440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 14, 1997 07:04 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Prepare revised scope of services for Richmond project.


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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473/8701
020102 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito      415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch

Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
CCA Guide

1004 -    ..
1005 - Summary/Objective
1006 -
100601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 20 line 75, ref SDS 18 line 75, 
100602 - line 83, ref SDS 15 line 87, ref SDS 13 line 83, ref SDS 9ref SDS 10 line 87.
100604 -
100605 - Prepared initial drafts for scope of services on Richmond.
100606 -
100607 -
100608 -  ..
1007 -
1008 -
1009 - Progress
1010 -
101001 - Finished notes of meetings with Leonard on Wednesday, ref SDS 19 line
101002 - 78, and with Tom yesterday, ref SDS 20 line 229.
101003 -
101004 - Decided to make the following Task Orders:
101005 -
101006 -      00201    NTP    970930  Contract Administration Support
101007 -
101008 -                This will cover Inspection Services and RMS
101009 -                implementation support for Construction Management.
101010 -
101011 -                It provides assistance to Project Engineer for
101012 -                implementing the CCA Guide, ref OF 6 line 260, which
101013 -                Max requested on Tuesday, ref SDS 17 line 275.
101014 -
101015 -  ..
101016 -      00202    NTP    970930  Communication Metrics Support
101017 -
101018 -                This will provide Communication Metrics for Task Order
101019 -                1 and the Construction Services Branch, and will have
101020 -                the same heading of Contract Administration Support,
101021 -                except it will be called Task Order 2.
101022 -
101023 -                It will support implementation of the CCA Guide, ref OF
101024 -                7 line 595, which Max requested on Tuesday, ref SDS 17
101025 -                line 279.
101026 -
101027 -      00203    971001 970930  Contract Administration Support
101028 -
101029 -                Provide scope under Task Order #1 for following year.
101030 -
101031 -      00204    971001 970930  Communication Metrics Support
101032 -
101033 -                Provide scope under Task Order #2 for following year.
101034 -
101035 -
101036 -
101037 -
1011 -
1012 -
1013 - 1158 called Tom Keesling
1014 -
101401 - Confirmed our meeting for Monday at 0800 with Leonard to review their
101402 - organization chart.
101403 -
101404 -
101405 -
101406 -
1015 -
1016 -
1017 - 1217 called Leonard, talked to Mike
1018 -
101801 - He can prepare an organization chart, but not today because he is
101802 - leaving early for a trip to Reno over the weekend.
101803 -
101804 - He will plot a copy of the RMS organization he envisions.  It will be
101805 - plotted on the the 7th floor, and I can get it by contacting Dan
101806 - Browneye on the 9th floor in IMO.
101807 -
101808 -  ..
1019 -
1020 -
1021 - 1316 visited Dan Browneye
1022 -
102201 - Dan was not in, but someone put me in touch with Bick.  She took me to
102202 - the 7th floor.  The plot was not ready.  Bick opened W311 and found
102203 - the print manager.  Mike's plot was waiting in the cue.  Bick
102204 - investigated the plotter and found it was out of paper.  She had to go
102205 - to another floor to get a role of paper.  It was heavy so I helped her
102206 - load it onto a roller and position it for printing.  Bick called
102207 - Mike's plot shown in the Print Manager on the monitor, but the display
102208 - on the printer returned an error message that said something like
102209 - "Media Failure."
102210 -
102211 - Since we had just installed a new role of paper (i.e., media), as
102212 - shown in the instruction booklet fastened to the plotter, Bick checked
102213 - the ink containers.  There are 4 or 5 of them for different colors.
102214 - She added ink to one of the containers that looked low and
102215 - resubmitted the print job from the computer.  Got the same error
102216 - saying Media Failure.
102217 -
102218 - Bick said she will consult with others on how to clear this error.  I
102219 - will come back in about an hour or so.
102220 -
102221 -     [See follow up where the plot was received the following week, ref
102222 -     SDS 22 line 230.]
102223 -
102224 -
102225 -
1023 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"