440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 22, 1997 07:05 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Called Max about Communication Metrics in Corps of Engineers.

2...Los Angles District Projects - $147M
3...Submit Communication Metrics Report to Division Command Level
4...Oakland Claims Management Needs Immediate Action
5...District Counsel Reports Communication Metrics Helpful
6...Claims Support Requirements Have Been Defined
7...Task Order 2 Provides Management Support for CSB
8...Max said they have discovered a $1M overpayment to the contractor,
9...Max wants immediate support for the Construction Services Branch and
10...SDS Record on Oakland Needed for Claims Analysis and Daily Management
11...Corps Needs Expedited Procurement for Immediate Support
12...Not Enough Time for Standard Procurement Process
13...Welch Scope of Service Possibilities
.....1...Contract Admin support at Oakland Project Office and at the
.........Construction Services Branch.
.....2...Assistance for Marc in responding to letters from the
.....3...Support for John, if he wants it, to develop positions on
.........Contractor's claims.
.....4...Support for District Counsel using the project record to
.........litigate Contractor's claims.
.....5...Support for Tom Keesling to plan implementation of automated so that District management is adequately performed.
.....6...Support for Tom Keesling in reviewing District business
.........processes, including Project Management, to improve mission
.....7...Support for Max in managing the documents of the Division.
.....8...Support Construction Management on Richmond, per Task Order 2, these problems are not replicated.
.....9...Support new projects being started later in the year and next

Click here to comment!

0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020102 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020201 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020202 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0203 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito      415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020301 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
0204 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020401 - Mr. Marc McGovern; Construction Manager =415 977 8467
020402 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480

Corps of Engineers, 970115
Division, South Pacific
Los Angeles District

0806 -    ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Follow up ref SDS 40 0000, ref SDS 39 0000.
080802 -
080803 - Max requested ideas for using Welch to support Contract Administration
080804 - on Oakland.  I, also, asked Max to discuss with Division personnel
080805 - potential for Communication Metrics to be applied in other Districts,
080806 - in the event the District Engineer finds that Communication Metrics is
080807 - not needed in the San Francisco District.  Max seemed to indicate that
080808 - at this time he wants to concentrate on getting help for the San
080809 - Francisco District.  We identified a number of needs in the District
080810 - and set a meeting tomorrow at 0730 with Tom Keesling and Marc McGovern
080811 - to develop a procurement based on Task Order 2.
080812 -
080813 - Submitted ref DIT 1 to confirm meeting for tomorrow. Included this
080814 - record as guidance for that meeting.  Sent copies to Max, Tom, Max and
080815 - Marc.
080816 -
080817 -
080818 -  ..
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - Progress
0812 -
081201 -  ..
081202 - Los Angles District Projects - $147M
081203 - Submit Communication Metrics Report to Division Command Level
081204 -
081205 - Followed up work at ref SDS 41 line 99.
081206 -
081207 - I asked Max if he would feel comfortable talking to contacts in the
081208 - Division about using Communication Metrics in other Districts?  We
081209 - recalled that Jack Farless saw the Communication Metrics demonstration
081210 - on 960103, ref SDS 1 line 64, two days before Max on 960105, ref SDS 2
081211 - line 94.  Using Communication Metrics in other Districts would provide
081212 - a wider experience base for LTC Thompson to rely on in evaluating the
081213 - District's favorable report and recommendations on using Communication
081214 - Metrics in the San Francisco District.
081215 - ..
081216 - Max said Jack is now Chief of Engineering, so Max feels it would
081217 - be better for him to visit with Mike Grebinski, who is Chief of Con
081218 - Ops for the Division, about the Communication Metrics report and
081219 - whether this method can be used elsewhere in the Division.
081220 -
081221 - Max said he would speak to Mike about the Communication Metrics report
081222 - and the Welch Company, and will let me know the results.
081223 -
081224 -     [See follow up on Friday, ref SDS 45 line 295.]
081225 -
081226 -     [See discussion with Jim Jones, CEMP-E on 971017, ref SDS 49 line
081227 -     448, ref SDS 49 line 632.]
081228 -
081229 -
081230 -
0813 -

Corps of Engineers, 970115
Oakland Claim Support, 970702
Planning, Consultant Support
Command & Control Record
Litigation Support Found Effective
CSB, Sausalito Office
Payments under Fixed Priced Construction
Payment Quantity Surveys
Disputes 52.233-1, Legal Support
District Counsel Approves Communication
Government $1M Overpayment to Contractor
Goodenough Evaluation, District Counsel

3215 -
321501 -  ..
321502 - Oakland Claims Management Needs Immediate Action
321503 -
321504 - Follow up ref SDS 41 8488, ref SDS 36 7089.
321505 -
321506 - Max said the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) is involved in the
321507 - Oakland project now.
321508 -
321509 - He received an email from the District Engineer, LTC Thompson, saying
321510 - the claim situation on the Oakland project is beyond his experience,
321511 - and that the District needs people with special expertise to deal with
321512 - the magnitude of the problem developing on Oakland.
321513 - ..
321514 - Max is concerned that the District Engineer does not seem
321515 - favorably disposed to use Communication Metrics.  He said the DE has
321516 - not expressly said not to use Communication Metrics and/or not to hire
321517 - Welch.
321518 -
321519 - We considered the need for leadership discussed in our meeting on
321520 - 970625, ref SDS 31 8401, and confirmed in a letter to Tom and Max on
321521 - 970703, ref DIP 14 9630, issued at ref SDS 31 8401.  The DE needs
321522 - support from senior staff to understand the urgency for management
321523 - methods essential to meet pressing District requirements, as expressed
321524 - by District Counsel, per below. ref SDS 0 2838
321525 -
321526 - This might take the form of a memo or a meeting with the District
321527 - Engineer and a team of those who are familiar with Communication
321528 - Metrics and the needs of the Oakland project.
321529 - ..
321530 - Max feels Communication Metrics can be cost effective, contrary
321531 - to assessment by DE on 970624. ref SDS 30 7388
321532 -
321533 - The letter on 970703, ref DIP 14 1471, explains District's exposure
321534 - and strategy to mitigate damages. ref SDS 36 7089
321535 -
321536 - Cites need for leadership. ref SDS 36 9603
321537 -
321538 -      [On 971008 District issued report to HQ showing Communication
321539 -      Metrics cost effective. ref SDS 48 2710]
321540 -
321541 -      [On 981027 District Counsel reported with certainty that
321542 -      Communication Metrics saved government $190K. ref SDS 52 7315]
321543 -
321544 - Max said the District Engineer has proposed significant changes for
321545 - the Construction Services Branch to strengthen management.
321546 - ..
321547 - We recalled that Leonard and Tom Keesling developed Task Order 2
321548 - to use Communication Metrics for supporting CSB management, for
321549 - example the meeting on 970225. ref SDS 19 6774
321550 -
321551 - We again discussed the need for strong leadership to assist District
321552 - command in recognizing the urgency of implementing action to meet
321553 - current demands for help before things get worse, per discussion with
321554 - Tom Benero on 970131, when it was thought less Communication Metrics
321555 - would be needed because Dutra had filed Chapter 11. ref SDS 17 7388
321556 -
321557 -     [On 981027 government paid $30M extra on Oakland. ref SDS 52 9152]
321558 - ..
321559 - Max asked me to talk to Leonard today about supporting the
321560 - Construction Services Branch.  He said that Marc, Leonard and the
321561 - entire Oakland Team needs immediate assistance to write letters
321562 - responding to the Contractor.
321563 -
321564 - We recalled this need is identified in the Welch letter to the Corps
321565 - on 970606, ref DIP 11 9068, issued at ref SDS 29 5197, confirming
321566 - prior understandings from November and December of last year, per
321567 - listing below. ref SDS 0 9599
321568 -
321569 -
321570 -  ..
321571 - District Counsel Reports Communication Metrics Helpful
321572 -
321573 - Follow up ref SDS 21 8492.
321574 -
321575 - Max advised that he asked District Counsel Merry Goodenough, Esq.
321576 - about the usefulness of Communication Metrics reports prepared for
321577 - Legal Division on the environmental regulatory matter for the Oakland
321578 - project, ref DIP 2 0000 issued on 970417; and ref DIP 3 0000 issued on
321579 - 970625 to replace the first one when it was lost? ref SDS 31 8603
321580 -
321581 - This related to the environmental regulatory matter reported
321582 - initially on 970321. ref SDS 21 8492
321583 -
321584 - Merry said the reports have been helpful to the Corps of Engineers, as
321585 - discussed with DE on 970624. ref SDS 30 2165  She indicated it would
321586 - be helpful to continue this support for Oakland claims management, as
321587 - previously noted on 970403.
321588 - ..
321589 - Max cited the Welch letter on 970606 suggesting action needed to
321590 - mitigate the government's exposure on Oakland claims. ref SDS 28 5100
321591 -
321592 - Max feels the District should continue Communication Metrics support
321593 - on Oakland, which reflects recommendations by former District Counsel,
321594 - Jim Stout on 961015, ref SDS 4 3395, as reported to the District
321595 - Engineer on 970624, ref SDS 30 2284.
321596 -
321597 -     [On 970723 Merry confirmed this in a meeting. ref SDS 43 3218.]
321598 -
321599 -     [On 971008 CESPN issued report on Communication Metrics,
321600 -     estimating substantial savings on litigation. ref SDS 48 2710]
321601 -
321602 -     [On 980520 Max reported Communication Metrics helped CESPN obtain
321603 -     a settlement of law suit that is favorable to the government. see,
321604 -     ref SDS 51 2405]
321605 -
321606 -     [On 981027 Counsel reports Communication Metrics saved the
321607 -     government $190K. ref SDS 52 7315]
321608 - ..
321609 - Max asked me to talk to John Azeveda, since he is now in charge
321610 - of Oakland claims.
321611 -
321612 -     [See meeting with John on 970723 submitting notes of this record,
321613 -     ref SDS 43 3382.]
321614 -
321615 -  ..
321616 - Claims Support Requirements Have Been Defined
321617 -
321618 - Reviewed the meeting with John on 970702, ref SDS 35 5594, per Max's
321619 - request.  A copy of notes showing the results of that meeting were
321620 - submitted to Max on 970702, ref DIP 13 0000.
321621 -
321622 - I submitted analysis of the legal situation on Oakland in my letter to
321623 - Tom Keesling with a copy to Max on 970703, ref DIP 14, prepared on
321624 - 970703. ref SDS 36 7089.  These recommendations reflect correspondence
321625 - to the Corps on the need for Communication Metrics to meet claim and
321626 - litigation exposure on Oakland, beginning last November:
321627 -
321628 -     •  961104 letter, ref DIP 4 line 113 on budget to e Welch
321629 -        contract issued at ref SDS 6 line 67, explains need for support
321630 -        on pending claims.
321631 -
321632 -     •  961119 letter, ref DIP 5 line 31, explains role
321633 -        Communication Metrics in avoiding claims.
321634 -
321635 -     •  961202 letter, ref DIP 6 line 142, prepared at ref SDS 9 line
321636 -        100, explains risk of pending claims.
321637 -
321638 -     •  961223 letter from Tom Keesling to District Chief Counsel, John
321639 -        Eft, on 961223 explaining need for Communication Metrics, ref
321640 -        DIP 7 line 33, prepared at ref SDS 11 line 143; and citing
321641 -        meeting between District's contracts counsel, Jim Stout, and
321642 -        Max Blodgett, ref DIP 7 line 292.
321643 -
321644 -     •  970107 letter on need for claim support on Oakland rP 8
321645 -        line 33, and ref DIP 8 line 339, issued at ref SDS 12 line 95.
321646 -
321647 -     •  970108 letter confirms Max's plan to provide Communication
321648 -        Metrics to improve management of Construction Services Branch,
321649 -        and provide claim support on Oakland, ref DIP 9 line 39, per
321650 -        meeting with Tom and Max at ref SDS 13 line 185.
321651 -
321652 -     •  970110 letter presents needs for increased staff and solutions
321653 -        to handle increased work load to due to claims on Oakland, ref
321654 -        DIP 1 line 33, per ref SDS 14 line 146.
321655 -
321656 -     •  970703 letter explains need for plan, schedule, WBS, budget and
321657 -        organization to adequately address Oakland claims, ref DIP 14
321658 -        line 43, ref SDS 36 line 152.
321659 - ..
321660 - We discussed Task Order 2 prepared specifically to provide
321661 - essential management support for the Construction Services Branch,
321662 - ref OF 1 line 200, and it was prepared based on numerous discussions
321663 - with Leonard, Marc and Tom Keesling.  It includes a proposed
321664 - organization chart to accomplish the management needed in the
321665 - Construction Services Branch.
321666 -
321667 - At this time leadership is needed to take necessary and timely action
321668 - on Task Order 2. per above, ref SDS 0 6864
321669 -
321670 - Max asked me to call Leonard and explain our thinking.
321671 -
321672 -
321673 -  ..
3217 -
3218 -
3219 - 0905 called Leonard
3220 -
322001 - Task Order 2 Provides Management Support for CSB
322002 -
322003 - Advised of discussion with Max, and Max's request for me to brief
322004 - Leonard, per above. ref SDS 0 7448
322005 -
322006 - Leonard is unaware of anything further I can do to assist the District
322007 - or the Construction Services Branch without having a contract to do
322008 - so.  He seemed to indicate that Task Order 2 will provide the support
322009 - required, ref DRP 1 4929, but it needs to be implemented.
322010 - ..
322011 - I explained my understanding that the District Engineer has
322012 - concerns about the usefulness of Communication Metrics based on our
322013 - meeting on 970624. ref SDS 30 7388
322014 -
322015 - Leonard feels the ball is in the District HQ's court.  The problem
322016 - has been identified and a remedy has been formulated under Task order
322017 - 2.
322018 -
322019 -     [On 990323 Max wants Leonard to initate procurement. ref SDS 53
322020 -     9054]
322021 -
322022 -     [On 990423 talked to Leonard again on this. ref SDS 54 9405]
322023 -
322024 -
322025 -  ..
3221 -
3222 -
3223 - 1210 called Max
3224 -
322401 - I explained discussion with Leonard per above.
322402 -
322403 - Max said they have discovered a $1M overpayment to the contractor,
322404 - reflecting concerns of possible erroneous contractor quantity
322405 - calculations reported on 970206, ref SDS 18 7777.
322406 -
322407 - This evidently is the problem Max cited above. ref SDS 0 4557
322408 -
322409 - He feels the problem may arise from Contract Administration at the
322410 - Construction Services Branch and perhaps at the job office level,
322411 - reflecting issues discussed at the site on 961105, ref SDS 7 line 194.
322412 - There may be a chance the impact will be assuaged in relation to the
322413 - Contractor's $60M+ of claims, but in any case strong corrective action
322414 - is warranted.
322415 -
322416 -  ..
322417 -
322418 - Max wants immediate support for the Construction Services Branch and
322419 - Contract Administration to perform the work done previously under the
322420 - Communication Metrics contract, per our meeting on 961204 when Max
322421 - requested direct support for CSB, ref SDS 10 line 218, as discussed in
322422 - the meeting on 970110 where there were 121 pending Action Items, ref
322423 - SDS 14 line 667.
322424 -
322425 -     [On 970723 Max decides to defer support for CSB, ref SDS 43 8966,
322426 -     and meeting on 970724 to develop scope of services without CSB
322427 -     support, ref SDS 44 8583.]
322428 -
322429 - Max said he talked to Marc and advised him to make arrangements with
322430 - me and Tom to obtain this support.
322431 - ..
322432 - I explained this is the role of Task Order 2.
322433 -
322434 - Max asked if he has Task Order 2 in his office?
322435 -
322436 - I explained it was submitted on several occasions for his review,
322437 - edits and approval.  The final version is incorporated as Appendix D
322438 - in the Communication Metrics report.
322439 -
322440 - Max said he gave his copy of the report to someone.
322441 -
322442 -    [See report that Max has not seen District's Communication Metrics
322443 -    report, ref SDS 46 line 127.]
322444 -
322445 -    [See report submitting another copy to Max, ref SDS 47 line 318.]
322446 -
322447 - I explained he can get a copy from Tom Keesling.
322448 - ..
322449 - Max asked me to call Marc and Tom to arrange for a contract to
322450 - provide the support needed on Oakland.
322451 -
322452 -
322453 -
322454 -
3225 -
3226 -
3227 - 1217 called Tom
3228 -
322801 - Advised of the above understandings.  Tom said he will visit with Max
322802 - about where the money comes from for this support and how he wants to
322803 - accomplish the contract.
322804 -
322805 - I will call Marc and let him know of these discussions.
322806 -
322807 -
3229 -
3230 -
3231 - 1221 called Marc
3232 -   ..
323201 - Left message of discussions with Max and Tom.
323202 -
323203 -  ..
3233 -
3234 -
3235 - 1336 called Marc
3236 -
323601 - Advised of my understandings from discussion with Max.  Marc indicated
323602 - that Max talked to him this morning,  Marc did not get the sense that
323603 - Max was focused on Welch and Communication Metrics as the solution. He
323604 - noted the need for support in the Construction Services Branch on
323605 - Contract Administration.  He recalled suggesting to Max this morning
323606 - several solutions, including Gahagan & Bryant becoming more involved,
323607 - and Welch could support writing letters to the Contractor on behalf of
323608 - the Contracting Officer.
323609 -
323610 -
323611 -  ..
323612 - SDS Record on Oakland Needed for Claims Analysis and Daily Management
323613 -
323614 - We considered the need to begin capturing the record again on Oakland
323615 - so it can be used to competently respond to the Contractor, and to
323616 - proactively manage the work, as discussed with Leonard and with Marcus
323617 - Tikotsky at the meeting on 961017, ref SDS 5 line 253, and previously
323618 - on 961015 with District Counsel Jim Stout, ref SDS 4 line 112.
323619 -
323620 - The first need is to gain command and control of the record.
323621 -
323622 -     [See follow up discussion with John, ref SDS 43 line 188.]
323623 -
323624 - Marc explained the review process now being used for responding to the
323625 - Contractor.  We recalled a similar process was used when I prepared
323626 - drafts for him, Tom Benero and Leonard, during the October - January
323627 - period this past year.  This process needs a good factual basis so
323628 - letters can be prepared accurately and effectively.
323629 - ..
323630 - Marc said it is troubling to see his name and my name (Rod
323631 - Welch), as well as others, in letters from Dutra, as having made
323632 - representations which may form the basis for entitlement to extra
323633 - payment.  We noted Durtra's self-interest/preservation agenda that
323634 - makes the net it casts more and more expansive, per my letter to Tom
323635 - two weeks ago, ref DIP 14 line 51.
323636 - ..
323637 - Marc noted the need to notify the Port of Oakland about hiring
323638 - Welch, since the Port could be liable for 25% of the cost.
323639 -
323640 - Ideas to develop constructive participation from the Port on applying
323641 - Communication Metrics to support common interests of the Port and CE
323642 - were discussed with Max on 970115. At that time he believed the
323643 - District did not need the Port's approval. ref SDS 15 0704
323644 -
323645 -    [On 970331 Port objected to Comm Metrics. ref SDS 47 8849]
323646 -
323647 -
323648 -
3237 -

Leadership Helps People Take New Paths
Leadership Helps People without Time to
Conventional Management Not Enough Time to
Expedited Procurement
Litigation Support, Oakland
Port of Oakland Says Not Needed
Legal Help on Oakland

4010 -
401001 -  ..
401002 - Corps Needs Expedited Procurement for Immediate Support
401003 -
401004 - Marc said Tom has not discussed a Welch procurement with him as yet
401005 - today.
401006 -
401007 - He commented on the time required to develop a CBD procurement as a
401008 - result of concerns raised by John Eft when Tom and Max tried to extend
401009 - the Welch contract at the end of December.  We discussed today
401010 - increased risk of extra cost to the District from delay in providing
401011 - needed claim support.  This may be adequate grounds for exigent
401012 - contract procedures.
401013 -
401014 - This is not a new management issue in the Corps.
401015 - ..
401016 - General Henry J. Hatch (Ret.) former commander of the Corps of
401017 - Engineers advised on 960402 that exigent procurement provisions were
401018 - used to hire outside consultants to clear a backlog of claims against
401019 - the Corps of Engineers. ref SDS 3 1968
401020 -
401021 -     [On 970731 legal issue resolved. ref SDS 47 8402]
401022 -
401023 -
401024 -  ..
401025 - Not Enough Time for Standard Procurement Process
401026 -
401027 - Marc explained the large number of letters he has to write on the
401028 - Oakland project reduces the time to prepare a procurement for Welch to
401029 - provide the support needed to manage the project.
401030 -
401031 - This problem arose when we discussed a CBD procurement in January....
401032 - ref SDS 16 7407
401033 -
401034 - Marc asked me to call him next week.
401035 -
401036 -    [On 970725 Tom and Max do not have enough time. ref SDS 45 5938]
401037 -
401038 -
401039 -  ..
4011 -
4012 -
4013 - 1405 called Max
4014 -
401401 - Related above understandings.  Max said he would speak to Marc again
401402 - about his objective to hire Welch.  He noted the irony of not having
401403 - enough time to acquire the help needed to save time and get the work
401404 - done in order to save the government money.
401405 -
401406 -     [On 970725 scope of services submitted to Max, not enough time to
401407 -     prepare contract. ref SDS 45 5938]
401408 -
401409 -     [On 981027 report government paid $30M extra. ref SDS 52 9152]
401410 - ..
401411 - Max indicated there may be grounds to avoid getting the Port of
401412 - Oakland involved in a procurement at this time, since the Corps is
401413 - legally responsible to manage the work and so has the authority to
401414 - take the steps needed to protect the interests of taxpayers.  Max
401415 - noted in a meeting on 970115 that CE does not need Port's permission
401416 - to develop adequate management for the project, ref SDS 15 line 173;
401417 - Max also had noted on 970115 that Rick Ferrin told him that the Port
401418 - does not object to CE using Communication Metrics on the Oakland
401419 - project, ref SDS 15 line 185.
401420 -
401421 -
4015 -

Oakland Claim Support, 970702
Richmond Harbor Deepening
Planning, Consultant Support
Command & Control Record
CSB, Sausalito Office Support
Litigation Support Found Effective
Port of Oakland
Organization Changes COE SFD

5711 -
571101 -  ..
571102 - Welch Scope of Service Possibilities
571103 -
571104 - Discussed the need to identify the range of support needed to enable
571105 - the District to improve its management.  Work with the District over
571106 - the past 6 months, per telecon with Tom Keesling on 970606, ref SDS 29
571107 - line 122, discussing draft memo to DE, ref OF 2 line 42, indicates
571108 - following possibilities:
571109 -
571110 -       [On 980520 reviewed this with Max again. ref SDS 50 0829]
571111 -
571112 -  ..
571113 -
571114 -     1.  Contract Admin support at Oakland Project Office and at the
571115 -         Construction Services Branch.
571116 -
571117 -     2.  Assistance for Marc in responding to letters from the
571118 -         Contractor.
571119 -
571120 -  ..
571121 -
571122 -     3.  Support for John, if he wants it, to develop positions on
571123 -         Contractor's claims.
571124 -
571125 -     4.  Support for District Counsel using the project record to
571126 -         litigate Contractor's claims.
571127 -
571128 -  ..
571129 -
571130 -     5.  Support for Tom Keesling to plan implementation of automated
571131 -         systems so that District management is adequately performed.
571132 -
571133 -     6.  Support for Tom Keesling in reviewing District business
571134 -         processes, including Project Management, to improve mission
571135 -         capability.
571136 -
571137 -  ..
571138 -
571139 -     7.  Support for Max in managing the documents of the Division.
571140 -
571141 -     8.  Support Construction Management on Richmond, per Task Order 2,
571142 -         so these problems are not replicated.
571143 -
571144 -     9.  Support new projects being started later in the year and next
571145 -         year so there is adequate staff and management applied to
571146 -         avoid past problems.
571147 -
571148 - We considered my discussion today with Tom Keesling after discussion
571149 - with Max, per above.  Max said Tom has not met him yet today about the
571150 - guidance Tom would need to proceed with a contract for Welch.
571151 - ..
571152 - We decided to meet tomorrow at 0730 with Tom and Marc (if Marc
571153 - is available), so Max can clarify what he wants with respect to scope,
571154 - immediacy, and how he wants to accomplish this procurement.
571155 -
571156 -
571157 -
5712 -
5713 -
5714 - 1422 called Tom
5715 -
571501 - Explained above discussions with Marc and Max, since Tom and I talked
571502 - at 1217.  Tom will meet with us at 0730 tomorrow.
571503 -
571504 -
5716 -
5717 -
5718 - 1508 called Marc
5719 -   ..
571901 - Advised of meeting tomorrow with Max and Tom.  Marc feels this
571902 - is a good idea, but he does not come into the office until 0830.  He
571903 - can be briefed when he arrives, and he comes a little early, or the
571904 - meeting with Max is extended, then he can join us.
571905 -
571906 -
571907 -
571908 -
5720 -
5721 -
5722 - 1629 submitted confirmation memo
5723 -
572301 - Prepared and submitted via Internet ref DIT 1 line 30 confirming
572302 - these understandings to prepare for the meeting tomorrow.
572303 -
572304 -
572305 -
572306 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"