440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 21, 1997 07:00 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Visited Tom Keesling on edits for evaluation Communication Metrics.

2...Evaluation Communication Metrics
3...Article for Corps of Engineers Newsletter
4...Richmond Harbor Project, Communication Metrics
5...Sausalito Office Support
6...Draft Scope of Services
7...COE Mobilize Staff/Facilities for Richmond Project Launch
8...Payment for Shoaling Under Review
9...Dutra's Has Improved Progress
10...Todd/Schnitzer, Galbraith

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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473/8701
020102 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020201 - Mr. Marc McGovern; Construction Manager =415 977 8467
020202 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480

Evaluation Welch Contract
2626 COE Contractor Evaluation

0604 -    ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up ref SDS 13 line 79, ref SDS 12 line 67.
060602 -
060603 - Received Tom's edits on evaluation of Communcation Metrics for the
060604 - Oakland Harbor project; discussed publishing an article based on the
060605 - evaluation and Tom's new assignment to implement automated management
060606 - in the COE SF District.  Received copy of preliminary scope of
060607 - services for Quality Assurance on the Richmond Harbor project;
060608 - discussed changes needed to incorporate Communication Metrics.  Set
060609 - meeting for Monday to review progress on these tasks for Monday
060610 - morning.
060611 -
060612 -
060613 -
060614 -
0607 -
0608 -
0609 - Discussion
0610 -
061001 - Evaluation Communication Metrics
061002 -
061003 - Received and reviewed in general Tom's edits of ref OF 4 line 20.
061004 -
061005 - He suggested clarifying the "subject" as a self-evaluation.  I
061006 - explained this document is intended for him to submit to Tom Benero to
061007 - supplement his evaluation of Rod Welch expertise and the SDS program,
061008 - since Communication Metrics is specifically set out in the Welch
061009 - contract and is not mentioned in his evaluation letter, per ref SDS 13
061010 - line 197.
061011 -
061012 - Tom seemed to feel this would be appropriate.  We considered some
061013 - minor format changes, and getting Max and Herb Cheong to add any
061014 - comments they may wish to make.
061015 -
061016 - He wants the first section to be called "Executive Summary" rather
061017 - than just "Summary," and he wants to rename the "Evaluation" section
061018 - to "Conclusions and Recommendations."  Tom said he likes the
061019 - background statement, the record on hiring Welch and the section on
061020 - Welch performance.  He suggests appending the PG&E memo and some
061021 - samples of Communication Metrics work product.
061022 -
061023 - He changes in the first para "It is recommended for wider use..." to
061024 - "It has potential for..."
061025 -
061026 - At the end of page 1, he has underlined " described below." and
061027 - has handwritten the following:
061028 -
061029 -             Need to show where -- paragraph --
061030 -
061031 -     ...I think he wants the text to specify where in the document we
061032 -     describe "below" how Communication Metrics can be used.  He also
061033 -     says in his note at the bottom of page 1:
061034 -
061035 -             Other major contracts
061036 -             Cost sharing agreements
061037 -             Review comments on contract document
061038 -             Overall project management
061039 -
061040 -     ...we did not have time today to discuss what these comments mean,
061041 -     so I need to visit with him about it.
061042 -
061043 - On the last page, he changes the last para of the Evaluation to give
061044 - it a title:  "6.  Conclusions."  Tom wrote on a large yellow postit
061045 - slip the following and pasted it to the bottom of the last page:
061046 -
061047 -       Welch performed all requirements of the contract with the Corps
061048 -       in an outstanding manner.  The application of "Communication
061049 -       Metrics" elevated the focus of the project team and management
061050 -       as well as those of the cost sharing partner and the contractor
061051 -       to work on the real issues and not be drawn away by extraneous
061052 -       thoughts and activities.
061053 -
061054 -
061055 -
061056 -
0611 -

COE Newsletter Article
Public Relations, News Releases

0906 -
090601 -  ..
090602 - Article for Corps of Engineers Newsletter
090603 -
090604 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000.
090605 -
090606 - We considered in a little more detail the idea of explaining how
090607 - Communication Metrics supplements RMS, per discussion yesterday on an
090608 - article for COE Newsletter, ref SDS 13 7444, following up original
090609 - receipt of article on RMS. ref SDS 1 0000
090610 -
090611 - The experience on the Richmond Harbor project will provide an
090612 - opportunity to work out the correlation between RMS and Communication
090613 - Metrics, and this can be incorporated into an article by Tom for
090614 - publication in the COE newsletter about his program to implement
090615 - automated management in the San Francisco District.
090616 -
090617 -     [On 970502 received article in PM Network on "Virtual District,"
090618 -     that uses automation to support "virtual office." ref SDS 22
090619 -     0000.]
090620 -
090621 -     [On 970418 received report from CESPN that Communication Metrics
090622 -     supports RMS and the "paperless office" concept. ref SDS 20 3945]
090623 -
090624 -     [On 970225 meeting with Tom and Leonard to plan implementation of
090625 -     RMS and other new system. ref SDS 16 8447]
090626 -
090627 -     [On 970312 expanded planning. ref SDS 19 5655]
090628 -
090629 -
090630 -
0907 -

Richmond Harbor Deepening
Staffing of Project
Construction Branch
Port of Richmond
Daily Log by Inspector
Conventional Management Not Enough Time to

1809 -
180901 - Followed up our discussion yesterday, ref SDS 13 line 274.
180902 -
180903 - I explained my call to Leonard, and the meeting scheduled with him for
180904 - Monday or Tuesday, ref SDS 13 line 303.
180905 -
180906 -     [See follow up developing draft to incorporate Communication
180907 -     Metrics into scope of services per ref SDS 14 line 87.]
180908 -
180909 - Richmond Harbor Project, Communication Metrics
180910 -
180911 - Tom said someone picked up the procurement materials from him
180912 - yesterday.  He gave me a copy of a document entitled:
180913 -
180914 -                          SECTION C
180915 -                 DREDGING INSPECTION SERVICES
180916 -                      SCOPE OF SERVICES
180917 -
180918 -    ...which is scanned into the record at ref OF 6 line 8.
180919 -
180920 - Tom said he included a copy of the draft scope I submitted to Marc,
180921 - ref DIP 2 line 32, and instructions on how to modify Section C to
180922 - include the Communication Metrics scope.
180923 - ..
180924 - Tom advised there is a COE requirement for the RE and/or Project
180925 - Engineer to maintain a daily diary.  He feels this has historically
180926 - been difficult for COE to accomplish and so the SDS program offers a
180927 - direct means to perform this requirement.
180928 -
180929 -      [See follow up on change in COE policy re daily diary, ref SDS 18
180930 -      line 151 and ref SDS 18 line 163.]
180931 -
180932 - We considered changing the title of Section C to reflect the broader
180933 - scope of Communication Metrics.  Since the document describes the
180934 - work as "quality assurance" we considered using the following title:
180935 -
180936 -                    Quality Assurance Support
180937 -
180938 - This reflects the fact that the government is responsible to perform
180939 - Quality Assurance on the project, and it is hiring an A-E firm to
180940 - provide certain support for that function.  In this case, then these
180941 - support services will include Dredging Inspection and Communication
180942 - Metrics.
180943 -
180944 - I asked if Dredging Inspection Services is a historical term that has
180945 - an established meaning in relation to the Quality Assurance program,
180946 - such that changing the title would cause questions?  Tom seemed to
180947 - indicate that "Dredging Inspection Services" has only been used on the
180948 - Oakland Harbor project and so no pattern and practice has been
180949 - established by this title description.  He feels the change would be
180950 - appropriate. We do not need to include the "Services" term, since the
180951 - next line of the title makes clear this is a service contract.
180952 -
180953 -
180954 -  ..
180955 - Sausalito Office Support
180956 -
180957 - Tom indicated this contract can include Communication Metrics support
180958 - for the Resident Engineer at the Sausalito office, as described in the
180959 - 970115 letter to Marc, ref DIP 2 line 244.
180960 -
180961 - We considered that I review with Leonard when we meet next week
180962 - whether he wants to include Communication Metrics support for his
180963 - office in the scope of services for the Port of Richmond project, or
180964 - whether it should be a separate contract.
180965 -
180966 -      [On
180967 -
180968 -
180969 -
180970 - Draft Scope of Services
180971 -
180972 - I will prepare a draft incorporating Tom's ideas and submit it to him
180973 - Monday morning.  I will bring it to the meeting with Leonard as a
180974 - talking point, and we can call Tom during our meeting for additional
180975 - input.
180976 -
180977 - Tom said the budget on Oakland was between $800K and $1M for the
180978 - Quality Assurance support contract.  Since this contract is smaller
180979 - the inspection portion will be less, but with Communication Metrics it
180980 - could increase.  If we include Communication Metrics for the Sausalito
180981 - it will surely be greater.
180982 -
180983 -     [See follow up developing draft to incorporate Communication
180984 -     Metrics into scope of services per ref SDS 14 0000.]
180985 -
180986 -
180987 -
180988 - COE Mobilize Staff/Facilities for Richmond Project Launch
180989 -
180990 - There was discussion about the steps the RE office needs to take in
180991 - order to get ready for work to begin after bids are received and the
180992 - contract is awarded.  Tom explained the need to define the Quality
180993 - Assurance COE team and facilities and submit it for approval, so the
180994 - resources can be developed in time for work to begin.
180995 -
180996 - He will write up a list of 5 or so steps in this process and send an
180997 - email to Leonard and to me for our meeting next week.
180998 -
180999 -     [See receipt of the letter at ref SDS 15 line 305; and initial
181000 -     steps to develop Project Office at ref SDS 17 line 170.]
181001 -
181002 -
1811 -
1812 -
1813 - 1351 called Tom
1814 -
181401 - Asked about status of getting this list.  He said he has sent it, so
181402 - evidently there is a glut on the Internet.  If I don't get it by
181403 - Monday, morning, I will call him back.
181404 -
181405 -
181406 -
1815 -

COE Staffing
Bankruptcy Filing Chapter 11

2005 -   ..
200501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 13 line 290.
200502 -
200503 - Visited with Marc McGovern on status of Oakland Harbor project.  He
200504 - said Tom Benero has become more involved in the project again, and has
200505 - secured support from Chris and others in the Engineering Division to
200506 - prepare estimates to negotiate settlement of contractor claims,
200507 - including the soft to hard polygon matter.
200508 -
200509 - He has been very busy lately with union activity.
200510 -
200511 -  ..
200512 -
200513 - Marc explained the lawyer who is helping COE counsel deal with Dutra's
200514 - bankruptcy filing is also supporting evalution of the contractor's
200515 - claims.  Marc recalled that this attorney has helped Jim Stout in
200516 - prior litigations with Dutra.  The new attorney has expressed a
200517 - preference for particular litigation support, which Marc feels will
200518 - relieve the burden on him and CON OPS.
200519 -
200520 -      [See follow up inquiry from Max about providing help for COE
200521 -      counsel on Dutra matter, ref SDS 15 line 338.]
200522 -
200523 -
200524 -
2006 -

Schedule for Construction, 52.236-15
Cure Notice, 0019
Spreadsheet Analysis
Payment Dredging Quantity Measurement

2608 -
260801 - Payment for Shoaling Under Review
260802 -
260803 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 257.
260804 -
260805 - He said there has been some movement on paying the contractor for
260806 - shoaling quantities; evidently there is still some concern at the
260807 - command level, and possibly by the Port of Oakland.
260808 -
260809 - Evidently Chris Shields is evaluating time extensions based on the
260810 - pre-dredge survey, but not the recent survey completed in October
260811 - 1996, which formed the basis of Dutra's 961213 schedule submission, as
260812 - reviewed at ref SDS 4 line 65, and discussed with Marc at ref SDS 8
260813 - line 259.
260814 -
260815 -
260816 -
260817 - Dutra's Has Improved Progress
260818 -
260819 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 260.
260820 -
260821 - Marc seemed to indicate this morning that Dutra has improved its
260822 - production, as would be expected by the addition of the DB #24 and the
260823 - return of the Paula Lee from emergency flood control work in the
260824 - Delta.  COE has given Dutra 8 days of bad weather delays, and with
260825 - this they seem positioned to complete the Outer Harbor work by the
260826 - 970315 date plus 8 days for bad weather.
260827 -
260828 - He did not report on any results from analysis of quantities by
260829 - Gahagen and Bryant and I did not ask, since it sounds like Chris
260830 - Shields is doing some of this analysis in connection with the
260831 - pre-dredge survey.
260832 -
260833 -
260834 -
260835 -
2609 -

0019   Remove concentrated debris Todd and
Galbraith, Disposal at
Hazardous Materials in Todd/Schnitzer,
Piling encountered, Schnitzer
Failure to Perform

3108 -
310801 - Todd/Schnitzer, Galbraith
310802 -
310803 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 175.
310804 -
310805 - Marc indicated he has spoken to Bob Johnston about having its bonding
310806 - company and insurance carriar submit reports from their experts in
310807 - advance of having a meeting on performing work in Todd and Schnitzer
310808 - to complete Galbraith, per our discussion on 970211. ref SDS 8 8445
310809 - I asked if COE has confirmed this instruction to Dutra in a letter,
310810 - and Marc seemed to indicate a letter was being circulated on this
310811 - matter but has not been issued yet.
310812 -
310813 - Marc conveyed concerns by Bob Johnston that when COE cancelled RFP
310814 - #19, that this meant Dutra would not be paid for removing the
310815 - concentrated piling and debris.  Marc indicated today that he gave
310816 - assurances COE expects to make additional payment for such work.  I
310817 - asked if any evidence has surfaced showing hazardous materials exist
310818 - in these locations.
310819 -
310820 - Marc said no evidence of this has come up.
310821 -
310822 -
310823 -
3109 -
3110 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"