440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 31, 2008 07:30 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Visit Morris to install SDS and design record format.
2...Installed SDS on Morris' Computer and Configured for C Drive
3...SDS Error Message on Intel 64-bit Computer with Microsoft Vista
4...Elusive Design Intuitive Menus GUI for SDS Windows Application
5...Intuitive Design Improve SDS Menus and Function Keys Elusive
6...Menus Function Keys SDS Not Intuitive Can Be Fixed in Windows App
7...Tables Modernize SDS with Professional Appearance Industry Standards
8...Email Folders Open Pandora's Box Complexity Contex Management
9...SDS Subject Index Organic Structure Context for Organizational Memory
10...SDS Record Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
11...Think Remember Communicate Objectives SDS Program
12...Shallow Outline Language SDS Aids Culture of Knowledge Management
13...Schedule Diary Transition Record Identification on Disk
14...Fields on Line 1 Beyond Visible Screen Manage Pointers
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SDS Medit Original DOS Program Records Install Morris Learn Design S
1903 -
1903 - ..
1904 - Summary/Objective
1905 -
190501 - Follow up ref SDS 72 0000. ref SDS 67 0000.
190502 -
190503 - Installed SDS on Morris' computer. ref SDS 0 KT5L Seems to be a
190504 - mismatch in commands available for NTVD (DOS) on Morris' computer, and
190505 - this is likely associated with backup. ref SDS 0 HR6M Morris plans to
190506 - emphasize intuitive design for the new SDS program. ref SDS 0 HR98
190507 - Using folders to store email according to context builds experience
190508 - for using the subject index. ref SDS 0 JE7I Morris prepared a
190509 - software specificaiton for SDS. ref SDS 0 LW7O There seems to be some
190510 - familiarity emerging with SDS terminology. ref SDS 0 MN5F
190511 -
190512 -
190513 -
190514 -
190516 - ..
1906 -
1907 -
1908 - Progress
1909 -
190901 - Installed SDS on Morris' Computer and Configured for C Drive
190902 -
190903 - Follow up ref SDS 67 164I.
190904 -
190905 - On 080527 discussed installing SDS on Morris' computer so he can learn
190906 - how the program works. ref SDS 67 164I
190908 - ..
190909 - We connected c15 with a LAN cable to Morris' computer running Windows
190910 - XP and simply copied the program files, about 2 GB and 71K files.
190911 - Deleted picture files of Millie and similar personal stuff from
190912 - Morris' computer.
190913 -
190914 - [On 081007 Morris asked for support using SDS indicating
190915 - willingness to learn new way of working. ref SDS 78 RF7N
190917 - ..
190918 - [On 081103 submitted SDS records update that further
190919 - illustrates application scenarios for health care uniquely
190920 - managed by SDS, and demonstrate generic utility for general
190921 - knowledge work. ref SDS 79 G14U
190923 - ..
190924 - Set up the program with the standard SDS logo. Morris moved the SDS
190925 - program to the top right corner of his computer screen.
190927 - ..
190928 - Showed Morris how to use the Group Manager to open his SDS records.
190929 -
190930 - 1. Click once on either the "J" or the "o" column in the last
190931 - name of "Jones."
190932 -
190933 - This launches an SDS session normally.
190935 - ..
190936 - The first time SDS is launched each day can take 5 - 10
190937 - minutes performing the following steps...
190938 -
190939 - a. Xcopy performs interim backup called from within
190940 - backupi,cmd. ref OF 4 LC8Q This is the part that
190941 - takes 5 - 10 minutes; everything else takes about .5
190942 - seconds.
190944 - ..
190945 - b. Archieve performed tasks in the Schedule.
190947 - ..
190948 - c. Move all unperformed tasks for dates in the Schedule
190949 - prior to today, to the current date.
190951 - ..
190952 - 2. After SDS is launched normally the first time, then any
190953 - subsequence launch for the same user, merely opens the
190954 - program to the current date, and so occurs instantly.
190956 - ..
190957 - 3. Alternative launch without archiving.
190958 -
190959 - a. Click the once to move the cursor to the line with the
190960 - user's name.
190961 -
190962 - b. Click the space between no and "archive" above the
190963 - double line that frames the table listing users.
190965 - ..
190966 - This lauches SDS immedicately without archiving.
190968 - ..
190969 - This procedure should be used to open records for
190970 - other users, e.g., Rod, and Gary.
190972 - ..
190973 - We noticed a number of error messages flash quickly on the screen,
190974 - during the archive process. This may be related to the backup
190975 - operation that runs when SDS is first opened each day.
190976 -
190977 - [On 081114 discovered and corrected the problem converting SDS
190978 - development code to c drive version, backupi.cmd /d: date
190979 - switch is being changed to /c: which is an invalid switch for
190980 - xcopy. ref SDS 80 YV7Q
190982 - ..
190983 - After initial log on that archives SDS diary records, these error
190984 - messages did not appear again. This record suggests that some of the
190985 - NTVD (DOS) commands for Microsoft Windows running on Morris' XP
190986 - computer do not recognize commands that run on c15 and c14 also
190987 - configured with Windows XP.
190989 - ..
190990 - Could be the set and start commands do not work the same on the
190991 - version of NTVD for version of Windows XP is running this particular
190992 - computer. He has 3 or 4.
190994 - ..
190995 - This needs investigation.
190997 - ..
190998 - [On 080606 intended to work on this problem during follow up
190999 - meeting with Morris, but various problems occurred that
191000 - prevented doing the work. ref SDS 73 MI6K
191002 - ..
191003 - [On 081114 discovered and corrected the problem converting SDS
191004 - development code to c drive version, backupi.cmd /d: date
191005 - switch is being changed to /c: which is an invalid switch for
191006 - xcopy. ref SDS 80 YV7Q
191008 - ..
191009 - We opened Morris' record for 080529 reporting problems installing SDS
191010 - using the zip file process. ref SDS 70 945H Morris read through the
191011 - record.
191013 - ..
191014 - Demonstrated how to scroll the file up and down with F9 and F10,
191015 - which are awkwardly positioned on his keyboard. He can also use page
191016 - up and page down, but these are not efficient, because they move the
191017 - cursor. Showed how to use the mouse to scroll the screen up and
191018 - down, and how to click on line 2 column 77 or 78 to get a Diary.
191020 - ..
191021 - Demonstrated clicking the right mouse to get the menu, and showed
191022 - various menu choices.
191024 - ..
191025 - Opened the Tools menu and showed the list of function key
191026 - assignments.
191028 - ..
191029 - We used the "Manage" menu in Morris' SDS record on 080529 to create a
191030 - new record for today. Morris entered in the record for today that Rod
191031 - helped create the record on 080529.
191033 - ..
191034 - Showed and demonstrated functionality of Follow up chains linked back
191035 - to original sources, called out in ISO management requirements,
191036 - reported on 950721. ref SDS 9 1740
191037 -
191039 - ..
191040 - SDS Error Message on Intel 64-bit Computer with Microsoft Vista
191041 -
191042 - Morris copied the Medit program e.exe to his new computer that has an
191043 - Intel 64-bit microprocessor and is running Microsoft Vista operating
191044 - system.
191045 -
191046 - The program has a DOS command promt, the same as XP.
191048 - ..
191049 - Calling the program...
191050 -
191051 - C>e.exe
191053 - ..
191054 - Returns an error message that says the program cannot run 16-bit
191055 - applications.
191056 -
191057 - [On 080611 quote from Dell for 64-bit computer running
191058 - Vista operating system, sales rep, Robert, investigating
191059 - DOS emulator for 16-bit programs. ref SDS 74 JR4F
191061 - ..
191062 - [On 080611 Robert reports that tests show DOS emulator
191063 - program will not run 16-bit application on quad-core 64-bit
191064 - computer with Microsoft Vista. ref SDS 74 K54K
191066 - ..
191067 - [On 080629 Dell reports selling Microsoft Vista 32-bit
191068 - operating system for the quad-core 64-bit Intel computers,
191069 - and feels this may solve problem of supporting legacy line
191070 - of business 16-bit software like SDS. ref SDS 75 I44F
191072 - ..
191073 - [On 080630 Rob discloses that Dell cannot run a test to
191074 - verify that 16-bit software will run on a Dell 64-bit
191075 - computer running a 32-bit version of the Microsoft Vista
191076 - operating system. ref SDS 76 RU3H
191078 - ..
191079 - [On 090706 1028 Morris seemed to indicate that running
191080 - legacy 16-bit line-of-business software, like SDS, on
191081 - 64-bit computers with the Windows XP 32-bit operating
191082 - system can cause subtle differences in the way data is
191083 - stored on the disk, which will cause failure when files are
191084 - copied to legacy 32-bit computers running Windows XP 32-bit
191085 - operating system. ref SDS 81 R14O
191087 - ..
191088 - [On 090710 1719 installed Windows XP 32-bit operating
191089 - system on c16, the HP HDX 18t quad core 64-bit computer,
191090 - and for the purpose of running SDS 16-bit line-of-business
191091 - software to improve productivity. ref SDS 82 SH4K
191093 - ..
191094 - [On 090715 2146 SDS tested on c16 the HP HDX 18t Core2
191095 - Q9300 64-bit microprocessor and runs much better than on
191096 - legacy Pentium single-processor technology. ref SDS 83 545O
191098 - ..
191099 - Morris seemed to say this was an Intel mistake. The company designed
191100 - a certain number of memory allocations in the 32-bit processors to run
191101 - legacy 16-bit software programs. When the 64-bit microprocessors were
191102 - designed, somebody forgot to increase memory allocations for legacy
191103 - software. As a result, Microsoft only had enough memory positions to
191104 - support legacy 32-bit software for the 64-bit microprocessor
191105 - computers.
191107 - ..
191108 - Unless a solution can be found, the new 64-bit computers cannot be
191109 - used for transformation from information to a culture of knowledge.
191110 -
191111 - [On 080629 Dell reports selling Microsoft Vista 32-bit
191112 - operating system for the quad-core 64-bit Intel computers,
191113 - and feels this may solve problem of supporting legacy line
191114 - of business 16-bit software like SDS. ref SDS 75 I44F
191116 - ..
191117 - [On 080630 Rob discloses that Dell cannot run a test to
191118 - verify that 16-bit software will run on a Dell 64-bit
191119 - computer running a 32-bit version of the Microsoft Vista
191120 - operating system. ref SDS 76 RU3H
191122 - ..
191123 - [On 080926 research found Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 which
191124 - indicates it can configure Vista for 64-bit quad-core
191125 - computer to run SDS under Windows XP, ref SDS 77 U25I;
191126 - called Microsoft to verify capabilities. ref SDS 77 PQ4U
191128 - ..
191129 - Enabling SDS technology to go forward requires a solution. Today,
191130 - Morris seems discouraged about accomplishing this goal because the
191131 - tools he likes and enjoys using, ref SDS 62 RR36, cannot support SDS,
191132 - reported on 080206, ref SDS 62 QV4O, he does not have enough
191133 - experience with SDS to understand what is needed, and he feels
191134 - creating the tools that are needed using the experience he has takes a
191135 - lot of hard work that is not very enjoyable. ref SDS 62 QM6H
191136 -
191137 -
191138 -
191139 -
191140 -
191141 -
191142 -
1912 -
Intuitive SDS Design GUI Mouse Improve Menus Function Keys Elusive F
3103 -
310401 - ..
310402 - Elusive Design Intuitive Menus GUI for SDS Windows Application
310403 - Intuitive Design Improve SDS Menus and Function Keys Elusive
310404 - Menus Function Keys SDS Not Intuitive Can Be Fixed in Windows App
310405 -
310406 - Morris feels SDS menus and function key assignemnts are not intuitive;
310407 - he indicated that customers want funcions in SDS to work like
310408 - Microsoft program commands. He feels this can be accomplished with
310409 - the new version of SDS using an editor that supports Microsoft Vista.
310410 - This implements discussion on 080206, when Morris described
310411 - efficiencies of a popular editor using familiar commands. ref SDS 62
310412 - RT9I
310414 - ..
310415 - Tom Landauer's book, the "Trouble with Computers" described challenges
310416 - striving for "intutitive" design for executing computer commands with
310417 - menus and GUI technology, reviewed on 950710. ref SDS 8 MB6Q
310419 - ..
310420 - On 990329 review shows Steven Pinker explains in his book "How the
310421 - Mind Works" there are 100 trillion ways for humans to form
310422 - explanations. The way someone explains a particular task may not be
310423 - readily recognized by people until they gain experience to associate a
310424 - menu description with actual results using functionality. ref SDS 14
310425 - ZN6G
310427 - ..
310428 - Morris' son and his friend, Mark, (graduating high school seniors)
310429 - returned from seeing a movie. Mark had some kind of handheld computer
310430 - device which contained a file, possibly a picture. He wanted to copy
310431 - the file to print the picture on Morris' computer. Morris and Mark
310432 - spent about 45 minutes trying to figure out how to use Vista menus and
310433 - functions to transfer the file. Many Microsoft commands were
310434 - attempted. Most were familiar to Morris, who has a lot of experience
310435 - using Microsoft programs, and some commands were familiar to Mark.
310436 - This ended in frustration, because nobody could figure out how to
310437 - transfer the file from Mark's hand held device to Morris' computer
310438 - using intuitive Microsoft menu commands.
310439 -
310441 - ..
310442 - Tables Modernize SDS with Professional Appearance Industry Standards
310443 -
310444 - Morris explained plans to incorporate tables in the new SDS program
310445 - like tables are created using Microsoft Word. He feels the current
310446 - version of SDS is old fashioned, because tables are not addressed by
310447 - the software to position automatically when people change the size of
310448 - the application window. Work today expanded discussion on 080206
310449 - planning to update SDS for the 21st century with modern tables.
310450 - ref SDS 62 RT9I
310452 - ..
310453 - Terie worked with us in the computer room. She was writing a
310454 - newsletter for the church. Terie has been using computers with
310455 - Morris' help for the past 20 years. Over the span of several hours,
310456 - she asked Morris how to create a table with several columns for the
310457 - newsletter. Then she asked how to split a table, how to format the
310458 - table, how to change fonts, how to configure margins in the table, and
310459 - between the table and the document margins, how to configure the
310460 - printer, and many other things about using Microsoft commands and
310461 - menus. There was frustration that things did not result as expected,
310462 - and efforts had to start over. Morris spent an hour or so working
310463 - through menus and functions on Terie's Windows XP computer to
310464 - eventually accomplish formatting objectives for the table in the
310465 - newsletter.
310467 - ..
310468 - There were no objections during this exercise that Microsoft Vista and
310469 - XP commands are not intutitive, take time, instruction, and
310470 - experimentation to learn and implement. Taking several hours to
310471 - create one simple table of several columns and perhaps 20 lines, how
310472 - long would it take to construct 6 tables with varying columns from 4
310473 - to 10, and with lines varying from 5 to 50, shown by the record 2 days
310474 - ago on 080529? ref SDS 71 TZ8I
310476 - ..
310477 - On 021108 Bill Gates reported work on Microsoft to simplify using
310478 - computers by consolidating commands so that work is more intuitive in
310479 - order to avoid having to navigate through complex menus. ref SDS 42
310480 - EFBE
310482 - ..
310483 - SDS design has consolidated commands to empower people with command
310484 - and control of the record using a few key strokes. Function keys
310485 - consolidate commands. F2 executes thousands of commands to accomplish
310486 - about 30 major tasks for knowledge management, all invisible to the
310487 - user, reported on 031203. ref SDS 45 JV8G
310489 - ..
310490 - Gates also related plans to make finding information on computers
310491 - easier, because people have a lot of information that becomes useless,
310492 - because nobody can find anything on the computer. ref SDS 42 EF5I
310493 - This problem was illustrated during a meeting at UCSF when the doctor
310494 - was looking for information in the Medical Chart and gave up saying
310495 - what's the use, problably can't find it anyway, reported on 080219.
310496 - ref SDS 63 L18L Morris made a similiar report on 071106. After
310497 - indexing his computer on 070625, he still could not find critical
310498 - details for using the network on 071106. ref SDS 57 FL61
310500 - ..
310501 - SDS works similarly, and is similar to learning literacy. Once some
310502 - basics are learned, people have a base of knowledge from which to
310503 - intuit, i.e., extrapolate, what they know to discover how to
310504 - accomplish tasks for which they have not been trained.
310506 - ..
310507 - While working on SDS today, Morris received several letters through
310508 - his email program, Microsoft Outlook.
310510 - ..
310511 - This provided occassion to observe a very large list of what seemed
310512 - like 100s of pending documents that have not yet been opened. The
310513 - impression of unopened correspondence may have been incorrect, since
310514 - the list seemed to show most everything in bold, which is a signal of
310515 - unopened files in the Netscape email program. It is possible that
310516 - both opened and unopened files in Outlook are displayed with bold
310517 - text. In that case, the impression of unopened documents would not be
310518 - supported.
310520 - ..
310521 - Several letters received during this few hours today were answered
310522 - immediately with 1 or 2 line responses. This applies practice at
310523 - Intel meetings reported earlier on 980722. ref SDS 13 0464
310524 -
310525 -
310526 -
3106 -
Email Folders Rod Pandora's Box Complexity SDS Subject Index Organic
4303 -
430401 - ..
430402 - Email Folders Open Pandora's Box Complexity Contex Management
430403 - SDS Subject Index Organic Structure Context for Organizational Memory
430404 -
430405 - Today, Morris also found a recent letter on the SDS project needed for
430406 - work today.
430408 - ..
430409 - This was accomplished by looking in a directory for "Rod" that is part
430410 - of his Microsoft Outlook program. Millie uses this method as well to
430411 - solve the problem she had at N&P on 960406 when nobody could find
430412 - information on the computer needed for work. ref SDS 11 5922 At that
430413 - time on 960406 Morris commented that everybody has problems finding
430414 - things on computers in time to be effective. ref SDS 11 4249 Now,
430415 - Millie has 4 or 5 folders for segmenting important documents.
430417 - ..
430418 - Jack Park reported on 070729 that disorder increases in the record
430419 - because people are forced by limited time to file most everything in
430420 - the "miscellaneous" directory. ref SDS 55 HE6N On 050722 Gary cited
430421 - challenges busy people face in big organizations getting a lot of
430422 - documents, with a great many email files seemingly never opened.
430423 - ref SDS 50 RP54 More recently, on 070907 Morris asked how email and
430424 - other files downloaded from the Internet are stored temporarily in a
430425 - directory to facilitate incorporating into SDS for comprehensive
430426 - management. ref SDS 56 RV6L On 080318 Morris explained difficulty
430427 - finding files stored on the computer in email directories. ref SDS 65
430428 - GZ7J It takes a lot of time to figure out which folder to file a
430429 - document. Some documents are associated with several subjects, so
430430 - cross-filing takes more time. When a document is located, it takes
430431 - more time to find the part that relates to the current task.
430433 - ..
430434 - Today, Morris was successful finding relevant information quickly by
430435 - checking the "Rod" email directory, per above. ref SDS 0 JE7I Using
430436 - directories to store information according to context, in this case
430437 - "Rod," becomes a Pandora's Box of complexity, noted by Jack Park's
430438 - research reported on 000221. ref SDS 19 L58O On 000307 research at
430439 - SRI found that Knowledge Management is a lot of hard work. ref SDS 20
430440 - 767G Earlier Morris asked on 970116 how SDS manages "fractionalized
430441 - subjects"? ref SDS 12 1732 The general problem of subject indexing
430442 - was considered on 910418 in an article published in Byte magazine.
430443 - ref SDS 3 5584
430445 - ..
430446 - SDS design uses flexible structure explained on 890523. ref SDS 1 P13O
430447 - The complexity of context management is presented in the record on
430448 - 890523. ref SDS 1 G14K and ref SDS 1 428F
430449 -
430450 -
430451 -
4305 -
SDS Record Design Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Write Na
5503 -
550401 - ..
550402 - SDS Record Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
550403 -
550404 - Follow up ref SDS 67 KI6J.
550405 -
550406 - After installing the SDS program on Morris' computer, worked on
550407 - explanation of SDS records, which Morris discussed during the meeting
550408 - on 080527. ref SDS 67 KJ5P
550410 - ..
550411 - Morris prepared a file that identifies and explains fields for SDS
550412 - records, similar to Gary's record on 040122, ref SDS 46 0001, which is
550413 - described as an "SRS" cited in the record on 040216. ref SDS 47 007W
550414 - Both are reference in the record a few days ago on 080527. ref SDS 67
550415 - FP5F
550417 - ..
550418 - Should get a copy of the file Morris prepared today for inclusion in
550419 - the record, and correlation with Gary's work on 040122. ref SDS 46
550420 - 0001
550422 - ..
550423 - Elements of SDS records were carefully described by Morris today from
550424 - observing records installed today on his computer, per above,
550425 - ref SDS 0 MI6K, and getting column numbers to prepare written
550426 - explanations, as planned on 080527, ref SDS 67 OE3N, including column
550427 - numbers for various fields, References, Control Fields, shallow
550428 - outlining, and highlight flags.
550430 - ..
550431 - Review is needed of macro file 04702 that sets up the profile to
550432 - distinguish SDS files from editor files by assigning counter 47 2. It
550433 - captures the user's name from the Group Manager, ref OF 1 MA7N, and
550434 - stores the user ID from the Group Manager in columns 103 - 107 in
550435 - local counters 285 - 289, and also transfers to global counters 275 -
550436 - 279. ref OF 1 1400 The Schedule is automatically extended if needed.
550437 - Run macro file 008501 to synchronize files for SDS "schedule" records
550438 - on the disk with pending tasks listed in the Schedule file, reported
550439 - on 040317. ref SDS 48 YJ7L
550440 -
550442 - ..
550443 - Think Remember Communicate Objectives SDS Program
550444 - Shallow Outline Language SDS Aids Culture of Knowledge Management
550445 -
550446 - Morris was effective today detailing explanation of line numbers in
550447 - the SDS product specification file as a "shallow outline" structure
550448 - for command and control of free-form narrative. At one point he
550449 - seemed to object to the idea of adding structure to free-form
550450 - narrative, but for the most part focus was on preparing a
550451 - specification to produce code that accomplishes SDS requirements,
550452 - explained on 890523. ref SDS 1 T18R SDS advantages applying shallow
550453 - outlining was cited by Roy Roebuck, DOD program manager, reviewed on
550454 - 020217. ref SDS 36 IT6N
550456 - ..
550457 - Morris used today the phrase "think, remember, and communicate, which
550458 - is a goal of SDS supported by flexible structure, as explained in the
550459 - record on 890523. ref SDS 1 P13O and ref SDS 1 FK5K
550461 - ..
550462 - Using language today of SDS, Communication Metrics, and Knowledge
550463 - Management is a step toward conceptualizing a new way of working
550464 - supported by a new kind of technology, explained in POIMS. ref OF 3
550465 - 3742
550466 -
550467 - [On 080606 think, remember, communicate are SDS "use cases" which
550468 - Morris requested. ref SDS 73 W79J
550469 -
550470 -
5505 -
Schedule Diary Transition Record Identification on Disk Manage Sched
6703 -
670401 - ..
670402 - Schedule Diary Transition Record Identification on Disk
670403 - Fields on Line 1 Beyond Visible Screen Manage Pointers
670404 -
670405 - There was a question today about the fields on line 1 of the record,
670406 - which are related to linking, changing the time of records, and the
670407 - Schedule. We did not take time during the meeting to look up the
670408 - record on this matter.
670410 - ..
670411 - After the meeting, review shows these fields are used to manage
670412 - current diary records by maintaining prior times when the time of a
670413 - record is changed, and so the prior pointers need to be deleted from
670414 - the data base so there is only one set of pointers preserved for each
670415 - record.
670417 - ..
670418 - This is explained in the record on 031203 describing use of 2 time
670419 - fields. ref SDS 45 O54I
670421 - ..
670422 - There are 3 fields beginning on line 1 column 89...
670423 -
670424 - 1. File name entered on line 1 column 89 for original record
670425 - before being converted to date and time directory
670426 - sturcture. This is a 4 place number that is the filename
670427 - in directory...
670428 -
670429 - sd 08 uuuuu 00 nnnn
670430 -
670431 - ...where
670433 - ..
670434 - 08 is the directory of all SDS records.
670436 - ..
670437 - uuuuu is the 5 place user ID field. 00 is
670438 - directory where current and scheduled tasks
670439 - are maintained.
670441 - ..
670442 - 2. Time field #1 hhmmss posts prior status beginning on column
670443 - 99 and is initially the same as time field 2, as explained
670444 - on 031203. ref SDS 45 G43J
670446 - ..
670447 - 3. Time field #2 hhmmss posts current status beginning on
670448 - column 108, and is initially the same as time field #2;
670449 - however, if the user changes the current task from
670450 - "performed" back to "scheduled," and then works on the
670451 - record later, then the next time the record is assigned to
670452 - "performed" status by adding a dot on column 7 in the
670453 - schedule, then the 2nd time field is different from the
670454 - first time field, and so the first time field is used to
670455 - delete pointers to a record that does not exist, so a
670456 - report does return a false positive, as previously
670457 - explained on 031203. ref SDS 45 VP4I
670459 - ..
670460 - If there is another change, then the 2nd time field becomes
670461 - the first time, and a new time is entered in the 2nd time
670462 - field.
670464 - ..
670465 - SDS pointers are maintained in data base files each time a
670466 - record is "saved" with F2 or archived when SDS is started
670467 - for the first time each day.
670469 - ..
670470 - sd 08 uuuuu 01
670471 -
670472 - ...where "uuuuu" is the user ID...
670473 -
670474 - 01 pointers are record descriptions used to assemble a
670475 - chronological diary summary for specified dates.
670477 - ..
670478 - sd 08 uuuuu 03
670479 -
670480 - 03 pointers are the contents of the Reference field,
670481 - but only the documents, and are used to call reports on
670482 - where a document was referenced in a record.
670484 - ..
670485 - sd 08 uuuuu 04
670486 -
670487 - 04 pointers are the Control field lines, and used to
670488 - assemble reports for various subjects and functions.
670490 - ..
670491 - sd 08 uuuuu 05
670492 -
670493 - 05 pointers are the contact lines in an SDS record and
670494 - are used to assemble reports showing where varous
670495 - people and organizations are referenced.
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