Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: November 9, 2010 04:05 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Windows XP for c17 Tech Micro sent wrong version for refurbished PC.

2...Tech Micro Mistake Delivered XP for Refurbished PC
3...Notified Tech Micro to Correct Mistake by Delivering Windows XP SP3

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Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Received Tech Micro Invoice 10423 Dated 101

0803 -
0803 -    ..
0804 - Summary/Objective
0805 -
080501 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000.
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080507 -  ..
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0808 - Progress
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080901 - We have Windows XP Pro with Service Pack (SP)2, required to install on
080902 - the new computer.  This is installed on c15.  We need the product key
080903 - to install on the new computer.  Research on 090715 shows the OS
080904 - rejected the product key for c15, and so had to use product key for
080905 - c14 to setup c16, reported on 090710 1719. ref SDS 1 6M9J
080907 -  ..
080908 - On 101107 1340 Ryan reported Windows XP setup on c17 accepted product
080909 - key for c15. ref SDS 5 I363  So, may not need this new product key.
080910 -
080912 -  ..
080913 - Tech Micro Mistake Delivered XP for Refurbished PC
080914 -
080915 - Windows XP Pro SP3 received from Tech Micro today, ordered on 101104
080916 - 2223. ref SDS 3 DS5I
080918 -  ..
080919 - Documentation says.....
080920 -
080921 -                    For refurbished pc.
080923 -  ..
080924 - This is a mistake by Tech Micro.  Did not intend to order Windows XP
080925 - for "refurbished pc," and nothing on Tech Micro website indicates
080926 - sales offer is for a "refurbished pc."  Not sure what it means.
080927 -
080928 -            [On 101110 0610 at 0747 letter from Brad and Tech Micro
080929 -            says the Windows XP Pro SP3 for "Refurbished PC" is a "full
080930 -            version" and installs without limitations. ref SDS 6 2W5O
080932 -             ..
080933 -            [On 101110 0610 at 0752 letter responds notifying Tech
080934 -            Micro will try using the product key, and see what
080935 -            happens. ref SDS 6 E56M
080937 -  ..
080938 - Since Fry's is re-configuring the computer for multi-OS bootable
080939 - platforms using XP 32-bit, W7 32-bit, and W7 64-bit that may
080940 - constitute a "refurbished" PC even though it is a new HP Pavilion
080941 - Elite HPE 490t, ordered on 101021 0953, ref SDS 2 635Y, and received
080942 - on 101105 1141. ref SDS 4 NX9O  All we need is the product key.  If
080943 - Microsoft accepts the product key for activation and online upgrades
080944 - we are okay.
080946 -  ..
080947 - Product key....
080948 -
080949 -    Windows XP Pro Refurb (Desktop PC's)
080950 -                                                 J8A-00228
080951 -    Refurbished product...
080955 -     ..
080956 -    For use on refurbished PC.
080957 -
080959 -  ..
080960 - Notified Tech Micro to Correct Mistake by Delivering Windows XP SP3
080961 -
080962 - Contacted Tech Micro on their website...
080963 -
080964 -              https://www.tek-micro.com/account.php
080966 -  ..
080967 - Submitted following letter using Tech Micro online message system...
080968 -
080969 -        1.  Hi,
080970 -
080971 -            Today, received order from Tech Micro for WXP 32-bit SP3.
080972 -            Documentation says for "refurbished" pc. ref SDS 0 R47G
080973 -            This was not my understanding buying the product
080974 -            [...reported on 101104 2223. ref SDS 3 8A6K...]  Was there
080975 -            a mixup in mailing out the wrong product?
080977 -             ..
080978 -        2.  In any case, I need the product key to activate and
080979 -            update WXP installed on a new HP Pavilion Elite HPE 490t.
080980 -            I am having Fry's format the disk to remove all OS
080981 -            stuff, partition the disks and configure with multi-boot
080982 -            using WXP as primary OS.  Wndows 7 32-bit and Windows 7
080983 -            64-bit are alternate platforms.
080984 -
080985 -               [On 101110 0610 another letter was sent to Tech Micro
080986 -               Sales Department requesting correction of the order.
080987 -               ref SDS 6 KX4V
080989 -                ..
080990 -               [On 101110 0610 at 0747 letter from Brad and Tech Micro
080991 -               says the Windows XP Pro SP3 for "Refurbished PC" is a
080992 -               "full version" and installs without limitations.
080993 -               ref SDS 6 2W5O
080995 -                ..
080996 -               [On 101110 0610 at 0752 letter responds notifying Tech
080997 -               Micro will try using the product key, and see what
080998 -               happens. ref SDS 6 E56M
081000 -             ..
081001 -        3.  Does this make the computer a "refurbished" pc?
081003 -             ..
081004 -        4.  All I need is the product key, so when Fry's activates and
081005 -            updates the OS after initial setup, we won't run into
081006 -            static from Microsoft.  Will this work, or do I need to buy
081007 -            another Windows XP without the "refurbished" label?  In
081008 -            that case, how do I return what we got and get what I need?
081010 -             ..
081011 -        5.  Thanks for your help.
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