440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 30, 2002 08:13 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Letter to OHS/DKR team on what we are trying to accomplish.

2...Bandwidth for Alliance to Advance Beyond IT Difficult to Find
................What are we trying to accomplish
.......Doug Wants to Implement OHS Launch Plan Using Bootstrap
.......Engineers Don't Have Time to Discover What People Need
.......OHS Launch Plan Establishes What Doug Wants to Accomplish
.......OHS Full Implementation First Pass Too Ambitious
.......Bootstrapping Incremental Tools Using Termite Development
.....Link Email to Bootstrap Knowledge through Community of Practice
.....Community of Practice Links Email to Bootstrap Knowledge
.......Termite Development With Limited Vision Has Limited Progress
.......Vision in OHS Launch Plan Not Embraced Takes A Lot of Effort
.......KM Requires Considerable Effort
.......OHS/DKR Collaboration Has Demonstrated Failed KM Efforts
.......Innovation Loop Prevents Progress Needs Experience to Breakout
.......People Reluctant to Invest Time in Project without Design Ideas
.......Licensing Has Not Prevented Progress on KM, Lack of Design
.......KM Secret of SDS Nobody Else Has Clues for an Effective Design
...........Care About Productivity More than User Interface
...........People Will Use SDS to Benefit from Organizational Memory
...........SDS Amazing Overcomes Resistance to Improvement
.......Documents Major Design Challenge for Knowledge Management
.......Links Present Design Challenges

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Purpsoe Objective OHS/DKR Project Engelbart's OHS Launch Plan
What Are We Trying to Accomplish, Mei Lin Fung, Doug Engelbart OHS La
Engelbare, Doug OHS Launch Plan Should Not be Implemented All at Once
Fernhout, Paul Purpose Objectives Goals Bootstrap Incremental Develop
Termite Production Uses Invisible Hand Rather than Directed Design
What Are We Trying to Accomplish Knowledge Management Define Goals P
What Are We Trying to Accomplish Define Knowledge Management Goals P

1609 -
1609 -    ..
1610 - Summary/Objective
1611 -
161101 - Follow up ref SDS 49 0000.
161102 -
161103 -
161104 -
161106 -  ..
161107 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 commenting on Paul's analysis attributing
161108 - delays in working on KM to concerns about licensing and design issues
161109 - with the OHS Launch Plan ref SDS 0 O14N,
161110 -
161111 -
161112 -
161114 -  ..
1612 -
1613 -
1614 - Progress
1615 -
161501 - Bandwidth for Alliance to Advance Beyond IT Difficult to Find
161502 -
161503 - Over the past several weeks correspondence among the OHS/DKR group
161504 - has worked on identifying objectives of the project under the general
161505 - subject....
161507 -                 ..
161508 -                What are we trying to accomplish
161510 -  ..
161511 - Goals for Knowledge Management have been considered many times...
161513 -         ..
161514 -    1.  SDS counterintuitive design nobody works
161515 -        long enough to acquire skill using
161516 -        technology with efficient usability that
161517 -        integrates critical mass of functions to
161518 -        accomplish the plan perform report mental
161519 -        process to discover through experience
161520 -        that working intelligently improves
161521 -        productivity.......................... 910529, ref SDS 2 9989
161523 -         ..
161524 -    2.  Computers help people cope with expanding
161525 -        complexity meetings, calls, documents
161526 -        with mechanized file and library for
161527 -        records management today called a
161528 -        paperless office Vannevar Bush
161529 -        1945 article.......................... 960304, ref SDS 5 H68K
161531 -         ..
161532 -    3.  Computers find information piling up from
161533 -        meetings, calls, documents by tracking
161534 -        trails of associations to improve memory
161535 -        accurately remembering connections of
161536 -        cause and effect normally limited to
161537 -        only the gist of the story today called
161538 -        linking proposed by Vannevar Bush
161539 -    4.  in 1945 article....................... 960304, ref SDS 5 HE6L
161541 -         ..
161542 -    5.  Enable new way of working and
161543 -        thinking, Doug Enngelbart............. 991222, ref SDS 9 3696
161545 -         ..
161546 -    6.  ABC Improvement community of practice
161547 -        "Bootstraps" growth of knowledge using
161548 -        ABC Improvement continual learning
161549 -        Augment Human Potential,
161550 -        Doug Enngelbart....................... 991222, ref SDS 9 3961
161552 -         ..
161553 -    7.  Links in Email with addressability OHS/DKR
161554 -        purpose set by Doug Engelbart paper on
161555 -        Groupware published in
161556 -        1992.................................. 991222, ref SDS 9 1Z61
161558 -         ..
161559 -    8.  What are we trying to accomplish OHS
161560 -        dynamic knowledge repository DKR
161561 -        project Doug Engelbart
161562 -        meeting at SRI........................ 000120, ref SDS 10 3002
161563 -        solve world problems,
161564 -        Eric Armstrong........................ 000120, ref SDS 10 1215
161566 -         ..
161567 -    9.  Knowledge Management OHS/DKR project
161568 -        trying to accomplish combining
161569 -        email and linking using
161570 -        hypertext............................. 000120, ref SDS 10 3871
161572 -         ..
161573 -   10.  What are we trying to accomplish
161574 -        advancing from "information" to a
161575 -        "knowledge" repository................ 000120, ref SDS 10 5063
161577 -         ..
161578 -   11.  Email combine with linking using
161579 -        hyperdocument system proposed
161580 -        by Eric Armstrong..................... 000208, ref SDS 11 3596
161582 -         ..
161583 -        Pandora's Box of complexity developing
161584 -        ontology to organize record of daily
161585 -        work and communications on meetings,
161586 -        calls, and documents discussed
161587 -        by Jack Park.......................... 000221, ref SDS 12 L58O
161589 -         ..
161590 -   12.  What are we trying to accomplish
161591 -        Knowledge definition to develop
161592 -        dynamic knowledge repository
161593 -        DKR requested by
161594 -        Doug Engelbart........................ 000307, ref SDS 14 4820
161596 -         ..
161597 -   13.  Knowledge Management scope a lot of
161598 -        hard work capture, processing, storage,
161599 -        delivery and maintenance of information
161600 -        about products, people, processes
161601 -        and policies.......................... 000307, ref SDS 14 767G
161603 -         ..
161604 -   14.  Knowledge Management projects all fail
161605 -        cannot define scope of what they
161606 -        are trying to accomplish; hope to avoid
161607 -        reinventing wheel, but don't know
161608 -        what the "wheel" of Knowledge
161609 -        Management looks like................. 000324, ref SDS 15 4877
161611 -         ..
161612 -   15.  Engineering management apply efficiencies
161613 -        electronic records management contemporaneous
161614 -        record software programming communication
161615 -        and collaboration purpose of Knowledge
161616 -        Management, self-interest dynamics ABC
161617 -        continual improvement process engineers
161618 -        should "Eat your own dog food!" use
161619 -        OHS/DKR to improve OHS/DKR
161620 -        SRI project
161621 -        Doug Engelbart........................ 000324, ref SDS 15 6992
161623 -         ..
161624 -   16.  Knowledge Management what we are trying
161625 -        to accomplish is better handling
161626 -        of documentation on daily
161627 -        working information,
161628 -        Doug Engelbart........................ 000327, ref SDS 16 3971
161630 -         ..
161631 -   17.  Email links using granular addressability
161632 -        core capability Knowledge Management
161633 -        Doug Engelbart OHS/DKR................ 000405, ref SDS 18 2484
161635 -         ..
161636 -   18.  What are we trying to accomplish; need
161637 -        to define purpose of project, what is
161638 -        the OHS/DKR project building,
161639 -        Debra England......................... 000420, ref SDS 21 5555
161641 -         ..
161642 -   19.  Purpose Knowledge Management to
161643 -        Augment intelligence,
161644 -        Eric Armstrong........................ 000423, ref SDS 22 5933
161646 -         ..
161647 -   20.  Email proposed for Knowledge Management
161648 -        conversations, because that is what
161649 -        engineers know how to accomplish
161650 -        Eric Armstrong........................ 000503, ref SDS 24 IT7I
161652 -         ..
161653 -   21.  Knowledge Management OHS/DKR should help
161654 -        people manage constant flow of email
161655 -        that is totally disorganized and
161656 -        prevents people from making sense
161657 -        of complex information, causing
161658 -        productivity to stop
161659 -        Joe Williams.......................... 000503, ref SDS 24 C48F
161661 -         ..
161662 -   22.  What are we trying to accomplish for
161663 -        advancing beyond information management
161664 -        cannot be done because "knowledge" is
161665 -        not well enough understood to develop
161666 -        technology for Knowledge Management
161667 -        Eric Armstrong........................ 000503, ref SDS 24 5033
161669 -         ..
161670 -   23.  Email seems fast, easy, cheap Knowledge
161671 -        Management technology receive information
161672 -        reminds of things to do, sending correspondence
161673 -        accomplishes collective IQ, communicate,
161674 -        share ideas, collaborate, coordinate
161675 -        cooperate subject threads organize things
161676 -        effectively to work productively
161677 -        Eric Armstrong........................ 000503, ref SDS 24 F82E
161679 -         ..
161680 -   24.  Email proposed email for what people are
161681 -        trying to accomplish creating
161682 -        Knowledge Management
161683 -        Eric Armstrong........................ 000505, ref SDS 25 4392
161685 -         ..
161686 -   25.  Knowledge Management SRI team gives up,
161687 -        nobody knows what we are trying to
161688 -        accomplish because there is not enough
161689 -        knowledge to develop technology for
161690 -        Knowledge Management; decides to
161691 -        create email program that everybody
161692 -        understands and call it
161693 -        OHS/DKR............................... 000615, ref SDS 27 6271
161695 -         ..
161696 -   26.  Ontology engine processes files to construct
161697 -        topic maps that organize documents so
161698 -        people can find information quickly
161699 -        when needed; explains purpose Knowledge
161700 -        Management that OHS/DKR at SRI is
161701 -        trying to accomplish, proposed by
161702 -        Jack Park............................. 000623, ref SDS 28 2915
161704 -         ..
161705 -   27.  Design OHS/DKR translate email
161706 -        text into XML Welch system,
161707 -        Doug Engelbart........................ 000824, ref SDS 30 PU5N
161709 -         ..
161710 -   28.  OHS/DKR "Launch Plan" proposes technology
161711 -        for Knowledge Management using "paperless
161712 -        office" model for efficiencies capturing
161713 -        work history; links implement Bush 1945
161714 -        vision for computers to help people cope
161715 -        with expanding using "trails of association"
161716 -        that augment intelligence for collective
161717 -        IQ; collaboration applies Doug's vision
161718 -        of ACB continual improvment; explicit
161719 -        links granular addressability in
161720 -        Launch Plan
161721 -        Doug Engelbart........................ 001025, ref SDS 34 Y892
161723 -         ..
161724 -   29.  Link comments on OHS Launch Plan to
161725 -        explicit links granular addressability
161726 -        in Launch Plan document; begin
161727 -        learning Knowledge Management
161728 -        Doug Engelbart........................ 001025, ref SDS 34 00VU
161730 -         ..
161731 -   30.  OHS to improve development and
161732 -        application of knowledge.............. 001025, ref SDS 34 A4U2
161734 -         ..
161735 -   31.  Hyperscope for universal access
161736 -        to documents created with different
161737 -        technologies.......................... 001025, ref SDS 34 A5U6
161739 -         ..
161740 -   32.  Vocabulary switches due to lack of links
161741 -        that bind understanding to original
161742 -        sources prevents consistent
161743 -        application for building
161744 -        OHS/DKR............................... 001116, ref SDS 35 0001
161746 -         ..
161747 -   33.  Learn how to design and build tools
161748 -        for Knowledge Management by learning
161749 -        to perform Knowledge Management
161750 -        using email........................... 001126, ref SDS 37 QW8I
161752 -         ..
161753 -   34.  IBM project convert Lotus Notes into
161754 -        Raven failed engineers could not
161755 -        decide what they were trying to
161756 -        accomplish............................ 001130, ref SDS 39 F26K
161758 -         ..
161759 -   35.  Microsoft tries "baking" XML to accomplish
161760 -        better productivity, earnings, and
161761 -        share holder value
161762 -        Steve Balmer.......................... 010510, ref SDS 41 656F
161763 -        XML benefits not identified expected
161764 -        to evolve over a 5 year
161765 -        period................................ 010510, ref SDS 41 X854
161767 -         ..
161768 -   36.  Productivity paralyzed by information
161769 -        density; constant email overwhelms
161770 -        span of attention; nobody can
161771 -        find anything......................... 011003, ref SDS 49 EC5N
161772 -        Knowledge Management engineers
161773 -        clueless.............................. 011003, ref SDS 49 O74L
161775 -         ..
161776 -   37.  What are we trying to accomplish case study
161777 -        (this record) showing engineers cannot
161778 -        define Knowledge Management do not
161779 -        grasp goals of paperless office
161780 -        project to improve productivity
161781 -        with better efficiency and
161782 -        accuracy to think, remember
161783 -        and communicate....................... 020530, ref SDS 0 EF7I
161785 -         ..
161786 -   38.  Knowledge Management has no discernable
161787 -        distinction from what people are trying
161788 -        to accomplish with information
161789 -        management, David
161790 -        Skyme................................. 020608, ref SDS 54 JA4L
161792 -         ..
161793 -   39.  Knowledge Management projects have
161794 -        all failed............................ 020608, ref SDS 54 QV5G
161796 -         ..
161797 -   40.  Microsoft Sharepoint portal dashboard
161798 -        trying to accomplish better productivity
161799 -        collaboration to find, share, and
161800 -        publish information................... 020822, ref SDS 60 H2YS
161802 -         ..
161803 -   41.  What is Microsoft trying to accomplish
161804 -        improve productivity with better memory
161805 -        accuracy understandings find
161806 -        information in documents
161807 -        piling up on computers................ 021108, ref SDS 62 EF5I
161809 -         ..
161810 -   42.  Microsoft integrating commands to increase
161811 -        efficient usability that improves
161812 -        productivity.......................... 021108, ref SDS 62 EFBE
161814 -         ..
161815 -   43.  What are we trying to accomplish, people
161816 -        forget purpose of Knowledge
161817 -        Management............................ 040113, ref SDS 65 WO5I
161819 -         ..
161820 -   44.  Communication complex Knowledge Management
161821 -        purpose should make sense of who is
161822 -        saying what, the context,
161823 -        flow of conversation,
161824 -        Tom Munnecke.......................... 040113, ref SDS 65 RA7G
161826 -         ..
161827 -   45.  How important is shared vocabulary to
161828 -        collaboration; what are we really aruging
161829 -        about... religion, truth, something
161830 -        else; why are we talking about
161831 -        these things
161832 -        Kathryn La Barre...................... 040113, ref SDS 65 DY3S
161834 -         ..
161835 -   46.  Executives, engineers, marketing visionaries
161836 -        lose sight of purpose for knowledge management,
161837 -        because leveraging intelligence to "connect
161838 -        the dots" understanding cause and effect
161839 -        in a complex world remains a mysterious
161840 -        biological process; nobody can remember
161841 -        what knowledge management is trying
161842 -        to accomplish......................... 040113 ref SDS 65 EJ6P
161844 -         ..
161845 -   47.  Sensemaking was cited by Jack Park
161846 -        to explain SDS support for
161847 -        Knowledge Management.................. 040622, ref SDS 66 FM5W
161848 -
161850 -  ..
161851 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Paul Fernhout that says....
161852 -
161853 - ...quoting an earlier letter from Mei Lin Fung saying...
161854 -
161855 -   1.  People who have been in Doug's orbit sometimes feel they
161856 -       understand fully the problem and what needs to be done. Often
161857 -       that seems to involve putting Doug on the shelf so that he stops
161858 -       making these troublesome remarks that people can't understand.
161859 -       ref DRT 1 0001
161861 -            ..
161862 -           Doug's experience using Augment NLS provided understanding
161863 -           about improving technology that has proven difficult to
161864 -           transfer because few people have the experience needed for
161865 -           understanding, and few have been willing to make the effort
161866 -           for acquiring experience unless paid to do so, as Eric
161867 -           Armstrong reported on 011003. ref SDS 49 O73F
161869 -            ..
161870 -           Doug lacks funds to pay people for acquiring experience.
161872 -            ..
161873 -           There is no body of work that conveys a history showing that
161874 -           the OHS Launch Plan will lead to a solution.
161875 -
161876 -
161878 -        ..
161879 -       Doug Wants to Implement OHS Launch Plan Using Bootstrap
161880 -       Engineers Don't Have Time to Discover What People Need
161881 -       OHS Launch Plan Establishes What Doug Wants to Accomplish
161882 -
161883 -
161884 -   2.  This is to do him a disservice, that's my opinion. He is not at
161885 -       a place in his life where he wants to debate his ideas and
161886 -       plans, they have been the product of 51 years of thinking. He
161887 -       just wants to do it and to work with people that want to do it.
161888 -       What he wants to do has been outlined in the OHS Launch Plan for
161889 -       the hyperscope, BI2120. ref DRT 1 PPSR
161891 -              ..
161892 -   
161894 -            ..
161895 -           The letter responding to Paul cites the OHS Launch Plan,
161896 -           ref DRP 1 0001, which Doug submitted on 001025, ref SDS 34
161897 -           G3W8, to explain what he wants to accomplish. ref DIT 1 0001
161899 -            ..
161900 -           Without funds to pay people to do things, action depends on
161901 -           volunteers, at least in the beginning, who share Doug's
161902 -           understanding and believe that investing time and effort
161903 -           will bring future rewards.  This presents an innovation loop
161904 -           because few people share Doug's understanding. ref SDS 0
161905 -           JQ9G
161907 -            ..
161908 -           The problem is particularly difficult for software engineers
161909 -           who make a living creating things people say they want, and
161910 -           so do not have time to gain experience doing KM in order to
161911 -           discover what people need.
161912 -
161913 -
161915 -        ..
161916 -       OHS Full Implementation First Pass Too Ambitious
161917 -       Bootstrapping Incremental Tools Using Termite Development
161918 -
161919 -
161920 - Paul responds...
161921 -
161922 -   3.  One major issue here is a fundamental contradiction between
161923 -       implementing the perfect OHS on the first pass, versus
161924 -       bootstrapping a population of tools capable of evolution.
161925 -       ref DRT 1 O07M
161927 -            ..
161928 -           Letter responding to Paul, says he makes a powerful point,
161929 -           ref DIT 1 626H, that can be supported by showing effort to
161930 -           develop a tool and showing work product demonstrating
161931 -           alignment with what Doug is trying to accomplish in the OHS
161932 -           Launch plan published on 001025. ref SDS 34 G3W8  In other
161933 -           words, Paul seems to be on firm ground saying lets not reach
161934 -           for the sky right away; let's start out with both feet on
161935 -           the ground and produce an incremental improvement, then
161936 -           another and another, then combine these into something
161937 -           better, i.e., let's bootstrap our way to the future.
161939 -            ..
161940 -           The response letter to Paul notes that Doug promotes
161941 -           bootstrapping, ref DIT 1 EL6L, as the essence of ABC
161942 -           improvement, reported on 991222. ref SDS 9 3961  So,
161943 -           nominally the conflict Paul cites is not supported by the
161944 -           record.  Progress can be demonstrated by Paul and others
161945 -           producing work product showing various parts of Doug's
161946 -           launch plan are being developed and/or completed.
161947 -
161949 -      ..
161950 -     Link Email to Bootstrap Knowledge through Community of Practice
161951 -     Community of Practice Links Email to Bootstrap Knowledge
161952 -
161953 -
161954 -           The letter responding to Paul explains that, for example,
161955 -           Doug wants to foster a community of practice that
161956 -           "bootstraps" its expertise by using existing technology,
161957 -           primarily through email, ref DIT 1 EL6L, to create a
161958 -           connected web of dialog and analysis that, over time, grows
161959 -           knowledge about how to augment intelligence and how to build
161960 -           technology that aids that objective.
161962 -            ..
161963 -           To further this goal, on 001025 Doug requested that
161964 -           contributors link work product to the launch plan,
161965 -           ref SDS 34 00VU, based on Doug's original call on 000405 for
161966 -           addressability in communication, ref SDS 18 2484, which is
161967 -           provided in SDS records.
161969 -            ..
161970 -           Where has Paul or anyone linked email to the Launch Plan?
161971 -
161972 -              [...below, Eric says he believes people would use SDS-
161973 -              type tools to create organizational memory, despite years
161974 -              of having failed to do so. ref SDS 0 RK5M
161975 -
161976 -              [On 020618 history of strong culture inertia that resists
161977 -              adding links to work intelligently. ref SDS 55 TN6O
161979 -            ..
161980 -           The letter responding to Paul notes there is no evident
161981 -           progress on Doug's request.  On 001126 Eugene Kim proposed
161982 -           people implement Doug's request for linking email by using
161983 -           greater diligence with existing IT methods, rather than use
161984 -           SDS, ref SDS 37 QW8I, however, no one has done this.
161985 -           ref DIT 1 W27J
161987 -            ..
161988 -           Earlier on 991222 a letter was submitted to Doug with
161989 -           connections to original sources, ref DIT 1 W27J, showing
161990 -           progress on what Doug wanted to accomplish. ref SDS 9 6324
161991 -           and, ref SDS 9 3696  Later on 000120 a letter was submitted
161992 -           to the OHS/DKR team discussion Doug's Colloquium at Stanford
161993 -           explaining tasks for making progress on what Doug wanted to
161994 -           accomplish. ref SDS 10 5063
161996 -            ..
161997 -           On 001025 a letter was sent Doug with connections to the OHS
161998 -           Launch Plan, ref DIT 1 W27J, to demonstrate how to
161999 -           accomplish what he wants to accomplish. ref SDS 34 V64H
162000 -           Throughout this period, the OHS/DKR group regularly received
162001 -           work product implementing Doug's goals, as shown on 001017.
162002 -           ref SDS 33 1575
162004 -            ..
162005 -           Lack of staff and limited bandwidth prevented responding to
162006 -           the offer of alliance for accomplishing what Doug wants, as
162007 -           reported on 000223. ref SDS 13 V2GS
162008 -
162010 -        ..
162011 -       Termite Development With Limited Vision Has Limited Progress
162012 -       Vision in OHS Launch Plan Not Embraced Takes A Lot of Effort
162013 -
162014 -
162015 - Paul continues...
162016 -
162017 -   4.  I don't think anyone here disrespects Doug's technical
162018 -       accomplishments or his social ones of getting creative people
162019 -       together. I don't think anyone here disrespects his vision for
162020 -       something good for humankind by enabling high performance teams
162021 -       capable of further bootstrapping (until transcendence?). It
162022 -       would be wonderful to see Doug's current vision for an OHS
162023 -       implemented as it is a distillation of years of experience and
162024 -       pondering, whether or not the current design is perfect. If you
162025 -       want to help him implement exactly that specification, and
162026 -       recruit others to do so, more power to you. ref DRT 1 308I
162028 -            ..
162029 -           Paul seems to imply that progress has been delayed by a
162030 -           flawed specification.
162032 -            ..
162033 -           On 001025 Doug invited comments, suggesting specifications
162034 -           can be amended.  There is no evident record showing that
162035 -           Paul or anybody else ever proposed an amendment.
162036 -
162037 -
162039 -        ..
162040 -       KM Requires Considerable Effort
162041 -       OHS/DKR Collaboration Has Demonstrated Failed KM Efforts
162042 -
162043 -
162044 - Paul says....
162045 -
162046 -   5.  Still, doing so would take considerable effort, and the question
162047 -       is who will make that investment and for what reasons -- given
162048 -       an estimate of the project's chances of success (in various
162049 -       ways) against how useful it will be and what is already out
162050 -       there. Much of the value of this list has been in seeing all the
162051 -       other things people have been doing, both for ideas and to avoid
162052 -       reinventing wheels (or at least, for me, to avoid reinventing
162053 -       other free wheels). ref DRT 1 PG9J
162055 -            ..
162056 -           Letter responding to Paul cites his concern about the level
162057 -           of effort entailed in implementing Doug's OHS Launch Plan,
162058 -           ref DIT 1 OQ6I, which was discussed during the project
162059 -           launch meeting on 000324. ref SDS 15 1450 and ref SDS 15 4729
162061 -            ..
162062 -           Paul can help contributors by identifying any ideas or
162063 -           "wheels" whether free or expensive that have in any way
162064 -           advanced understanding about what to build that improves
162065 -           upon information technology, toward Knowledge Management, in
162066 -           light of analysis on 020516 that effective design ideas
162067 -           require work product. ref SDS 52 IH3L
162069 -                ..
162070 -               [On 030111 Eric Armstrong asks for evidence showing
162071 -               progress on developing KM. ref SDS 63 YN77
162073 -            ..
162074 -           On 000324 Lee Iverson reported research by SRI showed that
162075 -           all KM projects have failed. ref SDS 15 4877  On 010620 Lee
162076 -           presented specification and requirement ideas, ref SDS 42
162077 -           0001, hoping to "kick start" something. ref SDS 42 0F43  So
162078 -           far, the thing started is the Nexist project by Jack Park,
162079 -           who reported on 011003 that he has no clues about how to
162080 -           build technology that advances from IT to KM. ref SDS 49
162081 -           O74L
162083 -            ..
162084 -           On 001130 Paul submitted an article reporting that IBM's $4B
162085 -           effort to get Lotus Notes to do more than email by
162086 -           supporting Knowledge Management had failed.  There has been
162087 -           no more heard from IBM on this effort. ref SDS 39 F26K
162089 -            ..
162090 -           This record indicates the OHS/DKR effort for the past two
162091 -           (2) years has established that nobody has any ideas or
162092 -           wheels, free or otherwise, on moving beyond information
162093 -           technology (IT) to a culture of knowledge, despite desire to
162094 -           do so noted by Gates and Ellison during a conference in
162095 -           Paris, reported on 970222, ref SDS 8 3967, except as
162096 -           demonstrated by SDS and explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 3742
162098 -            ..
162099 -           The SDS record, cited for example on 010907, ref SDS 43
162100 -           KX3L, demonstrates that the effort to produce "intelligence"
162101 -           is within reach of people, as noted by Jack Park on 000426.
162102 -           ref SDS 23 3315  The design for this capability is difficult
162103 -           for reasons reported on 010924. ref SDS 48 XT5F and
162104 -           ref SDS 48 QN7M
162105 -
162106 -
162107 -
162108 -
162109 -
162110 -
162111 -
162112 -
162113 -
162114 -
1622 -

Innovation Loop Programmers Don't Know What to Program to Improve Man
Innovation Loop Experience SDS Organizational Memory Needed Design KM
Leadership Overcome Innovation Loop Empower People Gain Experience Ov
Unwilling Invest Time Develop OHS Launch Plan
Work Product Nothing to Contribute to OHS/DKR because KM Secret of SD
SDS Used by Eric If Available because SDS Shows Amazing Capability
Innovation Loop Solved by SDS People Willing Learn Use KM Because SDS
Foster Culture of Knowledge Communication Link Cite SDS POIMS for Fou
Experience Deployment SDS Enable People Discover Advantage of Working
Internet Experience SDS Records Overcomes Fear Builds Faith Invest Mo
Killer App Remember More than 5% Gist New Way of Thinking Through Wri
Armstrong, Eric Amazing SDS Memory Obviously Works Slap Better Interf

5214 -
521501 -        ..
521502 -       Innovation Loop Prevents Progress Needs Experience to Breakout
521503 -       People Reluctant to Invest Time in Project without Design Ideas
521504 -       Licensing Has Not Prevented Progress on KM, Lack of Design
521505 -       KM Secret of SDS Nobody Else Has Clues for an Effective Design
521506 -
521507 -
521508 - Paul explains...
521509 -
521510 -   6.  I'm not ready to make that investment myself, in part (beyond
521511 -       licensing) because I have specific design issues with aspects of
521512 -       OHS design, which were raised quite a while back. (And frankly,
521513 -       I'm not up on all the latest discussion, so some of these issues
521514 -       may have been better addressed since then, either by Doug or
521515 -       various other contributors.), ref DRT 1 YH4H
521517 -            ..
521518 -           Letter responding to Paul cites his concern about the level
521519 -           of effort entailed in implementing Doug's OHS Launch Plan.
521520 -           ref DIT 1 OQ6I
521522 -            ..
521523 -           Paul's reticence to invest time on a KM project is supported
521524 -           by the record of research by SRI and IBM's failure on a KM
521525 -           project despite investing $4B, which show that, without the
521526 -           SDS design, KM is beyond the reach of current ideas, as
521527 -           discussed above. ref SDS 0 DK5F
521529 -  ..
521530 - Paul argues...
521531 -
521532 -       Design issues can be thrashed through and both of the above
521533 -       issues could probably be resolved in some form in a process that
521534 -       involves bootstrapping Doug's design (if license issues &
521535 -       permisison to use were resolved yada yada). ref DRT 1 SN6L
521537 -            ..
521538 -           What evidence shows design for KM can be resolved to enable
521539 -           progress on code, in light of evidence showing that people
521540 -           do not have enough knowledge about Knowledge Management to
521541 -           design technology that improves information management, see
521542 -           above, ref SDS 0 DK5F, citing prior analysis on 020516 that
521543 -           work product is needed to establish practical design ideas.
521544 -           ref SDS 52 IH3L
521546 -            ..
521547 -           Letter responding to Paul and the team cites his concern
521548 -           about licenses, and that Doug has addressed this in recent
521549 -           days. ref DIT 1 PPXS
521551 -            ..
521552 -           Letter responding to Paul says that...
521553 -
521554 -           1.  design of KM is difficult, certainly counterintuitive,
521555 -               ref DIT 1 0231, evident from the record on 920215,
521556 -               ref SDS 3 5820, and explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 SK7L
521557 -               and ref OF 1 5820
521559 -                ..
521560 -           2.  people are not willing to invest time to work on ideas
521561 -               they do not believe are effective, per Paul above.
521562 -               ref SDS 0 O14N
521564 -            ..
521565 -           The whole concept of open source, that folks do what they
521566 -           want, reported by Paul describing Termite development on
521567 -           000831, ref SDS 31 0001, and later Grant Bowman on 001012,
521568 -           ref SDS 32 PT5M, is antithetical to innovative design.  By
521569 -           definition innovation is "new," so people are ignorant and
521570 -           fearful about it until they gain experience.
521572 -            ..
521573 -           Even if the SDS design were given over, there is no hope it
521574 -           can be implemented without investment to buy people's time
521575 -           to work on things they believe will not work, ref DIT 1
521576 -           YZ7M, until such time as they gain sufficient experience to
521577 -           learn about KM, as set out in POIMS. see for example the
521578 -           record on 961101. ref SDS 6 8888
521580 -            ..
521581 -           In other words, there is an innovation loop explained on
521582 -           010924, ref SDS 48 UQ3J, that can only be transcended
521583 -           through experience, and it takes money to buy time, and/or
521584 -           leadership and luck for people with the right kind of skills
521585 -           to gain that experience. ref DIT 1 E68N
521587 -            ..
521588 -           This is evident from Eric's letter on 011003 saying people
521589 -           have to be paid to do KM, because it takes so much time
521590 -           using the tools everybody likes to use. ref SDS 49 O73F
521591 -
521593 -            ..
521594 -           Care About Productivity More than User Interface
521595 -           People Will Use SDS to Benefit from Organizational Memory
521596 -           SDS Amazing Overcomes Resistance to Improvement
521597 -
5216 -
5217 -
5218 - 2344
5219 -
521901 - Eric Armstrong says....
521903 -        ..
521904 -       Received ref DRT 2 0001 from Eric saying....
521905 -
521906 -           Incredible, Rod. You continually amaze with your ability to
521907 -           access the record. If we had tools of the kind you have
521908 -           developed, I believe we *would* use them. (I've only
521909 -           quarreled with having to link to everything, instead of
521910 -           incorporating it, but hey...)
521911 -
521912 -               [On 031211 Eric's attitude about linking evolves another
521913 -               notch by asking for help to find relevant inforamtion
521914 -               for creating a link. ref SDS 64 EP5G
521916 -        ..
521917 -       Eric responds to the letter submitted this evening, ref DIT 1
521918 -       0001, for the OHS/DKR group in reply to Paul Fernhout's
521919 -       thoughtful letter, ref DRT 1 0001, commenting on Mei Lin Fungs's
521920 -       explanation of what Doug wants to accomplish, per above.
521921 -       ref SDS 0 EF7I  Eric agrees with analysis showing progress on KM
521922 -       is slow because the design is difficult, and not because
521923 -       solutions are being withheld by big companies due to proprietary
521924 -       license issues, as explained earlier on 020516, ref SDS 52 M55F,
521925 -       citing Eric's letter on 001127. ref SDS 38 QI4O
521927 -        ..
521928 -       Eric's support for SDS work product created using links that
521929 -       make access to relevant context fast and easy aligns with
521930 -       analysis on 950204 showing SDS strengthens basic literacy by
521931 -       augmenting human intelligence. ref SDS 4 4995 and and,
521932 -       ref SDS 4 7499
521934 -        ..
521935 -       Eric's belief that people would use tools, like SDS, to create
521936 -       organizational memory for a DKR is encouraging, and conflicts
521937 -       with the record showing people have not implemented Doug's
521938 -       request to use addressability for linking communications that
521939 -       only takes 10 seconds, per above. ref SDS 0 WK4H
521940 -
521941 -          [On 020726 adding links saves a lot of time and money, but
521942 -          cultural inertia resists transformation to a culture of
521943 -          knowledge. ref SDS 57 TV9K
521945 -           ..
521946 -          [On 020812 KM experts fail to invest a few seconds to create
521947 -          connected record using explicit links. ref SDS 58 TV9K
521949 -           ..
521950 -          [On 020618 powerful cultural inertia resists transformation
521951 -          from information to a culture of knowledge by adding links to
521952 -          communication. ref SDS 55 EL8M  See specifically citing this
521953 -          record and others. ref SDS 55 K18J
521955 -           ..
521956 -          [On 020723 letter to OHS/DKR group offers to sell SDS upon a
521957 -          showing that people are ready to start linking the record.
521958 -          ref SDS 56 0001
521960 -        ..
521961 -       Eric's praise today for SDS and expression of willingness to use
521962 -       SDS, despite reservations about user interface reported on
521963 -       010916, ref SDS 45 PG6J, and again on 010917, ref SDS 47 UR7J,
521964 -       shows that experience over several years revealing ability to
521965 -       produce better work product using SDS than other methods he is
521966 -       using or has available, tends to drive demand toward adopting a
521967 -       new way of working with SDS that saves time and money, as shown
521968 -       on 001219. ref SDS 40 4W4L
521970 -        ..
521971 -       Over the past two (2) years Eric has gained experience seeing...
521972 -
521973 -           [On 031211 Eric's attitude about linking evolves another
521974 -           notch by asking for help to find relevant inforamtion for
521975 -           creating a link. ref SDS 64 EP5G
521977 -        ..
521978 -       Accurate record of meetings
521979 -       without tape recording................. 000601, ref SDS 26 0001
521981 -        ..
521982 -       SDS linking effective.................. 010913, ref SDS 44 1U3O
521984 -        ..
521985 -       Amazing memory using methods
521986 -       that obviously work.................... 010916, ref SDS 45 0001
521988 -        ..
521989 -       Can't find anything using popular
521990 -       methods everybody likes................ 010916, ref SDS 46 KA6H
521992 -        ..
521993 -       Other methods take a lot of time to
521994 -       organize the record and people still
521995 -       can't find anything.................... 010916, ref SDS 46 4J4J
521997 -        ..
521998 -       Popular methods with user interface
521999 -       that everybody likes paralyze
522000 -       productivity........................... 011003, ref SDS 49 EC5N
522002 -        ..
522003 -       Eric wanted inclusion links and
522004 -       purple numbers......................... 011105, ref SDS 50 3L5O
522006 -        ..
522007 -       Explicit links improve organizational
522008 -       memory added to SDS.................... 020320, ref SDS 51 0001
522009 -
522010 -
522011 -               Eric's readiness to use SDS for managing the record is a
522012 -               breakthrough in marketing that shows people care about
522013 -               and can recognize the value of productivity and earnings
522014 -               over ease of use embodied in the popular idea of "user
522015 -               inteface" and user friendly.
522017 -                ..
522018 -               This clarifies Eric's letter on 000824 saying he hates
522019 -               archives. ref SDS 30 7O9I  Today, he seems to be saying
522020 -               that with efficient technology, archives are fun and
522021 -               useful to manage under the rule:  past is prologue,
522022 -               cited in POIMS. ref OF 1 20H4
522023 -
522024 -                  [On 020820 Eric seems to change position and agree
522025 -                  with Murray Althein that using explicit links to
522026 -                  create a connected record is not a useful exercise
522027 -                  for creating a dynamic DKR. ref SDS 59 PO4L
522029 -                ..
522030 -               On 000405 Eric complained SDS should incorporate
522031 -               referenced material "inline" for email rather than use
522032 -               links to avoid duplication and errors. ref SDS 17 4823
522033 -               Later on 000811 he objected to SDS links. ref SDS 29
522034 -               0001  On 001105 Eric related it is harder to develop
522035 -               technology that improves management than expected on
522036 -               000405. ref SDS 36 0001
522037 -
522038 -                   [On 020531 Mike Poremba analyses the scope of Eric's
522039 -                   comments today about links v. incorporating
522040 -                   information. ref SDS 53 XX5L
522042 -                ..
522043 -               Eric's willingness to work with SDS reflects comments on
522044 -               970107 afer gaining experience using SDS work product
522045 -               showed that this method is more productive than methods
522046 -               used previously when objections were raised against SDS.
522047 -               ref SDS 7 4953  Similarly, on 961101 USACE reported that
522048 -               experience with SDS work product disclosed a much
522049 -               different capability than expected prior to getting
522050 -               experience. ref SDS 6 8888
522051 -
522052 -                  [On 020723 letter to OHS/DKR group offers to sell SDS
522053 -                  upon a showing that people are ready to start linking
522054 -                  the record. ref SDS 56 0001
522056 -        ..
522057 -       Eric's quarell "...with having to link to everything, instead of
522058 -       incorporating it..., ref SDS 0 RK5M, conflicts with support for
522059 -       SDS work product that makes access fast and easy to get relevant
522060 -       context. ref SDS 0 NQ5G  Research on 950204 shows linking is a
522061 -       core process for augmenting human intelligence, ref SDS 4 7499,
522062 -       which Eric set as a goal in his letter on 000423. ref SDS 22
522063 -       5933  On 900303 Jeremy Campbell's book explains intelligence is
522064 -       a process of making connections. ref SDS 1 3016
522066 -            ..
522067 -           [On 021010 Jack Park seems to support Erick's idea about
522068 -           incorporating information into email rather than using
522069 -           links. ref SDS 61 8F6H
522070 -
522071 -
522072 -
522073 -
522074 -
522075 -
5221 -

Documents Difficult Design Problem for OHS KM Project
Documents Not Effective Method or Concept for DKR, KM Knowledge

5404 -
540501 -        ..
540502 -       Documents Major Design Challenge for Knowledge Management
540503 -
540504 -
540505 - Paul raises important design challenges...
540506 -
540507 -   7.  The most serious issue is in the notion of "Document"
540508 -       ref DRT 1 FZ4N
540510 -           ..
540511 -       •  Where do document boundaries end?
540512 -       •  How are documents composed of other components?
540513 -       •  How do documents change through time along with the system
540514 -          itself?
540515 -       •  How are documents merged?
540516 -       •  How are they split?
540517 -       •  Is the notion of "Document" really a valuable idea as opposed
540518 -          to say nested versioned hierarchies (e.g. OTI's Envy for
540519 -          Smalltalk) or networks with paragraphs at the base?) (These
540520 -          are related to some issues William Kent raises in "Data &
540521 -          Reality").
540523 -              ..
540524 -             Letter responding to Paul commends his ideas on documents.
540525 -             ref DIT 1 PPYW
540527 -              ..
540528 -             Paul's ideas can expedite progress by providing links to
540529 -             original sources and providing examples that demonstrate
540530 -             utility and feasibility.
540532 -              ..
540533 -             POIMS explains concept of advancing beyond "documents" to
540534 -             a new idea of Knowledge Space. ref OF 1 SV5N  This aligns
540535 -             with Doug's call for a new way of working, ref DIT 1 PPYW,
540536 -             reviewed on 991222. ref SDS 9 3696
540538 -              ..
540539 -             SDS has demonstrated implementation for several years,
540540 -             ref DIT 1 SX4L, as seen by this record, and explained on
540541 -             001219. ref SDS 40 QT6F and ref SDS 40 4W4L and further
540542 -             discussed in POIMS. ref OF 1 3742
540543 -
540544 -
540545 -
540546 -
5406 -

Links Difficult Design Problem for OHS KM Project
Linking, Versioning Architectural Snags, Eric Armstrong

5604 -
560501 -        ..
560502 -       Links Present Design Challenges
560503 -
560504 -
560505 - Paul continues...
560506 -
560507 -       The second major design issue revolves around the notion of a
560508 -       link. While I think it makes sense to be able to use a system to
560509 -       move from a viewed concept to related items, it isn't clear what
560510 -       the best way to do that is, given the power of search engines
560511 -       (which can find all pages containing a text string) and that the
560512 -       link an author originally creates (say for a definition) may not
560513 -       reflect the current needs of the reader. Also, related to
560514 -       transcending links is the issue of distributed non-locational
560515 -       content. ref DRT 1 TY5M
560517 -              ..
560518 -             Paul's idea here is not clear.  Perhaps an example showing
560519 -             where any aspect of what is being explained has been used
560520 -             and how much time and money it saves.
560522 -              ..
560523 -             SDS has been used since about 1985.  It uses links for
560524 -             connecting contextual stories into chronologies that
560525 -             impart cause and effect.  This has been useful for
560526 -             augmenting intelligence, explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 0367
560527 -             With all of this experience Paul's explanation of linking
560528 -             is still not evident.
560529 -
560530 -
560531 -
560532 -
560533 -
560534 -
560535 -
560536 -
560537 -
560538 -
560539 -
560540 -
560541 -
560542 -
560543 -
560544 -
560545 -
560546 -
5606 -