440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 27, 2004 01:47 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Gary called to collaborate on responding to Jack's request about SDS.
2...Jack Replies to Report on Using SDS by Asking for Report on Using SDS
3...Scope of Jack's Request for Gary to Report to SRI Changed to Rod
4...CALO Attempting to Support SDS Capabilities with Greater Automation
5...Experience Using SDS Requested from Gary by Jack
6...Jack Replies to Report on Using SDS by Asking for Report on Using SDS
7...Pain Emotional Suffering Created by SDS Denial of Use
8...SDS Denial of Use Creates Emotional Pain and Suffering
9...Additional Staff Cannot Replace SDS for Getting Things Done
10...SDS Organizational Memory Cannot Be Produced by Additional Staff
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SDS Present Story Gary Performing Com Metrics at Aerospace company Pres t
SRI Presentation for Jack's Project CALO SDS Professional Even t Stor
1704 -
1704 - ..
1705 - Summary/Objective
1706 -
170601 - Follow up ref SDS 45 0000, ref SDS 44 0000.
170602 -
170603 - Reviewed Gary's response to Jack Park's letter on 040221 asking about
170604 - Gary preparing slides and making a presentation on the paradigm of Com
170605 - Metrics. ref SDS 42 P18N
170606 -
170607 -
170608 -
170610 - ..
1707 -
1708 -
1709 - 1642
1710 -
171001 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 copy of a letter from Gary to Jack Park at
171002 - SRI, and responding to Jack's letter, ref DRP 2 0001, received on
171003 - 040221. ref SDS 42 P18N Gary's objectives, planning and some of the
171004 - reasoning that guided content of his response letter to SRI are in his
171005 - record on 040227. ref SDS 46 OX8I
171007 - ..
171008 - Gary referred Jack to the record on 040102, ref SDS 37 0001, for
171009 - background on using SDS at the Aerospace company so far. ref DRT 1
171010 - RG7F
171012 - ..
171013 - Gary further advised Jack that SDS is no longer being used at
171014 - Aerospace company. ref DRT 1 8Z6I
171016 - ..
171017 - May not be enough time for a presentation on SDS by Aerospace company
171018 - at SRI. ref DRT 1 NE3J
171020 - ..
171021 - Gary explains that experience using SDS the past year at Aerospace
171022 - company is set out in the annual review on 040102. ref DRT 1 1Y8J
171023 - This addresses in part the letter to Gary on 040211, ref SDS 41 SJ5L,
171024 - asking for an independent evaluation and for feedback on the annual
171025 - report in the record on 040102. ref SDS 37 0001
171026 -
171027 - [On 040301 Gary submitted another letter to SRI saying 5 times
171028 - that SDS puts a lot power in the hands of the user that is not
171029 - available from other tools. ref SDS 47 JJ9O
171031 - ..
171032 - [On 040315 Jack was disappointed that his email address at SRI
171033 - was published on the Internet in a letter commending his work in
171034 - Knowledge Management as a source for an MBA student seeking
171035 - assistance on a thesis paper, ref SDS 49 0001, and as a result
171036 - Jack discontinued communication on SDS. ref SDS 49 GT7R
171038 - ..
171039 - Initial planning for the letter is reported on 040224. ref SDS 44 IF4Y
171041 - ..
171042 - Background for responding to Jack's letter is on 040221. ref SDS 42
171043 - RZ4O
171044 -
171045 -
171046 -
171047 -
171049 - ..
1711 -
1712 -
1713 - 1624
1714 -
171401 - Jack Replies to Report on Using SDS by Asking for Report on Using SDS
171402 -
171403 - Gary submitted a copy of ref DRT 3 0001 which is a letter from Jack
171404 - Park responding to Gary's letter, ref DRT 1 0001, per above.
171405 - ref SDS 0 QZ7F
171407 - ..
171408 - The speed of this response indicates spontaneous reaction with minimal
171409 - analysis suggesting that Jack did not invest much time to study Gary's
171410 - letter, ref DRT 1 0001, illustrating the problem of bad management
171411 - that SDS is designed to redress by supporting Com Metrics, as
171412 - discussed in POIMS. ref OF 3 YZ4I
171414 - ..
171415 - Jack sent copies of his letter to...
171416 -
171417 - 1.;
171418 - 2. Jerry_Nord
171419 - 3. Morris Jones
171420 - 4. Paul Lowe
171421 - 5. Adam Cheyer
171422 -
171423 - shown in the Copy to field. ref DRT 3 00W3 There was not a copy
171424 - to Rod, further indicating Jack did not review Gary's letter carefully
171425 - enough to recognize the express request to copy Rod. ref DRT 1 01WT
171426 -
171427 - [On 040315 Jack was disappointed that his email address at SRI was
171428 - published on the Internet in a letter commending his work in
171429 - Knowledge Management as a source for an MBA student seeking
171430 - assistance on a thesis paper, ref SDS 49 0001, and as a result
171431 - Jack discontinued communication on SDS. ref SDS 49 GT7R
171432 -
171434 - ..
171435 - Scope of Jack's Request for Gary to Report to SRI Changed to Rod
171436 -
171437 - Jack says....
171438 -
171439 - 1. Somehow, I think my post to Rod got blown out of proportion. I
171440 - believe that I said I would like to see how your records were
171441 - shaping up as a means to evaluate the work of someone besides
171442 - Rod. I also mentioned, as I recall (not using SDS, I'm somewhat
171443 - captive to a failing memory), I thought it would be nifty if
171444 - Rod could come here and demo his work, showing how records are
171445 - created and the value they bring to the user. ref DRT 3 0001
171447 - ..
171448 - 2. I also framed my suggestion with the caveat that his work not
171449 - be cached in some variant of a salesman's talk; rather, my
171450 - thoughts were that his work is of sufficient merit that some of
171451 - the scientists in my group may appreciate being exposed to the
171452 - dimensions Rod applies to event analysis. ref DRT 3 RJ6H
171454 - ..
171455 - Though not terribly important in the scheme of things, the charge that
171456 - Jack's letter asking for a presentation was "blown out of proportion"
171457 - is not clear in the record. On 040221 a presentation was proposed,
171458 - and on 040227 ideas to repond were submitted.
171459 -
171460 - [On 040301 Gary wrote to Jack apologizing for misunderstanding;
171461 - does not state what understanding was incorrect. ref SDS 47
171462 - 8X6M
171464 - ..
171465 - [On 040315 Jack was disappointed that his email address at SRI
171466 - was published on the Internet in a letter commending his work
171467 - in Knowledge Management as a source for an MBA student seeking
171468 - assistance on a thesis paper, ref SDS 49 0001, and as a result
171469 - Jack discontinued communication on SDS. ref SDS 49 GT7R
171471 - ..
171472 - "Analysis" mentioned in Jack's letter today is one of five (5)
171473 - elements of "intelligence" that SDS adds to convert information into
171474 - knowledge. see POIMS. ref OF 3 0367
171476 - ..
171477 - Understanding purpose and scope of "analysis in SDS is also explained
171478 - in POIMS. ref OF 5 2300 Jack's letter on 000504 recommended that
171479 - people ponder POIMS to understand SDS. ref SDS 13 6082 That is still
171480 - a good recommendation, as a predicate to a demonstration.
171482 - ..
171483 - Communication Metrics uses "intelligence" to discover, verify and
171484 - maintain accurate understanding that strives to avoid the problem of
171485 - poor memory Jack mentions. The basic methodology was discussed with
171486 - Morris on 950204, and cited the importance of accurate listening.
171487 - ref SDS 3 8A9F The metric of communication is accuracy is measured
171488 - by weighing evidence. Textual evidence can weighed similar to direct
171489 - testimony by comparing what is said.
171491 - ..
171492 - Jack's letter on 040221 stated...
171493 -
171494 - would be useful for someone like Gary (but not you*) to
171495 - craft a "story" on what he is learning by the method. That
171496 - story belongs on the web some place where I and others could
171497 - *blog* it. ref SDS 42 RZ4O
171499 - ..
171500 - This sounds like a request for a "story," often called a report, or a
171501 - paper, that reviews lessons learned from experience using SDS on the
171502 - job at Aerospace company. There is nothing there on Rod demonstrating anything,
171503 - as Jack says was intended today. ref SDS 0 LK7X
171505 - ..
171506 - Jack's letter on 040221 also says...
171507 -
171508 - ...Gary could tell the story in terms that reference, but not
171509 - deify the paradigm. I would try to secure an invite for you to
171510 - come in and present the paradigm to SRI if it were possible for
171511 - you to craft slides that don't deify anything, just present the
171512 - technology and illustrate it in action. ref SDS 42 W54O
171514 - ..
171515 - This sounds like someone asking Gary to tell a story, crafting slides
171516 - and presenting the paradigm of Com Metrics that illustrate SDS in
171517 - action, reflecting the paradigm that the inventor is not the best
171518 - source for presenting the invention, noted by Plato in the Phaedrus,
171519 - reviewed on 991209. ref SDS 9 VW5I Gary's letter in turn, seems to
171520 - respond to this requirement. ref DRT 1 0001
171522 - ..
171523 - Jack is correct that people can forget what they had in mind when
171524 - memory fails. ref SDS 0 LK7X This happens when command and control of
171525 - the work fails, explained in POIMS, ref OF 7 1113, which then causes
171526 - meaning drift leading to false knowledge due to limited span of
171527 - attention. see again POIMS, ref OF 4 8774 The study by the US Air
171528 - Force Institute of Technology (USAFIT) found that without command and
171529 - control information technology overwhelms limited span of attention
171530 - causing projects to fail, reported on 970707. ref SDS 6 0108 Span of
171531 - attention was first quantified by professor George Miller at Harvard,
171532 - reviewed on 990303. ref SDS 7 6120
171534 - ..
171535 - Forgetting what was in a letter written a few days earlier, as Jack
171536 - reports today, ref SDS 0 LK7X, illustrates all of these factors in
171537 - action, i.e., command and control fails using information technology,
171538 - causing information overload that changes the meaning of what was
171539 - said.
171541 - ..
171542 - Morris mentioned recently on 031008 that SDS support for command and
171543 - control that enables accurate memory in turn enables better
171544 - productivity for knowledge work like management, engineering, etc.,
171545 - than does relying on remembering only the gist of the story, which
171546 - means most of the story was remembered incorrectly, another way of
171547 - saying "memory failed." ref SDS 36 KR6X Below, Gary concurs,
171548 - reporting a lot of pain being forced to work with tools that cause
171549 - people to forget. ref SDS 0 RH6K
171551 - ..
171552 - Apart from failing memory, changing the scope of an initiative, in
171553 - this case, from a presentation with slides and paradigms to watching
171554 - someone push buttons and click a mouse to produce SDS records, as a
171555 - result of further considerations is perfectly reasonable, especially,
171556 - since the timing is early enough to avoid incurring unnecessary
171557 - expense for preparations.
171559 - ..
171560 - A live demonstration, properly prepared following Jack's advice on
171561 - 000504, ref SDS 0 3446, and properly followed up, following Gary's
171562 - reputation for being famous at Aerospace company on 040203, ref SDS 40 NB6G,
171563 - could be useful. Examples include...
171564 -
171565 - Mike Poremba..................... 020522, ref SDS 28 0001
171566 - Pat Lincoln...................... 010517, ref SDS 24 KQ3G
171567 - Henry van Eykan.................. 001105, ref SDS 18 IP7F
171568 - Cliff Joslyn..................... 000723, ref SDS 15 1444
171569 - Dick Karpinski................... 000218, ref SDS 10 0001
171570 - Max Blodgett..................... 960105, ref SDS 5 3999
171571 - IBM.............................. 941114, ref SDS 2 0001
171572 - Justice Stanley Mosk............. 911130, ref SDS 1 0001
171574 - ..
171575 - Jack offers an inciteful construction proposing to hear about the
171576 - value that SDS records bring to a user. ref SDS 0 LK7X, because the
171577 - line of inquiry reflects the POIMS concept of investing intellectual
171578 - capital, ref OF 5 1101, and synergy from the power of conservation to
171579 - recyclye knowledge and ideas. ref OF 6 G15N
171581 - ..
171582 - Benefits of SDS records to users is summarized by the....
171583 -
171584 -
171585 - Gift of time
171586 -
171587 - ...and the...
171589 - ..
171590 - Power of knowledge
171591 -
171592 -
171593 - ....explained in POIMS, ref OF 4 0793, illustrated by a record like
171594 - this that would take several days to prepare using conventional
171595 - technology. Morris Jones pointed out that SDS is a "utopia" compared
171596 - to using information technology, because everything is in the right
171597 - place at the right time, reported on 010425. ref SDS 23 EP7F On
171598 - 950204 SDS provides a lot of firepower to improve common literacy.
171599 - ref SDS 3 4995
171601 - ..
171602 - [...below, Gary illustrates benefits derived by describing pain
171603 - experienced when the gift of time and the power of knowledge are
171604 - withdrawn. ref SDS 0 RH6K
171606 - ..
171607 - [On 040301 analysis of Gary's letter to SRI saying 5 times that
171608 - SDS puts a lot power in the hands of the user that is not
171609 - available from other tools. ref SDS 47 JJ9O
171611 - ..
171612 - As planned on 040221, Gary's experience provides strong qualifications
171613 - to explain his journey of discovering how SDS empowers people with the
171614 - power of knowledge, ref SDS 42 RR8L, and would ensure an appropriate
171615 - level of professional craftsmanship that would be acceptable to
171616 - scientists and others Jack wants to reach, while also meeting
171617 - requirement to not cross the line into salesmanship. ref SDS 0 LK7X
171619 - ..
171620 - The annual report on 040102 shows Gary is ahead of schedule learning
171621 - SDS and developing skills for Com Metrics. ref SDS 37 PT5K
171623 - ..
171624 - Advantages of Gary demonstrating SDS include...
171625 -
171626 - 1. Encourages expedited learning curve for Gary planned on
171627 - 040102. ref SDS 37 H55F
171629 - ..
171630 - 2. Provides professional presentation without excessive
171631 - selling and chest thumping that people impute to inventors,
171632 - and which is upsetting to a sophisticated audience of
171633 - talented engineers and scientists, noted by Jack in a
171634 - letter on 040221. ref SDS 42 W54O
171636 - ..
171637 - 3. Develops visibility and synergy between SRI and Aerospace company on
171638 - collaborating to understand and justify investing time on a
171639 - way of working intelligently using SDS for Com Metrics.
171641 - ..
171642 - Collaboration, planned on 040221 will empower Aerospace company and
171643 - SRI to ponder POIMS, ref SDS 42 PB3K, which Jack proposed
171644 - on 000504, ref SDS 13 6082, in order to address issues of
171645 - approval.
171647 - ..
171648 - Visibility, synergy and collaboration on learning about SDS
171649 - could facilitate making SDS operational at Aerospace company, which is
171650 - the critical ingredient for transformation, reported on
171651 - 040102. ref SDS 37 393U
171652 -
171653 -
171654 -
1717 -
CALO Enhance SDS Capabilities with Greater Automation
2103 -
210401 - ..
210402 - CALO Attempting to Support SDS Capabilities with Greater Automation
210403 -
210404 - Jack continues...
210405 -
210406 - 3. It's pretty amazing that the CALO project here turns out to
210407 - look like a wrapper for Outlook. It's true, we did put an
210408 - instrumentation wrapper on Outlook to see how people use it,
210409 - but the project I am working on is much closer to an
210410 - amanuensis, one that learns by observing; perhaps an automated
210411 - SDS, maybe not. ref DRT 3 RR6N
210413 - ..
210414 - Jack discussed an "automated" SDS in prior letters, a few examples
210415 - include...
210416 -
210417 - Likes SDS design chronology
210418 - connected to context; but feels
210419 - discomfort with some SDS
210420 - records; want power to edit...... 00405, ref SDS 11 BP63
210421 - Requests colloquium team to
210422 - report on 5 aspects of SDS for
210423 - KM support....................... 000405, ref SDS 11 2928
210424 - SDS work product demonstrates
210425 - proof of concept for KM.......... 000426, ref SDS 12 3315
210426 - Engine for ontology.............. 000623, ref SDS 14 2915
210427 - Construct representations........ 001025, ref SDS 17 IK5F
210428 - MindSet organizes thoughts....... 001121, ref SDS 19 4G8G
210429 - SDS has structure for knowledge
210430 - and user interface that turns
210431 - structure for KM into usful
210432 - tools for people................. 001130, ref SDS 21 NQ43
210433 - Navigate ontology and create
210434 - knowledge structures............. 001130, ref SDS 21 CC7K
210435 - Engine to mine threads........... 010223, ref SDS 22 3RKS
210436 - Giving up on SDS................. 040315, ref SDS 49 0001
210437 - Anyone can create SDS............ 040315, ref SDS 49 N177
210438 - Visited at Stanford.............. 060129, ref SDS 58 U171
210439 - Jack asks about SDS
210440 - at Boeing........................ 060131, ref SDS 59 4Q5T
210442 - ..
210443 - Given the complexity of the task, noted in POIMS, ref OF 3 525M, and
210444 - noted by Steven Pinker in his book "How the Mind Works," reviewed on
210445 - 990329, ref SDS 8 GP2S, consideration will be required to find a
210446 - level of detail that is achievable, and which strengthens mental
210447 - acumen, including memory, much like an automobile leverages human
210448 - strength, rather than cause atrophy.
210450 - ..
210451 - Jack continues...
210452 -
210453 - 4. Nothing formal has been initiated here in regards to a talk
210454 - about SDS; rather it has been closer to a "what if" door I
210455 - opened with Rod. I am very sorry to hear about his health
210456 - situations; perhaps I'll give him a call. ref DRT 3 NR7K
210457 -
210458 - [On 040315 Jack was disappointed that his email address at
210459 - SRI was published on the Internet in a letter commending his
210460 - work in Knowledge Management as a source for an MBA student
210461 - seeking assistance on a thesis paper, ref SDS 49 0001, and
210462 - as a result Jack discontinued communication on SDS.
210463 - ref SDS 49 GT7R
210464 -
210466 - ..
210467 - Experience Using SDS Requested from Gary by Jack
210468 - Jack Replies to Report on Using SDS by Asking for Report on Using SDS
210469 -
210470 -
210471 - 5. Perhaps, some day, you will fill me in on your experiences with
210472 - SDS. ref DRT 3 2S8G
210474 - ..
210475 - Gary's letter this morning says that experience using SDS at Aerospace
210476 - company is shown in the record on 040102. ref DRT 1 1Y8J A long list
210477 - of lessons learned were derived from that experience, which illustrate
210478 - the technology in action. ref SDS 38 PX5H
210480 - ..
210481 - Gary's experience learning and using SDS is reported in the record on
210482 - 040102. ref SDS 37 526L, which further cites Gary's records on 031008,
210483 - ref SDS 36 N94S, and earlier on 030413. ref SDS 34 0001 The
210484 - attractive force of SDS, once people learn enough to get benefits is
210485 - shown by Gary's comments later today, shown below. ref SDS 0 RH6K and
210486 - ref SDS 0 N13H Productivity advantages are, also, presented in Gary's
210487 - comments. ref SDS 0 RH77
210489 - ..
210490 - Jack should ask what additionally he wants to know in relation to
210491 - what has been submitted.
210492 -
210493 - [On 040301 Gary wrote another letter on this.
210494 - ref SDS 47 8X6M
210495 -
210496 - [On 040315 Jack was disappointed that his email address
210497 - at SRI was published on the Internet in a letter
210498 - commending his work in Knowledge Management as a source
210499 - for an MBA student seeking assistance on a thesis paper,
210500 - ref SDS 49 0001, and as a result Jack discontinued
210501 - communication on SDS. ref SDS 49 GT7R
210503 - ..
210504 - Jack concludes...
210505 -
210506 - 6. Thanks.
210507 - Jack
210508 -
210509 -
210510 -
210511 -
210512 -
251043 -
251044 -
251045 -
251046 -
2511 -
Pain Emotional Created by SDS Denial of Use
Empower Consistent Good Management Fast and Easy
Facilitate Meetings Be Prepared Writing Record Organizational Memory
Productivity Meetings Calls Email Management Stream-of-concsious Com
Difficult to Calculate Cost Savings Good Management
Repository of Experience, Knowledge History Organizational Memory
Productivity Improved by SDS Because Metrics Encourages Timely Actio
Enterprise Workflow Integrate Cost/Schedule/Communications, Design
Little Intelligence Leverages Listening Shared Meaning Increases Pro
Cultural Change in Right Direction Add Value Rather than Downsize
Time Organizes Information Complexity Context Faster Better Cheaper
Intelligence Fun Making Connections Spreadsheet for Knowledge Video
Care About Intelligence National Security Survival Performance Excee
Communication Listening Understanding Follow Up Critical to Producti
4516 -
4517 - 1813
451801 - ..
451802 - Pain Emotional Suffering Created by SDS Denial of Use
451803 - SDS Denial of Use Creates Emotional Pain and Suffering
451804 -
451805 - Gary called.
451807 - ..
451808 - Gary was upset using strong, candid language. He pointedly complained
451809 - about feeling "pain" doing a lot of hard work trying to produce a
451810 - useful record of organzational memory, requested by Bruce and Steve on
451811 - 040203. ref SDS 40 FJ95 He complained this is impossible using
451812 - popular Microsoft programs that are approved for use at the Aerospace
451813 - company, as listed in Gary's letter on 030407, ref SDS 33 234G, rather
451814 - than use SDS to make good management fast and easy. Attitudes change
451815 - from denial to demand after people gain experience using SDS shown by
451816 - Gary's report on 030416. ref SDS 35 NH8N
451818 - ..
451819 - Gary's report reflects experience on the OHS/DKR project, reporting on
451820 - 001126 plans to use information technology instead of SDS for doing
451821 - knowledge work. ref SDS 20 4E3X At that time, people reported that
451822 - popular programs approved for use on the job, like the list in Gary's
451823 - letter on 030407, ref SDS 33 6Q4H, take a lot of hard work to perform
451824 - good management, as Gary says this evening, and asked if people have
451825 - to change their tools? ref SDS 20 4Q4I
451827 - ..
451828 - [On 040302 there is progress on getting SDS approved for
451829 - Gary to use again. ref SDS 48 AP3F
451831 - ..
451832 - [On 040302 Gil describes SDS as "productivity" software in
451833 - process of getting approval for Gary to use SDS at Aerospace company.
451834 - ref SDS 48 4Q61
451836 - ..
451837 - [On 040402 Gary reports SDS "good to go" at Aerospace
451838 - Company. ref SDS 51 LN7T
451840 - ..
451841 - [On 040402 Gary advises that notes taken with Microsoft Word
451842 - and Outlook documents are being entered in SDS after
451843 - approval to resume using SDS at Aerospace Company.
451844 - ref SDS 51 GO6U
451846 - ..
451847 - [On 040404 Gary's letter to Morris explains efforts to
451848 - capture the record of organizational memory using other
451849 - tools without SDS. ref SDS 52 0K3O
451851 - ..
451852 - [On 040905 article "Analysis Paralysis" explains root cause
451853 - analysis is a lot of hard work to gather data; proposes root
451854 - contradition analysis. ref SDS 56 QP9L
451856 - ..
451857 - [On 041110 despair delivering the goods to give people
451858 - experience with the power of SDS to augment intellignece
451859 - that enables good management takes time. ref SDS 57 KN8V
451861 - ..
451862 - [On 080104 Morris Jones and Jack Park discuss performing SDS
451863 - support for working intelligently using greater diligence
451864 - with Microsoft programs. ref SDS 60 EM9F
451866 - ..
451867 - Gary feels the loss of power for command and control of the work, as
451868 - set out in POIMS. ref OF 7 1113
451869 -
451870 - Professor Tom Laundaer explains in his book "The Trouble with
451871 - Computers" the importance of power that enables feelings of
451872 - "effectance" which are critical to success and human
451873 - psychology, reviewed on 950710. ref SDS 4 2286
451875 - ..
451876 - On 020820 Murray Altheim illustrated the disparity in power
451877 - that people feel, with consequent worry about loss of
451878 - effectance, by noting that creating links using SDS, which
451879 - takes a second and perhaps another 10 seconds to look up a
451880 - reference, is faster than using other methods. ref SDS 30 O1QQ
451882 - ..
451883 - On 020822 Ray Ozzi with Lotus Notes reported that users feeling
451884 - a lot of "pain" trying to manage daily work with information
451885 - technology like Groove, Grove, et al. ref SDS 31 Q99G
451887 - ..
451888 - Gary's letter to Jack Park at SRI reported loss of productivity
451889 - using information technology, ref DRT 1 00W2, also mentioned
451890 - above. ref SDS 0 KW4J
451892 - ..
451893 - Jack's letter responding to Gary explains how easy it is for
451894 - memory to fail, when SDS is not used for command and control of
451895 - the work, further illustrating loss of productivity that causes
451896 - a lot of pain. ref SDS 0 353P
451897 -
451898 -
451899 -
451900 -
4520 -
People Can Perform KM to Create Connected Record Like SDS If Anyone
People Cannot Create SDS-type Intelligence Using Extra Staff and Pop
Full-time Job Using SDS for Com Metrics to Create Proof of Concept S
Anyone Can Produce SDS Work Product Using Information Technology If
SDS Productivity Test Results Submit Evidence to Aerospace company Mana ment S 45
Add People Cannot Replace SDS for Command Control
Productivity SDS Gary Assigned More People for Meeting Notes More Pe
Additional Staff Support Cannot Replace SDS for Command Control
Connected Record Organizational Memory Foreign Alien Funny Intellige
Information Overload People Cannot Create SDS-type Intelligence Usin
8012 -
801301 - ..
801302 - Additional Staff Cannot Replace SDS for Getting Things Done
801303 - SDS Organizational Memory Cannot Be Produced by Additional Staff
801304 -
801305 - Follow up ref SDS 45 YM6F.
801306 -
801307 - Gary said he is going to meet with Bruce and Steve on Monday to tell
801308 - them the extra people they assigned to help him produce the record of
801309 - daily work with information technology approved by the company,
801310 - reported on 030407, ref SDS 33 234G, cannot replace SDS support for
801311 - converting working information from meetings, calls and documents into
801312 - useful knowledge, per report above. ref SDS 0 RH6K SDS is needed to
801313 - meet demand for organizational memory, which has made Gary "famous,"
801314 - noted by the M&S Manager, Bruce, on 040203. ref SDS 40 NB6G
801315 -
801316 - [On 040302 progress getting SDS approved for official use at
801317 - Aerospace company. ref SDS 48 AP3F
801319 - ..
801320 - [On 040302 Gil describes SDS as "productivity" software in
801321 - process of getting approval for Gary to use SDS at Aerospace company.
801322 - ref SDS 48 4Q61
801324 - ..
801325 - [On 040317 contract with Aerospace company to use SDS for a year to
801326 - perform Communication Metrics that supports personal and
801327 - organizational memory and management, based on POIMS.
801328 - ref SDS 50 PQ6P
801330 - ..
801331 - [On 040402 SDS reported "good to go" on Aerospace company network.
801332 - ref SDS 51 GO9H
801334 - ..
801335 - [On 040422 "good to go" SDS back in buisess for Wayne after
801336 - 2 year break. ref SDS 55 SY5F
801338 - ..
801339 - Aerospace company assigning extra people to help Gary produce
801340 - work product for organizational memory to replace SDS support
801341 - for intelligence, and Gary's report that extra staffing has now
801342 - proven to be inadequate, supports a number of important
801343 - points....
801344 -
801345 - 1. Organizational memory work product supported by SDS has
801346 - been recognized as valuable enough to continue and to
801347 - increase labor cost expenses for support, confirming
801348 - understandings from 040203. ref SDS 40 NB70
801350 - ..
801351 - 2. Inability of additional people using approved, popular
801352 - software to accomplish work product for intelligence that
801353 - is comparable to one person using SDS is an indication of
801354 - increased productivity by transformation from information
801355 - to a culture of knowledge. This addresses Pat Lincoln's
801356 - suggestion on 040226 for feedback on productivity advantage
801357 - of SDS for "intelligence" support. ref SDS 45 YM6F
801359 - ..
801360 - Previously, on 020729 Pat commented that anybody can create
801361 - SDS-type work product for "intelligence" using popular
801362 - information tools that everybody likes, if people choose to
801363 - do so. ref SDS 29 JI7N Earlier the same year, on 020110
801364 - Morris made a similar comment. ref SDS 27 653N On 030407
801365 - Gary submitted a list of popular tools and methods that are
801366 - approved for use on the job. ref SDS 33 234G
801367 -
801368 - [On 040301 analysis of Gary's letter to Jack Park
801369 - saying 5 times that SDS puts a lot power in the hands
801370 - of the user that is not available from other tools.
801371 - ref SDS 47 JJ9O
801373 - ..
801374 - [On 040315 Jack Park expects people can create SDS
801375 - capability if anyone chooses to invest the time and
801376 - effort. ref SDS 49 SF8O
801378 - ..
801379 - 3. Without SDS, more people using information technology from
801380 - Microsoft compounds the problem of information overload.
801381 - Without connections and flexible structure enabled by SDS
801382 - to organize the record, additional people are still unable
801383 - to find anything, based on Bill Gate's report on 021108.
801384 - ref SDS 32 EF5I
801386 - ..
801387 - On 040203 Bruce increased the burden on Gary to produce the record of
801388 - daily work in meetings, because Gary has become "famous" on the
801389 - project for accomplishing the mission of producing effective records
801390 - on organizational memory. ref SDS 40 NB6G Gary's call this evening
801391 - sounds like management recognized that denying use of SDS on 040116,
801392 - ref SDS 39 0001, required adding more labor to create the record.
801393 - Today, Gary seems to be saying that experience the past few months has
801394 - shown this strategy has not been effective.
801396 - ..
801397 - I suggested that Gary consider giving Bruce and Steve evidence showing
801398 - advantages of SDS, which they have already identified, and so can
801399 - grasp, listed in the annual review on 040102. ref SDS 38 UO6T, and
801400 - then provide a reasonable rationale for giving notice that use has
801401 - resumed, as set out in the draft submitted on 040222. ref SDS 43 CM95
801403 - ..
801404 - Gary was adament about meeting personally with Bruce and Steve
801405 - tomorrow to convey the urgent need for SDS to complement popular tools
801406 - and methods, cited by Gary on 030407, ref SDS 33 234G, which requires
801407 - performing the action item set on 040116, ref SDS 39 4L64, but later
801408 - on 040203 got stalled in the bureaucracy. ref SDS 40 1W7F
801410 - ..
801411 - The strong sense of pain from loss of personal effectiveness resulting
801412 - from losing productivity enabled by SDS, voiced today, per above,
801413 - ref SDS 0 RH6K, demonstrates significant transformation from
801414 - information to reliance on knowledge tools, and so updates analysis on
801415 - 040221 that erroneously anticipated relief from the burden to using
801416 - SDS functionality by returning to familiar ways using popular tools
801417 - for information technology (IT) that everybody likes. ref SDS 42 S44G
801419 - ..
801420 - Why is there "pain" from loss using SDS, rather than relief being able
801421 - to return to popular tools with familiar, modern methods that people
801422 - like, listed in Gary's letter on 030407, ref SDS 33 234G, and which
801423 - Gary discussed on 040203? ref SDS 40 FJ95
801425 - ..
801426 - Gary has since found that plans on 040119, cited in the record for
801427 - 040203, to develop alternative addon support to use Microsoft and
801428 - other approved software programs has not been effective for creating
801429 - SDS work product. ref SDS 40 BP5G On 040316 Gary explained how
801430 - attitudes change after people gain experience using SDS for good
801431 - management. ref SDS 35 7P5F
801433 - ..
801434 - [On 041110 despair delivering the goods to give people
801435 - experience with the power of SDS to augment intellignece
801436 - that enables good management takes time. ref SDS 57 KN8V
801437 - ..
801438 - Gary said today that SDS provides the power to find things quickly for
801439 - creating connections that makes the record of events useful. Without
801440 - the ability to navigate "Knowledge Space" (see POIMS, ref OF 3 034J),
801441 - enabled by SDS, the time required to construct intelligence is
801442 - overwhelming emotionally in knowing the gap between the two worlds of
801443 - information technology and a culture of knowledge enabled by SDS, and
801444 - this gap, also, illustrated by keystrokes eliminated from performing
801445 - knowledge tasks, reported on 000824, ref SDS 16 AX8J, is debilitating
801446 - to productivity. Eric Armstrong recognized the same point on 010916,
801447 - explaining that SDS enables amazing memory, ref SDS 25 0001, and a few
801448 - weeks later on 011003 noting that information technology paralyzes
801449 - productivity. ref SDS 26 EC5N Morris as well called SDS a "utopia"
801450 - compared to using other tools, because everything is in the right
801451 - place at the right time. ref SDS 23 EP7F
801452 -
801453 - [On 040228 Gary reports to Jack Park that losing SDS has
801454 - caused loss of power that significantly reduces
801455 - productivity. ref SDS 47 AZ5G
801457 - ..
801458 - [On 040302 there is progress on getting SDS approved for
801459 - Gary to use again. ref SDS 48 AP3F
801461 - ..
801462 - [On 040317 contract signed for using SDS at Aerospace company to
801463 - perform Communication Metrics that generates and maintains
801464 - personal and organizational memory and management.
801465 - ref SDS 50 PQ6P
801466 -
801467 -
801468 -
801469 -
801470 -
801471 -
801472 -
801473 -
801474 -
8015 -