440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 6, 1997 01:48 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Visited Tom Keesling re Welch invoice; submit letter to Tom Benero.

2...Payment Being Processed
3...COE Commissions Another Survey
4...Payments to Dutra May Have Been Excessive
5...Spreadsheet Submitted to COE
6...UPRR Agrees to Give Dutra More Time for Open Cut Method

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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020102 - Chief =415 977 8444; Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020201 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020202 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0203 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020301 - Mr. Thomas Benero; Chief =415 977 8511; Contracting Division
0204 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020401 - Mr. Marc McGovern; Construction Manager =415 977 8467
020402 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480

Increase Budget, Port of Oakland
COE Staffing
Port of Richmond

0705 -    ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Follow up ref SDS 35 0000, ref SDS 32 0000.
070702 -
070703 - Tom has scheduled to take home for work this evening the documents to
070704 - prepare the procurement advertisement for submission to Tom Benero on
070705 - Friday, tomorrow.  He needs a form for a prior procurement on a
070706 - similar engineering management type procurement, to use as a format
070707 - guide.
070708 -
070709 - He said Monti is trying to find the Contractor evaluation forms 2626.
070710 - I gave him copies of the evaluations by Bill DeHart for PG&E and Wayne
070711 - Wetzel for DNRC.  Tom seemed to indicate the forms do not have a lot
070712 - of room for narrative, so we may need to supplement it.
070713 -
070714 - I delivered the original of the letter to Tom Benero requesting a
070715 - contractor evaluation, ref DIP 4 line 29, since I forgot to give it to
070716 - him last week, ref SDS 32 line 94, Tom was not in, so I left it on his
070717 - chair.
070718 -
070719 -
070720 -
070721 -
070722 -
070723 -
0708 -

Invoice period 961111 961226

0804 -
080401 -  ..
080402 - Payment Being Processed
080403 -
080404 - Tom asked if we have received payment yet?
080405 -
080406 - I explained it has not come in.
080407 -
080408 - Tom seemed to indicate having received another call from the
080409 - Sacramento District payment people this morning or yesterday asking
080410 - for a particular document, and telling them it was faxed the day
080411 - before, or that morning.  Tom will call Sacramento tomorrow morning to
080412 - ask them to verify they have all of the documents they need.
080413 -
080414 -
080415 -
080416 -
0805 -

Schedule for Construction, 52.236-15
Spreadsheet Analysis
Surveys Quantity for Payment

1106 -
110601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 34 line 59.
110602 -
110603 - Completed the spreadsheet analysis at ref DRP 2 line 407.
110604 -
110605 - Saw Max and Marc briefly while waiting for Tom to return to his
110606 - office.  They were on a break from a meeting with the Port, and were
110607 - assembling information on Dutra's production, to support the meeting.
110608 -
110609 - Max advised that the DB #24 is on the job now along with the Paula
110610 - Lee.  He feels they have not yet recouped their schedule dificit
110611 - reported last week, although that did not consider weather.  I showed
110612 - Max briefly the analysis of Dutra's schedule submission on 961213, ref
110613 - DRP 2 line 862.
110614 -
110615 -
110616 -  ..
110617 - COE Commissions Another Survey
110618 - Payments to Dutra May Have Been Excessive
110619 -
110620 - Max advised that COE has commissioned another survey of the project.
110621 - This will assess the impact of recent severe inclement weather that
110622 - will produce more shoaling, as analysed in the spreadsheet at ref DRP
110623 - 2 line 898.
110624 -
110625 - Max is also concerned that Dutra has been overpaid because payments
110626 - have reflected scow yardage rather than accurate survey yardage, per
110627 - analyis of columns e and f in Dutra's Exhibit VIII in its 961213
110628 - schedule submission, ref DRP 2 line 963. Evidently Dutra is doing some
110629 - surveys, which seem open to question.
110630 -
110631 -      [See where $1M overpayment was reported on 970722, ref SDS 40
110632 -      line 343.]
110633 -
110634 -
110635 -  ..
110636 - Spreadsheet Submitted to COE
110637 -
110638 - Submitted to Tom Keesling the spreadsheet analysis of Dutra's Exhibits
110639 - V - VIII, and explained findings of significant errors in contractor's
110640 - quanitity calculations reviewed on 970202. ref SDS 33 8499
110641 -
110642 - I asked about the status of G&B's spreadsheet analysis discussed on
110643 - 961219, ref SDS 11 8799?
110644 -
110645 - Tom advised he is working on a new assignment now to implement
110646 - automated management in the District.  He said Marc is working with
110647 - Rick Oleniczak at G&B, and so Tom is unaware of the status on the
110648 - spreadsheet.
110649 - ..
110650 - Tom plans to provide the spreadsheet analysis submitted today of
110651 - Dutra's Exhibits V - VIII, to Marc McGovern for follow up.
110652 -
110653 -     [On 970211 Marc reviewed spreadsheet analysis. ref SDS 37 8069.]
110654 -
110655 -     [On 970530 Dutra has $40M in claims. ref SDS 39 8499]
110656 -
110657 -     [On 970217 gave analysis to Merry Goodenough. ref SDS 38 7038.]
110658 -
110659 - I saw Gail Stabba and Frank Snitz briefly outside the conference room
110660 - and said hello.
110661 -
110662 -
110663 -
110664 -
1107 -

Sewer Line Installation

1204 -
120401 -  ..
120402 - UPRR Agrees to Give Dutra More Time for Open Cut Method
120403 -
120404 - Follow up ref SDS 30 8950.
120405 -
120406 - Marc advised that UPRR has requested changes in Dutra's Open Cut
120407 - construction plan for the Navy Sewer Line.  He has advised that UPRR
120408 - has strongly endorsed this approach.  I gathered Marc understands that
120409 - Dale Adams, the railroad yard manager, has indicated a willingness to
120410 - provide larger blocks of continuous time to make this approach more
120411 - practical. Joel Adams is on an emergency project in the Feather River
120412 - area. Someone else in Stockton is managing the project for UPRR
120413 - locally.
120414 -
120415 - Marc advised that the telecon meeting has still not been scheduled.
120416 - ..
120417 - We did not discuss consideration of providing bank stability of
120418 - the open cut Dutra is planning, per review on 970115. ref SDS 26 0980
120419 - Probably it will need to be rip rapped for the same reason that the
120420 - existing bank is protected.
120421 -
120422 -    [On 970211 Dutra failed to make submittals. ref SDS 36 0980]
120423 -
120424 -
120425 -
1205 -
1206 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"