440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 3, 2001 05:00 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Judge Douglas responded favorably about using SDS for jury duty.


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0201 - Superior Court of State of Californ
020101 - Hon. Wallace P. Douglas; Assistant Presiding Judge
020102 - Department 608

Jury Duty
Law Use Com Metrics for Writing Support
Law Practice Needs Com Metrics Constant Disagreements

1805 -
1805 -    ..
1806 - Summary/Objective
1807 -
180701 - Follow up ref SDS 14 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
180702 -
180703 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Judge Douglas, responding to the letter,
180704 - ref DIP 1 0001, on 001214 congratulating the Judge and counsel for a
180705 - good trial, ref SDS 14 0001, and thanking the Judge for allowing use
180706 - of SDS to capture the trial record, as reported on 000414. ref SDS 3
180707 - 4867
180709 -  ..
180710 - Judge Douglas did not address substantive issues, e.g., correlation
180711 - between concern on 000413 about evaluating intent of a real estate
180712 - transaction, ref SDS 3 1220, which is similar to the problem the
180713 - Supreme Court confronted this past week in Bush v. Gore.
180715 -  ..
180716 - The Judge liked results using SDS to capture and organize testimony,
180717 - evidence and jury instructions, as shown in the record on 000427.
180718 - ref SDS 11 0001  He says in his letter....
180719 -
180720 -      After reading your comments, I feel as if the paper notebooks and
180721 -      pens with which we supply jurors are about as much in tune with
180722 -      current methods of recording and retrieving information as clay
180723 -      tablets and styluses would be.  Thank you for taking the time and
180724 -      trouble to write.  I always enjoy feedback from jurors, and
180725 -      rarely am able to get it from alternate jurors. ref DRT 1 P46F,
180727 -  ..
180728 - Judge Douglas' favorable review of using SDS for legal analysis to
180729 - support jury duty aligns with California Supreme Court Justice Mosks
180730 - favorable remarks on using SDS to aid adjudication. ref SDS 1 P15J
180731 -
180732 -    [On 010127 interest in using SDS for legal practice. ref SDS 16
180733 -    2P7G
180735 -     ..
180736 -    [On 010228 further discussion about using SDS to support legal
180737 -    work. ref SDS 17 AY4H
180738 -
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180745 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"