440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 25, 1997 10:00 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Visited Tom and Leonard on scope of services for Richmond project.

2...Finalized Scope of Services - Review Tom and Leonard
3...Richmond Project Office Organization Chart and Functions
......Construction Management Plan
......Contract Admin Managed at Project Office
......Business System Transistion Requirements Recognized
4...Construction Branch Organization Expansion: Chart and Functions
......Career Development and Staff Migration Path
5...Communication Metrics Implements COE Contract Administration
6...on the range of subjects that the District managers. That effort has
......Daily Diary Linked to Project Record
......Schedule Linked to Diary; Action Items
......Organic Subject Structure
......Documents Automatically Identified
7...Government Estimate

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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473/8701
020102 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito      415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch

Richmond, Staffing of Project
Construction Branch
Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
RMS Document System
Develop Implementation Manuals
Welch Staffing
Richmond Harbor Deepening
Task Order 2, Communication Metrics
Project Management Plan, Review, PM, CM

1811 -    ..
1812 - Summary/Objective
1813 -
181301 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
181302 -
181303 - Reviewed and set final language for scope of services for Quality
181304 - Assurance, Section C, on Richmond Harbor project.  Began organization
181305 - chart and position descriptions for Richmond and changes needed for
181306 - the Construction Services Branch.  Demonstrated for Leonard some of
181307 - the SDS features called for in the scope of services.
181308 -
181309 -     [On 970226 sent QA Section C to CESPN-CSB. ref SDS 11 0000]
181310 -
181311 -     [On 970317 finalized scope of services and organization changes to
181312 -     implement Communication Metrics. ref SDS 16 0000]
181313 -
181314 -
1814 -
1815 -
1816 - Progress
1817 -
181701 - Finalized Scope of Services - Review Tom and Leonard
181702 -
181703 - Follow up ref SDS 8 3857.
181704 -
181705 - Examined the revisions to ref OF 2 0000, and explained how Leonard's
181706 - draft is incorporated into the scope of services discussed with Tom
181707 - yesterday.  During the 3 hour meeting today we examined the prototype
181708 - scope of services for AE support using Communication Metrics.  The
181709 - following changes were requested:
181710 -
181711 -     3b(5)  Add the word "and" and fix up the punctuation to make this
181712 -     read better, ref OF 2 line 239.
181713 -
181714 -     3b(8)  Change the word "Facilitate" to something else with similar
181715 -     meaning, but less aggravating.  Changed it to "Support," ref OF 2
181716 -     line 258.
181717 -
181718 -     3b(9)  Change the word "Provide" to "Determine" and specify the
181719 -     Government will provide computer hardware needed for the Project
181720 -     Office, ref OF 2 line 272.  I explained how the prior paragraphs
181721 -     (9) and (10) were changed and combined into a single paragraph
181722 -     (9), per the discussion with Tom yesterday, ref SDS 8 line 222.
181723 -
181724 -     4  Change the period of services, initially obtained at ref SDS 8
181725 -     line 125, from 24 to 14 months, ref OF 2 line 299.
181726 -
181727 -     4a  Considered the estimated start date for construction
181728 -     inspection, so A-E can develop a CPM schedule.  It was decided to
181729 -     leave it as shown, 970601, ref OF 2 line 304.
181730 -
181731 -     4b  Eliminate " post bid award and..." at ref OF 2 line 317,
181732 -     so it is clear Communication Metrics services are to commence as
181733 -     soon as possible to support the Construction Service Branch.
181734 -
181735 -     5b(1)  decided to require use of CPM and Open Plan, since this is
181736 -     part of the District's move to new systems, per ref OF 2 line 341.
181737 -
181738 - Leonard asked me to make these changes and send the file in
181739 - Wordperfect format to Teri for finalizing the contract package to
181740 - Thornton Consulting, who is the A-E.
181741 -
181742 -     [Did this at ref SDS 11 0000.]
181743 - ..
181744 - We discussed the general concept of the Communication Metrics
181745 - effort under this scope of services:
181746 -
181747 -    •  Communication Manager follows the model applied to the Oakland
181748 -       Harbor project, by preparing notes for major meetings and
181749 -       supporting Communication Administration on the project and the
181750 -       Communication Agent in the Sausalito Office.  Rod Welch will do
181751 -       this primarily from his office in San Francisco.
181752 -
181753 -    •  Communication Administrator is full time at the project to train
181754 -       and support the Project Engineer and the A-E Project Manager for
181755 -       Inspection, in using Communication Metrics, and ensure COE
181756 -       Contract Administration methods are properly applied.
181757 -
181758 -    •  Communication Agent is full time support for the RE (Leonard) in
181759 -       upgrading the Construction Services Branch, and is a management
181760 -       liaison to implement Communication Metrics and new automated
181761 -       management systems under Tom Keesling's program.
181762 -
181763 - There was initial consideration that a single Communication Manager
181764 - could support both the Richmond project and the Sausalito office.  It
181765 - was finally decided to have a dedicated Communication Agent in
181766 - Sausalito supported by the Communication Manager, with the result that
181767 - the Communication Metrics subcontract for Richmond will provide 3
181768 - billable staff people, as above.
181769 -
181770 - We discussed whether the Communication Agent would be charged entirely
181771 - to Richmond, since those duties will be applied to other projects and
181772 - overhead, as well.  It seemed to be concluded that at this time it
181773 - should be charged entirely to Richmond.
181774 -
181775 - My sense is that if the budget becomes a problem, we can allocate for
181776 - this contract only 30% of the cost to Richmond, as a startup and
181777 - evaluation effort, and if it works as well as we expect, based on the
181778 - Oakland Harbor experience last year, additional funding can be
181779 - allocated for the Petaluma project and other overhead accounts in 6
181780 - months or so.  The discussion seemed to result in trying to budget the
181781 - full amount to Richmond.
181782 -
181783 -
181784 -
1818 -

Organization, Construction Services Branch
RMS, Prepare CMP
CM Reqmnts Report (T15d(1))
Risk Management Plan (RMP)
Management Plan

2908 -
290801 -  ..
290802 - Richmond Project Office Organization Chart and Functions
290803 -
290804 - Tom Keesling mapped out a revised organization chart for the office in
290805 - Sausalito, and also for the Richmond project, as discussed in his
290806 - email to Leonard last week. ref DRP 2 0000
290807 -
290808 - Initially he diagrammed the Communication Manager reporting to the A-E
290809 - Project Manager specified under Personnel in Scope of Services
290810 - paragraph 7e(1), ref OF 2 line 716.  We considered the advantage of
290811 - segmenting these functions so that the Communication Manager reports
290812 - to the RE and the Communication Administrator reports to the Project
290813 - Engineer.  This arrangement was adopted, and is intended by the scope
290814 - of services under Personnel paragraph 7e(2), ref OF 2 line 726.
290815 -
290816 -        [See follow up on 970317 at ref SDS 16 8494, and with Max on
290817 -        970320, ref SDS 19 3851,]
290818 -
290819 -
290820 -      Construction Management Plan
290821 -      Contract Admin Managed at Project Office
290822 -
290823 -      We discussed having the Project Engineer receive and respond to
290824 -      correspondence, with support of the Communication Manager, per
290825 -      the analysis at ref SDS 7 0000.  This will streamline
290826 -      communications and relieve the burden on the Construction
290827 -      Services Branch, and the HQ staff.  Received correspondence will
290828 -      be copied to the chain of command, and drafts of letters can be
290829 -      furnished for comment in advance of being issued, as directed by
290830 -      the RE and the Contracting Officer.  It should reduce some of the
290831 -      confusion that results from multiple people issuing
290832 -      correspondence to the Contractor.
290833 -
290834 -      Leonard examined the SDS Document Log system that readily shows
290835 -      the chronology of documents received and issued and those pending
290836 -      response.  He seemed to feel this would be helpful in ensuring
290837 -      timely communications and adequately account for documents, which
290838 -      has been a problem in the past.
290839 -
290840 -       ..
290841 -      Business System Transistion Requirements Recognized
290842 -
290843 -      We considered in detail the need to accomodate the added level of
290844 -      effort that will be entailed in introducing new business systems
290845 -      (CFMS, PROMIS, RMS, Open Plan) through the course of the project,
290846 -      as discussed with Tom yesterday, ref SDS 8 7461.  We will be
290847 -      starting with existing procedures, and then begin using other
290848 -      procedures, and this will cause some problems, as noted in the
290849 -      Scope of Services under Requirements paragraph 3b(9), ref OF 2
290850 -      line 272.  We don't really know how this will occur, and so will
290851 -      start with a single Communication Administrator to provide
290852 -      continuity of business production while trying to implement new
290853 -      methods and tools.
290854 -
290855 -          [On 970312 continued planning to support new automated
290856 -          systems. ref SDS 15 5655]
290857 -
290858 -
290859 -
2909 -

Construction Services Branch, Sausalito

3304 -
330401 -  ..
330402 - Construction Branch Organization Expansion:  Chart and Functions
330403 -
330404 - Initially, Tom diagrammed the Communication Agent under Contract
330405 - Administration at the Sausalito office.  He also showed where new
330406 - positions are needed in Sausalito and proposed pay grades, per his
330407 - email to Leonard at ref DRP 2 line 28.
330408 -
330409 - Our discussion reflected the concept that Communication Metrics
330410 - training, and cultural transition to its discipline, will be provided
330411 - over the 14 months of the Richmond project, and this will be a direct
330412 - support for Leonard, rather than a component of Contract
330413 - Administration, as initially diagrammed in Tom's chart.
330414 -
330415 - We considered that Tom's organizational chart showed about 8 people
330416 - reporting to Leonard in the Sausalito office, plus his interaction
330417 - with the District HQ.  Consideration was given to providing dedicated
330418 - support for the RE position in handling this organizational expansion
330419 - while, also, introducing new business systems.  Mike Murphy is a
330420 - technical specialist for RMS, but effort must also be applied to deal
330421 - with the managerial/communication impact of transitioning people while
330422 - at the same time maintaining daily business production.  During this
330423 - 14 month transition period the Communication Agent will become a
330424 - Communication Manager, support Leonard as an Assistant RE, and develop
330425 - the integration of Communication Metrics with the new automated
330426 - business systems under District wide program Tom is developing.  Tom
330427 - proposed in his chart today that Leonard hire and train a Contract
330428 - Administrator who can perform Communication Metrics.
330429 -
330430 - There could be a tendency for an Assistant RE to become more of an
330431 - actor than a Communication Agent, particularly since the individual we
330432 - have in mind for the assignment has a strong management background in
330433 - Government procurement.  We need to be careful not to tie up this
330434 - person's time so heavily with attending ancillary meetings, as a
330435 - traditional "Assistant" does that there is not enough time for
330436 - capturing the record with SDS to perform Communication Metrics.  This
330437 - would be counterproductive.  Instead of productivity improving, there
330438 - would simply be one more person attending meetings without adequate
330439 - preparation and follow up.
330440 -
330441 -
330442 -      Career Development and Staff Migration Path
330443 -
330444 -      Tom mapped a concept of Leonard hiring an actual RE Assistant who
330445 -      would train under the Communication Agent, to eventually replace
330446 -      Leonard when he retires.
330447 -
330448 -      He proposed there be a GS 12 hired as a Contract Administrator to
330449 -      support Jim Joyce, and this person would develop Communication
330450 -      Metrics skills to replace the Welch Communication Manager role in
330451 -      the Construction Services Branch over the next 14 months.  This
330452 -      would institutionalize applying Communication Metrics to support
330453 -      RMS in implementing Contract Administration, as Max has
330454 -      discussed.
330455 -
330456 - Leonard will prepare an organization chart, missions and functions
330457 - statements based on our work today, per Tom's letter dated 970221, ref
330458 - DRP 2 line 31, and submit to Max for approval.
330459 -
330460 -     [See follow up with Tom Keesling indicating this was performed as
330461 -     of 970303, ref SDS 13 4993, and at ref SDS 17 1734.]
330462 -
330463 -
330464 -
3305 -

Resident Management System (RMS)
Contract Administration Manual
CCA Guide Implement with SDS
RMS Support
CM Reqmnts Report (T15d(1))
RMS Report (T15d(2))

4409 -
440901 -  ..
440902 - Communication Metrics Implements COE Contract Administration
440903 -
440904 - We reviewed briefly the Welch letter to Max on this point dated
440905 - 970108, ref DIP 1 3961, which reflects the meeting with Max on 961204,
440906 - ref SDS 1 8951, and on 961206, ref SDS 2 1204. Leonard was unfamiliar
440907 - with a regulation that covers Contract Administration. I retrieved the
440908 - manual for Contract Administration from Max's office, and we examined
440909 - it. Leonard was familiar with this material and explained it is used
440910 - for training Contract Administration.  Tom pointed out that it is
440911 - issued by COE Command to pull together all of the regulations that
440912 - govern Contract Administration of COE projects, and explains standards
440913 - for implementation.
440914 -
440915 -       [See confirmation from Max on 970228 to support implementation
440916 -       of CCA Guide, ref SDS 14 5835.]
440917 -
440918 -       [See decision on 970723 to eliminate CSB support from Welch
440919 -       scope of services, ref SDS 20 7448.]
440920 -
440921 - This document should be on-line for linking daily activity so that
440922 - personnel and the work performed is constantly related to COE
440923 - published standards for Contract Administration practices, and the
440924 - record shows where and how they are applied.  Only by performing this
440925 - linking can people be assisted in applying standard practices and
440926 - procedures regularly, which is the source of improved management
440927 - productivity.  Tom recalled that Max initiated a project to prepare a
440928 - District manual to implement COE HQ Contract Administration procedures
440929 - on the range of subjects that the District managers.  That effort has
440930 - been slowed by staff cut-backs and the press of other assignments.
440931 - Current District expansion increases the need for documented guideance
440932 - on implementing COE HQ policies and procedures.  The Construction
440933 - Services Branch needs to write up its procedures for applying District
440934 - Contract Administration procedures to construction management, and the
440935 - Contract Administration manager in the Construction Services Branch
440936 - should then apply these procedures to fit the needs of each new
440937 - construction project.
440938 -
440939 - Leonard noted that RMS is intended to support Contract Administration
440940 - practices.  Until people are actually working with it, the impact is
440941 - unknown.  RMS at this stage is "macro" support for using standard COE
440942 - forms and formats, but does not capture, maintain and tie together the
440943 - "micro" daily details of the work in talking, reading, writing,
440944 - thinking, as SDS does.  So, this offers a potentially strong nexus for
440945 - SDS to supplement RMS in accomplishing Communication Metrics to
440946 - support Contract Administration, as Max foresees.
440947 -
440948 -
440949 -      Daily Diary Linked to Project Record
440950 -
440951 -      We discussed Tom's understanding of the requirement for
440952 -      maintaining a daily diary on the project, ref SDS 4 line 182.
440953 -
440954 -      Leonard did not recall where this requirement is spelled out, but
440955 -      seemed to feel it would be helpful to tie together project
440956 -      documentation to a diary of analysis, similar to what was done
440957 -      under the Welch contract on the Oakland Harbor project.  This is
440958 -      covered in the scope of services under Requirements paragraph
440959 -      3b(1), ref OF 2 line 213.
440960 -
440961 -
440962 -      Schedule Linked to Diary; Action Items
440963 -
440964 -      After Tom left, we booted up SDS and examined the Schedule-Diary
440965 -      correlation, which is called out in the scope of services under
440966 -      Requirements paragraph 3b(4), ref OF 2 line 229.
440967 -
440968 -      Leonard indicated it would be helpful to have a schedule of daily
440969 -      tasks maintained and tied into the history of work performed,
440970 -      i.e., the diary, as demonstrated in examining the SDS program
440971 -      this morning.  This is the purpose of the Communication Metrics
440972 -      support called out under para 3c, ref OF 2 line 291.
440973 -
440974 -      We discussed how the SDS is inherently an Action Item system, but
440975 -      in addition has a formal Action Item flagging and reporting
440976 -      system, as called up under Requirements para 3b(3), ref OF 2 line
440977 -      223.  We ran an Action Item listing for the past two months for
440978 -      the Oakland project and reviewed a few pending matters.
440979 -
440980 -
440981 -      Organic Subject Structure
440982 -
440983 -      We looked briefly at the Subject Index for the Oakland Harbor
440984 -      project.  Leonard asked if this enables assembling reports of SDS
440985 -      records and documents on particular subjects, for example the
440986 -      Navy Sewer Line, or the RFP #19 on the Oakland Harbor project,
440987 -      which was done for Max at ref SDS 3 line 211.  We did a few
440988 -      reports to demonstrate this capability, which is in the scope of
440989 -      services under Requirements paragraph 3b(5), ref OF 2 line 235.
440990 -
440991 -
440992 -      Documents Automatically Identified
440993 -
440994 -      We looked at the SDS Document Log, and noticed how missing
440995 -      documents are readily apparent from viewing gaps in the sequence
440996 -      of serial numbers.  Demonstrated how documents are instantly
440997 -      accessed from the log and how the context under which a document
440998 -      was issued or received is instantly accessible in the diary.  We
440999 -      opened Tom's email letter to Leonard dated 970221 at ref DRP 2
441000 -      line 23.  Every piece of paper on the job should be managed in
441001 -      this way:  where is it, what is it about, why was it issued, what
441002 -      is the follow up?
441003 -
441004 -      Leonard asked how documents are uniquely identified in SDS?  I
441005 -      showed how the program automatically assigns a unique number to
441006 -      every document generated, that then can be tracked within the
441007 -      program.
441008 -
441009 -
441010 -
4411 -

CSB, Sausalito Office
Cost Communication Metrics
Port of Richmond

4907 -
490701 - Government Estimate
490702 -
490703 - Per Tom's memo at ref DRP 2 2345, there was consideration of using the
490704 - actual costs of A-E for Inspection by Gahagen & Bryant for the Oakland
490705 - Harbor costs to budget for this scope on the Richmond project. Since
490706 - this is a smaller project, the costs on Richmond may run only 80% to
490707 - 90% of that for Oakland.
490708 -
490709 - For Communication Metrics, I quoted hourly pay rates for COE budget
490710 - estimates:
490711 -
490712 -                    Communication Manager:        $130
490713 -                    Communication Agent:            90
490714 -                    Communication Administrator     70
490715 -
490716 -     We will need to add travel, supplies, equipment and main office
490717 -     G&A.
490718 -
490719 - Leonard will submit budget estimates to the Contracting Office for
490720 - preparation of Government estimate.
490721 -
490722 -    [See discussion with Leonard at ref SDS 18 4882.]
490723 -
490724 - Monti is working on getting the A-E approved for SBA award.
490725 -
490726 -    [See discussion with Tom Keesling at ref SDS 12 line 145, and at
490727 -    ref SDS 17 line 162.]
490728 -
490729 -
490730 -
490731 -
4908 -

Scope of Services

5004 - 1505 Completed edits
5005 -
500501 - Incorporated the edits requested by Leonard and Tom, per above.
500502 - Prepared this thing in a Wordperfect file for Teri.
500503 -
500504 - Began capturing the record of our meeting, per above.
500505 -
500506 - Developed Action Items.
500507 -
500508 -     [Finalized and submitted Scope of Services document to Mike Murphy
500509 -     on 970226, because Teri was not in; submitted these notes to
500510 -     Leonard, Tom and Max also on 970226, ref SDS 11 line 99.]
500511 -
500512 -
5006 -
5007 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"