440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 10, 2000 08:36 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called HP about Omnibook notebook computer, C12, configuration.

2...Modem Not Installed; Existing PCMCIA Modem/Network Card Works
3...There is another problem with the Omnibook 1450.
4...Mcafee Virus Software Not Installed
5...Mouse Connected to Serial Port Crashed, Worked, Seems Unstable
6...Partitions Not Same Size, Configuration 17 GB Instead of 18 GB
7...Partitions D-H Configured FAT, Lose 50% of Disk Space
8...External Monitor Text Fuzzy
9...Software to transfer to C12

Click here to comment!

0201 - CDW Computer Centers, Inc.           312 498 4426
020101 - Mr. Jarmon Brooks; Salesperson =78158 ext
020102 -
020103 - Sales Department =800 800 4239

Omnibook 1450 650 MHz, 000502

0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Jarmon received the letter on pending issues and proposes solutions.
050504 - He will investigate with CDW technical, and call back about a plan of
050505 - action.  Further efforts to configure the HP Omnibook revealed new
050506 - issues; did not hear from Jarmon, so did research and found a stronger
050507 - solution for our objectives. ref SDS 0 3542
050508 -
050509 -     [On 000511 received letter from Jarmon. ref SDS 14 0001
050510 -
050511 -
050512 -  ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Discussion
0509 -
050901 - Talked to Jarmon about issues shown in the letter, ref DIP 2 0001,
050902 - sent yesterday on C12. ref SDS 13 0001
050903 - ..
050904 - Jarmon said the item for Partition Magic in the invoice,
050905 - ref DIP 2 0001, is not a charge, and is not really backordered. It
050906 - will not be charged nor sent to Welch, per the record on 000508.
050907 - ref SDS 12 5590
050908 -
050909 -
050910 -
050911 -
050912 -
0510 -
0511 -

Modem Not Provided
Dial-up Networking
Network, W00, EtherPCI

0806 -
080601 -  ..
080602 - Modem Not Installed; Existing PCMCIA Modem/Network Card Works
080603 -
080604 - Follow up ref SDS 13 4592.
080605 -
080606 - Jarmon proposes solving the problem, shown in the letter, ref DIP 2
080607 - 2784, by exchanging the PCMCIA card that has only a network to one
080608 - that has both a modem and a network connection.
080609 -
080610 - We have a 3Com Megahertz 10/100 LAN PC Card Model 3CCF5%74BT
080611 -
080612 - Removed this card, and installed the combination Network and Modem
080613 - card from C09, in C12.  Booted C12.  It found new hardware and seems
080614 - to have configured it.
080615 -
080616 - Tried the network, and this was successful.
080617 -
080618 - Need to try the modem.
080619 -
080620 - The modem is working.  I configured a dial up connection to
080621 - Attglobal.  Dialed the number and made the connection.
080622 -
080623 - This may suggest we do not need a new network and modem card.
080624 -
080625 - After I got Netscape installed, per below, ref SDS 0 5544, it would
080626 - not address the network through the modem.  The browser would not
080627 - open any URL addresses.
080628 -
080629 - Tried several times.
080630 -
080631 - Tried Internet Explorer; it failed also.
080632 -
080633 - Possibly there is a configuration setting needed.
080634 -
080635 - Also found that this modem is a 28.8 system.  We need minimum 56K.
080636 -
080637 - Can we configure the Pac Bell router for DSL support at the primary
080638 - location???
080639 -
080640 - It is curious that the network card works, and the modem makes a
080641 - connection, but will not transmit anything through Netscape nor IE.
080642 - ..
080643 - There is another problem with the Omnibook 1450.
080644 - 
080645 - The power cable is on the same side as the PCMCIA slot for the NIC and
080646 - modem card.  When the modem is being used, the oversized element at
080647 - the end of the power cable interfers with using the modem.  Your can
080648 - fish the power cable around the modem connection, but this kind of
080649 - connection is delicate and so subject to damage.  This can be
080650 - addressed in part by running the power cable forward, toward the user,
080651 - rather than back away from the user in the usual arrangement.
080652 -
080653 - On C09, the power cable is on the opposite side from the PCMCIA slot,
080654 - so this is not a problem.
080655 -
080656 - This is a small matter of ergonomics, but in a purchase of $4,500,
080657 - that will be used for several years, need to try and resolve as many
080658 - issues as possible, before they become irritants, or cause things to
080659 - break.
080660 -
080661 - The better solution is separating power cable from the PCMCIA slot,
080662 - and/or getting an internal modem so the telephone cable plugs
080663 - directly into the system unit, rather using a protruding connection
080664 - element required for a PCMCIA.
080665 -
080666 -     [...below, can get a Toshiba with internal modem. ref SDS 0 4956
080667 -
080668 -
080669 -
080670 -
080671 -
0807 -

Mcafee Software Not Provided

0904 -
090401 -  ..
090402 - Mcafee Virus Software Not Installed
090403 -
090404 - Follow up ref SDS 13 3855, ref SDS 12 2500.
090405 -
090406 - Jarmon is unfamiliar with requirements for Mcafee being installed on
090407 - the computer, as set out in my letter. ref DIP 2 2550
090408 -
090409 - He will visit with the technical engineers, when they start work
090410 - about noon.
090411 -
090412 -
090413 -
090414 -
0905 -

Mouse on Serial Port with External Keyboard and Monitor Crashed

1004 -
100401 -  ..
100402 - Mouse Connected to Serial Port Crashed, Worked, Seems Unstable
100403 -
100404 - Follow up ref SDS 13 5833.
100405 -
100406 - This morning the serial mouse failed when I booted the system.
100407 -
100408 - I tried connecting an external monitor and the external keyboard and
100409 - then the serial mouse worked.  This is the configuration I would
100410 - typically use, when not traveling, but it seems unstable.
100411 -
100412 - Maybe a Y converter discussed in the manual, reported yesterday,
100413 - ref SDS 12 2709, for the PS/2 port that would support both an external
100414 - bus mouse, and a keyboard, would work better.
100415 -
100416 -     [On 000518 Toshiba Tecra 8100 would not run mouse through the
100417 -     serial port. ref SDS 15 0863
100418 -
100419 -
100420 -
100421 -
1005 -
1006 -

Partitions SB Same Size, But C 4, D 2 E 2 F 2 G 2 H 2 I 3
OS in I: WINNT Instead of I: 00 02

1306 -
130601 -  ..
130602 - Partitions Not Same Size, Configuration 17 GB Instead of 18 GB
130603 - Partitions D-H Configured FAT, Lose 50% of Disk Space
130604 -
130605 - Follow up ref SDS 13 4831.
130606 -
130607 - Jarmon proposes sending the system back to CDW.  They will configure
130608 - the system correctly, including installing the operating system in the
130609 - correct directory, per letter to Jarmon, ref DIP 2 6068, and report on
130610 - 000508. ref SDS 12 0651
130611 -
130612 - They will also install Mcafee.
130613 -
130614 - Jarmon wants to talk to Ross Rodrigo to see if there is a technical
130615 - reason that prevents providing the configuration requested by the
130616 - customer.  He said that the technical staff comes on shift about noon
130617 - their time.  When Ross arrives, Jarmon will review the record with
130618 - Ross, and develop a plan for correcting these issues.
130619 -
130620 -    [...below developed alternate procurement solution. ref SDS 0 3542
130621 -
130622 -
130623 -
130624 -
130625 -
130626 -
1307 -

Monitor External Text Fuzzy

1404 -
140401 -  ..
140402 - External Monitor Text Fuzzy
140403 -
140404 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0744.
140405 -
140406 - Tried connecting the EMC monitor and got a very garbled screen, split
140407 - vertically three (3) ways.  Evidently the altnerate monitor and video
140408 - adapter are not compatible with C12.
140409 -
140410 - Tried the Nokia monitor connected to C11.  It worked pretty well, but
140411 - the text is fuzzy.
140412 -
140413 - I had to use a different monitor cable.  The Nokia is connected to C11
140414 - with a BNC cable.  This connection would not work on the HP Omnibook,
140415 - C12, because the shield for the pins has elements that prevent full
140416 - connection to the video port.
140417 -
140418 - I tried connecting a standard display cable, i.e., a non-BNC cable.
140419 -
140420 - The shield on the standard 15 pin monitor cable connects to the HP
140421 - Omnibook, C12.
140422 -
140423 - Tried to change settings on C12 to eliminate the fuzzy text, but
140424 - failed.  Tried to get a better driver, but that didn't work.  The
140425 - monitor is configured for a default monitor at 60 Htz.  That is the
140426 - same setting being used for C11 to run the Nokia, so it should work
140427 - the same.
140428 -
140429 - When I reconnected the Nokia to C11 and booted the computer, I first
140430 - noticed that the screen was dark, then noticed the text was fuzzy, as
140431 - occurred on C12, the HP Omnibook.
140432 -
140433 - Realized the Nokia was still connected to C12 with the standard
140434 - cable, so disconnected it from C12, but kept the connection to the
140435 - standard video port on the Nokia.  The brightness improved, but the
140436 - text was still fuzzy.
140437 -
140438 - This seemed like a huge problem.
140439 -
140440 - Tried disconnecting the standard video cable, so that the Nokia was
140441 - only connected to the BNC cable connected to C11, and this eliminated
140442 - the fuzzy text.
140443 -
140444 - So, this likey is the same cause on the fuzzy text when C12 was
140445 - connected to the Nokia external monitor. I had the BNC cable connected
140446 - at the same time.  If I disconnect it, that should eliminate the fuzzy
140447 - text.
140448 -
140449 -
140450 -
140451 -
140452 -
1405 -

Decide What to Install

1504 -
150401 -  ..
150402 - Software to transfer to C12
150403 -
150404 - This is mainly the stuff on h:
150405 -
150406 -     [On 000518 made this installation C12 after returning the HP
150407 -     Omnibook, and buying a Toshiba Tecra 8100. ref SDS 15 1296
150408 -
150409 -             h: 00 02                     Windows
150410 -             h: 00 02 02                  3Com Network drivers for C11
150411 -             h: 00 02 02 Disk1            Disk1   "      "
150412 -             h: 00 02 02 Disk2            Disk2   "      "
150413 -             h: 00 02 06                  Office 2000
150414 -             h: 00 02 07                  PhotoEd
150415 -             h: 00 03                     CD ROM Drivers C11
150416 -             h: 00 03 CDROM                  "      "     "
150417 -             h: 00 04                     CD ROM RW Drivers C11
150418 -          x  h: 00 07                     Netscape 4.7
150419 -          x  h: 00 12                     Diskeeper Degragment
150420 -          x  h: 00 13                     DSL Pac Bell
150421 -          x  h: 00 15                     Visio Org Chart
150422 -          x  h: 00 16                     Norton Virus
150423 -             h: 00 19                     Dialer IBM
150424 -             h: 00 20                     ScanJet for HP Scanner
150425 -             h: 00 24                     Omnipage
150426 -             h: 00 34                     Novavack Backup
150427 -          x  h: 00 35                     QuickTime
150428 -             h: 00 36                     Spressa
150429 -             h: 00 37                     ABCD DOC Commands for CD
150430 -             h: 00 38                     Acrobat 3.2
150431 -          x  h: 00 41                     FTP WS_FTP Pro
150432 -
150433 - ..
150434 - Since we have to reconfigure the drives, I can't really install
150435 - anything yet, but went ahead and installed Netscape to test dial up
150436 - access to the Internet.
150437 -
150438 - Netscape installed fine, and was able to configure dial up networking
150439 - using the combination network and modem card from the notebook
150440 - computer, C09.  Could not transfer anything across the phone line,
150441 - hopefully because the PCMICA modem is down level, per above.
150442 - ref SDS 0 4592
150443 -
150444 -
150445 -
1505 -

Omnibook 1450 650 MHz, 000502

1704 -
170401 -  ..
1705 -
1706 - 1332 called back
1707 -
170701 - Left a message for Jarmon to call back on status of his discussion
170702 - with Ross, per above. ref SDS 0 4831
170703 -
170704 - Since have not heard from Jarmon, did more research on CDW web site
170705 - for a better solution.
170706 -
170707 - Found comparable system...
170708 - ..
170709 - Toshiba Tecra 8100               $4,099.89
170710 -
170711 -     Ships 2 - 4 weeks
170712 -     CDW Part:  20616
170713 -     Manuf.     PT810U-239P7
170714 -
170715 - Shown on CDW web at...
170716 -
170717 -
170718 -
170719 -
170720 - Toshiba's web site...
170721 -
170722 -
170723 -
170724 -
170725 -
170726 - This comes with 256 MB Ram and internal 56K modem.
170727 -
170728 -      Weight 5.7#, whereas HP is 6.6#
170729 -
170730 -      Battery 3.5 hours, whereas battery on HP is only 3 hours.
170731 -
170732 -      CD ROM 24 x instead of DVD 6 x on HP.
170733 -
170734 - Toshiba says it supports W2000.
170735 -
170736 -     Manuf #... PT810U-239P7            $4,199
170737 -
170738 - This seems like it might be $300 or so cheaper than the Omnibook,
170739 - possibly because it does not have a DVD.  This is an advantage, since
170740 - CDW had problems installing w2000 on the Omnibook because it would not
170741 - recognize the DVD, reported on 000504. ref SDS 11 0001
170742 -
170743 - The Toshiba Tecra 8100 is a pound lighter, which is a big selling
170744 - point for us.
170745 -
170746 - The modem is internal which solves the problem reported above, about
170747 - having a protruding port that is subject to damage. ref SDS 0 6839
170748 -
170749 - All other specs are the same.
170750 -
170751 - We would not have to swap out the PCMCIA card, i.e., send it back.
170752 -
170753 -     [On 000511 proposed this solution. ref SDS 14 0001
170754 -
170755 -
170756 -
170757 -
170758 -
170759 -
170760 -
1708 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"