440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 15, 2009 09:46 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
C16 computer HP HDX 18t setup Windows XP to run standard SDS workstation.
2...Evaluation - New System Faster and Larger Monitor Very Helpful
3...Pending Issues Configure C16 HP HDX 18t
...11...Keyboard Ergonomics I/O C16 Faster with Quad Processing
........Interoprability Significantly Faster I/O Quad Processing
4...Configuration Plan for C16
5...BIOS Settings Adjust for Installing Operating System
6...Partition Format Hard Drive Install Operating System on I: Windows
7...Product Key Windows XP 32-bit Device Drivers for HP HDX 18t 64-bit
8...Device Drivers Windows XP 32-bit for HP HDX 18t 64-bit Computer
9...XP Installation and Setup Device Drivers 32-bit OS on 64-bit Computer
10...Windows XP Installation and Setup Needs Device Drivers 64-bit Computer
11...Windows 7 Installed 64-bit Operating System Dual Boot Windows XP
12...Regedit Windows XP Registry Edit Remove Documents Start Menu
13...Windows XP Registry Edit Regedit Remove Documents Start Menu
14...Documents Remove Start Menu Windows XP Registry Edit Regedit
15...Start Menu Documents Remove Windows XP Registry Edit Regedit
16...Favorites Internet Explorer Import Bookmarks
17...Bookmarks Internet Explorer Import Favorites
18...Internet Explorer Import Favorites Bookmarks
19...Internet Explorer IE Home Page
20...Activex Controls Disabled for Security Internet Explorer (IE)
21...Internet Explorer (IE) Activex Controls Disabled for Security
22...Change Sort Order Windows Explorer Numeric Filenames
23...File Management Sort Order Conform XP to Standard
24...Sort Order File Management Conform XP Explorer to Standard
25...Explorer Sort Order Conform XP to Standard File Management
26...Show Desktop Program Clears and Restores Desktop
27...Quick Launch Desktop Tray Add Show Desktop Application
28...Sounds Intel IDT High Definition Audio Device Drivers
29...Device Manager Errors Cleared for Sound System Use Intel IDT
30...Printer HP Deskjet 895cse Configured
31...Cookies Off Security Privacy Netscape Internet Explorer
32...Firewall Disconnect Security Center for Networking Remove Icon on Tray
33...Security Center Disconnect Windows XP Firewall Remove Icon from Tray
34...CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute Autorun
35...Autorun CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute
36...Movies Media Player Software
37...Media Player for Movies Software
38...Cdplayer Set for Music
39...Administrator Configuration Rod Sole User
40...Video Display Configuration NVIDIA Geforce 9600M GT
41...Menu Text Too Small for High Resolution Graphics
42...Font Size Menus Content Easy to Read at High Resolution
43...Text Too Small Increase Size of Characters Change Font
44...Desktop Setup So Characters are Larger and Easier to Read
45...Desktop style set to Windows Classic...
46...Date Format YYYYMMDD and Time 24 Hour Clock
47...Time 24 Hour Dislpay System Clock Military Format
48...Clock Configure Format to 24 Hour Military HHMM
49...Military Time 24 Hour Configure System Clock Format
50...Cursor Scroll Rate
51...Keyboard Cursor Scorll Rate
52...System Management Directory Folder Options and File List Format
53...Directory Folder Options, File List Format in System Management
54...Start Menu Windows XP Program Listing Windows Classic
55...Internet Connect Router to DSL and Other Computers for Networking
56...DSL Internet Router Connections to Other Computers for Networking
57...Router Connect to Internet DSL and Other Computers for Networking
58...Networking Router Connect to Internet DSL and Other Computers
59...SDS, Medit DOS, Setup with Path
......Autoexec.nt Disconnect Dosx.exe and Redir.exe to Increase Memory
60...Pkzip for SDS Archiving
61...MS Office Installation on C16
62...Microsoft Office Word Excel Powerpoint
63...Pictures Photo Editor Microsoft Photoed.exe
64...Photoed.exe Pictures Photo Editor Microsoft
65...Microsoft Photo Editor Pictures Photoed.exe
66...Photo Editor Pictures Microsoft Photoed.exe
67...Defragment Program, Install Diskeeper
68...Diskeeper Installed to Degragment Maintain Hard Disk
69...Sort Files on Disk Treesize
70...Treesize Directory and File Sort on Disk
71...Disk Investigator Enables Restoring Deleted Files
72...Virus Protection Installed Pccilin
73...Pccilin Virus Protection Installed
74...WSFTPRO FTP Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
75...FTP WSFTPRO Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
76...Acrobat Adobe PDF FileS Create and Read
77...PDF FileS Create and Read Acrobat Adobe
78...Regscrubxp Install to Maintain Windows Registry
79...Performance Increased by Reducing Indexing Drives
80...XP Responsiveness Delayed by Indexing Solved by Disconnecting
81...Indexing Files Service Disconnected on SDS Data Base Drives
82...Disable Paging Executive Improve Memory Performance
83...Large System Cache for 1 GB RAM Boost Performance
84...Input/Output Performance Did Not Implement
85...Start Menu Autostart Menu Msconfig Remove Programs
86...Autostart Menu Msconfig Remove Programs in Start Menu
87...Last Access Update Disabled Improve Program Performance
88...File Use Posting File Allocation Table Last Use Delays Using Files
89...Visual Effects Disconnect Increase Responsiveness
90...Video Adjustments Increase Performance Disconnect Visual Effects
91...Menu Delay Shortening to Speed Performance
92...Prefetch Windows XP New System Slows Performance Manually Maintain
93...Clean Disk Maintenance
94...Mizolla Thunderbird Email Configure Profile Manager Rod and Millie
95...Email Mizolla Thunderbird Configure Profile Manager Rod and Millie
96...Thunderbird Mizolla Email Profile Manager Configure Rod and Millie
97...Contacts Import from C15 or from IE
98...Duplicate Email Problems Read Continually from Received Mail Server
99...Email Duplicates Problems Read Continually from Received Mail Server
100...Problems Email Duplicates Read Continually from Received Mail Server
101...Firefox Mozilla Web Browser Configure Complement Internet Explorer
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Evaluate Computer C16 HP HDX 18t 64-bit Core 2 Quad QX9300 2.53 GHz
4703 -
4703 - ..
4704 - Summary/Objective
4705 -
470501 - Follow up ref SDS A2 0000. ref SDS A1 0000.
470502 -
470503 - Fry's did excellent work configuring C16 for Knowledge Management
470504 - using the SDS program. ref SDS 0 2871 Running SDS on a quad processor
470505 - computer using the Windows XP 32-bit operating system yields good
470506 - productivity gains. ref SDS 0 FL4N Windows 7 shows issues that
470507 - Microsoft may resolve with future updates. ref SDS 0 KI9J
470508 -
470509 - [On 090906 1313 commend Fry's for outstanding work on c16, with
470510 - letter to Randy Fry using Direct Connect. ref SDS G1 VG5J
470511 -
470512 -
470513 -
470514 -
470516 - ..
4706 -
4707 -
4708 - Progress
4709 -
470901 - Evaluation - New System Faster and Larger Monitor Very Helpful
470902 -
470903 - Follow up ref SDS A2 2871, ref SDS 47 2871.
470904 -
470905 - Earlier today, Fry's completed configuration of c16, and released for
470906 - use, reported on 090715 1651. ref SDS F2 EF4H Review shows this was a
470907 - major engineering achievement, reported earlier today on 090715 2123.
470908 - ref SDS F3 6V3F
470910 - ..
470911 - Ryan Duldulao, Customer Service Engineer for Fry's, was outstanding
470912 - using technical skill and innovation to overcome strong cultural
470913 - resistance against customer requirements on making 64-bit computers
470914 - productive for saving lives, time, and money, listed on 090702.
470915 - ref SDS E4 5A8Y Case study shows Ryan succeeded where everyone else
470916 - failed upgrading 64-bit computer technology with Windows 32-bit
470917 - operating system, reported earlier today on 090715 2123. ref SDS F3
470918 - PX6N
470920 - ..
470921 - [On 090729 1700 review shows Ryan's work stands out for
470922 - exceptional merit. ref SDS F8 HX5K
470924 - ..
470925 - [On 090906 1313 commend Fry's for outstanding work on c16, with
470926 - letter to Randy Fry using Direct Connect, ref SDS G1 VG5J, and
470927 - cite Ryan, Petrus, Joe, and Lan. ref SDS G1 ZW4N
470929 - ..
470930 - Ryan was supported by Joe Clare, Fry's Store Manager. Joe applied
470931 - policy to increase productivity with Fry's/customer partnership,
470932 - reported on 090710 1719, ref SDS F0 T65H Petrus Steinman, Manager of
470933 - Customer Service, demonstrated vision and dedication to Fry's
470934 - leadership in quality, innovation, and integrity that drives earnings
470935 - through customer loyalty, reported on 090623 0915. ref SDS D9 0274
470936 - Lan Truong a supervisor in the Computer Sales Department was helpful
470937 - attempting to conform Fry's Buyer with customer requirements, reported
470938 - on 090621 1433. ref SDS D8 UR5H Working with Microsoft to configure
470939 - c16 was effective and professional in every way, also, reported on
470940 - 090710 1719. ref SDS F0 0457 HP Sales Department was outstanding
470941 - finding solutions for customer requirements with HP products, reported
470942 - on 090623 1648. ref SDS E0 OE4J HP Technical Support will get better
470943 - with experience assisting customers use HP products to improve
470944 - productivity earnings, as shown by case study on 090715 2123.
470945 - ref SDS F3 PX6N
470947 - ..
470948 - Experience today resolves doubt and worry from reporting on 090706
470949 - that 64-bit computers cannot be upgraded with the Windows XP 32-bit
470950 - operating system to improve productivity running 16-bit software.
470951 - ref SDS E6 NH3M Concerns on 090712 that software programs would run
470952 - slow with the Windows XP 32-bit operating system on 64-bit computers,
470953 - ref SDS F1 Y331, are further resolved by testing today after c16 has
470954 - been fully configured.
470956 - ..
470957 - SDS runs much faster on C16, HDX 18t Core 2 Quad QX9300 (2.53 GHz)
470958 - than on legacy Intel Pentium 3.2 GHz single-microprocessor computers,
470959 - and in following ways...
470960 -
470961 - 1. C16 takes only 3 - 4 minutes to launch SDS and archive the
470962 - record for the first time each day, rather than 12 - 14
470963 - minutes required by c14. C16 with Intel core 2 quad 2.53
470964 - GHz processor and 7200 RPM disk takes less that 30% of the
470965 - time required for c14 desktop with Intel single Pentium 3.2
470966 - GHz processor and a 7200 RPM disk. C16 is 5 times faster
470967 - than c15, a notebook single Intel Centrino processor 1.8
470968 - GHz.
470970 - ..
470971 - 2. Saving large complex records with 200 or more subjects
470972 - takes about 1 second, whereas on c14 with 3.2 GHz
470973 - processor takes 4 - 6 seconds.
470975 - ..
470976 - 3. Full file backup 6.2 GB on c14 3.2 GHz single processor
470977 - takes 33 minutes transferring through a USB port to an
470978 - external 500 GB hard drive; and, on c16 takes 14 minutes
470979 - writing directly to the second 250 GB internal hard drive.
470981 - ..
470982 - 4. Interoperability seems 10 times faster opening files from
470983 - the SDS control environment with other applications,
470984 - reviewed below. ref SDS 0 MV5F
470986 - ..
470987 - 5. Responsiveness switching between tasks on the desktop is
470988 - much faster, again instantly now on c16, and can sometimes
470989 - take 15 - 30 seconds on c14 and c15.
470991 - ..
470992 - 6. Navigating SDS Subject Index for large accounts is much
470993 - faster.
470995 - ..
470996 - 7. Searching entire SDS record takes 2 minutes on c16 with
470997 - Intel core 2 quad QX9300 2.53 GHz 500 GB 7200 RPM, and same
470998 - search takes 3.4 minutes on c14 with single Intel processor
470999 - 3.2 GHz 80 GB 7200 RPM.
471001 - ..
471002 - 8. Right click on desktop opens Display Properties menu
471003 - instantly, much faster than 5 - 10 second delay before the
471004 - menu opens on c14, reported on 041118. ref SDS A2 VP5N
471006 - ..
471007 - 9. Ergonomics - keyboard for HP HDX 18t is very unproductive,
471008 - like all notebook computers. HP solves the problem with
471009 - support for an external keyboard with function keys that
471010 - enable efficient usability to optimize right/left brain
471011 - synergy using both hands to execute complementary commands,
471012 - per below. ref SDS 0 MV5F
471014 - ..
471015 - 10. Ergonomics - display 18.4" combined with high performance
471016 - processing and increased memory and disk capacity provides
471017 - significantly enhanced mobile computer use, and further
471018 - enables using a notebook computer as a desktop system.
471019 - This saves time and money transferring data between systems
471020 - for office and travel computing.
471022 - ..
471023 - 11. Enhanced ergonomics supported by HP HDX 18t, set out in
471024 - para 9 and 10, above, ref SDS 0 4F8J, makes Knowledge
471025 - Management an extremely powerful technology for the 21st
471026 - century, as explained in POIMS, ref OF 11 HO4H, especially
471027 - if the weight can be reduced by 10 - 15 pounds (weight of
471028 - battery and the power converter seem like targets of
471029 - opportunity).
471031 - ..
471032 - 12. Battery operations for c16 seem to last at least twice the
471033 - time that c15 runs on the battery, something less than 2
471034 - hours. After using c16 on the battery at Fry's for about
471035 - an hour, it only used 20% of the battery charge. It also
471036 - recharges quickly, and seems to hold the charge without
471037 - connection to external power supply for much longer than
471038 - c15. These are extremely useful features for continuity of
471039 - productivity. Getting the 2nd battery further extends
471040 - usability where there is no electrical power to perhaps 5 -
471041 - 6 hours, per procurement planning on 090623. ref SDS E0
471042 - 0V3P
471043 -
471044 - [On 090804 1138 needed 2nd battery at Kaiser, and
471045 - discovered the battery is not charged. ref SDS G0 A44R
471047 - ..
471048 - 13. Windows XP 32-bit operating system on c16 with core 2 quad
471049 - QX9300 (2.53 GHz) processor takes 15 seconds to shut down,
471050 - and 80 seconds to power up to a point where work can
471051 - commence, including entering login password. XP on c14
471052 - which is a 3.2 GHz processor takes 73 seconds to shut down,
471053 - and 140 seconds to power up, including the login with a
471054 - password.
471056 - ..
471057 - 14. Windows 7 Ultimate (beta) takes 4.5 minutes to boot up in
471058 - dual boot mode, and much longer to shutdown, because there
471059 - is a glitch in the Explorer program playing a shutdown
471060 - sound, that isn't needed but won't shut down.
471061 -
471062 - [On 090719 1850 this problem was temporarily fixed at
471063 - Fry's by setting all sounds to off.
471064 -
471065 -
471066 -
4711 -
Pending Issues Configure C16 HP HDX 18t
5303 -
5304 - Problems
530501 - ..
530502 - Pending Issues Configure C16 HP HDX 18t
530503 -
530504 - Follow up ref SDS A2 NU9N.
530505 -
530506 - 1. Problems configuring text size, menus, and lists managing
530507 - computer resources for efficient ergonomics writing an accurate
530508 - record and quickly enough to be effective.
530510 - ..
530511 - Text for some types of menus is too small.
530513 - ..
530514 - Seems like a Microsoft Windows XP configuration issue, per
530515 - below. ref SDS 0 BK3A
530517 - ..
530518 - 2. Working in Windows XP on battery power suddenly there is loss
530519 - of access to work being performed, because a "horizontal box"
530520 - suddenly appears near the bottom middle of the screen, and with
530521 - a bell-like symbol at either end. This lasts for 10 seconds or
530522 - so and then goes away. Work can then resume; but, interruption
530523 - is repeated continuously and randomly every minute or so.
530524 -
530525 - >> >>
530526 - >>>>==================>>>>
530527 - >> >>
530529 - ..
530530 - How can this bell-like thing be turned off? How does it get
530531 - turned on?
530533 - ..
530534 - 3. Access denied on c16 to a directory on c14 and 15 for example
530535 - on....
530536 -
530537 - c://c14/e: sd 03
530538 - c://c15/e: sd 03
530539 -
530540 - ...evidently because sharing is configured on...
530541 -
530542 - c://c14/d: sd 03
530543 - c://c15/d: sd 03
530545 - ..
530546 - However, access is supported on c14 to the same directories
530547 - on...
530548 -
530549 - c://c15/e: sd 03
530550 - c://c16/e: sd 03
530552 - ..
530553 - Similarly, access is supported on c15 to the same directories
530554 - on...
530555 -
530556 - c://c14/e: sd 03
530557 - c://c16/e: sd 03
530559 - ..
530560 - How can access on c16 to c14 and c15 be configured to provide
530561 - the same productivity that c14 and c15 have for accessing
530562 - files on c16?
530564 - ..
530565 - 4. "Bluetooth" wireless mouse periodically just stops working.
530566 - The touchpad mouse works. Switching to another wireless using
530567 - a USB port works fine, and in 10 minutes or so, the "Bluetooth"
530568 - wireless mouse suddenly begins working again. Checking status
530569 - shows Bluetooth Connection Signal Strength "Too Weak."
530571 - ..
530572 - Only solution so far is to shut down the computer, and turn
530573 - power off on mouse. Power up the computer and the mouse. This
530574 - is not a practical approach to improving productivity.
530576 - ..
530577 - Later learned to turn Blue Ray (Bluetooth) feature off using
530578 - the finger sensor across the top of the computer above the row
530579 - of function keys, and turn the power off on the mouse. Then
530580 - power up Blue Ray (Bluetooth) by passing the finger back across
530581 - the sensor, and power up the mouse. This takes less than 30
530582 - seconds to restore mouse operation; but, is still a poor
530583 - solution to an unnecessary problem that periodically interrupst
530584 - work 3 or 4 times a day.
530586 - ..
530587 - 5. XP purchase to get a product key for activating the computer
530588 - with Microsoft. ref SDS 0 GE7H
530590 - ..
530591 - There seems to be a great many different versions of XP to buy.
530592 - What version is best for flexibility maintaining productivity?
530594 - ..
530595 - 6. Ekiga won't perform echo test, which means it will not run on
530596 - XP with Intel IDT Audio device driver on HP HDX 19t 64-bit
530597 - computer replacing Vista.
530598 -
530599 - [On 090729 after configuring all device drivers, Ekiga
530600 - still not running correctly. ref SDS F9 KK8Y
530602 - ..
530603 - 7. Dual boot lists Windows 7 and default OS; if XP is not selected
530604 - within 10 seconds or so, then the CPU loads Windows 7, rather
530605 - than XP, and this then requires shutting down and starting
530606 - over, because cannot get Windows 7 to even boot. How can dual
530607 - boot be set to make XP the default, and prevent either OS from
530608 - executing until one or the other is affirmatively executed?
530610 - ..
530611 - 8. BIOS has no effective options for configuring the computer, per
530612 - below, ref SDS 0 ZS9G, unlike c14 which has extensive options
530613 - to make configurng the computer for working intelligently fast
530614 - and easy, reported on 041118 2124, ref SDS A2 QU4N
530616 - ..
530617 - 9. Windows 7 won't shut down, says Explorer is playing a sound
530618 - that won't stop.
530620 - ..
530621 - David at Fry's fixed this by turning off all sounds.
530623 - ..
530624 - 10. Windows 7 won't boot up, after turning sounds off in order
530625 - to solve the shut down problem.
530626 -
530627 -
530628 -
530629 -
5307 -
Keyboard External Ergonomic Function Keys Efficient Usability Right
6503 -
650401 - ..
650402 - 11. Keyboard Ergonomics I/O C16 Faster with Quad Processing
650403 - Interoprability Significantly Faster I/O Quad Processing
650404 -
650405 - C16 quad processing I/O more responsive compared to single
650406 - processor c14. Interoperability opening the Microsoft IE web
650407 - browser version 6.0 to call an address on the local computer or
650408 - the Internet occurs instantly, about 10 times faster than c14,
650409 - single processor 3.2 GHz, per evaluation above. ref SDS 0 425J
650410 - If Microsoft can fix the defect in IE versions 7 and 8, this
650411 - may work even better.
650413 - ..
650414 - External keyboard provides ergonomic function keys. Efficient
650415 - usability, also cited above, ref SDS 0 4F8J, optimizes
650416 - right/left brain synergy with both hands executing
650417 - complementary commands, reported on 071222 0158. ref SDS D0
650418 - FO94 Productivity from efficient usability is explained in
650419 - POIMS. ref OF 13 6M5H
650421 - ..
650422 - C14 has significant I/O problems with multiple sessions of SDS
650423 - and other applications, which is a common use pattern, reported
650424 - on 041118 2124. ref SDS A2 MV5F
650426 - ..
650427 - This may be largely solved with multiple processors in the quad
650428 - QX9300 cpu, reported on 090702 1646. ref SDS E3 455M
650430 - ..
650431 - Performance factors adjusted on c14 were also considered for
650432 - c16, as follows...
650433 -
650434 - Indexing............................. ref SDS 0 NG8O
650435 - Last access update................... ref SDS 0 S38I
650436 - Last access update................... ref SDS 0 S38I
650437 - Disable Paging Executive............. ref SDS 0 UL7J
650438 - Large System Cache................... ref SDS 0 5U4L
650439 -
650440 -
650441 -
6505 -
Plan Configure C16 Implement Standard Developed C14 C15 Transfer Fil
7203 -
720401 - ..
720402 - Configuration Plan for C16
720403 -
720404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 4SKV, ref SDS 47 4SKV.
720405 -
720406 - Objective is to set up c16 to support c14 and c15.
720408 - ..
720409 - Here are steps....
720410 -
720411 - 1. XP operating system, and partition the hard drive was done on
720412 - 090710, ref SDS F0 BI4O, and on 090715. ref SDS F2 XW8M
720414 - ..
720415 - 2. Install 2 missing device drivers, per meeting with Ryan at
720416 - Fry's this evening, reported 090715. ref SDS F2 CH5H
720418 - ..
720419 - 3. Transfer software from c13 to c14, mainly as listed in the
720420 - record on 000510. ref SDS 30 1296
720421 -
720422 - a. Work files on c14\f: to c16\f:
720423 -
720424 - b. Software on c14\h: and set up on c16.
720426 - ..
720427 - c. SDS files c14\c:\sd to c16\c:\sd and configure SDS
720428 - application.
720430 - ..
720431 - d. SDS record from c14\d: to c16\d:
720433 - ..
720434 - e. Personal files from c14\g: to c16\g:
720436 - ..
720437 - 4. Netscape/Mizolla Thunderbird email configure on c16 following
720438 - prior work on c14, per below. ref SDS 0 6180
720440 - ..
720441 - 5. DSL use onboard network card to connect to the router, which
720442 - is already configured, per below. ref SDS 0 7945
720443 -
720444 -
720445 -
7205 -
BIOS C16 No Useful Settings Configure Solve Problems Optimize Produc
8603 -
860401 - ..
860402 - BIOS Settings Adjust for Installing Operating System
860403 -
860404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 QU4N
860405 -
860406 - For some reason there are no settings in the BIOS to solve problems
860407 - configuring the HP HDX 18t to be productive, reported on 090709 2020.
860408 - ref SDS E8 TF59 This a dramatic loss of productivity compared to
860409 - setting up c14, reported on 041118 2124, ref SDS A2 QU4N, and cited in
860410 - Pending Issues, per above. ref SDS 0 WW5I
860412 - ..
860413 - BIOS for C16 is accessed with ESC on power up...
860414 -
860415 - 1. System Information (also shown in the order for c16 placed on
860416 - 090623 1648, ref SDS E0 294M, and listed again on the Bill of
860417 - Lading received with delivery of the orcer on 090702 1646.
860418 - ref SDS E3 ON8O
860420 - ..
860421 - System Information...
860422 -
860423 - 1. Notebook Model............. HP HDX18
860424 - 2. Product Number............. NK146AV
860425 - 3. System Board ID............ 3610
860426 - 4. Processor Type............. Intel Core 2 Extreme CPU Q9300 @2.53 GHz
860427 - 5. Total Memory............... 4096 MB
860428 - 6. BIOS Version............... F.20
860432 - 10. Factory Installed OS....... Vista
860434 - ..
860435 - 2. Boot Manager
860436 -
860437 - 1. Internal CD/DVD ROM Drive
860438 - 2. Notebook Hard Drive
860440 - ..
860441 - 3. BIOS InsydeH20 Setup Utility
860442 -
860443 - 1. Main
860444 -
860445 - 1. System Time................ 22:24:33
860446 - 2. System Date................ 07/15/2009
860447 - 3. Notebook Model............. HP HDX18
860448 - 4. Product Number............. NK146AV
860449 - 5. System Board............... 3610
860450 - 6. Processor Type............. Intel Core Extreme CPU Q9300
860451 - 7. Processor Speed............ 2.53 GHz
860452 - 8. Total Memory............... 4096 MB
860453 - 9. BIOS Version............... F.20
860457 - 13. Factory Installed OS....... Vista
860459 - ..
860460 - 2. Security
860461 -
860462 - 1. Administrator Password..... Clear
860463 - 2. Power-on Password.......... Clear
860465 - ..
860466 - 3. Diagnostics
860467 -
860468 - 1. Primary Hard Disk Self Test
860469 - 2. Secondary Hard Disk Self Test
860470 - 3. Memory Test
860472 - ..
860473 - 4. System Configuration
860474 -
860475 - 1. Language................... English
860476 - 2. Button Sound............... Enabled
860477 - 3. Virtyualization Techology.. Disabled
860478 - 4. Fan Always On.............. Enabled
860480 - ..
860481 - 5. Boot Options
860482 -
860483 - 1. F10 and F12 Delay (sec).... 0
860484 - 2. CD-ROM Boot................ Enabled
860485 - 3. Floppy Boot................ Disabled
860486 - 4. Internal Network
860487 - Adapter Boot............... Disabled
860489 - ..
860490 - 5. Boot Order
860491 -
860492 - 1. Notebook Hard Drive
860493 - 2. Internal CD/DVD ROM Drive
860494 - 3. USB Diskette on Key/USB Hard Disk
860495 - 4. USB CD/DVD ROM Drive
860496 - 5. ! USB Floppy
860497 - 6. ! Network Adapter
860498 -
860499 -
860500 -
860501 -
8606 -
Partition C16 SATA Hard Drive 500 GB Dual Drives 7200 RPM HP HDX 18t
9303 -
930401 - ..
930402 - Partition Format Hard Drive Install Operating System on I: Windows
930403 -
930404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 FO6X, ref SDS 47 4SKV.
930405 -
930406 - C16 has 2 - 250 GB SATA hard drives, shown in the invoice reported for
930407 - in the record on 090623 1648. ref SDS E0 0U4V This is also shown in
930408 - the bill of lading received on 090630 1518. ref SDS E2 SG93
930410 - ..
930411 - The drive was fomatted at Fry's on 090710, ref SDS F0 BI4O, and
930412 - completed on 090715. ref SDS F2 XW8M Instructions to Fry's on 090702
930413 - 1828, ref SDS E4 5A8Y, implemented configuration plans submitted
930414 - earlier on 090617 0859. ref SDS D5 Q66G
930416 - ..
930417 - Contracting with Fry's to partition and format drives on the disk
930418 - applied experience from people who do this work everyday. This
930419 - avoided another long learning curve reported for c14 on 041118 2124.
930420 - ref SDS A2 FO6X
930422 - ..
930423 - Similarly, experience partitioning and formatting the hard drive as
930424 - part of installing the Windows XP operating system was complicated
930425 - configuring c15, reported on 050913 1936. ref SDS C0 FO6X
930426 -
930427 -
930428 -
930429 -
9305 -
C16 Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit Operating System Installed HP HDX 18
A103 -
A10401 - ..
A10402 - Product Key Windows XP 32-bit Device Drivers for HP HDX 18t 64-bit
A10403 - Device Drivers Windows XP 32-bit for HP HDX 18t 64-bit Computer
A10404 - XP Installation and Setup Device Drivers 32-bit OS on 64-bit Computer
A10405 - Windows XP Installation and Setup Needs Device Drivers 64-bit Computer
A10406 -
A10407 - Follow up ref SDS A2 GE7H, ref SDS 47 GE7H.
A10408 -
A10409 - Windows XP Professional was installed for c16 collaborating with Amol
A10410 - at Microsoft, and with Ryan at Fry's, reported on 090710 1719.
A10411 - ref SDS F0 R54P
A10413 - ..
A10414 - There were 2 problems installing Microsoft Windows XP 32-bit operating
A10415 - system on the HP HDX 18t 64-bit computer...
A10416 -
A10417 - 1. Apply Intel device drivers for SATA hard drives during
A10418 - set up for Windows XP, solved by Microsoft on 090710
A10419 - 1719. ref SDS F0 R54P
A10421 - ..
A10422 - 2. Find and install device drivers to clear 30 some errors
A10423 - in the Device Manager for Windows XP 32-bit operating
A10424 - system installed on HP HDX 18t 64-bit computer,
A10425 - reported on 090710 1719. ref SDS F0 NZ6J
A10427 - ..
A10428 - This was mostly solved to release c16 for regular use
A10429 - on 090715 1651. ref SDS F2 KN6M
A10430 -
A10431 - [On 090729 2243 at 2210 was able to "update" device
A10432 - drivers for missing High Definition Sound device,
A10433 - and this completed installation of device drivers
A10434 - for c16. ref SDS F9 SI5H
A10436 - ..
A10437 - Used product key from c14 to experiment on installing XP on c16...
A10438 -
A10439 - Product Key:
A10440 -
A10443 - ..
A10444 - Now that we have established the thing works, need to buy a dedicated
A10445 - version of XP for c16, so it has its own product key, rather than
A10446 - borrow from c14.
A10447 -
A10448 - [On 090719 1649 authenticated the operating system with
A10449 - Microsoft, and upgraded XP to SP3; however, this did not
A10450 - install the missing 2 device drivers. ref SDS F4 BF8O
A10452 - ..
A10453 - Windows Help shows....
A10454 -
A10455 - Microsoft Windows
A10456 - Version 5.1 (Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158; Service Pack
A10457 - (2) Copyright 1981 - 2001 Microsoft Corporation
A10458 -
A10459 - Product is licensed to Rod...
A10460 -
A10462 -
A10463 -
A10464 -
A105 -
Windows 7 Microsoft 64-bit Operating System Installed C16 HP HDX 18t
AB03 -
AB0401 - ..
AB0402 - Windows 7 Installed 64-bit Operating System Dual Boot Windows XP
AB0403 -
AB0404 - The work plan for installing Windows 7 to replace Vista 64-bit
AB0405 - operating system and dual boot with Windows XP 32-bit operating system
AB0406 - was initally discussed with Fry's on 090616 1800. ref SDS D4 4S7J At
AB0407 - that time, the manager for the Service Department said that Fry's does
AB0408 - not use Microsoft Vista for 64-bit computers, because there are too
AB0409 - may performance problems with Vista. ref SDS D4 4S95
AB0411 - ..
AB0412 - This was confirmed by research on 090709 2020. ref SDS E8 TG9M
AB0414 - ..
AB0415 - As a result, Fry's installed Windows 7, completed on 090715 1651.
AB0416 - ref SDS F2 EO7F
AB0418 - ..
AB0419 - Product key for Windows 7 is also listed on 090715. ref SDS F2 R79H
AB0420 -
AB0421 - [On 090719 1824 c16 Windows 7 problem shutting down reporting
AB0422 - error with the Explorer utility that manages directories.
AB0423 - ref SDS F0 GJ6U Ryan's colleague, David Farmer, reported same
AB0424 - problem with his Windows 7 app, and solved the problem by
AB0425 - setting system sounds to off. ref SDS F0 OI94
AB0427 - ..
AB0428 - [On 090726 1705 c16 Windows 7 new problem will not launch,
AB0429 - after setting system sounds to off on 090719; David Farmer says
AB0430 - he has same problem with his computer running Windows 7;
AB0431 - develop work plan to run diagnostics to evaluate problems.
AB0432 - ref SDS F7 GJ6U
AB0434 - ..
AB0435 - [On 090729 1700 Ryan ran system diagnostics to discover and
AB0436 - correct problems running Wndows 7 pre-release version. This
AB0437 - was taking a lot time, so decided bring the computer back in
AB0438 - October and install the officeal release version of Windows 7
AB0439 - in hopes of correcting problems. ref SDS F8 5263
AB0441 - ..
AB0442 - [On 091109 1048 delivered c16 to Fry's so Ryan can implemenet
AB0443 - work plan to upgrade Windows 7 beta with official release code
AB0444 - that solves prior problems launching and shutting down Windows
AB0445 - 7. Key issue is to configure without Microsoft virtual memory
AB0446 - that displays Windows 7 code on the j drive as though it is on
AB0447 - the c drive. ref SDS G2 GJ6U
AB0448 -
AB0449 -
AB0450 -
AB0451 -
AB05 -
Documents Remove Start Menu Edit Registry So Documents Opened Do Not
AF03 -
AF0401 - ..
AF0402 - Regedit Windows XP Registry Edit Remove Documents Start Menu
AF0403 - Windows XP Registry Edit Regedit Remove Documents Start Menu
AF0404 - Documents Remove Start Menu Windows XP Registry Edit Regedit
AF0405 - Start Menu Documents Remove Windows XP Registry Edit Regedit
AF0406 -
AF0407 - Follow up ref SDS A2 PH6N.
AF0408 -
AF0409 - Regedit to modify the Windows registry is explained in the record on
AF0410 - 041118, ref SDS A2 PH6N, and can be used to remove...
AF0411 -
AF0412 - Documents
AF0413 -
AF0414 - ...from the Start menu, and lists all recently
AF0415 - opened documents. ref SDS A2 IS3I
AF0417 - ..
AF0418 - There are other commands that might be useful for system maintenance.
AF0419 -
AF0420 - NoRecentDocsHistory dword 1
AF0421 -
AF0422 - ClearRecentDocsOnExit dword 1
AF0423 -
AF0424 - MaxRecentDocs dword 14 or 2 or 0
AF0425 -
AF0427 - ..
AF0428 - [On 091124 1600 Microsoft technical support in India
AF0429 - reported Windows 7 Start menu can be improved by running a
AF0430 - program "csmenu" that configures standard format that is
AF0431 - efficient, and which Microsoft describes as a "Classic XP"
AF0432 - Start menu, rather than the double pane format Microsoft
AF0433 - developed for Windows 7. ref SDS G4 0Q4J
AF0435 - ..
AF0436 - [On 091124 1600 Microsoft technical support in India
AF0437 - explained procedure to configure Quicklaunch took bar
AF0438 - feature for the task bar to display and launch software
AF0439 - programs rather than use a new system Microsoft calls
AF0440 - "pinning" applications to the task bar, ref SDS G4 M56M;
AF0441 - instructions on using Quicklaunch are also reported.
AF0442 - ref SDS G4 OZ7H
AF0443 -
AF0444 -
AF0445 -
AF0446 -
AF0447 -
AF05 -
Favorites IE Transfer from Existing Computers Internet Explorer to C
AL03 -
AL0401 - ..
AL0402 - Favorites Internet Explorer Import Bookmarks
AL0403 - Bookmarks Internet Explorer Import Favorites
AL0404 - Internet Explorer Import Favorites Bookmarks
AL0405 -
AL0406 - Follow up ref SDS A2 ZN4N.
AL0407 -
AL0408 - Favorites for Internet Explorer can be imported by copying the
AL0409 - file...
AL0410 -
AL0411 - c14\\i:\Documents and Settings\Rod Welch\Favorites\...
AL0413 - ..
AL0414 - Mizolla Firefox can then import these favorites for common
AL0415 - environment.
AL0417 - ..
AL0418 - Firefox is used for the IE to reduce risks of virus attack.
AL0419 -
AL0420 -
AL0421 -
AL0422 -
AL0424 - ..
AL0425 - Internet Explorer IE Home Page
AL0426 -
AL0427 - Home page for welchco is at...
AL0428 -
AL0429 - c: sd wl 02 05 02 0111 GE 00101.HTM
AL0431 - ..
AL0432 - The home page can be modified for updating, ref OF 7 0000
AL0433 -
AL0434 -
AL0435 -
AL0436 -
AL0437 -
AL05 -
Activex Controls Disabled for Security in Internet Explorer IE C16
AQ03 -
AQ0401 - ..
AQ0402 - Activex Controls Disabled for Security Internet Explorer (IE)
AQ0403 - Internet Explorer (IE) Activex Controls Disabled for Security
AQ0404 -
AQ0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 4J4I.
AQ0406 -
AQ0407 - Windows 2000 introduced a feature for Activex Controls, which gives
AQ0408 - Java applications wide ranging ability to display media on the local
AQ0409 - computer interactively from the Internet through web browser
AQ0410 - technology. This can be dangerous by providing an avenue for virus
AQ0411 - attack, and a distraction, when for example the screen is suddenly
AQ0412 - changed.
AQ0414 - ..
AQ0415 - Guidance to disable Activex Controls is reported on 041118.
AQ0416 - ref SDS A2 4J4I
AQ0418 - ..
AQ0419 - In the past 6 months we tried working with activex controls
AQ0420 - maintained. This has provided smoother web browser application, and
AQ0421 - have not encountered problems. Multi-level virus protection from
AQ0422 - the router and Pccillin software. We have also set controls in the
AQ0423 - browser to avoid changing the screen with activex controls.
AQ0425 - ..
AQ0426 - Therefore, decided to not to disable all activex controls on c16.
AQ0427 -
AQ0428 -
AQ0429 -
AQ0430 -
AQ0431 -
AQ0432 -
AQ05 -
Sort Order C16 File Management Conform XP Explorer to Standard
AU03 -
AU0401 - ..
AU0402 - Change Sort Order Windows Explorer Numeric Filenames
AU0403 - File Management Sort Order Conform XP to Standard
AU0404 - Sort Order File Management Conform XP Explorer to Standard
AU0405 - Explorer Sort Order Conform XP to Standard File Management
AU0406 -
AU0407 - Follow up ref SDS A2 619F.
AU0408 -
AU0409 - Windows XP uses a new sort order for numeric filenames causing
AU0410 - listings of SDS files in particular to display contrary to
AU0411 - expectations, per below. ref SDS 0 ET6J
AU0413 - ..
AU0414 - Implemented guidance on 041118 to reset standard sort order for
AU0415 - navigating in SDS. ref SDS A2 6U5K
AU0416 -
AU0417 -
AU0418 -
AU05 -
Show Desktop C16 Program Clears and Restores Desktop Quick Launch De
AY03 -
AY0401 - ..
AY0402 - Show Desktop Program Clears and Restores Desktop
AY0403 - Quick Launch Desktop Tray Add Show Desktop Application
AY0404 -
AY0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 LD6L.
AY0406 -
AY0407 - Windows XP has "Show Desktop" on the taskbar, so no need to construct
AY0408 - the code developed for configuring c14 on 041118. ref SDS A2 LD6L
AY0409 -
AY0410 -
AY0411 -
AY0412 -
AY05 -
Sounds C16 Intel IDT High Definition Audio Device Drivers Device Man
B303 -
B30401 - ..
B30402 - Sounds Intel IDT High Definition Audio Device Drivers
B30403 - Device Manager Errors Cleared for Sound System Use Intel IDT
B30404 -
B30405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 BG4S, ref SDS 47 BG4S.
B30407 - ..
B30408 - Device Manager identifies yellow warning notice on...
B30409 -
B30410 - Other devices
B30411 - Audio Device on High Definition Audio Bus
B30412 - Unknown device
B30413 -
B30415 - ..
B30416 - Turned off most of the beeps because they are bothersome.
B30418 - ..
B30419 - Select....
B30420 - Control Panel
B30421 - Sounds
B30423 - ..
B30424 - Medit Beep is active by leaving the "default" beep active.
B30426 - ..
B30427 - Everything else is off, including the first sound called an "Asterisk"
B30428 - which is not explained anywhere, but seems to be the primary warning
B30429 - message when a file is opened, and so is a nusiance.
B30431 - ..
B30432 - There is still an error message in the Device Manager becasue a driver
B30433 - for high definition sound is missing, reported at Fry's this evening
B30434 - on 090715 1651. ref SDS F2 CH5H
B30435 -
B30436 - [On 090719 1649 authenticated the operating system with
B30437 - Microsoft, and upgraded XP to SP3; however, this did not
B30438 - install the missing 2 device drivers. ref SDS F4 BF8O
B30440 - ..
B30441 - [On 090729 2288 ran Device Manager "update" feature on c16,
B30442 - and this successfully found a Microsoft driver on the
B30443 - Internet for the "High Definition Sound" device; all errors
B30444 - have now been cleared from the Device Manager. ref SDS F9
B30445 - W248
B30446 -
B30447 -
B30448 -
B30449 -
B305 -
HP ScanJet Printer Not Connected C16 Install Configure Driver Obtain
B703 -
B70401 - ..
B70402 - Printer HP Deskjet 895cse Configured
B70403 -
B70404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 G49I.
B70405 -
B70406 - For now have not configured printer, because c14 can do this.
B70407 -
B70408 -
B70409 -
B70410 -
B705 -
Security Center C16 Disconnect Windows XP Firewall Remove Icon from
BD03 -
BD0401 - ..
BD0402 - Cookies Off Security Privacy Netscape Internet Explorer
BD0403 -
BD0404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 R59I, ref SDS 47 R59I.
BD0405 -
BD0406 - Internet Explorer
BD0407 -
BD0408 - Cookies are turned off as follows.....
BD0410 - ..
BD0411 - Right click on IE to open menu and select properties.
BD0413 - ..
BD0414 - Security Tab
BD0415 -
BD0416 - Internet (World Globe icon today) - single click to highlight
BD0417 -
BD0418 - Custom Level, click on button at bottom of menu to open
BD0419 - options.
BD0420 - ..
BD0421 - About 33% down the scroll bar is cookies. Turn it
BD0422 - off.
BD0423 -
BD0425 - ..
BD0426 - Netscape Mizolla Firefox
BD0427 -
BD0428 - Cookies are turn off as follows...
BD0429 -
BD0430 - Open Netscape Communicator and click
BD0431 -
BD0432 - Edit option on top menu bar, single click to open menu.
BD0433 -
BD0434 - Preferences, at bottom of Edit menu
BD0435 -
BD0436 - Catagory in left margin, double click on....
BD0438 - ..
BD0439 - Advanced at bottom of list
BD0440 -
BD0441 - Cookies are shown to the right, select disable.
BD0442 -
BD0443 - Click OK at bottom to save changes.
BD0444 -
BD0445 -
BD0447 - ..
BD0448 - Firewall Disconnect Security Center for Networking Remove Icon on Tray
BD0449 - Security Center Disconnect Windows XP Firewall Remove Icon from Tray
BD0450 -
BD0451 - Follow up ref SDS A2 P46I.
BD0452 -
BD0453 - Disconnected Windows XP Firewall, so that networking operates
BD0454 - smoothly, reported below. ref SDS 0 GP8O This avoids severe problems
BD0455 - accomplishing anytime, anywhere intelligence that requires maintaining
BD0456 - multiple computers, and transferring SDS records to the Internet with
BD0457 - the Firewall activated, that is part of Microsoft Windows XP reported
BD0458 - on 041118. ref SDS A2 IM5K
BD0460 - ..
BD0461 - There is a Windows firewall emblem on the desktop tray in the field
BD0462 - next to where time is displayed in the lower right corner of the
BD0463 - screen. This can be disconnected as follows...
BD0464 -
BD0465 - 1. Security Center open in Control Panel
BD0466 -
BD0467 - 2. Resources are listed along the left side of the window.
BD0468 -
BD0469 - If nothing is listed below "Resources," then click the
BD0470 - double down arrowhead indicators at the end of Resources,
BD0471 - and this opens a list of tasks.
BD0473 - ..
BD0474 - 3. Change the way Security Center alerts me.
BD0475 -
BD0476 - Select this choice and turn off the emblem on the desktop
BD0477 - tray.
BD0478 -
BD0479 -
BD0480 -
BD0481 -
BD0482 -
BD05 -
Autorun Off C16 K Drive RW CD ROM DVD Drive Read Write Requires Driv
BH03 -
BH0401 - ..
BH0402 - CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute Autorun
BH0403 - Autorun CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute
BH0404 -
BH0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 TM6K, ref SDS 47 TM6K.
BH0406 -
BH0407 - Implemented instructions on 041118. ref SDS A2 TM6K
BH0408 -
BH0409 -
BH0410 -
BH0411 -
BH0412 -
BH05 -
Mplayer.exe C16 Movies Works Better than Windows Media Player in Win
BM03 -
BM0401 - ..
BM0402 - Movies Media Player Software
BM0403 - Media Player for Movies Software
BM0404 -
BM0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 4DG2, ref SDS 47 4DG2.
BM0406 -
BM0407 - Configured....
BM0408 - mplayer.exe
BM0409 -
BM0410 - ...which is located in...
BM0411 -
BM0412 - g: 00 mediaplayer mplayer.exe
BM0413 -
BM0414 - ...per prior work on 010202. ref SDS 47 4DG2
BM0416 - ..
BM0417 - This simply entails copying the file to...
BM0418 -
BM0419 - I:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\mplayer.exe
BM0421 - ..
BM0422 - Provides an alternate and more efficient software programs to watch
BM0423 - movies.
BM0424 -
BM0425 -
BM0426 -
BM0427 -
BM0428 -
BM0429 -
BM05 -
Cdplayer.exe Works Better than Windows Media Player Windows XP Insta
BT03 -
BT0401 - ..
BT0402 - Cdplayer Set for Music
BT0403 -
BT0404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 G8E2, ref SDS 47 G8E2.
BT0405 -
BT0406 - Copied cdplayer.exe from....
BT0407 -
BT0408 - g: 00 cdplayer cdplayer.exe
BT0409 -
BT0410 -
BT0411 -
BT0412 - I: windows system32 cdplayer.exe
BT0413 -
BT0414 - ...the default program for .cda files, using the "open with" feature.
BT0415 -
BT0416 -
BT0417 -
BT0418 -
BT05 -
Administrator C16 Rod Set Sole User Default Administrator No Login P
BY03 -
BY0401 - ..
BY0402 - Administrator Configuration Rod Sole User
BY0403 -
BY0404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 2192, ref SDS 47 2192.
BY0405 -
BY0406 - For this installation, decided to only identify Rod for using c16, so
BY0407 - Rod is the administrator by default.
BY0409 - ..
BY0410 - Administrator identification is set in...
BY0411 -
BY0412 - Control Panel
BY0413 - User Accounts
BY0414 - Change my account type
BY0416 - ..
BY0417 - Administrator can use...
BY0418 -
BY0419 - Control Panel
BY0420 - Administrative Tools
BY0421 -
BY0422 -
BY0423 -
BY0424 -
BY05 -
Video C16 Device Driver Software Configuration NVIDIA Geforce 9600M
C303 -
C30401 - ..
C30402 - Video Display Configuration NVIDIA Geforce 9600M GT
C30403 -
C30404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 GR5W, ref SDS 47 GR5W.
C30405 -
C30406 - Drivers were installed by Ryan at Fry's.
C30408 - ..
C30409 - These files have been stored in...
C30410 -
C30411 - g: 00 c16_setup XP_Drivers sp42985
C30413 - ..
C30414 - The driver also seems to be located in...
C30415 -
C30416 - g: 00 c16_setup NVIDIA 185.85 is display
C30418 - ..
C30419 - Drivers requried for running Windows XP 32-bit operating system on
C30420 - 64-bit computer...
C30422 - ..
C30423 - File version: 614.11.8624
C30424 -
C30425 - i: windows system32 drivers nv4_mini.sys
C30426 - i: windows system32 nv4_disp.dll
C30427 - i: windows system32 nvapi.dll
C30428 - i: windows system32 nvcod.dll
C30429 - i: windows system32 nvcodins.dll
C30430 - i: windows system32 nvcuda.dll
C30431 - i: windows system32 nvcuvenc.dll
C30432 - i: windows system32 nvcuvid.dll
C30433 - i: windows system32 nvdata.bin
C30434 - i: windows system32 nvcoglnt.dll
C30435 -
C30436 -
C305 -
Desktop C16 Format Windows Classic Menu Properties Settings Resoluti
CA03 -
CA0401 - ..
CA0402 - Menu Text Too Small for High Resolution Graphics
CA0403 - Font Size Menus Content Easy to Read at High Resolution
CA0404 - Text Too Small Increase Size of Characters Change Font
CA0405 - Desktop Setup So Characters are Larger and Easier to Read
CA0406 -
CA0407 - Follow up ref SDS A2 BK3A, ref SDS 47 BK3A.
CA0408 -
CA0409 - C16 18.4" Flat Panel Display with high resolution is a big improvement
CA0410 - over c15. Initial settings using 1600 x 1080 was too small;
CA0411 - experimenting discovered that 1600 x 900 balances text size and SDS
CA0412 - window size that optimizes positioning of multiple sessions on the
CA0413 - desktop, essential for coordinated reporting, ref SDS 0 BK3A, to
CA0414 - create a well ordered record, explained on 890523. ref SDS 1 TP8O
CA0416 - ..
CA0417 - SDS requires efficient ergonomics enabled by setting text size
CA0418 - balanced with window size on the computer screen for constructing
CA0419 - records quickly and accuratley.
CA0421 - ..
CA0422 - Screen resolution and DPI are the only settings for controlling text
CA0423 - and window size for running SDS in the DOS NTVD environment. When SDS
CA0424 - is configured in a "folder" by right clicking on the desktop, the size
CA0425 - of text characters can be set in the XP application setup menu.
CA0426 -
CA0427 - Choose Raster Fonts
CA0428 - Size set to 10 x 18
CA0430 - ..
CA0431 - This provides the best appearance and balance with window size.
CA0433 - ..
CA0434 - However, this alone is not necessarily sufficient, and so additional
CA0435 - configuration may be needed as follows...
CA0437 - ..
CA0438 - Size and readability of text in system menus and diagnostic reporting
CA0439 - such as directory listings, can be configured by right click on any
CA0440 - clear space on the computer screen. This opens...
CA0442 - ..
CA0443 - Display Properties... select...
CA0444 -
CA0445 - Settings tab...
CA0447 - ..
CA0448 - Set video resolution to 1280x1024.
CA0450 - ..
CA0451 - The task bar, characters and system messages are a bit small. The
CA0452 - advantage of high resolution is being able to have multiple sessions
CA0453 - of SDS open with both readable using the 19" flat panel screen.
CA0455 - ..
CA0456 - On c14 today, it turned that the default resolution for the graphics
CA0457 - controller provided an ergonomically efficient text size balanced with
CA0458 - screen size, per above. ref SDS A2 BK3A, so no further configuration
CA0459 - was needed.
CA0461 - ..
CA0462 - Task Bar height and text size that enables ease of reading and use
CA0463 - without being obtrusive, worked well today with maximum screen
CA0464 - resolution 1280 x 1024 for the controller on c14.
CA0466 - ..
CA0467 - Reducing screen resolution can reduce clarity and cripsness of text,
CA0468 - while increasing resolution makes default characters too small to
CA0469 - read.
CA0471 - ..
CA0472 - If the chacter size is still too small.
CA0473 -
CA0474 - Settings
CA0475 -
CA0476 - Advanced
CA0478 - ..
CA0479 - "Advanced" opens a menu for changing DPI settings.
CA0480 -
CA0481 - Changing from 96 DPI to 120 increases size of characters in display
CA0482 - screens, so that content is easier to see, than with smaller
CA0483 - character sizes. For example the listings of directories, files,
CA0484 - and diagnostics in the File Management system.
CA0485 -
CA0486 - This does not seem to have any effect on the size of characters
CA0487 - in the SDS program displayed by the DOS NTVD feature of the XP
CA0488 - operating system.
CA0490 - ..
CA0491 - Other ways to change the font size in screens are...
CA0492 -
CA0493 -
CA0494 -
CA0495 - Windows and buttons...
CA0496 -
CA0497 - Windows Classic selction has been standard for SDS
CA0498 - the past 20 years.
CA0500 - ..
CA0501 - Font size
CA0502 -
CA0503 - Try "Large" or Extra Large.
CA0505 - ..
CA0506 - Advanced tab
CA0507 -
CA0508 - Change size of menu elements including font size
CA0509 - for easier display.
CA0511 - ..
CA0512 - If the configuration does not yield acceptable text size and
CA0513 - appearance, try changing the resolution....
CA0514 -
CA0515 - Settings
CA0516 -
CA0517 - Resolution of display
CA0518 -
CA0519 - This is a last resort. Generally, it is desirable to run
CA0520 - the graphics at maximum resolution for the sharpest images,
CA0521 - including text characters. However, high resoluton
CA0522 - settings reduce the text to the smallest possible size, and
CA0523 - this makes text very difficult to read. Adjusting DPI, per
CA0524 - above, ref SDS A2 RO7F, increases text size, but sometimes
CA0525 - this causes thicker characters that do not look crisp and
CA0526 - clear, more like everything looks bold, rather than simply
CA0527 - bigger. Similarly, switching font from normal to large or
CA0528 - extra large, per above, ref SDS A2 RO8H, has similar
CA0529 - results.
CA0531 - ..
CA0532 - Reducing the resolution of the display from the maximum
CA0533 - supported by the graphics controller, has the effect of
CA0534 - providing larger text size with normal line thickness to
CA0535 - avoid the bold appearance. However, this also causes a
CA0536 - hazy appearance of the characters.
CA0538 - ..
CA0539 - Tried Increasing size of characters on the desktop by changing DPI
CA0540 - from 96 to 120, which is opened by...
CA0542 - ..
CA0543 - Right click on empty space on the screen to open a desktop menu.
CA0544 - Select Properties to get a configuration menu.
CA0546 - ..
CA0547 - Select....
CA0548 -
CA0549 - Settings
CA0550 - Advanced
CA0552 - ..
CA0553 - Opens Plug and Play Monitor and Intel 82915G Express Main Board
CA0554 -
CA0555 - DPI Setting *
CA0557 - ..
CA0558 - When this is changed from 96 to 120, the characters are bigger, but
CA0559 - seem less crisp, i.e., somewhat fuzzy. Another problem is that
CA0560 - opening multiple tasks on the desktop, which is a major requirement
CA0561 - for working "intelligently" with a "paperless office" metaphor, lacks
CA0562 - visual balance.
CA0564 - ..
CA0565 - So changed back to 96 DPI.
CA0566 -
CA0567 -
CA0569 - ..
CA0570 - Desktop style set to Windows Classic...
CA0571 -
CA0572 - Follow up ref SDS A2 T552.
CA0573 -
CA0574 - Right click on empty space on the screen to open a desktop menu.
CA0575 - Select Properties to get a configuration menu.
CA0577 - ..
CA0578 - Select....
CA0579 -
CA0580 - Appearance
CA0581 -
CA0582 - Scheme
CA0583 -
CA0584 - Windows Classic Large or Windows Standard Large are both
CA0585 - okay. They make the task bar a little brighter.
CA0586 -
CA0588 - ..
CA0589 - Item
CA0590 -
CA0591 - Desktop
CA0592 -
CA0593 - Set color from palette at right of menu.
CA0595 - ..
CA0596 - On c14, cannot find this option in the desktop properties.
CA0597 -
CA0598 - Menu
CA0599 -
CA0600 - Set characters to 10 rather than 8
CA0601 -
CA0602 -
CA0603 -
CA07 -
Date Format YYYYMMDD and Time 24 Hour Military Format File Managemen
CD03 -
CD0401 - ..
CD0402 - Date Format YYYYMMDD and Time 24 Hour Clock
CD0403 - Time 24 Hour Dislpay System Clock Military Format
CD0404 - Clock Configure Format to 24 Hour Military HHMM
CD0405 - Military Time 24 Hour Configure System Clock Format
CD0406 -
CD0407 - Follow up ref SDS A2 EV3H.
CD0408 -
CD0409 - The clock in the lower right corner of the screen typically displays
CD0410 - in standard 12 hour format with a or p for AM and PM.
CD0412 - ..
CD0413 - For SDS the time in military format works best, and setting this
CD0414 - format to 24 hours also lists directories and files in the file
CD0415 - managmeent system in a uniform 24 hour structure.
CD0417 - ..
CD0418 - Windows XP Configures time formats in the Control Panel....
CD0419 -
CD0420 - XP desktop has formats and the place to find control for the date
CD0421 - and time format is different.
CD0422 -
CD0423 - 1. Windows XP Style
CD0424 -
CD0425 - This is the format Microsoft developed to give XP a new
CD0426 - appearance distinguished from prior versions.
CD0428 - ..
CD0429 - To change the format for dates and time display, in the
CD0430 - Control Panel select...
CD0431 -
CD0432 - Category View: Date, Time, Language and Regional Options
CD0433 -
CD0435 - ..
CD0436 - 2. Windows Classic Style
CD0437 -
CD0438 - This creates appearance of the desktop and various support
CD0439 - features, for example menus and listings of directories and
CD0440 - files.
CD0442 - ..
CD0443 - C16 has been set to Windows Classic
CD0445 - ..
CD0446 - change format for dates and time display, in the Control
CD0447 - Panel select...
CD0448 -
CD0449 - Regional and Language Options
CD0450 - Customize
CD0451 - Time
CD0452 -
CD0453 - h:mm:ss:tt....... for conventional format of time
CD0454 - HH:mm:ss......... for 24 hour military format
CD0456 - ..
CD0457 - Date
CD0458 - Short date format
CD0459 -
CD0460 - yyyy-mm-dd....... for year month day
CD0461 -
CD0462 -
CD0463 -
CD05 -
Keyboard Cursor Scroll and Repeat Rate C16
CG03 -
CG0401 - ..
CG0402 - Cursor Scroll Rate
CG0403 - Keyboard Cursor Scorll Rate
CG0404 -
CG0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 X55I.
CG0406 -
CG0407 - In the Control Panel, open "Keyboard" to change the rate the cursor
CG0408 - scrolls with the arrow keys pressed.
CG0409 -
CG0410 -
CG0411 -
CG0412 -
CG0413 -
CG0414 -
CG05 -
System File Management C16 Directory Folder List and Navigation Opti
CJ03 -
CJ0401 - ..
CJ0402 - System Management Directory Folder Options and File List Format
CJ0403 - Directory Folder Options, File List Format in System Management
CJ0404 -
CJ0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 4WUC, ref SDS 47 4WUC.
CJ0406 -
CJ0407 - Configure System Management navigating directories and files to
CJ0408 - facilitate understanding, accessing and managing directories and
CJ0409 - files.
CJ0411 - ..
CJ0412 - Once the format is set up for one folder, it can be applied to all
CJ0413 - folders using View tab in Folder Options of Tool menu, per below.
CJ0414 - ref SDS 47 6G3I
CJ0415 -
CJ0416 -
CJ0417 -
CJ0418 -
CJ05 -
Start Menu C16 Windows XP Program Listing Windows Classic
CP03 -
CP0401 - ..
CP0402 - Start Menu Windows XP Program Listing Windows Classic
CP0403 -
CP0404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 126O, ref SDS 47 126O.
CP0405 -
CP0406 - There is some background for c8 in the record on 960507. ref SDS 5
CP0407 - QL6F
CP0409 - ..
CP0410 - Key step is to convert the format to Windows classic, which is
CP0411 - done...
CP0412 -
CP0413 - Task Bar right click, open menu, select Properties.
CP0414 -
CP0415 - Start Properties, select Start Menu tab
CP0417 - ..
CP0418 - There are 2 choices...
CP0419 -
CP0420 - Start menu
CP0421 -
CP0422 - Classic Start menu
CP0423 -
CP0424 -
CP0425 -
CP0426 -
CP0427 -
CP05 -
Modem C16 Network Computer Identification Work Group RW Internet Pac
CU03 -
CU0401 - ..
CU0402 - Internet Connect Router to DSL and Other Computers for Networking
CU0403 - DSL Internet Router Connections to Other Computers for Networking
CU0404 - Router Connect to Internet DSL and Other Computers for Networking
CU0405 - Networking Router Connect to Internet DSL and Other Computers
CU0406 -
CU0407 - Follow up ref SDS A2 7945, ref SDS 47 7945.
CU0408 -
CU0409 - Connected cable from router to the Network port on c16.
CU0411 - ..
CU0412 - Network identification was configured on c16 during Windows XP setup
CU0413 - at Fry's on 090710 1719. ref SDS F0 895I
CU0415 - ..
CU0416 - Today, when the network cable was connnected, XP figured out how to
CU0417 - make settings required to begin transferring data and connecting to
CU0418 - the Internet.
CU0420 - ..
CU0421 - Previously, there have been problems using the network with the
CU0422 - Firewall activated, that is part of Microsoft Windows XP reported on
CU0423 - 041118. ref SDS A2 IM5K As a result, this feature was disconnected,
CU0424 - per above. ref SDS 0 P46I
CU0425 -
CU0426 -
CU0427 -
CU0428 -
CU0429 -
CU05 -
SDS C16 Medit DOS Fast Easy Configuration Interoperability Start Com
D703 -
D70401 - ..
D70402 - SDS, Medit DOS, Setup with Path
D70403 -
D70404 - Follow up ref SDS C0 2495. ref SDS A2 2495.
D70405 -
D70406 - Used the network to transfer SDS files on c, d, e, g and h on c14, to
D70407 - c16.
D70409 - ..
D70410 - Used procedures in the record on 000310 for configuring SDS and Medit
D70411 - to run under XP. ref SDS 22 5972 Configuration is very simple now
D70412 - with batch files that set up the environment.
D70414 - ..
D70415 - Mouse enabled by setting DOS properties options for QuickEdit and
D70416 - Insert mode to OFF, using procedures reported on 000310. ref SDS 22
D70417 - MM7I
D70419 - ..
D70420 - Icon for SDS...
D70421 -
D70422 - c: sd 01 sds.ico
D70424 - ..
D70425 - Icon for MS DOS
D70426 -
D70427 - c: sd 01 program.exe
D70429 - ..
D70430 - Icon for Medit
D70431 -
D70432 - c: sd 01 migicons.exe
D70434 - ..
D70435 - Did not set DOS path in Environment Variables, also, reported on
D70436 - 000310, ref SDS 22 0215, because this is set by application batch
D70437 - files, which is better than changing environment variables.
D70439 - ..
D70440 - File management with Windows XP introduces a new problem of sorting
D70441 - numeric filenames differently. This causes files with names
D70442 - constructed for common grouping to appear out of order. This was
D70443 - corrected using the Windows registry, per above. ref SDS 0 619F
D70444 -
D70446 - ..
D70447 - Autoexec.nt Disconnect Dosx.exe and Redir.exe to Increase Memory
D70448 -
D70449 - Follow up ref SDS A2 DG3J, ref SDS 47 DG3J.
D70450 -
D70451 - Had to do this because this version of XP on c16 does not have
D70452 - enough upper memory to store the programs, so can only
D70453 - disconnect DOSX and REDIR
D70455 - ..
D70456 - i: windows system32 autoexec.nt...... ref OF 1 LP4H
D70458 - ..
D70459 - Windows 7 DOS environment...
D70460 -
D70461 - j: windows system32 autoexec.nt...... ref OF 2 WR4H
D70462 -
D70463 - ...unplug....
D70465 - ..
D70466 - REM Install CD ROM extensions
D70467 - rem lh %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
D70469 - ..
D70470 - REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
D70471 - rem lh %SystemRoot%\system32\redir
D70473 - ..
D70474 - REM Install DPMI support
D70475 - rem lh %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx
D70477 - ..
D70478 - These are only needed for some installation programs, e.g., ws_ftp,
D70479 - and for some games, e.g., Tetris.
D70481 - ..
D70482 - After unplugging these drivers, DOS prompt reports 634932 bytes free,
D70483 - which compares favorably with c14 and c15.
D70485 - ..
D70486 - Concern on 090712 that SDS and Medit might be slow running on c16
D70487 - because initial testing shows extremly slow responsiveness,
D70488 - ref SDS F1 XT4J, were resolved. The machine is extremely fast, per
D70489 - evaluation above. ref SDS 0 2871
D70490 -
D70491 -
D70492 -
D70493 -
D705 -
Pkzipc C16 Configure Transfer Only New and Changed Files Enter Comma
DB03 -
DB0401 - ..
DB0402 - Pkzip for SDS Archiving
DB0403 -
DB0404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 447N, ref SDS 99 0U3P.
DB0405 -
DB0406 - Installed Pkzip so it is recorded in the registry.
DB0408 - ..
DB0409 - Used procedures on 040422. ref SDS 99 925J
DB0410 -
DB0411 - h: 00 28
DB0413 - ..
DB0414 - There can sometimes be problems with Windows XO prefetch. It stores
DB0415 - an older version of the program.
DB0416 -
DB0417 - [On 110715 0952 discovered pkzip stopped working for
DB0418 - windows 7, so switched to DOS xcopy in backupi.cmd, and for
DB0419 - t11.cmd to transfer files between computers. ref SDS H0
DB0420 - 605H
DB0422 - ..
DB0423 - Running pkzip in the home directory...
DB0424 -
DB0425 - c: sd 01 pkzipc.exe
DB0426 -
DB0427 - ...will load it into the prefetch list, and this seems to solve the
DB0428 - problem.
DB0430 - ..
DB0431 - Getting an error message on t11 20090715
DB0433 - ..
DB0434 - Message says...
DB0435 -
DB0436 - PKZIP: (E5) Unknown or illegal sub-option - after=20090715
DB0438 - ..
DB0439 - This suggests the date format needs to be configured in pkzipc.
DB0441 - ..
DB0442 - Pkzipc has a command...
DB0443 -
DB0444 - C>pkzipc -config -local
DB0446 - ..
DB0447 - This sets pkzip configuration to the date and time format set for the
DB0448 - local computer.
DB0450 - ..
DB0451 - Format for date and time on Windows XP is set in the Control Panel
DB0452 - Regional and Language Options...
DB0453 -
DB0454 - Select................... Customize
DB0455 -
DB0456 - Date
DB0457 -
DB0458 - short date format ........... yyyy-mm-dd
DB0460 - ..
DB0461 - Time............................ HH MM SS
DB0462 -
DB0463 -
DB0464 -
DB0465 -
DB05 -
Microsoft Office 2007 C16 Configure Windows XP Word Excel Powerpoint
DF03 -
DF0401 - ..
DF0402 - MS Office Installation on C16
DF0403 - Microsoft Office Word Excel Powerpoint
DF0404 -
DF0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 0785, ref SDS 47 0785.
DF0406 -
DF0407 - [On 090717 Microsoft Office installed. ref SDS F6 SO8W
DF0409 - ..
DF0410 - [On 091111 2027 Microsoft Office had to be installed again
DF0411 - in another directory for use with upgrade official release
DF0412 - of Windows 7 and listed in the registry. ref SDS G3 OK69
DF0413 -
DF0414 -
DF0415 -
DF0416 -
DF0417 -
DF05 -
Photo Editor C16 Pictures Microsoft Photoed.exe
DK03 -
DK0401 - ..
DK0402 - Pictures Photo Editor Microsoft Photoed.exe
DK0403 - Photoed.exe Pictures Photo Editor Microsoft
DK0404 - Microsoft Photo Editor Pictures Photoed.exe
DK0405 - Photo Editor Pictures Microsoft Photoed.exe
DK0406 -
DK0407 - Follow up ref SDS A2 G3EP, ref SDS 47 G3EP.
DK0408 -
DK0409 - Applied guidance on 010202. ref SDS 47 G3EP
DK0410 -
DK0411 -
DK0412 -
DK0413 -
DK05 -
Defragment C16 Compress Maintain Files Use Microsoft Windows XP 32-b
DQ03 -
DQ0401 - ..
DQ0402 - Defragment Program, Install Diskeeper
DQ0403 - Diskeeper Installed to Degragment Maintain Hard Disk
DQ0404 -
DQ0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 V73S, ref SDS 50 VO4I.
DQ0406 -
DQ0407 - Used diskeeper that is part of Windows XP, rather than install older
DQ0408 - version that provides slighly more flexibility to specify all drives
DQ0409 - at once.
DQ0410 -
DQ0411 -
DQ0412 -
DQ05 -
Treesize C16 Sort Files Directories Folders on Disk
DV03 -
DV0401 - ..
DV0402 - Sort Files on Disk Treesize
DV0403 - Treesize Directory and File Sort on Disk
DV0404 -
DV0405 - On 050108 Treesize installed in Start menu under Programs, Disk
DV0406 - Maintenance to sort files and directories on the disk. ref SDS B5 0001
DV0408 - ..
DV0409 - This works with defragmentation, per above, ref SDS 0 V73S, to
DV0410 - optimize SDS data base efficiency.
DV0412 - ..
DV0413 - Treesize code is in g: 00 treesize
DV0415 - ..
DV0416 - Install to...
DV0417 -
DV0418 - h: 00 43
DV0420 - ..
DV0421 - Use only choice to create entry in Start Programs menu, and not the
DV0422 - desktop.
DV0423 -
DV0424 -
DV0425 -
DV0426 -
DV0427 -
DV0428 -
DV05 -
Disk Investigator C16 Utility Diagnostics Files on Disk Restore Dele
C14 Install Disk Investigator v 1.1
DZ04 -
DZ0501 - ..
DZ0502 - Disk Investigator Enables Restoring Deleted Files
DZ0503 -
DZ0504 - Follow up ref SDS A2 O56M, ref SDS 85 0000.
DZ0505 -
DZ0506 - Install Disk Investigator primarily to restore deleted files. This
DZ0507 - examines a disk at a low lovel in hex and decimal modes.
DZ0509 - ..
DZ0510 - Install in....
DZ0511 -
DZ0512 - h: 00 14
DZ0513 -
DZ0514 - ...per record installing on c13, reported 020502. ref SDS 84 LG7R
DZ0515 -
DZ0516 -
DZ0517 -
DZ0518 -
DZ0519 -
DZ0520 -
DZ06 -
Pccilin C16 Virus Protection Firewall
E503 -
E50401 - ..
E50402 - Virus Protection Installed Pccilin
E50403 - Pccilin Virus Protection Installed
E50404 -
E50405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 4AYE, ref SDS 47 4AYE.
E50406 -
E50407 - On 041223 Pc-cillin virus protection by Trend Micro purchased at
E50408 - Fry's and installed on c14. ref SDS B2 0001
E50410 - ..
E50411 - Installed according to planning on 041223, ref SDS B2 IC9J,
E50412 -
E50413 - h: 00 46
E50415 - ..
E50416 - Turns out this will not install on Windows 7. Must upgrade to
E50417 - Pccillin 2010. Further had to purchase 2 separate programs in order
E50418 - to install on c14, c15, and c16 with muli-boot support for Windows XP,
E50419 - Windows 7 32-bit, and Windows 7 64-bit operating systems.
E50420 -
E50421 - [On 100218 downloaded Pccillin virus protection software
E50422 - from Trend Micro to install on c14, c15, and c16, for
E50423 - Windows XP 32-bit operating systems. ref SDS G5 YZ6O
E50425 - ..
E50426 - [On 100219 0811 license to use Pccillin virus protection
E50427 - purchased today only pays to install the program on 3
E50428 - computers; had to purchase another license to install
E50429 - Pccillin for Windows 7 32-bit and Windows 7 64-bit on c16.
E50430 - ref SDS G6 O55L; had to buy a second license to install
E50431 - pccillin.exe virus protection on c16 for Windows 7 32-bit
E50432 - operating system, because this considered another computer,
E50433 - ref SDS G6 6N4I; placed another order, ref SDS G6 C53I, and
E50434 - got another serial number product key. ref SDS G6 IG5I
E50435 -
E50436 -
E50437 -
E50438 -
E505 -
Wsftp C16 Transfer SDS Records Files SDS Interent Website Welchco Co
E903 -
E90401 - ..
E90402 - WSFTPRO FTP Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
E90403 - FTP WSFTPRO Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
E90404 -
E90405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 4945, ref SDS 47 4945.
E90406 -
E90407 - To upload files to the web, need to install FTP capability using
E90408 - wsftpro. This requires three (3) steps; initially install version 5,
E90409 - that is pre 1998. Then upgrade version 5 to version 6, and then
E90410 - upgrde version 6 to 6.05. This version provides efficient transfer
E90411 - and in includes a ws_ftp.log file we need to manage and maintain
E90412 - transfers.
E90414 - ..
E90415 - Instructions are in the record on 010202. ref SDS 47 6A8M
E90416 -
E90417 - [On 110430 1903 changed to coreftp.exe from ws_ftp.
E90418 - ref SDS G9 NS8K
E90420 - ..
E90421 - [On 110820 1252 solved problems using Core FTP program by
E90422 - applying new requirements on accessing on
E90423 - Earthlink servers. ref SDS H1 R47L
E90424 -
E90425 -
E90426 -
E90427 -
E90428 -
E905 -
Acrobat C16 Adobe PDF Files Create and Read
ED03 -
ED0401 - ..
ED0402 - Acrobat Adobe PDF FileS Create and Read
ED0403 - PDF FileS Create and Read Acrobat Adobe
ED0404 -
ED0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 R18F.
ED0406 -
ED0407 - Used instructions in the record on 021220. ref SDS 91 7SRY
ED0409 - ..
ED0410 - Installation directory on....
ED0411 -
ED0412 - g: 00 acrobat
ED0413 -
ED0414 - ...shows three versions available. Installed version 6.0....
ED0415 -
ED0416 - g: 00 acrobat adberd60_enu_full.exe
ED0417 -
ED0418 - ...and installed in....
ED0419 -
ED0420 - h: 00 38
ED0422 - ..
ED0423 - Updated the program using instructions on 000617. ref SDS 33 HP6L
ED0425 - ..
ED0426 - Actually updating Acrobat is unnecessary, because when the program
ED0427 - runs, it checks for an upated version and notfifies users to update at
ED0428 - that time.
ED0429 -
ED0430 -
ED0431 -
ED05 -
Regscrubxp C16 Install Maintain Windows XP Registry
EH03 -
EH0401 - ..
EH0402 - Regscrubxp Install to Maintain Windows Registry
EH0403 -
EH0404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 IP6G.
EH0405 -
EH0406 - Installed version 3.2.....
EH0407 -
EH0408 - regscrubxp.exe
EH0409 -
EH0410 - explained for c14 on 041118. ref SDS A2 NP49
EH0412 - ..
EH0413 - The regscrub program is in...
EH0414 -
EH0415 - Start
EH0416 - Programs
EH0417 - Disk Maintenance
EH0418 -
EH0419 - H:\00\25\RegScrubXP.exe
EH0420 -
EH0421 -
EH0422 -
EH0423 -
EH0424 -
EH0425 -
EH05 -
Indexing Files C16 Disconnect Microsoft Windows XP File Management A
EO03 -
EO0401 - ..
EO0402 - Performance Increased by Reducing Indexing Drives
EO0403 - XP Responsiveness Delayed by Indexing Solved by Disconnecting
EO0404 - Indexing Files Service Disconnected on SDS Data Base Drives
EO0405 -
EO0406 - Follow up ref SDS A2 NG8O.
EO0407 -
EO0408 - Turned off indexing per instructions on 041118, ref SDS A2 NG8O
EO0410 - ..
EO0411 - Actually, turned it back on to test.
EO0413 - ..
EO0414 - May improve responsiveness, per evaluation above. ref SDS 0 MV5F
EO0416 - ..
EO0417 - After getting some experience, indexing files did not seem to improve
EO0418 - access, so turned indexing off to avoid the overhead.
EO0419 -
EO0420 -
EO0421 -
EO0422 -
EO0423 -
EO0424 -
EO0425 -
EO05 -
Disable Paging Executive Improve Memory Performance Responsiveness B
Paging C16 Enable Executive Improve Memory Performance Responsivenes
ET04 -
ET0501 - ..
ET0502 - Disable Paging Executive Improve Memory Performance
ET0503 -
ET0504 - Follow up ref SDS A2 UL7J.
ET0505 -
ET0506 - Disable paging was tried on c14 with 1 GB RAM to improve I/O
ET0507 - performance by writing datat to the disk to clear space for using RAM,
ET0508 - reported on 041118 2124. ref SDS A2 UL7J
ET0510 - ..
ET0511 - Since C16 has 4 GB RAM, this may not be needed as often, so decided
ET0512 - not to implement this performance configuration that was used on c14.
ET0513 -
ET0514 -
ET0515 -
ET0516 -
ET06 -
Large System Cache C16 Not Implemented 4 GB RAM Boost Performance Im
EY03 -
EY0401 - ..
EY0402 - Large System Cache for 1 GB RAM Boost Performance
EY0403 -
EY0404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 5U4L.
EY0405 -
EY0406 - In the same registry key, per above. ref SDS 0 UL7J
EY0408 - ..
EY0409 - Did not implement this configuration that was tried wtih problems on
EY0410 - c14, reported on 041118 2124. ref SDS A2 5U4L
EY0411 -
EY0412 -
EY0413 -
EY0415 - ..
EY0416 - Input/Output Performance Did Not Implement
EY0417 -
EY0418 - Follow up ref SDS A2 Z13G.
EY0419 -
EY0420 - This improves performance of large file transfers. If this entry does
EY0421 - not appear in the registry, you will have to create a REG_DWORD value
EY0422 - called IoPageLockLimit. The data for this value is in number of
EY0423 - bytes, and defaults to Zero which equates to 512KB on machines that
EY0424 - have the value. Most people using this tweak have found maximum
EY0425 - performance in the 8 to 16 megabyte range, so you will have to play
EY0426 - around with the value to find the best performance. The value is
EY0427 - measured in bytes, so if you want, 12MB allocated, it's 12 * 1024 *
EY0428 - 1024, or 12582912. As with all these memory tweaks, you should only
EY0429 - use this if you have 256MB or more of RAM.
EY0431 - ..
EY0432 - Decided for now to defer.
EY0433 -
EY0434 -
EY0435 -
EY0436 -
EY0437 -
EY05 -
Startup Menu Autostart Menu Msconfig Remove Programs
F403 -
F40401 - ..
F40402 - Start Menu Autostart Menu Msconfig Remove Programs
F40403 - Autostart Menu Msconfig Remove Programs in Start Menu
F40404 -
F40405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 OL4K.
F40406 -
F40407 - Ms Office disconnected by...
F40408 -
F40409 - Start
F40410 - Run
F40411 - msconfig
F40412 - Startup
F40413 - Microsoft Office
F40415 - ..
F40416 - Disable Startup.
F40418 - ..
F40419 - On 041119 Dell Support explained how to unplug entries in Start
F40420 - Program Startup. ref SDS A3 2V7F
F40422 - ..
F40423 - On 041213 did not implement this for reinstall on c14. ref SDS A9 OL4K
F40424 -
F40425 -
F40426 -
F40427 -
F40428 -
F40429 -
F405 -
Last Access Update C16 Disabled File Use Posting File Allocation Tab
FE03 -
FE0401 - ..
FE0402 - Last Access Update Disabled Improve Program Performance
FE0403 - File Use Posting File Allocation Table Last Use Delays Using Files
FE0404 -
FE0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 S38I.
FE0406 -
FE0407 - This is a performance problem, listed above. ref SDS 0 MV5F
FE0409 - ..
FE0410 - RegScrub installed today, and in the Programs Disk Maintenance menu,
FE0411 - per above, ref SDS 0 IP6G, has a menu tab option for Misc that says...
FE0412 -
FE0413 - Disable Last Access Update in NT File System (NTFS)
FE0415 - ..
FE0416 - Click the Modify button to disable last access update, or click
FE0417 - the Restore Deault button to enable it. By default NTFS updates
FE0418 - the date and time stamp of the last access on directories whenever
FE0419 - it traverses the directory. For a large NTFS volume, this update
FE0420 - process can slow performance. By disabling this option, NTFS will
FE0421 - not record the last time a file was accessed. This can speed up
FE0422 - disk operations if applications are written to access many small
FE0423 - files very frequently as is found in many pseudo data base
FE0424 - applications (Modification time stamps will still be made).
FE0426 - ..
FE0427 - Applied this guidance to disable last access update.
FE0428 -
FE0429 -
FE0430 -
FE0431 -
FE05 -
Visual Effects C16 Disconnect Increase Responsiveness Productivity V
FK03 -
FK0401 - ..
FK0402 - Visual Effects Disconnect Increase Responsiveness
FK0403 - Video Adjustments Increase Performance Disconnect Visual Effects
FK0404 -
FK0405 - Follow up ref SDS A2 L64J.
FK0406 -
FK0407 - Windows XP default configuration has a lot of visual effects which do
FK0408 - not aid productivity and so reduce system responsiveness by consuming
FK0409 - processor time. Productivity can be increased by disconnecting
FK0410 - visual effects that make the computer more responsiveness.
FK0412 - ..
FK0413 - Regscrubxp has a file on adjusting default parameters of the XP
FK0414 - operating system....
FK0415 -
FK0416 - h: 00 25 xp tips & tweeks.chm
FK0418 - ..
FK0419 - There is a section that says....
FK0420 -
FK0421 - Performance Increase Through My Computer
FK0422 -
FK0423 - Easy enough tweak to usually find out about it on your own,
FK0424 - but still, some of us still don't find it right away. So here
FK0425 - it is:
FK0427 - ..
FK0428 - Start > right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
FK0429 - Click on the "Advanced" tab.
FK0430 - See the "Performance" section? Click "Settings".
FK0431 - Disable the following:
FK0432 -
FK0433 - Annimate windows when minimizing or maximizing
FK0434 - Fade or slide menus into view
FK0435 - Fade or slide ToolTips into view
FK0436 - Fade out menu items after clicking
FK0437 - Show Shadows under menus
FK0438 - Show Shadows under mouse pointer
FK0439 - Slide open combo boxes
FK0440 - Slide taskbar buttons
FK0441 - Use a background image for each folder type
FK0442 - Use common tasks in folders
FK0443 -
FK0444 -
FK0445 -
FK0447 - ..
FK0448 - Menu Delay Shortening to Speed Performance
FK0449 -
FK0450 - Follow up ref SDS A2 VP5N.
FK0451 -
FK0452 - C16 has good responsiveness opening menus on the desktop, so did not
FK0453 - implement this change.
FK0454 -
FK0455 -
FK0456 -
FK0457 -
FK05 -
Prefetch C16 Empty Windows XP Directory Once Per Day SDS Launch Proc
FQ03 -
FQ0401 - ..
FQ0402 - Prefetch Windows XP New System Slows Performance Manually Maintain
FQ0403 -
FQ0404 - Follow up ref SDS A2 X34I.
FQ0405 -
FQ0406 - The record configuring c14 on 041118 was incorporated into SDS code on
FQ0407 - 041213 modified c: sd 01 25a.bat to empty prefecth once a day, when
FQ0408 - SDS is launched. ref SDS A9 X34I
FQ0410 - ..
FQ0411 - Therefore, the prefetch issue is supported on c16 without any actual
FQ0412 - configuration other than calling SDS, per above. ref SDS 0 2495
FQ0413 -
FQ0414 -
FQ0415 -
FQ0416 -
FQ05 -
Evidence Eliminator to Clean Disk Maintenance C16 Install
FU03 -
FU0401 - ..
FU0402 - Clean Disk Maintenance