440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 2, 2001 08:28 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Configure c13 for San Francisco, c11 for Concord.

2...Evaluation - New System Faster and Slower
3...Configuration Plan for C13 and C11
4...Fan in Front Panel Not Running
5...D850GB Intel Main Board BIOS and Drivers, 256 MB RDRAM
6...BIOS by Intel for D850GB Main Board
7...Power Management Settings in BIOS and W2K Need Coordination
8...W2K Installation and Setup
9...Windows 2000 Installation and Setup
10...W2K Upgraded with Service Pack 1 Downloaded from Microsoft
11...Sounds - Creative Soundblaster
12...Security, Privacy Cookies Off
13...CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute
14...Media Player for Movies
15...Cdplayer Set for Music
16...Administrator Configuration
17...Software Programs Stored on G: for Online Installation
......Windows 2000
......Intel CD
......HP ScanJet Software
......JazzJet SCSI Drivers
......Microsoft Office 2000 g: 00 MSO
......Microsoft Project g: 00 MSProject
......Viso g: 00 Visio
......Modem US Robotics g: modemusr
......Sound Blaster g: 00 SB16
18...Video Display Configuration
19...Nokia 447X Drivers Downloaded; W2k Installed Its Own Driver
20...Desktop Setup So Characters are Larger and Easier to Read
21...System Management Folder Options and File List Format
22...Folder Options, File List Format in System Management
..............Make All Folders the Same
23...Start Menu Windows 2000 Program Listing
25...SDS, Medit DOS, Setup with Path
......Autoexec.nt Disconnect Dosx.exe and Redir.exe to Increase Memory
26...MS Office Installation on C12
27...Photoed Configured
28...Defragment Program, Install Diskeeper
29...Norton Virus Protection
30...PacBell Dial Up Connections
31...JPS Dial UP Connection
32...Attglobal Dial-up Networking is Failing
33...Dialer for IBM Global Installed on C11
34...WSFTPRO FTP Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
35...FTP WSFTPRO Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
36...SCSI Controller Switched from C11 to C13
37...Tape Drive Exabyte Transferred from C11 to C13
38...Novaback Tape Drive Software
39...Visio Organization Chart Program
40...MS Project CPM Program
41...DSL Installation on C13
42...Modem for C11 Needs Drivers from C10
43...Netscape Configured with User Profile Manager for Millie
44...Exabyte 8505 Tape Drive Installed C11

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Plan for Configure
System Replacement
Configure for Millie to Use in Concord
Transfer to Concord for Millie
Evaluation C11
Set up Initial Environment C13
Evaluation C13

1009 -
1009 -    ..
1010 - Summary/Objective
1011 -
101101 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
101102 -
101103 - Configured standard setup for new P4 system, c13, and modified c11 for
101104 - Millie to use in Concord to replace c10.  Initial setup took about 30
101105 - hours, and gave SDS 634K of RAM, as with prior installations of w2k.
101106 - There were two performance problems with SDS, ref SDS 0 IY4I  Efforts
101107 - to correct these problems later caused w2k to fail.  W2K was installed
101108 - again.  This caused a new problem -- SDS had only 599K of RAM. To get
101109 - the original 634K RAM, installed w2k 30+ times and all partitions were
101110 - eventually formatted to repeat the original OEM installation process
101111 - that yielded 634K of RAM.  These efforts failed, and required
101112 - configuring all system software again.  Microsoft reported 599K - 634K
101113 - RAM disparity for DOS is caused by differences between OEM and retail
101114 - versions of w2k.  MS is sending a retail version of w2k, hoping it
101115 - will help. Installation reported in this record covers 7 - 8 days of
101116 - work.
101117 -
101118 -    [On 010204 after completing configuration of c13, did a full file
101119 -    backup on tape 14. ref SDS 33 0001
101121 -     ..
101122 -    [On 010205 investigate solution to poor performance of w2k; it
101123 -    seems to be missing features in w98 for setting disk caching.
101124 -    ref SDS 36 0001
101126 -     ..
101127 -    [On 010206 upgraded BIOS and drivers for Intel board. ref SDS 39
101128 -    RH6O
101130 -     ..
101131 -    [On 010206 changes on 010205 to improve performance, caused system
101132 -    failure, installed w2k again. ref SDS 37 0001
101134 -     ..
101135 -    [On 010214 removed installed full version w2k to replace OEM
101136 -    version for purpose of fixing product defects. ref SDS 45 0001
101138 -     ..
101139 -    [On 041118 upgrade computer from P4 1.4 GHz running w2k, to 3.2 GHz
101140 -    and Windows XP causes another performance failure requiring changes
101141 -    to SDS. ref SDS 67 RV4I
101142 -
101143 -
101144 -
101146 -  ..
1012 -
1013 -
1014 - Progress
1015 -
101501 - Evaluation - New System Faster and Slower
101502 -
101503 - Some things like compiling the editor and SDS are much faster.
101504 -
101505 - Sorting using SDS routines is not noticably faster.
101506 -
101507 - Initially, there seemed to be a problem that SDS was not sorting
101508 - control fields when a record is saved, per below, ref SDS 0 IY4I, but
101509 - a few days later during testing, it seems to be working. ref SDS 0
101510 - IY4I
101512 -  ..
101513 - Sorting with Supersort that uses disk read operations is about 3
101514 - times slower on the new P4 c13 system, than on either the PIII 850
101515 - MHz c11 system, and also the 650 MHz c12 notebook computer.
101516 - ..
101517 - The new P4 c13 system doing SDS reports that select records from
101518 - the global pointer file, takes 13 times longer longer than on the PIII
101519 - 850 MHz system, it may have to with the size of the drives.  see
101520 - detailed work report below. ref SDS 0 IY4I
101521 -
101522 -     [On 010301 this problem was solved, and the P4 system proved to be
101523 -     much faster than prior systems. ref SDS 52 0001
101525 -  ..
101526 - The P4 video seems sharper.
101527 -
101528 -
101529 -
101531 -  ..
101532 - Configuration Plan for C13 and C11
101533 -
101534 - Objective is to set up c13 to replace c11 for use in San Francisco,
101535 - and move c11 to Concord for Millie to replace c10.
101536 -
101537 -    This gives Millie a high end PIII 850MHz system with 11 GB of
101538 -    storage, and W2K operating system, to replace a PII 300MHz 6 GB
101539 -    system that has begun to fail, as reported on 000118. ref SDS 27
101540 -    0001
101541 -
101542 -       [...below, c10 failed to boot. ref SDS 0 UJ6F
101543 -
101545 -  ..
101546 - C10 will be out of service.
101547 -    ..
101548 -    We could slave the drive in c10 with the drive in c11 to
101549 -    increase capacity from 12 GB to 18 GB.
101551 -     ..
101552 -    C11 has 11 GB, from record on 981114. ref SDS 8 KP3M
101554 -     ..
101555 -    C10 has a 6 GB hard drive, on 980222. ref SDS 7 MQ6J
101557 -     ..
101558 -    Talked to Millie this evening.  The only software she has on c10 is
101559 -    her checking account in the 08 directory.
101560 -
101562 -  ..
101563 - Per planning on 010130, ref SDS 0 K2FR, need following changes...
101565 -  ..
101566 - SCSI card in c10 is ISA, so it cannot be used in c13 to drive the
101567 - Exabyte Mammoth tape drive, because the main board in c13 only has PCI
101568 - slots.  Have to move the SCSI card in c11 to c13, then move the SCSI
101569 - card in c10 to c11 which has two ISA slots to run the older tape
101570 - drive.
101571 -
101572 -     C10 scsi card is...
101573 -
101574 -             IOMEGA JazJet ISA SCSI card, ref DRP 2 DL8N
101576 -      ..
101577 -     C11 scsi card is...
101578 -
101579 -             CROSS PLATFORM JazJet PCI USTRA SCSI card, ref DRP 3
101580 -             0408,
101581 -
101583 -  ..
101584 - Tape drive in c11 will be moved to c13, per below. ref SDS 0 K2FR
101585 -
101586 -     Instructions for installing Exabyte tape drive is in the record on
101587 -     000811. ref SDS 23 1984
101588 -
101590 -  ..
101591 - Here are steps....
101592 -         ..
101593 -     1.  Get network configured to transfer data between systems.
101594 -
101596 -          ..
101597 -     2.  Transfer software
101598 -
101599 -         a.  Transfer Millie's files on c10 to c11.
101600 -
101601 -         b.  Transfer software and set up from c11 to c13.
101602 -
101603 -         c.  Setup software on c13 for standard configuration
101605 -              ..
101606 -         d.  Setup Millie's Netscape files on c10 to the same
101607 -             configuration on c11.
101609 -              ..
101610 -             Transferred...
101611 -
101612 -                h: 00 07 users welch
101613 -             ..
101614 -         e.  Setup Millie with user ID and password on c11 under
101615 -             w2k.
101616 -
101618 -          ..
101619 -     3.  Shut down
101620 -
101621 -         Move scsi controller from c11 to c13
101622 -         Move scsi controller from c10 to c11
101623 -         Move tape drive from c11 to c13
101624 -         Install older Exabyte tape drive into c11.
101626 -          ..
101627 -     4.  Netscape configure on c11 so there is a profile manager that
101628 -         Millie can select her own contacts, and email environment,
101629 -         and there is another environment for Rod.
101630 -         ..
101631 -         This requires using the Utility in the Netscape Program
101632 -         menu for "User Profile Manager
101634 -          ..
101635 -     5.  DSL - install second network card from c11, so that c13 can
101636 -         network to computers, while also using DSL.
101638 -          ..
101639 -     6.  Software to transfer from c11 is in the record on 000510.
101640 -         ref SDS 20 1296
101641 -
101642 -
101643 -
1017 -

Fan Front Panel to Blow Dust Heat Out Registers in Back Panel
Dust Removal Once a Month
Fan on Front Panel Not Operating
Speaker in CPU Case

1406 -
140701 -  ..
140702 - Fan in Front Panel Not Running
140703 -
140704 - When the cover panels were removed from the CPU to install scsi cards
140705 - and the tape drive, the system was powered up to test everything
140706 - before installing the cover panels.
140707 -
140708 - At this time, I noticed there is a fan inside a plastic housing
140709 - attached to the front panel of the computer frame.  It is shown as
140710 - item #15 in the schematic drawing labeled 2101 Series received from PC
140711 - Doctor, so I reported this in the system description for the case
140712 - listed in the invoice. ref DRP 1 003W
140714 -  ..
140715 - The fan may reduce the problem of dust accumulating inside the case
140716 - which otherwise contributes to system short circuit problems that
140717 - occurred with c11.
140718 - ..
140719 - While powered up I noticed the chasis fan in the front panel,
140720 - and shown in the case diagram provided by PC Doctor, is not running.
140721 - There is a cable coming from underneath the plastic case, and running
140722 - to connector T on the D850GB main board, which is identified by the
140723 - case schematic as the fan connector.  This seems to align with page 19
140724 - para 11 of the quick Reference guide for the D850GB, which describes
140725 - connecting the fans.
140727 -  ..
140728 - PC Doctor needs to advise if the fan should be running, and how to
140729 - accomplish this.
140730 -
140731 -     [On 010206 Intel reports fan is on a thermostat and so only runs
140732 -     when needed. ref SDS 39 B3WY
140733 -
140734 -     [On 010315 Pcdoctor serviced computer and the front fan fell off
140735 -     of the case frame. ref SDS 63 PO25
140737 -      ..
140738 -     [On 020416 connected front fan to the case. ref SDS 65 0001
140740 -  ..
140741 - There is another cable connector that is laying on the bottom panel
140742 - beneath the case for the fan.  The case schematic lists part #17 is a
140743 - speaker that has a cable in the plasic case adjacent to the fan. It is
140744 - not clear why the speaker cable is disconnected.
140745 -
140746 -     [On 010206 reported to PC Doctor; extra cable is for an extra
140747 -     speaker in the front panel that is not needed. ref SDS 38 GF5H
140748 -
140749 -
140750 -
140751 -
140752 -
1408 -

D850GB Main Board
RAM, RDRAM 256 MB, 010202
P4 CPU 1.4 GHz 400MHz Bus 256K Cache, 010202
Motherboard, Intel, D850GB 4-AGP, for Pentium 4, 010202
Performance Slower for SDS Reports than C11
Stop Error System Failed Had to Re-install W2K
Intel Manufacturer BIOS GB85010A.0046.P08
Power Management BIOS
Nokia 447X Display and NVidia Riva TNT2 Controller
W2K Power Management
Suspend Mode Save Power

3013 -
301401 -  ..
301402 - D850GB Intel Main Board BIOS and Drivers, 256 MB RDRAM
301403 - BIOS by Intel for D850GB Main Board
301404 -
301405 - The manufacturer of the BIOS is not listed anywhere.
301406 -
301407 - Invoice shows D850GB Intel main board, ref DRP 1 0055, with Pentium
301408 - 1.4 GHz 400 MHz bus processor. ref DRP 1 PH4H
301410 -  ..
301411 - Invoice shows only 128 MB RAMBUSS PC800 DIMM RDRAM. ref DRP 1 01RR
301412 - The record on 010118 says the Pentium 4 processor includes 128 MB
301413 - RDRAM. ref SDS 27 I28I  The BIOS says we have 256 MB RDRAM, so this
301414 - indicates the additional 128 MB of memory came with the processor,
301415 - although this is not reported in the invoice. ref DRP 1 PH4H
301416 -     ..
301417 -     What is not clear is the product specification for the RAM.
301418 -
301419 -       [On 010423 clarified specification of RAM is NON-ECC, when
301420 -       upgraded system by adding 256 MB. ref SDS 57 I46L
301421 -
301422 -       [On 010426 increased memory to 512 MB. ref SDS 59 PB4O
301424 -      ..
301425 -     Hard drive is 46 GB IBM, as shown in the invoice. ref DRP 1 RU8L
301427 -  ..
301428 - The system BIOS can be opened by pressing F2 at the beginnng of the
301429 - system boot sequence.  It has to be done early.  Good practice is to
301430 - press F2 after power up and hold it until a message appears that
301431 - says....
301432 -
301433 -                      "Entering Setup"
301434 - ..
301435 - The BIOS itself says....
301436 -
301437 -
301438 -                        GB85010A.86A.0046.PO5
301439 -
301441 -  ..
301442 - Information on 010206 says that Intel manufactures the BIOS, not
301443 - Phoenix, nor Award, etc., ref SDS 39 RH6O,
301445 -  ..
301446 - BIOS says system has P4 1.4 GHZ processor 100 MHZ bus.
301447 -
301448 -     Where is this clarified to show 400 MHz bus, shown in the invoice?
301449 -     ref DRP 1 PH4H
301450 -
301451 -     When the BIOS was upgraded on 010206, BIOS reports 400MHz bus.
301453 -  ..
301454 -   [On 010206 upgraded BIOS to version P08 because Intel recommends
301455 -   running the D850DB with at least version P06. ref SDS 37 GP2S
301457 -  ..
301458 - Poor performance by SDS, per below, ref SDS 0 IY4I, may indicate
301459 - update drivers needed for better compatibility between Intel
301460 - performance hardware, and w2k operating system.
301461 -
301462 -     [On 010206 upgraded INF driver, ref SDS 37 RF6I, then updated
301463 -     driver for IDE controller that manages the hard drive. ref SDS 37
301464 -     N95K
301466 -      ..
301467 -     [On 010214 had to use Intel CD to get initial driver setup for
301468 -     D850GB main board, then updated using procedures on 010206.
301469 -     ref SDS 45 IJ3H
301471 -  ..
301472 - Power Management Settings in BIOS and W2K Need Coordination
301473 -
301474 - Power management settings need to be coordinated between the BIOS and
301475 - the operating system.  There is a history that indicates conflicts
301476 - between settings for power management in the BIOS and in the operating
301477 - system (W2K) cause problems.  Therefore, BIOS settings should be off,
301478 - so W2K controls power management.  We avoid Standby and Hibernate
301479 - settings, because these have caused system failures.
301480 -
301481 -    BIOS Power Management was initially set by the OEM to....
301483 -            ..
301484 -           Power Management                     Enabled
301485 -           Inactivity timer                     20 minutes
301486 -           Hard Disk Management                 Enabled
301487 -
301488 -    "Inactivity timer" is described as the amount of time the system is
301489 -    inactive beofre entering standby mode that powers down various
301490 -    devices until you start using the computer again.
301491 -    ..
301492 -    So this is a standby mode setting.
301494 -  ..
301495 - The system crash we later had on 010206 may have been caused because
301496 - late on 010205 I changed settings in W2K....
301497 -
301498 -            Control Panel
301499 -               Power Options
301500 -
301501 -    ...from Never for all options, to parameters that turn the monitor
301502 -    and disk off after 15 and 20 minutes respectively, shown just
301503 -    below.
301505 -     ..
301506 -    The next day on 010206 w2k failed, and had to be re-installed.
301508 -     ..
301509 -    This may have occurred because the BIOS was also configured for
301510 -    power management enabled.
301511 - ..
301512 - Therefore, the BIOS has been changed to disable Power
301513 - Management.
301514 -
301515 -    [On 010206 system failure required installing w2k again.
301516 -    ref SDS 37 0001
301517 -
301518 -    About three weeks later tried same w2k settings for power
301519 -    management that suspend use of the monitor and disk, but avoid
301520 -    standby and hibernation, per below, and with BIOS power management
301521 -    disabled.  This seems to work (reported on 010216. ref SDS 47 MT2R
301522 -
301524 -  ..
301525 - W2K is set to "Suspend" ........
301526 -
301527 -          Turn off monitor         after 15 minutes
301528 -
301529 -          Turn off hard disks      after 20 minutes
301530 -
301531 -          System Standby           never
301533 -       ..
301534 -      [On 010216 c13 failed to return from Suspend after a backup and
301535 -      verify operation; therefore disabled all Power Management on c13
301536 -      in w2k and in BIOS. ref SDS 47 0001
301538 -       ..
301539 -      Per above, after later disablig power management in the BIOS,
301540 -      the w2k suspend modes now seem to work.
301541 -    ..
301542 -    Advanced tab
301543 -
301544 -          Always show icon on the task bar is not selected.
301545 -
301546 -          Prompt for password when computer goes off standby is not
301547 -          selected, because Standby is not enabled.
301549 -     ..
301550 -    Hibernate tab
301551 -
301552 -          Enable hibernate support is not selected.
301553 -
301555 -     ..
301556 -    This is the same setting that is in w2k on c11, and it has worked
301557 -    without any problems since 000310.
301558 -
301559 -
301560 -
301561 -
301562 -
301563 -
3016 -

Product Key T939K MRJXB D32VR MJT6V Y6K8M, 010214
Install I: 00 02
Install Partition Drive C - I
Swap File, Pagefile.sys
Windows Environment
Swap File Location, which drive
Swap File, Pagefile.Sys Size and Location
CPU #13, Windows 2000

3810 -
381101 -  ..
381102 - W2K Installation and Setup
381103 - Windows 2000 Installation and Setup
381104 -
381105 - Windows 2000 Professional was installed by PC Doctor in....
381106 -
381107 -
381108 -                     i: 00 02
381109 -
381111 -          ..
381112 -         Product Key:  MWGG9 C32YF VGKGF 4JPDC HYGT3
381114 -       ..
381115 -      [On 010214 installed different version of w2k, a retail "full"
381116 -      version, so this changed the product key. ref SDS 45 GE7H
381117 -
381118 - ...per telecon with Angela on 010130 that explains there is an
381119 - "Advanced" option during w2k setup for partitioning the drive, setting
381120 - FAT32, and selecting the location for installing w2k. ref SDS 31 PH7L
381121 -
381122 -    [On 010206 system failure required installing w2k again.
381123 -    ref SDS 37 0001
381124 - ..
381125 - Swap file, which is pagefile.sys, is on i.  There is plenty of
381126 - room, but moved it to g:, using instructions on 000326, ref SDS 15
381127 - 0001, because the size on G: is fairly constant, whereas there is a
381128 - lot of activity on I, from installing and removing programs.
381129 -
381130 -     This may reduce chance for activity to impact working files for
381131 -     the operating system or other programs, since no program activity
381132 -     occurs on g:
381133 -
381134 -         [On 010214 changed swap file back to i:... ref SDS 45 T54H
381136 -          ..
381137 -         [On 010426 increased pagefile.sys because added 128 MB RAM.
381138 -         ref SDS 59 6G9G
381140 -      ..
381141 -     On 010205 this work had to be deleted to solve a w2k system crash.
381142 -     Installing with the OEM CD did not permit assigning the directory
381143 -     for w2k.  It can be done by installing with the code on another
381144 -     drive, other than the CD.  However, eventually it was necessary to
381145 -     format the entire the entire drive and use the CD.
381146 -     ..
381147 -     On 010207 installed w2k again on g:, and was able to run
381148 -     setup from g: to designate the location of w2k on i: 00 02.
381149 -
381150 -
381151 -
381152 -
381153 -
3812 -

C13 W2K Downloaded Service Pack 1
Automatic Upgrade Procedure
Automatic Upgrade Download from Microsoft
W2K Update Downloaded Service Pack 1

4206 -
420701 -  ..
420702 - W2K Upgraded with Service Pack 1 Downloaded from Microsoft
420703 -
420704 - After w2k was installed, and DSL connection was set up, ran the
420705 - automatic update that is at the top of Start Programs menu, and can
420706 - also be called by....
420707 -
420709 -                   ..
420710 -                  I:\00\02\system32 wupdmgr.exe
420711 -
420713 -  ..
420714 - Hoped this might make w2k more compatible with Intel's new equipment
420715 - in c13, a p4 1.4 GHz processor, the D850GB 400 MHz bus, and the IBM
420716 - 7200 RPM Ultra ATA 100 hard drive.  This did not solve the poor
420717 - performance problem running SDS reports.
420718 -
420719 -
420720 -
4208 -

Disconnect Automatic System Sounds
Explorer Has Sound to Disconnect for Moving between Directories
Drivers Creative Soundblaster CD Stored on g: 00 SB16
C13 Creative Soundblaster CD
Sounds Disconnect Automatic System Sounds
Explorer Directory Management
Sound Disconnect Automatic System Alerts

5010 -
501101 -  ..
501102 - Sounds - Creative Soundblaster
501103 -
501104 - Drivers for sound are on a CD
501105 -
501106 -                  Sound Blaster PCI 16
501107 -                  Creative
501109 -  ..
501110 - Can get updates from...
501111 -
501112 -        
501114 -  ..
501115 - Stored these on....
501116 -
501117 -
501118 -                       g: 00 SB16
501120 -  ..
501121 - Drivers can be installed again by pointing to the directory on g:
501123 -  ..
501124 - Turned off most of the beeps because they are bothersome.
501126 -  ..
501127 - Select....
501128 -
501129 -        System Management
501130 -           Control Panel
501131 -              Sounds
501132 -
501133 -     The procedure is to select a feature in the top box, that is
501134 -     organized generally by program, with Windows at the top.
501136 -      ..
501137 -     Click to select an entry where there is horn symbol, similar to
501138 -     the horn in the lower right corner of the task bar on the
501139 -     desktop.
501140 -     ..
501141 -     This click highlights the entry,
501143 -      ..
501144 -     Then scroll the list in the box below, to the top of the list,
501145 -     which has "None." and click on it.  This removes the Horn symbol
501146 -     from the selected in the box above.
501148 -      ..
501149 -     It is impossible to know for sure what each thing does, because
501150 -     there is no explanation.  Experimenting work pretty well for
501151 -     this.
501153 -      ..
501154 -     Default Beep
501155 -
501156 -        I removed this sound assignment.
501157 -
501158 -        Later discovered this seems to control the beep for SDS, which
501159 -        we need.  Could not restore it, however, because after removing
501160 -        the sound assignment, the catagory seems to have been removed,
501161 -        and there is no evident procedure for restoring it.
501163 -  ..
501164 - Windows Explorer
501165 -
501166 -     System Navigation
501167 -
501168 -         This is a main item to unplug sound, because it makes noise
501169 -         everytime a directory is changed going forward or backward.
501170 -         This is done a lot, so it is helpful not to have a noice occur
501171 -         each time.
501172 -
501173 -
501174 -
501175 -
5012 -

Cookies Security Privacy Internet Explorer, IE
Cookies Netscape

5304 -
530501 -  ..
530502 - Security, Privacy Cookies Off
530503 -
530504 - Internet Explorer
530505 -
530506 -     Cookies are turned off as follows.....
530507 -
530508 -     Right click on IE to open menu and select properties.
530510 -      ..
530511 -     Security Tab
530512 -
530513 -        Internet (World Globe icon today) - single click to highlight
530514 -
530515 -            Custom Level, click on button at bottom of menu to open
530516 -            options.
530517 -            ..
530518 -            About 33% down the scroll bar is cookies.  Turn it
530519 -            off.
530520 -
530522 -  ..
530523 - Netscape
530524 -
530525 -     Cookies are turn off as follows...
530526 -
530527 -     Open Netscape Communicator and click
530528 -
530529 -     Edit option on top menu bar, single click to open menu.
530530 -
530531 -        Preferences, at bottom of Edit menu
530532 -
530533 -           Catagory in left margin, double click on....
530534 -              ..
530535 -              Advanced at bottom of list
530536 -
530537 -                 Cookies are shown to the right, select disable.
530538 -
530539 -                 Click OK at bottom to save changes.
530540 -
530541 -
530542 -
530543 -
530544 -
530545 -
5306 -

CD ROM Drive
AutoRun Disconnect for CD ROM
CD ROM Autorun Disable/Enable

5605 -
560601 -  ..
560602 - CD ROM Turn Off Automatic Execute
560603 -
560604 - On 990825 received information on the web about this. ref SDS 10 9GK7
560605 -
560606 - The default condition for the CD is that if someone puts some kind of
560607 - file on a CD and the CD is install in the drive, then the thing takes
560608 - off.
560610 -  ..
560611 - Can hold shift key when a CD is installed to prevent execution.
560612 -
560613 -       [On 010205 got instructions on how to avoid this nusiance, so
560614 -       nothing executes unless requested by the user. ref SDS 36 H3EY
560615 -
560616 -
560617 -
560618 -
5607 -

Media Player
Windows Media Player
Media Player Mplayer.exe

6105 -
610601 -  ..
610602 - Media Player for Movies
610603 -
610604 - W2K has a program to play movies in the directory...
610605 -
610606 -
610607 -             I:\Program Files\Windows Media Player
610608 -
610610 -  ..
610611 - The program is.....
610612 -
610613 -
610614 -                       mplayer.exe
610615 -
610617 -  ..
610618 - When w2k was upgraded, a new program was installed....
610619 -
610620 -
610621 -                       wmplayer.exe
610622 -
610624 -  ..
610625 - This, second program is assigned for all mpg, mpeg, avi, etc.
610627 -  ..
610628 - However, it does not work as well, as the prior version.  For one
610629 - thing, the mouse is lost when moving across the viewing area, which is
610630 - disorienting.  The mouse can be used to stop and start the video in
610631 - mplayer, but not in wmplayer.exe.  The new program has less viewing
610632 - area, because a lot of buttons are provided that are not used often
610633 - enough to justify direct access on a panel, rather than in the menus.
610634 - Finally, the earlier program provided a simple means to save a file by
610635 - right clicking that open a menu to designate a directory.  The new
610636 - program requires using the File and save as menu, and is actually more
610637 - complicated than that, too much so to write it up.
610639 -  ..
610640 - Therefore, changed the association by using the feature of opening a
610641 - file using a right click which holding the shift key pressed, to use
610642 - the menu that makes program associations for file extentions, and set
610643 - mpeg and mpg files to use mplayer.exe.
610644 -
610645 -
610646 -
6107 -

Windows Media Player
CD Player Music
Cdplayer.exe Plays Music Files with CDS Extension
Windows Media Player Wmplayer.exe for Movies and Music

6506 -
650701 -  ..
650702 - Cdplayer Set for Music
650703 -
650704 - When w2k was upgraded, and installed the new media player program....
650705 -
650706 -
650707 -       I:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe
650708 -
650710 -  ..
650711 - It changed system associations for playing CDs that have a .cda
650712 - extension, to use the new program.  However, it does not seem to work
650713 - as well as the prior program....
650714 -
650715 -
650716 -        I: 00 02 system32 cdplayer.exe
650717 -
650718 - ..
650719 - Made a similar change, setting cdplayer.exe the default program
650720 - for .cda files, using the open with feature.
650721 -
650722 -
650723 -
650724 -
650725 -
650726 -
650727 -
6508 -

Administrator - Rod Welch
Administrator Not Configured

7004 -
700501 -  ..
700502 - Administrator Configuration
700503 -
700504 - Looks like PC Doctor did not identify Rod Welch as a User separate
700505 - from Administrator.
700506 -
700507 - The desktop for Administrtor turns out to have all of the
700508 - configuration prepared under the log in name of Rod Welch, and there
700509 - is no seperate configuration and log in for Adminstrator.
700511 -  ..
700512 - Was able to add an administrator by following instructions on 000508
700513 - for adding Administrator to the Program list. ref SDS 19 4934
700515 -  ..
700516 - Selected Administration from Program Menu, and selected "Computer
700517 - Management" from the sub-menu.
700518 - ..
700519 - This opens Computer Management.
700520 -
700521 -     Locual Users and Groups is about half-way down.
700522 -
700523 -     Clicked the + and this listed...
700524 -
700525 -         Users
700526 -
700527 -             Can Right click on Users to open a screen to add another
700528 -             User.  Just need name and password.
700530 -              ..
700531 -             Set Password options to "Never changes"
700533 -              ..
700534 -             Click on "Create" at bottom.  There is a pause, then a new
700535 -             blank template is presented, showing the new User has
700536 -             been defined.  Click Close to return to prior level.
700537 -         ..
700538 -         Groups
700539 -
700540 -             Did not configure a group.
700542 -      ..
700543 -     Selecting Users lists only.....
700544 -
700545 -         Guest
700546 -         Rod Welch     Built-in account for administrator
700548 -  ..
700549 - After defining a new user, per Users above, the new name will be
700550 - listed.  Click to select any name, and right click to get a menu and
700551 - select Properties.
700552 -
700553 -     In properties for a User, the name and description is displayed.
700554 -     Click on the "Member Of" tab at the top of the screen, and then
700555 -     click on the "Add" button at the bottom of the dialog box.
700556 -     ..
700557 -     This displays a list of different User priveleges.  I
700558 -     selected Administration, Power User, and Users for Rod Welch.
700559 -     Probably only needed Administrators, since that lets me run
700560 -     Administration from my own environment.
700561 -
700563 -  ..
700564 - Renamed Rod Welch to Administrator, so it is in sync with the desktop
700565 - configuration files on....
700566 -
700567 -
700568 -      I:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
700569 -
700571 -  ..
700572 - Tried to copy this stuff to a new User for Rod Welch, but as usual
700573 - that failed.  Have to set up Rod seperately later.
700574 -     ..
700575 -     A few days later, had to remove w2k and install it again.
700577 -      ..
700578 -     During installation, there is an option to identify an
700579 -     Administrator, and give a password.  This was selected, rather
700580 -     than enter the User's name and password, which PC Doctor did for
700581 -     the initial installation.
700583 -      ..
700584 -     When installation completes the first desktop that is configured
700585 -     is for the Administrator.
700587 -      ..
700588 -     To set up another User with Administrator priveleges, first put
700589 -     Administrator Tools in the Start Program menu, and in the Control
700590 -     Panel, by right clicking on the Task bar at the bottom of the
700591 -     screen, then select Properties, and then the Advanced tab for the
700592 -     Start menu.
700593 -     ..
700594 -     At the bottom of the Start properties, is a list under the
700595 -     heading of "Start Menu Settings."  Select the first option at the
700596 -     top of the list "Display Administrative Tools."
700598 -      ..
700599 -     Click OK to close Start menu properties.
700601 -      ..
700602 -     Now Administrative Tools will display in the Start Programs, so
700603 -     the above instructions for setting up a User can be applied.
700604 -
700605 -
700606 -
7007 -

Programs Stored on G: for online Installation
Product Key C13
Installation CD on G Drive 00 W98

7405 -
740601 -  ..
740602 - Software Programs Stored on G: for Online Installation
740603 -
740604 - Put the following installation program code on c13....
740605 -
740606 -      Windows 2000
740607 -
740608 -                       g: 00 w2k
740609 -
740610 -         This is the code form Windows 2000 Professional from the OEM
740611 -         CD that came with c13
740613 -          ..
740614 -         Product Key:  MWGG9 C32YF VGKGF 4JPDC HYGT3
740615 -
740616 -           [On 010214 changed the program version so the product key is
740617 -           different. ref SDS 45 C16J
740618 -
740619 -           [On 020416 got new product key for this thing from
740620 -           Microsoft. ref SDS 64 Y16W
740621 -
740623 -       ..
740624 -      Intel CD
740625 -
740626 -                       g: 00 D850GB
740627 -
740628 -         This has system board set up...
740629 -
740630 -            Intel Active Monitor
740631 -            Norton Interent Security 2000
740632 -            Encryption Plus for Secure Export
740633 -            Software Drivers for D850GB
740634 -
740635 -               Evidently only one driver is needed, and that was later
740636 -               replaced on 010206 by downloading an updated inf driver,
740637 -               ref SDS 37 RF6I, which is now stored on...
740638 -
740639 -                             G:\00\D850GB\INF
740640 -
740642 -  ..
740643 -
740644 -            D850GB board product guide Warranty for D850GB
740645 -
740646 -               PC Doctor warranty is explained in the procurement
740647 -               record, and it also has information from the box for the
740648 -               D850GB. ref SDS 32 FU6N
740650 -          ..
740651 -         There is nothing on the computer that has anything about the
740652 -         D850GB.
740653 -
740655 -  ..
740656 -
740657 -      HP ScanJet Software
740658 -
740659 -                       g: 00 hpscn
740660 -
740661 -         This is for the HP scanner, which not connected, because w2K
740662 -         does not support it.
740663 -
740665 -  ..
740666 -
740667 -      JazzJet SCSI Drivers
740668 -
740669 -                       g: 00 JJSCSI
740670 -
740671 -         This is the floppy disk that came with c11 and is needed to
740672 -         install the scsi card to run the tape drive, per the record
740673 -         on 000310.
740675 -          ..
740676 -         Actually, the record on 000302 says w2k used its own drivers
740677 -         to run the 8805 Exabyte tape drive. ref SDS 13 UT3K
740679 -          ..
740680 -         Today it appeared that w2k recognized and applied the scsi
740681 -         card without special setup calling for using these software
740682 -         drivers.  So, we may not need them.
740683 -         ..
740684 -         On 00011 downloaded special drivers for Exabyte Mammoth
740685 -         LT tape drive, and put them in...
740686 -
740687 -                       h: 00 42
740688 -
740690 -  ..
740691 -      ..
740692 -      Microsoft Office 2000     g: 00 MSO
740693 -      
740694 -      Microsoft Project         g: 00 MSProject
740695 -
740696 -      Viso                      g: 00 Visio
740698 -  ..
740699 -
740700 -      Modem US Robotics         g: modemusr
740701 -
740702 -          This one was downloaded using instructions from Raul at PC
740703 -          Doctor, the system OEM.  It did not work, until the next
740704 -          day, when Raul issued reviesed instructions.
740705 -
740706 -             [On 010208 report this did not work. ref SDS 41 AX6N
740708 -              ..
740709 -             [On 010209 Raul submitted correted information that
740710 -             succeeded in configuring the modem. ref SDS 42 0001
740711 -  ..
740712 -
740713 -      Sound Blaster             g: 00 SB16
740714 -          ..
740715 -          Creative Lab Sound Blaseter PCI 16 drivers.
740716 -
740717 -          Installed by PC Doctor.
740718 -
740719 -              I:\Program Files\Creative
740721 -  ..
740722 -
740723 -      Media Player
740724 -      Cdplayer
740725 -
740726 -          [On 010214 put w2k versions of these programs on g.
740727 -          ref SDS 45 4DG2 and ref SDS 45 G8E2
740728 -
740729 -
740730 -
740731 -
740732 -
740733 -
7408 -

Video System
Not Recognized by W2K to Configure
Nokia Monitor and NVidia Riva TNT2 Controller
Driver Nokia 447X
Driver 447X From Viewsonic
Video MGA IMP +/P REV 201, SN AA62555C
Driver NVidia Riva TNT2

8110 -
811101 -  ..
811102 - Video Display Configuration
811103 -
811104 - Follow up
811105 -
811106 - For some reason we are starting out in VGA mode on c13.
811107 -
811108 - The display adapter is shown as NVdia Riva TNT2, in the display
811109 - properties under Settings, Advanced, Adapter.  The invoice says it is
811110 - manufactured by Diamond Viper 770 Riva TNT2 4x AGP 32M. ref DRP 1 0132
811112 -  ..
811113 - Initially was connected to the Impression 7 previously in Concord and
811114 - used for the c10 system.
811116 -  ..
811117 - Just had to change....
811118 -            ..
811119 -            Desktop  --  right click anywhere to open menu.
811120 -             Properties
811121 -              Settings
811122 -               Advanced
811123 -                 Adapter
811124 -
811125 -                   List of valid modes
811126 -
811127 -                      This option at the bottom of the Adapter tab,
811128 -                      let's the user select the display pixels and
811129 -                      refresh rate.  If Windows recognizes the
811130 -                      monitor, it will select a default.
811131 -
811133 -  ..
811134 - When the Nokia monitor was connected to c13, w2k did not recognize the
811135 - monitor.   The prior settings were ignored, and w2k reverted to a
811136 - default vga mode.
811137 -     ..
811138 -     Need to know the Hz spec for the Nokia monitor, which is
811139 -     shown in the record on 941207. ref SDS 1 5643
811141 -      ..
811142 -     We can run 1025 x 768 at 95 Hz.
811143 -
811144 -        W2K or the adapter we have does not have a mode for 1024x768
811145 -        with 32 bit color and 95 Hz.  So, selected 1024x768 with 32
811146 -        bit color and 85 Hz.
811147 -
811148 -        1024 x 768 gives a good appearance for SDS where the font is
811149 -        set to 10x18.  Other video settings for example 800x600 do not
811150 -        have a font configuration that makes SDS appear as well and
811151 -        easy on the eyes, as 1024 x 768.
811152 -
811154 -  ..
811155 - Nokia 447X Drivers Downloaded; W2k Installed Its Own Driver
811156 -
811157 - Since we have a monitor from 1995, w2k should have drivers for it.
811158 - However, we are having a problem with SDS reports, which previously
811159 - was corrected by updating a display driver, ref SDS 0 QL5K, so went
811160 - ahead and looked for a specific driver on the Internet.
811162 -  ..
811163 - Opened Nokia Internet resources to obtain current driver for 447X
811164 - display.  Nokia reported having sold their display business to
811165 - Viewsonic.
811166 -
811167 -
811168 -
811169 -
811170 - ..
811171 - Opened Viewsonic Internet records....
811172 -
811173 -
811174 -
811175 -
811176 -    Opened Download Drivers and found file for Nokia.
811177 -
811178 -
811180 -       ..
811181 -      It is pretty difficult to open this link, because Viewsonic
811182 -      Quick Link section is too compact.  Went to other sites several
811183 -      times before being able to position pointer in exactly the right
811184 -      location for opening this thing...
811186 -     ..
811187 -    Downloaded following file and stored it on....
811188 -
811189 -
811190 -               g: 00 nokia nokiainf.exe
811191 -
811192 -    ..
811193 -    Executing this file showed information was extracted and
811194 -    moved about, but there were no instructions indicating where
811195 -    anything was stored, nor how to use any of the resources extracted.
811197 -     ..
811198 -    Investigation, showed Nokia driver files were stored in....
811199 -
811200 -       i: documents and settings\Rod Welch\recent\nokiainf.exe
811201 -
811202 -       i: 00 02 system32 spool drivers color nokia1.icm
811203 -       i: 00 02 inf mdmnokia.inf
811204 -       i: 00 02 inf mdmnokia.PNF
811206 -  ..
811207 - Open display properties
811208 -
811209 -    Settings Advanced
811210 -        Monitor
811211 -          Properties
811212 -            Driver
811213 -              Update Driver
811215 -          ..
811216 -         Search..................... for "inf" hardware
811217 -           Specify location
811218 -             Browse
811219 -  ..
811220 -     Selected....
811221 -
811222 -           i: 00 02 inf
811223 -     ..
811224 -     Clicked OK.
811225 -     ..
811226 -     Install program reports finding driver for Nokia 447X....
811227 -
811228 -           i: 00 02 inf monitor.inf
811229 -  ..
811230 -     Also, reported other drivers are available for selecting best
811231 -     choice.
811232 -
811233 -     What seems to have occurred is that w2k identified the Nokia 447X
811234 -     and determined w2k display drivers are better than any of the
811235 -     drivers downloaded from the manufacturer, now Viewsonic.
811236 -
811237 -
811238 -
811239 -
811240 -
811241 -
811242 -
811243 -
811244 -
8113 -

Desktop Setup
Desktop Font Size Layout

8404 -
840501 -  ..
840502 - Desktop Setup So Characters are Larger and Easier to Read
840503 -
840504 - After setting the video to 1024x768, per above, ref SDS 0 GR5W, the
840505 - task bar and system messages are a bit small.
840506 -
840507 - This adjusted by configuring the desktop.
840509 -  ..
840510 - Right click on empty space on the screen to open a desktop menu.
840511 - Select Properties to get a configuration menu.
840513 -  ..
840514 - Select....
840515 -
840516 -    Appearance
840517 -        ..
840518 -        Scheme
840519 -
840520 -           Windows Classic Large or Windows Standard Large are both
840521 -           okay.  They make the task bar a little bitter.
840522 -
840524 -         ..
840525 -        Item
840526 -
840527 -           Desktop
840528 -
840529 -               Set color from palette at right of menu.
840530 -
840531 -           Menu
840532 -
840533 -               Set characters to 10 rather than 8
840534 -
840535 -
840536 -
840537 -
840538 -
8406 -

Folder Options
Views Tab Sets Fields for Name, Type Attribute, etc
Directory Folder Options
File List Options - View Menu

8806 -
880701 -  ..
880702 - System Management Folder Options and File List Format
880703 - Folder Options, File List Format in System Management
880704 -
880705 - Configure System Management to facilitate understanding, accessing and
880706 - managing directories and files.
880707 -
880708 - Once the format is set up for one folder, it can be applied to all
880709 - folders using View tab in Folder Options of Tool menu, per below.
880710 - ref SDS 0 6G3I
880712 -  ..
880713 - The first thing we want is to list directories and files rather than
880714 - display pictures, called icons, which is the w2k default.
880716 -  ..
880717 - Click on System Management -- this is C13 icon in top left corner.
880718 -     ..
880719 -     View - select from main menu bar at top of screen
880720 -
880721 -        Status Bar
880722 -
880723 -           Deselect, it takes up space and does not contribute new
880724 -           information.
880725 -
880726 -        Details
880727 -
880728 -           This option displays directory folders and files in a
880729 -           vertical list, and displays the name of the fields across
880730 -           the top of the list.
880732 -            ..
880733 -           Once Details is selected, then the names of fields can be
880734 -           selected.
880735 -              ..
880736 -           Attributes and other fields can be displayed
880737 -
880738 -              To display attributes and other fields, first double
880739 -              click on a particular drive to display its folders and
880740 -              files, e.g., sroll forward to the c: drive.
880741 -
880742 -              Right click on the field name display line.  This opens a
880743 -              menu that lists a few of the field options that can be
880744 -              displayed, e.g., Attributes.
880746 -               ..
880747 -              More is an option that opens a large menu listing all
880748 -              options.
880749 -
880750 -              "Type" is A common field displayed by w2k.  This takes up
880751 -              a lot of space and is not very useful.  It can be removed
880752 -              by opening the full menu for field names, and deselecting
880753 -              Type.
880754 -              ..
880755 -           Date
880756 -
880757 -              Cannot find a method for setting the format of the date
880758 -              and time displayed, would like it to be text, so
880759 -              everything is lined up.
880761 -         ..
880762 -        Toolbars
880763 -
880764 -           Standard Buttons
880765 -
880766 -              This option provides convenient choices to go forward and
880767 -              backward in a directory structure.
880769 -               ..
880770 -              Folders
880771 -                 ..
880772 -                 Opens a side panel with a mostly redundant list
880773 -                 of directory folders.
880775 -                  ..
880776 -                 Clicking it again, removes the list.
880778 -               ..
880779 -              History
880780 -
880781 -                 Opens a side panel with a list of directory folders and
880782 -                 files opened recently.
880783 -
880784 -                 Clicking it again, removes the list.
880785 -
880786 -
880788 -  ..
880789 - Click on System Management -- this is C13 icon in top left corner.
880790 -     ..
880791 -     Tools - select from main menu
880792 -
880793 -        Folder Options
880794 -
880795 -           General
880796 -
880797 -              Active Desktop
880798 -
880799 -                 Windows Classic
880801 -               ..
880802 -              Web View
880803 -
880804 -                 Windows Classif Folders
880806 -               ..
880807 -              Browse Folders
880808 -                 ..
880809 -                 Open each folder in the same window
880811 -               ..
880812 -              Click items as follows
880813 -
880814 -                 Double click to open an item, single click to
880815 -                 select.
880817 -            ..
880818 -           View Tab
880819 -
880820 -              Display full path in address bar
880821 -              Display full path in title bar
880822 -              Show hidden files and folders
880823 -              Remember each folders view settings
880824 -              Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items
880825 -
880826 -
880827 -
880828 -
880829 -
8809 -

Folders Make Them All the Same
Make All Folders the Same

9104 -
910501 -               ..
910502 -              Make All Folders the Same
910503 -
910504 -              Like Current Folder -- at top of all choices in View tab
910505 -
910506 -                  This choice under the View tab of Folder Options in
910507 -                  the Tool menu, per above, makes everything the same.
910508 -
910509 -
910510 -
910511 -
9106 -

Start Program Listing
Start Menu Program List

9304 -
930501 -  ..
930502 - Start Menu Windows 2000 Program Listing
930503 -
930504 - There is some background in the record for c8 in the record on 960507.
930505 - ref SDS 3 QL6F
930506 -
930507 - Right click on task bar to open properties for Start Menu.
930509 -  ..
930510 - Click Advanced tab to open a menu, and click on Adanced to open a
930511 - list of programs listed on Start menu.
930513 -  ..
930514 - This opens a standard directory listing that should show all of the
930515 - programs in the Start Program menu.  Sometimes it doesn't show
930516 - everything.
930517 - ..
930518 - This can be added by dragging with the right mouse button an
930519 - icon form the desktop to the program window.
930521 -  ..
930522 - Alphabetize and otherwise position listings in the Program menu under
930523 - the Start tab as follows...
930524 -
930525 -        Click Start
930526 -
930527 -                 Program
930528 -
930530 -         ..
930531 -        This opens the list of stuff w2k created during installation,
930532 -        and as new programs are installed.
930534 -         ..
930535 -        Position of programs listed can be changed by grabbing the
930536 -        listing with the left button and dragging vertically to a new
930537 -        position.
930538 -
930539 -
930540 -
930541 -
930542 -
9306 -

Network, W00, EtherPCI

9403 -
940401 -  ..
940402 - Networking
940403 -
940404 - Follow up ref SDS 32 5Z9M.
940405 -
940406 - Connected c10 to c11 and c13, but neither of the w2k systems
940407 - recognized c10.  However, c10 saw both c11 and c12.
940409 -  ..
940410 - On 000518 set up network between c11 and c12. ref SDS 21 4852  The
940411 - record says c12 recognized c11 because c11 was connected to c12 when
940412 - w2k was first installed.  There seems to have been no configuration
940413 - necessary.
940415 -  ..
940416 - Tried shutting c11 down to see if it would recognize 10 on boot up.
940417 - ..
940418 - This did not work, but for some reason 10 is recognizing both
940419 - c12 and c11, so was able to transfer Millie's account.
940421 -  ..
940422 - Got c13 to recognize c11 by changing the cpu name and workgroup name
940423 - on c13 as follows....
940424 -
940425 -        Right click on system management and select
940426 -
940427 -           Properties
940428 -            Network Identification
940429 -              Properties
940431 -                 ..
940432 -                Computer name:  set to c13
940434 -                 ..
940435 -                Member of
940437 -                    ..
940438 -                   Select "Workgroup"
940440 -                    ..
940441 -                   Set Workgroup or Computer Domain name to
940442 -
940443 -                                 RW
940445 -  ..
940446 - This resulted in c13 seeing c11 and c11 seeing c13.
940448 -  ..
940449 - Was then able to transfer program and work files from c11 to c13 so
940450 - that c13 can become the new main system, per planning. ref SDS 0 4SKV
940451 -
940452 -
940453 -
940454 -
940455 -
940456 -
9405 -

Path Set in Registry for DOS
SDS and Medit
Performance Slower for SDS Reports than C11
Config.nt in 00 02 System32, 010202
Autoexec.nt in 00 02 System32, 010202
Performance Slower on Faster Machine
Mouse for SDS - Medit Control
Memory Load DOSX High 634K or 599K

AA10 -
AA1101 -  ..
AA1102 - SDS, Medit DOS, Setup with Path
AA1103 -
AA1104 - Follow up ref SDS 21 2495, ref SDS 14 5972,
AA1105 -
AA1106 - Used the network to transfer SDS files on c, d, e, g and h on c11, to
AA1107 - c13.
AA1109 -  ..
AA1110 - Used procedures in the record on 000310 for configuring SDS and Medit
AA1111 - to run under w2k, ref SDS 14 5972.  Did not need modified batch files,
AA1112 - which were required for c12 on 000518, ref SDS 21 2495, because the PC
AA1113 - Doctor company installed w2k in i: 00 02, per above. ref SDS 0 GE7H
AA1115 -  ..
AA1116 - Mouse enabled by setting DOS properties options for QuickEdit and
AA1117 - Insert to OFF, using procedures reported on 000310. ref SDS 14 MM7I
AA1119 -  ..
AA1120 - Set DOS path in Environment Variables, also, reported on 000310.
AA1121 - ref SDS 14 0215
AA1122 -
AA1123 -    Environment Variables actually preclude the need for special batch
AA1124 -    files to launch SDS and Medit for different computers, developed on
AA1125 -    000508, and on 000518. ref SDS 21 2495
AA1127 -     ..
AA1128 -    As a result I eliminated the special batch files, and modified c12
AA1129 -    to apply the Environment variables feature.
AA1131 -  ..
AA1132 - Problems Running SDS on New Faster Computer
AA1133 -
AA1134 -  1.  Control fields are not being sorted
AA1135 -
AA1136 -         A few days later, I tested this in debug by stepping through
AA1137 -         the code with both c13 and c12 running the operation, to see
AA1138 -         if any steps are being missed.
AA1140 -          ..
AA1141 -         When debug was removed, and the editor was compiled again,
AA1142 -         now the code on c13 is sorting control fields.
AA1144 -          ..
AA1145 -         Possibly the updated drivers from Intel on 010206 fixed the
AA1146 -         problem, per above. ref SDS 0 UZ5G
AA1147 -      ..
AA1148 -  2.  Reports that use Supersort to select records are much
AA1149 -      slower on c13 PV system, than on c11 and c12 PIII systems.
AA1151 -       ..
AA1152 -      The specific problem is record selection on the global pointer
AA1153 -      file that is 10 MB.  The new computer, c13, takes 13 seconds,
AA1154 -      while the slower computers take only 1 second.
AA1155 -
AA1156 -          [On 010205 worked on this problem. ref SDS 36 0001
AA1158 -       ..
AA1159 -      Results of work on 010205 showed Supersort is the problem, and
AA1160 -      there is a history of similar issues. ref SDS 36 VW7H  Tried
AA1161 -      changing code to sort archived pointers.  Improved performance 3
AA1162 -      fold on the slower 650MHz notebook computer from 3 seconds to 1
AA1163 -      second, but did not improve results for faster 1.4GHz system.
AA1164 -      ref SDS 36 EZ4H
AA1166 -       ..
AA1167 -      Buffers=99 in config.nt, ref OF 2 1N8J, has been tried, for
AA1168 -      example on 970729, to improve performance of 25.bat operation
AA1169 -      that builds global pointers. ref SDS 4 CP4L  However, this makes
AA1170 -      no noticable improvement.  For one thing, the configuration
AA1171 -      program for DOS apps under the Program tab, has a buffers field,
AA1172 -      which may take effect regardless of what is put in config.nt.
AA1173 -      There is, also, an option to set size of buffers and the number
AA1174 -      of buffers, but there is no explanation for setting these
AA1175 -      factors. Changing them randomly had no noticle effect.
AA1177 -       ..
AA1178 -      On 970904 problem with 25.bat building global pointers was caused
AA1179 -      by a video driver conflict. ref SDS 5 B4ER
AA1180 -
AA1181 -          Drivers for Nokia 447X display were updated today, per above,
AA1182 -          ref SDS 0 SW5F, and this did not solve problem.
AA1184 -       ..
AA1185 -      On 010210 contacted Supersort vendor, who feels he may have a
AA1186 -      solution.  On 010212 vendor proposed solution that did not solve
AA1187 -      problem. ref SDS 43 0001  Next day on 010213 tried configuring
AA1188 -      with prior DOS program, instead of cmd.exe, and using
AA1189 -      prior configurations for autoexec.bat and config.sys that use
AA1190 -      smartdrv.exe for diskcaching.  This did not solve problem, and
AA1191 - did not seem to support mouse and alternate fonts to
AA1192 -      control size of DOS environment. ref SDS 44 PX7L
AA1193 -
AA1194 -          [On 010207 notified Microsoft for solution. ref SDS 40 4F8J
AA1196 -           ..
AA1197 -          [On 010213 contacted Supersort vendor. ref SDS 44 0001
AA1199 -           ..
AA1200 -          [On 010214 installing full "retail" version did not solve
AA1201 -          problem. ref SDS 45 QL5K
AA1203 -           ..
AA1204 -          [On 010216 contacted Opt Tech Sort (ots) about replacing
AA1205 -          Supersort. ref SDS 46 0001
AA1207 -           ..
AA1208 -          [On 010220 Microsoft called back, will investigate further.
AA1209 -          ref SDS 49 IY4I
AA1211 -           ..
AA1212 -          [On 010222 ordered Opt Tech Sort (ots) to see if can replace
AA1213 -          Supersort. ref SDS 50 0001
AA1215 -           ..
AA1216 -          [On 010301 experimenting shows ots appears to solve problem.
AA1217 -          ref SDS 52 SX6N
AA1219 -           ..
AA1220 -          [On 010313 Microsoft notified of solution. ref SDS 54 0001
AA1221 -
AA1222 -          [On 041118 upgrade computer from P4 1.4 GHz running w2k, to
AA1223 -          3.2 GHz and Windows XP causes another performance failure
AA1224 -          requiring changes to SDS. ref SDS 67 RV4I
AA1226 -       ..
AA1227 -  3.  After re-installing w2k to fix system failure on 010205 caused by
AA1228 -      attempts to solve problem #2, above, there was only 599K RAM
AA1229 -      instead of 634K, because dosx.exe would not load high, as it did
AA1230 -      previously when this machine was received from the OEM, and does
AA1231 -      on two other w2k systems.  Numerous installations of w2k using
AA1232 -      different ways and source code failed to produce the original
AA1233 -      configuration that loaded dosx.exe into upper memory, so that SDS
AA1234 -      has 634K of RAM.  MEM command listings illustrate the scope of
AA1235 -      the problem in the record on 010214. ref SDS 45 529F  We seem to
AA1236 -      have a situation where MEM does not work the same on this new
AA1237 -      computer, c13, as on c11 and c12 running under w2k, as reported
AA1238 -      on 000310. ref SDS 14 WX6M
AA1239 -
AA1240 -         [On 010206 discovered dosx.exe problem. ref SDS 37 Y2WK
AA1242 -          ..
AA1243 -         [On 010207 reported problem to Microsoft. ref SDS 40 YX7N
AA1245 -          ..
AA1246 -         [On 010209 Microsoft plans to solve problem to customer's
AA1247 -         satisfaction. ref SDS 42 1800
AA1249 -          ..
AA1250 -         [On 010220 Joe has idea to solve problem. ref SDS 49 OM4K
AA1252 -          ..
AA1253 -         [On 010901 added mem command to SDS.bat for c11 and c12.
AA1254 -         ref SDS 61 YB3J
AA1255 -
AA1256 -
AA1258 -       ..
AA1259 -      Autoexec.nt Disconnect Dosx.exe and Redir.exe to Increase Memory
AA1260 -
AA1261 -      Temporary solution in this case where dosx.exe and redir.exe fail
AA1262 -      to load high, per above, ref SDS 0 KN6F, is to not load dosx.exe
AA1263 -      in autoexec.nt; gives 634K of RAM. ref OF 1 4W3L
AA1265 -       ..
AA1266 -      This is inconvenient because many programs use dosx.exe for
AA1267 -      installing themselves. Therefore, we have to make dosx.exe active
AA1268 -      in autoexec.nt during installation, then remember to disconnect
AA1269 -      it, so that SDS is optimized.
AA1270 -
AA1271 -         [On 010227 Microsoft can't solve problem, suggests temporarily
AA1272 -         not loading DOSX. ref SDS 51 EO7H
AA1274 -       ..
AA1275 -      Other than not loading redir and dosx.exe, the only variable that
AA1276 -      seems to affect RAM is changing files open in config.nt.
AA1277 -      Changing files=50 to files=13 yields about 2K. ref OF 2 1N8J
AA1279 -       ..
AA1280 -      The question for Microsoft is how to make other changes that
AA1281 -      increase RAM?
AA1282 -
AA1283 -         [On 010310 Microsoft working on solution. ref SDS 53 00GP
AA1284 -
AA1285 -         [On 010313 inquire about progress solution? ref SDS 54 5E5M
AA1287 -          ..
AA1288 -         [On 010315 Microsoft fails to respond. ref SDS 55 0001
AA1290 -          ..
AA1291 -         [On 010423 request from another user for solution to DOSX
AA1292 -         problem. ref SDS 58 0001
AA1294 -          ..
AA1295 -         [On 010612 call Microsoft for solution; respond to user.
AA1296 -         ref SDS 60 0001
AA1297 -
AA1298 -
AA1299 -
AA1300 -
AA1301 -
AA1302 -
AA14 -

Office 97, MS
Install Office 2000 under W2000 on CPU #12, 000518
C12 Office 2000 Update

AD05 -
AD0601 -  ..
AD0602 - MS Office Installation on C12
AD0603 -
AD0604 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0785
AD0605 -
AD0606 - Used instructions on 000518 for the work configuring c12. ref SDS 21
AD0607 - 0785
AD0609 -  ..
AD0610 - Since we do not yet have the DSL connection hooked up, cannot do the
AD0611 - update for MS Office, per the record on 000518. ref SDS 21 0785
AD0612 -
AD0613 -     After DSL configuration was completed, per below, ref SDS 0 LI9N,
AD0614 -     logged onto the Internet, and while connected, double clicked
AD0615 -     on...
AD0616 -
AD0618 -                     ..
AD0619 -                    g:\00\mso\updates\o2ksr1a.exe
AD0620 -
AD0621 -
AD0622 -     ...which is a newer update, dated 000519, than the earlier updated
AD0623 -     on 000324.
AD0624 - ..
AD0625 - This program used the DSL connection to download an update file,
AD0626 - and then executed the file to update all of the Office 2000 programs.
AD0627 - Some of the temporary files were put in....
AD0628 -
AD0629 -
AD0630 -      I:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp
AD0631 -
AD0632 -
AD0633 - ...but the downloaded file is not clear where it is.
AD0634 -
AD0636 -  ..
AD0637 - Can update using MS online help, per the record on 000518. ref SDS 21
AD0638 - 5993
AD0639 -
AD0640 -
AD0641 -
AD0642 -
AD0643 -
AD0644 -
AD07 -

Photoed.Exe Open JPG Files
Image.exe that comes with W2K Seems Similar to Photoed

AF04 -
AF0501 -  ..
AF0502 - Photoed Configured
AF0503 -
AF0504 - Installed by transferring....
AF0505 -
AF0506 -
AF0507 -                         h: 00 02 07
AF0508 -
AF0509 -
AF0510 - ...from c11, where it was installed on 000227. ref SDS 11 3542
AF0512 -  ..
AF0513 - Initially getting error that the file format is no registered.  Could
AF0514 - not get photoed to run.
AF0515 - ..
AF0516 - After installing MS Office, we still get an error message that
AF0517 - says...
AF0518 -
AF0519 -                   Registration/unregistraiton failed
AF0520 -
AF0521 -
AF0522 - ....but, like on c11, when we click okay, the program executes.
AF0524 -  ..
AF0525 - This indicates MS Office sets up some system status in the w2k
AF0526 - registry that lets photoed.exe run, even though it is not registered.
AF0528 -  ..
AF0529 - W2K imaging program under Start, Programs, Accessories might be a
AF0530 - good replacement for photoed.
AF0531 -
AF0532 - "Image" is in...
AF0533 -
AF0534 -        ..
AF0535 -        I:\Program Files\Windows
AF0536 -        NT\Accessories\ImageVue\kodakimg.exe
AF0537 -
AF0538 -
AF0539 - the actual name is kodakimg.exe
AF0540 -
AF0541 -
AF0542 -
AF0543 -
AF0544 -
AF06 -

Diskeeper, Beyond.Com, 000331
Diskkeeper Defragment

AH04 -
AH0501 -  ..
AH0502 - Defragment Program, Install Diskeeper
AH0503 -
AH0504 - Transferred files form c11....
AH0505 -
AH0506 -
AH0507 -                          h: 00 12
AH0509 -  ..
AH0510 - On 000331 looks like only file on h: 00 12 is the installation file.
AH0511 - ref SDS 16 6R4N
AH0513 -  ..
AH0514 - That seems to have worked.
AH0516 -  ..
AH0517 - Actually, cannot get Diskeeper to run on c13.  The executable is not
AH0518 - evident.  We got it to run on c12 using this procedure, but not on c13
AH0519 - for some unknown reason.
AH0521 -  ..
AH0522 - The record on 000331 shows to contact....
AH0523 -
AH0524 -
AH0525 -                      Executive Software
AH0526 -  ..
AH0527 -
AH0528 - ....when we purchased Diskeeper v5.0. ref SDS 16 SF5I
AH0529 -
AH0530 -     [On 010205 purchased and installed Diskeeper v6.0, ref SDS 35 0001
AH0531 -
AH0532 -
AH0533 -
AH0534 -
AH06 -

Virus Protection Norton
Virus Protection Program, Norton

AJ04 -
AJ0501 -  ..
AJ0502 - Norton Virus Protection
AJ0503 -
AJ0504 - The Norton virus protection program is in....
AJ0505 -
AJ0506 -
AJ0507 -                     h: 00 16
AJ0508 -
AJ0510 -  ..
AJ0511 - This was purchased on 000430, and installed on c11. ref SDS 18 YD3I
AJ0513 -  ..
AJ0514 - Transferred files to c13 and installed successfully.
AJ0516 -  ..
AJ0517 - Installation and setup code on c13 is in....
AJ0518 -
AJ0519 -
AJ0520 -                    h:\00\16\install\
AJ0521 - ..
AJ0522 - Needs dosx.exe in autoexec.nt to run. ref OF 1 5J3M
AJ0524 -  ..
AJ0525 - On c11 did not transfer the setup to h:, so it is only really on i:
AJ0527 -  ..
AJ0528 - Installation is accomplished by double clicking on....
AJ0529 -
AJ0530 -      h:\00\02\install\installers\navnt\setup.exe
AJ0531 -
AJ0532 -   Requires dosx.exe in autoexec.bat, so, ref OF 1 5J3M, loaded it to
AJ0533 -   make this installation, then remove it for SDS memory, per above.
AJ0534 -   ref SDS 0 KN6F
AJ0536 -  ..
AJ0537 - After installation, ran "Live Update" to get the latest virus
AJ0538 - definitions.
AJ0539 -   ..
AJ0540 -   Restored autoexec.nt by disconnecting dosx.exe.
AJ0541 -
AJ0542 -
AJ0543 -
AJ0544 -
AJ06 -

Attblobal Dial-up Networking

AL03 -
AL0401 -  ..
AL0402 - PacBell Dial Up Connections
AL0403 - JPS Dial UP Connection
AL0404 - Attglobal Dial-up Networking is Failing
AL0405 -
AL0406 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0845.
AL0407 -
AL0408 - Used procedure on 000518, ref SDS 21 VV5M, to configure dial up
AL0409 - connections for....
AL0410 -
AL0411 -
AL0412 -
AL0413 -
AL0415 -  ..
AL0416 - We got attglobal and pacbell working.  JPS has changed to Earthlink,
AL0417 - and the phone number seems to be different, so the dial up for it is
AL0418 - not working.  We don't really need it.
AL0419 -    ..
AL0420 -    Below, set up IBM Dialer for Millie on c11, and, also, on
AL0421 -    c13. ref SDS 0 VP3A
AL0423 -     ..
AL0424 -    [On 010217 appears conflict betweenn Dial up connection created for
AL0425 -    ATT Dialer and created separately with Make New Connection in the
AL0426 -    Network directory. ref SDS 48 0001
AL0427 -
AL0428 -
AL0429 -
AL0430 -
AL0431 -
AL05 -

Dialer, IBM, W95
Dialer, IBM, W95
Dialer, IBM for W98

AO05 -
AO0601 -  ..
AO0602 - Dialer for IBM Global Installed on C11
AO0603 -
AO0604 - Millie likes to use the IBM Dialer program.
AO0605 -
AO0606 - Above, a dial up connection was set up for Attglobal on c13.
AO0607 - ref SDS 0 0845
AO0609 -  ..
AO0610 - The dialer is on.....
AO0611 -
AO0612 -
AO0613 -                            h: 00 19
AO0614 -
AO0616 -  ..
AO0617 - It is crashing on c11, so probably needs to be re-installed, and it
AO0618 - may not run on w2k.
AO0619 - ..
AO0620 - Used the internal modem in c13 to open Attglobal's web site and
AO0621 - downloaded the lastest version of the IBM dialer that says it runs on
AO0622 - NT, so we will see shortly.
AO0624 -  ..
AO0625 - Put it on both c11 and c13.
AO0627 -  ..
AO0628 - Seems to run now on w2k.
AO0629 -
AO0630 -      [On 010217 Dial Up connection failing on c11 when configured with
AO0631 -      Att Dialer program. ref SDS 48 0001
AO0633 -  ..
AO0634 - Put the icon in the task bar on c11, which is where Millie is used to
AO0635 - calling this program.
AO0636 -
AO0637 - ..
AO0638 - Went ahead and set up the Dialer on c13 in the Start Programs
AO0639 - menu.
AO0640 -
AO0641 -     Ran....
AO0642 -
AO0643 -                    h: 00 19 setup.exe
AO0644 -
AO0645 -     This program requires dosx.exe, which is the program removed from
AO0646 -     loading in autoexec.nt to save memory for SDS.
AO0648 -      ..
AO0649 -     Plugged the stuff for the moment.
AO0651 -  ..
AO0652 - This operation created a Dialer icon in the Start Programs menu.
AO0654 -  ..
AO0655 - Configured an account for San Francisco and Concord.
AO0656 - ..
AO0657 - Ran the dialer.  It connected to the Internet.
AO0659 -  ..
AO0660 - Downloaded new phone number list.
AO0661 -
AO0662 -
AO0663 -
AO0664 -
AO0665 -
AO0666 -
AO0667 -
AO07 -

Ws_ftp Installation
Setup Parameters with Host Server Name and Password

AQ04 -
AQ0501 -  ..
AQ0502 - WSFTPRO FTP Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
AQ0503 - FTP WSFTPRO Installed for Communication Metrics Upload to Web
AQ0504 -
AQ0505 - Follow up ref SDS 21 4945.
AQ0506 -
AQ0507 - To upload files to the web, need to install FTP capability using
AQ0508 - wsftpro.  This requires three (3) steps; initially install version 5,
AQ0509 - that is pre 1998.  Then upgrade version 5 to version 6, and then
AQ0510 - upgrde version 6 to 6.05.  This version provides efficient transfer
AQ0511 - and in includes a ws_ftp.log file we need to manage and maintain
AQ0512 - transfers.
AQ0513 -
AQ0514 - Install Wsftp to...
AQ0515 -
AQ0516 -                          h: 00 41
AQ0518 -         ..
AQ0519 -    1.  Run install for original program...
AQ0521 -                    ..
AQ0522 -                   c: sd 01 wsftp install.exe
AQ0523 -
AQ0524 -
AQ0525 - ...version 5.0   There is a file...
AQ0526 -
AQ0528 -                    ..
AQ0529 -                   c: sd 01 wsftp ftppatch.exe
AQ0530 -
AQ0531 -
AQ0532 - ...upgrades version 5 to version 6, which changes from wsftp to wsftp
AQ0533 - pro.
AQ0535 -      ..
AQ0536 -     This installation operation gives a question of whether to put
AQ0537 -     wsftp pro on the desktop or in the System Management folder, also
AQ0538 -     called, My Computer.
AQ0540 -      ..
AQ0541 -     Put it in the System Management folder, because it clutters up
AQ0542 -     the desktop, and cannot be deleted, without removing the entire
AQ0543 -     program, then you have to install again.
AQ0545 -  ..
AQ0546 - There are two more update programs, but it is only necessary to run
AQ0547 - only the latest that upgrades to version 6.05 reported on 000228.
AQ0548 - ref SDS 12 6059
AQ0549 -
AQ0550 -                 c: sd 01 wsfpt wsftp605.exe
AQ0552 -  ..
AQ0553 - The intermediate upgrade to version 6.02 can be skipped, per the
AQ0554 - record on 000518. ref SDS 21 3U6K
AQ0556 -      ..
AQ0557 -     After this second update is installed, copy the executable program
AQ0558 -     from the menu for WSFTP Pro, by dragging to the desktop, then drag
AQ0559 -     that program to the task bar.
AQ0561 -  ..
AQ0562 - Execute the program by clicking on the task bar icon.
AQ0564 -  ..
AQ0565 - This opens a session called....
AQ0566 -
AQ0567 -
AQ0568 -                      WS FTP Sites
AQ0570 -  ..
AQ0571 - It has a single folder called:  sites.
AQ0573 -  ..
AQ0574 - Normally this is expanded, so you actually see a large number of
AQ0575 - different sites.  None of these are useful for SDS.  There is a menu
AQ0576 - in the right column with a command to create a new site.
AQ0578 -  ..
AQ0579 - Click on the menu...
AQ0580 -
AQ0581 -                            New
AQ0582 -
AQ0584 -  ..
AQ0585 - Select this by clicking once to highlight.  Then click on Properties
AQ0586 - from the menu in the right margin.
AQ0587 -
AQ0601 -  ..
AQ0602 - Click the box that has a check for Annonymous, to unselect this
AQ0603 - option, i.e., the "Annonymous" box should not be selected.
AQ0605 -  ..
AQ0606 - Click "Save Password" to avoid having to enter this 20 times a day.
AQ0608 -  ..
AQ0609 - Now select the next tab
AQ0611 -  ..
AQ0612 - Session tab.........
AQ0613 -
AQ0614 -     Select only....
AQ0615 -
AQ0616 -                Show Transfer Progress Dialog
AQ0617 -
AQ0618 -     Set Startup Transfer Mode to....
AQ0619 -
AQ0620 -                Binary
AQ0621 -  ..
AQ0623 -  ..
AQ0624 - Now select the next tab.... Startup
AQ0626 -      ..
AQ0627 -     Remote Site Folder:
AQ0628 -
AQ0629 -
AQ0630 -         /webdocs
AQ0631 -
AQ0633 -      ..
AQ0634 -     Local Folder
AQ0635 -
AQ0636 -         c:\sd\wt
AQ0638 -  ..
AQ0639 - Press OK to complete set up.
AQ0640 -
AQ0641 -     Since the name for the site was changed, the program returns a
AQ0642 -     message asking whether to copy or replace the original record.
AQ0644 -      ..
AQ0645 -     Select copy, to preserve the WSFTP32 site specification.
AQ0647 -  ..
AQ0648 - At this point the program is ready to go.
AQ0650 -  ..
AQ0651 - Click OK at the top of the list in the right margin, and this
AQ0652 - executes the FTP connection.
AQ0654 -  ..
AQ0655 - Thereafter, when the wsftp pro icon is clicked on the task bar, it
AQ0656 - will open the Sites list initially, with welchco already selected, so
AQ0657 - it is only necessary to click okay.
AQ0659 -  ..
AQ0660 - There is a second step to set up the "Options" menu...
AQ0662 -  ..
AQ0663 - Sounds....
AQ0664 -
AQ0665 -    After clicking on OK to open the ftp program, there will be an
AQ0666 -    annoying sound.
AQ0668 -     ..
AQ0669 -    Open Options on the menu at the bottom of the ftp program, and
AQ0670 -    select the Sound tab.  Select the option for "none' for Sounds,
AQ0671 -    near the bottom of the menu.
AQ0673 -  ..
AQ0674 - General tab.........
AQ0675 -
AQ0676 -       Email address 
AQ0677 -       Text viewer             notepad
AQ0678 -       Log filename            WS_FTP.LOG
AQ0679 -
AQ0681 -  ..
AQ0682 - Advanced tab.......
AQ0683 -
AQ0684 -       Show Full Folder Information                x
AQ0685 -       Show Ws_ftp sites on startup                x
AQ0686 -
AQ0687 -          This is a waste of time, but
AQ0688 -          experience has shown we need this.
AQ0690 -        ..
AQ0691 -       Double Click Action
AQ0692 -
AQ0693 -          Tranfer file         x
AQ0695 -        ..
AQ0696 -       Network Buffer Size (bytes)
AQ0697 -
AQ0698 -          Receive size         4096
AQ0699 -          Transmission size     512
AQ0701 -        ..
AQ0702 -       Transfer Rate Display
AQ0703 -
AQ0704 -          bits per second      x
AQ0705 -
AQ0707 -  ..
AQ0708 - Display tab.......
AQ0709 -
AQ0710 -       Date Format
AQ0711 -
AQ0712 -          Year Month Day       x
AQ0713 -
AQ0714 -       List Box Font
AQ0715 -
AQ0716 -          ANSI Fixed
AQ0717 -
AQ0719 -  ..
AQ0720 - Display tab.......
AQ0721 -
AQ0722 -       Sounds
AQ0723 -
AQ0724 -           None
AQ0725 -
AQ0727 -  ..
AQ0728 - Sort tab.......
AQ0729 -
AQ0730 -       Local
AQ0731 -
AQ0732 -           Folders on top
AQ0733 -
AQ0734 -       Remote
AQ0735 -
AQ0736 -           Folders on top
AQ0737 -
AQ0739 -  ..
AQ0740 - Pro tab..........
AQ0741 -
AQ0742 -       Enable drag and drop between windows        x
AQ0743 -
AQ0744 -       Allow deletion of non-empty folders         x
AQ0745 -
AQ0747 -  ..
AQ0748 - Session tab.......
AQ0749 -
AQ0750 -       Update Folders After Transfer     x
AQ0751 -       Show Transfer Progress Dialog     x
AQ0752 -       Remembers Folders (Pro)           x
AQ0753 -
AQ0755 -  ..
AQ0756 - Session (cont'd) tab.......
AQ0757 -
AQ0758 -       Startup Transfer Mode
AQ0759 -
AQ0760 -          Binary     x
AQ0761 -
AQ0762 -          Set as default       (select)
AQ0763 -
AQ0765 -  ..
AQ0766 - Convert tab.......
AQ0767 -
AQ0768 -       [eveyrthing blank]
AQ0769 -
AQ0771 -  ..
AQ0772 - Extensions tab.......
AQ0773 -
AQ0774 -       [eveyrthing blank]
AQ0776 -  ..
AQ0777 - Associations tab.......
AQ0778 -
AQ0779 -       [eveyrthing blank]
AQ0780 -
AQ0781 -
AQ0782 -
AQ0783 -
AQ0784 -
AQ0785 -
AQ0786 -
AQ0787 -
AQ08 -

Exabyte 10 GB Tape Drive
Jazjet SCSI Driver for Jazjet SCSI Controller W2K Device Manager Call
JazJet PCI Ultra Card for Exabyte Mammoth LT Tape Drive W2K Device Ma

AY05 -
AY0601 -  ..
AY0602 - SCSI Controller Switched from C11 to C13
AY0603 - Tape Drive Exabyte Transferred from C11 to C13
AY0604 -
AY0605 - Follow up ref SDS 23 3289.
AY0606 -
AY0607 - Removed the cover on c13 and c11 to move equipment.
AY0608 -
AY0609 - Removed the JazzJet PCI scsi controller from c11, ref SDS 0 UW3K, and
AY0610 - installed it in c13 to run the Exabyte Mammoth LT tape drive, per
AY0611 - planning above. ref SDS 0 IL3F, and on 010130. ref SDS 31 XK6G
AY0612 - ..
AY0613 - Same condition as in c11 -- there is no evident way to install
AY0614 - bus terminator. ref SDS 23 JDKI
AY0615 -
AY0616 -     C13 Device Manager describes SCSI controller as.....
AY0617 -
AY0618 -         Advansys SCSI Host Adapter
AY0619 -
AY0620 -   [On 011010 removed JazJet SCSI controller and replaced by installing
AY0621 -   a new Adaptec SCSI 19160 Ultra adapter card to run the tape drive.
AY0622 -   ref SDS 62 0001
AY0624 -    ..
AY0625 -   [On 011010 error message during boot operation shows need SCSI bus
AY0626 -   terminator. ref SDS 62 DE7G
AY0628 -  ..
AY0629 - Removed the ISA scsi controller from c10 and installed in c11.
AY0631 -  ..
AY0633 -  ..
AY0634 - Moved the Exabyte 14/28 GB 8MM Mammoth LT SCSI SE NARR 5.25 HH 2/4MB/S
AY0635 - Cabl/Cart /CLN INT tape drive, specified in the record on 000811,
AY0636 - ref SDS 23 2241, from c11, and installed it in c13.
AY0638 -  ..
AY0639 - When c13 was booted, the Device Manager shows Exabyte tape drive has a
AY0640 - yellow flag indicating it needs an updated driver.
AY0641 -
AY0642 -    Used instructions in the record on 000811 where drivers were
AY0643 -    downloaded for the Exabyte Mammoth LT tape drive, ref SDS 23 3289,
AY0644 -    and installed in the directory....
AY0645 -
AY0647 -                        ..
AY0648 -                       h: 00 42
AY0649 -
AY0650 - ..
AY0651 - Executed the update driver operation and specified the above
AY0652 - directory.  This completed successful installation of the tape drive.
AY0654 -  ..
AY0655 - Did not seem to need the drivers for the Jazzlet scsi card.
AY0656 -
AY0657 -     [On 010203 backup improved by 80%. ref SDS 33 0001
AY0658 -
AY0659 -     [On 011010 performance of tape drive reduced by 50% using new
AY0660 -     updated controller adapter. ref SDS 62 RM9K
AY0661 -
AY0662 -
AY0663 -
AY0664 -
AY0665 -
AY0666 -
AY0667 -
AY07 -

Novaback Tape Drive

AZ03 -
AZ0401 -  ..
AZ0402 - Novaback Tape Drive Software
AZ0403 -
AZ0404 - Follow up ref SDS 25 0001.
AZ0405 -
AZ0406 - On 000916 installed Novaback on c11, and in....
AZ0407 -
AZ0409 -                       ..
AZ0410 -                      h: 00 32
AZ0411 -
AZ0412 - ..
AZ0413 - The record on 000812 shows that the install program we need for
AZ0414 - a scsi tape drive is....
AZ0415 -
AZ0416 -
AZ0417 -              NSW9ENR.EXE
AZ0418 -
AZ0419 -                  Novaback SCSI/EIDE for w2k
AZ0420 -
AZ0421 -
AZ0422 - ...see. ref SDS 24 6WYY
AZ0424 -  ..
AZ0425 - Needed password, got it from work on 000812. ref SDS 24 6WYY
AZ0426 -
AZ0427 -
AZ0428 -                  NStor89
AZ0429 -
AZ0430 - ..
AZ0431 - Needed serial number from work on 000812. ref SDS 24 3L4J
AZ0432 -
AZ0433 -
AZ0434 -             DL20177346W
AZ0435 -
AZ0436 - ..
AZ0437 - It also puts an icon for something unnecessary on the Task bar
AZ0438 - next to the time field.
AZ0439 -
AZ0440 -     This can be deleted by manually deleting the stuff for Novaback
AZ0441 -     by opening.....
AZ0442 -
AZ0443 -     Start
AZ0444 -       Programs
AZ0445 -          Startup
AZ0447 -      ..
AZ0448 -     Right click on the entry and select delete.  Do this for both
AZ0449 -     entries.
AZ0451 -      ..
AZ0452 -     The next time w2k is started, the icon for whatever this is will
AZ0453 -     be gone.
AZ0454 -
AZ0455 -        [On 010203 backup improved by 80%. ref SDS 33 0001
AZ0456 -
AZ0457 -
AZ0458 -
AZ0459 -
AZ0460 -
AZ0461 -
AZ05 -

Visio, V 4.0 SN:

B103 -
B10401 -  ..
B10402 - Visio Organization Chart Program
B10403 -
B10404 - Follow up ref SDS 22 4032.
B10405 -
B10406 - This is installed in....
B10407 -
B10409 -                  ..
B10410 -                 h: 00 15
B10411 -
B10412 -
B10413 - ...using installation code at....
B10414 -
B10416 -                  ..
B10417 -                 g: 00 viso
B10418 -
B10420 -  ..
B10421 - Run the file....
B10422 -
B10423 -
B10424 -                 g: 00 viso cdsetup.exe
B10425 -
B10426 -
B10427 - requires having dosx.exe in autoexec.bat, which is a standard
B10428 - configuration for w2k, but we unplug it to get a little extra RAM for
B10429 - SDS, so have to temporarily plug this in, ref OF 1 4W3L, save the
B10430 - file, and then run this again.
B10432 -  ..
B10433 - Click through the normal stuff, to the screen that asks for Typical
B10434 - or Custom installation.
B10436 -  ..
B10437 - It also has button to "Change Directory" from the default for
B10438 - installing the program in w2k Program Files.
B10439 - ..
B10440 - Clicking on this option opens a screen that sets an entire
B10441 - series of directory structures, all begining with the operating system
B10442 - partition, and then Program Files.
B10444 -  ..
B10445 - It is only necessary to specify the first item, by changing to....
B10446 -
B10447 -
B10448 -                         h: 00 15
B10449 -
B10451 -  ..
B10452 - After this change is made.  Click on another line, and all the the
B10453 - other lines are changed.
B10455 -  ..
B10456 - Click OK to return to the prior level and select.
B10457 -
B10458 -
B10459 -                        Custom
B10460 -
B10461 - ..
B10462 - This lets the program install all of the features, since there
B10463 - is plenty of disk space.
B10465 -  ..
B10466 - Click OK on the next screens< BUT
B10467 -
B10468 -
B10469 -
B10470 -
B10471 -
B10472 -
B10473 -
B105 -

MS Project for W95
CPU #13, MS W2K

B304 -
B30501 -  ..
B30502 - MS Project CPM Program
B30503 -
B30504 - Used instructions in the record on 000620 to install MS Project.
B30505 - ref SDS 22 7918
B30506 -
B30507 - Installation code is in....
B30508 -
B30510 -               ..
B30511 -              G:\00\MSProject\Disk1\setup.exe
B30512 -
B30514 -    ..
B30515 -   Requires dosx.exe in autoexec.bat, so loaded it to make this
B30516 -   installation, then remove it for SDS memory, per above. ref SDS 0
B30517 -   KN6F
B30518 - ..
B30519 - This is installed in....
B30520 -
B30521 -
B30522 -                 h: 00 02 04
B30523 -
B30525 -  ..
B30526 - Transferred installation files from c11 so the upgrade code on the
B30527 - disks will run, then called setup.exe per above.
B30528 - ..
B30529 - The program initially asks to designate a folder for shared
B30530 - files, and proposes...
B30531 -
B30532 -
B30533 -                    c: MSOffice
B30534 -
B30536 -  ..
B30537 - Set MSOffice shared files to the folder...
B30538 -
B30539 -
B30540 -                    h: 00 02 04 msoffice
B30541 -
B30543 -  ..
B30544 - Setup asks for a folder group to put two operations....
B30545 -
B30547 -                ..
B30548 -               Launch the CPM program...
B30549 -
B30550 -                    h: 00 02 04 winproj.exe
B30552 -                ..
B30553 -               Run setup
B30554 -
B30556 -  ..
B30557 - Since we run setup from...
B30558 -
B30559 -
B30560 -              G:\00\MSProject\Disk1\setup.exe
B30561 -
B30562 -
B30563 - ....we don't need two
B30564 -
B30565 -
B306 -

Installation DSL on C12
DSL Network
Network Computers
Netbui; TCP/IP
DSL Interent
Pac Bell NTS Enternet 300 DSL Software for Pac Bell
Kingston Network Card for DSL Pac Bell
Modem DSL Westell Wirespeed Pac Bell
NTS Enter Net 300 Pac Bell DSL Software
EnterNet 300, 000415
DSL Connection Failed

BG13 -
BG1401 -  ..
BG1402 - DSL Installation on C13
BG1403 -
BG1404 - Follow up ref SDS 21 5395.
BG1405 -
BG1406 - We need another network card so we can connect to another computer,
BG1407 - and, also, connected to DSL at the same time, under reasoning on
BG1408 - 000415; although with a cross-over cable might be able use a single
BG1409 - network card. ref SDS 17 6804
BG1411 -  ..
BG1412 - Removed Kinston PCI network card that was originally installed in c11
BG1413 - on 00415, ref SDS 17 2907, and connected to the Westell Wirespeed DSL
BG1414 - router, ref SDS 17 0760, and put it in c13 for the 2nd network card.
BG1415 -
BG1416 -     [On 020914 do not need a crossover cable, but can connect a
BG1417 -     straight through RJ45 cable from the DSL modem to the network hub
BG1418 -     by using port 5 with a switch from normal to "cascade."
BG1419 -     ref SDS 66 KS76
BG1421 -  ..
BG1422 - W2K automatically configured in the Network program (also called
BG1423 - Network Neighborhood shown on the desktop), by listing the
BG1424 - following....
BG1425 -
BG1426 -
BG1427 -     "Local Area Connection 2"       LNE100TX Fast Ethernet....
BG1429 -     ..
BG1430 -    [On 010324 configured to support security by disconnecting File and
BG1431 -    Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.  Also, disconnected
BG1432 -    netbeui, as not needed for DSL. ref SDS 56 0001
BG1434 -  ..
BG1435 - NTS EnterNet 300 software, is in....
BG1436 -
BG1437 -
BG1438 -                   h: 00 13
BG1440 -  ..
BG1441 - For NTS Enternet 300 to work, so that browser logs onto Internet
BG1442 - servers, have to configure LAN and DSL during w2k installation with
BG1443 - separate protocols, explained on 000518 for configuring c12.
BG1444 - ref SDS 21 6942   Per below, need to use instructions from Pac Bell on
BG1445 - 010129. ref SDS 29 RM5H
BG1446 -
BG1447 -     Created a New Profile using....
BG1449 -                  ..
BG1450 -                 Start
BG1451 -                   Programs
BG1452 -                     NTS EnterNet 300
BG1453 -                       EnterNet 300
BG1455 -           ..
BG1456 -          This opens the Profiles Enternet 300
BG1458 -           ..
BG1459 -          Ran "Create New Profile"
BG1461 -           ..
BG1462 -          Assigned the name "DSL" for the profile.
BG1464 -           ..
BG1465 -          Made a mistake of using our actual account name, rather than
BG1466 -          the initialization account name and password called out in
BG1467 -          the record on 000415. ref SDS 17 3416
BG1469 -           ..
BG1470 -          The first time this ran, it returned an error message saying
BG1471 -          the system is not connected to the network.
BG1473 -           ..
BG1474 -          This may, or may not, have been caused by not using the
BG1475 -          initialization account name and password.  In any case...
BG1477 -                ..
BG1478 -               Uninstalled EnterNet 300
BG1480 -                ..
BG1481 -               Unplugged Netbui for the DSL LAN connection in Network
BG1482 -               and Dial-Up Connections.
BG1484 -           ..
BG1485 -          Installed Enternet 300 again from....
BG1486 -
BG1487 -              Start
BG1488 -                Programs
BG1489 -                  NTS Enternet 300
BG1490 -                     Enternet 300
BG1491 -
BG1492 -          ...which opens the Profile screen with the option to Create
BG1493 -          a New Profile.
BG1495 -           ..
BG1496 -          Ran "Create New Profile" again by double clicking.
BG1498 -      ..
BG1499 -     This time used temporary user name and password for initializing a
BG1500 -     new connection, reported on 000415. ref SDS 17 3416
BG1501 -
BG1502 -        The Wizard configuration operation did not return an error
BG1503 -        message, as occurred on the first pass.
BG1504 -
BG1506 -      ..
BG1507 -     Got connected using temporary user name and password.
BG1508 -
BG1510 -      ..
BG1511 -     Closed connections.
BG1513 -      ..
BG1514 -     Changed the new DSL access application from the temporary user
BG1515 -     name and password, to our actual account, by....
BG1516 -
BG1517 -              Start
BG1518 -                Programs
BG1519 -                  NTS Enternet 300
BG1520 -                     Enternet 300
BG1521 -
BG1522 -          ...which opens the Profile screen with the option to Create
BG1523 -          a New Profile, and the DSL connection application.
BG1525 -           ..
BG1526 -          Double click on the DSL application to open a screen for
BG1527 -          connecting to the Pac Bell DSL system.
BG1529 -  ..
BG1530 -          This screen shows....
BG1531 -
BG1532 -              User Name
BG1533 -
BG1534 -                  Change this from temporary connection name,
BG1535 -                  dslreguser, to rodwelch
BG1537 -               ..
BG1538 -              Password
BG1539 -
BG1540 -                  Change this to poimss
BG1542 -      ..
BG1543 -     Clicked on "connect."
BG1545 -  ..
BG1546 - Got connected again.
BG1548 -  ..
BG1549 - Browser, however, returned error messages failing to connect to any
BG1550 - web pages, similar to problem on 010129. ref SDS 29 0001
BG1552 -  ..
BG1553 - Used instructions received from Pac Bell on 010129 to remove and
BG1554 - re-install the DSL profile, with particular configuration settings.
BG1555 - ref SDS 29 RM5H
BG1557 -  ..
BG1558 - This solved all problems, so the operation is running correctly on the
BG1559 - new computer, c13, as it has for c11.
BG1560 -
BG1561 -
BG1562 -
BG1563 -
BG1564 -
BG1565 -
BG1566 -
BG1567 -
BG16 -

Modem, US Robotics, 28800
Modem Needs Drivers from C10
Modem Not Addressed by OS
System Replacement
OS Crashing
OS Failed to Boot Could Not Recover

BN08 -
BN0901 -  ..
BN0902 - Modem for C11 Needs Drivers from C10
BN0903 -
BN0904 - The PCI modem in c13, per the record today, ref SDS 32 HS8F, was order
BN0905 - on 010130. ref SDS 31 2T7L
BN0906 -
BN0907 - Removed the modem from c10 and installed into c11 because the modem in
BN0908 - c11 has not been working, per the record on 010109. ref SDS 26 0001
BN0910 -  ..
BN0911 - W2K recognized the new equipment and is asking for a disk with the
BN0912 - right drivers.
BN0913 -
BN0914 -     The modem may be okay, and simply needed to be removed and
BN0915 -     re-installed.
BN0916 -
BN0917 -         [On 010204 the same problem occurred to c11 after installing
BN0918 -         the modem from c10, and the problem was cleared by using
BN0919 -         Control Panel Add/Remove Hardware to remove the modem device,
BN0920 -         and then allowing the OS to re-configure the installation when
BN0921 -         the system was booted. ref SDS 34 6M6J
BN0922 - ..
BN0923 - The record on 990114 says this problem was solved at that time
BN0924 - by using the floppy disk with drivers for the modem. ref SDS 9 S39F
BN0926 -  ..
BN0927 - We have a floppy disk for the internal modem in c11, but that disk was
BN0928 - rejected by w2k during the operation to update drivers today.
BN0930 -  ..
BN0931 - Cannot find the assembled information for c10, it may be in Concord.
BN0932 -
BN0933 -    Could be in one of the small compartments on Millie's desk.
BN0935 -  ..
BN0936 - On c13 the drivers for the modem are in....
BN0937 -
BN0938 -               i:\00\02\system32\drivers\modem.sys
BN0939 -
BN0940 -     ..
BN0941 -     Put a copy of the modem driver set up files on.....
BN0942 -
BN0943 -               g: 00 modemUSR
BN0945 -      ..
BN0946 -     All that is needed is one of the .inf files.
BN0947 - ..
BN0948 - Shut down c13 and connected up c10 again, and booted to see if
BN0949 - there is a modem.sys driver in
BN0950 -
BN0951 -      h:\00\02\system32\drivers
BN0953 -  ..
BN0954 - There is not a modem.sys, but there were several US*.sys files.
BN0955 - ..
BN0956 - During this effort to power up c10 in order to look for a
BN0957 - software driver file to configure the modem transferred from c10 to
BN0958 - c11, c10 failed severely; it would not boot at all into w98.
BN0960 -  ..
BN0961 - Tried three times, but it hung the first time.  It went into safe mode
BN0962 - on the 2nd try, but would not complete a normal safe mode boot,
BN0963 - indicating a severe problem of some kind.
BN0964 -
BN0965 -     These new reports reflect recent indications of problems with c10,
BN0966 -     that caused the procurement of c13, per above. ref SDS 0 4SKV
BN0968 -  ..
BN0969 - Eventually booted into DOS.
BN0971 -  ..
BN0972 - Found two files in....
BN0973 -
BN0974 -               i: 00 02 system32 drivers us*.sys
BN0975 - ..
BN0976 - There was nothing for modem.sys.
BN0978 -  ..
BN0979 - Copied these two drivers to a disk and tried them, but it didn't work
BN0981 -  ..
BN0982 - Will have to look for the disk in Concord.
BN0983 -
BN0984 -     [On 010204 found driver on the original configuration disk for
BN0985 -     c10, which was stored in Condord. ref SDS 34 7N4M
BN0986 -
BN0987 -
BN0988 -
BN0989 -
BN0990 -
BN0991 -
BN0992 -
BN10 -

Netscape, 4.7 W98
User Profile Manager

BP04 -
BP0501 -  ..
BP0502 - Netscape Configured with User Profile Manager for Millie
BP0503 -
BP0504 - Follow up ref SDS 11 3012.
BP0505 -
BP0506 - There is an option I finally found after 400 hours for setting up
BP0507 - multiple users.
BP0509 -  ..
BP0510 - The Netscape program listing in the Start menu, has a Utility menu,
BP0511 - which has a....
BP0512 -
BP0514 -                        ..
BP0515 -                       User Profile Manager
BP0516 -
BP0518 -  ..
BP0519 - This launches a Wizard op where multiple users can be configured.
BP0521 -  ..
BP0522 - Set this up for Millie so she can keep her contacts and email under
BP0523 - the existing account of Welch.
BP0525 -  ..
BP0526 - My profile is under 00101.
BP0528 -  ..
BP0529 - These are directories....
BP0530 -
BP0531 -
BP0532 -           h: 00 07 users
BP0533 -
BP0534 -
BP0535 -
BP06 -

Tape Backup, Exabyte 10 GB

BR04 -
BR0501 -  ..
BR0502 - Exabyte 8505 Tape Drive Installed C11
BR0503 -
BR0504 - After removing the Exabyte Mammoth LT tape drive from c11 and
BR0505 - installing in c13 for San Francisco, ref SDS 0 K2FR, installed the
BR0506 - Exabyte 8505 tape drive that was removed from c11 on 000805,
BR0507 - ref SDS 23 1984, back in c11 for use in Concord.
BR0509 -  ..
BR0510 - Testing the next day in Concord shows this drive seems to be
BR0511 - defective, which is why it was replaced on 000805.
BR0512 -
BR0513 -
BR0514 -
BR0515 -
BR0516 -
BR0517 -
BR0518 -
BR0519 -
BR06 -
BR07 -