440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 29, 2007 02:57 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Letter to Jack on his various projects.
2...Innovation Paradox Prevailing Paradigm Willfully Blind Experts
3...Experts Willfully Blind Prevailing Paradigm Innovation Paradox
4...Ignorance Fear Denial Cultural Forces Resist SDS Intelligence Support
5...Health Care Doctor Patient Partnership Model Natural Market SDS
6...Kaiser Fined $3M Quality Control Failure Investigate Patient Complaints
7...When Do You Sleep Knowledge Management Takes Time
8...Breakthroughs Require Focus Dissipated by Diversity Responsibilities
9...Hectic Schedule Not Enough Time Recognize Breakthrough Technology
10...Memory Improved with Everything in Right Place at Right Time
11...Miscellaneous Weinberger Great Read Resolve Issues Rosen's Tough Read
12...Knowledge Organization Everything Miscellaneous Subject Index Hard
13...Everything Miscellaneous Knowledge Management Hard Work Organize Record
14...Everything Connected to Everything Else Yields Power of Knowledge
15...Interactive Web Pages Aids Collaboration Feedback Productivity
16...Topic Maps Support ROR Ajax Platform XMLHttpRequest PHP Portals
....Feedback Enabled AJAX Running Sharepont Portals
17...AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Web Page Technology
18...Ruby on Rails ROR Data Base Tools for Web Applications
19...PHP - Personal Home Page Development Technology
........Topic Maps Application for SDS Needs Experimentation
........Subject Maps Added Value SDS Requires Investigation
........Relational Data Structures SDS Combines Hierarhial
20...Context Management Linking Knowledge Management Not for Everybody
21...Hacking on Keyboard Context Management Efficient Usability Fun Delight
22...Subject Maps from Topic Maps Reference Model TMRM Zillions Sources
23...Knowledge Management Hard Work Discipline Beyond Reach Giving Up
........Paradigm Shift Transform Hard Work Discipline into Fun Delight
........Discipline Not for Everyone Many People Like Having Fun
24...Tending Garden of Knowledge Hacking on Computer Faster Easier Sensemaking
25...Managed Federated Who Does This Work Who Uses Federated Subjects
26...New Way Working Organize Record Context Management Not for Everybody
27...Sensemaking Hacking on a Keyboard Converts Information into Knowledge
28...Trail Blazers Delight Connecting People with the Power of Knowledge
ACTION ITEMS..................
Click here to comment!
1...Does Jack's "great read" of Weinberger's book resolve issues he cited
SDS Slow Marketing Success CALO Open IRIS Progress Toward Knowledge
4703 -
4703 - ..
4704 - Summary/Objective
4705 -
470501 - Follow up ref SDS 32 LZ5J.
470502 -
470503 -
470504 -
470505 -
470506 -
470507 -
470508 -
470509 -
470511 - ..
4706 -
4707 -
4708 - Progress
4709 -
470901 - Innovation Paradox Prevailing Paradigm Willfully Blind Experts
470902 - Experts Willfully Blind Prevailing Paradigm Innovation Paradox
470903 - Ignorance Fear Denial Cultural Forces Resist SDS Intelligence Support
470904 -
470905 - Follow up ref SDS 32 JH4U.
470906 -
470907 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Jack responding to his letter on 070126
470908 - and a recent letter he sent on 070501 which was not entered in the
470909 - document log.
470911 - ..
470912 - 1. You asked about slow acceptance of SDS on 070126. I took a
470913 - crack at jotting down some background that might be useful for
470914 - your thesis. ref SDS 32 JH4U, ref DIT 1 8R6M
470916 - ..
470917 - Jack commented in a letter on 070126 that everybody at SRI has many
470918 - responsibilities, ref SDS 32 JH9V; review at that time cited lack of
470919 - focus makes grasping new ideas difficult. ref SDS 32 VE5N
470921 - ..
470922 - Letter to Jack continues...
470923 -
470924 - 2. A miracle; we had another inquiry at Boeing last month.
470925 - ref SDS 35 YJ4I, ref DIT 1 5J7H
470927 - ..
470928 - 3. Thanks for background on Lifestreams, and Gelertner; this was
470929 - reviewed carefully a few years ago when you cited their work.
470930 - ref SDS 32 167G, ref DIT 1 8R76
470932 - ..
470933 - 4. As noted in the record, a key angle on this issue is current
470934 - focus in the market on search tools. ref SDS 32 4U9H,
470935 - ref DIT 1 8R83
470937 - ..
470938 - Research cited in Jack's letter on 070126 described "search" to find
470939 - critical information has become the "holy grail" of computers. these
470940 - days. ref SDS 32 B36S
470941 -
470942 -
470943 -
470944 -
4710 -
Health Care SDS Market Doctor Patient Partnership Model Natural Fit
AE03 -
AE0401 - ..
AE0402 - Health Care Doctor Patient Partnership Model Natural Market SDS
AE0403 -
AE0404 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0E6P, ref SDS 28 MB9G.
AE0405 -
AE0406 - Letter to Jack continues...
AE0407 -
AE0408 - 5. Still hoping we can have a healthy discussion on strengthening
AE0409 - medical practice, illustrated by the record on 070524.
AE0410 - ref SDS 34 0000, ref DIT 1 IW8M [...and following up ideas
AE0411 - proposed on 070126. ref SDS 32 0E6P, and earlier on 060728.
AE0412 - ref SDS 28 MB9G]
AE0414 - ..
AE0415 - 6. The coordination issue offers opportunity to leverage the
AE0416 - doctor patient partnership. ref SDS 34 S58J, ref DIT 1 8R92
AE0417 -
AE0418 - [On 070913 Gary Johnson asks about motivation for people
AE0419 - learn a new way of working that saves lives, time, and
AE0420 - money; self-interest dynamics of personal health care can
AE0421 - sometimes move people to work intelligently. ref SDS 39
AE0422 - 5V3N
AE0424 - ..
AE0425 - 7. Of course the same is true at SRI, Microsoft, Bechtel, PG&E,
AE0426 - DOD, Harvard, et al., where you need permission to improve the
AE0427 - work. Doug Engelart cites a paradigm paradox that prevents
AE0428 - improvement, reported on 060129. ref SDS 27 UN4J Patient
AE0429 - self-interest dynamics, however, provide an irresistable force
AE0430 - for supporting case management to save lives, time, and money
AE0431 - without getting permission. ref DIT 1 8R99
AE0432 -
AE0433 -
AE0435 - ..
AE0436 - Kaiser Fined $3M Quality Control Failure Investigate Patient Complaints
AE0437 -
AE0438 -
AE0439 - 8. A recent example was Kaiser fined $3M for quality control
AE0440 - lapses. Sad to say another example was the recent death of
AE0441 - news commentator, Pete Wilson, who died on the operating table
AE0442 - most likely from more bumbling. Once people get the word they
AE0443 - can improve their medical prospects by adding intelligence to
AE0444 - the work stream, demand for the tools you are developing will
AE0445 - explode, answering the question in your letter on 070126.
AE0446 - ref SDS 32 JH4U
AE0448 - ..
AE0449 - Case studies on health care are listed on 061018. ref SDS 31 0001
AE0451 - ..
AE0452 - San Fransicso Chronicle reported on 070727...
AE0454 - ..
AE0455 - Kaiser Permanente must pay a record $3 million fine after
AE0456 - state investigators found that Kaiser did not adequately
AE0457 - track patient complaints about treatment. ref OF 1 0001
AE0459 - ..
AE0460 - Case study on medical mistakes reported on 040416 relate to follow up
AE0461 - on complaints. ref SDS 23 GN7J
AE0463 - ..
AE0464 - Article on Kaiser continues...
AE0465 -
AE0466 - Kaiser was fined $2 million last year for mismanagement of
AE0467 - a new kidney-transplant unit. Delays in transferring
AE0468 - medical records and information about the amount of time
AE0469 - patients had spent on transplant waiting lists slowed the
AE0470 - process of getting new kidneys. The unit has since been
AE0471 - shut down. ref OF 1 006L
AE0473 - ..
AE0474 - The California Department of Managed Health Care has given
AE0475 - Kaiser a list of steps needed to correct the problems it
AE0476 - found, steps that will cost an estimated $10 million to $13
AE0477 - million to implement. If Kaiser completes those steps by
AE0478 - the time the department conducts a follow-up survey late
AE0479 - next year, the HMO won't have to pay $1 million of the
AE0480 - fine. ref OF 1 004N
AE0482 - ..
AE0483 - The steps include establishing a uniform system for having
AE0484 - physicians review complaints at the medical centers and
AE0485 - report them to the health plan's headquarters. Kaiser also
AE0486 - must create a process that allows the organization's
AE0487 - management to keep tabs on changes in clinical practices at
AE0488 - all 29 of its medical centers in California. ref OF 1 006N
AE0490 - ..
AE0491 - Among several steps to overhaul its oversight system,
AE0492 - Kaiser has agreed to draft a uniform set of standards for
AE0493 - peer review, audit physician peer review programs to ensure
AE0494 - they are accurately evaluating potential quality issues and
AE0495 - reconfigure the computer system to better track quality
AE0496 - reviews.
AE0497 -
AE0498 -
AE0499 -
AE0500 -
AE06 -
Catching Up Many Projects Busy Slow Sure Progress Topicspaces Update
AQ03 -
AQ0401 - ..
AQ0402 - When Do You Sleep Knowledge Management Takes Time
AQ0403 - Breakthroughs Require Focus Dissipated by Diversity Responsibilities
AQ0404 - Hectic Schedule Not Enough Time Recognize Breakthrough Technology
AQ0405 -
AQ0406 - Follow up ref SDS 32 LZ5J.
AQ0407 -
AQ0408 - As noted above, Jack commented in a letter on 070126, ref SDS 0 4Z3K,
AQ0409 - that everybody at SRI has many responsibilities, ref SDS 32 JH9V,
AQ0410 - review at that time cited lack of focus makes grasping new ideas
AQ0411 - difficult. ref SDS 32 VE5N
AQ0413 - ..
AQ0414 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Jack answering the letter this morning
AQ0415 - asking how his many projects are coming along. ref DIT 1 0001
AQ0417 - ..
AQ0418 - Jack says...
AQ0419 -
AQ0420 - 1. When do you sleep? ref DRT 1 0001
AQ0422 - ..
AQ0423 - Jack comments on the letter submitted to him at 0309 o'clock in the
AQ0424 - morning. ref SDS 0 FL6N Long hours fits the model of Knowledge
AQ0425 - Management requires a lot of hard work, reported on 000307 by research
AQ0426 - for the OHS/DKR project at SRI. ref SDS 12 767G Jack noted previously
AQ0427 - in a letter on 070501 that organizing the record takes discipline,
AQ0428 - reported below. ref SDS 0 HF64
AQ0430 - ..
AQ0431 - Performing 8-steps of Communication Metrics to make sense of complex,
AQ0432 - difficult issues, explained in POIMS, ref OF 9 685K, takes time, noted
AQ0433 - in Jack's letter on 070525, and reviewed today, below. ref SDS 0 RB5M
AQ0435 - ..
AQ0436 - Technology with efficient usability makes working intelligently fast
AQ0437 - and easy. This transforms diligence and discipline into fun and
AQ0438 - delight spending endless hours saving lives, time, and money, noted by
AQ0439 - Vannevar Bush in an article published during 1945, reviewed on 960304.
AQ0440 - ref SDS 6 364J
AQ0441 -
AQ0452 - ..
AQ0453 - "Busy" explains slow progress advancing from information to a culture
AQ0454 - of knowledge, which Jack asked about in his letter on 070126.
AQ0455 - ref SDS 32 JH4U At that time, Jack reported everyone at SRI has many
AQ0456 - responsibilities, which fragments focus on learning a new way of
AQ0457 - working. ref SDS 32 JH9V
AQ0458 -
AQ0459 -
AQ0460 -
AQ0461 -
AQ05 -
Everything Miscellaneous Book David Weinberger Context Management Su
BO03 -
BO0401 - ..
BO0402 - Memory Improved with Everything in Right Place at Right Time
BO0403 - Miscellaneous Weinberger Great Read Resolve Issues Rosen's Tough Read
BO0404 - Knowledge Organization Everything Miscellaneous Subject Index Hard
BO0405 - Everything Miscellaneous Knowledge Management Hard Work Organize Record
BO0413 - ..
BO0414 - Filing "Everything Miscellaneous" reflects common practice to stack
BO0415 - documents on desks, on the floor, in filing cabinets, desk drawers,
BO0416 - computers; information piles up anywhere handy that does not require
BO0417 - thinking about organic structure, including the backseat of the car,
BO0418 - reported 000601. ref SDS 13 6035 Problems finding information filed
BO0419 - on computers was illustrated on 960406. ref SDS 7 5922 Morris said
BO0420 - everybody has the same problem. ref SDS 7 4249 This makes search the
BO0421 - holy grail of computer productivity, reported on 070126. ref SDS 32
BO0422 - B366
BO0424 - ..
BO0425 - Research today indicates David Weinberger compares in his book,
BO0426 - "Everything is Miscellaneous," traditional library work organizing
BO0427 - books using the Dewy Decimal system, with modern computerized methods
BO0428 - that assign multiple subjects for cross-referencing to manage large,
BO0429 - complex, and expanding records like the Library of Congress,
BO0430 -, etc.
BO0431 -
BO0432 - [On 070830 Jack commends Weinberger's book again without saying
BO0433 - what it contributes to Knowledge Management, Context Management,
BO0434 - SDS, Subject Indexing, anything?? ref SDS 36 1X6T
BO0436 - ..
BO0437 - [On 070831 Gary commented on Itunes and Everything is
BO0438 - Miscellaneous. ref SDS 37 I19J
BO0440 - ..
BO0441 - [On 071220 Jack proposes using Apache Solr search engine to
BO0442 - improve SDS tools that organize the record for finding critical
BO0443 - details in time to be effective. ref SDS 42 WY3M
BO0445 - ..
BO0446 - [On 080531 Morris gets a lot of email; tries to avoid filing
BO0447 - everything miscellaneous by putting some documents in separate
BO0448 - folders. ref SDS 44 U26H
BO0450 - ..
BO0451 - SDS strives to improve "miscellaneous" filing with technology that
BO0452 - facilitates creating organic structures of contextual frames based on
BO0453 - objectives, requirements, and commitments, explained in POIMS.
BO0454 - ref OF 9 1110 Searching to assemble information in context that
BO0455 - connects cause and effect yields the power of knowledge under the
BO0456 - locality principle, explained in NWO. ref OF 15 I38N On 010415,
BO0457 - Morris cited goals for SDS to have everything in the right place at
BO0458 - the right time. ref SDS 17 EP7F This was reviewed recently on 070510,
BO0459 - ref SDS 33 LP5J, explaining improvements to SDS context management.
BO0460 - ref SDS 33 VL9N
BO0461 -
BO0462 - [On 070904 Gary Johnson commends high performance search engine
BO0463 - tools; search technology is the current "holy graile" of desktop
BO0464 - computing, similar to data mining, and business intelligence in
BO0465 - the 90s, ref SDS 38 DU4Y, indexed search showing chronology of
BO0466 - cause and effect yields the power of knowledge. ref SDS 38 PF4K
BO0468 - ..
BO0469 - [On 080318 people cannot find correspondence in the Microsoft
BO0470 - Outlook email program for getting things done on computers,
BO0471 - ref SDS 43 GZ7J, after using search technology with indexing.
BO0472 - ref SDS 43 0R6G
BO0474 - ..
BO0475 - Organizing the record with SDS subject indexing improves memory, noted
BO0476 - by Jack on 010411. ref SDS 16 X34F A few weeks later Morris noted
BO0477 - self-evident benefits of memory enabled by context management in SDS.
BO0478 - ref SDS 17 EP7F
BO0480 - ..
BO0481 - Knowledge Management is a lot of hard work, reported in research at
BO0482 - SRI for OHS/DKR project on 000307. ref SDS 12 767G Difficulty subject
BO0483 - indexing was reported on 910418. ref SDS 3 5584 Filing is much harder
BO0484 - by several orders of magnitude organizing electronic content of
BO0485 - paragraphs and groups of paragraphs in books, articles, reports,
BO0486 - letters, and other documents, and which is accomplished with Control
BO0487 - Fields for record segments in SDS.
BO0488 -
BO0489 -
BO0491 - ..
BO0492 - Everything Connected to Everything Else Yields Power of Knowledge
BO0493 -
BO0494 - The corollary to everything is miscellaneous is finding structure that
BO0495 - organizes information into the power of knowledge.
BO0497 - ..
BO0498 - Connecting information to make sense of continuous communication forms
BO0499 - correlations and implications that discover nuance required to
BO0500 - understand complexity. Expanding comprehension leads to the
BO0501 - proposition that everything is connected to everything else. Placing
BO0502 - everything in chronological order yields connections based on the
BO0503 - dimension of time. Direct links form connections with time that apply
BO0504 - the locality principle, reviewed on 040312. ref SDS 22 YH4G The
BO0505 - subject index positions information according to time and context
BO0506 - complements chronology and connections for Knowledge Management, cited
BO0507 - in POIMS. ref OF 9 8555
BO0509 - ..
BO0510 - [On 070904 Gary commends high performance search tools to
BO0511 - complement indexing methods. ref SDS 38 DU4Y
BO0513 - ..
BO0514 - [On 071113 Jack explains context management with topic maps where
BO0515 - everything is connected to everything else. ref SDS 40 IV5F
BO0517 - ..
BO0518 - SDS responsiveness with DOS editor and integrated design with
BO0519 - complementary functionality, noted by Mike Poremba on 020531,
BO0520 - ref SDS 40 V45N, reduces the work for Knowledge Management that helps
BO0521 - solve the problem of filing everything under miscellaneous, since as
BO0522 - noted by Morris on 010425, SDS helps file more of everything in the
BO0523 - right place so people can find the right information in time to be
BO0524 - effective getting things done. ref SDS 17 EP7F
BO0525 -
BO0526 - [On 071113 meeting Morris discuss SDS design for responsiveness to
BO0527 - optimize productivity. ref SDS 40 446N
BO0529 - ..
BO0530 - [On 071210 letter to Morris, copy to Gary and Jack cites SDS
BO0531 - responsiveness makes Knowledge Management fast and easy.
BO0532 - ref SDS 41 W23Y
BO0534 - ..
BO0535 - Weinberger's book may relate to Jack's work this year on Topicspaces,
BO0536 - per above, ref SDS 0 QR4W, and discussion last year on subject
BO0537 - indexing for organizing the record, reported 060905. ref SDS 29 QM9I
BO0538 - Case study at that time on 060905 indicated good progress developing
BO0539 - technology to make sense of complexity with Topic Maps systems.
BO0540 - ref SDS 29 GY6M At that time, Jack discussed hierarchies to manage
BO0541 - the organic structure of context. ref SDS 29 W955
BO0543 - ..
BO0544 - Jack was preparing a paper on subject indexing with ideas on
BO0545 - "federating" for a seminar this year in November, also reported
BO0546 - 060905. ref SDS 29 PE5T
BO0548 - ..
BO0549 - Does Jack's "great read" of Weinberger's book resolve issues he cited
BO0550 - on 000221 from Rosen's book that was a "tough read" opening a
BO0551 - "Pandora's Box" of complexity. ref SDS 11 L58O At that time, Jack
BO0552 - presented ontology for subject indexing. ref SDS 11 9270 Complexity of
BO0553 - subject indexing was previously reported in Byte article reviewed on
BO0554 - 910418. ref SDS 3 5584 This was considered again on 970116 discussing
BO0555 - "fractionalized subjects. ref SDS 9 1732 SDS design considerations
BO0556 - are reported on 890523. ref SDS 1 G14K
BO0557 -
BO0558 - [On 070831 Gary commented on Itunes and Everything is
BO0559 - Miscellaneous, ref SDS 37 I19J, notes that tools to make context
BO0560 - fast and easy are difficult to design, ref SDS 37 1J9U; diligence
BO0561 - using responsive technology bridges the gap between doing nothing
BO0562 - by filing everything under miscellaneous, and using tools that
BO0563 - organize everything in the right place at the right time for
BO0564 - finding information in time to be effective. ref SDS 37 TJ3G
BO0566 - ..
BO0567 - [On 070904 Gary commends high performance search tools to
BO0568 - complement indexing methods. ref SDS 38 DU4Y
BO0570 - ..
BO0571 - [On 071113 meeting Morris discuss SDS design for responsiveness to
BO0572 - optimize productivity organizing the record to make finding
BO0573 - information in time to be effective by having everything in the
BO0574 - right place at the right time, rather than filing everything under
BO0575 - miscellaneous. ref SDS 40 446N
BO0576 -
BO0577 -
BO0578 -
BO0579 -
BO0580 -
BO06 -
Topic Maps Ruby on Rails ROR Asynchronous JavaScript and XML AJAX Pl
C203 -
C20401 - ..
C20402 - Interactive Web Pages Aids Collaboration Feedback Productivity
C20403 - Topic Maps Support ROR Ajax Platform XMLHttpRequest PHP Portals
C20404 -
C20405 - Jack's recent letter on 070501 explains Topic Maps and various
C20406 - computer programing methods; and was not entered in the doc log
C20407 - system...
C20409 - ..
C20410 - I don't think of ROR as, itself, an Ajax platform. It's
C20411 - seriously cool, nevertheless, and the addition of the ability
C20412 - to respond to XMLHttpRequest objects is a large bonus. I do
C20413 - that with Java, others do it with Php, etc. ref DRT 1 7U5F
C20415 - ..
C20416 - Case study on topic maps on 060905 lists Jack's development work
C20417 - reported in the record, and with minimal technical background.
C20418 - ref SDS 29 GY6M
C20420 - ..
C20421 - Jack's presentation in this part of his letter today appears related
C20422 - to developing web pages, sometimes called "portals" shown in the
C20423 - record for example on 020822 describing Microsoft Sharepoint.
C20424 - ref SDS 18 H2YS Portals and Sharepoint further relate to personal home
C20425 - pages (PHP) mentioned by Jack today, ref SDS 0 P35L, and this
C20426 - apparently strives to improve productivity through better
C20427 - collaboration, also, set out on 020822. ref SDS 18 H34L Collaboration
C20428 - is often presented as a major objective of Knowledge Management, noted
C20429 - in POIMS. ref OF 7 6T6L
C20431 - ..
C20432 - On 040622 John Maloney seemed to report portal technology failed to
C20433 - achieve Knowledge Management goals for better collabortion to improve
C20434 - productivity. ref SDS 25 F66R A few days later, John reported that
C20435 - Microsoft Sharepoint solved problems with other technologies, and made
C20436 - portals effective tools for collaboration, and this was achieved by
C20437 - implementing John's ideas in Sharepoint. ref SDS 26 R33Q
C20439 - ..
C20440 - AJAX, ROR, and PHP seem to be open source tools for building portals,
C20441 - rather than using Sharepoint. Evidently, a key effort to improve
C20442 - productivity is adding interactivity to web pages.
C20444 - ..
C20445 - Research today found an explanation...
C20447 - ..
C20448 - Feedback Enabled AJAX Running Sharepont Portals
C20449 -
C20450 - Westin's Technical Log
C20451 - Using Sharepoint and AJAX to Gather Website Feedback
C20452 -
C20453 -
C20455 - ..
C20456 - Posted Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:54 PM by wkriebel
C20458 - ..
C20459 - When building intranet web applications, I recommend making it very
C20460 - easy to allow your users to tell you what they think. If you are
C20461 - reading this blog, you know how important instant simple feedback
C20462 - is to web sites, their value, and the trust of their community.
C20464 - ..
C20465 - I've been using SharePoint lists for this quite a bit. I often
C20466 - put a "Click Here to Submit Feedback" link on all the portal pages
C20467 - I build. However, about six months ago this AJAX rebirth inspired
C20468 - me to make that experience even less intrusive.
C20470 - ..
C20471 - Here is what I did. I used a SharePoint issue list and some AJAX
C20472 - code and now users can provide feedback without disrupting their
C20473 - thought process.
C20475 - ..
C20476 - One neat thing about this approach is that it uses SharePoint's
C20477 - built in web services which support POST and GET verbs. When done
C20478 - over an intranet it uses the current user's security context.
C20480 - ..
C20481 - Westin provides a lot of code for creating feedback support.
C20483 - ..
C20484 - There is no discussion of resistance to feedback, explained in NWO,
C20485 - ref OF 17 2670, and illustrated by the record on 961017. ref SDS 8
C20486 - 0880 On 980307 Andy Grove's book "Only the Paranoid Survive" notes
C20487 - experience working at Intel shows that feedback questions are not fun
C20488 - but are essential for good management. see ref SDS 10 0261 However,
C20489 - people get mad learning that others interpret communications
C20490 - differently, set out again on 961017, ref SDS 8 5832, and giving
C20491 - example from Morris Jones' work reported on 940307. ref SDS 5 J47F
C20492 -
C20494 - ..
C20495 - AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Web Page Technology
C20496 -
C20497 - Research found Wikipedia says...
C20498 -
C20499 -
C20500 -
C20501 - AJAX, is a web development technique used for creating interactive
C20502 - applications. The intent is to make web pages feel more responsive
C20503 - by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the
C20504 - scenes, so that the entire web page does not have to be reloaded
C20505 - each time the user requests a change. This is intended to increase
C20506 - the web page's interactivity, speed, functionality, and usability.
C20508 - ..
C20509 - The name is an acronym standing for Asynchronous JavaScript and
C20510 - XML. Ajax is asynchronous in that loading does not interfere with
C20511 - normal page loading. JavaScript is the programming language in
C20512 - which Ajax function calls are made. Data retrieved using the
C20513 - technique is commonly formatted using XML, as reflected in the
C20514 - naming of the XMLHttpRequest object from which Ajax is derived.
C20516 - ..
C20517 - Ajax is a cross-platform technology usable on many different
C20518 - operating systems, computer architectures, and Web browsers as it
C20519 - is based on open standards such as JavaScript and XML, together
C20520 - with open source implementations of other required technologies.
C20521 -
C20523 - ..
C20524 - Ruby on Rails ROR Data Base Tools for Web Applications
C20525 -
C20526 - Further research shows...
C20527 -
C20528 -
C20530 - ..
C20531 - Ruby on Rails (ROR) is a full-stack framework for developing
C20532 - database-backed web applications according to Model-View-Control
C20533 - pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in
C20534 - the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database, Rails
C20535 - gives you a pure-Ruby development environment. To go live, all you
C20536 - need to add is a database and a web server.
C20537 -
C20539 - ..
C20540 - PHP - Personal Home Page Development Technology
C20541 -
C20542 -
C20543 - Research also shows...
C20544 -
C20545 -,,sid26_gci213664,00.html
C20547 - ..
C20548 - PHP In Web programming, Personal Home Page (PHP) is a script
C20549 - language and interpreter, similar to JavaScript and Microsoft's
C20550 - VBScript, that is freely available and used primarily on Linux Web
C20551 - servers. PHP (the initials come from the earliest version of the
C20552 - program, which was called "Personal Home Page Tools") is a
C20553 - cross-platform alternative to Microsoft's Active Server Page (ASP)
C20554 - technology (which runs only on Microsoft's Windows NT servers). As
C20555 - with ASP, the PHP script is embedded within a Web page along with
C20556 - its HTML. Before the page is sent to a user that has requested it,
C20557 - the Web server calls PHP to interpret and perform the operations
C20558 - called for in the PHP script. An HTML page that includes a PHP
C20559 - script is typically given a file name suffix of ".php" ".php3," or
C20560 - ".phtml". Like ASP, PHP can be thought of as "dynamic HTML pages,"
C20561 - since content will vary based on the results of interpreting the
C20562 - script.
C20564 - ..
C20565 - PHP is free and offered under an open source license.
C20566 -
C20567 -
C20568 -
C20569 -
C206 -
Topic Maps SDS Application Functionality Graph Structure Investigate
CM03 -
CM0401 - ..
CM0402 - Topic Maps Application for SDS Needs Experimentation
CM0403 - Subject Maps Added Value SDS Requires Investigation
CM0404 - Relational Data Structures SDS Combines Hierarhial
CM0405 -
CM0407 - ..
CM0408 - Jack's recent letter on 070501 explains Topic Maps in relation to
CM0409 - SDS...
CM0410 -
CM0411 - I would argue, absent any other knowledge of SDS, that its main
CM0412 - functionality is that of the fabrication and maintenance of a
CM0413 - graph structure; even if that's just tables with rows and
CM0414 - columns, it can still be thought of as a graph; indeed SDS
CM0415 - records are clearly relational. That leaves me to wonder just
CM0416 - what value-add a subject map would bring to the graph, if any.
CM0417 - Don't know. ref DRT 1 HF56
CM0419 - ..
CM0420 - Explaining SDS in terms of "records" is a big step from data and
CM0421 - information to recognizing "stories" comprise the record of history
CM0422 - for daily work. In 10 years, even next year, next month, next week,
CM0423 - tomororw, today will be "history." Jack previously described SDS in
CM0424 - his letter on 001130 as having the right structure for knowledge and
CM0425 - the interface to make the structure useful to people. ref SDS 15 H17O
CM0427 - ..
CM0428 - Recognizing SDS records are relational aligns with Morris' comments on
CM0429 - 910810 describing SDS hybrid design that integrates relational and
CM0430 - hierarchial structures. ref SDS 4 7793 On 031215, Gary Johnson
CM0431 - discussed details of the SDS hybrid data base design. ref SDS 21 0D8M
CM0432 - A year later on 040622, Cliff Joslyn described SDS relational design,
CM0433 - and suggested advantages of mathematical grounding. ref SDS 25 Y94S
CM0434 - Today, Jack seems to be specifically discussing SDS support for
CM0435 - context management, which is presented in POIMS. ref OF 9 HZ8J
CM0436 -
CM0437 -
CM0438 -
CM0439 -
CM0440 -
CM05 -
Subject Index Discipline Knowledge Management Hard Work SDS Lone Ran
DS03 -
DS0401 - ..
DS0402 - Context Management Linking Knowledge Management Not for Everybody
DS0403 - Hacking on Keyboard Context Management Efficient Usability Fun Delight
DS0404 - Subject Maps from Topic Maps Reference Model TMRM Zillions Sources
DS0405 - Knowledge Management Hard Work Discipline Beyond Reach Giving Up
DS0406 -
DS0407 - Follow up ref SDS 30 IA9X.
DS0408 -
DS0409 - Jack's letter on 070501 continues...
DS0410 -
DS0411 - Subject maps are built according to the Topic Maps Reference
DS0412 - Model (TMRM), which does not impose any ontological
DS0413 - restrictions on how you represent subjects; thus, I am able to
DS0414 - be a bit more, in my terms, elegant in the ways in which I
DS0415 - describe and represent subjects. No real magic here; after
DS0416 - all, just about everything we all do can be shown to be a kind
DS0417 - of "frame" (from good old fashioned AI frames -- Minsky,
DS0418 - Fillmore, and all that) in one way or another. It's the rules
DS0419 - of engagement you apply to those frames that counts.
DS0420 - ref DRT 1 HF64
DS0422 - ..
DS0423 - Paradigm Shift Transform Hard Work Discipline into Fun Delight
DS0424 - Discipline Not for Everyone Many People Like Having Fun
DS0425 -
DS0426 - I suspect that SDS is as rigorous about subject identity as
DS0427 - subject maps are, except that it's source of subjects is a lone
DS0428 - ranger hacking away at a keyboard, whereas a subject map can be
DS0429 - the target of zillions of sources of subjects, all of which
DS0430 - must be managed, federated, and so forth. Maybe there's
DS0431 - something like a "group" SDS, but I suspect the particular
DS0432 - discipline necessary to make SDS work is not for everybody.
DS0433 - Just guessing. ref DRT 1 495J
DS0435 - ..
DS0436 - Zillions of sources requires tools and practices to manage subjects in
DS0437 - useful ways for finding information in time to get things done. SDS
DS0438 - demonstrates demonstrates routine use of subjects finding details for
DS0439 - making connections that verify accuracy.
DS0441 - ..
DS0442 - Case study on topic maps mostly from Jack's correspondence is reported
DS0443 - on 060905, ref SDS 29 GY6M, and supplemented by work today, per above.
DS0444 - ref SDS 0 P35L
DS0446 - ..
DS0447 - Slow acceptance of SDS transformation to a culture of knowledge was
DS0448 - reviewed on 070126. ref SDS 32 JH4U
DS0450 - ..
DS0451 - Case study on 070126 indicates all three major elements of knowledge
DS0452 - management that entails capturing the record, adding orgainzation
DS0453 - (meta data, subjects, ontology, etc.), and adding connections with
DS0454 - links have so far proven elusive, with the result that Knowledge
DS0455 - Management has been dumbed down to conversation and mentoring.
DS0456 - ref SDS 32 QH8L
DS0458 - ..
DS0459 - Sources for subjects in SDS comes from daily working information, in
DS0460 - this case a letter from Jack, and then mental judgement about
DS0461 - correlations for association with existing structures in the Subject
DS0462 - Index, and where none seem to exist, then a new subject is created.
DS0464 - ..
DS0465 - SDS reduces the effort, discipline and dilligence required to perform
DS0466 - Knowledge Management, Communication Metrics, and intelligence support.
DS0467 - Paradoxically this empowers people to invest more time productively
DS0468 - that makes everybody productive for getting things done, noted in
DS0469 - Jack's letter today, per above. ref SDS 0 QR9M SDS support for
DS0470 - context management using the subject index fits the model of
DS0471 - accounting, science, medicine, engineering, sales, teaching, etc.,
DS0472 - where people learn complementary skills that improve productivity of
DS0473 - others.
DS0475 - ..
DS0476 - Jack's feeling that context management is not for everybody aligns
DS0477 - with comments on 020920 that linking is not for everybody, ref SDS 19
DS0478 - 0E62, noted again on 020924. ref SDS 20 RN6X Similarly, mathematics,
DS0479 - chemestry, physics, journalism, novels are not for everybody, but
DS0480 - everybody uses paper and pencils. People will develop various levels
DS0481 - of skills with SDS. Not everybody will perform links and context
DS0482 - management, but those who do will help others who don't, per review of
DS0483 - Vannevar Bush article, below. ref SDS 0 TM5N
DS0485 - ..
DS0486 - This has the sense of giving up on context management, similar to
DS0487 - giving up on linking, and giving up on analysis, i.e., writing up the
DS0488 - record of meetings, calls, and documents. In other words, people are
DS0489 - giving up on every element of knowledge management, noted in the case
DS0490 - study on 070126. ref SDS 32 QH8L
DS0491 -
DS0492 -
DS0494 - ..
DS0495 - Tending Garden of Knowledge Hacking on Computer Faster Easier Sensemaking
DS0496 - Managed Federated Who Does This Work Who Uses Federated Subjects
DS0497 - New Way Working Organize Record Context Management Not for Everybody
DS0498 - Sensemaking Hacking on a Keyboard Converts Information into Knowledge
DS0499 -
DS0500 - "Hacking away at a keyboard" using SDS for 8-steps of Communication
DS0501 - Metrics listed in POIMS, ref OF 9 685K, leverages intelligence that
DS0502 - converts minimal physical strength to tap a few keys into the power of
DS0503 - knowledge for making sense of complexity that otherwise overwhelms
DS0504 - span of attention. (see locality and complementarity in NWO.
DS0505 - ref OF 15 I38N)
DS0507 - ..
DS0508 - Tending the Garden of Knowledge, investing intellectual capital,
DS0509 - adding intelligence that converts information into the power of
DS0510 - knowledge for saving lives, time, and money are other ways to describe
DS0511 - using a keyboard for applying the SDS program.
DS0513 - ..
DS0514 - On 040622 Jack posed a practice of "sensemaking," which he associated
DS0515 - with complexity theory as a practical, urgent objective for Knowledge
DS0516 - Management. ref SDS 25 FM5W People makes sense by constructing trails
DS0517 - of associations, noted by Bush in 1945. ref SDS 6 HE6L In cognitive
DS0518 - science this is called connectionist theory, reviewed on 900303.
DS0519 - ref SDS 2 6006
DS0521 - ..
DS0522 - Who is making sense of daily work and how is this accomplished without
DS0523 - "hacking away at a keyboard?" Jack describes subject maps that tap
DS0524 - sources, and are managed, and federated. ref SDS 0 RB5M Who does this
DS0525 - managing and federating? Who uses it, and how many times a day?
DS0526 - Where did they learn to "manage" and "federate" subjects? What does
DS0527 - that entail?
DS0529 - ..
DS0530 - Research at SRI on 000307 found that Knowledge Management is a lot of
DS0531 - hard work. ref SDS 12 767G Diligence and discipline for "cognitive
DS0532 - overhead" that converts information into useful knowledge, noted by
DS0533 - Jack in his letter today, per above, ref SDS 0 RB5M, is resisted, not
DS0534 - because of difficult physical labor, but because constructing subjects
DS0535 - to organize the record requires situational awareness to recognize
DS0536 - correlations, implications and nuance, plus concentration for
DS0537 - concurrent discovery associating data, facts, figures, stories,
DS0538 - events, hunches, ideas, opinion, plans and risks with objectives,
DS0539 - requirements, and commitments. ref OF 17 PQ4M
DS0540 -
DS0542 - ..
DS0543 - Trail Blazers Delight Connecting People with the Power of Knowledge
DS0544 -
DS0545 - Efficient usability explained in POIMS makes working intelligently
DS0546 - fast and easy. Getting things done quickly and efficiently using both
DS0547 - hands to execute commands like playing a piano, transforms diligence
DS0548 - and discipline into fun saving lives, time, and money. ref OF 9 6M5H
DS0549 - Making music for long hours noted by Jack per above, ref SDS 0 7I8M,
DS0550 - is a great delight, noted by Vannevar Bush proposing a new
DS0551 - professional work role for "trail blazers" who help others discover
DS0552 - solutions and opportunities in time to be effective, in an article
DS0553 - published during 1945, reviewed on 960304. ref SDS 6 364J
DS0555 - ..
DS0556 - Jack's Letter on 070501 continues...
DS0557 -
DS0558 - But, I have this hunch that many of the gestures used to
DS0559 - manipulate SDS records could also manipulate a subject map;
DS0560 - that is to suggest: subject maps are or can be SDS engines.
DS0561 - Just a hunch. ref DRT 1 HG34
DS0563 - ..
DS0564 - Jack proposed an "engine" for organizing the record in a letter on
DS0565 - 000623. ref SDS 14 2915 He later discussed in a letter on 001130
DS0566 - applying this engine to SDS. ref SDS 15 GK8O
DS0567 -
DS0568 -
DY0419 -
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