440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: June 8, 2001 12:47 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Letter to Pat on partnering to market SDS and research KM.


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0201 - SRI International                    650 326 6200
020101 - Mr. Pat Lincoln; Director  =650 859 5454
020102 -
020103 - Computer Science Laboratory

Partners Welch SRI Strategic Business Opportunities
DCMA Inquiry Proposal Partnershp Welch SRI
Proposal for Partnership to Market SDS and Grow Technology
Partnership Proposal Gives and Gets
SRI Partnership to Market SDS
Partnership Welch SRI Market SDS for KM Research
Welch Work on Web Illustrates Benefits of SDS
Anytime Anywhere Intelligence on Internet
Alliances on Development
Gives Gets SRI Proposal

2113 -    ..
2114 - Summary/Objective
2115 -
211501 - Follow up ref SDS 61 0001, ref SDS 60 0000.
211502 -
211503 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Pat Lincoln at SRI submitting a copy of
211504 - the letter, ref DRP 1 0001, today from Stuart Harrow at DCMA.
211505 - ref SDS 61 FS4G
211506 -
211507 -     [On 010619 copy of a letter to DCMA was sent to Pat. ref SDS 62
211508 -     YT5I
211509 -
211510 - Partnership between Welch and SRI, ref DIT 1 00GK, can implement ideas
211511 - discussed on 001017, ref SDS 44 NH6H, and a few days ago during dinner
211512 - on 010605 ref SDS 60 W59K, about marketing KM, ref DIT 1 J46K, based
211513 - on Welch business plan for Communication Metrics in the record on
211514 - 000802, ref SDS 41 0001, which was submitted to Pat at SRI on 000804.
211515 - ref SDS 42 0001
211516 -
211517 -        [On 010625 Pat indicated agreement. ref SDS 63 0001
211518 -
211519 -    DCMA inquiry shows there is demand for SDS capability, ref SDS 61
211520 -    329L, and that POIMS and the SDS record on the Internet attract
211521 -    customers in an emerging market, ref DIT 1 9F5F, for a "disruptive"
211522 -    technology, as explained in the record on 990527, ref SDS 32 5258,
211523 -    that can be roughly called "Knowledge Management" (KM).  This new
211524 -    technology offers significant advantages for saving time and money
211525 -    over existing Information Technology (IT), explained in POIMS.
211526 -    ref OF 1 EX5O
211527 -    ..
211528 -    This market can grow quickly from synergy of favorable market
211529 -    circumstances where a large agency, like DCMA, provides a catalyst
211530 -    to give SDS initial visibility. ref DIT 1 019O
211531 -
211532 -    The market can support KM research proposed to SRI on 001011,
211533 -    ref SDS 43 0001, and discussed in the meeting with Curt Carlson on
211534 -    010122. ref SDS 48 KW7J  It implements marketing ideas on 010426.
211535 -    ref SDS 50 UU6I  Revenue and experience applying SDS in the field
211536 -    to save money for customers, ref DIT 1 9F5F, and can support
211537 -    research deploying KM, and work on the OHS/DKR. ref DIT 1 015O
211538 - ..
211539 - Partnership would entail.....
211542 -
211543 -    Welch gives.....
211544 -
211545 -       SDS, POIMS, Record on the Internet, ability to perform Com
211546 -       Metrics that attracts customers to pay for KM research.
211547 -
211548 -          gets......
211549 -
211550 -       Paid for Com Metrics support, and providing SDS.  We need to
211551 -       think through the revenue stream on SDS, e.g., do people buy the
211552 -       program, do they lease it, and pay for annual updates, do they
211553 -       pay for maintenance of the record, etc. ref DIT 1 PR5M
211554 -
211555 -    SRI gives
211556 -
211557 -       Marketing contacts, business management, and research support
211558 -       that leverages the SDS record of performance through publication
211559 -       of papers, studies, and presentations at professional
211560 -       conferences. ref DIT 1 00HT and ref DIT 1 ZU3L
211561 -
211562 -          gets......
211563 -
211564 -       Revenue from providing research and support services from
211565 -       accomplishing SRI's mission to advance the nation and
211566 -       civilization discussed on 000725, ref SDS 40 0897, and as called
211567 -       out in POIMS. ref OF 1 TO7O
211568 -
211569 - Cite.....
211570 -
211571 -    SDS implements good management practice, ref DIT 1 H57F, evidenced
211572 -    by manager with DCMA who inquired about SDS today, and noted SDS
211573 -    supports a manual method he has developed. ref SDS 61 U45L
211574 -
211575 -    Call to Stuart earlier today, ref DIT 1 009G, and note call back,
211576 -    indicating interest in SDS. ref SDS 61 KZ7J
211577 -    ..
211578 -    Advertising for SDS is less effective than advertising for
211579 -    IBM and Microsoft. ref DIT 1 GE9G  History of SDS implementation
211580 -    showing work product on the Internet helps customers recognize SDS
211581 -    is effective ref SDS 61 ZM5M  Communication Metrics claim to
211582 -    deliver intelligence anytime anywhere is supported by the record.
211583 -    ref SDS 61 329L
211584 -
211585 -    DCMA is a major federal procurement agency that can benefit from
211586 -    SDS capabilities implementing Com Metrics for contract management,
211587 -    ref SDS 61 RW4L, and possibly common administration. ref SDS 61
211588 -    6Y9I
211589 -
211590 -    DCMA raised prospect of deploying SDS throughout DCMA's 80
211591 -    offices, and noted this would be a big job. ref DIT 1 005M  So is
211592 -    building a ship reviewed on 940611, ref SDS 5 8239, and building a
211593 -    rocket, ref SDS 34 0001, but DCMA does this all the time.
211594 -    ref SDS 61 PS8I  Deploying SDS is a big job, because management is
211595 -    complex. DCMA does big, complex jobs, and Welch has demonstrated
211596 -    the ability to perform. ref SDS 61 SZ4I Deployment requires
211597 -    research and planning for training, technology, developing work
211598 -    practices and procedures, and cultural issues, as we have seen
211599 -    lately.  SRI can provide these services to compliment Welch
211600 -    contributions. ref DIT 1 ZU3L
211601 -
211602 -    DCMA will contact USACE about their report on implementing SDS to
211603 -    support Com Metrics, ref DIT 1 005M, as discussed with Stuart
211604 -    earlier today. ref SDS 61 ZH9J
211605 -
211606 -
211607 -
211608 -
211609 -
211610 -
211611 -
2117 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"