440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 19, 1997 10:07 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Meeting Mike on CSB organization and RMS.

2...Scope of Services Approved on Interim Basis
3...Government Estimate Parameters

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0201 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito      415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
0202 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito      415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Mike Murphy; Project Engineer
020202 - Construction Service Branch =Telephone/fax

Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
GSI, per Max 961011
Keesling's Assignment, RMS, CEFMS, PROMIS,
Construction Svcs Branch, Organization
Construction Services Branch, Sausalito
Scope of Services

1108 -    ..
1109 - Summary/Objective
1110 -
111001 - Follow up ref SDS 24 line 94, ref SDS 20 line 79.
111002 -
111003 -
111004 -
111005 -
1111 -
1112 -
1113 - Discussion
1114 -
111401 - Scope of Services Approved on Interim Basis
111402 -
111403 - Followed up work at ref SDS 24 line 108.
111404 -
111405 - Leonard was not in the office.  I gave the disk with the scope of
111406 - services to Teri and also gave her a printed copy for Leonard.
111407 -
111408 - Gave Teri a copy of the organization chart received from Tom this
111409 - morning, ref SDS 25 line 132.
111410 -
111411 -  ..
111412 -
111413 - Gave Mike Murphy a copy of the organization chart and also gave him
111414 - the RMS CD.
111415 -
111416 - Mike commented that he will need help with the RMS system because
111417 - there is a lot of data entry.  Mike seemed to have the impression that
111418 - I would be supporting RMS with data entry.  He reviewed his work with
111419 - DDLS which is part of the broader GIS system, and explained have
111420 - developed it over the past 15 years.  Mike advised that some of the
111421 - motive and capability of the system arises from a major law suit that
111422 - occurred where he testified on behalf of the Corps of Engineers.  GIS
111423 - and DDLS are intented in part to improve the accuracy of surveys for
111424 - measurement and payment issues.  This mornining he showed how the
111425 - results generated from the DDLS compare favorably with actual surveys.
111426 - It sounds like at this time DDLS primarily captures area covered, but
111427 - Mike seemed to indicate the next step is to determine actual volume of
111428 - dredging performed.  Mike indicated progress on reaching all of the
111429 - goals for GIS is impacted by the time he applies to daily support of
111430 - construction projects.  He showed a number of reports and plots he has
111431 - done to maintain adequate progresss.
111432 -
111433 - I explained we will have a Communication Agent at the Sausalito office
111434 - who to provide Communication Metrics support for Leonard and will not
111435 - be performing data entry of RMS.  The Communication Administrator and
111436 - the RMS Project Manager will provide data entry for RMS along with the
111437 - Project Engineer.  The work with Leonard and Mike on developing the
111438 - organization chart is to plan for the organizational strength needed
111439 - to meet the routine data entry needs
111440 -
111441 - We need to have the Project Engineer on board asap so that person can
111442 - get familiar with RMS.
111443 -
111444 -  ..
111445 -
111446 - Mike said he solved the problem that occurred printing the
111447 - organization chart he produced last Friday, ref SDS 21 line 160.  We
111448 - considered printing the organication chart on the plotter in the
111449 - Sausalito office, but Mike was backing up his computer.  He felt the
111450 - backup operation would finish in a few minutes, but I was there for an
111451 - hour and so finally had to leave before it finished.
111452 -
111453 -     [Turned out Mike's chart was completed successfully in the
111454 -     District office and was in Max's office when I visited Tom
111455 -     Keesling later in the day, ref SDS 25 line 229.]
111456 -
111457 -     [See refinements to organization chart at ref SDS 26 line 102.]
111458 -
111459 - Mike seemed to be using File Manager to copy information to a Jazz
111460 - backup drive that has 1 GB of storage.  He said it transfers data at
111461 - 100 MB/second.  The Jazz system is follow on technology to the
111462 - Bournelli Box which is different from tape backup.  We discussed this
111463 - and Mike seemed to indicate he has not had good luck with backing up.
111464 - He recalled a hard disk crashed and they had difficulty getting all
111465 - the data restored.
111466 -
111467 -
111468 -
111469 -
111470 -
1115 -
1116 -
1117 - 1542 called Leonard
1118 -
111801 - Advised that we received the organization plot prepared by Mike and
111802 - suggested that Mike attend the meeting with Max tomorrow to explain
111803 - the chart he prepared, per discussion with Tom Keesling at.
111804 -
111805 - Leonard has seen the organization chart and has the Task Orders I
111806 - delivered this morning, per above.  He asked if I prepared them using
111807 - Powerpoint, and I explained Tom Keesling did it using Powerpoint.
111808 -
111809 -
111810 -
1119 -


1204 -
120401 -  ..
120402 - Government Estimate Parameters
120403 -
120404 - Followed up meeting at ref SDS 24 line 234.
120405 -
120406 - Leonard asked about the burden rate for billing against GS levels. He
120407 - said the rate for G&B is 160% which is how a GS 7 - 9 winds up being
120408 - billed at $100, per ref SDS 24 line 231.  I explained our rates should
120409 - be comparable to that approved for similar work, such as the A-E rates
120410 - for the Oakland project.  Leonard wants to review this this separately
120411 - before or after our meeting tomorrow morning with Max.
120412 -
120413 -
120414 -
120415 -
1205 -
1206 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"