440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 29, 1991 10:13 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Improve Help for Menu system; help for SDS concepts; called Morri.

2...Counterintuitive Design Takes Experience to Understand
3...SDS Design Counterintuitive Culture Shock Prevents Experience

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0201 - Frank Russell Company
020101 - Mr. Maurice E. Smyth
020102 - Systems Development

SDS, Help
Menu Functions, 035031

0404 -
0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up
040602 -
040603 - x0001 Improved the language to explain "functions" and "catagories."  I
040604 - have withheld explaining the menu headings, since they can be learned
040605 - by opening each heading, and requesting help or trying the various
040606 - functions in each.
040607 -
040608 -
0407 -

Customer Perceived Value
Convert Schedule to Diary, 910523
Help; Overview, SDS concept

0605 -
0606 - Summary
060701 -  ..
060702 - This is to try and explain to Users they should close records each
060703 - day, and make new ones for continuing activities, as necessary.  This
060704 - results from experience with Morri and more recently with Morris,
060705 - ref SDS 6 line 170801.
060707 -  ..
060708 - Will put it in SDS Overview, Purpose after Integrated Tasks,
060709 - Scheduling & Reporting, about line 168.  Will also put something on
060710 - this in Schedule Summary Help.
060711 -
060713 -  ..
0608 -
0609 - 02011
0610 -   ..
061001 - Added some language on this at line 168.
061003 -  ..
0611 -
0612 - 10 22  New User's Orientation
0613 -
061301 - I think the language at line 110 may be the cause of users tending to
061302 - keep "incomplete" objectives from being converted to Diary records
061303 - each day.
061305 -  ..
061306 - This language in Schedule Summary "Help," imparts a sense that the
061307 - Diary is supposed to contain only "completed" records, because at that
061308 - point, it is removed from the schedule.  User's feel that since
061309 - something is not complete, it should not be removed from the Schedule
061310 - Summary.  That is the error!
061312 -  ..
061313 - Completed tasks must be removed so they can be reported as such, and
061314 - if further work is needed, then linked to new tasks should be entered.
061315 - That way, the Diary Summary shows a history and the Schedule shows
061316 - what remains to be done.
061317 - ..
061318 - I added some language at line 110 and at line 125, but I am
061319 - still not happy that this conveys the point.
061321 -  ..
0614 -
0615 - 10 222
0616 -
061601 - Created new Help screen to explain SDS theory on this point, using
061602 - the research below.
061603 -
0617 -

Customer Perceived Value
Convert Schedule to Diary, 910523
Learning period/difficulty
Convert Schedule to Diary, Conflicts
Difficult to Explain SDS/POIMS
Action Items, Notes, Desktop
Cultural Resistance to New Methods
Difficult to Grasp; SDS is Complex
Counterintuitive SDS Secret KM Design Counterintuitive, 000425
Secret SDS Only KM Design, 000425
Unique Character of Communication Metrics
5000 Years Manual Practice Paradigm Shift Difficult to Grasp Counteri

2314 -
231501 -  ..
231502 - Counterintuitive Design Takes Experience to Understand
231503 -
231504 - Called Morri to follow up our discussion on 910123 at Discovery
231505 - College, ref SDS 3 7709.
231507 -  ..
231508 - He feels people have difficulty grasping SDS provides a new way of
231509 - working that is counterintuitive, see below, ref SDS 0 4930, because
231510 - the intelligence process capturing experience and connecting cause and
231511 - effect into "knowledge" is a big mystery, noted by Morris Jones last
231512 - week on 910523. ref SDS 6 9009  Nobody has experience integrating a
231513 - critical mass of functions for schedule, diary, documents, and people,
231514 - as explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 1850  People intuit from experience
231515 - using documents, filing, and schedules that misleads them trying to
231516 - implement the plan, perform, report SDS process.  Frustrations using
231517 - tools that aid the automatic pilot of human intelligence prevents
231518 - gaining skills and experience to discover that synergy from efficient
231519 - usability for capturing, linking, and accessing relevant work history
231520 - improves productivity by reducing reliance on assumption.  Morris
231521 - noted this benefit immediately at Chips last week on 910520.
231522 - ref SDS 4 I66F  However, intellectually recognizing correlations from
231523 - momentary discussion "heard today and gone tomorrow" is far different
231524 - from daily experience.  Since it takes time to acquire skills, and
231525 - more time to apply skills creating a record sufficient to show added
231526 - value, people give up.  Negative synergy from near term frustrations
231527 - compared with mind numbing simplicity relying on assumption prevents
231528 - gaining skills, experience, and a record.  Accuracy to save lives,
231529 - time, and money seems like unnecessary overkill, as people ask what
231530 - are we trying to accomplish using SDS?
231532 -      ..
231533 -     [On 020530 case study nobody grasps what we are trying to
231534 -     accomplish using technology for Knowledge Management that improves
231535 -     information management. ref SDS 17 EF7I
231536 -
231538 -  ..
231539 - SDS Design Counterintuitive Culture Shock Prevents Experience
231540 -
231541 - Morri said people keep "open" action items on their desk close at
231542 - hand, where everything is visible.  Tasks are scribled on a desk
231543 - calendar, pocket calendar, and duplicated on recursive to-do lists
231544 - that get lost in a sea of papers and computer programs.  File folders,
231545 - in-box, documents, yellow post-its on the computer screen, lists in
231546 - computer programs like the Wizard, Act, ManagePro, SideKick,
231547 - Cal-To-Do, GoldMine, etc., and piles of paper on the floor, all serve
231548 - as reminders to alert people about tasks that need attention.  This is
231549 - how people avoid forgetting.  These methods have evolved over
231550 - thousands of years to solve limited span of attention in a manual
231551 - world, but are not taught in school, in MBA class nor in seminars.
231552 - People learn how to cope with complexity through cultural adhesion by
231553 - watching others and through trial and error from experience over many
231554 - years working in a manual world.  Personal work practices and habits
231555 - become deeply ingrained as part of each individual's personality.
231557 -  ..
231558 - Popular programs that emulate manual methods can be learned fairly
231559 - quickly because they replicate what people are already doing.
231560 - Intuition is a strong learning asset.  On 890809 Ross mentioned that
231561 - customers care more about learning technology quickly than about
231562 - saving time and money, because learning quickly provides emotional
231563 - satisfaction of accomplishment. ref SDS 1 2U5F
231564 -
231565 -     [On 920215 Morris commented that customers want software that can
231566 -     be learned quickly using intuition from past experience.
231567 -     ref SDS 8 5774
231569 -      ..
231570 -     [On 960603 Intel reported demand for high-performance technology
231571 -     to play games that customers like is much bigger than demand for
231572 -     technology that improves productivity, earnings and stock prices
231573 -     that people need. ref SDS 12 4486
231575 -      ..
231576 -     [On 090404 0041 Gary explains use case and suggests new
231577 -     feature to convert schedule task into a diary record for a
231578 -     prior date. ref SDS 18 F06O
231580 -  ..
231581 - New Users of SDS analogize their practice of keeping pending matters
231582 - "open" on their desk for taking action, to keeping tasks "open" in the
231583 - SDS Schedule instead of converting tasks into Diary records, where
231584 - they are removed from the Schedule.  Morri said people intuitively
231585 - feel, based on their past experience working in a manual world, that
231586 - "archiving" SDS records to report work performed by changing the
231587 - status of a task from "Schedule" to a "Diary" record, which turns
231588 - plans into action, with "filing" things away.  People typically do not
231589 - file documents and notes of discussions on work in progress until they
231590 - feel the matter is completed, because without SDS, there is not a fast
231591 - and easy way to put things away and retrieve relevant parts quickly
231592 - when needed.  The SDS design that integrates a plan, perform, report
231593 - management cycle, explained in POIMS, ref OF 1 6649, makes it fast and
231594 - easy to create follow up tasks that are linked back to original
231595 - sources showing the chronology of cause and effect over days, weeks,
231596 - months and years that work is performed, as explained in POIMS.
231597 - ref OF 1 1102  This natural organization that lifts the capacity to
231598 - think, remember and communicate, see POIMS, ref OF 1 3742, is not
231599 - commonly recognized by people in their daily lives because the process
231600 - of intelligence occurs subconsciously without conscious effort or
231601 - awareness.
231603 -  ..
231604 - Since no one has this experience, when people intuit from experience
231605 - in a manual world, the SDS design seems counterintuitive because
231606 - people do not know why it is a good idea to do in SDS what they have
231607 - never done in their work practice, where busy people, the kind that
231608 - benefit most from SDS, typically have piles of documents on their
231609 - desk, and on the floor to remind them of pending action and enable
231610 - taking immediate action.
231612 -  ..
231613 - Morrie feels that once people experience the complete SDS management
231614 - cycle and have a chance to work through it a few times, they can grasp
231615 - easily enough how this new way of working improves upon traditional
231616 - practice.  But, it is hard to explain SDS to people who do not have
231617 - experience.  Since people generally need to understand things before
231618 - trying them to gain experience, this presents an innovation loop that
231619 - prevents ever becoming experienced to acquire requisite understanding.
231620 - It is a dilemma, because the power of SDS that emulates the
231621 - architecture of human thought is counterintuitive, as explained in
231622 - POIMS. ref OF 1 0367
231624 -  ..
231625 - On 890809 Morris explained reluctance to try SDS without being 100%
231626 - sure of understanding everything. ref SDS 2 2079
231627 -
231628 -    [On 910523 manager does not grasp process of integrating time and
231629 -    information. ref SDS 5 2736
231630 -
231631 -    [On 920215 manager frustrated cannot understand SDS, gave up to use
231632 -    "intuitive" tools. ref SDS 8 5820
231634 -     ..
231635 -    [Example of managers keeping all current documents on the desk on
231636 -    960208. ref SDS 9 8908
231638 -     ..
231639 -    [On 960518 research in Cognitive Science seems to support SDS
231640 -    design. ref SDS 10 8811
231642 -     ..
231643 -    [On 961101 experience at USACE showed that experience work with SDS
231644 -    work product for Communication Metrics helps people understand the
231645 -    benefits of integrated management for saving time and money.
231646 -    ref SDS 11 8888
231648 -     ..
231649 -    [On 990224 computer scientist, management expert found SDS is hard
231650 -    to grasp. ref SDS 13 9077]
231652 -     ..
231653 -    [On 990615 cite this record for NSF proposal showing SDS is
231654 -    counterintiutive and a disruptive technology. ref SDS 14 2808]
231656 -     ..
231657 -    [On 000425 SDS unique capability for KM. ref SDS 15 0480
231659 -     ..
231660 -    [On 000725 the director of computer science working on developing
231661 -    better technology to improve management, has papers piled up on
231662 -    several desks and cabinets everywhere in is office. ref SDS 16 I3R5
231663 -
231664 -
231665 -
231666 -
231667 -
231668 -
2317 -

Frank Russel Company
Sales/Use at the Company,

2405 -
2406 - Progress
240701 -  ..
240702 - They still do not have their computers.  Morrie said they should come
240703 - in within the next few weeks.
240705 -  ..
240706 - He intends to work with SDS, until he feels comfortable, then present
240707 - to his company as an option.  He has explained it, but feels for the
240708 - reasons given above, that SDS needs to be shown.
240709 -
240710 -
2408 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"