440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 16, 2004 11:26 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Gary's SDS records show progress learning Communication Metrics.

........SRS Begin Comprehensive Review of SDS Record Structure
........SDS Record Structure Comprehensive Review Begin SRS
........Action Item Review Pending Should be Explicit Not Confidential
........Stretch Awareness from Meeting Notes to Intelligence
........Situational Awareness of Need for Com Metrics Support Explicit
........Demand for Com Metrics Support Explicit When Request is Explicit
2...Alphabet Technology Most Powerful Invention
3...Speaking Events Gary Expands Ideas for Presentation
4...Professional Papers and Events Foster Culture of Knowledge
5...Spreading Word Wide as the Waters SDS Advances Alphabet Technology
6...Replicate Subjects in Control Fields, Conform Descriptions Failing
7...Conform Descriptions for Subjects in Control Field to SI Failing
8...F2 Save Duplicating Suppression Flags When Anchors Added
9...Addressability Anchors Added F2 Save Duplicating Suppression Flags
10...Suppression Flags (s) (S) for Confidential Replicated Improperly

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...(SRS) for design of SDS records
2...Convert Medit to character
3...Has Gary come across any events or calls for papers where SDS and Com
4...Tip of Day on Shift F3 to replicate subjects in Control Fields


Review Suggest Improvements on Records
SDS Good Progress Suggest Add Strategy Planning Analysis to Reporting
Training Support Make Learning SDS Flexible Structures and New Way of
2003 Annual Review Review Training Suggest Improvements on Records
SDS Records Review Training Suggest Improvements on Records

1007 -
1007 -    ..
1008 - Summary/Objective
1009 -
100901 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000.
100902 -
100903 - Transformation to SDS calls for 3-step strategy this year to transform
100904 - resistance against good management, reviewed on 040203, ref SDS 33
100905 - N03C, into demand for a culture of knowledge, as planned on 040102.
100906 - ref SDS 17 8Q3N  Step one (1) calls for continuing to learn and use a
100907 - greater share of the eight (8) steps for Communication Metrics in
100908 - order to deliver work product on the job that saves time and money by
100909 - adding "intelligence" to information on daily work.  This plan
100910 - implements Gary's theory to provide relentless pressure to leverage
100911 - situational awareness that occasionally occurs during meetings, calls
100912 - and email about benefits of good management, into demand for Com
100913 - Metrics, that implements Drucker's call for technology to "routinize"
100914 - good management. ref SDS 17 8Q3N  Gary's records the past few months
100915 - show situations are occurring regularly on the job when people are
100916 - aware of need for intelligence support, e.g., Com Simm TIM meeting on
100917 - 040202. ref SDS 0 Q16T  Another example from the same meeting is an
100918 - opportunity to educate by stretching situational awareness from need
100919 - for meeting notes to need for "intelligence." ref SDS 0 JY8J  These
100920 - routing situations where people care about the things SDS supports
100921 - need simple timely attention to give people hope that drives demand
100922 - for a solution, and requires no promotion of SDS, per se, but rather a
100923 - little discussion to flesh out the need.  Gary's SDS work product then
100924 - demonstrates silently ability to deliver the goods.  Gary, also,
100925 - reports having bumped into a few problems with the code, which are
100926 - corrected today. ref SDS 0 WP7N
100927 -
100928 -
100929 -
100930 -
100931 -
100933 -  ..
1010 -
1011 -
1012 - 1347
1013 -
101301 - Gary's SDS records over the past 45 days show progress on goals
101302 - reviewed on 040102, ref SDS 16 H55F, to use SDS for Communication
101303 - Metrics...
101305 -         ..
101306 -    1.  Conference call with Jerry Nord
101307 -        on SDS progress, excellent initial
101308 -        record of understandings with some
101309 -        analysis that drives strategy and
101310 -        planning, per Morris' recommendation
101311 -        on 031008, ref SDS 10 KR4N, need
101312 -        headlines, segments and alignment,
101313 -        per annual review on 040102,
101314 -        ref SDS 16 UM5I, setting goals
101315 -        for learning Com Metrics and
101316 -        recognizing that all of the 8
101317 -        steps, also noted on 040102,
101318 -        ref SDS 16 H55F, do not have to
101319 -        be performed all at once on the
101320 -        same day.............................. 040122, ref SDS 23 0001
101321 -
101322 -
101323 -
101324 -
1014 -

SDS Records Gary Performs Careful Review for Design Requirements Cont
SDS Records Reviewed for Design Requirements Contributes to SRS Proje

1404 -
140501 -         ..
140502 -        SRS Begin Comprehensive Review of SDS Record Structure
140503 -        SDS Record Structure Comprehensive Review Begin SRS
140504 -
140505 -
140506 -    2.  Very good start on requirements
140507 -        (SRS) for design of SDS records
140508 -        and functions; needs links to
140509 -        POIMS review on 040129, ref SDS 0 0064,
140510 -        showing correlation between
140511 -        theory, objectives and designing
140512 -        actual tools, and demonstrating
140513 -        SDS tools make good theory for
140514 -        enabling good management
140515 -        practical to practice every
140516 -        day................................... 040122, ref SDS 19 0001
140517 -
140518 -            [On 080531 Morris prepared an explanation of SDS record for
140519 -            an SDS Windows application specification. ref SDS 52 W18O
140521 -  ..
140522 - On 030723 Gary planned to develop requirements for SDS based on
140523 - Appendix to agreement with Jerry Nord at CSG. ref SDS 8 V139
140524 -
140525 -
140527 -         ..
140528 -    3.  Gary reviewed requirements with
140529 -        Gil for getting approval to use
140530 -        SDS on job; developed information
140531 -        that can be used to give notice
140532 -        M&S has investigated and found
140533 -        SDS is not harmful, and so has
140534 -        resumed use to meet commitments
140535 -        to perform the mission of
140536 -        the project........................... 040122, ref SDS 21 0001
140538 -  ..
140539 - Need letter notifying management that SDS use has resumed based on
140540 - review showing company systems are protected and the demand for Com
140541 - Metrics support is expanding, per Bruce's direction on 040202, shown
140542 - below. ref SDS 0 G13N
140543 -
140544 -            [On 040223 followed up. ref SDS 49 0001
140545 -
140547 -         ..
140548 -    4.  MS TIM shows progress adding
140549 -        headlines but they do not
140550 -        summarize meaning; no segments,
140551 -        contacts not listed, per comments
140552 -        on SDS conference call (1),
140553 -        ref SDS 0 YV6G, further --
140554 -        spelling needs correction,
140555 -        format problems....................... 040122, ref SDS 22 VU5J
140557 -         ..
140558 -    5.  Convert Medit to character
140559 -        quoting as is done in C not
140560 -        clear on objective.................... 040123, ref SDS 24 0001
140562 -         ..
140563 -    6.  SDS programming questions on
140564 -        links and distinguishing support
140565 -        for SDS, the Subject Index, the
140566 -        Editor, Contacts and DMS.............. 040123, ref SDS 25 A001
140568 -         ..
140569 -    7.  SDS support for programming;
140570 -        Gary considers using SDS plan,
140571 -        perform, report system like
140572 -        work on 040123, ref SDS 18 0001,
140573 -        to support working in PEARL........... 040123, ref SDS 25 A014
140575 -         ..
140576 -    8.  VS TIM no content for the record
140577 -        so if meeting cancelled or if
140578 -        record is an error, delete it......... 040128, ref SDS 27 0001,
140580 -         ..
140581 -    9.  POIMS review supports work on
140582 -        SRS; needs links to record for
140583 -        040122 showing correlation
140584 -        between design of SDS records
140585 -        and functions, ref SDS 0 007W;
140586 -        terms and phrases have multiple
140587 -        citations, but no explanation
140588 -        that clues reader about purpose
140589 -        of links and what will be found
140590 -        to aid decisions about opening
140591 -        one or the other...................... 040129, ref SDS 28 A001
140593 -  ..
140594 - Not sure why Gary is using a format that separates citations from the
140595 - explanation.  Is this a common practice at the company?  Is there an
140596 - example of people disconnecting narrative from the link it references?
140598 -  ..
140599 - Linking analysis to foundational documents implements goals in the
140600 - review on 040102. ref SDS 17 PX5Q and ref SDS 17 RA6H  Getting more
140601 - familiar with connecting the dots between SDS and foundational
140602 - documents makes educating others on the job, in professional papers
140603 - and events faster and easier, per below. ref SDS 0 JH4G
140605 -         ..
140606 -   10.  CS staff meeting has no content....... 040129, ref SDS 29 0001
140608 -         ..
140609 -   11.  Comm Simm TIM good use of flag
140610 -        to suppress (redact) confidential
140611 -        information yet maintain context
140612 -        for full understanding when
140613 -        needed................................ 040202, ref SDS 31 A001
140614 -
140616 -         ..
140617 -        Action Item Review Pending Should be Explicit Not Confidential
140618 -
140619 -
140620 -   12.  Com Simm TIM apply Gary's theory
140621 -        of relentless pressure to enable
140622 -        transformation from resisting
140623 -        to insisting on good management,
140624 -        reported on 040102, ref SDS 16 WI3H,
140625 -        by making need for action item
140626 -        review explicit in the record
140627 -        rather than suppress within
140628 -        confidentiality flags, so that
140629 -        limited span of attention can
140630 -        focus routinely on practices
140631 -        needed to perform the mission
140632 -        that grow situational awareness
140633 -        of opportunity for using tools
140634 -        and methods that make good
140635 -        management fast and
140636 -        easy.................................. 040202, ref SDS 31 A002
140638 -  ..
140639 - While people may feel uncomfortable, the challenge is to be the
140640 - "squeaky wheel" of continual reminder, without being burdensome, and
140641 - tiresome.  Leadership takes imagination to provide variety and humor
140642 - to take the edge off a sore subject, rather than allow the sore to go
140643 - unattended and turn cancerous.
140644 -
140645 -
140647 -         ..
140648 -        Stretch Awareness from Meeting Notes to Intelligence
140649 -        Situational Awareness of Need for Com Metrics Support Explicit
140650 -
140651 -
140652 -   13.  Matt asking who is assigned to
140653 -        take notes shows situational
140654 -        awareness about demand growing
140655 -        for good management, and should
140656 -        be presented constructively
140657 -        in the record for relentless
140658 -        pressure, per need for action
140659 -        item review, above, ref SDS 0 Q16T,
140660 -        to act on approving tools that
140661 -        enable meeting requirements
140662 -        for good management, because
140663 -        the fog of war makes situational
140664 -        awareness fleeting, fragile and
140665 -        transitory without people being
140666 -        routinely reminded, as planned
140667 -        on 040203, ref SDS 33 F86G, to
140668 -        be a squeaky wheel.................... 040202, ref SDS 31 A009
140670 -         ..
140671 -   14.  Dave citing "Fair Witness" from
140672 -        Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange
140673 -        Land" can be handled, not by
140674 -        reporting nobody "gets it," but
140675 -        use Com Metrics to expand span of
140676 -        attention that empowers some
140677 -        people to "get it" -- provide
140678 -        brief explanation showing correlation
140679 -        between Matt asking for support
140680 -        to capture the record and to make
140681 -        the record useful by adding
140682 -        intelligence; use Google to get
140683 -        a quote from the book or a review
140684 -        of the book....
140686 -           ..
140687 -
140688 -
140689 -        ...and on importance of accurate
140690 -        memory....
140692 -           ..
140693 -
140694 -
140695 -        ...which is the essence of Com
140696 -        Metrics, reported on 950204,
140697 -        ref SDS 2 0937, that aligns with
140698 -        Matt's observation, ref SDS 0 JY8J,
140699 -        on the critical need to empower
140700 -        people with accurate "understanding"
140701 -        of organizational memory, cited
140702 -        in Paul's letter on 031201 noting
140703 -        the importance of accurate memory,
140704 -        ref SDS 14 IR4V, to a project
140705 -        responsible for developing
140706 -        CFISR................................ 040202, ref SDS 31 A010
140707 -
140708 -
140710 -         ..
140711 -        Demand for Com Metrics Support Explicit When Request is Explicit
140712 -
140713 -
140714 -   15.  M&S Summit Day 1 provide pressure
140715 -        to empower people by expanding
140716 -        span of attention, ref SDS 0 Q16T,
140717 -        change from confidential (suppressed)
140718 -        to explicit showing situational
140719 -        awareness of demand for Com Metrics
140720 -        support, shown by Steve ordering
140721 -        Gary not to attend the M&S Summit
140722 -        meetings, so that Gary could
140723 -        perform "Fair Witness" noted by
140724 -        Dave, ref SDS 0 O64I, by capturing
140725 -        an accurate record of understandings
140726 -        on the Com Simm TIM meeting on
140727 -        040202, noted by Matt, ref SDS 0 JY8J;
140728 -        then Bruce directed Steve to reverse
140729 -        the initial order, reported on
140730 -        040203, ref SDS 33 NB6G, and direct
140731 -        Gary to attend the M&S Summit
140732 -        meeting and "do what you're famous
140733 -        for" implementing the practice of
140734 -        organizational memory, which Paul
140735 -        reported on 031205, ref SDS 14 IR4V,
140736 -        is an important concept to the
140737 -        M&S mission of making CFISR
140738 -        practical and effective............... 040203, ref SDS 32 YS5H
140740 -  ..
140741 - Action item above to notify management that Gary is using tools
140742 - required to perform additional requirements, ref SDS 0 5M4H, further
140743 - shown by annual review on 040201. ref SDS 16 UO6T
140744 -
140745 -            [On 040223 followed up. ref SDS 49 0001
140746 -
140748 -         ..
140749 -   16.  CS staff meeting reports a lot of
140750 -        discussion occurred on Command
140751 -        Decision Modeling (C2) and on
140752 -        elements of human psychology
140753 -        and behavior impacting human
140754 -        decision making capabilities),
140755 -        but nothing on what was actually
140756 -        said, nor what sources were cited,
140757 -        or have been cited previously,
140758 -        nothing on alignment between
140759 -        what happened today and what
140760 -        has been discussed previously;
140761 -        no links to requirements for
140762 -        CFISR, C2, etc.; there are no
140763 -        links to POIMS and no links to
140764 -        General Hatch's comments on
140765 -        Com Metrics, ref DRP 3 6172,
140766 -        looks like there is a lot of
140767 -        "intelligence" to be mined from
140768 -        meetings using Com Metrics to
140769 -        leverage human psychology and
140770 -        behavior that impacts human
140771 -        decision making for developing
140772 -        M&S requirements rather, than
140773 -        waiting for the customer to
140774 -        figure everything out................. 040206, ref SDS 34 A012
140776 -         ..
140777 -   17.  Integrated Phase Plan Comments
140778 -        meeting cites that the SAP
140779 -        doesn't match the M&S strategy
140780 -        and plan; doesn't address
140781 -        either SVF or CSF; needs analysis
140782 -        showing conflicting information
140783 -        and links to supporting
140784 -        evidence.............................. 040209, ref SDS 35 A004
140786 -         ..
140787 -   18.  Formatting analysis on page 6
140788 -        discussing architecture of
140789 -        complementary programs needs
140790 -        standard outlining supported by
140791 -        SDS; could reflect use of other
140792 -        tools for meeting notes, mentioned
140793 -        by Gary on 040203, ref SDS 33 FJ95,
140794 -        and then formatting with other
140795 -        tools into SDS records................ 040209, ref SDS 35 A005
140797 -         ..
140798 -   19.  Comm Sim TIM Telecon cites
140799 -        discussion about taking action
140800 -        on action item system; other
140801 -        pending matters are flagged for
140802 -        follow up, showing progress on
140803 -        goal to implement a greater
140804 -        of 8 steps performing Com Metrics
140805 -        set on 040201, ref SDS 16 H55F,
140806 -        by identifying people or groups
140807 -        assigned to take action for
140808 -        follow up............................. 040210, ref SDS 36 A020
140810 -         ..
140811 -   20.  CFISR Simulation WG Meeting
140812 -        lists introductions that need
140813 -        "intelligence," illustrated by
140814 -        record on 000324, ref SDS 5 2079,
140815 -        showing correlations and support
140816 -        for M&S mission, could be implied
140817 -        based on prior record, but then
140818 -        need links to where correlations
140819 -        are set out; many people these
140820 -        days have web pages that explain
140821 -        there work............................ 040211, ref SDS 37 A013
140823 -         ..
140824 -   21.  VS TIM meeting has structure
140825 -        using headlines, but no content
140826 -        on transpired; could be waiting
140827 -        for when there is enough time
140828 -        to enter the record................... 040211, ref SDS 38 0001
140830 -         ..
140831 -   22.  CS staff meeting has no content....... 040212, ref SDS 39 0001
140833 -         ..
140834 -   23.  SDS Action Item system review;
140835 -        example on 031223, ref SDS 15 GT3H,
140836 -        and another on 040203 of flag
140837 -        within a para rather than at
140838 -        the top, shown in in the record
140839 -        on 040203, ref SDS 33 F86G, and
140840 -        is requested by Gary to compare
140841 -        with more common practice of
140842 -        flagging action items at the
140843 -        top of a para......................... 040213, ref SDS 40 A001
140845 -         ..
140846 -   24.  SDS KM Stable Functions record
140847 -        needs standard outline format,
140848 -        per above, ref SDS 0 WP3N;
140849 -        good review of issues reported
140850 -        on 040123, ref SDS 26 JP6M, and
140851 -        then discussed recently about
140852 -        functionality becoming productive
140853 -        over time by settling into
140854 -        stable application like alphabet
140855 -        technology for literacy............... 040213, ref SDS 41 A001
140857 -         ..
140858 -   25.  SDS KM Delayed Gratification
140859 -        reviews recent discussion on
140860 -        the theory of knowledge based
140861 -        human cognition developed in
140862 -        POIMS and NWO, but there are no
140863 -        links to explain which part is
140864 -        being discussed, nor are there
140865 -        suggestions for strengthening
140866 -        the foundational documents,
140867 -        which Gary planned on 040102,
140868 -        ref SDS 17 1L3N; process of
140869 -        improving foundational documents
140870 -        is illustrated by incorporating
140871 -        Gary's ideas on "hidden in plain
140872 -        sight," shown on 030708,
140873 -        ref SDS 7 GC9G, there are no
140874 -        links to other sources nor to
140875 -        history showing support for
140876 -        analysis.............................. 040213, ref SDS 42 9Y84
140878 -         ..
140879 -   26.  Records from Keynote are
140880 -        missing............................... 040214, ref SDS 43 0001
140881 -
140882 -
140883 -
140884 -
140885 -
140886 -
140887 -
1409 -

Opportunity to Educate Teach SDS Com Metrics Context Management Cite Fo
Johnson, Gary Linking POIMS Analysis of Good Management Technology for
Professional Papers Events Powerpoint Presentations Explain SDS Com Met
Johnson, Gary Goals 2004 Improve Using SDS Learn 8 Steps Using SDS for
Spreading Word Wide as the Waters POIMS Link Communication Shows Comm
Link Foundational Documents SDS Professional Papers Events Powerpoint
Speaking Engagement Gary Developing Ideas to Help People Grasp Opport
Goals Marketing Culture of Knowledge 3-step Strategy 3-layer Architec
Writing Most Powerful Invention Advancing Civilization Gary Developin
Invention Most Powerful Writing Alphabet Technology Literacy Advancin

3212 -
321301 -  ..
321302 - Alphabet Technology Most Powerful Invention
321303 - Speaking Events Gary Expands Ideas for Presentation
321304 - Professional Papers and Events Foster Culture of Knowledge
321305 - Spreading Word Wide as the Waters SDS Advances Alphabet Technology
321306 -
321307 - Follow up ref SDS 30 4T9X, ref SDS 16 JH4G.
321308 -
321309 -   27.  Recently on 040123 discussed
321310 -        with Gary ideas for professional
321311 -        events to explain SDS and
321312 -        Com Metrics, ref SDS 26 5A5W,
321313 -        which is a goal from the annual
321314 -        review on 040102, ref SDS 17 JH4G;
321315 -        a presentation to IBM on 940725
321316 -        used alphabet technology to
321317 -        introduce core concepts of
321318 -        technology, religion, farming
321319 -        and Murphy's Law, ref SDS 1 0699;
321320 -        Gary's work on 040129 linking
321321 -        analysis of POIMS and good
321322 -        management practices to original
321323 -        sources provides experience that
321324 -        would make a good presentation
321325 -        in a paper or professional event.
321326 -        ref SDS 30 D59G  Gary's record
321327 -        yesterday on 040215 develops
321328 -        planning to expand the presentation
321329 -        on explaining the power of
321330 -        literacy that is extended by
321331 -        SDS using the title "Man's
321332 -        Greatest invention"................... 040215, ref SDS 44 0001
321334 -  ..
321335 - Has Gary come across any events or calls for papers where SDS and Com
321336 - Metrics can be presented, as planned on 031023? ref SDS 12 MC8L
321337 -
321338 -       [On 040221 Jack asks about Gary making a presentation to a group
321339 -       at SRI. ref SDS 48 TK5I
321340 -
321341 -       [On 040224 letter to Gary submits ideas on responding to Jack's
321342 -       inquiry. ref SDS 50 PE4N
321344 -  ..
321345 - Gary's plans for helping people grasp the power of literacy, shown in
321346 - his record on 040215, ref SDS 44 0001, aligns with research on 991108
321347 - indicating that development of the alphabet was explosive, changing
321348 - the course of civilization by ushering in an era of information
321349 - technology described as the "alphabetic mind." ref SDS 3 5628  On
321350 - 991209 Plato in the Phadrus dialogs with Socrates seems to identify
321351 - the literacy as the greatest invention at the time. ref SDS 4 3416
321352 -
321353 -
321354 -
321355 -
321356 -
3214 -

F3 Replicate Integrates Thousands of Commands for 30 Major Tasks into a
Control Fields Shift F3 007003 Causing Failure of Subject Descriptions

3504 -
350501 -  ..
350502 - Replicate Subjects in Control Fields, Conform Descriptions Failing
350503 - Conform Descriptions for Subjects in Control Field to SI Failing
350504 -
350505 - Follow up ref SDS 18 0001.
350506 -
350507 -   28.  Gary reports problem after
350508 -        executing new function developed
350509 -        on 040120 to replicate subject
350510 -        accounts in Control Fields
350511 -        between records, ref SDS 18 0S47,
350512 -        conforming descriptions to the
350513 -        descriptions for accounts in
350514 -        Subject Index seems to be
350515 -        failing............................... 040215, ref SDS 45 OQ5G
350516 -
350517 -                [On 040305 solved this problem. ref SDS 51 I35L
350519 -  ..
350520 - This record and the next one illustrate SDS leveraging collaboration
350521 - to improve the program, reviewed on 040201. ref SDS 16 HH7M
350523 -  ..
350524 - Tip of Day on Shift F3 to replicate subjects in Control Fields
350525 -
350526 -        Gary's record on 040215 lists steps 6 and 7 to enter subjects
350527 -        from the transfer file is Shift F3. ref SDS 45 YV4Y
350529 -         ..
350530 -        This should be done the same way as F3 is used to capture
350531 -        accounts shown in step 2, which requires the cursor to be
350532 -        positioned between account levels, ref SDS 45 YV3X, per work on
350533 -        040120. ref SDS 18 4W3H
350535 -  ..
350536 - Gary describes a problem like this....
350537 -
350538 -   29.. Position cursor several spaces to the right of the Subject/File
350539 -        heading, and press Enter to conform the subjects.
350541 -         ..
350542 -        This results in a "Code not Found" error, and deletes all the
350543 -        subject text lines. Checking each subject code indicates that
350544 -        the codes are in fact in the Subject Index. ref SDS 45 OQ5G
350545 -
350546 -                [On 040305 solved this problem. ref SDS 51 I35L
350547 -
350549 -  ..
350550 - 04405 is the code that conforms descriptions for subjects in a Control
350551 - Field to the descriptions for the corresponding accounts in the
350552 - Subject Index.  This problem has been known for some time, but has
350553 - been ignored because other problems that have a bigger impact on
350554 - productivity required attention. There was also a need to work in
350555 - sequence, particularly solving the memory problem so that operations
350556 - could continue to expand for context management using the Subject
350557 - Index, which was solved on 040902. ref SDS 9 0001
350559 -  ..
350560 - There actually seems to be a compound problem....
350561 -
350562 -        1.  The problem that Gary describes of getting a message back
350563 -            saying the subject was not found at all, ref SDS 0 FX66,
350564 -            occurs in 04405.
350565 -
350566 -                [On 040305 solved this problem. ref SDS 51 I35L
350568 -             ..
350569 -        2.  The descriptions entered by the process (007003) in some
350570 -            cases are truncated.
350571 -
350572 -                [...see below solved this problem today. ref SDS 0 IL7N
350574 -  ..
350575 - Both problems have occurred sporadically.  This morning was successful
350576 - getting the 2nd problem to replicate, which results in the following
350577 - output...
350578 -
350579 -             241351 -
350580 -             2414 -
350581 -             2415 -    Time Milg  Subject/File
350582 -             25 - K101 00.0 0000  03 00050 10 01 04CJGFHC
350583 -             26 - K101 00.0 0000  03 00050 10 01 04CJGFKD
350584 -             36 - K101 00.0 0000  03 00050 BL 030809fc
350585 -             37 - K101 00.0 0000  03 00050 BL 040120fc
350586 -             3702 - General
350587 -             3702 - General
350588 -             3702 - Problems
350589 -             3702 - General
350590 -             3702 - =============================
350591 -             3703 -
350592 -
350594 -  ..
350595 - After doing a few things, like use cut and paste to capture the
350596 - problem, per above, maybe pressing F2 and or F1 F2 to save the work,
350597 - tried the function to refresh subject descriptions, calling 04405, and
350598 - it worked correctly, which aligns with Gary's report yesterday.
350599 - ref SDS 45 OQ6V
350601 -  ..
350602 - Failing on the first pass, seems to be a counter problem that prevents
350603 - macro 118 from reading the entire subject code string, with the result
350604 - it is only getting to the General level, and so returns and enters
350605 - that string for every subject in the stack.  Looking at counters shows
350606 - 81 is set to 10, which could cause the results by truncating the
350607 - account, which would stop the process on a "General" level.  However,
350608 - counter 81 only operates when 80 = 1000, shown in 000007, ref OF 20
350609 - S97K, and that is not the case, so there is still a mystery.
350611 -  ..
350612 - Actually the code developed on 040120, ref SDS 18 Q55O, for Shift F3
350613 - in 007003 shows setcnt 80 1000, and setcnt 81 14, and these are not
350614 - reset.  Added setcnt 80 0 after macro 1182 runs, ref OF 17 IM7G, and
350615 - this should solve problem #2. ref SDS 0 TX5N
350617 -  ..
350618 - Testing indicates problem is solved.
350620 -  ..
350621 - Added another feature today reported in the record on 040120,
350622 - ref SDS 16 SN9I, to position the record after replication to evaluate
350623 - if the initial account is the default subject when a new Control Field
350624 - segment is created with F1 F6, and if so, then delete this line after
350625 - the subjects have been replicated.  The cursor will further be moved
350626 - to the Subject/File line ready for the User to refresh subject
350627 - descriptions by pressing Enter.  We could put this in the 007003 code,
350628 - but want to give the User opportunity to exercise judgement, since on
350629 - a large record and for a Control Field that has a lot of subjects,
350630 - this additional step could cause memory to fail.  In Gary's case, most
350631 - of his records are not large, and there are few lines in Control
350632 - Fields, so this is not an issue.  For now, will position User to
350633 - complete the process by pressing Enter after Shift F3 to conform
350634 - subjects.
350635 -
350636 -
350637 -
350638 -
350639 -
3507 -

Confidential Suppression Flags (s) (S) Replicated Improperly  in F2 Sa
0702051 Save F2 Duplicating Suppression Flags When Anchors Added
0702051 Save F2 Verify Correct Format Reference Field Blank Line Belo
Anchors Addressability Added F2 Save Duplicating Suppression Flags
Addressability Anchors Add to All Para in SDS record During Save, F2
0702051 Macro 142 F2 Save Sort References Macro 145 Action Items, 07

4108 -
410901 -  ..
410902 - F2 Save Duplicating Suppression Flags When Anchors Added
410903 - Addressability Anchors Added F2 Save Duplicating Suppression Flags
410904 - Suppression Flags (s) (S) for Confidential Replicated Improperly
410905 -
410906 - Follow up ref SDS 12 6R6F.
410907 -
410908 -   29. Gary reports problem with
410909 -       confidentiality markings
410910 -       that get duplicated when the
410911 -       save op duplicates a line to
410912 -       enter an anchor above a para
410913 -       and this creates a mismatch
410914 -       which the code reports, but
410915 -       requires the user to stop and
410916 -       fix something, expending time,
410917 -       span of attention and emotional
410918 -       capital................................ ref SDS 45 0001
410920 -  ..
410921 - This sounds like another refinement to automate format control for
410922 - Knowledge Space, which was upgraded on 031128. ref SDS 12 0001  The
410923 - design should balance goals to have an anchor on every para with
410924 - requirements for confidentiality.  If the code duplicates a line to
410925 - enter an anchor, then it should check for a suppression flag, and
410926 - avoid the duplication reported today.
410928 -  ..
410929 - Decided to do the work in the record on 031128 because it relates to
410930 - format control for Knowledge Space. ref SDS 12 6R6F  Work on the (s)
410931 - flag for suppression, including processing with F2 save calling
410932 - 0702051 was done on 031017. ref SDS 10 BN3O
410934 -  ..
410935 - Line 1950, ref OF 18 RT9I, -label nipf in 0702051
410936 -
410937 -    -label nipf
410938 -    setcnt 153 0
410939 -    setcnt 74 4183
410940 -    macro 49
410941 -    setcnt 74 0
410942 -
410943 -        macro 49 justifies a para in SDS, and adds an anchor if
410944 -        needed, to complement Alt F9.
410946 -  ..
410947 - This means the actual problem is in macro 49.  We could do the stuff
410948 - in 0702051 to save compiler space, but the other day recovered about
410949 - 200 lines of code, so decided to try in macro 49.
410951 -  ..
410952 - Per below, ref SDS 0 6O7N, decided to put it in 0702051....
410953 -
410954 -    pushc
410955 -    down
410956 -    loc_cur 0 7
410957 -    ic 32
410958 -    up
410959 -    popc
410960 -
410961 -        Since the stuff comes back with the op of para on current
410962 -        line, do a down to expose the line where the anchor is
410963 -        entered; move the cursor to the highlight flag field, and
410964 -        remove anything in that col.
410966 -         ..
410967 -        This did not work very well, so in August 2004, decided to put
410968 -        it back in macro 49, per below. ref SDS 0 6O7N
410969 -
410970 -
410972 -  ..
410973 - Line 610, ref OF 19 6M6K, -label 0471r in 000002 about 20 lines below
410974 -
410975 -    -label 0471r
410976 -    addcnt 170 1
410977 -    addcnt 24 1
410978 -    immed r
410979 -    up
410981 -     ..
410982 -    pushc
410983 -    loc_cur 0 7
410984 -    ic 32
410985 -    popc
410986 -
410987 -        This works, but getting stingy, so decided to put it in 0702051
410988 -        after all, per above.  Later, in August 2004, decided to put it
410989 -        back in macro 49.  This is a better place for the code because
410990 -        it is tied directly to macro 49, and whether a line is added to
410991 -        create an anchor.  In order for this code to work when entered
410992 -        in 0703051 more code is needed to figure when macro 49 adds a
410993 -        line.
410994 -
410995 -
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410998 -
410999 -
411000 -
411001 -
411002 -
4111 -