Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: December 12, 2010 07:18 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Windows 7 Access Denied permissions c17 research solution.
2...Group Policy Settings
3...File System Utility DOS Command
4...Local Security Policy Editor
5...Access Denied Delete and Construct Directories for Files Already Open
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Permissions Windows 7 32-bit C17 Configure Solve Problems Access Den
2003 -
2003 - ..
2004 - Summary/Objective
2005 -
200501 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
200502 -
200503 -
200504 -
200506 - ..
2006 -
2007 -
2008 - Progress
2009 -
200901 - Help from Microsoft requires non-OEM product key.
200903 - ..
200904 - Group Policy Settings
200905 -
200906 - Follow up ref SDS 6 YM4M.
200907 -
200908 - Today, entered in Windows 7 "Run" feature...
200909 -
200910 - gpedit.msc
200911 -
200912 - ...as explained in the record on 101209 0823. ref SDS 6 YM4M
200914 - ..
200915 - One of the "permission" parameters is...
200916 -
200917 - fsutil behavior set symlinkevaluation /?
200919 - ..
200920 - Running this at DOS prompt yields....
200921 -
200922 - fsutil behavior set Disable8dot3ation /?
200924 - ..
200925 - There is an explanation of Windows Command Line, which is the DOS
200926 - command prompt....
200927 -
200928 - http://commandwindows.com/
200930 - ..
200931 - This seems like a useful explanation of DOS on Windows 7, indicating
200932 - very robust tools.
200934 - ..
200935 - File System Utility DOS Command
200936 -
200937 - Explanation of this command is on the Internet at...
200938 -
200939 - http://commandwindows.com/fsutil.htm
200940 -
200941 - Don't see anything here that can avoid access denied permission
200942 - problems.
200943 -
200944 -
200946 - ..
200947 - Local Security Policy Editor
200948 -
200949 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0V5N.
200950 -
200951 - This seems like another possibility...
200952 -
200953 - http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/7357-local-security-policy-editor-open.html
200955 - ..
200956 - Start
200957 - Run
200959 - ..
200960 - secpol.msc
200961 -
200962 - ...runs...
200964 - ..
200965 - j:\windows\system32\secpol.msc
200966 -
200967 -
200969 - ..
200970 - Access Denied Delete and Construct Directories for Files Already Open
200971 -
200972 - Follow up ref SDS 6 EJ6J.
200973 -
200974 - Looks now like the problem of transferring SDS and files to the
200975 - Internet on multiple passes occurs because Windows 7 "denies access"
200976 - to remove an existing temporary directory structure...
200978 - ..
200979 - c: sd wt....
200980 -
200981 - ...becasue SDS is open. If DOS sessions are closed, then the
200982 - directory is deleted.
200984 - ..
200985 - Pausing the op....
200986 -
200988 - ..
200989 - Line 100, ref OF 1 J03M
200990 -
200991 - ftp -n ftp.welchco.com <c:\sd\td\ftpc >c:\sd\td\ftpl
200992 - REM
200993 - REM
200994 - REM Remove c: sd wt
200995 - REM
200996 - rd c:\sd\wt /s/q
200997 - REM
200998 -
200999 - Getting error message...
201000 -
201001 - rd c:\sd\wt /s/q
201002 - c:\sd\wt\sd\00101\02 - The directory is not empty
201004 - ..
201005 - This appears to conflict with W7 DOS guidance that says rd with /s/q
201006 - should remove paths that are not empty, since that is the purpose of
201007 - the /s switch.
201009 - ..
201010 - Same command at command prompt, yields...
201011 -
201012 - C:\sd\10>rd c:\sd\wt /s/q
201013 - c:\sd\wt\sd\00101\02\10 - Access is denied
201015 - ..
201016 - After closing DOS apps for Medit and SDS, the same command runs
201017 - successfully and removes the directory.
201018 -
201019 -
201020 -
201021 -
201022 -
201023 -
2011 -