440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 29, 2002 12:43 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Peter Jones comments on theory of Com Metrics, marketing SDS.
2...Killer App Email Causes Mistakes Grows Demand for Intelligence
3...Demand for SDS Intelligence Grows Killer App From Using Email
.......Clicking Links Easier Less Overwhelming Not Boggling Mind
.......Clear Concise Complete Communication Becoming More Effective
.......Stream of Conscious Activity Susceptible to Meaning Drift
.......Good Management Must be Specified Never Enough Time to Improve
.......Never Enough Time to Use Good Management Must Be Required by Law
.......Ant and Grasshopper Classic Story of Risk Management Short Term Perspectives
.......Redundancy in Communication Reduces Meaning Drift
.......Meaning Drift Reduced by Feedback Debugs Misunderstanding
.......SDS Debugs Management Using Double-entry Methods Avoid Mistakes
.......Feedback Double-entry Verification Understanding Enabled by SDS
.......SDS Enables Timely Intelligence for Saving Time and Money
.......Bias Accountant, Policeman Reasonable Risk Organizational Memory
.......Com Manager Bias Like Accountant, Policeman Reasonable Risk
.......SDS Design Triangulates Accuracy of Understanding and Alignment
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SDS Letter to Peter Asking for Feedback on Improvement Adding Redunda
SDS Redundant Links Improvement Request Feedback, Peter Jones
Jones, Peter Demonstrates Insight About Role of Cognitive Science Req
Jones, Peter Request Feedback on SDS Improvement Adding Redundant Lin
Opportunity Killer App Looking at Accepted Wisdom in New Light Based
Stock Market Crumbles Fear Accounting at Risk Requires Increased Acco
Killer App Improve Alphabet Technology Improves Government Business E
Email Free Grows Demand SDS Avoid Meaning Drift, Pat Lincoln
Meaning Drift Occurs Stream of Conscious Activity Meetings Calls Emai
4811 -
4811 - ..
4812 - Summary/Objective
4813 -
481301 - Follow up ref SDS 48 0000, ref SDS 47 0000.
481302 -
481303 - Peter provides constructive views on improving knowledge management by
481304 - strengthening communication and analysis to work intelligently.
481305 - Peter's ability to click on a link to discover and discuss the core
481306 - weakness of human cognition shows social progress on using SDS for
481307 - clear, concise, complete communication. ref SDS 0 Z35I Peter's idea
481308 - that meaning drift caused by stream of conscious activity in meetings,
481309 - calls and email is not solved by literacy can be better understood by
481310 - providing examples, scenarios and links to evidence. ref SDS 0 G96L
481311 - Laws, regulations and professional standards are common methods for
481312 - avoiding risks by encouraging good conduct. ref SDS 0 NP8I SDS makes
481313 - it faster, easier and cheaper for people to comply with regulations,
481314 - laws and standards for using good management. ref SDS 0 DU9O Using
481315 - "redundancy" in communication to verify and continually refine
481316 - accuracy with organization, analysis, alignment summary and feedback
481317 - (i.e., adding "intelligence" to information) helps reduce meaning
481318 - drift. ref SDS 0 R44G Peter correctly identifies "time" as a key
481319 - factor in using technology to improve management. ref SDS 0 7V3H Bias
481320 - is another dimension of KM that requires vigilance to ensure a useful
481321 - record for decision support. ref SDS 0 EF6G SDS uses triangulation to
481322 - provide an accurate record that strengthens corporate culture based on
481323 - alignment with internal and external forces. ref SDS 0 G965
481324 -
481325 -
481326 -
481327 -
481329 - ..
4814 -
4815 -
4816 - Progress
4817 -
481701 - Killer App Email Causes Mistakes Grows Demand for Intelligence
481702 - Demand for SDS Intelligence Grows Killer App From Using Email
481703 -
481704 - Follow up ref SDS 48 6X6H.
481705 -
481706 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Peter responding to the letter a few days
481707 - ago on 020327, ref DIP 3 0001, asking for comments on need for
481708 - intelligence that makes SDS a "killer application." ref SDS 48 2W9I
481709 -
481710 - [On 020521 submitted comments to Peter. ref SDS 50 0001
481711 - ..
481712 - Opportunity comes from looking at accepted wisdom in a new
481713 - light. ref SDS 48 WJ6N
481714 -
481715 - Peter does not comment on this point today.
481717 - ..
481718 - Peter does not comment on the opportunity for a killer app that
481719 - augments intelligence for solving problems caused by reliance on
481720 - email, conversation and pictures, reviewed in the record on
481721 - 020327. ref SDS 48 6X6H
481722 -
481723 - [On 020521 follow up asks about this again. ref SDS 50 3Q7L
481725 - ..
481726 - Clicking Links Easier Less Overwhelming Not Boggling Mind
481727 - Clear Concise Complete Communication Becoming More Effective
481728 -
481729 - Peter does raise in his letter the need to solve "meaning
481730 - drift." ref DRT 1 0001 and ref DRT 1 ZY9H. This is a big step
481731 - indicating he reviewed a reference in the letter to him that
481732 - explains meaning drift, does not dispute the problem, nor that
481733 - email presents an opportunity for SDS because more mistakes
481734 - increases awareness of a problem to solve.
481735 - ..
481736 - Willingness to click on links to understand context has
481737 - been a big challenge helping people apply....
481738 -
481739 - clear, concise, complete communication
481740 -
481741 - ...explained on 990419....
481742 -
481743 - People want to open all links............. ref SDS 22 2601
481744 - Links provide context..................... ref SDS 22 0L9I
481745 - Context improves memory................... ref SDS 22 6922
481746 - Memory cause effect improves intelligence. ref SDS 22 2320
481747 - Judicious Review opens relevant links..... ref SDS 22 0M3L
481748 - ..
481749 - ...but failure to use Judicious Review causes people to
481750 - feel overwhelmed by Knowledge Space...
481751 -
481752 - Traveled around the world........ 980712, ref SDS 16 6804
481753 - Mind loses track of subject...... 980824, ref SDS 17 4920
481754 - Frustrating...................... 980831, ref SDS 18 O65F
481755 - Twice around the world........... 990211, ref SDS 20 7329
481756 - Clicking links objection......... 990712, ref SDS 24 5837
481757 - NSF objects to links............. 990715, ref SDS 25 0001
481758 - Links impute responsibility for
481759 - knowledge, prefer ignorance...... 991014, ref SDS 28 3066
481760 - Links boggle mind................ 000125, ref SDS 30 3867
481761 - Objections to links reviewed..... 000824,
481762 - Links consume cognitive overhead. 010420, ref SDS 35 SU6K
481763 -
481764 -
481765 -
481766 -
4818 -
Meaning Drift Occurs Stream of Conscious Activity Meetings Calls Emai
Meaning Drift Harms Communication because People are Ignorant or Hold
5004 -
500501 - ..
500502 - Stream of Conscious Activity Susceptible to Meaning Drift
500503 -
500504 -
500505 - Peter says...
500506 -
500507 - There is an assumption there that forms of communication other
500508 - than email would be any the less susceptible to meaning drift. I
500509 - doubt that that is the case. In fact, I might even suggest that
500510 - the opposite could be true.
500511 -
500512 - Peter makes an important point that can be strengthened and
500513 - easier understood with examples, scenarios and a record
500514 - that demonstrates the "...opposite could be true."
500515 - ..
500516 - Email is a stream of conscious activity that reduces
500517 - communication because it compounds meaning drift as
500518 - explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 CZ6K This issue was also set
500519 - out in analysis on the high cost of medical mistakes where
500520 - medical management relies primarily on stream of conscious
500521 - communication, reviewed on 990924. ref DIP 4 1680 and
500522 - ref SDS 26 0715
500523 - ..
500524 - Communication Metrics argues through POIMS that
500525 - writing was invented to help maintain original understanding
500526 - so that it does not drift away, as otherwise occurs in human
500527 - memory, noted in research on 900319, ref SDS 4 0702, which
500528 - supported earlier review on 900303. Later, on 940609 the
500529 - challenge of stream of conscious information that occurs in
500530 - meetings, calls and email was reviewed again. ref SDS 7 4671
500532 - ..
500533 - The typical day scenario using SDS explains common activity
500534 - that illustrates SDS reduces meaning drift by relying on the
500535 - record. ref OF 2 0001
500536 - ..
500537 - On 991108 the history of writing shows that literacy
500538 - emerged in approximately 700 BC to improve human memory.
500539 - ref SDS 29 7048 On 991010 Gutenberg was cited as having
500540 - contributed the most to advance civilization over the past
500541 - 1,000 years because he invented the printing press which
500542 - strengthens the power of writing to preserve original
500543 - understanding, i.e., to avoid meaning drift. ref SDS 27 2548
500545 - ..
500546 - SDS improves the original idea of alphabet technology by
500547 - integrating time with information management to triangulate
500548 - the accuracy of meaning and understanding, as discussed
500549 - further below. ref SDS 0 G965
500551 - ..
500552 - Centuries of experience showing benefits of literacy for
500553 - improving human memory that otherwise drifts away, together
500554 - with the record showing SDS improves alphabet technology by
500555 - adding intelligence to traditional "documentation", reported
500556 - by USACE on 970328, ref DRP 2 6172, indicates that Peter's
500557 - suggestion that SDS does not reduce meaning drift better
500558 - than other methods can be better understood by citing
500559 - examples and scenarios where the "opposite could be true."
500560 -
500561 - ..
500562 - Peter continues...
500563 -
500564 - I think the real problem is only exposed as a symptom in
500565 - failures of communication. The real problem is inherent in the
500566 - nature of business organizations where people are not good
500567 - listeners, are dominated by ideology and other perspectives that
500568 - hamper communication. ref DRT 1 MJ5O Some people are not very
500569 - intelligent. ref DRT 1 PPTP
500570 -
500571 - POIMS argues "meaning drift" is a real problem that causes
500572 - communication failure. ref OF 1 049O Typical scenario set
500573 - out in NWO explains how this occurs, ref OF 3 4077, based on
500574 - original work in cognitive science by Professor George
500575 - Miller reviewed on 990303. ref SDS 21 2838
500576 - ..
500577 - Arguing information overload that compounds meaning
500578 - drift is not a "real problem" conflicts with the record
500579 - noted by Eric Armstrong on 011003. ref SDS 38 EC5N The
500580 - pandemic of information of overload is evident reviewing
500581 - Eric's concerns, ref SDS 38 4R6F, and further shown by the
500582 - record on 950327. ref SDS 10 0200
500583 -
500584 -
500585 -
500586 -
500587 -
500588 -
5006 -
Good Management Not Ready to Improve Good Times Money Coming In Resis
Meaning Drift Solution Using Good Management No Simple Answers Availa
5604 -
560501 - ..
560502 - Good Management Must be Specified Never Enough Time to Improve
560503 - Never Enough Time to Use Good Management Must Be Required by Law
560504 - Ant and Grasshopper Classic Story of Risk Management Short Term Perspectives
560505 -
560506 - ..
560507 - Peter advises...
560508 -
560509 - I don't think that there are any simple answers to these issues.
560510 - That leaves complex ones. One of those is regulatory bodies set
560511 - up by statutory instruments to provide external controls.
560512 - ref DRT 1 ZX8O
560513 -
560514 - ISO management criteria calls for traceability to original
560515 - sources, reviewed on 950721. ref SDS 11 1740
560516 -
560517 - [On 020504 Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) calls
560518 - for requirements to create and maintain organizational
560519 - memory enabled by SDS. ref SDS 49 IY4I
560521 - ..
560522 - [On 020522 people "game" the system to avoid using good
560523 - management practice. ref SDS 51 RJ4K
560524 - ..
560525 - Creating an effective "audit trail" in daily work is
560526 - not "simple" - it is very difficult to accomplish using
560527 - conventional technology like wordprocessing, email,
560528 - spreadsheets and other stream of conscious methods, as
560529 - noted by Eric Armstrong on 011003. ref SDS 38 EC5N
560530 - ..
560531 - Thus, a simple answer is to enforce requirements for
560532 - good management practice using SDS that make saving time and
560533 - money using good management faster, better and cheaper.
560534 - ..
560535 - Peter explains...
560536 -
560537 - [statutes and regulations] are typically limited to quantifiable
560538 - aspects of business. ref DRT 1 ZY9H
560539 -
560540 - Peter's point is supported by federal requirements for using
560541 - Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria (C/SCSC) to integrate
560542 - cost and schedule control reviewed on 961206. ref SDS 14
560543 - UR6G
560544 - ..
560545 - On 950202 a professional event reviewed opportunity to
560546 - integrate cost and schedule control, ref SDS 9 5093 and
560547 - related key role of communication for getting things done on
560548 - time and within budget. ref SDS 9 8402 As a result, since
560549 - cost and schedule control are after the fact measurements,
560550 - noted by Peter today, Com Metrics posits that integrating
560551 - cost, schedule and communication offers a stronger solution.
560552 - ref SDS 9 4302
560554 - ..
560555 - See also NWO. ref OF 3 29G5
560556 - ..
560557 - On 940628 when things are going well with money coming
560558 - in, organizational memory seems unecessary, i.e.,
560559 - "redundant." ref SDS 8 0550 (also reported on 990505,
560560 - ref SDS 23 1798 Later when things are not going well,
560561 - because intelligence failed due to lack of organizational
560562 - memory, there isn't enough time to work intelligently;
560563 - people are forced to react impulsively during crisis.
560564 - ..
560565 - As a result, there is never a good time to use good
560566 - management, because it always looks like overkill, noted
560567 - on...
560568 -
560569 - Good times management not needed. 890324, ref SDS 1 LZ5F
560570 - Intelligence takes extra time.... 890809, ref SDS 3 5930
560571 - Pinning people down
560572 - hurts everyone's feelings........ 890809, ref SDS 3 6U51
560573 - Cost savings good management
560574 - shocking seems like overkill..... 890809, ref SDS 3 P94F
560575 - Bad times too busy bailing water. 011106, ref SDS 39 5V3O
560576 - Pound of cure easier to sell
560577 - than ounce of prevention......... 011211, ref SDS 42 PPWU
560578 - Aerospace company late not time for SDS..... 020315, ref SDS 44 I95J
560579 - Bad management attractive like
560580 - fools gold....................... 000920, ref SDS 33 T33H
560581 - Ant and grasshopper reviewed
560582 - responsibility and laziness...... 010908, ref SDS 37 5U6L
560583 - ..
560584 - Peter makes a strong point that resistance to good
560585 - management can only be overcome by law, ref SDS 0 S46K An
560586 - example is accounting. If there were no laws requiring
560587 - accounting for tax purposes, then accounting would not be as
560588 - prominent, because it is widely disparaged (e.g., bean
560589 - counters who restrain good ideas).
560590 - ..
560591 - Laws, regulations, contracts, professional standards,
560592 - all require vigilance to audit performance and impose
560593 - sanctions for accountability in order to overcome tendencies
560594 - to use bad management, noted in the letter to Peter on the
560595 - biological attraction of email that "kills" productivity,
560596 - 020327. ref SDS 48 6X6H
560598 - ..
560599 - Affirmative direction in laws, regulations and contracts can
560600 - be aided by SDS that make good management fast, easy and fun
560601 - This helps those charged with responsibility for enforcing
560602 - requirements shown on 961105 illustrates pressures people
560603 - feel to relax requirements, because using good management
560604 - seems too difficult. ref SDS 13 4253
560606 - ..
560607 - [On 20504 Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) call for
560608 - many specific tasks that are impossible to perform under
560609 - current methods, and so are simply ignored, presenting an
560610 - opportunity for implementation to save time and money
560611 - using SDS....
560612 -
560613 - documentation..........FAR 4.801......,.. ref SDS 49 IY4I
560614 - cross-referencing..... FAR 4.803(a)(39).. ref SDS 49 P74O
560615 - risk management....... FAR 7.105(1)(7)... ref SDS 49 5C5I
560616 -
560617 -
560618 -
560619 -
560620 -
5607 -
Good Management Not Ready to Improve Good Times Money Coming In Resis
Meaning Drift Solution Using Good Management No Simple Answers Availa
Meaning Drift Reduced by Redundancy Writing Notes Twice Incorrect Vie
5905 -
590601 - ..
590602 - Redundancy in Communication Reduces Meaning Drift
590603 -
590604 -
590605 - Peter continues...
590606 -
590607 - I suspect an answer to the problem of meaning drift in
590608 - organisations lies in that word, 'redundancy': redundancy in the
590609 - communicative acts; in the layers of responsibility; across
590610 - roles; across boundaries. (Remember the aeroplane crash story in
590611 - the Ingenuity Gap book that Henry van Eyken mentioned?)
590612 - Unfortunately redundancy is a term that is antithetical to
590613 - typical business practice - equated with uncompetitive.
590614 - ref DRT 1 UH9M
590615 - ..
590616 - The view that "redundancy" strengthens communication
590617 - is sometimes a misconception about time and effort required
590618 - to use good management by working "intelligently." On 890809
590619 - people worried that "writing things down twice" required
590620 - more time. ref SDS 3 5930, and ref SDS 2 L93K There is
590621 - also worry the Communication Metrics role is redundant and
590622 - threatening, because executives being helped believe they
590623 - are already good communicators, otherwise they would not be
590624 - successful managers. ref OF 3 WF3F Yet, the same people
590625 - insist on better listening. ref SDS 3 CJ9J
590626 -
590628 - ..
590629 - Meaning Drift Reduced by Feedback Debugs Misunderstanding
590630 - SDS Debugs Management Using Double-entry Methods Avoid Mistakes
590631 - Feedback Double-entry Verification Understanding Enabled by SDS
590632 -
590633 -
590634 - Peter comments...
590635 -
590636 - To some extent a system like SDS would create that redundancy to
590637 - a degree by providing points of reference.
590639 - ..
590640 - SDS strives to avoid redundancy by creating intelligence
590641 - needed to work productively that avoids rework commonly
590642 - associated with "redundancy," per above. ref SDS 0 RH4M
590643 - ..
590644 - Another perspective on "redundancy" is the process of
590645 - double entry bookkeeping that reduces mistakes, similar to
590646 - debugging software. Writing down understandings is
590647 - "redundant" in that sense by providing feedback that
590648 - verifies understanding, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 5795
590650 - ..
590651 - Feedback seems redundant, yet is essential to refine
590652 - accuracy of understanding, as related on 000518. ref SDS 32
590653 - O43M
590654 -
590655 -
590656 -
590657 -
5907 -
SDS Assembles Useful Intelligence Quickly to Enable Better Management
Faster Better Cheaper SDS Technology Makes Sound Management Practice
Fast Easy Good Management Use Consistently
6205 -
620601 - ..
620602 - SDS Enables Timely Intelligence for Saving Time and Money
620603 -
620604 -
620605 - Peter wonders...
620606 -
620607 - ...whether [SDS] would be active enough, or too post hoc if
620608 - someone had to assemble the data? ref DRT 1 6I4K
620609 - ..
620610 - "Wondering" about SDS ability to assemble the record
620611 - within a time frame that improves productivity is resolved
620612 - by the record of experience using SDS....
620613 -
620614 - Contractor found SDS faster than
620615 - expected based on experience with
620616 - traditional paperwork........... 970107, ref SDS 15 4953
620617 - ..
620618 - $200K saved in 10 minutes....... 981027, ref SDS 19 IA3G
620619 -
620620 - USACE reports experience using Com
620621 - Metrics shows intelligence saves time
620622 - and money............................... ref DRP 2 6172
620623 - the rate of 10:1.................. ref DRP 3 0001
620624 -
620625 -
620626 -
620627 -
6207 -
Bias Com Manager Impacts Content of Record
Biased Advocacy 1-sided Interpretation Frustrating SDS Record Inaccur
6404 -
640501 - ..
640502 - Bias Accountant, Policeman Reasonable Risk Organizational Memory
640503 - Com Manager Bias Like Accountant, Policeman Reasonable Risk
640504 -
640505 -
640506 - Peter comments...
640507 -
640508 - ...knowledge ...within SDS... might... be subject to biases of
640509 - the constructor?}, ref DRT 1 UI5F
640510 -
640511 - Sculptor, journalist, software engineer, accounting... all
640512 - are subject to bias, as seen by the Enron case, reported on
640513 - 020204. ref SDS 43 7O75 So, too, police enforce the law
640514 - based on personal bias; lawyers and judges interpret the law
640515 - based on their understandings, and doubtless doctors bring
640516 - bias to the practice of medicine in varying ways and
640517 - degrees. Yet, potential abuses do not deter use of
640518 - accounting, police, lawyers, judges and doctors because the
640519 - benefits outweigh the price people pay of avoiding abuses.
640520 -
640521 -
640522 -
640523 -
6406 -
Accuracy of Record Requires Technology to Triangulate Many Factors an
Triangulation Shared Meaning SDS Common Story Action Items Linked to
Triangulation Intelligence Refines Accuracy Organizational Memory Sha
Triangulation Refines Accuracy Organizational Memory Shared Meaning S
7906 -
790701 - ..
790702 - SDS Design Triangulates Accuracy of Understanding and Alignment
790703 -
790704 -
790705 - Peter concludes...
790706 -
790707 - ...corporate cultures are often inward looking, defined by the
790708 - boundaries they posit, so the points of reference of meaning
790709 - would probably need external balances.
790711 - ..
790712 - Something like a comprehensibility-to-an-outsider audit,
790713 - perhaps.
790715 - ..
790716 - How much of that is already built into POIMS and SDS?
790717 - ref DRT 1 MN5I
790718 - ..
790719 - SDS uses a "triangulation" methodology to continually
790720 - refine accuracy of understanding that implements concepts of
790721 - semiotics advanced by Charles Peirce, reviewed on 000515,
790722 - ref SDS 31 0042, and discussed by professor Mary Keeler at
790723 - SRI on 000518. ref SDS 32 3528
790725 - ..
790726 - Triangulation is explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 16EF
790728 - ..
790729 - This method was reviewed last year in comments by an
790730 - executive who retired from state government, after using SDS
790731 - for about 10 years. ref SDS 36 PO6N
790732 -
790733 -
790734 -
790735 -
790736 -
790737 -
790738 -
790739 -
790740 -
790741 -
790742 -
790743 -
790744 -
790745 -
790746 -
790747 -
790748 -
790749 -
790750 -
790751 -
790752 -
790753 -
7908 -