Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: December 14, 2010 03:08 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Windows 7 Access Denied permissions c17 DOS Forum research solution.
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DOSTips.com Forum Batch CMD Joined Request Support RD Command 00904.
2803 -
2803 - ..
2804 - Summary/Objective
2805 -
280501 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000. ref SDS 9 0000.
280502 -
280503 -
280504 -
280505 -
280507 - ..
2806 -
2807 -
2808 - Progress
2809 -
280901 - On 101212 1918, found where code is hanging up on transferring files
280902 - to the Interent.ref SDS 9 QN71
280904 - ..
280905 - On 101213 0717 found DOS forum, and registered for assistance.
280906 - ref SDS 10 R48O
280907 -
280908 - http://www.dostips.com/forum/
280910 - ..
280911 - Posted explanation of "access denied" problem that prevents using SDS
280912 - on the new computer with w7. 101213 0717, ref SDS 10 AE3J
280914 - ..
280915 - Received helpful support, and through dialog that continues this
280916 - afternoon, responding the letter last night, reported on 101213 0717
280917 - at 2139. ref SDS 10 KW4K
280919 - ..
280920 - Received response from Dostips.com saying...
280921 -
280922 - 1. Subject: remove directory W7 batch getting Access denied
280923 - Date: 14 Dec 2010 1117
280924 -
280925 - 2. UAC or User Account Control is part of the new security
280926 - model for win7. [...responding to the letter last night
280927 - submitted to Dostips.com, asking for clarification on UAC.
280928 - 101213 0717, ref SDS 10 U15X...]
280930 - ..
280931 - In the Control Panel, click on "User Accounts".
280932 - Click "Change User Account Control Settings".
280933 - Move the slider to "Never Notify".
280934 - Click Ok and Reboot.
280936 - ..
280937 - This setting was configured on 101204 2004. ref SDS 6 FK8N
280939 - ..
280940 - Dostips.com letter continues...
280941 -
280942 - 3. Try again.
280944 - ..
280945 - 4. Note: it is not recommended to turn UAC all the way off.
280946 - However, I have heard that some legacy applications require
280947 - this.
280949 - ..
280950 - 5. One other thing, did you try to right click your
280951 - application and have it "Run as Administrator"?
280953 - ..
280954 - This setting was configured on 101204 2004. ref SDS 6 8O48
280955 -
280956 -
280958 - ..
2810 -
2811 -
2812 - 1632
2813 -
281301 - Submitted reply to Dostips.com saying...
281302 -
281303 - 1. Subject: remove directory W7 batch getting Access denied
281304 - Date: 14 Dec 2010 1641
281306 - ..
281307 - 2. I set UAC to off, and set SDS app to "Run as Adminstrator,"
281308 - as shown on 101204. ref SDS 6 HF6G
281310 - ..
281311 - 3. Thanks very much for working on this issue. Was hoping to
281312 - transform to w7 32-bit this year while finalizing SDS
281313 - 64-bit op toward using w7 64-bit, but it looks like the
281314 - gods are against us. The problem to solve is strikng a
281315 - balance between total security, which some situations
281316 - require, and optimizing productivity where less security is
281317 - needed.
281319 - ..
281320 - 4. May wind up using xp this year, but at the moment need a
281321 - video driver for the new machine to run xp.
281323 - ..
281324 - Rod
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