440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 23, 1998 06:59 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Tom Keesling called on Com Metrics report to HQ.

2...Implementation Planning

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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers                                                                                                                                       O-00000632 0202
020101 - San Francisco District                                                                                                                                           O-00000632 0202
020102 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief                                                                                                             O-00000632 0202
020103 - Construction Operations Division                                                                                                                                 O-00000632 0202

COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
Wider Use Communication Metrics
Experience, Need Broader Base
SAD Tests New Methods
HQ Support Local Command Review
Environmental Management
Memory Conflicts on Prior Meetings
USACE Tom Keesling SDS Improves Meetings Everybody Talking About a Do
Accuracy Align Links Audit Trail Organizational Memory from Meetings
Remember Only Gist of Information People Feel Confused Fear What Has
Communication Biggest Risk Enterprise Listening Understanding Follow
What's a Metric
Accuracy Alignment Links Communication Biggest Risk in Enterprise Cou
Meetings Unproductive People Point Their Finger in Blame and Accusati
Meetings Not Productive 70% Day Wasted Not Enough Time to Prepare for
Point Fingers Accountability Attitude Job Security Safety Attitude Wr
Meeting Record Conflict with Memory Anger Refuse Feedback Refine Accu
Content Meetings Primary Management Task Most Time in Meetings, SDS H

3321 -
3321 -    ..
3322 - Summary/Objective
3323 -
332301 - Follow up ref SDS 39 0000, ref SDS 38 0000.
332302 -
332303 - Received Tom's initial draft commenting on CEMP's first draft MFR
332304 - report. ref SDS 0 3600  Called and disucssed ideas for Tom to
332305 - consider; submitted proposed edits to Tom's comments on the MFR.
332307 -  ..
332308 - Received Tom's submission to CEMP with comments on CEMP's first draft
332309 - report. ref SDS 0 5486
332310 -
332311 -     [On 981224 submitted comments to Bob at HQ USACE, and a proposed
332312 -     alternate draft MFR. ref SDS 40 0000
332313 -
332314 -     [On 990507 Jim Lovo in HQUSACE recommended consideration of Com
332315 -     Metrics for improving partnering using common administration.
332316 -     ref SDS 43 4956
332317 -
332318 -
332319 -
332321 -  ..
3324 -
3325 -
3326 - Progress
3327 -
332701 - Implementation Planning
332702 -
332703 - Follow up ref SDS 39 3024, ref SDS 38 3039.
332704 -
332705 - Tom called this morning and said he is sending a draft of comments on
332706 - a memo he is preparing to Bob Gordon's draft MFR. ref DRP 10 6272  He
332707 - wants some ideas for his memo.
332709 -  ..
332710 - Later received Tom's draft and sent some suggestions...
332711 -
332712 -    1.  Para 1, change "you MFR" to "your MFR."  Consider suggesting
332713 -        that Corps-wide use is not the current objective, ref DRP 10
332714 -        8108, but rather that a follow up study is needed on the scope
332715 -        of services for Communication Metrics, ref DRP 1 4929, and
332716 -        point out that HQ's initial draft MFR saying that CEMP did not
332717 -        submit cost analysis, ref DRP 10 0180, is incorrect.
332718 -        ref DRT 1 0001
332720 -         ..
332721 -    2.  Tom's draft explains the importance of links and organization
332722 -        that adds value to management. ref DRT 1 7371  He might further
332723 -        explain in para 2, CEMP's initial draft does not reflect
332724 -        favorable results using Communication Metrics in the District,
332725 -        ref DRT 1 7371, reported in analysis of cost savings submitted
332726 -        to HQUSACE on 971007, as reported on 971008. ref SDS 22 2979
332727 -        This was recently supported on 981027 by documented cost
332728 -        savings of at least $190K. ref SDS 26 7315
332729 -
332730 -            [On 990916 documented savings were cited by Admiral Cobb to
332731 -            justify Navy procurement processes. ref SDS 44 1596]
332733 -         ..
332734 -    3.  The third para commenting on Bob Gordon's draft MFR saying
332735 -        communication problems can be solved without SDS by using more
332736 -        diligence and hiring more people, ref DRT 1 M85G, might cite
332737 -        the study by US AFIT that reported all projects degrade to
332738 -        entropy using common information systems and more people,
332739 -        reviewed on 970707. ref SDS 21 0108   People get frustrated,
332740 -        mad, and then give up trying to improve communication, as noted
332741 -        by Peter Drucker, reviewed on 931130, ref SDS 6 3851, because
332742 -        everybody remembers things differently when nobody can find
332743 -        information in time to conduct an effective meeting.  Everybody
332744 -        is talking and nobody is listening, on 890809, ref SDS 1 CJ9J
332745 -        On 971017 people get mad about feedback notice to create an
332746 -        accurate record, ref SDS 13 5832, but get even angrier when
332747 -        inaccurate communication causes mistakes, ref SDS 13 144F,
332748 -        reflecting earlier analysis on 920128 at DNRC. ref SDS 4 EZ9M
332749 -        In other words getting mad in meetings is the smallest price
332750 -        people pay when relying on common sense to fill in the gaps of
332751 -        inaccurate memory, reported on 900303. ref SDS 2 4456  Com
332752 -        Metrics provides command and control of the record, as
332753 -        explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 1113  When mistakes occur rework
332754 -        causes delay and costs to increase, explained in the District's
332755 -        report on 971007. ref DRP 2 4172
332756 -
332757 -            [On 981224 draft memo to Bob submitted by Welch cites Tom's
332758 -            scenario that illustrates advantage of Com Metrics.
332759 -            ref SDS 40 JG5M
332761 -             ..
332762 -            [On 001130 people want to improve communication using IT
332763 -            and more diligence instead of SDS. ref SDS 45 QW8I
332765 -             ..
332766 -            [On 010916 Eric Armstrong reported SDS enables amazing
332767 -            memory with mechanisms that obviously work. ref SDS 46 0001
332769 -             ..
332770 -            [On 011003 Eric Armstrong reports that productivity is
332771 -            paralyzed using conventional IT methods that everybody
332772 -            likes, because nobody can find anything using these
332773 -            methods. ref SDS 47 EC5N
332775 -             ..
332776 -            [On 020217 reviewed Roy Roebuck's explanation of how SDS
332777 -            improves meetings at DOD, is very similar to Tom Keesling's
332778 -            example scenario today. ref SDS 48 9360
332780 -         ..
332781 -        Anger people experience was reported by Morris on 970123
332782 -        explaining confrontation methods being tried at Intel.
332783 -        ref SDS 17 1111
332784 -
332785 -            [On 020820 people get mad, links align communication to
332786 -            ensure accurate understanding, psychologically demanding.
332787 -            ref SDS 49 V66I
332789 -         ..
332790 -        This aligns with the report on 960205 that meetings waste 70%
332791 -        of the day. ref SDS 8 5222
332793 -         ..
332794 -        An example is the record on 970403. ref SDS 19 0000
332796 -         ..
332797 -        Explain HQ should rely on experience from lessons learned
332798 -        reported to HQ by the District rather than deficiencies in the
332799 -        vendor's explanation on the Web, ref DRT 1 EJ7I, as shown in
332800 -        the draft MFR. ref DRP 10 4M4F  Tom's report on 961101
332801 -        indicates that actual experience using Com Metrics is a better
332802 -        way to understand advantages, that examining sales materials on
332803 -        the web. ref SDS 14 8888  The District report on 970328
332804 -        explained Com Metrics supports lessons learned. ref DRP 1 3156
332806 -         ..
332807 -    4.  The 4th para might include LN and Microsoft Office which the
332808 -        District has adopted, along with CEFMS, RMS and PROMIS, and
332809 -        then clarify what SDS does to accomplish Com Metrics, that the
332810 -        other information systems do not support. ref DRT 1 MT84
332812 -         ..
332813 -        Explain objections to Com Metrics by contractors.  Give an
332814 -        example where Max had to give Tom a direct order on 960924 to
332815 -        use Com Metrics. ref SDS 10 NQ3O  Cite need for experience to
332816 -        discover advantate of Com Metrics based on contractor who
332817 -        objected to Com Metrics came to accept this new way of working,
332818 -        reported on 970107. ref SDS 16 4953
332820 -         ..
332821 -    5.  Para 5 might add mention of that review and feedback loops
332822 -        improve memory. ref DRT 1 HT6G
332824 -         ..
332825 -    6.  Para 6 could underscore that other systems DOD has adopted have
332826 -        not been justified by analysis of cost savings, examples are
332827 -        Project Management, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, but there
332828 -        are documented savings for SDS and Com Metrics, which support
332829 -        the opinion among top people in the District, shown by the
332830 -        initial report to the Contarcting Officer, ref DRP 1 1279, that
332831 -        this method saves time and money. ref DRT 1 PQPW
332832 -
332833 -            [On 990103 Moonja Kim advised that LN requires submission
332834 -            of content to a Lotus Notes specialist programmer to create
332835 -            web pages. ref SDS 41 3724]
332837 -             ..
332838 -            [On 020217 reviewed Roy Roebuck's explanation of how SDS
332839 -            improves management at DOD by improving productivity of
332840 -            meetings through better organization and access to needed
332841 -            information. ref SDS 48 IT6N
332842 -
332843 -
332845 -  ..
3329 -
3330 -
3331 - 1547
3332 -
333201 - Tom called and said he got a call from Gordon who wanted his comments
333202 - immediately, so he did not have time to incorporate much of draft I
333203 - sent him, per above. ref SDS 0 YOTT  Tom advised that he went ahead
333204 - and sumbitted his original comments, ref DRT 2 0001, but added a para
333205 - to summarize the point that Gordon's draft MFR presents an incomplete
333206 - picture of experience using Com Metrics.  Tom expects these ideas can
333207 - be added down the road, when we get another bite of the apple.
333208 - ref DRT 2 1925
333209 -
333211 -  ..
3333 -
3334 -
3335 - 1623
3336 -
333601 - Received Tom's comments submitted to CEMP-EC, ref DRT 2 0000.
333602 -
333603 - Tom added a para saying...
333604 -
333605 -    My sense of your memo is that you do not fully appreciate the
333606 -    experience in the District and this can only be achieved through
333607 -    actual application. ref DRT 2 1925
333609 -      ..
333610 -     [On 990105 Jim Lovo plans to submit Tom's comments in a
333611 -     recommendation to HQ for further study. ref SDS 42 0000
333612 -
333613 -
333614 -
333615 -
333616 -
333617 -
333618 -
333619 -
333620 -
333621 -
333622 -
3337 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"