Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: December 4, 2010 08:04 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

C17 W7 solve directory access and data trasfer problems.

2...Denied Access Denies Customers Control of Customer's Work Property
3...Anytime Anywhere Intelligence Denied by Denied Access Timely Work

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Documents and Settings Eliminated from Windows 7 Directory Presneted

0603 -
0603 -    ..
0604 - Summary/Objective
0605 -
060501 - Follow up
060502 -
060503 -
060505 -  ..
0606 -
0607 -
0608 - Progress
0609 -
060901 - Seems to be working better today.
060902 -
060903 - Can at least access directory that reported access denied
060904 - yesterday...
060905 -
060906 -               c: sd wt sd 00101
060908 -  ..
060909 - The problem accessing....
060910 -
060911 -                j: Documents and Settings
060912 -
060913 - ...to copy Favorites and Bookmarks was solved, because Windows 7 does
060914 - not have this directory.  Favorites and Bookmarks was moved to Users.
060915 -
060916 -
060917 -
0610 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0703 -
070401 -  ..
070402 - Denied Access Denies Customers Control of Customer's Work Property
070403 - Anytime Anywhere Intelligence Denied by Denied Access Timely Work
070404 -
070405 - Denied access is a much bigger problem for Windows 7, because under
070406 - various circumstances, "denied access" prevents uploading records from
070407 - the transfer directory to the Internet.  Sometimes this works and
070408 - other times not.
070410 -  ..
070411 - Denying access when the customer needs to get work done is a recipe
070412 - for failure.  This was a big problem for Vista, and seems to remain so
070413 - for Windows 7, failing to give the customer control of access to the
070414 - customer's computer.
070416 -  ..
070417 - A major problem is discovering all of the ways the operating system
070418 - blocks access and discovering various procedures for correcting the
070419 - problem.
070420 -
070421 -            [On 101213 0717 posted question to forum on DOS to develop
070422 -            work around. ref SDS 3 OJ9M
070424 -  ..
070425 - Discovered 3 features that impact access...
070426 -
070427 -        1.  Morris suggested setting "permissions" for all partitions
070428 -            to "full control" for everyone, or at least
070429 -            administrators.
070431 -  ..
070432 - After making this change which took an hour or so, seem to have some
070433 - improvment, but not a total solution.
070435 -             ..
070436 -        2.  User Account Control Settings
070437 -
070438 -            Control Panel
070439 -               System and Security
070440 -                  Action Center
070441 -                     Change User Account Control Settings
070443 -          ..
070444 -         Choose when to be notified about changes to your computer
070446 -  ..
070447 - This setting was set to...
070448 -
070449 -                     When I make changes to Windows Settings
070451 -  ..
070452 - Changed to "never."
070454 -  ..
070455 - No way to test what effect this has on productivity.
070456 -
070457 -            [On 101214 1508 recommendation from Dostips.com forum to
070458 -            set UAC to off. ref SDS 4 Q65I
070460 -  ..
070461 - Second "access denied" problem...
070462 -
070463 -        3.  Command Prompt
070464 -
070465 -            a.  SDS application shortcut
070466 -
070467 -                Properties
070468 -
070469 -                    Advanced
070470 -
070471 -                       Run as Administrator
070473 -  ..
070474 - Research on the Internet indicated opening the command prompt as the
070475 - "Administrator" provides a higher level of access.
070477 -  ..
070478 - Disocvered this by running chkdsk to verify that Fry's formatted the L
070479 - drive with 512 byte clusters, as ordered on 101104 2024. ref SDS 1
070480 - FR83 and which is cited in the work order on 101106 1329. ref SDS 2
070481 - NP62  Running chkdks, however, yielded an error message...
070482 -
070483 -                          access denied
070485 -  ..
070486 - Research Windows 7 Help on chkdsk simply says...
070487 -
070488 -            Access Denied as you do not have sufficient priveleges.
070489 -            You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode.
070491 -  ..
070492 - There is no immediate evidence on the meaning of "elevated mode," nor
070493 - how to "invoke" it.
070495 -  ..
070496 - Took a guess and tried running the DOS promt as the "administrator,"
070497 - and this allowed chkdsk to run.
070499 -  ..
070500 - Therefore, set SDS, Medit, and DOS applications were set, as explained
070501 - above. ref SDS 0 8O48
070503 -  ..
070504 - Neither of these steps resolved the problem of Windows 7 failing to
070505 - support customer requirements for advancing Knowledge Management.
070506 -
070507 -            [On 101214 1508 Dostips.com forum recommends setting
070508 -            properties to "run as administrator. ref SDS 4 LA3W
070509 -
070510 -
070511 -
070512 -
070513 -
070514 -
070515 -
070516 -
070517 -
070518 -
0706 -