Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: August 16, 1999 09:27 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Morris on preparing for meetings.
2...Boy Scout Napsack Analogy Technology Improves Work Less Diligence
3...Email from Morris Not Saved to Disk
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0201 - Intel Corporation
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Director of Architecture
Diligence Discipline Wain Without Immediate Threat Productivity Falls
Front-end Invest Planning v. Immediate Action Management Dilemma
Diligence SDS Technology Takes Less Diligenece More People Can Use Go
Boy Scout Nap Sack Analogy Technology Takes Less Diligence More Peopl
New Way Working Connections Augment Intelligence Don't Boggle Mind wi
Traceability to Original Sources Provides Context for Understanding
Prepared for Work New Realities Needs New Way Working Intelligence So
Small Problems Ignored Overkill Slippery Slope Cover-up Fear Accounta
Dilemma Planning v. Action Thinking v. Doing Assuaged by POIMS
Technology Enables People to Experience Good Management Increases Des
Command Control Determines Meaning and Impact of Events, SDS Meeting
Online Information Saves Time Avoids Paper Handling Reduces Cost More
Synergy SDS Related Ideas/Sources Improves Productivity, Whole Greate
Diary Improves Mental Acuity Memory Reasoning Creativity Innovation
How Soon Can I Get This in an SDS Record
4117 -
4117 - ..
4118 - Summary/Objective
4119 -
411901 - Follow up ref SDS 50 0000, ref SDS 47 0000.
411902 -
411903 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Morris responding to ref DIP 2 submitted
411904 - on 990813, ref SDS 50 0001, and linked to the letter to Kaiser on
411905 - planning a meeting on 990816, ref DIP 5, which is set out in the
411906 - record today. ref SDS 49 0001
411908 - ..
411909 - Morris seems to appreciate alignment of "being prepared" with boy
411910 - scout training, in the letter, ref DIP 2 2862, submitted on 990813.
411911 - ref SDS 50 2660 He indicates not understanding how SDS technology
411912 - helps people be prepared for meetings, ref DRT 1 6781, and asks if the
411913 - attitude of personal discipline is the major factor....
411914 -
411915 - The stuff about the boy scouts is nice, but I don't see how that
411916 - relates to Web based or Email. It seems more like personal
411917 - discipline.
411919 - ..
411920 - Submitted ref DIT 1 9675 explaining how Knowledge Space facilitated by
411921 - email helps people be prepared, which otherwise requires significantly
411922 - more diligence than many people are able to apply, because it is a
411923 - characteristic that varies according to genetics and circumstances.
411924 - ref DIT 1 0765
411925 -
411926 - [On 990817 received letter from Morris acknowledging technology
411927 - aids discipline. ref SDS 51 8663]
411929 - ..
411930 - [On 991208 Morris says bad luck causes mistakes; being prepared
411931 - helps good luck occur more often. ref SDS 52 0001
411933 - ..
411934 - [On 010924 Morris says SDS has evolved over many years to
411935 - integrate commands that make learning and using SDS faster and
411936 - easier; good management takes less discipline and diligence.
411937 - ref SDS 58 GV6H
411938 -
411940 - ..
411941 - Boy Scout Napsack Analogy Technology Improves Work Less Diligence
411942 -
411943 - Argue that leadership must do more than call for diligence.
411944 - ref DIT 1 4071
411946 - ..
411947 - Technology reduces the time, effort, and diligence, per analogy of Boy
411948 - Scout knapsack...
411949 -
411950 - An example from scouting is preparing to go on a hike. The
411951 - knapsack is a technology that makes it easier to store and
411952 - carry equipment and supplies for hiking. Without the knapsack
411953 - a lot of kids would exercise the diligence to assemble and
411954 - carry things. But, since it is harder to do, fewer would show
411955 - up prepared, and some would avoid hiking because it takes too
411956 - much diligence. ref DIT 1 00XT
411958 - ..
411959 - Engineering, medical and legal practice have similar dynamics.
411960 - We want our engineer, doctor and lawyer to be prepared, when
411961 - they show up for work on our house, our heart, and our lawsuit.
411962 - Discipline varies according to genetics, parenting, religion,
411963 - Boy Scouts training, athletics, and other cultural forces that
411964 - build strong character. ref DIT 1 00ZV
411966 - ..
411967 - But, despite good character and good intentions, people don't
411968 - have a lot of time to prepare. Writing is a technology that
411969 - helps executives and professionals be prepared. Some managers,
411970 - for example, write up an agenda to guide meetings and phone
411971 - calls. Doctors review medical history and write up work plans
411972 - for operations. Lawyers analyse arguments, history and
411973 - authority they plan to present at trial. This writing is
411974 - submitted to opposing counsel and to the judge so they can be
411975 - prepared on specific points that compel desired results.
411976 - ref DIT 1 4944
411978 - ..
411979 - Pen and paper are early technologies that expedite writing, so
411980 - that it takes less diligence to be prepared than in the days of
411981 - the pharaoh, Ramses II, who recognized that writing is a
411982 - predicate to action...
411983 -
411984 - So let it be written, so let it be done!
411985 - ref DIT 1 1536
411987 - ..
411988 - Ramses II on role of writing was cited in the review of the Fortune
411989 - article on 990625. ref SDS 41 1024
411991 - ..
411992 - Letter to Morris continues...
411993 -
411994 - In the early days, it took a lot of diligence to prepare a
411995 - stone tablet and fashion tools; then, use the tablet and tools
411996 - to chisel a written record. The less disciplined made poor
411997 - scribes, and were likely weeded out by pharaoh's executive
411998 - evaluation program (PEEP). Thankfully, today, it takes less
411999 - discipline to be prepared, so we don't hear much about PEEP
412000 - anymore. ref DIT 1 01SP
412002 - ..
412003 - Typewriters, wordprocessing and email are technologies that
412004 - further enhance being prepared by providing legible information
412005 - and pictures. Secretaries, para legals and co-counsel are
412006 - staffing technologies for organizing the work to ensure counsel
412007 - is prepared, regardless of personal diligence. ref DIT 1 7A6F
412009 - ..
412010 - Thus, technology widens the range of people who can be
412011 - adequately prepared to go hiking, build a computer or a bridge,
412012 - perform a heart transplant, or present a case at law, despite
412013 - limited time and diligence. People with more discipline
412014 - benefit more, but everyone benefits when a wider range of
412015 - people are prepared for work by virtue of technology.
412016 - ref DIT 1 9077
412018 - ..
412019 - Organizational memory on the Internet applies the power of
412020 - technology to save time by directing attention to specific
412021 - intelligence for performing the work. Advantages of web mail
412022 - were recently set out on August 4. Connectionist theory in
412023 - cognitive science sums up the advantage of Communication
412024 - Metrics to deliver intelligence rather than sending mere
412025 - information. My letter on August 13 provided an example that
412026 - linked prospective attendees of a pending meeting to pertinent
412027 - medical history in 1988, and, also, to a range of research
412028 - sources for evaluating needed action. ref DIT 1 1683
412030 - ..
412031 - This process positions the professional to invest available
412032 - time efficiently by preserving alignment of objectives, history
412033 - and authority, which otherwise is a fleeting blur in the daily
412034 - grind of information overload. Second, SDS provides a direct
412035 - path to return for further research when more time is
412036 - available. Third, corrections do not burden the record with
412037 - complexity that causes mistakes. By helping people organize,
412038 - align, and retrieve information efficiently, we greatly
412039 - increase the chances of a productive meeting. Links alert
412040 - people to a much broader range of factors that impact results,
412041 - and so further increase the chances of favorable results.
412042 - Medical patients are highly motivated to help the doctor be
412043 - prepared to get favorable results. While the same scale of
412044 - motivation may not be attainable in less critical work, those
412045 - who track the bottom line, may be moved to try intelligence to
412046 - improve earnings. ref DIT 1 0877
412048 - ..
412049 - Of course, it takes a lot of discipline to do this
412050 - consistently. People generally are not good at repetitive
412051 - tasks. Limited span of attention causes performance to lapse
412052 - for even the most rigidily disciplined. Those with imagination
412053 - drift off course much sooner. SDS technology gives discipline
412054 - a boost by helping everyone be prepared to stay on course
412055 - illustrated by your bow and arrow diagram, discussed a few
412056 - weeks ago. Intel technology can be a powerful force for this
412057 - core competency of civilization, if properly configured for
412058 - working intelligently, as set out POIMS (see as well scope of
412059 - intelligence support in NWO). ref DIT 1 4575
412061 - ..
412062 - [On 000307 good management using popular technology is a lot of
412063 - hard work. ref SDS 53 5182
412065 - ..
412066 - [On 020217 engineer worries there is no demand for SDS to make
412067 - good management fast and easy, because nobody cares about using
412068 - existing tools that make good management a lot of hard work.
412069 - ref SDS 59 425M
412071 - ..
412072 - [On 020618 Gary Johnson reports SDS changes attitudes about
412073 - saving time and money by making good management fast and easy.
412074 - ref SDS 60 MU6H
412076 - ..
412077 - [On 040305 SDS improvements reduce good management to mere
412078 - volition changing attitudes that previously denied good
412079 - management to save time and money is needed and so complain SDS
412080 - support is gold plated and unnecessary overkill, suddenly when
412081 - good management is fast and easy, demand sores; good management
412082 - to save time and money becomes essential and indespensible,
412083 - implementing Moore's Law applying faster computer processors to
412084 - get work done on time and within budget. ref SDS 61 BS5O
412086 - ..
412087 - [On 041110 shovel analogy applies Boy Scout napsack showing
412088 - technology that makes work faster and easier increases
412089 - willingness of people to use good management consistently; an
412090 - example is preparing agendas to guide meetings, and distributing
412091 - in time for people to be prepared. ref SDS 62 H58J
412093 - ..
412094 - [On 050303 example SDS binary search reduces time from 20 down to
412095 - 1 second for finding subjects, changes work practice from good
412096 - management never used to good management suddenly indispensible,
412097 - and constantly used. ref SDS 63 SL6O
412099 - ..
412100 - Leadership must enable people to get the work done correctly, on time
412101 - and within budget whether or not people are diligent. Technology
412102 - enables people to get more done with less diligence, per analysis in
412103 - NWO.
412104 -
412105 - [On 010131 engineer suggests using technology to supplement
412106 - reliance on diigence for knowledge work. ref SDS 55 XZ8G
412108 - ..
412109 - [On 010420 cognitive overhead reduces number of people willing to
412110 - add structure and links for effective intelligence, and limits
412111 - the number of people willing to open links. ref SDS 56 SU6K
412113 - ..
412114 - [On 010924 Morris says SDS has evolved over many years to
412115 - integrate commands that make learning and using SDS faster and
412116 - easier; good management therefore takes less discipline and
412117 - diligence. ref SDS 58 GV6H
412119 - ..
412120 - Cited Gordon Moore's comment on need for managers to change or else be
412121 - replaced. ref SDS 30 1660
412122 -
412123 - [On 990817 Morris maintains people need a commitment to diligence
412124 - before applying tools to improve the work. ref SDS 51 6829]
412126 - ..
412127 - [On 001219 explain steps using SDS that improve management by
412128 - augmenting memory that strengthens intelligence. ref SDS 54 FO5M
412130 - ..
412131 - [On 010908 laziness prevents people from using diligence that is
412132 - overcome in some cases by technology like SDS. ref SDS 57 YF5O
412133 -
412135 - ..
412136 - Reviewed advantages of web mail. ref DIT 1 1683, which was recently
412137 - explained in a letter to Jeff on 990804. ref SDS 48 1280
412139 - ..
412140 - Cited Fortune article again. ref SDS 41 7344
412142 - ..
412143 - Cited bow and arrow diagram Morris created on 950303, ref SDS 10 3497,
412144 - and cited in letter to Morris on 990726. ref DIP 4 5096, to explain
412145 - today advantages of overcoming poor discipline by using technology to
412146 - strengthen diligence. ref DIT 1 4575
412148 - ..
412149 - Submitted second letter, ref DIT 2 4118, explaining that ingenuity
412150 - develops technology to give human characteristics a boost. Diligence,
412151 - cited in Morris' letter today, ref DRT 1 6781, needs a boost in order
412152 - to use good management. Drucker for example says the primary task of
412153 - management is analysis, reported on 931130, ref SDS 5 7911, needed to
412154 - take effective action. When time is limited by information overload,
412155 - Communication Metrics uses SDS to give diligence a boost by making it
412156 - faster and easier to remember and assemble relevant background, and to
412157 - create structure and alignment essential for analysis that reveals
412158 - correlations, implications and nuance otherwise overlooked.
412159 -
412160 - [On 990817 Morris says technology helps remembering. ref SDS 51
412161 - 8663
412162 -
412163 -
412164 -
412165 -
412166 -
4122 -
Email Unreliable
4203 -
420401 - ..
420402 - Email from Morris Not Saved to Disk
420403 -
420404 - The letter from Morris this morning did not write to the disk when I
420405 - saved it from within Netscape.
420406 -
420407 - The letters are blue, rather than black, as prior letters from Morris
420408 - and others.
420410 - ..
420411 - This may be a new method of something-or-other.
420413 - ..
420414 - Takes quite a bit more time to accomplish an effective record with
420415 - this new format. This increases the demand on discipline to
420416 - adequately manage the record, and so illustrates the importance of
420417 - technology that saves time to reduce the level of discipline needed to
420418 - work effectively, which Morris inquires about. ref SDS 0 2146
420419 -
420420 - [On 990817 Morris is using HTML in email. ref SDS 51 4477]
420421 -
420422 -
420423 -
420424 -
4205 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"