on CFISR. ref SDS 0 OI5J
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SRI Role Promoting SDS and Com Metrics

DY03 -
DY0401 -  ..
DY0402 - SRI Promoting Knowledge Management Pat Lincoln Interested in SDS
DY0403 -
DY0404 -
DY0405 -   15.  What role does SRI play today?
DY0407 -  ..
DY0408 - Doug Engelbart developed an early form of KM in the 1960s called
DY0409 - Augment NLS, and in connection with working at SRI and managing a
DY0410 - government contract to research ways to use computers more
DY0411 - effectively.  Doug is credited with inventing the mouse, linking and
DY0412 - other foundational capabilities that are in common use today, as
DY0413 - reported on 001114. ref SDS 50 0001
DY0415 -  ..
DY0416 - In the year 2000 Doug invited Welch to participate in a project he was
DY0417 - attempting to launch under the auspices, and with minimal support
DY0418 - from, SRI to develop an open source capability called "OHS/DKR."  The
DY0419 - objective was to use expertise from "open source" software engineers
DY0420 - to develop specifications and perhaps some code that could be promoted
DY0421 - to government research organizations like DARPA, NIH, NSF, NASA, et
DY0422 - al, for an award of a grant to finance an actual project, illustrated
DY0423 - by the record on 000324. ref SDS 35 0001  As noted in that record, the
DY0424 - SRI people at least knew that nobody knew how to accomplish the
DY0425 - project. ref SDS 35 4877  There was an implicit belief that Doug's
DY0426 - work in the 1960s provided a recipe, which could guide the OHS/DKR
DY0427 - effort, along with Doug's extensive writings based on his work in the
DY0428 - 1960s at SRI, and follow on work at McDonald Douglas in the 1970s.
DY0429 - Belief that Doug had a design for KM was reported during a meeting at
DY0430 - SRI on 000330. ref SDS 36 0713  After many trips to Washington DC,
DY0431 - Doug and Pat Lincoln announced on 001017 that NIH had agreed to fund
DY0432 - their project. ref SDS 48 0001  On 001025 Doug submitted a "Launch
DY0433 - Plan" for OHS/DKR expecting to get funded. ref SDS 49 G3W8  Earlier on
DY0434 - 000615 the group meeting at SRI acknowledged after several months of
DY0435 - work that they did not have enough knowledge to build a KM system.
DY0436 - ref SDS 42 6271
DY0438 -  ..
DY0439 - This effort ultimately failed, because KM appears to be a secret of
DY0440 - SDS.  Doug, SRI nor any of the open source participants were able to
DY0441 - invest time for learning SDS, as related on 001126. ref SDS 51 4E3X
DY0443 -  ..
DY0444 - During this period, and in particular on 000725 Pat Lincoln, who is
DY0445 - the director of computer science at SRI, expressed interest in SDS.
DY0446 - ref SDS 44 0001
DY0448 -  ..
DY0449 - Recently, on 030527 Pat explained disappointment that a $30M grant
DY0450 - from NIH was withdrawn because of hope by senior people at NIH that
DY0451 - Microsoft programs like Outlook, Word and so forth can or will one day
DY0452 - support KM. ref SDS 89 XD90
DY0454 -  ..
DY0455 - This experience has resulted in Pat expressing elevated interest in
DY0456 - SDS.  We have following current initiatives....
DY0457 -
DY0458 -          a.  SRI endorse SDS with something along the lines of a draft
DY0459 -              dated 030417. ref OF 1 0001
DY0461 -               ..
DY0462 -          b.  Pat start using SDS as the "scribe" for the CEO, per
DY0463 -              planning on 030527. ref SDS 89 QE9O
DY0465 -               ..
DY0466 -          c.  SRI promote SDS for grant funding, including the project
DY0467 -              at Aerospace company where Gary is applying SDS under the
DY0468 -              "radar" at the present time.
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