440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 26, 1997 09:46 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Completed notes of meeting on Richmond; submitted scope of services.
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito 415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
Richmond Harbor Deepening
Staffing of Project
Construction Branch
Port of Richmond
Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Followed up work at ref SDS 5 line 73, ref SDS 2 line 77.
080902 -
080903 - Finalized notes of meeting, and edits to scope of services. Sent via
080904 - internet. Had some problems with compatbility of wordprocessing
080905 - versions, but this was resolved by using ASCII. Talked to Leonard and
080906 - he will let me know if any corrections are needed in the notes of our
080907 - meeting yesterday.
080908 -
080909 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Progress
0813 -
081301 - Completed notes of our meeting, developed Action items. Submitted the
081302 - Quality Assurance Scope of Services, Section C, to Teri in a file
081303 - called qa.wpd. Actually, I called for Teri to get her email address,
081304 - but she is not in. Talked to Mike Murphy. He asked me to send the
081305 - Scope of Services to him, and he will give it to her.
081306 -
081307 - [See follow up call received from Teri ref SDS 6 line 52.]
081308 -
081309 - I had a little problem sending the file, and so I zipped it and it
081310 - finally seemed to go.
081311 -
081312 - Submitted these notes via ref DIT 1 0000, transmitting notes of the
081313 - meeting yesterday, ref SDS 5 0000, to Leonard, Tom and Max for
081314 - distribution as they see fit. Sent a copy of this to Bill Benkavitch,
081315 - following up our meeting on Sunday, ref SDS 1 line 164.
081316 -
081317 - [See follow up discussion with Tom Keesling at ref SDS 7 line
081318 - 141.]
081319 -
081320 - [See follow up meeting with Max on this at ref SDS 8 line 126.]
081321 -
0814 -
0815 -
0816 - 1402 received call from Teri
0817 -
081701 - She said her Wordperfect program will not read the file. She is
081702 - using 5.0 and the file was prepared in 6.0.
081703 -
081704 - I sent the file again in ASCII, and explained how to open the file in
081705 - text mode and then remove any hard returns, if necessary to perform
081706 - edits.
081707 -
081708 -
081709 -
0818 -
0819 -
0820 - 1439 edits to notes
0821 -
082101 - After sending this stuff out to everybody, I did some editing at ref
082102 - SDS 5 line 286, to add Tom Keesling's remarks yesterday about Max's
082103 - project to write up a District implement guide for COE HQ Contract
082104 - Administration procedures.
082105 -
082106 - I also clarified better the concern about making the Communication
082107 - Agent in Sausalito an Assistant RE, with the result that it reduces
082108 - the time for doing Communication Metrics, defeating the goal of the
082109 - contract, ref SDS 5 line 236.
082110 -
082111 -
082112 -
082113 -
0822 -
0823 -
0824 - 1428 received call from Teri
0825 -
082501 - She said it worked. She is printing it and it looks okay.
082502 -
082503 -
0826 -
0827 -
0828 - 1432 called Leonard
0829 -
082901 - Advised of above events. Leonard said he has Wordperfect 6.1 on his
082902 - computer, but Teri uses 5.0. Leanard was not familiar with the
082903 - problem of having Hrt at the end of each line. I explained this and
082904 - that if there is no editing needed, which should be case, then this is
082905 - a non-issue. Leonard indicated this sounds satisfactory.
082906 -
082907 - I asked if he has received the notes of our meeting yesterday, ref SDS
082908 - 5 line 69, in my letter, ref DIT 1 line 35, which I sent via internet
082909 - an hour or so ago? He has not logged on yet to read any email. He
082910 - will let me know if any additions or corrections are needed to our
082911 - understandings.
082912 -
082913 - [See follow up call received from Teri ref SDS 6 line 52.]
082914 -
082915 -
082916 -
0830 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"