440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 24, 2001 02:28 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Jo about scheduling meeting with Curt on SDS.
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0201 - SRI International 650 326 6200
020101 - Mr. Curtis R. Carlson; President and CEO =650 859 2878
020102 -
020103 - Executive Offices
0202 - SRI International 650 326 6200
020201 - Ms. Joanne McKenzie; 650 859 2878
020202 -
020203 - Executive Offices
Report on Meeting
Meeting SDS Improve SRI Management Learn KM, Curt Carlson, Pat Lincoln
SDS Schedule Demonstration Letter to Curt Carlson Follow Up Meeting o
SDS Demonstration Proposed Solve Problem of Competence Shown by Falli
Stock Price Income Drop Builds Demand Better Management
Too Many People Having Too Many Problems Competence Needs SDS to Impr
Problem Handling
Problem Handling Proactive Discover Details Before Mistakes Occur Imp
Problems Too Many People Having Too Much Trouble Stock Prices Earning
1811 - ..
1812 - Summary/Objective
1813 -
181301 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 11 0000,
181302 -
181303 - Left message for Jo McKensie about scheduling a meeting with Curt per
181304 - the letter, ref DIP 1 0001, with copy to Pat, and linked to the
181305 - meeting on 010122. ref SDS 6 0001
181306 -
181307 - Asked again about Curt's progress reviewing POIMS, per his plan in the
181308 - meeting on 010122. ref SDS 6 458J
181309 -
181310 - Urgency of using SDS ref DIP 1 SU7H, to strengthen follow up
181311 - because "too many people are having too many problems," that
181312 - reduce productivity, earnings and stock prices, reported on
181313 - 001207, ref SDS 3 V54M, and discussed with Curt on 010122.
181314 - ref SDS 6 GZ5M
181315 -
181316 - Curt planned to review POIMS, ref OF 1 0001, toward scheduling an SDS
181317 - demonstration proposed in the letter on 010320, ref DIP 1 SU7H, based
181318 - on Curt's idea to follow up the meeting on 010122, ref SDS 6 GM5F,
181319 - that discussed a value proposition from using SDS at SRI. ref SDS 6
181320 - JS8J
181321 -
181322 - Reminded Jo of our call on 010411 when she planned to coordinate
181323 - follow up with Curt on the meeting held 010122, either through a call
181324 - or another meeting; it will probably be the week after Curt returns,
181325 - so there is time to catch up on matters that are backing up while he
181326 - is traveling. ref SDS 12 T46F
181327 -
181328 - This is the week we targeted to follow up with Curt.
181329 -
181330 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Jo, linked to this record.
181331 -
181332 - Sent copy to Pat Lincoln and Doug Engelbart.
181333 -
181341 -
181342 -
181343 -
181344 -
1814 -
1815 -
1816 - 1504
1817 -
181701 - Called Jo.
181702 -
181703 - She got my letter and advised of having sent a reply saying she will
181704 - call tomorrow with a date to meet with Curt.
181705 -
181706 - [On 010430 called and scheduled meeting for 010522. ref SDS 14
181707 - 0001
181708 -
181709 - [On 010507 called Curt and confirmed meeting for 010522.
181710 - ref SDS 15 0001
181711 -
181712 -
181713 -
181714 -
181715 -
181716 -
181717 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"