440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 19, 2009 10:11 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Microsoft Windows Office 7 install on c16, and also C14 and C15.
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Microsoft Office 2007 Upgrade Office 2000 Word Excell Power Point In
1003 -
1003 - ..
1004 - Summary/Objective
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100501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0785.
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100506 - ..
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1008 - Progress
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100901 - On 090623 purchased c16. This included Microsoft Office. ref SDS 1
100902 - 564V
100904 - ..
100905 - On 090715 completed configuration of c16 running Windows XP and
100906 - Windows 7 as a dual boot configuration.
100908 - ..
100909 - The program is identified with...
100911 - ..
100912 - Notice the numbering is difficult to make out there is a "1" between 2
100913 - and 8------------------+
100914 - |
100915 - 6000109501-57-721832-SLOU
100916 - 1234567890123456789012345
100918 - ..
100919 - This was discovered to be a 1, and not a scratch in the labeling,
100920 - because the Office installation code asks for a 25 character product
100921 - key. The above string was initially only 24 characters. This led to
100922 - a conclusion that the scratch was really a 1.
100924 - ..
100925 - Even examination with a magnifying glass does not establish the mark
100926 - is a 1. So, only disclosure that another character is needed drives a
100927 - conclustion that it is a 1.
100929 - ..
100930 - There are 2 bar code numbers...
100931 -
100932 - 99994-635-969-698
100933 -
100934 - 882224 16524 2
100935 -
100936 - SKU 79G 00007
100938 - ..
100939 - There is some sort of a security strip to verify the package has not
100940 - been previously opened.
100942 - ..
100943 - Was very difficult to open the package. There are no instructions.
100944 - Took about 30 minutes fumbling with varous attempts to avoid damaging
100945 - the plastic box. Required tearing some of the merchandise
100946 - identification, including evidently some of the product key.
100948 - ..
100949 - There is nothing on the packaging that identifies an actual "product
100950 - key."
100952 - ..
100953 - Microsoft does not support cut and paste, but insists people type a
100954 - long string correclty.
100956 - ..
100957 - Actually, there is something identified as a product key, it is on
100958 - the inside of the packaging...
100962 - ..
100963 - At least we did not tear up the product key getting the thing out of
100964 - the package.
100966 - ..
100967 - This is extremely tedious and time consuming to enter by hand, and
100968 - leads to many errors and frustrations, particularly because the print
100969 - is very small.
100971 - ..
100972 - Installed to...
100973 -
100974 - h: 00 06
100976 - ..
100977 - Turns out this was a mistake. Should have been in h: 00 02.
100979 - ..
100980 - The new Word looks like the Control Panel for a Boeing 747.
100981 -
100982 - [On 091111 2027 Microsoft Office had to be installed again
100983 - in another directory for use with upgrade official release
100984 - of Windows 7 and listed in the registry. ref SDS 4 OK69
100985 -
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