440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 31, 2002 12:01 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Article says metadata fails to improve email, SDS adds intelligence.
2...Giving Up on Metadata to Organize So People Can Find Information
3...Metadata Effort to Organize Information, Difficult and Not Effective
4...Email Reduces Productivity Information Overload Cannot Find Anything
5...Email Fast, Easy Free Way to Grow Market for Intelligence
6...Attitudes Change When Front-end Investment Good Management Fast Easy
7...Fast, Easy Organization Increases People Willing to Work Intelligently
...2...Email is popular for collaboration because it is fast, easy, and
...3...SDS saves time and money, but seems like overkill organizing the
...4...Bad management always seems faster and easier than good
...5...Knowledge Management has been abandoned by advocates who now
.......Experts are too busy to learn KM by doing KM, because all of
.......b...Paperless Office improves literacy by using technology to
..........................anytime, anywhere intelligence
.......c...Links add value to email by empowering people to verify
.......d...Organization aids access to verify accuracy and understand
.......e...Context management adds meaning to information, but is
.......f...Microsoft, Oracle plan to improve wordprocessing, email,
8...Metadata and Search Engine Do Not Convert Information into Knowledge
9...Intelligence Converts Information into Knowledge
10...Organization Key Element of Adding Intelligence to Information
11...SDS Inherent Metadata Solves Growing Problem of Information Overload
12...Com Manager Innovation New Role for New Way of Working Intelligently
13...Service Innovation of New Work Role for New Way of Working Com Manager
Click here to comment!
0201 - Dynamic Alternatives
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson
Email Killer App Grows Demand SDS Avoid Meaning Drift, Pat Lincoln
Metadata Added to Information Subjects Takes Time Skill Need Dedicate
Johnson, Gary Metadata Organizes Email Information into Context Essen
Metadata Organizes Email Information into Context Essential for Produ
Email Attractive Overwhelming Tendency Use Bad Management Creates Dem
Email Productivity Killed Popular Program for Collaboration Groove In
Organization Everything in Right Place at Right Time SDS Utopia for O
Organizational Memory Avoid Mistakes People Won't Invest Time Money f
SDS Organizes Information Fast Easy Find Everything Improves Producti
Organization Enables 10 Seconds to Create Links for Connected Record
DeHart, Bill Organization SDS Productivity Better than Popular Progra
4613 -
4613 - ..
4614 - Summary/Objective
4615 -
461501 - Follow up ref SDS 50 HW8H
461502 -
461503 - More evidence of the knowledge management dilemma where experts, who
461504 - advocate methods for improving information technology, have given up
461505 - on adding organization with ontology because the task is too complex.
461506 - "Metadata" has become a popular term the past year or so for adding
461507 - keywords to identify a document that is intended to enable people to
461508 - find infomrmation. The article today says people are giving up on
461509 - meta data. ref SDS 0 VX4J
461510 -
461511 -
461512 -
461513 -
461514 -
461516 - ..
4616 -
4617 -
4618 - 0923
4619 -
461901 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Gary submitting a link to an article
461902 - written by Sergey Brin and published by O'Reilly Network on 021007...
461904 - ..
461905 -
461906 -
461908 - ..
461909 - Giving Up on Metadata to Organize So People Can Find Information
461910 - Metadata Effort to Organize Information, Difficult and Not Effective
461911 - Email Reduces Productivity Information Overload Cannot Find Anything
461912 -
461913 - Gary directs attention to Sergey's ideas about adding value to
461914 - information by adding organization that makes information fast and
461915 - easy to find. "Metadata" seems to be a popular term for organizing
461916 - the record, reported on 010420, ref SDS 34 X44G, but requires
461917 - investing time for saving lives, time, and money, which people resist,
461918 - because proactive management conflicts with desire to save time in the
461919 - moment; so, people prefer to use indexing of document content that
461920 - seems fast and easy, shown by following excerpt from Sergey's article
461921 - quoted in Gary's letter today...
461923 - ..
461924 - At InfoWorld's recent Web services conference, Google's cofounder
461925 - Sergey Brin gave a keynote talk. Afterward, somebody asked him to
461926 - weigh in on RDF and the semantic Web. "Look," he said, "putting
461927 - angle brackets around everything is not a technology, by itself.
461928 - I'd rather make progress by having computers understand what
461929 - humans write, than to force humans to write in ways computers can
461930 - understand." I've always thought that we need to find more and
461931 - better ways to capture metadata when we communicate. But I've got
461932 - to admit that the filtering and folders I use in Outlook require
461933 - more effort than most people will ever be willing to invest. There
461934 - may yet turn out to be ways to make writing the semantic Web easy
461935 - and natural.
461937 - ..
461938 - Meanwhile, Google and, now, ZOE remind us that we can still add
461939 - plenty of value to the poorly-structured stuff that we write every
461940 - day. It's a brute-force strategy, to be sure, but isn't that why
461941 - we have these 2GHz personal computers? ref DRT 1 KY5M
461943 - ..
461944 - "Metadata" is not defined in Sergey's article. On 020718 Eric
461945 - Armstrong used this term in a context indicating "metadata" organizes
461946 - information by assigning categores, subjects and classification using
461947 - "key words." ref SDS 46 M74J More recently on 020822 Microsoft has
461948 - developed Sharepoint to help people find information. It crawls
461949 - content and indexes metadata into categories. ref SDS 50 H357
461950 -
461951 - [On 080315 Pat Lincoln gave presentation at professional event
461952 - where semantic web was discussed, which relates to metadata
461953 - and ontology. ref SDS 58 O552
461955 - ..
461956 - On 020920 IBM offers Sametime based on Lotus Notes that uses meta data
461957 - methods to categorize documents for meetings. ref SDS 52 H95R IBM
461958 - says subjects change over the life of a project. ref SDS 52 VJ4Q Team
461959 - Leaders and Facilitators set up and maintain categories. ref SDS 52
461960 - K862
461962 - ..
461963 - On 991231 research on W3C standards for HTML says that a meta command
461964 - is used for specifying key words for a serach engine to use.
461965 - ref SDS 24 YS86
461966 -
461968 - ..
461969 - Email Fast, Easy Free Way to Grow Market for Intelligence
461970 - Attitudes Change When Front-end Investment Good Management Fast Easy
461971 - Fast, Easy Organization Increases People Willing to Work Intelligently
461972 -
461973 - Sergey's report, above, that popular information technology for adding
461974 - meta data, like Microsoft "Outlook," take too much time to organize
461975 - email in order to find information when needed, and that most people
461976 - are unwilling to invest time for adding meta data, ref SDS 0 VX4J,
461977 - reflects a number of issues related to SDS....
461978 -
461979 - 1. Email causes communication and collaboration to fail as set out
461980 - in POIMS. ref OF 1 CZ6K Lack of organization is one of many
461981 - problems with email cited in POIMS, ref OF 1 YF5L, and noted by
461982 - Jack Park on 010908, ref SDS 36 US8O, that paralyzes
461983 - productivity, reported later by Eric Armstrong on 011003,
461984 - ref SDS 40 EC5N, and which subsequently lowers earings. The
461985 - report today that meta data takes too much time to organize and
461986 - find information, ref SDS 0 VX4J, aligns with experience shown
461987 - on 960406. ref SDS 12 5922 When too many people are having
461988 - problems finding information, noted by Eric on 010916,
461989 - ref SDS 39 KA6H, then too many people having too many problems,
461990 - as reported on 001207, ref SDS 33 V54M, eventually reaches a
461991 - critical mass of bumbling that explodes into loss, conflict,
461992 - crisis and calamity, e.g., Enron, reported on 020204.
461993 - ref SDS 42 4N6F, and the wider economy where people lose faith
461994 - because fear of accountable is overtaken by fear that nobody is
461995 - accountable, also reported on 020204. ref SDS 43 0001
461997 - ..
461998 - 2. Email is popular for collaboration because it is fast, easy, and
461999 - seems like a free method to communicate, reported on 020822.
462000 - ref SDS 50 WO8H On 020823 John Maloney requested greater use of
462001 - email, because organization and analysis with links to original
462002 - sources that make finding information fast and easy is annoying.
462003 - ref SDS 51 H28F People are beginning to recognize that email is
462004 - "fools gold" presenting an illusion of progress which appeals to
462005 - laziness, noted by Jack Park on 010908. ref SDS 36 M65K More
462006 - recently, Murray Altheim reported people have given up on
462007 - accuracy in email and conversation. ref SDS 49 V66I
462009 - ..
462010 - Unorganized information creates a growing mass of mistakes, as
462011 - "Alice in Wonderland" of bumbling, described by Henry Kissinger,
462012 - reported on 940609. ref SDS 9 4238 As these "ticking time
462013 - bombs," explode (see POIMS, ref OF 1 8844), in national security
462014 - failure, reported on 010911, ref SDS 37 UP5K, and loss of
462015 - earnings and jobs, demand grows the market for capability that
462016 - is fast and easy to organize the record, and for skills to use
462017 - technology like SDS. On 020822 Ray Ozzie comments that people
462018 - are feeling the pain of poor productivity using email.
462019 - ref SDS 50 Q99G Others report frustrations from limitations
462020 - using email, also on 020822. ref SDS 50 HW8H On 011003 Eric
462021 - Armstrong explained that "pain" paralyzes productivity,
462022 - ref SDS 40 EC5N, reflecting growing awareness that email is not
462023 - free, but rather compounds the costs of information technology
462024 - that reduce productivity and earnings. ref SDS 40 O76L
462026 - ..
462027 - 3. SDS saves time and money, but seems like overkill organizing the
462028 - record so people can find information in time to avoid problems,
462029 - because email, meetings and phone calls are fast and easy ways
462030 - to make a lot of mistakes, reported on 890324, ref SDS 1 LZ5F,
462031 - and again later on 950204. ref SDS 10 5932 Sergey's report that
462032 - people will not make the front-end investment to add "metadata"
462033 - aligns with the hope that good management is unnecessary
462034 - overkill because laziness is good enough to get by, reported on
462035 - 010908. ref SDS 36 YF5O
462037 - ..
462038 - 4. Bad management always seems faster and easier than good
462039 - management because it requires no front-end investment, i.e.,
462040 - people can use bad management by doing nothing. The Boy Scout
462041 - napsack analogy shows that making useful tasks faster and easier
462042 - changes attitudes, so that, while not everybody, but a greater
462043 - number of people will migrate toward good management, as Gary
462044 - noted in his letter on 020618 explaining that SDS improvements
462045 - making links faster and easier to create in email increases the
462046 - degree to which people are willing to create a connected record.
462047 - ref SDS 45 MU6H
462049 - ..
462050 - 5. Knowledge Management has been abandoned by advocates who now
462051 - seem in full retreat from advancing beyond information
462052 - technology to a stronger solution, as shown by the record on
462053 - 011003, ref SDS 40 SP6G, again on 020608, ref SDS 44 QV5G, and
462054 - more recently on 020812. ref SDS 47 659F
462056 - ..
462057 - People now strongly advocate that Knowledge Management can be
462058 - taught and learned by using information management that shields
462059 - the lineaments of knowledge management, reported on 020920,
462060 - ref SDS 53 0E62, which repeats the error on 001126, when the
462061 - same approach was adopted. ref SDS 32 QW8I
462063 - ..
462064 - Experts are too busy to learn KM by doing KM, because all of
462065 - their time is consumed attending seminars and writing papers to
462066 - change the language in order to maintain budgets for the next
462067 - hot idea and gadget, illustrated by IBM's announcement of
462068 - Business Intelligence on 980226. ref SDS 17 2716 On 020922 Dave
462069 - Snowden wants a simple explanation of SDS, rather than assume
462070 - responsibility to study what works by reading POIMS which has
462071 - many simple explanations of a complex subject, ref SDS 54 UN6H,
462072 - summarized as follows.....
462074 - ..
462075 - a. Knowledge Management (KM) and artificial intelligence (AI)
462076 - set goals for technolgoy to augment intelligence and improve
462077 - communication, collaboration and management. On 980226 IBM
462078 - announced a system of "business intelligence." ref SDS 17
462079 - 0001 Earlier on 911121 an AI program improved management so
462080 - that engineers do not have to think about how to organize a
462081 - useful record. ref SDS 5 8809 Later on 940603 work at
462082 - Stanford tried to develop "mediators" to aid intelligence.
462083 - ref SDS 8 0786 On 971021 articles appeared calling for a
462084 - Knowledge Repository to improve productivity. ref SDS 16
462085 - 2222 On 990609 the National Science Foundation requested
462086 - proposals for technology to advance information technology.
462087 - ref SDS 20 3835 Later on 991222 Doug Engelbart summarized
462088 - efforts in research, government and industry to create
462089 - technology that enables a new way of working intelligently.
462090 - ref SDS 23 3696 On 000623 Jack Park planned to create an
462091 - "engine" to organize information into an "ontology."
462092 - ref SDS 30 2915
462094 - ..
462095 - On 911121 it turned out that nobody used the AI program
462096 - for automatically organizing the record to improve
462097 - productivity without anybody having to think.
462098 - ref SDS 5 5848
462100 - ..
462101 - On 931130 Peter Drucker reported that people have given
462102 - up on improving communication because that requires
462103 - intelligence, and nobody knows how to do that because
462104 - thinking is a very complex process, ref SDS 7 3851, as
462105 - explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 0367
462107 - ..
462108 - On 980226 IBM's work on businss intelligence appears to
462109 - be a change in name only that was aimed to sell prior
462110 - efforts that did not succeed. ref SDS 17 2716
462112 - ..
462113 - Knowledge Management became the rallying cry for dreams
462114 - that failed when people gave up on AI. On 020608 Dave
462115 - Snowden explained in an article that objectives for KM
462116 - have not been met. ref SDS 44 ZN6I Dave's article is
462117 - supported by a long history showing people have now
462118 - given up on Knowledge Mangaement, as earlier people gave
462119 - up on improving communication, and the gave up on AI.
462120 - ref SDS 44 QV5G
462122 - ..
462123 - The core problem is inability to distinguish between
462124 - information and knowledge, as related vivedly in the
462125 - record on 000503. ref SDS 26 5033 and ref SDS 26 TS9H
462127 - ..
462128 - In place of developing KM, people turned attention to
462129 - improve email, because everybody likes email, noted by
462130 - Eric,also, on 000503. ref SDS 26 KR9O
462132 - ..
462133 - Objectives for improving email were set....
462134 -
462135 - 1. On 000405 Doug Engelbart called for adding links to
462136 - email, summarized by a term: "addressability."
462137 - ref SDS 25 2484
462138 -
462139 - 2. On 010916 Eric Armstrong called for organizing email
462140 - to find valuable information. ref SDS 39 KA6H Later
462141 - on 020718 Eric proposed using metadata to organize
462142 - information. ref SDS 46 M74J
462144 - ..
462145 - Adding connections and organization to information, like
462146 - email, improves accuracy and context. On 900303 Jeremy
462147 - Campbell's book "The Improbable Machine" says human
462148 - reasoning is based on understanding experience with
462149 - prior similar events, called history. ref SDS 3 G13K
462150 - Later on 900319 another article explained the role of
462151 - experience in human reasoning. ref SDS 4 0001 Later on
462152 - 991124 Einstein was attributed with relying on
462153 - experience as the basis for knowledge. ref SDS 21 VO8L
462154 - It stands to reason under the rule garbage in garbage
462155 - out, that adding links to information to improve
462156 - accuracy of understanding relevant experience improves
462157 - productivity. On 011003 Eric Armstrong complained that
462158 - lack of organization prevents everybody from finding
462159 - anything using popular computer programs, and this
462160 - paralyzes productivity. ref SDS 40 EC5N On 001207 low
462161 - productivity lowers earnings and stock prices when too
462162 - many people are having too many problems because nobody
462163 - can find anything. ref SDS 33 V54M On 010911 even worse
462164 - problems result in national security when nobody can
462165 - find critical information in time. ref SDS 37 YNGH
462167 - ..
462168 - Thus, accuracy and context aid human thinking to avoid
462169 - problems, and so are logical goals for technology, even
462170 - though people have given up on ideas for artificial
462171 - intelligence and knowledge management. ref SDS 0 4L5N
462172 -
462173 -
462174 -
462175 -
462176 -
4622 -
Paperless Office Failed
Giving Up Lessons Learned Health Care Cannot Be Improved Until System
Giving Up on Paperless Office Prefers Using Traditional Printed Docum
Paperless Virtual Office Webmail Anytime Anywhere Intelligence on Int
5206 -
520701 - ..
520702 - b. Paperless Office improves literacy by using technology to
520703 - augment intelligence that makes people and organizations
520704 - more productive, reported on 960304. ref SDS 11 2044 This
520705 - term, along with "virtual office," are simple ways to
520706 - summarize goals for Knowledge Management and Artificial
520707 - Intelligence (AI), per above. ref SDS 0 LG9H Later on
520708 - 960626 goals for Internet to enable virtual office.
520709 - ref SDS 14 3333 Need for "paperless office" capability to
520710 - solve information overload was reviewed on 980613.
520711 - ref SDS 18 3499
520713 - ..
520714 - On 960620 SDS developed capability for knowledge space
520715 - that provides a flexible structure to augment human
520716 - intelligence. ref SDS 13 3516 On 971021 this was
520717 - ported to the Internet to enable....
520718 -
520719 - anytime, anywhere intelligence
520720 -
520721 - meet demand for better productivity. ref SDS 16
520722 - 0001 and ref SDS 16 3636
520724 - ..
520725 - On 991213 NSF failed to read a proposal online for
520726 - technology that enables a paperless office, and instead
520727 - relied on the printed version, which imparted the false
520728 - impression that the goal is unattainable for a new way
520729 - of working with Knowledge Space to improve productivity
520730 - usnig traditional printed documents, by augmenting human
520731 - intelligence. ref SDS 22 WR4J They concluded it cannot
520732 - be done, without lifting a finger to exercise minimal
520733 - effort clicking on a link that reveals is a reality.
520735 - ..
520736 - On 000504 an engineer promoting and buidling technology
520737 - for a DKR, advised of preference for printed material,
520738 - rather than use paperless capability being promoted and
520739 - developed. ref SDS 27 5092 On 000517 handwritten
520740 - analysis on paper was inadequate. ref SDS 28 7482 On
520741 - 000601 printed document was lost and unavailable to
520742 - support work. ref SDS 29 6035
520744 - ..
520745 - On 011006 executive wanted printed document so there is
520746 - no burden of responsibility to open links that verify
520747 - accuracy and expand span of attention for understanding
520748 - context. ref SDS 41 GH9J
520750 - ..
520751 - On 021002 printing has strong advantages for traditional
520752 - ways of working. ref SDS 55 FR7F
520753 -
520754 -
520755 -
520756 -
5208 -
Frustrated KM Too Difficult Giving Up Technology Cannot Improve Manag
Disillusioned Engineers Don't Know What to Program to Improve Managem
Addressability Refuse Link Claim Want Addressability Refuse to Link C
SDS Breakthrough Enables Advance from Information to Steady Improveme
Stable Tech Enables Productivity Occurs Over Weeks Years So People Ca
Breakthrough IT to KM Hampered Evolution Too Fast Technology Prevents
Altheim, Murray Mass of People Experts Not Using Explicit Links to Cr
Mass of People Experts Not Using Explicit Links to Create Connected R
Altheim, Murray Email Like Conversation Links Alignment Accuracy Not
Boggles Mind Shocking Complexity SDS Web of Links People Get Used to
A712 -
A71301 - ..
A71302 - c. Links add value to email by empowering people to verify
A71303 - accuracy and understand context within a time frame that
A71304 - avoids mistakes, which is a small part of communication,
A71305 - collaboration, Knowledge Mangaement, and Artificial
A71306 - Intelligence, which people have given up trying to
A71307 - accomplish, per above. ref SDS 0 SM3L
A71309 - ..
A71310 - People, including those who call out for adding links
A71311 - and who teach and champion Knowledge Mangement, aver
A71312 - adding links to email and express disaproval when
A71313 - receiving links, as reported on 020820, ref SDS 48 UV6G,
A71314 - and earlier on 020812. ref SDS 47 TV9K
A71316 - ..
A71317 - A powerful social dimension resists links in email.
A71318 - ref SDS 47 659F The record on 020920 shows people
A71319 - prefer print to avoid responisibility for knowledge of
A71320 - context. ref SDS 52 KO6F
A71322 - ..
A71323 - On 020820 people have voted that accurate communication
A71324 - is annoying, ref SDS 49 V66I; it requires a change in
A71325 - life-style, ref SDS 49 MA9G, that takes too much time
A71326 - adding links to email using popular technology that
A71327 - everybody likes, ref SDS 48 O1QQ, so nobody worries
A71328 - about accuracy in conversation and email because people
A71329 - know what is going on at the time. ref SDS 49 PO4L
A71331 - ..
A71332 - Thus, AI, KM, paperless office and now linking have all
A71333 - been abandoned. That leaves adding organization,
A71334 - popularly called "metadata."
A71336 - ..
A71337 - d. Organization aids access to verify accuracy and understand
A71338 - context, and is popularly accomplished with "metadata,"
A71339 - however, Sergey Brin explains today that everybody has given
A71340 - up using metadata becasue it takes too much time, per above.
A71341 - ref SDS 0 VX4J
A71343 - ..
A71344 - e. Context management adds meaning to information, but is
A71345 - difficult to develop using conventional methods.
A71346 -
A71347 - [On 030102 Primus used for capturing record; context is
A71348 - stumbling block. ref SDS 57 O969
A71349 -
A71350 -
A71351 -
A71352 -
A71353 -
A71354 -
A71355 -
A714 -
Killer App Needed Improve Wordprocessing Spreadsheets, Ellison, Larry
A803 -
A80401 - ..
A80402 - f. Microsoft, Oracle plan to improve wordprocessing, email,
A80403 - Powerpoint and spreadsheets, reported on 970222, so that
A80404 - technology can move help people beyond traditional tools for
A80405 - literacy. ref SDS 15 3967
A80406 -
A80407 - On 010510 Steve Balmer reported that improvements will
A80408 - not happen right away, may take five (5) years, which
A80409 - indicates there are no clues on how to accomplish this
A80410 - objective at Microsort. ref SDS 35 8Y8H
A80411 -
A80412 -
A80413 -
A80415 - ..
A80416 - Metadata and Search Engine Do Not Convert Information into Knowledge
A80417 -
A80418 - Sergey poses a scenario where technology can improve productivity by
A80419 - enabling people to answer a question like how to....
A80420 -
A80421 - ...find the file that Tom sent Leslie last week.
A80423 - ..
A80424 - Sergey argues in his article that a search engine, like Google and
A80425 - ZOE, add "plenty of value" to information, evidently without investing
A80426 - time for intelligence to add "metadata," per above, ref SDS 0 M53H, by
A80427 - enabling people to find information on the Internet, and so suggests
A80428 - using these methods for email. ref SDS 0 KG54 This would improve
A80429 - present practice, but not enough save time and money for improving
A80430 - productivity and earnings, because advancing from information to a
A80431 - culture of knowledge requires a critical mass of capabilities to
A80432 - improve management, called out in POIMS. ref OF 1 2688
A80434 - ..
A80435 - Neither search engines, nor "metadata" applied in popular liturature
A80436 - on information technology, like Sergey's article, above, ref SDS 0
A80437 - VX4J, solve the managemet dilemma posed by the complexity of knowledge
A80438 - set out in POIMS, ref OF 1 525M, and noted by Steven Pinker in his
A80439 - book "How the Human Mind Works," reviewed on 990329. ref SDS 19 GP2S
A80440 -
A80442 - ..
A80443 - Intelligence Converts Information into Knowledge
A80444 - Organization Key Element of Adding Intelligence to Information
A80445 - SDS Inherent Metadata Solves Growing Problem of Information Overload
A80446 -
A80447 - The SDS design for a "flexible structure" explained in POIMS,
A80448 - ref OF 1 M17I, might be a form of inherent "metadata" that organizes
A80449 - information. In other words, where others talk about "metadata,"
A80450 - POIMS defines a concept of "intelligence" and says "organization" is a
A80451 - key part of converting daily information in email, books, meetings,
A80452 - calls, etc., into "knowledge."
A80454 - ..
A80455 - Possibly the subject index, contact and reference system that provide
A80456 - alternate ways to look up information is part of the "metadata" that
A80457 - Sergey has in mind? Bill DeHart mentioned, for example, on 000709 in
A80458 - a telecon with Morris and I that SDS provides better "organization"
A80459 - than the Microsoft programs Sergey mentions in his remarks.
A80460 - ref SDS 31 0052
A80461 -
A80463 - ..
A80464 - Com Manager Innovation New Role for New Way of Working Intelligently
A80465 - Service Innovation of New Work Role for New Way of Working Com Manager
A80466 -
A80467 - Constructing useful organic structure, explained on 890523 is a much
A80468 - more complex tax than is commonly anticipated when people talk about
A80469 - adding "metadata" to documents, ref SDS 2 SQ5L, and so this task takes
A80470 - time to maintain under the general theme of nurturing a "garden of
A80471 - knowledge."
A80473 - ..
A80474 - The record on 960406 illustrates the challenge people face everyday on
A80475 - the job struggeling to find documents saved on a computer by people of
A80476 - significant skill and expertise. ref SDS 12 0218
A80478 - ..
A80479 - A new work role is needed to provide this support using SDS
A80480 - technology, discussed with Greg Oxton with ICS, yesterday on 021030.
A80481 - ref SDS 56 QQ4H Others propose that an "ontologist" is needed. For
A80482 - example on 010916 Eric Armstrong made this suggestion, ref SDS 39
A80483 - 4J4J, and more recently a few months ago on 020718. ref SDS 46 M74J
A80485 - ..
A80486 - On 020820 people report giving up on accuracy in conversation and
A80487 - email, ref SDS 49 V66I, just as Peter Drucker observed that people
A80488 - have given up on improving communication, reviewed on 931130.
A80489 - ref SDS 7 3851 Sergey reports that people have given up on adding
A80490 - "metadata" to documents, and so proposes using Google. What will
A80491 - Sergey propose when people discover this doesn't work either?
A80493 - ..
A80494 - In the same way that a lot of people use wordprocessing, email and
A80495 - alphabet technology, but very few organize their work product, a lot
A80496 - of people may one day use SDS, but a smaller subset will invest the
A80497 - time for assigning subjects, because that process often entails
A80498 - creating new ones, and revising structures that turn out not to fit as
A80499 - well as hoped when something popped into the mind sometime earlier.
A80500 - This task not only takes time but can be psychologically burdensome.
A80501 - The mind is at war with itself, wanting to move on, yet forcing itself
A80502 - to pause for a few minutes to an hour or so to re-organize.
A80504 - ..
A80505 - These dynamics suggest a dedicated role is needed to make everyone
A80506 - more productive in a world where information moves faster.
A80508 - ..
A80509 - Then there is the issue of how, if it can be done at all, to normalize
A80510 - organic structures for groups of people. In the military there was a
A80511 - role at one time for an office to establish to the "files", and if you
A80512 - wanted to create a new one, you had to file a request, and eventually
A80513 - a Lt Col, or someone like that, would say okay, or no, so that there
A80514 - was a uniform filing system. That may have been a precursor to
A80515 - "metadata" that Sergey discussed at the conference.
A80517 - ..
A80518 - However, despite efforts by the Lt Col, studies show that complex
A80519 - projects devolve to entropy because organization eventually fails due
A80520 - to information overolad, reviewed on 970707....
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A80525 - ..
A80526 - Since the tools everybody likes increase information overload, the entire
A80527 - economy is in a constant state of entropy, where too many people are having
A80528 - too many problems, as you mentioned recently, and cited in an article on
A80529 - 001207...
A80531 - ..
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A80534 - ..
A80535 - SDS provides tools that make it fast and easy to create and maintain
A80536 - organization, which may help address the "metadata" problem that stumped
A80537 - Sergey at the conference. But, there remains an issue, which you and Morris
A80538 - have both mentioned of getting someone to use the tools.
A80540 - ..
A80541 - I have for a long time tried to engage various people in an exercise
A80542 - to construct a baseline organic structure that is common to everyone,
A80543 - and then allow people to create details at a lower level to suit daily
A80544 - circumstances. That may be the best that can be done. In other words,
A80545 - there will always be uniqueness at the personal level, because the way
A80546 - we think about new information reflects our experience, and this is
A80547 - unique. Yet, there are also commonalties, so we have to struggle to
A80548 - balance personal and organizational management, which leads to POIMS
A80549 - for a solution to the KM dilemma.
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