440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 22, 2001 05:00 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Meeting Curt Carlson on improving SRI management.

2...SRI Mission - Advance Nation, Civilization, Improve Earnings
3...Value Proposition - Better Management Saves Time and Money
.............Communication the biggest risk in enterprise
4...US Army Corps of Engineers' reported cost savings using SDS for
5...SRI Can Research KM by Pilot Testing SDS Breakthrough Technology
6...Save Time and Money by Reducing Paperwork Produced by IT
7...Communication Manager Uses SDS Like Accountant Uses Spreadsheet
......................Spreadsheet for Knowledge
8...Curt Wants to Study SDS Advantages
.....................Organizational Learning
9...Studying SDS is supported by following resources.....
10...SDS Unique KM Solution, Needs Research to Overcome Fear of Change
11...Diligence, Laziness, Ignorance, Fear, Denial Compete Against SDS
12...Meaning Drift Problems Pandemic Throughout Enterprise
13...Creativity and Leadership Strengthened by SDS
14...Leadership Overcomes Ignorance Fear Denial Empowers People Discover
15...Pilot Test SDS Requires Leadership Overcome Ignorance Fear Denial
16...Advancing Civilization Requires Minimal Investment to Pilot Test SDS
17...Education Initiative Foster Culture of Knowledge
18...Research on Moving from IT to KM that Fosters Culture of Knowledge

Click here to comment!

0201 - SRI International                                                                                                                                                  O-00000103 0701
020101 - Mr. Pat Lincoln; Director
020103 - Computer Science Laboratory                                                                                                                                      O-00000103 0701
0202 - SRI International                                                                                                                                                  O-00000103 0101
020201 - Mr. Curtis R. Carlson; President and CEO
020203 - Executive Offices                                                                                                                                                O-00000103 0101
0203 - Bootstrap Institute                                                                                                                                                O-00000735 0101
020301 - Mr. Douglas C. Engelbart, Ph.D.

Stavridou, Vicky, Lincoln, Pat on Using SDS to Improve SRI Management
SRI Use SDS to Improve Management
Time Not Enough Review Research Proposals for Saving Time Improving M
Coordination and Collaboration SRI Needs Help
Background Planning for Meeting
Meeting SDS Improve SRI Management Learn KM, Curt Carlson, Pat Lincol
Carlson, Curt Meeting Develop SDS Project to Implement KM

1609 -
1609 -    ..
1610 - Summary/Objective
1611 -
161101 - Follow up ref SDS C5 0000, ref SDS C4 0000.
161102 -
161103 - Discussed pilot testing SDS to establish unique KM capability that
161104 - positions SRI to advance the nation and civilization. ref SDS 0 I34I
161105 - SDS presents many new ideas that move beyond IT toward a culture of
161106 - knowledge. ref SDS 0 PZ8M  Value proposition for SRI is improving
161107 - management that reduces costs, ref SDS 0 V73N, supporting SRI
161108 - research, including projects in education based on Engelbart
161109 - scholarship initiative, ref SDS 0 V5E1, and core ideas that support
161110 - KM, e.g., improving alphabet technology, which has not been done in
161111 - 2,000 years, solving meaning drift. ref SDS 0 KW7J
161112 -
161113 -     [On 010201 called to follow up. ref SDS C8 0001
161115 -      ..
161116 -     [On 010320 submitted letter asking about progress reviewing POIMS.
161117 -     ref SDS D1 0001
161119 -      ..
161120 -     [On 010507 Curt has reviewed POIMS and confirmed meeting for
161121 -     010522. ref SDS D7 0001
161123 -      ..
161124 -     [On 010517 Pat Lincoln reviewed this record and reported no
161125 -     additions or corrections. ref SDS D8 KQ3G
161127 -      ..
161128 -     [On 010608 letter to SRI confirms meeting on 010605 about SRI and
161129 -     proposal for partnership to research KM. ref SDS E0 0001
161130 -
161131 -
161133 -  ..
1612 -
1613 -
1614 - Progress
1615 -
161501 - SRI Mission - Advance Nation, Civilization, Improve Earnings
161502 - Value Proposition - Better Management Saves Time and Money
161503 -
161504 - Meeting today per letter from Jo last night, ref SDS C5 0001, and
161505 - request for her to print support information to help Curt prepare for
161506 - the meeting. ref DIP 12 0001
161508 -  ..
161509 - Arrived at SRI OA 1410, and called Pat's office to let him know I am
161510 - available to prepare for the meeting with Curt, per phone message
161511 - earlier this morning. ref SDS C6 0001  Did not hear from Pat, so
161512 - walked over to building A and met Jo McKenzie.  She said Pat may not
161513 - be able to meet with Curt and I at 1700 because he has a family
161514 - emergency today.
161516 -  ..
161517 - Doug's meeting on OHS/DKR began at 1545.  Pat arrived late, and
161518 - indicated plans to attend the meeting with Curt at 1700.
161519 -
161530 -  ..
161531 - About 1655, Pat suggested we leave Building E, and walk over to room
161532 - AA135 in Building A for the meeting with Curt.
161534 -  ..
161535 - Pat recommended focusing discussion today on large themes that advance
161536 - the nation and civilization, and within a framework that provides a
161537 - clear value proposition for SRI, as he indicated previously on 000725.
161538 - ref SDS 64 0897
161540 -  ..
161541 - Enhancing alphabet technology to augment human intelligence, which has
161542 - not been done in 2000 years, supports SRI's mission to advance the
161543 - nation and civilization. see POIMS, ref OF 1 1299, and the record on
161544 - 991108. ref SDS 42 4960
161546 -  ..
161547 - A value proposition is using SDS for Communication Metrics that
161548 - strengthens SRI management by delivering "intelligence" anytime,
161549 - anywhere via Internet, commonly called a paperless, or virtual office.
161550 - This saves time and money for SRI, and provides experience and
161551 - expertise using Knowledge Management that enables SRI to support
161552 - clients and customers, like NIH, who want to improve management, as
161553 - Pat noted in the meeting on 001017. ref SDS 76 014M
161555 -  ..
161556 - Pat worried that it is difficult to demonstrate time and cost savings
161557 - to people who do not have experience with SDS.
161559 -  ..
161560 - The value proposition SRI seeks is increasing revenue by selling SRI
161561 - services, rather than improving SRI's ability to provide effective and
161562 - efficient services.
161563 -
161565 -      ..
161566 -     One example is cost savings from reduced paper handling and more
161567 -     efficient administration, which is estimated in the record on
161568 -     990201. ref SDS 32 6925
161570 -      ..
161571 -     Follow up (also, coordination, collaboration and communication) is
161572 -     difficult because information overload overwhelms mainstream tools
161573 -     and practices.  Pat noted on 010111 that SDS solves this problem.
161574 -     ref SDS B9 OE8H  This record is evidence that SDS keeps track of a
161575 -     lot more than is possible by other means.  If getting things done
161576 -     accurately and on time adds value, then SDS offers a clear value
161577 -     proposition for SRI. see NWO. ref OF 3 6156
161578 -
161579 -        [On 010411 Jo McKensie related the challenge of follow up.
161580 -        ref SDS D3 I43O
161582 -      ..
161583 -     Listening and organizational memory are another advantage of using
161584 -     SDS, explained in POIMS. ref OF 1 3773
161586 -      ..
161587 -     An example is the record for the OHS/DKR meeting on 001017 that
161588 -     shows "intelligence" on the Internet which guides daily work.
161589 -     ref SDS 76 1575  This was produced at no charge to SRI in order to
161590 -     demonstrate KM.  It includes over 100 pending action items, which
161591 -     expedite progress by providing context and direct access to
161592 -     information for performing the work, once authority and resources
161593 -     are applied to direct the project, as discussed with Doug
161594 -     Engelbart on 000327. ref SDS 51 5402  On 001017 Pat noted that SDS
161595 -     records provide a clear, and distinct difference people can see
161596 -     between conventional practice and Communication Metrics that
161597 -     supports KM. ref SDS 75 VY4J
161599 -      ..
161600 -     Another example, on 991207 Reuters reported earnings and stock
161601 -     prices are declining because too many people are having too many
161602 -     problems. ref SDS A3 V54M  The problems people are having is poor
161603 -     listening, coordination and collaboration due to information
161604 -     overload, which Pat cited on 010111 as a major problem at SRI.
161605 -     ref SDS B9 EF6M  Some people hope that if Allen Greenspan lowers
161606 -     the interest rate, this will solve the problems.  Since many of
161607 -     these problems stem from lack of understanding and follow up, as
161608 -     Pat noted on 010111, SDS helps solve these problems. ref SDS B9
161609 -     3X4I
161610 -
161611 -         [On 010430 another example of problems that reduce
161612 -         productivity. ref SDS D6 0001
161614 -      ..
161615 -     Another problem people have that causes mistakes, reduces earnings
161616 -     and stock prices is maintaining alignment between work performed
161617 -     and commitments and requirements, for example, emanating from
161618 -     phone calls, meetings, correspondences, contracts, regulations,
161619 -     and so on, because information overload makes....
161621 -              ..
161622 -             Communication the biggest risk in enterprise
161623 -
161624 -
161625 -     Lower interest rates will not answer the mail and align the work.
161626 -     SDS, however, helps solve this problem, as reported by the US Army
161627 -     Corps of Engineers who found that SDS saves time and money by
161628 -     improving management. ref DRP 6 0411
161629 -
161631 -  ..
161632 - Pat feels executives and engineers have difficulty grasping cost
161633 - savings from Knowledge Management, which Doug described in his 1972
161634 - paper, as "better handling of daily working information," reviewed on
161635 - 000327. ref SDS 51 3971  In our meeting on 000725, Pat pointed out
161636 - that people just don't get it, when it comes to KM. ref SDS 64 1995
161638 -  ..
161639 - Civilization is the cost study showing self-evident benefits of better
161640 - knowledge tools, reviewed on 991217. ref SDS 44 T93H
161641 -
161643 -  ..
161644 - US Army Corps of Engineers' reported cost savings using SDS for
161645 - Communication Metrics. ref DRP 7 0129  It found savings are 10 times
161646 - the cost of Communication Metrics support, based on an earlier report
161647 - that SDS adds "intelligence" to daily management. ref DRP 6 6172  This
161648 - suggests ROI for KM is on the order of 10:1.
161650 -  ..
161651 - Pat explained that senior people typically go by personal experience,
161652 - because they do not have time to understand evidence and reasoning in
161653 - reports.  Since nobody has experience with new new ideas, executives
161654 - have limited opportunity to gain experience for overcoming ignorance,
161655 - fear and denial to approve initiatives for saving time and money.
161656 -
161657 -     Intel is an example of Pat's concern.  On 960103 executives make
161658 -     decisions based on style and image because there is not enough
161659 -     time to understand content. ref SDS 16 8409
161661 -      ..
161662 -     Another example of Pat's worry is experience at USACE.
161664 -      ..
161665 -     On 970624 the Commander for the San Francisco District of the US
161666 -     Army Corps of Engineers said he did not believe cost savings
161667 -     reported by staff. ref SDS 20 2284
161668 -
161669 -        [On 010517 explained how inexperience causes ignorance, fear
161670 -        and denial. ref SDS D8 9B6J
161672 -         ..
161673 -        [On 010522 Pat related an example of executive decision making
161674 -        that makes progress on new ideas problematic. ref SDS D9 3T5K
161676 -      ..
161677 -     Despite recommendations by the.....
161678 -
161679 -         Contracting Officer
161680 -         Chief Trial Counsel
161681 -         District Counsel
161682 -         Chief, Construction Division
161683 -         Assistant Chief, Construction Division
161684 -         Construction Manager
161685 -         Project Manager
161686 -         Resident Engineer
161687 -         Project Engineer
161689 -      ..
161690 -     Command thereon substituted its judgement that was not informed by
161691 -     experience using SDS, for that of staff, who had direct experience
161692 -     with SDS. ref SDS 20 7388
161694 -          ..
161695 -         This may reflect sharp differences about the role of KM. see
161696 -         POIMS, ref OF 1 O87L, where long standing social and cultural
161697 -         tension between natural talent for speaking, typically relied
161698 -         upon for leadership, and tools that augment talent, beginning
161699 -         with alphabet technology, as emodied by the Legend of
161700 -         Prometheus, reviewed on 991108. ref SDS 42 5368
161702 -      ..
161703 -     On 980803 District managers wanted leadership from HQ to help
161704 -     local command gain experience to understand the benefits of adding
161705 -     "intelligence" to daily management. ref SDS 29 5141 and
161706 -     ref SDS 29 3887
161708 -      ..
161709 -     Failure of leadership resulted in resignations of two Assistant
161710 -     Chiefs, and one District Counsel.  Another result was overpayment
161711 -     of $20M in order to avoid the problem of understanding a complex
161712 -     record, which District staff believed SDS could handle, reported
161713 -     on 981027. ref SDS 31 9152
161715 -          ..
161716 -         Paying out $20M rather than $200K for Com Metrics support, is
161717 -         an example of loss that occurs, when too many people have too
161718 -         many problems, cited on 001207, ref SDS A3 V54M, using "feel
161719 -         good" management practices. see 911123. ref SDS 3 1331
161721 -      ..
161722 -     The best that can be done is to position leadership, so it can
161723 -     make a reasoned decision, which was done for the District
161724 -     Commander on 970624. ref SDS 20 0001
161726 -      ..
161727 -     The meeting today supports that effort.
161728 -
161729 -
161730 -
161731 -
161732 -
161733 -
161734 -
1618 -

Printed Material Reflects Culture of Information that SDS Changes to
Information Overload Problem That Needs Solution by SDS
Mission Advance Nation, Civilization
KM Research Project Not Enough Knowledge, 000615
Research KM Project Not Enough Known, 000615
SDS Big Ideas Paradigm Shifts, KM Secret of SDS
Trade Secrets of SDS
Summary List for Marketing
Breakthroughs are difficult to Understand

3311 -
331201 -  ..
331202 - SRI Can Research KM by Pilot Testing SDS Breakthrough Technology
331203 - Save Time and Money by Reducing Paperwork Produced by IT
331204 -
331205 - Because people have difficulty understanding cost savings, cited by
331206 - Pat above, ref SDS 0 AW4L, the KM revolution has a better chance with
331207 - an organization that supports basic research to move the nation and
331208 - civilization forward, like SRI, discussed with Curt on 001220,
331209 - ref SDS A9 HM6K, and previously with Pat on 000725. ref SDS 64 5V5O
331211 -  ..
331212 - Pat feels the key to making this happen is for leadership to grasp a
331213 - big idea that improves daily work to improve earnings.
331214 -
331215 -     Trade secrets were previously submitted to Pat on 001004.
331216 -     ref SDS 72 0001
331218 -  ..
331219 - Breakthrough ideas supported by SDS include.....
331220 -
331221 -   1.  Adding Intelligence to Management, ref OF 1 07FE and ref DRP 6
331222 -       6172,
331224 -        ..
331225 -   2.  Intelligence = Organize, Analyse, Align, Summary, Feed Back,
331226 -       ref OF 1 0367
331228 -        ..
331229 -   3.  Investing Intellectual Capital by capturing organizational
331230 -       memory and adding "intelligence," Saves Time and Money,
331231 -       ref OF 1 1101 and ref DRP 7 0001
331233 -        ..
331234 -   4.  Transformation from Information to a Culture of Knowledge,
331235 -       ref DIP 7 0001
331237 -        ..
331238 -   5.  Leadership with a Broader Vision Empowers People to Succeed,
331239 -       ref OF 3 0DF6 and ref OF 3 5653
331241 -        ..
331242 -   6.  Information Overload Solved by Converting Information into
331243 -       Knowledge, ref OF 1 14GE
331245 -        ..
331246 -   7.  Meaning Drift, False Knowledge Solved by Adding Intelligence to
331247 -       Information. ref OF 1 TJ6I
331249 -        ..
331250 -   8.  New World Order - Paradigm Shift of the Millennium....
331251 -
331252 -              Communication is the Biggest Risk in Enterprise,
331253 -              ref OF 1 VX7N
331255 -        ..
331256 -   9.  Communication Metrics - Management Science Turns Straw into
331257 -       Gold, ref OF 3 2864 and ref OF 3 42MG
331259 -        ..
331260 -  10.  Automate, Integrate Time and Information Improves Alphabet to
331261 -       Augment Human Intelligence. ref OF 1 3742
331263 -        ..
331264 -  11.  Augmenting human intelligence lifts civilization through Better
331265 -       partnership between technology and leadership, ref OF 1 18AF and
331266 -       ref OF 1 5418
331268 -        ..
331269 -  12.  Knowledge Space Replaces Documents for Learning and Enterprise,
331270 -       ref OF 1 034J and ref OF 1 1107
331272 -        ..
331273 -  13.  Clear, Concise, Complete Communication Requires Judicious
331274 -       Review for Knowledge Space, ref OF 1 184E and on 990419.
331275 -       ref SDS 34 3240
331277 -        ..
331278 -  14.  Continual Learning Flows From Continual Case Studies and
331279 -       Alignment, ref OF 3 25TH
331281 -        ..
331282 -  15.  Leadership with a Broader Vision Sees Farther Ahead by
331283 -       Understanding the Past. ref OF 1 1112
331285 -  ..
331286 - The list above shows KM opens a big window of opportunity for new
331287 - development that adds value to every facet of traditional knowledge
331288 - work.  Once launched in the proper direction, it reveals a rich new
331289 - vein for research that can fuel SRI for decades to come.
331291 -  ..
331292 - At this time, Curt arrived in the conference room with a stack of
331293 - paper printed from the letter submitted to Jo McKenzie for the agenda.
331294 - ref DIP 12 0001  Curt said it took a long time and a lot of paper to
331295 - print the backup for this meeting.  It takes much longer to review
331296 - stacks of paper to adequately prepare for a productive meeting.  That
331297 - is why AP reported on 960205 that people waste 70% of the day in
331298 - unproductive meetings.  Nobody is prepared. ref SDS 17 5902
331300 -  ..
331301 - Printed paper is a good example of Information Technology (IT) that
331302 - causes information overload, which Welch solves with SDS, and new
331303 - skills for accomplishing Knowledge Management (KM), using the
331304 - management science of "Communication Metrics," explained in NWO.
331305 - ref OF 3 6369
331307 -  ..
331308 - Meetings, phone calls, documents, email, television, etc., all
331309 - contribute to information overload, reported by CBS News on 980412
331310 - during a broadcast for it's program "60 Minutes." ref SDS 28 0001
331312 -  ..
331313 - Curt feels "information overload" is a growing problem that needs a
331314 - solution.
331315 -
331316 -     [On 010214 example of rework, extra cost caused by information
331317 -     overload. ref SDS C9 AX6G
331319 -  ..
331320 - This aligns with Pat Lincoln's letter on 010111 commenting on the need
331321 - for improving communication, ref SDS B9 3X4I, which is a generic way
331322 - of saying executives, engineers, all of us, do not have enough time to
331323 - think, explained, as well, in POIMS. ref OF 1 0557
331325 -  ..
331326 - On 001219 using SDS demonstrates a whole new way of working and
331327 - thinking through writing. ref SDS A7 QT6F  This aligns with Doug
331328 - Engelbart's call for a new way of thinking and working to meet new
331329 - realities of expanding complexity, reviewed on 991222. ref SDS 45 3696
331331 -  ..
331332 - SDS makes it faster and easier to convert information into useful
331333 - knowledge by delivering "intelligence" anytime, anywhere on the
331334 - Internet that shows connections of cause and effect, which impact
331335 - daily decisions.  This "intelligence" deliverable enables busy people
331336 - like Curt, Pat, Doug, Andy, Lou and Bill (see meeting at Intel on
331337 - 950927, ref SDS 14 4408), to be productive, without having to change
331338 - work style, or learn new skills of Communication Metrics. Summaries
331339 - connected to relevant detail empower leadership and everyone to
331340 - prepare quickly and effectively.
331341 -
331342 -
331343 -
331344 -
331345 -
3314 -

Communication Manager Uses SDS Like Accountant Uses Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet for Knowledge
Knowledge Worker Communication Manager
Spreadsheet Knowledge Empowers Leadership to Understand with Technolo
Accountant Align Finance Com Manager Aligns Communication Reengineer
Accountant Complementary Role
Accountant Uses Spreadsheet Com Manager Uses SDS

4309 -
431001 -  ..
431002 - Communication Manager Uses SDS Like Accountant Uses Spreadsheet
431003 -
431004 - We reviewed the discussion with Doug Engelbart on 010111, where a
431005 - Communication Manager adds value to daily work by using SDS to align
431006 - communication with objectives in the way that an accountant uses a
431007 - spreadsheet program to align finances with budgets. ref SDS C1 B2WY
431009 -  ..
431010 - SDS can therefore be described as a....
431012 -                       ..
431013 -                      Spreadsheet for Knowledge
431015 -  ..
431016 - An example, is Pat's report on 000829 that Curt wants to improve SRI
431017 - management. ref SDS 68 MJ6F
431019 -  ..
431020 - Setting an objective in communication is like establishing a budget,
431021 - where subsequent activity is measured against that objective.  SDS
431022 - enables proactive "intelligence," rather than traditional
431023 - after-the-fact reporting, because communication is a predicate to
431024 - action.  This means that people can regularly assess correlations and
431025 - implications of communications in relation to alignment with
431026 - organizational objectives.  Since action occurs later, there is time
431027 - to adjust course; or, alternatively decide to change course based on
431028 - changed circumstances.
431029 -
431030 -
431031 -
431032 -
431033 -
4311 -

SDS Fuss Ball Curt Will Study POIMS
SDS Organizes Information According to Context Based on Time
SDS Breakthrough Difficult to Understand
New Realities Leadership Broader Vision Overcomes Fear Change Helps P
Study Overcomes Fear Change Leadership Broader Vision Helps People He
Invest Intellectual Capital Capture Organizational Memory Who What Wh
Good Management Define Intelligence Memory Organization Analysis Alig

5209 -
521001 -  ..
521002 - Curt Wants to Study SDS Advantages
521003 -
521004 - Curt said that SDS is a "fuss ball," noting it may help, but the
521005 - process is not clear to him.  Curt has confidence in Pat's favorable
521006 - assessment that led to the meeting today, following up the social
521007 - discussion with Curt on 001207 at the reception honoring Doug
521008 - Engelbart for receiving the National Technology Medal. ref SDS A9 0001
521010 -  ..
521011 - Pat explained support for SDS, beginning on 000725, ref SDS 64 0050,
521012 - is based on experience working with SDS records through the OHS/DKR
521013 - project sponsored by SRI under Doug's leadership, and discussed more
521014 - recently on 001017. ref SDS 75 VY4J  Similarly, on 000824 Eric
521015 - Armstrong reported that Doug based planning for an OHS/DKR system on
521016 - SDS. ref SDS 67 PU5N  Doug expressly indicated on 001027 that SDS is
521017 - the best KM solution he has seen. ref SDS 80 XV6F  We reviewed SDS
521018 - breakthrough capabilities, discussed prior to Curt's arrival, listed
521019 - above. ref SDS 0 PZ8M
521020 -
521021 -     [On 011210 Doug Engelbart issued a letter to Terry Winograd at
521022 -     Stanford citing SDS is a unique solution. ref SDS E1 JL5I
521024 -      ..
521025 -     [On 020729 Pat issued a letter by SRI citing SDS support for
521026 -     knowledge technolgy. ref SDS E3 ER6I
521028 -  ..
521029 - SDS helps produce "knowledge," by strengthening the mental process of
521030 - adding "intelligence" to information.....
521031 -
521032 -
521033 -                •  Organization
521034 -                •  Analysis
521035 -                •  Alignment
521036 -                •  Summary
521037 -                •  Feedback
521039 -  ..
521040 - No other software or other means can support these cognitive tasks in
521041 - an integrated, thorough manner that improves knowledge work, because
521042 - the architecture of human thought is difficult to understand. see
521043 - POIMS. ref OF 1 0367
521045 -  ..
521046 - SDS significantly enhances traditional alphabet technology, which has
521047 - not been done in 2,000 years. see POIMS. ref OF 1 1299  Bill DeHart
521048 - reported on 000709 that experience using SDS at PG&E showed better
521049 - organization, based on time and context, than is possible with
521050 - conventional, popular programs like Windows, Word, Email, Powerpoint
521051 - and spreadsheets. ref SDS 59 1029
521053 -  ..
521054 - Since SDS manages context by building and retrieving experiential
521055 - context that shows cause and effect based on subject, it directly
521056 - supports organizational memory, essential for a vigorous program of
521057 - lessons learned and root cause analysis, being recommended to deal
521058 - with expanding complexity of information overload under the general
521059 - heading of......
521061 -                      ..
521062 -                     Organizational Learning
521063 -
521065 -  ..
521066 - Curt has not reviewed Cliff Joslyn's analysis of SDS, presented to SRI
521067 - on 000727. ref SDS 65 3960  Cliff is the lead research scientist for
521068 - KM at the Los Alamos National Lab (LANL).  He credits SDS with a
521069 - unique and useful design, based on seeing a demonstration on 000723.
521070 - ref SDS 62 2205, and interacting with SDS on the Internet this past
521071 - year, as Pat, Doug and others have done.  An example is Cliff's letter
521072 - on 000425. ref SDS 53 0001
521074 -  ..
521075 - Despite favorable experience reported by scientists and engineers
521076 - using SDS work product on the OHS/DKR project, Curt wants to
521077 - understand the SDS process.  He noted the large risk of starting a
521078 - project requires full understanding of how a technology solves
521079 - important problems.
521081 -      ..
521082 -     Curt's commitment to "understand" SDS, reflects Andy Grove's view
521083 -     in his book, "Only the Paranoid Survive," that senior executives
521084 -     have to "study" new ideas in order be effective leaders, reviewed
521085 -     on 980307, ref SDS 26 5794, which supports prior authority on
521086 -     940508. ref SDS 6 3381
521087 -
521088 -       [On 010507 Curt has reviewed POIMS and confirmed meeting for
521089 -       010522. ref SDS D7 0001
521090 -
521092 -  ..
521093 - Studying SDS is supported by following resources.....
521094 -
521095 -     POIMS explains theory and practice using SDS. ref OF 1 0001
521096 -
521097 -     SDS processes were summarized for Curt at the event honoring Doug
521098 -     Engelbart on 001220. ref SDS A9 KM3E
521100 -      ..
521101 -     SDS support for KM was explained in a meeting with Pat Lincoln at
521102 -     SRI on 000725. ref SDS 64 6089
521104 -      ..
521105 -     Meeting at SRI on 001017 lists a year long history implementing KM
521106 -     on Doug's OHS/DKR project, showing SDS makes KM practical to use
521107 -     for daily work, ref SDS 76 1575, which Doug Engelbart set as the
521108 -     criteria for evaluating KM in his 1972 paper, reviewed on 000327.
521109 -     ref SDS 51 3971  A record of consistent daily performance further
521110 -     shows that SDS is not "high-tech tourism," which Marcello Hoffman
521111 -     said on 000601 SRI wants to avoid. ref SDS 56 1007
521113 -      ..
521114 -     US Army Corps of Engineers report on 971007 shows SDS saves time
521115 -     and money, with ROI of 10:1. ref DRP 7 0001
521117 -      ..
521118 -     SDS core process of "plan, perform, report" is explained in a
521119 -     letter to SRI on 001221, ref DIP 1 Y48H, and is further set out in
521120 -     POIMS. ref OF 1 1103
521122 -      ..
521123 -     Typical Day Scenario explains how SDS saves time and money on the
521124 -     job, ref OF 2 0001, whether that job is running an organization,
521125 -     like SRI, doing a project, like OHS/DKR, building a hydro electric
521126 -     plant, like Broadwater Dam, digging a ditch, ref DIP 5 3250,
521127 -     deepening the Oakland Harbor, going to the doctor, fixing the car.
521128 -     or sending a space craft to Mars.  SDS improves all human
521129 -     enterprise by augmenting human thinking that guides daily activity
521130 -     at all levels, at all time. see POIMS.
521131 -     ..
521132 -     SDS trade secrets were submitted to Pat on 001004.
521133 -     ref SDS 72 0001
521134 -
521135 -
521136 -
521137 -
521138 -
521139 -
5212 -

SDS Has No Competition
Diligence Laziness Ignorance Fear Denial Loathe Change
Valley of Death Overcoming Resistance to New Idea Changing Work Pract
Research KM Project Not Enough Known, 000615

5606 -
560701 -  ..
560702 - SDS Unique KM Solution, Needs Research to Overcome Fear of Change
560703 - Diligence, Laziness, Ignorance, Fear, Denial Compete Against SDS
560704 -
560705 - Curt asked about other products or methods that compete against SDS?
560707 -  ..
560708 - Research at SRI this past year shows there are no competitive products
560709 - nor alternative methods in existence, nor on the drawing boards, for
560710 - converting information into knowledge, explained earlier. ref SDS 0
560711 - JE6J  Many projects are working on KM, but it appears that KM is a
560712 - secret of SDS. see Lee Iverson's report on 000324. ref SDS 50 4877
560713 - IBM has made the strongest attempt to develop an SDS capability, with
560714 - its proposed product "Raven," based on the hope that Lotus Notes could
560715 - be configured to accomplish SDS, reviewed by IBM on 941114.
560716 - ref SDS 9 5380  IBM spent $4B and failed to produce KM, reported on
560717 - 001130. ref SDS 99 F26K  This reflects Marcello Hoffman's report at
560718 - SRI on 000331 stating that Doug Engelbart's work over the past 40
560719 - years is the best source SRI has found to define KM.
560720 -
560721 -      [On 010315 history of research on OHS/DKR project indicates SDS
560722 -      is only KM capability available. ref SDS D0 OM9L
560724 -       ..
560725 -      [On 000315 KMI is funded for about $14M per year to produce KM,
560726 -      but no evidence of work product, nor evidence that this group has
560727 -      an insight about KM different from IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, nor
560728 -      any of the others that SRI researched. ref SDS D0 IL8K
560730 -  ..
560731 - Curt recalled a program, something like "Themes of Time," which he
560732 - feels may support the SDS design for managing time.  David Gelertner
560733 - promotes a program called "LifeStream," that is based on time. see
560734 - review on 000331. ref SDS 52 5946  On 000710 Gelertner published an
560735 - article supporting time as the core of KM. ref SDS 60 7565  To date,
560736 - no work product has been observed using LifeStream.
560737 -
560738 -       [On 010315 classical views of time as core of human knowledge,
560739 -       from writing by Aristotle, support SDS. ref SDS D0 C24O
560741 -      ..
560742 -     SDS competes against hope that greater diligence using IT methods
560743 -     like email, yellow postits, hand writing, desks, filing cabinets,
560744 -     calendars, personal recall, etc., is adequate for meeting the
560745 -     challenge of new realities that expand complexity and consequent
560746 -     problems, caused by information overload.  For example on 001126
560747 -     Eugene Kim recommended the OHS/DKR team apply greater diligence
560748 -     using IT, rather than use SDS in order learn about KM. ref SDS 97
560749 -     QW8I  Subsequently, on 001207 Reuters reported that earnings and
560750 -     stock prices have declined because too many people have too many
560751 -     problems using existing methods. ref SDS A3 V54M  Despite mounting
560752 -     problems, people hope they can avoid using SDS, because they fear
560753 -     learning new methods, and there is fear of accountability that is
560754 -     endemic to knowledge. see analysis on 980405. ref SDS 27 5065
560755 -     Since there is not enough diligence in the world that can enable
560756 -     IT to accomplish KM, this is a false, albeit powerful, hope.  Andy
560757 -     Grove reports experience showing executives deny the magnitude of
560758 -     the problems they face in order to avoid improving work practices,
560759 -     because they loathe change.  He says getting people through this
560760 -     learning curve is like walking through the valley of death. see
560761 -     review on 980307. ref SDS 26 4674
560763 -      ..
560764 -     Overcoming fear of change to improve the work makes KM a research
560765 -     project, which SRI is well suited to pursue in the interest of
560766 -     advancing the nation and civilization, particularly as
560767 -     productivity and earnings continue a free fall.
560768 -
560769 -
560770 -
560771 -
560772 -
560773 -
5608 -

Meaning Drift Aids Research
Creativity Aided by Analysis and Alignment
Meaning Maintain Shared Over Time
Creativity Context Time Chronology Organizes Complexity Context Faste

6306 -
630701 -  ..
630702 - Meaning Drift Problems Pandemic Throughout Enterprise
630703 - Creativity and Leadership Strengthened by SDS
630704 -
630705 - A benefit of SDS is avoiding mistakes that occur due to "meaning
630706 - drift" caused by the architecture of human thought that recodes
630707 - information to aid memory. see research on 990303. ref SDS 33 2838  An
630708 - example is the popular "telephone game." see POIMS. ref OF 1 3943
630710 -  ..
630711 - Curt related that "meaning drift" can sometimes benefit scientific
630712 - inquiry, since often full understanding is impossible prior to gaining
630713 - experience with a new technology.  Therefore, pre-development analysis
630714 - often turns out to be incorrect; yet, SRI researchers come up with
630715 - useful applications for technology and ideas that were not originally
630716 - contemplated.
630718 -  ..
630719 - This is an important point.
630721 -  ..
630722 - "Meaning drift" is different from adapting to new circumstances. see
630723 - NWO, ref OF 3 9449, and an example on 991101. ref SDS 41 0857
630725 -  ..
630726 - SDS improves conventional knowledge work by overcoming the fragility
630727 - of "knowledge," reported on 950204. ref SDS 10 0550   It builds case
630728 - studies automatically that make daily work a process of continual
630729 - learning.
630731 -  ..
630732 - The fragility of knowledge from stream-of-conscious communication that
630733 - dominates the modern scene through meetings, calls and email comprises
630734 - a contagion that can only be described as pandemic bumbling infecting
630735 - every facet of human enterprise.....
630737 -       ..
630738 -      On 990912 impact on medical practice reported. ref SDS 39 0001
630740 -       ..
630741 -      On 990924 analysis showed medical mistakes are caused by meaning
630742 -      drift, ref DIP 4 0001, that is solved by SDS.
630744 -       ..
630745 -      On 991010 example of bumbling in engineering management boiled
630746 -      over into public purview with the failure of NASA's Mars landing
630747 -      program. ref SDS 40 0001 and ref SDS 40 3077
630749 -       ..
630750 -      See also the record on 950327. ref SDS 11 0200
630752 -  ..
630753 - Curt noted that big problems SRI has identified for research are
630754 - energy and the environment.
630756 -  ..
630757 - This aligns with work on Doug's OHS/DKR project.  Contributors cited
630758 - energy and the environment on 000120 as problems for the OHS/DKR to
630759 - solve. ref SDS 47 7592  It was, also, suggested that augmenting human
630760 - intelligence gives people a better chance to solve problems of all
630761 - kinds, including environemnt and energy. ref SDS 47 3071
630762 -
630763 -     [On 010321 Brazil lost lives and energy supply when a $350M oil
630764 -     platform failed and sank in the Atlantic sea.  This hurts the
630765 -     environment and energy, and was likely caused by bumbling from
630766 -     "meaning drift," i.e., failure to align the work with requirements
630767 -     in the design, construction, and/or use of the drilling platform,
630768 -     similar to the $500M loss of an oil tanker reported on 940611.
630769 -     ref SDS 8 8239
630771 -  ..
630772 - Economic recession can be described as a critical mass of unanswered
630773 - mail, work not aligned with requirements, action items ignored,
630774 - mistakes covered up, where a "house of cards" built on "feel good"
630775 - management using stream-of-conscious communication, cursory analysis,
630776 - guess and gossip, finally collapses.  "Meaning drift" has
630777 - consequences, when too many people have too many problems, that can no
630778 - longer be ignored, as reported on 001207. ref SDS A3 V54M   A study by
630779 - USAFIT showed business systems devolve into entropy, when span of
630780 - attention is overwhelmed. see 970707. ref SDS 21 0108   Span of
630781 - attention was reviewed on 970829. ref SDS 22 2878  On 971008 USACE
630782 - found the cost of "rework" to fix mistakes overruns budgets, causing
630783 - loss, conflict and failure, when problems snow ball. ref SDS 24 1273
630784 -
630785 -     [On 010214 simple example illstrates "rework" due to lack of
630786 -     alignment in daily communication. ref SDS C9 AX6G
630788 -  ..
630789 - SDS adds "intelligence" to daily management that avoids "meaning
630790 - drift" by proactively maintaining alignment. see POIMS. ref OF 1 3742
630792 -  ..
630793 - In addition to avoiding problems, "creativity" is a derivative of
630794 - continual learning supported by SDS, that builds new patterns of
630795 - connections from daily work showing cause and effect, which are
630796 - otherwise hidden.  This strengthens creativity relative to reliance on
630797 - existing methods of meetings, calls, email and Powerpoint pictures, as
630798 - explained on 890809. ref SDS 1 7433
630800 -  ..
630801 - SDS has a powerful method for organizing information, as a component
630802 - of "intelligence, that applies DNA and accounting structures, which
630803 - disclose related patterns that support creativity. This method enables
630804 - people to penetrate the microcosm of cause and effect, and so may be
630805 - closer to the idea Curt has in mind for improving creativity.
630806 -
630807 -     [On 010517 demonstrated SDS organic subject structure to Pat.
630808 -     ref SDS D8 UN4L
630809 -
630810 -
630811 -
630812 -
630813 -
6309 -

Study POIMS and SDS
Small Investment to Study SDS Can Lift Civilization
Mission Advance Civilization Nation Accomplished with Small Investmen

6705 -
670601 -  ..
670602 - Leadership Overcomes Ignorance Fear Denial Empowers People Discover
670603 - Pilot Test SDS Requires Leadership Overcome Ignorance Fear Denial
670604 - Advancing Civilization Requires Minimal Investment to Pilot Test SDS
670605 -
670606 - Curt advised that SRI's research process rests on identifying a value
670607 - proposition for SRI, per Pat's comments, see above. ref SDS 0 V73N
670608 -
670609 - Curt plans to review POIMS, then schedule a meeting to observe SDS
670610 - being used, as Cliff Joslyn did on 000723, leading, ref SDS 62 1444,
670611 - to his presentation for LANL to SRI on 000727. ref SDS 65 2808
670613 -       ..
670614 -      Resources for understanding SDS are listed above. ref SDS 0 CW3G
670616 -       ..
670617 -      [On 010321 request peer review from Pat Lincoln on new material
670618 -      added to POIMS re KM. ref SDS D2 5R9O
670620 -       ..
670621 -      [On 010426 received peer review on POIMS from Pat Lincoln.
670622 -      ref SDS D5 0001
670624 -       ..
670625 -      [On 010430 meeting scheduled with Curt to see SDS per planning
670626 -      today. ref SDS D6 YQ8N
670628 -       ..
670629 -      [On 010507 Curt has reviewed POIMS. ref SDS D7 0001
670631 -  ..
670632 - The easy path is to ignore SDS, and continue using traditional IT
670633 - tools, like cell phones, email, and other gadgets, hoping coordination
670634 - from understanding and follow up will improve through greater
670635 - diligence, as proposed on 001126. ref SDS 97 QW8I  These methods are
670636 - running out gas on the information highway, because they do not
670637 - address the underlying issue of augmenting human intelligence to
670638 - handle the explosion of information produced by IT. Ignoring the
670639 - problem of information overload creates bigger problems for more
670640 - people that causes productivity, earnings and stock prices to fall,
670641 - reported on 001207. ref SDS A3 V54M
670642 -
670643 -      [On 020204 productivity, earnings and stock prices continue to
670644 -      slide because people using tools and methods they like, rather
670645 -      than working intelligently to save time and money. ref SDS E2
670646 -      0001
670648 -  ..
670649 - Passing up opportunity to contribute early in the life cycle of a new
670650 - technology passes to others a value proposition SRI seeks, ref SDS 0
670651 - V73N, as discussed with Curt on 001220 at the event honoring Doug
670652 - Engelbart for contributions to the PC industry developed at SRI in the
670653 - 60s. ref SDS A9 N33I
670655 -  ..
670656 - A small investment of a few hundred thousand dollars is all that is
670657 - needed for initial pilot test to establish SDS is the only "Killer
670658 - Application" on the horizon that adds value to the Internet by making
670659 - it practical to generate useful content that saves time and money by
670660 - improving daily management.  This investment will save SRI several $M,
670661 - as in the case of USACE and PG&E, reported above. ref SDS 0 AW4L
670663 -  ..
670664 - This would uniquely position SRI to fulfill its mission to benefit the
670665 - nation and move civilization forward by implementing initiatives
670666 - submitted to SRI on 001011, ref SDS 74 0001, per below.
670668 -  ..
670669 - Pilot testing new methods was called out by Doug Engelbart's 1992
670670 - paper on KM, which he recommended on 991222. ref SDS 45 5402
670672 -  ..
670673 - Curt recalled our discussion on 001220 that leadership with a broader
670674 - vision recognizes that people need empowerment, guidance and help,
670675 - ref SDS A9 KO4I, to overcome ignorance, fear and denial that working
670676 - intelligently is not overkill, but is essential to succeed in a new
670677 - world order of expanding complexity, noted by Grove at Intel, reviewed
670678 - on 980307. ref SDS 26 1657 and ref SDS 26 MU90
670680 -       ..
670681 -      [On 010320 letter to Curt on scheduling demonstration of SDS to
670682 -      evaluate opportunity for pilot testing KM at SRI. ref SDS D1 0001
670684 -       ..
670685 -      [On 010411 call from Jo McKensie on scheduling follow up.
670686 -      ref SDS D3 T46F
670688 -       ..
670689 -      [On 010424 letter to SRI on follow up. ref SDS D4 0001
670691 -       ..
670692 -      [On 010430 scheduled meeting to demonstrate POIMS on 010522.
670693 -      ref SDS D6 YQ8N
670695 -       ..
670696 -      [On 010507 called and confirmed meeting with Curt. ref SDS D7
670697 -      0001
670698 -
670699 -
670700 -
670701 -
6708 -

School Project Where Did PC Come From?
Linking to Doug's Papers Fosters Culture of Knowledge Competence Educ

7004 -
700501 -  ..
700502 - Education Initiative Foster Culture of Knowledge
700503 -
700504 - Follow up ref SDS C4 V5E1, ref SDS A9 KI6O.
700505 -
700506 -
700507 -    1.  Doug's legacy launching PC industry can be advanced by
700508 -        competition essay on future of technology, based on
700509 -        understanding history of PC by linking to Doug's papers, per
700510 -        planning on 001105 meeting with Henry van Eykan. ref SDS 83
700511 -        8621
700513 -         ..
700514 -        Curt indicated SRI has a group that could take on this
700515 -        project.
700516 -        ..
700517 -        SRI can launch something called the....
700518 -
700519 -
700520 -                        Executive Committee
700521 -
700522 -
700523 -        ...comprised of distinguished people from industry, education
700524 -        and government, like Andy Grove who calls for proactive steps to
700525 -        meet new realities of information overload, in his book "Only
700526 -        the Paranoid Survive," ref SDS 26 1209, -- ask Andy to support
700527 -        his idea to take copious notes that remove the ambiguity of
700528 -        mental maps, reported on 980307. ref SDS 26 3668
700530 -         ..
700531 -        George Shultz can support his idea that effective intelligence
700532 -        is more than tools, requires analysis, reported on 970402.
700533 -        ref SDS 19 8502
700535 -         ..
700536 -        Henry Kissinger who worried about bumbling in government
700537 -        because of Alice in Wonderland environment where nobody has
700538 -        time to prepare nor to understand because everybody is late for
700539 -        an important date, reviewed on 940609. ref SDS 7 4238
700541 -         ..
700542 -        SRI's contracts at Stanford University may be able to
700543 -        facilitate meetings with Grove and Shultz.  Once we get
700544 -        recognized names on the Executive Committee, it will be easier
700545 -        to recruit others, for a panel of about 10 - 20, and then to
700546 -        attract sponsors who can contribute funds for the scholarships.
700548 -         ..
700549 -        Might consider having prominent people like Grove, Shultz,
700550 -        Kissinger, et al, help recruit President Bush, and Colin Powell
700551 -        as honorary members of executive committee, since this aligns
700552 -        with the Bush agenda to advance education.
700554 -         ..
700555 -        Executive committee members can make presentations at high
700556 -        schools to give the effort visibility and engage support of
700557 -        educational community.
700558 -
700560 -         ..
700561 -    2.  Culture of knowledge takes root in connected environment by
700562 -        getting a lot of young people into the habit of citing relevant
700563 -        information in references that ensure accurate understanding,
700564 -        as a first step of ABC improvement that lifts competence, cited
700565 -        in Doug's award for the National Medal of Technology, as
700566 -        driving force of Doug's work, reviewed on 001114. ref SDS 88
700567 -        SU3L
700569 -         ..
700570 -        Need panel to judge essays and make recommendations to final
700571 -        selection committee chaired by Doug.
700572 -
700574 -         ..
700575 -    3.  SRI projects in education sector, for example, make linking
700576 -        faster and easier for everyone, adding addressability in the
700577 -        record.  Provides a path to fulfill Curt's objective for SRI to
700578 -        take the lead in enhancing education, reported by Pat Lincoln
700579 -        on 000829. ref SDS 68 OB7I
700581 -         ..
700582 -        Might lead to study discussed with University of Santa Clara on
700583 -        951012 for moving beyond the limitations of information
700584 -        technology (IT), to deploy what today, we call KM. ref SDS 15
700585 -        7488
700587 -         ..
700588 -        Jack Park has suggested similar contest idea to engage students
700589 -        to develop KM tools.
700590 -
700591 -
700592 -
700593 -
700594 -
7006 -

Schedule Meeting to Review SDS Support for DKR
SDS Business Plan Comments
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
SDS Demonstration Planning, Henry van Eykan
SRI on Intelligence Solve Medical, NASA, Tire
SRI Congressional Initiative, Pat Lincoln
Research Common Cause Solution for Huge Needs Medical, Space Autos Ne
Pilot Test Solves Innovation Loop Resisted Fear Accountability
Pilot Test 20-60 Min Conflicts Knowledge Pays Off Days, Weeks, Months
Meaning Drift Not Known Problem that Needs Solution
SRI Research KM and SDS, Pat Lincoln
Knowledge Different from Information
Culture of Knowledge Transition from Information Culture
Knowledge Different from Data, Information, Wordprocessing Inadequate
Culture of Knowledge Paradigm Shift Documents to Knowledge Space

AL17 -
AL1801 -  ..
AL1802 - Research on Moving from IT to KM that Fosters Culture of Knowledge
AL1803 -
AL1804 - Follow up ref SDS C4 664K, ref SDS 74 0001.
AL1805 -
AL1806 - Seek Congressional funding for KM research to support the advance from
AL1807 - IT to KM that positions the US to lead the world into the next
AL1808 - century, per letter to SRI, ref DIP 7 0001, on 001011. ref SDS 74 0001
AL1810 -  ..
AL1811 - Problem to solve is expanding complexity caused by expanding IT that
AL1812 - increases information overload due to fixed biology for converting
AL1813 - information into knowledge, per letter to Pat on 001011. ref DIP 7
AL1814 - 0001
AL1815 -
AL1816 -     [On 010608 letter to SRI confirms meeting on 010605 about SRI and
AL1817 -     Welch partnership to advance research in KM. ref SDS E0 0001
AL1819 -  ..
AL1820 - Curt concurred this is a problem that needs to be solved, per
AL1821 - discussion above on improving SRI management. ref SDS 0 ZF4G
AL1823 -  ..
AL1824 - KM is a research project.
AL1826 -  ..
AL1827 - SRI's Business Intelligence group provides a team to lead this
AL1828 - research, per Doug's comment on 010119. ref SDS C4 664K
AL1829 -
AL1830 -    1.  Conditions conducive to major study and support from the
AL1831 -        Congress....
AL1833 -             ..
AL1834 -        a.  Following major areas need help....
AL1835 -
AL1836 -            1.  Engineering management
AL1837 -
AL1838 -                Letter to Pat on 001011 explains continual bumbling in
AL1839 -                engineering that focuses national attention on Ford
AL1840 -                Motor and Firestone Tire, and NASA, ref DIP 7 0001,
AL1841 -                also, cited in the record on 001011. ref SDS 74 0X6O
AL1843 -                 ..
AL1844 -                Engineering support was explained to Intel on 990524,
AL1845 -                ref SDS 36 0876, citing example on 990505, ref SDS 35
AL1846 -                0001 and based on favorable report by US Army Corps of
AL1847 -                Engineers showing Communication Metrics adds
AL1848 -                "intelligence" to management that saves time and money.
AL1850 -                 ..
AL1851 -                PG&E reported on 950110 that SDS and POIMS are the best
AL1852 -                technology for management tried in 30 years.
AL1853 -                ref DRP 5 8444
AL1855 -                 ..
AL1856 -                Doug Engelbart indicated on 001027 that SDS is the best
AL1857 -                KM technology he has seen in 40 years. ref SDS 80 XV6F
AL1859 -                 ..
AL1860 -                Case study showing this application is in the record on
AL1861 -                001017 listing progress meetings supported by SDS over
AL1862 -                the past year. ref SDS 76 1575
AL1864 -                 ..
AL1865 -            2.  Medical management
AL1866 -
AL1867 -                Same problem afflicts health care, which is subject of
AL1868 -                national initiative to reduce high cost of medical
AL1869 -                mistakes, reported 991207. ref SDS 43 0001
AL1871 -                 ..
AL1872 -                Case study is on 990625. ref SDS 37 0001
AL1874 -                 ..
AL1875 -                Need for support is also on 990625. ref SDS 37 2924
AL1877 -                 ..
AL1878 -            3.  Education
AL1879 -
AL1880 -                Bush administration has made education center piece of
AL1881 -                campaign.  There will be an education bill of some
AL1882 -                kind, so we need to promote the Engelbart scholarship
AL1883 -                program, and a new way of learning by enhancing
AL1884 -                traditional alphabet technology, by moving from IT to
AL1885 -                KM, i.e., from documents to Knowledge Space, per
AL1886 -                program explained on 001011, ref SDS 74 3Y2P, and set
AL1887 -                out in the letter to Pat Lincoln. ref DIP 7 6Y8N
AL1889 -                 ..
AL1890 -                Proposal on education was made to Santa Clara
AL1891 -                University on 951012. ref SDS 15 7488 including specific
AL1892 -                study proposal. ref SDS 15 7477
AL1894 -                 ..
AL1895 -                Case study is book report on 980307. ref SDS 25
AL1896 -                0001
AL1897 -
AL1899 -                 ..
AL1900 -            4.  Government
AL1901 -
AL1902 -                Henry Kissinger argues daily practice in government is
AL1903 -                an "Alice in Wonderland" of bumbling owing to the
AL1904 -                complexity of activity and relationships which are
AL1905 -                difficult to align using traditional methods of
AL1906 -                information technology (IT), reported on 940609.
AL1907 -                ref SDS 7 4238
AL1909 -                 ..
AL1910 -                Robert MacNamara concurred with Kissinger, reported on
AL1911 -                950417. ref SDS 12 5872
AL1913 -                 ..
AL1914 -                Foreign policy failures attributed to not enough time
AL1915 -                for analysis, because IT produces too much information,
AL1916 -                reported on 980815. ref SDS 30 1173
AL1918 -                 ..
AL1919 -                National security therefore requires strengthening
AL1920 -                "intelligence" capability called out in POIMS, which is
AL1921 -                supported only by SDS. per analysis on 001011,
AL1922 -                ref SDS 74 WZD8, and proposed in a letter to Pat
AL1923 -                Lincoln. ref DIP 7 0173
AL1925 -                 ..
AL1926 -                A government report on 970328 found that Communication
AL1927 -                Metrics provides effective "intelligence," ref DRP 6
AL1928 -                6172, called out by Kissinger and MacNamara, et al.
AL1929 -                Government reported on 971008 that ROI on Communication
AL1930 -                Metrics is 10:1, i.e., it saves a lot of time and
AL1931 -                money. ref DRP 7 0001
AL1933 -                 ..
AL1934 -            5.  Law
AL1935 -
AL1936 -                Judge Douglas recently noted on 010103 that SDS was
AL1937 -                useful for capturing an effective record during trial
AL1938 -                that aids jury deliberations. ref SDS B5 0001
AL1940 -                 ..
AL1941 -                On 911130 Justice Stanley Mosk on the California
AL1942 -                Supreme Court commented favorably on using SDS for
AL1943 -                analysis that supports legal practice. ref SDS 4 P15J
AL1944 -
AL1945 -
AL1946 -
AL1947 -
AL1948 -
AL1949 -
AL1950 -
AL1951 -
AL1952 -
AL1953 -
AL1954 -
AL1955 -
AL1956 -
AL1957 -
AL1958 -
AL1959 -
AL20 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"