440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 15, 2010 08:18 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
C17 HP HPE 490t setup Windows XP and 7 to run standard SDS workstation.
2...Evaluation - New System Faster and Larger Monitor Very Helpful
3...Pending Issues Configure C17 HP HPE 490t
4...Configuration Plan for C17
5...BIOS Settings Adjust for Installing Operating System
6...Disk Management Windows 7 Format Partitions Optimize Cluster Size
7...Partition Format Hard Drive Install Operating System on I: Windows
8...Product Key Windows XP 32-bit Device Drivers for HP HPC 490t 64-bit
9...Device Drivers Windows XP 32-bit for HP HPC 490t 64-bit Computer
10...XP Installation and Setup Device Drivers 32-bit OS on 64-bit Computer
11...Windows XP Installation and Setup Needs Device Drivers 64-bit Computer
12...Windows 7 Installed 64-bit Operating System Dual Boot Windows XP
13...CSMENU Classic XP Start Menu Utiliey Not Applied C17 Windows 7
14...Group Policy Windows 7 Customize Start Menu Remove Documents Add Run
15...Gpedit.msc Customize Start Menu Remove Documents Add Run Windows 7
16...Start Menu Customize Remove Documents Add Run Administrative Tools
17...Start Menu Windows Classic and Desktop Solid Color Scheme
18...Classic Windows Start Menu and Desktop Solid Color Scheme
19...Desktop Color Solid Scheme and Windows Classic Start Menu Theme
20...Color Desktop Solid Scheme and Windows Classic Start Menu Theme
21...Start Windows 7 Create Submenus Organize Tools Efficient Navigation
22...Efficient Navigation Start Windows 7 Create Submenus Organize Tools
23...Submenus Start Windows 7 Organize Applications Efficient Navigation
24...Windows 7 Start Menu Customize Adding Submenus Efficient Navigation
25...Speech Recognition Requires Speaker Use Headphones
26...Favorites Internet Explorer Import Bookmarks
27...Bookmarks Internet Explorer Import Favorites
28...IE Internet Explorer Import Favorites Bookmarks
29...Tab IE Toolbar Remove Favorites
30...IE Tab Toolbar Remove Favorites
31...IE Favorites Tab Toolbar Remove
32...Internet Explorer IE Home Page
33...Change Sort Order Windows Explorer Numeric Filenames
34...File Management Sort Order Conform XP to Standard
35...Sort Order File Management Conform XP Explorer to Standard
36...Explorer Sort Order Conform XP to Standard File Management
37...Show Desktop Program Clears and Restores Desktop
38...Quick Launch Desktop Tray Add Show Desktop Application
39...Printer HP Deskjet 895cse Configured
40...Cookies Off Security Privacy Netscape Internet Explorer
41...Firewall Disconnect Security Center for Networking Remove Icon on Tray
42...Security Center Disconnect Windows XP Firewall Remove Icon from Tray
43...CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute Autorun
44...Autorun CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute
45...Movies Media Player Software
46...Media Player for Movies Software
47...Cdplayer Set for Music
48...Network Permissions Administrator Manage Transfer Files Internet
49...Permissions Administrator Manage Network Transfer Files Internet
50...Administrator Permissions Manage Network Transfer Files Internet
51...Video Display Configuration NVIDIA Geforce 9600M GT
52...NVIDIA Missing Support HDMI Sound Transmission Vizio HDTV
53...Sound HDMI Transmission Vizio HDTV Missing from NVIDIA Video Adapter
54...Menu Text Too Small for High Resolution Graphics
55...Font Size Menus Content Easy to Read at High Resolution
56...Text Too Small Increase Size of Characters Change Font
57...Desktop Setup So Characters are Larger and Easier to Read
58...Desktop Icon Applications IE Recycle Network Computer
59...Color Desktop Set to Standard Windows Classic Theme
60...Classic Windows Theme Desktop Solid Color
61...Desktop Theme Windows Classic Color Set to Standard
62...Windows Classic Desktop Theme Solid Color
63...Date Format YYYYMMDD and Time 24 Hour Clock
64...Time 24 Hour Dislpay System Clock Military Format
65...Clock Configure Format to 24 Hour Military HHMM
66...Military Time 24 Hour Configure System Clock Format
67...Cursor Scroll Rate
68...Keyboard Cursor Scorll Rate
69...My Computer Explorer System Management Navigate Directories
70...System Management Directory Folder Options and File List Format
71...Directory Folder Options, File List Format in System Management
72...Start Menu Windows XP Program Listing Windows Classic
73...Internet Connect Router to DSL and Other Computers for Networking
74...DSL Internet Router Connections to Other Computers for Networking
75...Router Connect to Internet DSL and Other Computers for Networking
76...Networking Router Connect to Internet DSL and Other Computers
77...SDS, Medit DOS, Setup with Path
......Medit Memory Original Disconnect Autoexec.nt Mscdexnt.exe
......Autoexec.nt Don't Disconnect Dosx.exe and Redir.exe Windows 7
......Windows 7 Autoexec.nt Don't Disconnect Dosx.exe and Redir.exe
78...Pkzip for SDS Archiving
79...MS Office Installation on C16
80...Microsoft Office Word Excel Powerpoint
81...Pictures Photo Editor Microsoft Photoed.exe
82...Photoed.exe Pictures Photo Editor Microsoft
83...Microsoft Photo Editor Pictures Photoed.exe
84...Photo Editor Pictures Microsoft Photoed.exe
85...Defragment Program, Install Diskeeper
86...Diskeeper Installed to Degragment Maintain Hard Disk
87...Sort Files on Disk Treesize
88...Treesize Directory and File Sort on Disk
89...Disk Investigator Enables Restoring Deleted Files
90...Virus Protection Installed Pccilin
91...Pccilin Virus Protection Installed
92...Windows XP Installed C17
93...WSFTPRO FTP Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
94...FTP WSFTPRO Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
95...Acrobat Adobe PDF FileS Create and Read
96...PDF FileS Create and Read Acrobat Adobe
97...Regscrubxp Install to Maintain Windows Registry
98...Performance Increased by Reducing Indexing Drives
99...XP Responsiveness Delayed by Indexing Solved by Disconnecting
100...Indexing Files Service Disconnected on SDS Data Base Drives
101...Disable Paging Executive Improve Memory Performance
102...Large System Cache for 1 GB RAM Boost Performance
103...Input/Output Performance Did Not Implement
104...Start Menu Autostart Menu Msconfig Remove Programs
105...Autostart Menu Msconfig Remove Programs in Start Menu
106...Last Access Update Disabled Improve Program Performance
107...File Use Posting File Allocation Table Last Use Delays Using Files
108...Visual Effects Disconnect Increase Responsiveness
109...Video Adjustments Increase Performance Disconnect Visual Effects
110...Menu Delay Shortening to Speed Performance
111...Prefetch Windows XP New System Slows Performance Manually Maintain
112...Clean Disk Maintenance
113...Mizolla Thunderbird Email Configure Profile Manager Rod and Millie
114...Email Mizolla Thunderbird Configure Profile Manager Rod and Millie
115...Thunderbird Mizolla Email Profile Manager Configure Rod and Millie
116...Contacts Import from C15 or from IE
117...Firefox Mozilla Web Browser Configure Complement Internet Explorer
Click here to comment!
Evaluate C17 Computer HP Pavillion Elite HPE 490t Order H114355414 1
2503 -
2503 - ..
2504 - Summary/Objective
2505 -
250501 - Follow up ref SDS H7 0000. ref SDS F5 0000.
250502 -
250503 -
250504 -
250505 - [On 120430 0514 configured c18 using guidance in this
250506 - record for installing programs and setting up efficient
250507 - navigation and use of the directory networking system.
250508 - ref SDS K4 QC9K
250509 -
250510 -
250511 -
250513 - ..
2506 -
2507 -
2508 - Progress
2509 -
250901 - Evaluation - New System Faster and Larger Monitor Very Helpful
250902 -
250903 - Follow up ref SDS F5 2871, ref SDS A3 2871.
250904 -
250905 - C17 purchased from HP with order H114355414 placed on 101021, for
250906 - efficient usability (see scope, ref SDS H3 635Y) providing and using
250907 - SDS records on the Internet that enable anytime, anywhere intelligence
250908 - to save lives, time, and money, explained on 971021 1350. ref SDS 11
250909 - O25H
250911 - ..
250912 - Earlier today, Fry's completed configuration of c17, and released for
250913 - use, reported on 101115 1805. ref SDS H7 NX9O This was accomplished
250914 - with considerably less effort than required for c16, reported on
250915 - 090715 2123. ref SDS F4 6V3F
250917 - ..
250918 - Ryan Duldulao, Customer Service Engineer for Fry's, used experience
250919 - configuring c16 last year to again overcome cultural resistance
250920 - against customer requirements to set up 64-bit computers with
250921 - multi-boot operating systems explained on 090702. ref SDS E5 5A8Y
250922 - Case study on c16 shows Ryan succeeded where everyone else failed
250923 - upgrading 64-bit computer technology with Windows XP 32-bit operating
250924 - system, reported earlier today on 090715 2123. ref SDS F4 PX6N
250926 - ..
250927 - Procurement policy avoided using 64-bit technology for many years
250928 - while Microsoft gained experience from customers trying to use Vista,
250929 - and discovering Vista prevented doing daily work, reported on 090709
250930 - 2020, ref SDS E9 TG9M, and cited in case study on 090715 2123.
250931 - ref SDS F4 EE9I
250933 - ..
250934 - Three (3) major problems remain...
250935 -
250936 - 1. Windows 7 has complex "permissions" system causing
250937 - pervasive and inexplicable "access denied" notices that
250938 - block transferring files between computers on the network,
250939 - blocks converting SDS records into HTML files, prevents
250940 - transferring files to the Internet, and fails to open
250941 - records on the Internet to specified address (see pending
250942 - issue #3, ref SDS 0 A85L, and review of "Permissions" and
250943 - Administrator, below. ref SDS 0 AW6O)
250945 - ..
250946 - C17 using Windows 7 does not enable anytime, anywhere
250947 - intelligence for saving lives, time, and money, applied the
250948 - past 10 years, beginning on 971021 1350. ref SDS 11 O25H
250949 -
250950 - [On 120501 1038 instructions on using Credential Manager
250951 - to resolve conflicts transferring files between
250952 - computers through the network. ref SDS K5 GZ6N
250954 - ..
250955 - 2. Device drivers for running GeForce GT 420 video graphics
250956 - adapater with Windows XP were not provided by HP to
250957 - configure c17, reported by Fry's on 101115 1805.
250958 - ref SDS H7 NX9O
250960 - ..
250961 - As a result, c17 cannot be used to maintain productivity
250962 - with Windows XP while Microsoft continues to resolve
250963 - transformation issues with Windows 7, explained in issue 1,
250964 - above. ref SDS 0 FU4N
250966 - ..
250967 - 3. Windows 7 32-bit opeating system could be used for c17 to
250968 - transition to 64-bit technology; however, Microsoft has not
250969 - resolved permission configuration issues that "deny access"
250970 - transferring records between computers and to the Internet,
250971 - ref SDS 0 AW6O, thus preventing the primary objective of
250972 - technology to enable anytime, anywhere intelligence for
250973 - saving lives, time, and money, per issue #1. ref SDS 0 FU4N
250975 - ..
250976 - SDS runs much faster on c17, HP Pavilion Elite HPE 490t with 6 cores,
250977 - (3.2 GHz), as specified in the sales order listed on 101021 0953.
250978 - ref SDS H3 635Y, compared to C16, HDX 18t Core-2 Quad QX9300 (2.53
250979 - GHz), and in following ways...
250980 -
250981 - 1. C17 takes only 2 minutes to launch SDS and archive the
250982 - record for the first time each day, rather than 4 minutes
250983 - required by c16 (HDX 18t notebook, 4-core 2.3 GHz.
250984 - processor.
250986 - ..
250987 - 2. Saving large complex records with 300 or more subjects
250988 - takes about 1 second, whereas on c16 takes 2 seconds.
250990 - ..
250991 - 3. Netbeans launch and compiling updated code for SDS Java
250992 - development take 10 and 5 seconds each; this is a huge
250993 - improvement using c16 (HDX 18t notebook) that takes 2 - 3
250994 - minutes for program launch, and 30 to 60 seconds to compile
250995 - program changes. Since these tasks occur often during the
250996 - day, c17 provides significant time and cost savings.
250998 - ..
250999 - 4. Full file monthly backup 6.2 GB on c16 4-core 2.3 GHz
251000 - processor takes 42 minutes transferring directly to the
251001 - second 250 GB internal hard drive; same work on c17 with
251002 - 6-core 3.2 GHz processor takes 22 minutes transferring to
251003 - the 2nd 1 TB disk on c17.
251005 - ..
251006 - 5. Navigating SDS Subject Index for large accounts is much
251007 - faster.
251009 - ..
251010 - 6. Ergonomics - configuring c17 HP Pavilion Elite HPE 490t
251011 - desktop for HDMI 1080p video standard with 32" screen using
251012 - Vizio VA320M television monitor advances toward "paperless
251013 - office" model of Knowledge Management displaying a larger
251014 - share of work, with increased comprehension and less time
251015 - and fatigue shuffling files on the screen to compare,
251016 - contrast, and transfer content efficiently and accruately,
251017 - explained previously on 101015 1212, ref SDS H1 F069, and
251018 - the next day on 101016 0712. ref SDS H2 BO6K
251020 - ..
251021 - 7. Bluetooth wireless mouse configured with c17 seems to
251022 - require less energy and time wasted restoring connections
251023 - that required using the wireless mouse with c16. Though
251024 - Bluetooth wirless mouse setup for c17 took considerable
251025 - effort to resolve hardware problems, reported on 110113
251026 - 1225, ref SDS J6 RY5G, batteries have lasted over a week,
251027 - and there have been no loss of contact. C16 batteries on
251028 - the same mouse last only 2 - 3 days, and require disconnect
251029 - and reconnect several times a day to establish the signal
251030 - on c16. This saves a lot of time and frustration handling
251031 - batteries and connections.
251033 - ..
251034 - 8. Multi-boot operating systems for Windows XP, Windows 7
251035 - 32-bit, and Windows 7 64-bit together provide efficient
251036 - continuity of work when system failures occur that take
251037 - prolonged investigation and collaboration with vendors to
251038 - resolve.
251039 -
251040 -
251041 -
251042 -
251043 -
2511 -
Pending Issues C17 Access Denied Transfer Files Video Device Driver
3603 -
3604 - Problems
360501 - ..
360502 - Pending Issues Configure C17 HP HPE 490t
360503 -
360504 - Follow up ref SDS F5 QJ9I, ref SDS A3 NU9N.
360505 -
360506 - 1. NVIDIA device driver for Windows XP missing.
360507 -
360508 - Currently running default video driver which is very slow for
360509 - 32" Vizio television screen, reported on 101115 1805.
360510 - ref SDS H7 NX9O
360512 - ..
360513 - 2. Problems configuring text size, menus, and lists managing
360514 - computer resources for efficient ergonomics writing an accurate
360515 - record and quickly enough to be effective.
360517 - ..
360518 - Text for some types of menus was too small on c14, c15, and
360519 - c16, but now is solved using the Vizio VA32M televsion as a
360520 - monitor.
360522 - ..
360523 - 3. Access denied on c17 to a drive on c16...
360524 - on....
360525 -
360526 - c://c16/d:
360527 -
360528 - ...evidently because sharing is configured on...
360530 - ..
360531 - However, access is supported on c16 to the same drive on c17
360532 -
360533 - c://c17/d:
360535 - ..
360536 - This seems to be controlled by administrative access rights,
360537 - but nothing has been setup, yet access to d: is the only drive
360538 - being blocked. There is no evident pattern to access denied
360539 - messages that prevents anytime, anywhere intelligence, the core
360540 - purpose of using the computer, per above. ref SDS 0 FU4N
360541 -
360542 - [...below, see review of "Permissions" and Administrator,
360543 - ref SDS 0 M45G, and that later "Credential Manager" in
360544 - Control Panel User Accounts provided partial solution.
360545 - ref SDS 0 W46N
360547 - ..
360548 - 4. "Bluetooth" wireless mouse not working because the wireless
360549 - network circuit board does not include Bluetooth.
360551 - ..
360552 - 5. XP purchased to get a product key for activating the computer
360553 - with Microsoft. 101109 1605, ref SDS H6 8L80
360555 - ..
360556 - 6. Dual boot lists Windows 7 and default OS; if XP is not selected
360557 - within 10 seconds or so, then the CPU loads Windows 7 64-bit,
360558 - rather than XP, and this then requires shutting down and
360559 - starting over, because cannot get Windows 7 to even boot. How
360560 - can dual boot be set to make XP the default, and prevent either
360561 - OS from executing until one or the other is affirmatively
360562 - executed?
360563 -
360564 -
360565 -
360566 -
360567 -
360568 -
360569 -
360570 -
3606 -
Configure C17 Work Plan Networking Setup Transfer Files from C16 SDS
4203 -
420401 - ..
420402 - Configuration Plan for C17
420403 -
420404 - Follow up ref SDS F5 4SKV, ref SDS A3 4SKV.
420405 -
420406 - C17 was demonstrated to be operational earlier this evening, when
420407 - received from Fry's earlier today, running under Windows XP and
420408 - Windows 7 32-bit operating systems, reported on 101115 1805.
420409 - ref SDS H7 G96L Windows 7 64-bit is also operational, but at this
420410 - time is primarily a test bed for SDS 64-bit development.
420412 - ..
420413 - Objective is to set up c17 to support c16 and c15, and to run SDS
420414 - 16-bit for daily work, including SDS 64-bit development.
420416 - ..
420417 - Here are steps....
420418 -
420419 - 1. XP operating system, and partition the hard drive was
420420 - completed on 101115. ref SDS H7 NX9O
420422 - ..
420423 - 2. Install missing device driver for NVIDIA video graphics
420424 - adapter for Windows XP, per meeting with Ryan at Fry's this
420425 - evening, 101115 1805, ref SDS H7 NX9O,
420427 - ..
420428 - 3. Transfer software from c16 to c17, mainly as listed in the
420429 - record on 000510. ref SDS 31 1296
420430 -
420431 - a. Work files on c16\f: to c17\f:
420432 -
420433 - b. Software on c16\h: and set up on c17.
420435 - ..
420436 - c. SDS files c16\c:\sd to c17\c:\sd and configure SDS
420437 - application.
420439 - ..
420440 - d. SDS record from c16\d: to c17\d:
420442 - ..
420443 - e. Personal files from c16\g: to c17\g:
420445 - ..
420446 - 4. Netscape/Mizolla Thunderbird email configure on c17 following
420447 - prior work on c16, per below. ref SDS 0 6180
420448 -
420449 -
4205 -
BIOS C17 No Useful Settings Configure Solve Problems Optimize Produc
4703 -
470401 - ..
470402 - BIOS Settings Adjust for Installing Operating System
470403 -
470404 - Follow up ref SDS F5 ZS9G, ref SDS A3 QU4N
470406 - ..
470407 - BIOS for C17 cannot be accessed with any evident function key.
470409 - ..
470410 - Call Fry's and ask Ryan how to access BIOS.
470411 -
470412 - [On 101223 1415 HP technician on site to service c17 video
470413 - adapter adapter and explaines BIOS on HP Pavilion Elite HPE
470414 - 490t access by pressing F10 repeatedly after pressing Start
470415 - button. ref SDS J2 RM6N
470416 -
470417 -
4705 -
Partition C17 Windows 7 Diskmanagement SATA Hard Drive 2 TB Dual Dri
5303 -
530401 - ..
530402 - Disk Management Windows 7 Format Partitions Optimize Cluster Size
530403 - Partition Format Hard Drive Install Operating System on I: Windows
530404 -
530405 - Follow up ref SDS F5 FO6X, ref SDS A3 FO6X.
530406 -
530407 - C17 has 2 - 1-terabyte SATA hard drives, making it 4 times larger than
530408 - c16 which has 500 GB, reported on 090715. ref SDS F5 FO6X, and as
530409 - further shown in item #4 of the purchase order listed in the record on
530410 - 101021 0953. ref SDS H3 635Y
530412 - ..
530413 - Fry's formated the 2 hard drives into partitions applying the scheme
530414 - applied for c16, reported on 090725. ref SDS F5 FO6X Capacity of
530415 - partitions and cluster sizes are listed in the work plan reported on
530416 - 101104 2024. ref SDS H4 1T5M, and cited in the work order for Fry's
530417 - services, listed on 101106 1329. ref SDS H5 NP62
530419 - ..
530420 - Disk management using Windows 7 utilities is supported in...
530421 -
530422 - Control Panel
530423 - System Security
530424 - Administrative Tools
530425 - Computer Management
530426 - Storage
530427 - Disk Management
530429 - ..
530430 - As reported on 090715, hiring Fry's to partition and format partitions
530431 - on the disk applies experience of people doing this work everyday.
530432 - This avoided another long learning curve reported for c14 on 041118
530433 - 2124. ref SDS A3 FO6X
530435 - ..
530436 - Similarly, experience partitioning and formatting the hard drive as
530437 - part of installing the Windows XP operating system was complicated
530438 - configuring c15, reported on 050913 1936. ref SDS C1 FO6X
530440 - ..
530441 - Running...
530442 -
530443 - C:>chkdsk
530444 -
530445 - assess disk status for errors, requires running the DOS
530446 - application with Administrator priviliges. This is accomplished by
530447 - setting up DOS application to run as administrator. SDS uses a
530448 - system shortcut to open DOS with environment set up for SDS and
530449 - starting in c: sd 10. For this application short cut, open...
530451 - ..
530452 - Properties
530453 - Advanced
530454 - Run as administrator
530456 - ..
530457 - All SDS configurations are set with this feature to provide maximimum
530458 - privilieges to work interactively with file management. Though with
530459 - Windows 7, this is a flawed system.
530461 - ..
530462 - Turns out however, that running chkdsk on drive L shows it has 4096
530463 - byte clusters, instead of 512, as specified in the work order listed
530464 - on 101104 2024. ref SDS H4 1T5M, and for the purpose of optimizing
530465 - backups, which will contain thousands of very small files.
530467 - ..
530468 - Could have turned out that despite having formatted L to 512 bytes,
530469 - when either Windows XP 64-bit, Vista, or Windows 7 64-bit were
530470 - installed, the installation process changed the sector size to 4096
530471 - bytes.
530472 -
530473 -
530474 -
530475 -
5305 -
Product Key C17 Windows XP 32-bit Device Drivers for HP HPC 490t 64-
5903 -
590401 - ..
590402 - Product Key Windows XP 32-bit Device Drivers for HP HPC 490t 64-bit
590403 - Device Drivers Windows XP 32-bit for HP HPC 490t 64-bit Computer
590404 - XP Installation and Setup Device Drivers 32-bit OS on 64-bit Computer
590405 - Windows XP Installation and Setup Needs Device Drivers 64-bit Computer
590406 -
590407 - Follow up ref SDS F5 GE7H, ref SDS A3 GE7H.
590408 -
590409 - Windows XP Professional was installed for c16 collaborating with Amol
590410 - at Microsoft, and with Ryan at Fry's, reported on 090710 1719.
590411 - ref SDS F1 R54P
590413 - ..
590414 - There were 2 problems installing Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit operating
590415 - system on the HP HDX 18t 64-bit computer...
590416 -
590417 - 1. Apply Intel device drivers for SATA hard drives during
590418 - set up for Windows XP, solved by Microsoft on 090710
590419 - 1719. ref SDS F1 R54P
590421 - ..
590422 - 2. Find and install device drivers to clear 30 some errors
590423 - in the Device Manager for Windows XP 32-bit operating
590424 - system installed on HP HDX 18t 64-bit computer,
590425 - reported on 090710 1719. ref SDS F1 NZ6J
590427 - ..
590428 - This was mostly solved to release c16 for regular use
590429 - on 090715 1651. ref SDS F3 KN6M
590430 -
590432 - ..
590433 - Product key to install XP purchased on 101109 1605. ref SDS H6
590434 - 8L80
590435 -
590436 - Product Key:
590437 -
590440 - ..
590441 - Ryan reported XP was installed on c17 in a call on 101106 1329.
590442 - ref SDS H5 UC5E
590444 - ..
590445 - Windows Help shows....
590446 -
590447 - Microsoft Windows
590448 - Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158; Service Pack
590449 - (2) Copyright 1981 - 2001 Microsoft Corporation
590450 -
590451 - Product is licensed to Rod...
590452 -
590454 -
590455 -
590456 -
5905 -
Windows 7 Microsoft 32-bit J Drive 64-bit L Drive Operating System I
7303 -
730401 - ..
730402 - Windows 7 Installed 64-bit Operating System Dual Boot Windows XP
730403 -
730404 - Follow up ref SDS F5 HR9J.
730405 -
730406 - Installing Windows 7 on c17 was performed by Ryan at Fry's, ordered on
730407 - 101106 1329, ref SDS H5 NO5G, and organizing disk partitions and
730408 - content according to work plan on 101104 2024. ref SDS H4 1T5M
730410 - ..
730411 - Later that day, Ryan reported progress installing Windows XP with
730412 - Windows 7 in multi-boot mode, shown on 101106 1329 at 1956.
730413 - ref SDS H5 VN4O Work was completed today, and c17 was received and
730414 - accepted from Fry's, reported on 101115 1805. ref SDS H7 G96L
730416 - ..
730417 - Product key for Windows 7 is reported in this record shown above.
730418 - ref SDS 0 UP6J
730419 -
730420 -
730421 -
7305 -
Start Menu Customize Properties Remove Documents Pictures Music Gped
8603 -
860401 - ..
860402 - CSMENU Classic XP Start Menu Utiliey Not Applied C17 Windows 7
860403 - Group Policy Windows 7 Customize Start Menu Remove Documents Add Run
860404 - Gpedit.msc Customize Start Menu Remove Documents Add Run Windows 7
860405 - Start Menu Customize Remove Documents Add Run Administrative Tools
860406 -
860407 - Follow up ref SDS F5 PH6N, ref SDS A3 PH6N.
860408 -
860409 - CSMENU is an open source utility to render Start in W7 similar to
860410 - Windows Classic XP. Tried this originally for Windows 7 32-bit on
860411 - c16, and csmenu worked okay, reported on 091124 1600. ref SDS G6 0Q4J
860413 - ..
860414 - C17 configure today will try using w7 default menu and remove
860415 - redundancies.
860417 - ..
860418 - Windows 7 works differently from Windows XP for customizing Start Menu
860419 - applied for c16 setup on 090715 2146. ref SDS F5 PH6N
860421 - ..
860422 - Properties for Windows 7 Start menu and Taskbar opens with right click
860423 - on either Start or anywhere on the Taskbar. Properties opens
860424 - configuraiton choices that shows...
860425 -
860426 - Customize
860427 -
860428 - top right corner. Click Customize to set Start menu features
860429 - listed below. ref SDS 0 4F92
860431 - ..
860432 - Research on the Internet found an article...
860433 -
860434 - How to Remove Documents icon from Windows 7 Start Menu
860435 -
860436 -
860437 -
860438 - Group Policy is a set of rules which control the working
860439 - environment of user accounts and computer accounts.
860441 - ..
860442 - Running gpedit.msc enables configuring Start menu features, which can
860443 - also be set with Properties, as below, ref SDS 0 4F92,
860445 - ..
860446 - Procedures...
860447 -
860448 - 1. Open run to execute a command.
860449 -
860450 - 2. gpedit.msc [Enter]
860452 - ..
860453 - Opens....
860454 -
860455 - Local Group Policy Editor
860456 -
860457 - 3. Select...
860458 -
860459 - Local Computer Policy
860460 - User Configuration
860461 - Administrative Templates
860462 - Start Menu and Task Bar
860463 -
860464 - 1. Clear history of recently opened documents on exit
860465 -
860466 - Right click and select Edit
860467 -
860468 - disable to prevent tracking history of files opened
860469 - on the computer.
860471 - ..
860472 - 2. Clear recent programs list for new users
860473 -
860474 - disable cluttering start menu
860476 - ..
860477 - 3. Personalized menus turned off
860478 -
860479 - enable to maintain menus in constant form
860481 - ..
860482 - 4. Taskbar lock
860483 -
860484 - enable to maintain taskbar after setting up
860485 - quicklaunch
860487 - ..
860488 - 5. Run add option 16-bit DOS programs
860489 -
860490 - enable trying to run SDS 16-bit on c17 64-bit OS
860492 - ..
860493 - 6. Frequent programs list removed from Start menu
860494 -
860495 - enable for consistent navigation and avoid
860496 - clutter
860498 - ..
860499 - 7. Games remove from start menu
860500 -
860501 - enable because games are under accessories
860502 -
860503 - enable twice to correct for problem explained
860504 - below on removing user folder from Control Panel.
860505 - ref SDS 0 HT8H
860507 - ..
860508 - [...below on 101115 2018 in this section when the
860509 - user folder was removed from the Control Panel, the
860510 - operating system changed the setting and displayed
860511 - games again. ref SDS 0 HT8H
860513 - ..
860514 - 8. User tracking turn off
860515 -
860516 - enable to turn off programs used
860518 - ..
860519 - 9. All Programs list remove
860520 -
860521 - enable to list all programs when start menu
860522 - opened
860523 -
860524 - actually, this needs to be disabled, because
860525 - otherwise the start menu does not provide access
860526 - to programs.
860528 - ..
860529 - 10. Do not keep history of recently opened documents
860530 -
860531 - enabled
860533 - ..
860534 - 11. Recent items menu remove from Start menu
860535 -
860536 - enabled
860538 - ..
860539 - 12. Default Programs remove from Start menu
860540 -
860541 - enabled
860543 - ..
860544 - 13. Documents remove from Start menu
860545 -
860546 - enabled
860548 - ..
860549 - 14. Music remove from Start menu
860550 -
860551 - enabled
860553 - ..
860554 - 15. Pictures remove from Start menu
860555 -
860556 - enabled
860558 - ..
860559 - 16. Classic Start menu
860560 -
860561 - Start menu Classic
860562 -
860563 - Did not enable for time being to slowly transition
860564 - to Windows 7 standards for some unknown reason.
860566 - ..
860567 - Actually, this was setup already applying Control
860568 - Panel for Personalization shown below. ref SDS 0
860569 - 4F92
860571 - ..
860572 - 17. Notification Area hide
860573 -
860574 - Tool bar on far right of task bar...
860575 -
860576 - enabled
860577 - Not configured....... February 14, 2013
860579 - ..
860580 - This is the section at the right end of the task bar
860581 - with an double up arrow that signlas click will open
860582 - another tool bar, which various vendors crowd their
860583 - particular stuff into regardless of customer
860584 - requirements.
860586 - ..
860587 - This is handy. Turned it off on c18 in 2012, but
860588 - restored on February 14, 2013, by changing to "Not
860589 - configured" which is the same as c17 and c16.
860591 - ..
860592 - 18. User folder link remove from Start menu
860593 -
860594 - enabled
860596 - ..
860597 - For some reason the guys programmed the operating
860598 - system to display an entry in the Start menu right
860599 - pane that shows the name of someone; enabling this
860600 - feature removes this from start menu.
860602 - ..
860603 - When this setting was applied, the program put games in
860604 - the right pane of the start menu, which changed the
860605 - setting to remove games above. ref SDS 0 W36H
860607 - ..
860608 - 19. Run command add to Start menu
860609 -
860610 - enabled
860612 - ..
860613 - This restores run to accessories in the left pane.
860614 -
860615 -
860616 -
8607 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
8703 -
870401 - ..
870402 - Start Menu Windows Classic and Desktop Solid Color Scheme
870403 - Classic Windows Start Menu and Desktop Solid Color Scheme
870404 - Desktop Color Solid Scheme and Windows Classic Start Menu Theme
870405 - Color Desktop Solid Scheme and Windows Classic Start Menu Theme
870406 -
870407 - Windows 7 Start Menu can be set to "Classic" with a solid color for
870408 - the desktop with following procecure...
870409 -
870410 - Control Panel
870411 - Appearance and Personalization
870412 - Personalization
870413 - Change theme
870415 - ..
870416 - Select on bottom row of optional themes...
870417 -
870418 - Windows Classic
870420 - ..
870421 - This opens another window for setting the desktop color.
870422 -
870424 - ..
870425 - Windows 7 Start can be further customized supplementing gpedit.msc
870426 - instructions, per above, ref SDS 0 WT8F, with...
870427 -
870428 - Properties on Start (right click on Start and select properties)
870430 - ..
870431 - This opens....
870432 -
870433 - Taskbar and Start Menu Properties
870435 - ..
870436 - On initial screen....
870437 -
870438 - Power button action ..................... Shut down
870439 -
870440 - Store and display recently open.......... No (blank)
870441 - Store and display recently open.......... No (blank)
870443 - ..
870444 - Top right corner select.....
870445 -
870446 - Customize
870448 - ..
870449 - Wind up with a list like....
870450 -
870451 - Picture of Millie
870452 - Control Panel
870453 - Devices and Printers
870454 - Administrative Tools
870455 - Help
870456 - Run
870458 - ..
870459 - All Programs
870460 - Search programs and files
870462 - ..
870463 - Control Panel in Start on c16 opens
870464 -
870465 - Adjust your computer's settings
870466 -
870467 - System and Security User Accounts and Family Safety
870468 - Network and Internet Appearance and Personalization
870469 - Hardware and Sound Clock Language and Region
870470 - Programs Ease of Access
870472 - ..
870473 - This list has proven efficient to navigate.
870475 - ..
870476 - Control Panel in Start on c17 opens
870477 -
870478 - Adjust your computer's settings
870480 - ..
870481 - However, the list is not summarized by subjects shown on c16, per
870482 - above. ref SDS 0 CI69
870484 - ..
870485 - This list is fast and easy to open on c17 by....
870486 -
870487 - The location bar at the top of the window shows...
870488 -
870489 - vControl PanelvAll Control Panel Itemsv
870490 -
870491 - on the v in front of Control Panel. This opens a menu.
870492 - Select "Control Panel" at the bottom of the menu.
870493 -
870494 -
870495 -
870497 - ..
870498 - Start Windows 7 Create Submenus Organize Tools Efficient Navigation
870499 - Efficient Navigation Start Windows 7 Create Submenus Organize Tools
870500 - Submenus Start Windows 7 Organize Applications Efficient Navigation
870501 - Windows 7 Start Menu Customize Adding Submenus Efficient Navigation
870502 -
870503 - The size of the Start menu is fixed.
870504 -
870505 - Content on the left pane can be organized for efficient navigation by
870506 - creating submenus based on frequency of use.
870508 - ..
870509 - Organization of submenus in the Start menu for programs is
870510 - accomplishied similar to manipulating directories for Favorites and
870511 - Bookmarks using system management.
870513 - ..
870514 - Submenus for Start menu in Windows 7 are created by opening the
870515 - system directory to....
870516 -
870517 - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
870519 - ..
870520 - Open two lists of this directory. Make a "New Folder" for a new menu
870521 - subdirectory. Then move entries from the original directory list to
870522 - the New Folder directory. The Start menu will then reflect this
870523 - change.
870524 -
870525 - [On 120430 0514 configured c18 Windows Start with submenus
870526 - using guidance in this record for installing programs and
870527 - setting up efficient navigation and use of the directory
870528 - networking system. ref SDS K4 QC9K
870530 - ..
870531 - [On 130509 0821 configured c21 Start program access system
870532 - with submenus using guidance reported on setting up c17.
870533 - ref SDS K7 566J
870535 - ..
870536 - This location can be opened immediately, as explained on the Internet
870537 - at....
870538 - Microsoft Answers
870539 -
870540 - Submenus in Start Menu
870541 -
870542 -
870544 - ..
870545 - Click your Start orb, then RIGHT-click on All Programs.
870546 - You will find you can choose Open or Open All Users.
870548 - ..
870549 - Keeping in mind that the Start Menu is created from a
870550 - combination of the folders and files you see at the two
870551 - locations identified above, now you can open one or both of
870552 - them, and easily reorganize your Start Menu by dragging
870553 - (moving) things around and making it easy for you to find
870554 - things.
870556 - ..
870557 - Default Start Program menu has many Microsoft tools that are never or
870558 - rarely used. These can be placed in a Microsoft submenu so they are
870559 - available when needed, but do not waste time day-to-day navigating
870560 - past rarely used tools to reach those frequently used.
870562 - ..
870563 - 1. Accessories
870565 - ..
870566 - Initially, this "Accessories" directory had over 20 entries that
870567 - mixed applications with subdirectories. Decided to make it only
870568 - subdirectories, but Windows 7 would not support moving following
870569 - programs...
870570 -
870571 - 1. Command Prompt.................. application
870572 - 2. Notepad......................... application
870573 - 3. Run............................. application
870574 - 4. Windows Explorer................ application
870575 - ..
870576 - 5. Accessory Utilities............. subdirectory
870578 - ..
870579 - Created new subdirectory Accessory Utilities that sorts at top of
870580 - list, and contains all the stuff Microsoft put everywhere, which
870581 - includes...
870582 -
870583 - 1. Adobe Reader
870585 - ..
870586 - Moved Adobe from main Program list to Accessories, because it is
870587 - rarely opened directly. Typically, if a file has a pdf extension,
870588 - then the operating system opens the file with Adobe reader.
870589 -
870590 - 2. Bluetooth File Transfer
870591 - 3. Calculator
870592 - 4. Connect to Network Projector
870593 - 5. Desktop.ini
870594 - 6. Getting Started
870595 - 7. Math Input Panel
870596 - 8. Paint
870597 - 9. Remove Desktop Connection
870598 - 10. Snipping Tool
870599 - 11. Sound Recorder
870600 - 12. Speech Recognize
870601 - 13. Sticky Notes
870602 - 14. Sync Center
870603 - ..
870604 - This sounds like synchronzing two computers, but cannot figure out
870605 - how to set it up based on language the folks chose to explain it.
870606 -
870607 - 15. Windows Mobility Center
870608 - 16. Wordpad
870609 -
870610 - 6. Administrative Tools............ subdirectory
870612 - ..
870613 - Initially just deleted this from the left pane Start menu; later
870614 - discovered this deletion eliminated access using Administrative Tools
870615 - in the right Start pane, and also from the Control Panel. Therefore
870616 - restored Administrative Tools to Accessories. This avoids
870617 - duplication with the right pane.
870618 -
870619 - [On 110115 2310 discovered that removing Administrative
870620 - Tools from left Start Programs pane, eliminated access
870621 - to the call in the right Start pane, and in the Control
870622 - Panel, so found source to restore these services and
870623 - moved the call in the left pane to Accessories.
870624 - ref SDS J7 MQ5H
870626 - ..
870627 - 7. Ease of Access
870628 -
870629 - Windows Speech Recognition
870630 - Speech Recognize
870632 - ..
870633 - Listed speech recognition twice, also #12 in Accessory Utilities,
870634 - above, ref SDS 0 V85M, because in a month or a year, nobody will think
870635 - of "speech recognition" as "Ease of Access" or as "Windows Speech
870636 - Recognition."
870637 -
870638 - 8. Games
870640 - ..
870641 - Moved games to accessories because only use 1 game, solitair, it is
870642 - not needed on may programs menu.
870643 -
870644 - 9. MyDefrag v4.3.1
870646 - ..
870647 - This is installed to supplement Windows defragment program that
870648 - changed the display to conceal progress; this program shows what is
870649 - occurring on the disk. There is a copy in Disk Maintenance.
870651 - ..
870652 - 10. NeoSmart Technologies (manage multi-boot configuration)
870654 - ..
870655 - This directory has easybcd to configure multi-boot systems set up on
870656 - c16 and c17. It enables naming boot options and controlling the order
870657 - of default boot sequence installed on 110107 1638. ref SDS J5 FL5I
870659 - ..
870660 - 11. System Tools
870661 -
870662 - 1. Character Map
870664 - ..
870665 - This utility displays characters for fonts installed on the
870666 - computer, including DOS, and various monospace (fixed space) fonts;
870667 - several show line draw characters, but the character numbers are
870668 - different from DOS.
870669 -
870670 - 2. Computer
870672 - ..
870673 - This provides access to disk drives, directories, and data files
870674 - stored on the computer, and is also on the desktop using application
870675 - icon called "C17" at the top of the monitor screen. It is also on the
870676 - Task Bar at the top and bottom of the screen. Multiple locations make
870677 - common tasks fast and easy for command and control of information
870678 - files.
870680 - ..
870681 - 3. Control Panel
870683 - ..
870684 - Access to the Control Panal for configuring the computer systems is
870685 - also available on the main menu in the right panel.
870686 -
870687 - 4. Disk Cleanup
870689 - ..
870690 - Removes files that are no longer needed, for example stored in
870691 - temporary directories that handle Internet downloads and web browser
870692 - activit. This Disk Maintenance function is now being done every day
870693 - with ccleaner, reported below. ref SDS 0 6K5O
870694 -
870695 - 5. Disk Defragmenter
870697 - ..
870698 - Consolidates file fragments to increase speed opening and closing
870699 - files, particularly helpful for SDS that has a lot of files. This
870700 - process is being performed by Defraggler, listed in Disk Maintenance,
870701 - ref SDS 0 TU41, and also by Mydefrag, which also sorts files on the
870702 - disk to further improve speed finding and opening files on the disk.
870703 - ref SDS 0 TU4W Some disks cannot be defragmented with either
870704 - Defraggler nor Mydefrag, and so in those cases, Microsoft Windows 7
870705 - Disk Deframenter is useful. External backup hard drive is an example.
870707 - ..
870708 - 6. IE - Internet Explorer
870710 - ..
870711 - IE is also accessible from the top of the monitor screen, and on Task
870712 - Bar at the bottom of the screen. IE can be configured with 64-bit and
870713 - 32-bit modes, so by convention, IE at the top of the screen is 64-bit
870714 - and IE 32-bit is accessed from the Task Bar.
870715 -
870716 - 7. Private Character Editor
870718 - ..
870719 - Use Private Character Editor to create custom characters, which can be
870720 - inserted into documents by using Character Map, explained above,
870721 - ref SDS 0 OX4J,
870723 - ..
870724 - 8. Resource Monitor
870726 - ..
870727 - Supplements Task Manager access by right clicking Task Bar.
870728 - Resource Monitor shows more detail on CPU, memory and disk use.
870730 - ..
870731 - 9. Speccy......... listed twice...see Piriform, ref SDS 0 TU6S
870733 - ..
870734 - Speccy is a very comprehensive System Information utility that, for
870735 - example, determine manufacturer of the main board, manufacturer of
870736 - hard drives, etc. This supplements Microsoft Windows 7 "System
870737 - Information" utility, listed next...
870739 - ..
870740 - 10. System Information
870742 - ..
870743 - Windows 7 utility listing operating system, computer manufacturer,
870744 - computer name, e.g., c17, microprocessor, memory, disk storage, etc.
870745 -
870746 - 11. System Restore
870748 - ..
870749 - Windows 7 utility to restore system files and settings fixes problems
870750 - that slow down the computer or causes system failure.
870751 -
870752 - 12. Task Scheduler
870754 - ..
870755 - Windows 7 utility to create and manage common tasks that the computer
870756 - can perform automatically at specified times. Tasks are stored in
870757 - disk directories for the Task Scheduler "library." Review of
870758 - Microsoft's list in this program indicates the operating system is
870759 - performing numerous system calibration tasks to assess viability of
870760 - the computer.
870762 - ..
870763 - Task Scheduler requires review with Microsoft for scope of actions
870764 - being performed "automatically."
870765 -
870766 - 13. Windows Easy Transfer Reports
870768 - ..
870769 - Windows 7 utility that complements Windows Easy Transfer. After
870770 - using the Transfer tool, this "Reports" system does
870771 -
870772 -
870773 - 14. Windows Easy Transfer
870775 - ..
870776 - Windows 7 utility supports copying files and settings from one
870777 - computer to another, including...
870778 -
870779 - User accounts
870780 - Documents
870781 - Email
870782 - Internet Favorites
870783 -
870785 - ..
870786 - 12. Tablet PC
870788 - ..
870789 - Seems to be handriting recognition. Not sure what situations arise
870790 - for writing on a computer screen.
870791 -
870792 - 13. Windows PowerShell
870794 - ..
870795 - Windows PowerShell is a Windows 7 command-line shell designed
870796 - especially for system administrators. The Windows PowerShell includes
870797 - an interactive prompt and a scripting environment that can be used
870798 - independently or in combination.
870799 -
870801 - ..
870802 - 2. Administrative Tools............ subdirectory
870803 -
870805 - ..
870806 - 3. Disk Maintenance
870808 - ..
870809 - Disk maintenance can be consolidated into a single menu with the
870810 - various tools added for...
870811 -
870812 - 1. Ccleaner
870813 -
870814 - Remove temporary files, wipe disk clean of deleted files
870815 - registry maintenance.
870817 - ..
870818 - 2. Defraggler
870819 -
870820 - Degrament directories and files, shows progress of
870821 - work and enables specifying groups of partitions.
870823 - ..
870824 - 3. MyDefrag v4.3.1
870825 -
870826 - Defragments and sorts partitions, directories and files
870828 - ..
870829 - 4. NeoSmart Technologies
870830 -
870831 - Multi-boot manage names and order of logging on
870833 - ..
870834 - 5. Recuva
870835 -
870836 - Restore deleted files
870838 - ..
870839 - 4. HP Printer
870840 -
870841 - 1. HP
870842 - Coupons
870843 - HP Advisor
870844 - HP Photo Creations
870845 - HP Smart Web Printing
870846 - Photosmart C4700 Series
870847 - HP Solution Center
870848 - HP Update
870849 - Shop for HP Supplies
870851 - ..
870852 - 2. IRIS
870853 - Readiris Pro 12
870854 - IRIS OCR Registration
870855 - IRIS Resource Center
870856 -
870858 - ..
870859 - 5. Microsoft
870860 -
870861 - Desktop Gadget Gallery
870862 - desktop.ini
870863 - Office Excel Word........also on main menu.... ref SDS 0 GQ4M
870864 - Windows DVD Maker
870865 - Windows Fax and Scan
870866 - Windows Live ID
870867 - Windows Media Center
870868 - Windows Media Player
870869 - XPS Viewer
870870 -
870871 - 1. Ease of Access
870872 -
870873 - Speech Recognition
870874 - Windows Speech Recognition...also Accessories... ref SDS 0 8Y5F
870875 -
870877 - ..
870878 - 2. Maintenance
870879 -
870880 - Backup and Restore
870881 - Create a System Repair Disc
870882 - Desktop.ini
870883 - Windows Remote Assistance
870885 - ..
870886 - Remote assistance can be very useful solving problems with SDS, and
870887 - helping learn the program.
870888 -
870889 - 3. Office Excel Word
870891 - ..
870892 - 6. Office Excel Word
870893 -
870894 - 1. Microsoft Office Tools
870895 - 2. Excel 2007
870896 - 3. OneNote 2007
870897 - 4. Powerpoint 2007
870898 - 5. Word 2000
870900 - ..
870901 - 7. Piriform
870902 -
870903 - Ccleaner
870904 - Defraggler
870905 - Recuva
870906 - Speccy
870908 - ..
870909 - Comprehensive system information, e.g., mainboard manufacturer,
870910 - complements Windows 7 System Information under Accessories, per above.
870911 - ref SDS 0 RE8H
870912 -
870914 - ..
870915 - 8. Catalyst Control Center
870916 -
870917 - This is for the Radeon video graphics adapter - decided
870918 - to remove it from Start Programs menu, because this
870919 - particular Radeon menu does not provide any utility to
870920 - manage the controller.
870922 - ..
870923 - Display resolution and other settings can be directly
870924 - set as explained under....
870926 - ..
870927 - Control Panel
870928 - Appearance and Personalization
870929 - Display
870930 - Adjust Resolution
870931 - Advanced Settings
870933 - ..
870934 - This opens....
870935 -
870936 - 9. Generic PnP Monitor and ATI Radeon HD 5570 Properties
870938 - ..
870939 - An option in the Radeon properties, is to open....
870940 -
870941 - Catalyst Control Center
870943 - ..
870944 - Select tab at bottom....
870945 -
870946 - 10. ATI Catalyst Control Center
870948 - ..
870949 - There is a very small option in the top right corner, click...
870950 -
870951 - Graphics
870952 - Welcome
870953 - Information Center
870954 - Desktop & Displays
870955 - Desktop properties
870956 - * Display options
870957 - 3D
870958 - Video
870959 - Video Converter
870960 - ATI Overdrive
870962 - ..
870963 - * [On 110127 0049 used ATI CCC to resolve problem of black bar
870964 - border by expanding desktop to fill Vizio VA320M screen.
870965 - ref SDS J8 Y94N
870966 -
870967 -
870968 -
8710 -
Speech Recognition Configure C17 Windows 7 64-bit Improved Performan
A703 -
A70401 - ..
A70402 - Speech Recognition Requires Speaker Use Headphones
A70403 -
A70404 -
A70405 - Windows 7 Start
A70406 - Programs
A70407 - Accessories
A70408 - Easy of Access
A70409 - Speech Recognition
A70411 - ..
A70412 - Set Up Speech Recognition
A70413 -
A70414 - Speech Recognition controls the computer with voice.
A70415 -
A70416 - First set up the computer to recognize voice.
A70417 -
A70418 - Need headset. System recognizes voice through headset.
A70420 - ..
A70421 - Activation mode....
A70422 -
A70423 - You choose what happens when you say command...
A70424 -
A70425 - Stop Listening
A70426 -
A70427 - Manual activation turns speech recognition off when you
A70428 - say "stop listening." It is turned on by clicking the
A70429 - microphone button or pressing Ctrl Windows key.
A70431 - ..
A70432 - Initially, will try manual stop and start mode.
A70433 -
A70434 - Stop listening
A70435 - Ctrl Windows key (between Alt and Caps Lock
A70436 -
A70437 - Speech Reference Card
A70438 -
A70439 - Commands for the computer.
A70440 -
A70441 - Click "file
A70442 - Double click "file"
A70443 - Switch to SDS
A70444 - New paragraph
A70445 - New line
A70446 - Tab
A70447 - Comma
A70448 - Literal word
A70449 - Select word
A70450 - Correct word
A70451 - Delete word
A70452 - Stop listening
A70453 - Start listening
A70455 - ..
A70456 - Voice Recognition on Start Up
A70457 -
A70458 - Did not select this option
A70459 -
A70460 -
A70461 -
A70462 -
A70463 -
A70464 -
A70465 -
A705 -
Favorites IE Transfer from Existing Computers Internet Explorer to C
AG03 -
AG0401 - ..
AG0402 - Favorites Internet Explorer Import Bookmarks
AG0403 - Bookmarks Internet Explorer Import Favorites
AG0404 - IE Internet Explorer Import Favorites Bookmarks
AG0405 -
AG0406 - Follow up ref SDS F5 ZN4N, ref SDS A3 ZN4N.
AG0407 -
AG0408 - Favorites for Internet Explorer can be imported by copying the
AG0409 - file...
AG0410 -
AG0411 - c16\\i:\Documents and Settings\Rod Welch\Favorites\...
AG0413 - ..
AG0414 - Mizolla Firefox can then import these favorites for common
AG0415 - environment.
AG0417 - ..
AG0418 - Firefox is used for IE to reduce risks of virus attack.
AG0420 - ..
AG0421 - Problem today is that W7 prevents access to....
AG0422 -
AG0423 - c17\\i:\Documents and Settings\Rod Welch\...
AG0425 - ..
AG0426 - Prevents setting up bookmarks.
AG0427 -
AG0428 -
AG0429 -
AG0430 -
AG05 -
Favorites IE Transfer from Existing Computers Internet Explorer to C
AP03 -
AP0401 - ..
AP0402 - Tab IE Toolbar Remove Favorites
AP0403 - IE Tab Toolbar Remove Favorites
AP0404 - IE Favorites Tab Toolbar Remove
AP0405 -
AP0406 - Windows 7 Internet Explorer adds a "toolbar" below the menu for
AP0407 - Favorites that also displays "tabs" for open web pages. This
AP0408 - duplicates Favorites in the menu. Tabs for web pages has not proven
AP0409 - efficient for daily work.
AP0411 - ..
AP0412 - Tab feature can be turned off...
AP0413 -
AP0414 - IE
AP0415 - Tools
AP0416 - General
AP0417 - Tabs
AP0418 - Settings
AP0419 - Enable Tabbed browsing
AP0421 - ..
AP0422 - Deselect this feature.
AP0424 - ..
AP0425 - After this is accomplished, IE still displays an entire line in the
AP0426 - browser with the single choice of "Favorites," which duplicates the
AP0427 - menu.
AP0429 - ..
AP0430 - Research on the Internet found...
AP0431 -
AP0432 - Internet Explorer TechCenter
AP0433 -
AP0434 -
AP0435 -
AP0436 - Quero Forum
AP0437 -
AP0438 -
AP0440 - ..
AP0441 - Information indicates ID Favorites/Tabs toolbar can be removed by
AP0442 - editing the registry...
AP0443 -
AP0444 - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbars\Restrictions\NoCommandBar
AP0445 -
AP0446 - "NoCommandBar"=dword:00000001(1)
AP0447 -
AP0448 -
AP0449 -
AP05 -
Favorites IE Transfer from Existing Computers Internet Explorer to C
AX03 -
AX0401 - ..
AX0402 - Internet Explorer IE Home Page
AX0403 -
AX0404 - Follow up ref SDS F5 NK4M.
AX0405 -
AX0406 - Home page for welchco is at...
AX0407 -
AX0408 - c: sd wl 02 05 02 0111 GE 00101.HTM
AX0410 - ..
AX0411 - The home page can be modified for updating, ref OF 7 0000
AX0412 -
AX0413 -
AX0414 -
AX0415 -
AX0416 -
AX05 -
Sort Order C17 File Management Conform XP Explorer to Standard
B503 -
B50401 - ..
B50402 - Change Sort Order Windows Explorer Numeric Filenames
B50403 - File Management Sort Order Conform XP to Standard
B50404 - Sort Order File Management Conform XP Explorer to Standard
B50405 - Explorer Sort Order Conform XP to Standard File Management
B50406 -
B50407 - Follow up ref SDS F5 619F, ref SDS A3 619F.
B50408 -
B50409 - Windows XP uses a new sort order for numeric filenames causing
B50410 - listings of SDS files in particular to display contrary to
B50411 - expectations, as reported configuring c16 on 090715. ref SDS F5 ET6J
B50413 - ..
B50414 - Implemented guidance on 041118 to reset standard sort order for
B50415 - navigating in SDS. ref SDS A3 6U5K
B50417 - ..
B50418 - This applies to the sort order for numerical filenames.
B50419 -
B50420 -
B50421 -
B50422 -
B50423 -
B505 -
Show Desktop C17 Program Clears and Restores Desktop Quick Launch De
BD03 -
BD0401 - ..
BD0402 - Show Desktop Program Clears and Restores Desktop
BD0403 - Quick Launch Desktop Tray Add Show Desktop Application
BD0404 -
BD0405 - Follow up ref SDS F5 LD6L, ref SDS A3 LD6L.
BD0406 -
BD0407 - Windows XP has "Show Desktop" on the taskbar, so no need to construct
BD0408 - the code developed for configuring c14 on 041118. ref SDS A3 LD6L
BD0410 - ..
BD0411 - Windows 7 does not have Quick Launch. It provides a new feature to
BD0412 - "pin" applications to the Task Bar. Initially, this seems less
BD0413 - helpful than Quick Launch utility.
BD0415 - ..
BD0416 - Quick Launch for Windows 7 configuration is explained in the record on
BD0417 - 091124 1600. ref SDS G6 KI5N
BD0419 - ..
BD0420 - Quick Launch can sometimes also be set in Taskbar and Start Menu
BD0421 - properties, per above.
BD0422 -
BD0423 - Start Properties
BD0424 - Toolbars
BD0425 - Quick Launch
BD0427 - ..
BD0428 - This only works if the registry is properly configured. Sometimes it
BD0429 - is and other times not.
BD0430 -
BD0431 -
BD0432 -
BD0433 -
BD0434 -
BD0435 -
BD0436 -
BD05 -
HP ScanJet Printer Not Connected C16 Install Configure Driver Obtain
BH03 -
BH0401 - ..
BH0402 - Printer HP Deskjet 895cse Configured
BH0403 -
BH0404 - Follow up ref SDS F5 G49I, ref SDS A3 G49I.
BH0405 -
BH0406 - Cannot connect printer to c17, because the printer cable does not
BH0407 - connect to a USB port.
BH0408 -
BH0409 - [On 101204 1524 purchased printer cable converter to USB
BH0410 - port for printer to configure HP Deskject 895Cse printer to
BH0411 - c17 for printing documents, ref SDS I2 Y65H; however, still
BH0412 - cannot print from either c16 nor c17. ref SDS I2 BE64
BH0414 - ..
BH0415 - [On 101206 2217 further work failed to configure HP Deskjet
BH0416 - 895Cse printer with either or both c16 and c17. ref SDS I3
BH0417 - Y65H
BH0419 - ..
BH0420 - [On 101208 1333 purchased new printer HP Photosmart C4780
BH0421 - to replace Deskjet 895c. ref SDS I5 KT80
BH0423 - ..
BH0424 - [On 101217 1406 configured wireless connection for new HP
BH0425 - Photosmart C4780 printer to c16 under Windows XP.
BH0426 - ref SDS J0 0001
BH0428 - ..
BH0429 - Printer support using wireless configured.
BH0431 - ..
BH0432 - [On 101227 0718 set up wireless connection for new HP
BH0433 - Photosmart C4780 printer to c17 under Widows 7 32-bit.
BH0434 - ref SDS J3 PC5H
BH0435 -
BH0436 -
BH0437 -
BH05 -
Security Center C16 Disconnect Windows XP Firewall Remove Icon from
BN03 -
BN0401 - ..
BN0402 - Cookies Off Security Privacy Netscape Internet Explorer
BN0403 -
BN0404 - Follow up ref SDS F5 R59I, ref SDS A3 R59I.
BN0405 -
BN0406 - Internet Explorer
BN0407 -
BN0408 - Cookies are turned off as follows.....
BN0410 - ..
BN0411 - Right click on IE to open menu and select properties.
BN0413 - ..
BN0414 - Security Tab
BN0415 -
BN0416 - Internet (World Globe icon today) - single click to highlight
BN0417 -
BN0418 - Custom Level, click on button at bottom of menu to open
BN0419 - options.
BN0420 - ..
BN0421 - About 33% down the scroll bar is cookies. Turn it
BN0422 - off.
BN0423 -
BN0425 - ..
BN0426 - Netscape Mizolla Firefox
BN0427 -
BN0428 - Cookies are turn off as follows...
BN0429 -
BN0430 - Open Netscape Communicator and click
BN0431 -
BN0432 - Edit option on top menu bar, single click to open menu.
BN0433 -
BN0434 - Preferences, at bottom of Edit menu
BN0435 -
BN0436 - Catagory in left margin, double click on....
BN0438 - ..
BN0439 - Advanced at bottom of list
BN0440 -
BN0441 - Cookies are shown to the right, select disable.
BN0442 -
BN0443 - Click OK at bottom to save changes.
BN0444 -
BN0445 -
BN0446 -
BN05 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
BO03 -
BO0401 - ..
BO0402 - Firewall Disconnect Security Center for Networking Remove Icon on Tray
BO0403 - Security Center Disconnect Windows XP Firewall Remove Icon from Tray
BO0404 -
BO0405 - Follow up ref SDS F5 P46I, ref SDS A3 P46I.
BO0406 -
BO0407 - For c16 Disconnected Windows XP Firewall, so that networking operates
BO0408 - smoothly, reported on 090715. ref SDS F5 GP8O
BO0410 - ..
BO0411 - Instructions for disconnecting Windows XP Firewall are listed on
BO0412 - 090715. ref SDS F5 P46W
BO0414 - ..
BO0415 - Windows 7 Firewall...
BO0416 -
BO0417 - Control Panel
BO0418 - System and Security
BO0419 - Windows Firewall
BO0420 - Turn Windows Firewall on or off
BO0422 - ..
BO0423 - Since XP is not yet active, per above, ref SDS 0 QT8M, have not
BO0424 - installed Pccillin virus protection, which automatically disconnects
BO0425 - XP firewall to enable efficient usability, explained on 041118 2124.
BO0426 - ref SDS A3 IM5K
BO0428 - ..
BO0429 - Have not yet done anything with Windows 7 Firewall; the record is
BO0430 - unclear on correlation with Pccillin virus protection.
BO0431 -
BO0432 -
BO0433 -
BO0434 -
BO0435 -
BO0436 -
BO0437 -
BO05 -
Autorun Off C16 K Drive RW CD ROM DVD Drive Read Write Requires Driv
BS03 -
BS0401 - ..
BS0402 - CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute Autorun
BS0403 - Autorun CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute
BS0404 -
BS0405 - Follow up ref SDS F5 TM6K, ref SDS A3 TM6K.
BS0406 -
BS0407 - For Windows XP implemented instructions on 041118. ref SDS A3 TM6K
BS0409 - ..
BS0410 - For Windows 7, there is a new procedure....
BS0411 -
BS0412 - Control Panel
BS0413 - Hardware and Sound
BS0414 - Autoplay
BS0416 - ..
BS0417 - Choose what happens when you insert each type of media or device
BS0418 -
BS0419 - Use Autoplay for all media and devices............ off
BS0421 - ..
BS0422 - Uncheck this option.
BS0424 - ..
BS0425 - Set following custom options...
BS0426 -
BS0427 - Media
BS0428 - Audio CD................. Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0429 - Enhanced audio CD........ Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0430 - DVD movie................ Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0431 - Enhanced DVD movie....... Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0432 - Software and games....... Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0433 - Pictures................. Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0434 - Video files.............. Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0435 - Audio files.............. Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0436 - Blank CD................. Take no action
BS0437 - Blank DVD................ Take no action
BS0438 - Blank BD................. Take no action
BS0439 - Mixed content............ Open folder view files with Explorer
BS0440 -
BS0441 -
BS0442 -
BS0443 -
BS05 -
Mplayer.exe C16 Movies Works Better than Windows Media Player in Win
BX03 -
BX0401 - ..
BX0402 - Movies Media Player Software
BX0403 - Media Player for Movies Software
BX0404 -
BX0405 - Follow up ref SDS F5 4DG2, ref SDS A3 4DG2.
BX0406 -
BX0407 - Decided not to install mplayer.exe, even though it is much more
BX0408 - efficient to watch movies, reported on 090715. ref SDS F5 4DG2
BX0410 - ..
BX0411 - Quality of native Microsoft Windows 7 media player provides wider
BX0412 - range of file extensions with much higher quality. So until Microsoft
BX0413 - improves media player for efficiency, will work with what is provided.
BX0414 -
BX0415 -
BX0416 -
BX0417 -
BX0418 -
BX05 -
Cdplayer.exe Works Better than Windows Media Player Windows XP Insta
C403 -
C40401 - ..
C40402 - Cdplayer Set for Music
C40403 -
C40404 - Follow up ref SDS F5 G8E2, ref SDS A3 G8E2.
C40405 -
C40406 - Windows 7 prevents setting up cdplayer.exe, as with prior computers,
C40407 - reported on 090715, ref SDS F5 G8E2.
C40409 - ..
C40410 - Tried playing the Fleetwood Mac CD "Rumors" and found that Windows
C40411 - Media player may have enough capability to match cdplayer.
C40412 -
C40413 -
C40414 -
C40415 -
C405 -
Administrator C16 Rod Set Sole User Default Administrator No Login P
C903 -
C90401 - ..
C90402 - Network Permissions Administrator Manage Transfer Files Internet
C90403 - Permissions Administrator Manage Network Transfer Files Internet
C90404 - Administrator Permissions Manage Network Transfer Files Internet
C90405 -
C90406 - Follow up ref SDS F5 2192, ref SDS A3 2192.
C90407 -
C90408 - For c17, decided to only identify Rod for using c17, so Rod is the
C90409 - administrator by default.
C90411 - ..
C90412 - Administrator identification is set in...
C90413 -
C90414 - Control Panel
C90415 - User Accounts
C90416 - Change my account type
C90418 - ..
C90419 - Administrator can use...
C90420 -
C90421 - Control Panel
C90422 - Administrative Tools
C90424 - ..
C90425 - The problem with administrator is that Windows 7 returns pervasive
C90426 - errors transferring files on the network, and to the Internet, and
C90427 - opening records to specified anchors, all saying...
C90428 -
C90429 - Access Denied
C90430 -
C90431 - You need permission from the administrator for this task
C90433 - ..
C90434 - This message provides no guidance on fixing the problem.
C90436 - ..
C90437 - Since the program is run only by the administrator, Microsoft fails to
C90438 - present the distinction that prevents tasks from being performed.
C90440 - ..
C90441 - Major problem "access denied" prevents efficient usability applying
C90442 - computers to accomplish anytime, anywhere intelligence on the
C90443 - Internet. ref SDS 0 FU4N Pending issue to resolve on c17. ref SDS 0
C90444 - A85L
C90445 -
C90446 - [On 101202 2242 called Microsoft and was refused assistance
C90447 - on grounds that Windows 7 product is OEM. ref SDS I0 6S6H
C90449 - ..
C90450 - [On 101209 0823 research on Internet to solve access denied
C90451 - problems that prevent transferring files on network between
C90452 - c16 and c17. ref SDS I6 1R5H
C90454 - ..
C90455 - [On 101212 1918 continue experiment configuring Microsoft
C90456 - to enable interoperable and dynamically creating and
C90457 - deleting files and directories. ref SDS I8 1R5H Microsoft
C90458 - only executes rd command to remove a directory structure,
C90459 - if the SDS or Medit DOS app is closed. ref SDS I8 9U9H
C90461 - ..
C90462 - [On 101215 1443 discuss technical support with HP on using
C90463 - Windows 7 Ultimate that blocks performance of the work with
C90464 - undefined permissions policies. ref SDS I9 FN5M
C90466 - ..
C90467 - Later learned that...
C90468 -
C90469 - Control Panel
C90470 - User Accounts and Family Safety
C90471 - Credential Manager
C90473 - ..
C90474 - These settings better enable transferring files between computers.
C90475 -
C90476 - [On 120501 1038 instructions on using Credential Manager to
C90477 - resolve conflicts transferring files between computers
C90478 - through the network. ref SDS K5 GZ6N
C90479 -
C90480 - [On 130509 0821 "user name" in Credentials must be same as
C90481 - the system user account name, e.g., for c18 -
C90482 - Administrator; for c21 - user. ref SDS K7 6W6J
C90483 -
C90484 -
C90485 -
C90486 -
C90487 -
C90488 -
C905 -
Video C16 Device Driver Software Configuration NVIDIA Geforce 9600M
CE03 -
CE0401 - ..
CE0402 - Video Display Configuration NVIDIA Geforce 9600M GT
CE0403 - NVIDIA Missing Support HDMI Sound Transmission Vizio HDTV
CE0404 - Sound HDMI Transmission Vizio HDTV Missing from NVIDIA Video Adapter
CE0405 -
CE0406 - Follow up ref SDS F5 GR5W, ref SDS A3 GR5W.
CE0407 -
CE0408 - Ryan configured NVIDIA device drivers for Windows 7-32bit, and 64-bit,
CE0409 - but could not find drivers for Windows XP, reported on 101115 1805.
CE0410 - ref SDS H7 NX9O
CE0411 -
CE0412 - [On 101202 1259 called NVIDIA on progress getting device
CE0413 - driver for GeForce GT 420 video graphics adapter running on
CE0414 - c17, ref SDS H9 TY5H, and was received assistance to
CE0415 - download a driver, ref SDS H9 0G4T; however, this driver
CE0416 - returned an error message saying it does not recognize any
CE0417 - equipment. ref SDS H9 UN48
CE0419 - ..
CE0420 - [On 101220 1555 Tony called and proposes swapping video
CE0421 - card that will support Windows XP; work scheduled 101223
CE0422 - pm. ref SDS J1 PP4Q
CE0424 - ..
CE0425 - Another problem is that NVIDIA graphics adapter is not transmitting
CE0426 - sound thorugh the HDMI port on the adapter, planned in the HP order
CE0427 - item #7 on 101021 0953. ref SDS H3 635Y
CE0429 - ..
CE0430 - Sound is transmitted through the 2 speakers when plugged into the top
CE0431 - middle port below the DMI video port.
CE0432 -
CE0433 - [On 101228 0944 HP replaced NVIDIA vidoe adapter with
CE0434 - Jaguar Radeon video adapter and it corrected problem by
CE0435 - transmitting sound to the Vizio HDTV television speakers.
CE0436 - ref SDS J4 IZ5L
CE0437 -
CE0438 -
CE0439 -
CE0440 -
CE0441 -
CE0442 -
CE05 -
Desktop C16 Format Windows Classic Menu Properties Settings Resoluti
CL03 -
CL0401 - ..
CL0402 - Menu Text Too Small for High Resolution Graphics
CL0403 - Font Size Menus Content Easy to Read at High Resolution
CL0404 - Text Too Small Increase Size of Characters Change Font
CL0405 - Desktop Setup So Characters are Larger and Easier to Read
CL0406 -
CL0407 - Follow up ref SDS F5 BK3A, ref SDS A3 BK3A.
CL0408 -
CL0409 - This was much easier to configure than for c16.
CL0411 - ..
CL0412 - Task bar seems twice to 3 times too high. Turns out his is because
CL0413 - default size of icons automatically "pinned" to the desktop with
CL0414 - Windows 7 installation makes the task bar oversize, so it looks out
CL0415 - of proportion.
CL0417 - ..
CL0418 - Control Panel
CL0419 - Personalization
CL0420 - Taskbar and Start Menu properties
CL0422 - ..
CL0423 - Taskbar menu has a choice to....
CL0424 -
CL0425 - Use small icons
CL0427 - ..
CL0428 - Selecting this choice collapses the Task Bar to a single porportional
CL0429 - line.
CL0431 - ..
CL0432 - Text size of menus too small after setting Windows Classic theme, per
CL0433 - below. ref SDS 0 T552
CL0435 - ..
CL0436 - Select....
CL0437 -
CL0438 - Control Panel
CL0439 - Appearance and Personalization
CL0440 - Personalization
CL0442 - ..
CL0443 - Alternatively, right click on desktop to open a menu. Select
CL0444 -
CL0445 - Personalization
CL0446 -
CL0447 - the bottom of the window.
CL0449 - ..
CL0450 - This opens....
CL0451 -
CL0452 - Windows Color and Appearance
CL0454 - ..
CL0455 - It presents "classic" windows XP controls for setting colors and
CL0456 - font size of various elements of Windows 7 display features,
CL0457 - including menus.
CL0459 - ..
CL0460 - Choose from the "Item" pull down menu a feature to adjust, e.g.,
CL0461 -
CL0462 - Item
CL0463 - Menu
CL0465 - ..
CL0466 - Set desired font size.
CL0467 -
CL0468 -
CL0470 - ..
CL0471 - Desktop Icon Applications IE Recycle Network Computer
CL0472 -
CL0473 - Windows 7 default puts IE icon on task bar, and only recycle bin on
CL0474 - desktop.
CL0475 -
CL0476 - Standard workstation protocol can be configured with
CL0477 -
CL0478 - Control Panel
CL0479 - Personalization
CL0480 - Change desktop icons
CL0482 - ..
CL0483 - This control panel menu lists following that can be placed on the
CL0484 - desktop...
CL0485 -
CL0486 -
CL0487 - Computer.............(rename to C17)
CL0488 - Recycle Bin
CL0489 - Network
CL0491 - ..
CL0492 - Internet Explorer (IE) is available in 2 modes...
CL0493 -
CL0494 - IE 32-bit
CL0495 - IE 64-bit
CL0497 - ..
CL0498 - Both can be placed on the desktop. By convention IE 64-bit is put at
CL0499 - the top of the screen, and ID 32-bit is placed on the task bar at the
CL0500 - bottom of the screen.
CL0501 -
CL0502 -
CL0504 - ..
CL0505 - Color Desktop Set to Standard Windows Classic Theme
CL0506 - Classic Windows Theme Desktop Solid Color
CL0507 - Desktop Theme Windows Classic Color Set to Standard
CL0508 -
CL0509 - Follow up ref SDS F5 T552, ref SDS A3 T552.
CL0511 - ..
CL0512 - Select....
CL0513 -
CL0514 - Control Panel
CL0515 - Appearance and Personalization
CL0516 - Personalization
CL0518 - ..
CL0519 - At the bottom of the screen is an option....
CL0520 -
CL0521 - Desktop Background Solid Color
CL0523 - ..
CL0524 - This enables selecting the desktop color.
CL0525 -
CL0527 - ..
CL0528 - Windows Classic Desktop Theme Solid Color
CL0529 -
CL0530 - Follow up ref SDS F5 T552.
CL0532 - ..
CL0533 - Problem occurred with Vizio 32" screen.
CL0535 - ..
CL0536 - After selecting the Windows Classic desktop theme text describing
CL0537 - icons were changed and became barely readable. Switching the monitor
CL0538 - from Vizio VA320M to the Dell 19" display, the characters now display
CL0539 - in normal text. This may reflect that the Dell monitor cannot display
CL0540 - modern "barely readable" possibly "high contrast" text.
CL0542 - ..
CL0543 - Text size for menus and other features can be set for ease in reading
CL0544 - using guidance above. ref SDS 0 MO8J
CL0545 -
CL0546 -
CL0547 -
CL0548 -
CL0549 -
CL0550 -
CL06 -
Date Format YYYYMMDD and Time 24 Hour Military Format File Managemen
CO03 -
CO0401 - ..
CO0402 - Date Format YYYYMMDD and Time 24 Hour Clock
CO0403 - Time 24 Hour Dislpay System Clock Military Format
CO0404 - Clock Configure Format to 24 Hour Military HHMM
CO0405 - Military Time 24 Hour Configure System Clock Format
CO0406 -
CO0407 - Follow up ref SDS F5 EV3H, ref SDS A3 EV3H.
CO0408 -
CO0409 - The clock in the lower right corner of the screen typically displays
CO0410 - in standard 12 hour format with a or p for AM and PM.
CO0412 - ..
CO0413 - For SDS the time in military format works best, and setting this
CO0414 - format to 24 hours also lists directories and files in the file
CO0415 - managmeent system in a uniform 24 hour structure.
CO0417 - ..
CO0418 - Windows XP configures time formats in the Control Panel, as reported
CO0419 - configuring c16 on 090715. ref SDS F5 EV45.
CO0421 - ..
CO0422 - C17 trying to configure Windows 7 32-bit to run SDS, because HP did
CO0423 - not provide a video driver for Windows XP. Windows 7 configures time
CO0424 - also in the Control Panal...
CO0425 -
CO0426 - Clock Language, and Region
CO0427 - Region and Language
CO0428 - Change date time or number format
CO0430 - ..
CO0431 - At this location configure date to display as...
CO0432 -
CO0433 - yyyy mm dd
CO0435 - ..
CO0436 - Set time to display as...
CO0437 -
CO0438 - HH mm ss
CO0439 -
CO0441 - ..
CO0442 - 11. Windows Classic Style
CO0443 -
CO0444 - This creates appearance of the desktop and various support
CO0445 - features, for example menus and listings of directories and
CO0446 - files.
CO0448 - ..
CO0449 - C16 has been set to Windows Classic
CO0451 - ..
CO0452 - change format for dates and time display, in the Control
CO0453 - Panel select...
CO0454 -
CO0455 - Regional and Language Options
CO0456 - Customize
CO0457 - Time
CO0458 -
CO0459 - h:mm:ss:tt....... for conventional format of time
CO0460 - HH:mm:ss......... for 24 hour military format
CO0462 - ..
CO0463 - Date
CO0464 - Short date format
CO0465 -
CO0466 - yyyy-mm-dd....... for year month day
CO0467 -
CO0468 -
CO0469 -
CO05 -
Keyboard Cursor Scroll and Repeat Rate C16
CR03 -
CR0401 - ..
CR0402 - Cursor Scroll Rate
CR0403 - Keyboard Cursor Scorll Rate
CR0404 -
CR0405 - Follow up ref SDS F5 X55I, ref SDS A3 X55I.
CR0406 -
CR0407 - In the Control Panel, open...
CR0408 -
CR0409 - Hardware and Sound
CR0410 - Devices and Printers
CR0411 - PS2 to USB Converter
CR0413 - ..
CR0414 - The "Devices and Printers" directory does not list the keyboard,
CR0415 - because the keyboard is connted to the computer with a ps2 converter
CR0416 - cable.
CR0418 - ..
CR0419 - Turns out that the default scroll rate is good, so no adjustment is
CR0420 - required.
CR0421 -
CR0422 -
CR0423 -
CR0424 -
CR0425 -
CR05 -
System File Management C16 Directory Folder List and Navigation Opti
CU03 -
CU0401 - ..
CU0402 - My Computer Explorer System Management Navigate Directories
CU0403 - System Management Directory Folder Options and File List Format
CU0404 - Directory Folder Options, File List Format in System Management
CU0405 -
CU0406 - Follow up ref SDS F5 4WUC, ref SDS A3 4WUC.
CU0407 -
CU0408 - System Management navigating directories and files to facilitate
CU0409 - understanding, accessing and managing directories and files is
CU0410 - identified differently in XP and W7.
CU0412 - ..
CU0413 - 1. XP calls this "My Computer" and appears as an icon on the
CU0414 - desktop.
CU0416 - ..
CU0417 - 2. W7 call this "computer" and appears initially in the Start
CU0418 - menu right pane.
CU0420 - ..
CU0421 - We want an icon on the desktop and on the system tray or task bar for
CU0422 - System Management.
CU0424 - ..
CU0425 - XP has various desktop themes.
CU0426 -
CU0427 - Windows Classic theme places IE on desktop and in the task bar
CU0428 - Quick Launch section.
CU0429 -
CU0430 - Or, possibly, setting up Quick Launch in XP places IE and
CU0431 - System Management both on the desktop and in the Quick Launch
CU0432 - on the Task Bar.
CU0433 -
CU0434 -
CU0436 - ..
CU0437 - Windows 7 does not provide Quick Launch on the lower left corner ofthe
CU0438 - screen. Windows 7 has a new "pin" system, that is not very facile.
CU0439 - Windows 7 provides a "jump" list that strives to improve access for
CU0440 - files. Since files are access through SDS, the "jump list" is not
CU0441 - helpful.
CU0443 - ..
CU0444 - We need Quick Launch, explained above, ref SDS 0 649K, and citing the
CU0445 - record on 091124 1600. ref SDS G6 M56M, showing specific steps for
CU0446 - adding Quick Launch to Task Bar in Windows 7.
CU0448 - ..
CU0449 - Windows 7 presents system management as the Explorer format with 3
CU0450 - panes...
CU0451 -
CU0452 - 1. Favorites
CU0453 - 2. Libraries
CU0454 - 3. Homegroup
CU0455 - 4. Computer
CU0456 - 5. Network
CU0458 - ..
CU0459 - This can be simplified for efficient navigation of directories and
CU0460 - files.
CU0462 - ..
CU0463 - What Microsoft calls...
CU0464 -
CU0465 - explorer.exe
CU0466 -
CU0467 - ...has a menu across the top of the window. The first menu choice
CU0468 - is...
CU0470 - ..
CU0471 - Organize
CU0473 - ..
CU0474 - About half way down the organize menu is two choices...
CU0475 -
CU0476 - Layout
CU0477 - Folder and Search Options
CU0479 - ..
CU0480 - "Details" in the Layout menu simplifies system management showing only
CU0481 - drives, and navigating below to directories and files.
CU0483 - ..
CU0484 - Folder and Search Options configures directories below the drive
CU0485 - listing. Main setting is showing system files and file extensions to
CU0486 - enable efficient system management.
CU0488 - ..
CU0489 - Once the format is set up for one directory folder, it can be applied
CU0490 - to all folders using View tab in Folder Options of Tool menu, per the
CU0491 - record on 010202 2028. ref SDS 48 6G3I
CU0492 -
CU0493 -
CU0494 -
CU0495 -
CU05 -
Start Menu C16 Windows XP Program Listing Windows Classic
D003 -
D00401 - ..
D00402 - Start Menu Windows XP Program Listing Windows Classic
D00403 -
D00404 - Follow up ref SDS F5 126O, ref SDS A3 126O.
D00405 -
D00406 - There is some background for c8 in the record on 960507. ref SDS 5
D00407 - QL6F
D00409 - ..
D00410 - Key step is to convert the format to Windows classic, which is
D00411 - done...
D00412 -
D00413 - Task Bar right click, open menu, select Properties.
D00414 -
D00415 - Start Properties, select Start Menu tab
D00417 - ..
D00418 - There are 2 choices...
D00419 -
D00420 - Start menu
D00421 -
D00422 - Classic Start menu
D00423 -
D00424 -
D00425 -
D00426 -
D00427 -
D005 -
Modem C16 Network Computer Identification Work Group RW Internet Pac
D503 -