440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 7, 2008 07:00 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Morris on Windows SDS application, test Virtual PC 2007.
2...Agenda Review Progress
3...Windows SDS Application Review Progress 5% to 10% Complete
....a...Log in
........Onelook Dictionary Search
....c...SDS Records.
4...SDS Morris Use for Experience Learning Design Requirements
5...SDS on Morris' XP Computer Running Correctly Despite Error Messages
6...Help SDS Demonstation Using SDS Schedule and Records
7...Line Numbers New Punctuation People Learn New Way of Working
8...New Way Working Transformation to Knowledge Complex Call for Help
9...Virtual PC Run Current SDS on Vista 64-bit Computer
10...Virtual PC Test Running SDS Vista Quad-core 64-bit Computer
11...Microsoft Letter on Test SDS on Vista Quad-core 64-bit Computer VCP
12...Microsoft Responds Virtual PC May Solve Using SDS on 64-bit Computers
13...Virtual PC Buy 2 Oprating Systems Microsoft Lab to Test SDS with VCP
14...Medit 16-bit Assembly Update or Complete Medit C-version
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Windows SDS Application Meeting Agenda Review Progress Past 12 Month
0803 -
0803 - ..
0804 - Summary/Objective
0805 -
080501 - Follow up ref SDS 40 0000, ref SDS 35 0000.
080502 -
080503 - Good progress with SDS Windows application this past year, compared
080504 - with other projects for Knowledge Management. ref SDS 0 XV9F System
080505 - log in, Schedule, and sample SDS record format nearing completion.
080506 - ref SDS 0 IP8M Could not test Microsoft Virtual PC for running SDS on
080507 - an updated computer, because of concerns about harming Morris'
080508 - computer. ref SDS 0 GY3M We also need to get a copy of Windows XP to
080509 - install on his computer, i.e., do customers have to buy 2 operating
080510 - systems? ref SDS 0 4U55 Morris sent letters to Microsoft asking about
080511 - these issues. ref SDS 0 J15F In the afternoon, Ben responded that
080512 - Microsoft Virtual PC should uninstall cleanly. ref SDS 0 PUTV Ben
080513 - suggested testing DOS applications for performance before buying a
080514 - Vista quad-core 64-bit computer. ref SDS 0 4V5R Sent a follow up
080515 - letter asking if customers have to buy 2 operating systems,
080516 - ref SDS 0 PG5S, and whether there is a Microsoft lab in the San
080517 - Francisco area to make the test Ben recommends? ref SDS 0 PG5V
080518 - Checked SDS on Morris' Windows XP computer; seems to be running
080519 - correctly, inspite of error messages during program launch.
080520 - ref SDS 0 9E48 Morris asked about using SDS on his computer, which
080521 - was set up a few months ago. ref SDS 0 RF7N Health care is a good
080522 - place to use SDS for learning about requirements for Knowledge
080523 - Management. ref SDS 0 LV5K Demonstrated getting started using SDS,
080524 - ref SDS 0 9F34, including using the Help system. ref SDS 0 9F45
080525 - Morris feels that typing in the line number field causes problems
080526 - using SDS. Decided to avoid this practice by recognizing line numbers
080527 - are additional punctuation, essential to organize the record.
080528 - ref SDS 0 ME7X Discussed work on the editor as a parallel path for
080529 - running SDS on 64-bit computers. ref SDS 0 2W6I
080530 -
080531 -
080532 -
080533 -
080534 -
080535 -
080536 -
080538 - ..
0806 -
0807 -
0808 - Progress
0809 -
080901 - Agenda Review Progress
080902 -
080903 -
080904 - 1. Review SDS Windows
080905 - application.............................. ref SDS 0 XV9F
080906 -
080907 - 2. SDS configure SDS on Morris' computer
080908 - to learn essential features, and
080909 - provide orientation using
080910 - SDS Help................................. ref SDS 0 RF7N
080912 - ..
080913 - 3. Test Virtual PC on Morris' Vista
080914 - 64-bit quad-core computer to run
080915 - current version of
080916 - SDS...................................... ref SDS 0 HX6F
080918 - ..
080919 - 4. SDS 64-bit update for Medit parallel
080920 - work on Windows SDS
080921 - application.............................. ref SDS 0 2W6I
080922 -
080923 -
080924 -
0810 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1303 -
130401 - ..
130402 - Windows SDS Application Review Progress 5% to 10% Complete
130403 -
130404 - First meeting on SDS Windows application was on 070907. ref SDS 26
130405 - 0001 Review today indicates work is about 5% - 10% complete toward
130406 - having a working system, discussed for example below on "SDS records,"
130407 - ref SDS 0 TO8V Case study on 070126 shows Morris has made better
130408 - progress than IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SRI, Intel, MIT, Stanford,
130409 - everywhere, ref SDS 23 QH8L, reflecting prior studies on 020608,
130410 - ref SDS 18 QV5G, and previously on 011003. ref SDS 15 SP6G
130412 - ..
130413 - Case study on 040505 shows planning to develop new version of SDS with
130414 - expanded memory and support for Microsoft Windows. ref SDS 21 QU61
130416 - ..
130417 - Case study on 060214 shows considerations using Java for SDS
130418 - development platform.
130420 - ..
130421 - Case study SDS development using variety of other software development
130422 - tools, and without Medit assembly code platform running under NTVD
130423 - Windows application reported on 080124. ref SDS 29 WG5G
130425 - ..
130426 - [On 081104 Morris demonstrated work on starting a new
130427 - development project to create the Medit editor that currently
130428 - runs SDS on Intel 64-bit processors that runs on the Vista
130429 - operating system; starting out using Java development platform
130430 - to gain experience toward determining viability, and need to
130431 - upgrade the current assembly code. ref SDS 42 2W6I
130433 - ..
130434 - IBM planned to convert SDS to Windows, following meeting on 941114,
130435 - ref SDS 7 5380, and further reported the same day. ref SDS 7 YE3O On
130436 - 950607 IBM paid $4 billion for Lotus Notes, to use the editor like
130437 - Jack uses for Iris, and Morris discusses today, per below, ref SDS 0
130438 - DM93, that seems fast and easy for people to learn, but does not
130439 - support flexible structure, like Medit. ref SDS 8 6006 On 980226 IBM
130440 - announced plans for "data mining" to support business intelligence.
130441 - ref SDS 9 1247 On 001130 IBM gave up on converting Lotus Notes into
130442 - Knowledge Management. ref SDS 12 F26K On 020822 Ray Ozzi announced
130443 - people are feeling pain from poor productivity using Groove and Grove
130444 - for managing documents. ref SDS 19 Q99G SRI tried to develop
130445 - Knowledge Management, planning an XML editor, like Morris demonstrated
130446 - today, ref SDS 0 DM93, reported on 000324. ref SDS 10 5880 On 001122
130447 - Eric reported Knowledge Management is much difficult than people
130448 - think. ref SDS 11 E47M On 000324 Lee Iverson reported work at Oracle
130449 - to develop Knowledge Management, and other places failed. ref SDS 10
130450 - 4877 On 010510 Steve Balmer reported Micorsoft planned to develop XML
130451 - technology, ref SDS 14 656F, to improve management productivity.
130452 - ref SDS 14 YG5K Bill Gates "bet the company" on XML to improve
130453 - productivity. ref SDS 14 8Y8H A year later on 021108 Gates explained
130454 - plans to consolidate commands for efficient usability because studies
130455 - show people use only 5% of Microsoft commands in menus. ref SDS 20
130456 - EFBE At that time, Gates further planned technology for finding
130457 - information that is piling up on computers. ref SDS 20 EF5I On 080318
130458 - Morris reported that finding information on his computer is still too
130459 - difficult for citing the record. ref SDS 32 GZ7J On 060129 Jack Park
130460 - reported difficulty using Iris for daily work, ref SDS 22 7A4F, cited
130461 - by Morris on 080104. ref SDS 28 2Q7I
130463 - ..
130464 - Morris showed the following today...
130465 -
130466 - 1. System log in, including admin rights...... ref SDS 0 VM53
130467 - 2. Schedule................................... ref SDS 0 SQ5J
130468 - 3. SDS record test new format................. ref SDS 0 TO8V
130470 - ..
130471 - There is no work on Contacts, and nothing on subjects because initial
130472 - focus has been on the Schedule and SDS records. Morris commented that
130473 - the Subject Index seems difficult, and may have indicated this does
130474 - not add a lot of value, reflecting discussion on 080206. ref SDS 31
130475 - A68J
130477 - ..
130478 - a. Log in
130479 -
130480 - Morris has created a good program setup and access that gives
130481 - administrators control to setup SDS access for users with IDs,
130482 - passwords and access rights.
130484 - ..
130485 - b. Schedule
130486 -
130487 - Morris has created a calendar similar to SDS, with the day of
130488 - the week and the date to identify the calendar, as follows...
130489 -
130490 - Tuesday October 7, 2008 20081007
130492 - ..
130493 - After discussion, Morris removed the redundant date at the end
130494 - of the line, described as intended to correlate with practice
130495 - of listing dates with numbers in SDS recoreds.
130497 - ..
130498 - Schedule analysis and adjustments for action items is missing
130499 - from the top line of the Schedule.
130501 - ..
130502 - Dates in the schedule are listed down the screen, as in the
130503 - current program.
130505 - ..
130506 - Diary is not yet created showing dates progressing backward
130507 - from today. Morris asked about this feature. When SDS was
130508 - started today on his Windows XP computer, per below,
130509 - demonstrated the automatic diary. ref SDS 0 PZ4I
130511 - ..
130512 - Morris plans to put action items in a special data base that
130513 - will segment tasks according to priority along the lines at
130514 - Intel and using Microsoft tools. This part is still pending.
130516 - ..
130517 - A series of mock activies were listed for for today, something
130518 - like...
130519 -
130520 - Tuesday October 7, 2008 20081007
130521 - View This is a test activity in the calendar1
130522 - View This is a test activity in the calendar2
130523 - View This is a test activity in the calendar3
130524 - View This is a test activity in the calendar4
130526 - ..
130527 - Morris did not demonstrate entering a new task. He mentioned
130528 - that something broke last night, so this may be a feature
130529 - being reworked, or is yet to be created, and the screen shown
130530 - today has mock data plugged for illustration purposes.
130531 -
130532 - "View" is a button for opening the record.
130534 - ..
130535 - Discussed elminating "View button as redundant, and using the
130536 - location of "View" to set the time for an event, as in the
130537 - current SDS program.
130539 - ..
130540 - Morris indicated planning to provide for designating various
130541 - times for a task, like start, finish, or duration. There may
130542 - have been discussion today about opening a dialog box for
130543 - specifying various types of time.
130545 - ..
130546 - Proposed default is the start time of a task used to identify
130547 - the record on the system, for example this task "Meeting with
130548 - Morris... started at 0700. Refinements specifying time may be
130549 - helpful in an Outlook-like program. They have not been factors
130550 - using SDS the past 20 years.
130552 - ..
130553 - Morris asked how people could enter a record without clicking a
130554 - "View" button.
130556 - ..
130557 - Enter key and double clicking work well. Morris feels pressing
130558 - Enter is awkward and not intuitive for the average user. He
130559 - recalled studies showing double clicking can be problematic
130560 - because different computers execute double clicks with
130561 - different timing. Discussed trying Enter and double clicking,
130562 - and if problems arise, this can be reconsidered.
130564 - ..
130565 - View button is not yet active.
130567 - ..
130568 - Calendar Diary System.
130570 - ..
130571 - Morris explained experience at Intel that uses "Schedule" for
130572 - work creating CSCSC flow charts using PERT and CPM methods to
130573 - manage big projects with thousands of tasks. He feels SDS uses
130574 - starts in a calendar todo list and not a "schedule," and so
130575 - schedule is used incorrectly in SDS. He wants to change the
130576 - name to the Calendar Diary System.
130578 - ..
130579 - Reserch on the Internet today shows...
130580 -
130581 - Onelook Dictionary Search
130582 -
130583 -
130584 -
130585 - Schedule
130587 - ..
130588 - Noun...
130589 -
130590 - 1. an ordered list of times at which things are planned to
130591 - occur
130592 -
130593 - 2. a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to
130595 - ..
130596 - Verb...
130597 -
130598 - 1. plan for an activity or event ("I've scheduled a concert
130599 - next week")
130600 -
130601 - 2. make a schedule; plan the time and place for events ("I
130602 - scheduled an exam for this afternoon")
130604 - ..
130605 - MSN Encarta Dictionary
130606 -
130607 -
130609 - ..
130610 - Schedule - noun...
130611 -
130612 - 1. list of meetings, commitments, or appointments: an
130613 - outline description of the things somebody is to do
130614 - and the times at which they are to be done, e.g., A
130615 - hectic schedule didn't leave time for lunch.
130617 - ..
130618 - 2. work plan: a plan of work to be done, showing the
130619 - order in which tasks are to be carried out and the
130620 - amounts of time allocated to them The project was
130621 - completed ahead of schedule. draw up a production
130622 - schedule
130624 - ..
130625 - 3. list of arrivals and departures: a list of the times
130626 - of arrivals and departures, e.g. of buses or trains
130628 - ..
130629 - 4. US education list of classes: a list of the classes
130630 - and the times at which they occur for a student or
130631 - teacher in a given period
130633 - ..
130634 - 5. list of items: a table of items of information a
130635 - schedule of tariffs
130637 - ..
130638 - 6. US drugs list of restricted drugs: a list of drugs
130639 - subject to the legal restrictions
130641 - ..
130642 - 7. supplementary list: a list of details, often in the
130643 - form of an appendix to a legal or legislative document
130645 - ..
130646 - Schedule - verb transitive...
130648 - ..
130649 - 1. plan something for a particular time: to plan
130650 - something to happen at a particular time: e.g., They
130651 - are scheduled to arrive at noon.
130653 - ..
130654 - 2. make a list of things: to put together a table of
130655 - items of information, or ce an item in the table
130657 - ..
130658 - c. SDS Records.
130659 -
130660 - Objectives and requirements for SDS records were presented a
130661 - yearago during the first meeting on 070907. ref SDS 26 VX9G
130663 - ..
130664 - Morris has done a lot of underlying work to open existing SDS
130665 - records and convert them to a new format. On the computer
130666 - screen, the new format has elements that look like SDS records
130667 - displayed in HTML on the Internet.
130669 - ..
130670 - Line numbers are missing as proposed by Morris on 080206.
130671 - ref SDS 31 ND8N
130673 - ..
130674 - Linking is not yet supported.
130676 - ..
130677 - Opening, creating, saving, revising, archiving, accessing,
130678 - outlining are pending.
130680 - ..
130681 - Text appears to be floating on the screen with no evident
130682 - association. The first line of every paragrah is offset one
130683 - character to the left. Morris explained this is how SDS
130684 - records seemed to appear, so he replicated the feature without
130685 - knowing the purpose, and without calling or sending a letter to
130686 - ask about an odd "appearance." Clarified that left margin
130687 - should align. Morris checked a sample record and saw the
130688 - correct format. He plans to correct this.
130690 - ..
130691 - There are a lot of color schemes. Discussed simplifying this
130692 - with only a few colors.
130694 - ..
130695 - Anchors for explicit links developed on 020320, ref SDS 17
130696 - TU6K, and displayed on the Internet as double dots for easy
130697 - recognition and use, ref SDS 17 O15M, are rendered in Morris'
130698 - initial effort for an SDS record as downard and left pointing
130699 - arrows, rather than the anchors themselves. Discussed
130700 - displaying the anchors to meet SDS requirements to faciliate a
130701 - variety of tasks constructing the record. Morris likes the
130702 - arrows. Feels displaying the anchors conflicts with the way
130703 - people are familiar using wordprocessing.
130705 - ..
130706 - Links are not active, and are rendered with the format of
130707 - footnotes [2]. There is no indication showing type of link,
130708 - e.g., document, document type, SDS records, internal or
130709 - external. References are in the record. Morris may have
130710 - discussed putting them in the record, or providing a means to
130711 - get a list for the record.
130713 - ..
130714 - The font is difficult to read. Morris has a lot of flexibility
130715 - with fonts. He is using a fixed font for the Control Fields,
130716 - and a proportional font for text.
130718 - ..
130719 - There has been no work on populating Control Fields, i.e. how
130720 - are accounts created and entered to organize the record,
130721 - explained on 890523. ref SDS 1 6H8O
130723 - ..
130724 - Morris demontrated data entry for writing a paragraph, and he
130725 - showed text adjusts to the right margin by changing the size of
130726 - the screen. He explained this design will not work well with
130727 - line numbers, discussed previously on 080206. ref SDS 31 X49L
130729 - ..
130730 - During the meeting, Morris glanced through the record on 890523
130731 - that explains line numbers, ref SDS 1 T1VQ, provide expanded
130732 - punctuation to complement links, time, and context that creates
130733 - a well ordered record. ref SDS 1 VC3F Experience using SDS
130734 - makes benefits of shallow outline flexible structure more
130735 - familiar described by Roy Roebuck at DOD reported on 020217, as
130736 - follows...
130738 - ..
130739 - Command and control for daily management is supported by
130740 - SDS design that discretely labels each line of continous
130741 - text in a shallow outlining scheme, applies some form of
130742 - time-stamp to the record and its outlined elements, and
130743 - references other recordings while also serving as a
130744 - reference for both past and subsequent recordings, thus
130745 - enriching and clarifying context with each new reference.
130746 - ref SDS 16 3105
130748 - ..
130749 - The [SDS] technique of creating the shallow outline scheme
130750 - for the various recorded texts, combined with the detailed
130751 - decomposition structure of your filing system (Web or local
130752 - files), thus yielding unique and time specific labeling of
130753 - textual content, is clear. It provides a useful variance
130754 - in technique from traditional filing systems, document
130755 - management, and records management. ref SDS 16 IT6N
130757 - ..
130758 - We looked at the record on 080529 to illustrate variety of
130759 - situations SDS is designed to manage. ref SDS 33 TZ8I Morris
130760 - explained that the wide range of tables in SDS records are hard
130761 - to accomplish with wordprocessing paradigm that flows the right
130762 - margin to the screen size, demonstrated today, per above.
130763 - ref SDS 0 DM93
130765 - ..
130766 - This aligns with understandings from the meeting on 080606,
130767 - when Gary was called to discuss SDS design. ref SDS 35 MN5F At
130768 - that time, Gary and Morris seemed to indicate that line numbers
130769 - are hard to support using wordprocessing software. ref SDS 35
130770 - YU6F On 080831 Morris reported plans for software to implement
130771 - the spirit of SDS, ref SDS 37 928Q, and noted line numbers
130772 - cannot be supported to provide flexible structures for Control
130773 - Fields, Subjects, References, links, document log, i.e., all of
130774 - the elements that integrate personal and organizational memory
130775 - for effective management. ref SDS 37 O37U
130776 -
130777 - [...below, Morris asked about using SDS to get
130778 - experience with program requirements. ref SDS 0 RF7N
130780 - ..
130781 - Morris demonstrated a table feature and found content in SDS
130782 - records does not format well in the table feature demonstrated
130783 - today.
130785 - ..
130786 - Requested that Morris mock up the record on 080529
130787 - demonstrating how to manage wide variety of work that arises
130788 - everyday from calls, documents, meetings, and research. Morris
130789 - indicated that the current design is centered in entering text
130790 - as ordinary paragraphs. He is planning to add outlining. We
130791 - looked at varous outline levels in the
130792 - record on 080529....
130794 - ..
130795 - Another record for testing the new program is on 070307.
130796 - ref SDS 24 U85L and again on 070517, ref SDS 25 0001
130797 -
130798 -
130799 -
130800 -
1309 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1403 -
140401 - ..
140402 - SDS Morris Use for Experience Learning Design Requirements
140403 -
140404 - Morris asked today for assistance to use the SDS program installed on
140405 - his computer during the meeting on 080531. ref SDS 34 MI6K
140406 -
140407 - [On 081103 submitted SDS records update that further
140408 - illustrates application scenarios for health care uniquely
140409 - managed by SDS, and demonstrate generic utility for general
140410 - knowledge work. ref SDS 41 G14U
140412 - ..
140413 - Today, he asked how to access Help with Ctrl F10.
140415 - ..
140416 - This is a good step for getting experience to understand SDS essential
140417 - features, discussed in Morris' letter on 071222, ref SDS 31 3V35, and
140418 - discussed again today, per above. ref SDS 0 DM93
140420 - ..
140421 - Morris asked why SDS features cannot be explained in a written report,
140422 - like a product specification?
140424 - ..
140425 - Learning skills like tying shoes, driving a car, using a knife and
140426 - fork, pen and paper require experience doing the tasks in order to
140427 - grasp integrated character of functionality, explained in POIMS.
140428 - ref OF 4 8559
140430 - ..
140431 - Health care is a good place to try capturing the record, because it is
140432 - important enough to justify investing time, and the amount of activity
140433 - is still relatively small.
140434 -
140435 - [On 081103 submitted SDS records update that further
140436 - illustrates application scenarios for health care uniquely
140437 - managed by SDS, and demonstrate generic utility for general
140438 - knowledge work. ref SDS 41 G14U
140440 - ..
140441 - Morris currently manages health care with a vest-pocket notebook,
140442 - reported on 080318. ref SDS 32 9G6U Starting at this level provides
140443 - time to experiment learning a new way of working, explained in POIMS,
140444 - ref OF 3 1X6G, and without getting frustrated because the initial
140445 - effort will be slowed by making mistakes, and having to start over.
140447 - ..
140448 - Managing health care with SDS has been effective. Kaiser reported on
140449 - 940728 that SDS records help medical practice improve patient care.
140450 - ref SDS 5 0001 This was discussed again on 940920, when a doctor used
140451 - the SDS record to avoid the cost of another examination. ref SDS 6
140452 - 5922
140453 -
140454 -
140455 -
140457 - ..
140458 - SDS on Morris' XP Computer Running Correctly Despite Error Messages
140459 -
140460 - Morris asked for assistance configuring SDS to run on his computer.
140462 - ..
140463 - SDS was installed for Morris on 080531. ref SDS 34 MI6K At that time,
140464 - a series of error messages occurred during initial log on. ref SDS 34
140465 - HR6M Today, we opened Morris' schedule without archiving, and noticed
140466 - the date is still 080531, indicating he has not tried to use it. He
140467 - reported having run various diagnostics on the records, and
140468 - discovered, for example, there are a lot of subjects assigned for each
140469 - record. The last date in the Schedule was about the end of August.
140470 - We used the File menu in the Schedule to add 6 months. The program
140471 - should do this automatically, but dediced to reduce the number of the
140472 - things that could wrong with respect to error messages.
140474 - ..
140475 - We then launched Morris' SDS program. The error messages observed on
140476 - 080531, occurred again, saying something is not recognized. They
140477 - flash by so fast, that meaning cannot be assessed. Consideration on
140478 - 080531 was that set and start commands, which provide a semblence of
140479 - virtual memory may not be working in the version of NTVD on Morris'
140480 - Windows XP program. ref SDS 34 PC6I
140482 - ..
140483 - Today, SDS seemed to launch correctly, but also seemed to take a long
140484 - time, about 20 minutes, rather than 10 - 15 mintues on cpu 14, which
140485 - is a 3.2 Ghz P4 system. Morris has a modern, more robust dual-core
140486 - system running Windows XP, which should work faster. Therefore,
140487 - longer processing time for launch could reflect failure of start
140488 - commands during SDS launch that constructs global pointers.
140490 - ..
140491 - When the program eventually came up, everything seemed okay.
140493 - ..
140494 - We later later checked and found that global pointers were created and
140495 - are the correct size. This indicates that the error messages during
140496 - the launch process do not relate to start command processing. That is
140497 - a big help indicating this big part of SDS processing works correctly
140498 - on Morris' computer.
140500 - ..
140501 - Doubtless, something will eventually show up that explains the error
140502 - messages.
140503 -
140505 - ..
140506 - Help SDS Demonstation Using SDS Schedule and Records
140507 -
140508 - In the Schedule, demonstrated F1 to create a new task in the Schedule;
140509 - type the description, and use F8 to set the time and status.
140511 - ..
140512 - Diary for the past 60 days was opened with F3, showing dates going
140513 - backward in time beginning with yesterday. This facilitated Morris'
140514 - work with the Windows application, per above. ref SDS 0 DL34
140516 - ..
140517 - Morris used Enter and double click to open the task as a schedule
140518 - record.
140520 - ..
140521 - Used the mouse to scroll the file up and down clicking on screen
140522 - columns 79 and 80 above and below the half way line.
140524 - ..
140525 - Used right click to open the menu bar, and used left click to open
140526 - various menu options.
140528 - ..
140529 - Help was opened with Ctrl F10. Went through several aspects of Help
140530 - for the schedule.
140532 - ..
140533 - Morris read the section in Help explaining that tasks in the Schedule
140534 - must be converted into diary records using F8 in order for diary
140535 - archiving to occur on program launch the next day, and which then
140536 - creates automatic links that form "trails of associations," proposed
140537 - by Vannevar Bush in the 1945 article, reported in the record on
140538 - 960304, It was discussed with Morris on 071212 for understanding
140539 - objectives of Knowledge Management. ref SDS 27 863H The article was
140540 - submitted to Morris on 080128. ref SDS 30 M37Y On 080318 Morris
140541 - reported having made a review. ref SDS 32 9G47
140543 - ..
140544 - Using SDS according to the plan, perform, report design that archives
140545 - performed tasks has been a challenge, reported on 920215. ref SDS 4
140546 - 5820 At that time, Morris was busy dealing with downsizing in an
140547 - economic downturn, ref SDS 4 HJ8G, and so did not have time to learn
140548 - SDS. ref SDS 4 4459
140550 - ..
140551 - Today, there is time for study.
140553 - ..
140554 - In the Schedule, used F8 to change the status of the new task to a
140555 - diary record. This solves the problems in 1992.
140557 - ..
140558 - We opened an SDS record.
140559 -
140560 -
140562 - ..
140563 - Line Numbers New Punctuation People Learn New Way of Working
140564 -
140565 - Morris said the one thing he doesn't like about SDS is that people can
140566 - type in the line number field.
140568 - ..
140569 - Initially, we laughed about tremendous progress having eliminated so
140570 - many issues, now down to just "one thing" Morris doesn't like about
140571 - SDS.
140573 - ..
140574 - On 911123, Morris described SDS as a new say of working. ref SDS 3
140575 - 0477 Line numbers are described on 890523 as a new way of working
140576 - that expands the flexible structure of writing, ref SDS 1 T1VQ, using
140577 - alphabet technology. ref SDS 1 T16K
140579 - ..
140580 - We did some experiments showing that typing in the line number field
140581 - is not easy. Somebody has to deliberatly move the cursor with the
140582 - arrow keys and type over the line numbers, similar to using the space
140583 - bar and blocking out text, or chaning a period to an x or something
140584 - that people learn not to do, because the system works in a particular
140585 - way that is very efficient, when a few simple rules are followed, like
140586 - put a period at the end of a sentence; start a sentence with a capital
140587 - letter, and done't type in the line number field.
140588 -
140590 - ..
140591 - New Way Working Transformation to Knowledge Complex Call for Help
140592 -
140593 - Used Ctrl F10 again to open Help that shows a variety of things that
140594 - guide use of the record.
140596 - ..
140597 - We looked at the record on 910520 when Morris started learning to use
140598 - SDS. At that time, he found SDS helpful saving time and money on the
140599 - first day. ref SDS 2 655O At the end of the meeting on 910520,
140600 - Morris indicated understanding of SDS sufficient to invest time for
140601 - learning, similar to learning a new programming language. The record
140602 - notes Morris grasped the process using SDS to "debug" daily
140603 - management, the way he uses other software to debug computer programs.
140604 - ref SDS 2 I66F
140606 - ..
140607 - The challenge will be if he calls for help, which will surely be
140608 - needed, or feels again there is not enough time, as reported on
140609 - 920215.
140610 -
140611 -
1407 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1503 -
150401 - ..
150402 - Virtual PC Run Current SDS on Vista 64-bit Computer
150403 -
150404 - Follow up ref SDS 40 P16X, ref SDS 39 0001.
150405 -
150406 - Morris had not read the letter sent to him yesterday, ref SDS 40 P16X,
150407 - and asking about using his Vista 64-bit quad-core computer to test
150408 - runing SDS under Virtual PC. ref SDS 40 EY6T
150410 - ..
150411 - Morris read through the record on 080926 listing operating systems
150412 - supported by Vista for 64-bit systems. ref SDS 38 O498 He opened
150413 - VPC product liturature...
150414 -
150415 -
150416 -
150417 - ...received from Microsoft yesterday on 081007. ref SDS 40 7Y4Y
150419 - ..
150420 - Morris related having worked with Virtual PC several years ago in
150421 - about 2005. At that time, the program was slow and caused problems
150422 - with the operating system. Today the prior experience raises concerns
150423 - that trying VPC to test SDS on Morris' 64-bit quad-core computer will
150424 - corrupt the operating system, Vista. He is also worried the program
150425 - will not remove effectively.
150427 - ..
150428 - Morris noted that he does not have code to install Windows XP to do
150429 - the test. The code on cpu15 will be wired in some way to prevent
150430 - installing on his Vista computer. We need to find out from Microsoft,
150431 - if people have to buy 2 operating systems in order to use a new
150432 - computer?
150433 -
150434 - [...below, letter to Ben at Microsoft asks how people get
150435 - the OS software to install under Virtual PC. ref SDS 0 PG5S
150437 - ..
150438 - As a result, Morris decided not to download and install Virtual PC to
150439 - test SDS on his computer, as requested in the letter yesterday.
150440 - ref SDS 40 EY6T
150441 -
150443 - ..
1505 -
1506 -
1507 - 0857
1508 -
150801 - Virtual PC Test Running SDS Vista Quad-core 64-bit Computer
150802 - Microsoft Letter on Test SDS on Vista Quad-core 64-bit Computer VCP
150803 -
150804 - We used the access provided by Grace at Microsoft on 081002 to send a
150805 - letter to Ben, who is a VPC community advisor, ref SDS 39 VV5G, and
150806 - following up the letter to Ben on 081002. ref SDS 39 PRPX
150807 -
150808 - 1. Date: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 9:05 AM
150812 - ..
150813 - 2. Subject: (Virtual PC Guy's WebLog) : Uninstalling VPC
150815 - ..
150816 - 3. If I try the virtual PC, and then uninstall it, will it remove
150817 - all traces of virtual PC from my Vista system?
150819 - ..
150820 - 4. An earlier version caused problems on removal attempts. Does
150821 - it still work the same?
150822 -
150823 - [...below, Ben responds favorably. ref SDS 0 PUTV
150824 -
150830 -
150832 - ..
1509 -
1510 -
1511 - 0908
1512 -
151201 - Morris sent a second letter...
151202 -
151203 - 1. Subject: (Virtual PC Guy's WebLog) : VPC performance
151204 - Date: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 9:11 AM
151208 - ..
151209 - 2. I am currently running a 16 bit DOS app with windows XP on a
151210 - 3.2GHz P4. Will the performance be approximatly the same on a
151211 - 64bit quad core PC running under Virtual PC.
151212 -
151213 - [...below, Ben says DOS is tricky; some apps run good,
151214 - others are slow; recommends testing. ref SDS 0 L95G
151215 -
151216 -
151222 -
151223 -
151224 -
151226 - ..
1513 -
1514 -
1515 - 1543
1516 -
151601 - Microsoft Responds Virtual PC May Solve Using SDS on 64-bit Computers
151602 -
151603 - After returning from the meeting with Morris in Saratoga, received a
151604 - response from Ben at Microsoft saying...
151605 -
151606 - 1. Subject: Uninstalling VPC
151607 - Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 09:30:42 -0700
151611 - ..
151612 - 2. It will not remove any virtual machine files, but it will
151613 - remove all program files.
151615 - ..
151616 - This seems favorable to Morris' question above, ref SDS 0 U56R, sounds
151617 - like that if we are running SDS, and create SDS records, documents,
151618 - etc., and then remove VPC, then SDS files will remain on the disk, but
151619 - VPC program files will be removed.
151621 - ..
151622 - Ben's letter concludes...
151623 -
151624 - 3. Cheers,
151625 -
151626 - Ben
151627 -
151629 - ..
1517 -
1518 -
1519 - 1550
1520 -
152001 - Received 2nd letter from Ben..
152002 -
152003 - 1. Subject: RE: (Virtual PC Guy's WebLog) : VPC performance
152004 - Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 09:28:59 -0700
152008 - ..
152009 - 2. Hi Rod,
152011 - ..
152012 - 3. DOS is a bit tricky, some programs run well - others can be
152013 - quite slow. I would recommend that you try it out and see what
152014 - happens.
152016 - ..
152017 - The purpose of the meeting today was to "try it out," per discussion
152018 - with Morris, ref SDS 0 HX6F, and contacting Microsoft about safety of
152019 - doing such a test. ref SDS 0 J15F We are in a loop.
152021 - ..
152022 - 4. Cheers,
152023 -
152024 - Ben
152025 -
152027 - ..
1521 -
1522 -
1523 - 1631
1524 -
152401 - Virtual PC Buy 2 Oprating Systems Microsoft Lab to Test SDS with VCP
152402 -
152403 - Submitted another letter to Microsoft asking how to perform the test
152404 - Ben suggest.
152405 -
152406 - 1. Subject: VPC performance
152407 - Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2008 16:34:14 -0700
152412 - ..
152413 - 2. Ben,
152415 - ..
152416 - 3. Thanks for the tip [in your letter today] to test our DOS
152417 - 16-bit line of business software, ref SDS 0 L95G, an editor
152418 - written in assembly and configured for the Schedule Diary
152419 - System (SDS). We have been running the thing on NTVD under
152420 - Windows XP Pro for 5 years and it works fine.
152422 - ..
152423 - 4. If we configure Windows XP pro under VPC on a Vista 64-bit
152424 - quad-core system, can we use the XP code installed on our
152425 - current computers, or do we have to buy two (2) operating
152426 - systems? ref SDS 0 4U55 Possibly Dell can make the
152427 - configuration at the factory. How has the industry addressed
152428 - this issue?
152430 - ..
152431 - 5. Is there a Microsoft lab in the San Francisco area where we can
152432 - test performance, as you suggest. Or does Microsoft have a lab
152433 - where we can send a single (e.exe about 250K), and see how it
152434 - runs with VPC on a Vista 64-bit quad-core system?
152436 - ..
152437 - 6. I had arranged to buy a 64-bit quad-core Vista machine from
152438 - Dell, and [on 080723] they said to contact Microsoft to test
152439 - performance. ref SDS 36 LJ4O
152441 - ..
152442 - 7. I have a friend who is running Vista on a 64-bit quad-core
152443 - computer. He is worried that installing Virtual PC to test
152444 - running SDS will mess up his configuration, which has taken a
152445 - long time to get set up, and then he won't be able to uninstall
152446 - the thing effectively. ref SDS 0 GY3M
152448 - ..
152449 - 8. Thanks again.
152451 - ..
152452 - 9. Rod
152453 -
152454 -
152455 -
152456 -
1525 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1603 -
160401 - ..
160402 - Medit 16-bit Assembly Update or Complete Medit C-version
160403 -
160404 - At the end of the meeting, discussed parallel project to create the
160405 - editor in 64-bit mode, to solve the problem encountered on 080531.
160406 - ref SDS 34 HF9J
160408 - ..
160409 - Morris has done good work the past year toward a Windows application
160410 - for SDS, reported above. ref SDS 0 XV9F Progress may increase, as
160411 - experience grows understanding essential features from using SDS,
160412 - ref SDS 0 9F34, per explanation of learning SDS. ref SDS 0 9E88
160413 - Morris appreciates that, even if the pace of SDS development improves
160414 - considerably, the SDS Windows application could take many years,
160415 - reviewed above. ref SDS 0 XV9F
160417 - ..
160418 - A parallel effort to create the current editor to run on 64-bit
160419 - systems provides options for SDS support in the future. Morris noted
160420 - today that he has already created about 5 times the amount of code for
160421 - the Windows application than is involved for the entire Medit program.
160423 - ..
160424 - Morris feels the best solution is to develop the C-version of Medit
160425 - with the macro commands. Morris commented that faster processors make
160426 - assembly programming less essential. He expects there will be
160427 - problems running the macros, and so some may have to be revised. This
160428 - seems achievable based on prior history.
160429 -
160430 - [On 081104 Morris demonstrated work on starting a new
160431 - development project to create the Medit editor that currently
160432 - runs SDS on Intel 64-bit processors that runs on the Vista
160433 - operating system; starting out using Java development platform
160434 - to gain experience toward determining viability, and need to
160435 - upgrade the current assembly code. ref SDS 42 2W6I
160437 - ..
160438 - [On 081114 Morris concerned that limitations of Microsoft Word
160439 - that prevent data entry of line lengths beyond screen width,
160440 - based on requirements for printing documents will not support
160441 - SDS design that adds control criteria to manage record content,
160442 - including analysis of documents in columns beyond traditional
160443 - dimensions of 8.5" x 11" for printing documents. ref SDS 43
160444 - VB6H
160446 - ..
160447 - Morris discussed writing an interpreter for the macro language is a
160448 - difficult task. He also discussed writing a compiler. Sounded like
160449 - this might be easier than the interpreter. Morris said the SDS
160450 - innovaiton modifying macros dyamically during run-time would not work
160451 - for compiled code, so the interpreter would have to provide this
160452 - feature. Sounds like it was an accident, and so re-creating it might
160453 - be difficult.
160455 - ..
160456 - This was a constructive discussion.
160457 -
160458 -
160459 -
160460 -
160461 -
160462 -
160463 -
160464 -
160465 -
160466 -
160467 -
160468 -
160469 -
1605 -