Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: January 24, 2008 11:14 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Morris SDS records example Windows application using Java Ruby on Rails.
2...Ruby on Rails Java Technology Sun Netbeans SDS Windows Application
3...Reinvent Wheel SDS Case Study Development Tools Avoid Medit Assembly
4...Reinvent Wheel Knowledge Management Case Study Avoid Medit Assembly
5...Case Study SDS Windows Application Development Tools Considerations
6...Sample SDS Records Windows Application Shows Value Written Analysis
7...Record Format Does Not Comply with SDS Standards Formulated 20 Years
8...Case Study SDS Frustrating to Learn and Implement Flexible Structure
Click here to comment!
Ruby on Rails Java MCV Development Model Using Sun Netbeans SDS Wind
2603 -
2603 - ..
2604 - Summary/Objective
2605 -
260501 - Follow up ref SDS 38 0000, ref SDS 37 0000.
260502 -
260503 -
260504 -
260505 -
260506 -
260507 -
260508 -
260510 - ..
2606 -
2607 -
2608 - Progress
2609 -
260901 - Ruby on Rails Java Technology Sun Netbeans SDS Windows Application
260902 -
260903 - Follow up ref SDS 35 OM6G, ref SDS 34 PX5H.
260904 -
260905 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 letter from Morris saying...
260906 -
260907 - 1. I have started working on a SDS application template using Ruby
260908 - on Rails (which is free) and the MVC development model. The
260909 - data is currently stored in a SQL database, and the interface
260910 - is a web browser. ref DRT 1 0001
260912 - ..
260913 - Morris discussed using Java in a telephone call on 080104, ref SDS 35
260914 - OM6G, citing communications with Jack Park. This was noted in a
260915 - letter to the development team on 080108. ref SDS 36 OM6G At that
260916 - time Jack responded in a letter that creating SDS with Java is welcome
260917 - news. ref SDS 36 SY6M
260919 - ..
260920 - Case study on 060211 reports prior consideration of Java. ref SDS 27
260921 - YY5K Related case study on XML was developed in the record a few
260922 - weeks ago on 071113. ref SDS 31 XC3M
260924 - ..
260925 - Morris' report today using Ruby on Rails Sun Netbeans technology seems
260926 - like the 3rd or 4th change finding tools to create software program
260927 - for Knowledge Management, in this case to develop an SDS Windows
260928 - application. Review on 071106 found developing Knowledge Management
260929 - is difficult; everyone has failed except SDS. ref SDS 30 OS6M
260930 -
260931 - [On 080206 Morris reports that using Java is fun, fast, and
260932 - easy. ref SDS 41 RR36
260934 - ..
260935 - [On 080206 Morris showed progress using Java with Ruby on
260936 - Rails for development SDS Windows application. ref SDS 41
260937 - RR3F, and demonstrated data entry using Java editor he
260938 - plans to substitute for Medit that does not support
260939 - requirements for SDS. ref SDS 41 RR47
260941 - ..
260942 - [On 080315 Morris abandonded work produced with Ruby on
260943 - Rails; he is starting over with code to use Ruby alone for
260944 - a development platform. ref SDS 42 9G41
260945 -
260946 -
2610 -
Case Study SDS Windows Application Development Tools Planning Assemb
4703 -
470401 - ..
470402 - Reinvent Wheel SDS Case Study Development Tools Avoid Medit Assembly
470403 - Reinvent Wheel Knowledge Management Case Study Avoid Medit Assembly
470404 - Case Study SDS Windows Application Development Tools Considerations
470405 -
470406 - So far the team has considered...
470407 -
470408 - 1. SDS Flexible structures new way working
470409 - using well ordered record to cope with
470410 - faster paced world in 21st century
470411 - enable people to comprehend
470412 - complex connections of
470413 - cause and effect....................... 890523, ref SDS 1 P13O
470414 - 2. Power of knowledge from granularity of
470415 - command control with 7 complementary
470416 - elements maintain well ordered record
470417 - for accurate understanding cause
470418 - and effect for working
470419 - intelligently.......................... 890523, ref SDS 1 TP8O
470420 - 3. Morris likes SDS architecture using
470421 - Medit assembly platform for a new way
470422 - of working that connects Diary reports
470423 - to Schedule plans because this links
470424 - planning to experience and
470425 - history................................ 890809, ref SDS 2 8211
470426 - 4. Vannivar Bush proposed in 1945 in article
470427 - "As we may think, using computers to
470428 - maintain well ordered record that
470429 - augments intelligence by increasing
470430 - speed and accuracy of traditional
470431 - management systems to grow
470432 - and apply knowledge.................... 960304, ref SDS 7 L47F
470433 - 5. SRI research all KM projects failed.... 000324, ref SDS 10 4877
470434 - 6. SDS invented "wheel" of Knowledge
470435 - Management using Medit with assembly
470436 - language platform...................... 000425, ref SDS 11 0480
470437 - 7. High tech tourism wastes time money
470438 - searching for fast, easy solutions
470439 - taking short cuts rather than design
470440 - and build what is needed for
470441 - Knowledge Management................... 000601, ref SDS 12 1007
470442 - 8. OHS/DKR software tools failed.......... 000824, ref SDS 13 MVE8
470443 - 9. Jack Park SDS enables amazing ability
470444 - delinate temporal sequences............ 001116, ref SDS 14 953G
470445 - 10. KM very difficult without SDS.......... 001117, ref SDS 15 E47M
470446 - 11. KM kernal very complex solved by SDS... 001127, ref SDS 16 0001
470447 - 12. Assembly SDS update Medit platform
470448 - requires 1 week to program and
470449 - 6 months to debug...................... 010205, ref SDS 17 Q54L
470450 - 13. No clues people cannot create Knowledge
470451 - Management using software development
470452 - tools without relying on SDS
470453 - assembly platform...................... 011003, ref SDS 22 O74L
470454 - 14. Knowledge Management case study all
470455 - projects have failed without using
470456 - SDS assembly platform.................. 020608, ref SDS 24 QV5G
470457 - 15. Assembly language recommended for
470458 - Windows applications................... 040505, ref SDS 26 QU8K
470459 - 16. SDS assembly update Medit Morris
470460 - not enough time........................ 040505, ref SDS 26 QU61
470461 - 17. Case study from 1990 on updating SDS U61
470462 - to use more memory..................... 040505, ref SDS 26 QU61
470463 - 18. Java case study SDS Windows............ 060211, ref SDS 27 YY5K
470464 - 19. People giving up all 3 elements chronology
470465 - (daily report), context (indexing), and
470466 - connections (links) to gain experience
470467 - required to learn how to design and
470468 - build Knowledge Management tools
470469 - case study............................. 070126, ref SDS 28 QH8L
470470 - 20. SDS assembly Medit platform............ 070907, ref SDS 29 YC7O
470471 - 21. Version control record lockdown........ 070907, ref SDS 29 6I4N
470472 - 22. Schedule Outlook design................ 070907, ref SDS 29 XI6S
470473 - 23. C Programming Language................. 070907, ref SDS 29 JQ88
470474 - 24. Contacts start SDS development......... 071106, ref SDS 30 W889
470475 - 25. XML.................................... 071113, ref SDS 31 LY6X
470476 - 26. XML case study......................... 071113, ref SDS 31 XC3M
470477 - 27. SDS saves lives time money............. 071212, ref SDS 32 IB7N
470478 - 28. Jack Park case study SDS invented
470479 - wheel of Knowledge Management.......... 071220, ref SDS 33 M53N
470480 - 29. Java................................... 080104, ref SDS 35 OM6G
470481 - 30. Ruby on rails.......................... 080124, ref SDS 0 W05L
470482 - 31. Record format difficult with Java...... 080124, ref SDS 0 FW4J
470483 - 32. Record Segments difficult with Java.... 080206, ref SDS 41 H15H
470484 - 33. Contacts use generic system............ 080206, ref SDS 41 C77K
470485 - 34. Use cases SDS Knowledge Management..... 080206, ref SDS 41 RR46
470486 - 35. Reinvent "wheel" of SDS................ 080206, ref SDS 41 JO8U
470487 - 36. Control Fields difficult
470488 - using Java............................. 080206, ref SDS 41 H15H
470489 - 37. Publishing paradigm to print professional
470490 - documents blinds people to requirements
470491 - for flexible structures that drive
470492 - power of knowledge..................... 080206, ref SDS 41 6F9G
470493 - 38. Java Ruby on Rails all work on SDS
470494 - abandoned starting over with
470495 - Ruby................................... 080318, ref SDS 42 9G41
470496 - 39. Vanniver Bush article and Doug Engelbart
470497 - ideas for augmenting intelligence
470498 - presented to Morris for goals and
470499 - requirements of SDS.................... 080318, ref SDS 42 9G47
470500 - 40. SDS support for Knowledge Management
470501 - Morris requests case study............. 080318, ref SDS 42 UW3L
470502 - 41. SDS Windows project loss of direction
470503 - people do not understand information
470504 - knowledge and intelligence due
470505 - to lack of experience doing
470506 - SDS-like tasks......................... 080422, ref SDS 43 AF4G
470507 - 42. Documents case study experience writing,
470508 - printing, filing blocks understanding
470509 - transformation to new way of working
470510 - using Knowledge Management for
470511 - paperless office model................. 080422, ref SDS 43 W66H,
470512 - 43. SDS assembly language platform enables
470513 - huge work product stretching over
470514 - decades [30 years] -- a feat
470515 - matched by no other known
470516 - efforts................................ 080422, ref SDS 43 KH8L
470517 - 44. SDS implements theory of knowledge
470518 - distinguished from software tools
470519 - designed to publish high quality
470520 - documents, Gary Johnson................ 080422, ref SDS 43 MQ4L
470521 - 45. Case study 5 years Gary Johnson explains
470522 - SDS integrates complementary features
470523 - with efficient usability requires
470524 - SDS assembly platform developed
470525 - over 30 years trial and
470526 - error.................................. 080422, ref SDS 43 RH7M
470527 - 46. Java can implement "spirit" of SDS
470528 - because flexible structure requires
470529 - Medit assembly language
470530 - macro support.......................... 080831, ref SDS 47 O37U
470531 - 47. Java SDS 5-10% complete without Medit
470532 - assembly platform...................... 081007, ref SDS 48 XV9F
470533 - 48. Java Medit avoid assembly for SDS...... 081104, ref SDS 49 2W6I
470534 - 49. Assembly tools cost $2,000............. 081104, ref SDS 49 VN6F
470535 - 50. Assembly language platform effective
470536 - for 30 years SDS support Knowledge
470537 - Management............................. 081104, ref SDS 49 VO3P
470538 - 51. SDS longevity with assembly platform
470539 - essential maintain knowledge growth
470540 - across decades and
470541 - centuries.............................. 081104, ref SDS 49 264L
470542 - 52. Publishing paradigm hard to transcend
470543 - for Knowledge Management with Java
470544 - version of Medit editor because
470545 - computer industry standards limit
470546 - data entry to printing documents
470547 - with high quality professional
470548 - appearance............................. 081114, ref SDS 50 VB5J
470549 - 53. Assembly language advantages for SDS
470550 - platform Gary preparing professional
470551 - presentation........................... 081120, ref SDS 51 KD5J,
470552 - Java cited as good as any development
470553 - platform for SDS, cited by
470554 - Gary................................... 081120, ref SDS 51 WS5R
470555 - Assembly not popular development
470556 - platform for Internet software
470557 - SDS, cited by
470558 - Gary................................... 081120, ref SDS 51 4Q4F
470559 - 54. Assembly software engineer Steve
470560 - Gibson explains advantages rather than
470561 - use Java and other languages to
470562 - upgrade SDS............................ 081202, ref SDS 52 QW6G
470563 - 55. Assembly benefits for SDS upgrade
470564 - Morris reviews Steve Gibson's
470565 - letter................................. 081204, ref SDS 53 V24F
470566 - 56. Morris Internet research for projects
470567 - upgrade 16-bit Assembly line-of-buisness
470568 - software to 64-bit applications cites
470569 - difficulties for Medit original
470570 - design................................. 090105, ref SDS 54 EC55
470572 - ..
470573 - Efforts the past 6 months developing an SDS Windows application seems
470574 - similar to the path of OHS/DKR development reported by Eric Armstrong
470575 - on 000824, relating a meeting with Doug Engelbart. ref SDS 13 MVE8
470576 - High tech tourism spends time looking for solutions that can be
470577 - "hacked" together in order to avoid "reinventing the wheel," cited at
470578 - SRI on 000601. ref SDS 12 1007
470580 - ..
470581 - [On 080206 Morris demonstrates editor based on Ruby on
470582 - Rails Java software development platform. ref SDS 41 RR3F
470584 - ..
470585 - [On 081007 SDS Windows application using Java Netbeans 5% -
470586 - 10% complete after a year.
470588 - ..
470589 - Review on 000425 indicates SDS has invented the "wheel" of Knowledge
470590 - Management. ref SDS 11 0480 Research at Microsoft, IBM, Oracle,
470591 - Harvard, Intel, CRTI, Traction, DOD, SRI shows there are no other
470592 - solutions. On 001117 Eric Armstrong reported difficulties people have
470593 - creating Knowledge Management capability. ref SDS 15 E47M On 001127
470594 - Eric further advised that experience during the year 2000 shows that
470595 - designing Knowledge Management is very complex. ref SDS 16 0001
470597 - ..
470598 - A year later, on 010913 Eric reported that SDS adds value to
470599 - information by adding connections to history. ref SDS 19 1U3O A few
470600 - days later, on 010916 Eric was amazed by SDS work product for
470601 - organizational memory demonstrating evidence that SDS mechanisms that
470602 - obviously work. ref SDS 20 0001 On 020530 Eric noted SDS capabilities
470603 - seem incredible, ref SDS 23 Y89F, which aligns with Morris' analysis
470604 - on 010425 that SDS is a utopia compared to using other tools, because
470605 - everything is in the right place at the right time. ref SDS 18 EP7F
470607 - ..
470608 - This record indicates that SDS provides a working model for
470609 - integrating a critical mass of tools that advance from information to
470610 - a culture of knowledge, noted by Morris on 010924. ref SDS 21 XT5F
470611 - Studying how SDS works is the shortest path for developing effective
470612 - tools in a Windows application for Knowledge Management.
470613 -
470614 - [On 080318 Morris asked who has commented on SDS support for
470615 - Knowledge Management; case study at that time shows very few
470616 - have note SDS capability. ref SDS 42 GW40
470617 -
470618 -
470619 -
470620 -
470621 -
470622 -
4707 -
Examples SDS Records Windows Application Ruby on Rails Java MCV Deve
7803 -
780401 - ..
780402 - Sample SDS Records Windows Application Shows Value Written Analysis
780403 - Record Format Does Not Comply with SDS Standards Formulated 20 Years
780404 -
780405 - Morris' letter on SDS development continues...
780406 -
780407 - 2. This is a sample screen shot of just the record body. (The part
780408 - I have working as a learning exercise). I will add prior
780409 - related records, subject index fields in the next week or so
780410 - after I get back into the house and send you another update.
780411 - ref DRT 1 YZ5O
780413 - ..
780414 - 3. The development software is Sun netbeans (Which is free). The
780415 - record links are to a local server on my machine, and it is
780416 - only available to the application on this machine. (Later, you
780417 - can figure out a way to host the application anywhere). I need
780418 - to add user and session information along with log in so
780419 - multiple users can be supported properly. ref DRT 1 YZ6L
780421 - ..
780422 - 4. SDS record listing
780424 - ..
780425 - Title: A simple record
780426 - Author: Rod
780427 - Created Thu Jan 24 07:18:44 -0800 2008
780428 - Modified Thu Jan 24 08:22:28 -0800 2008
780430 - ..
780431 - Show Edit Destroy
780433 - ..
780434 - Rod feels he has invented a better alphabet. this alphabet has
780435 - a very important fact. It only uses numbers. The traditional
780436 - numbers are replaced with a complex set of prime numbers.
780437 -
780438 - [On 080127 letter to Morris cites Jack Park's colleague at
780439 - SRI, and Doug Lenant explaining the role of the alphabet
780440 - for augmenting human intelligence. ref SDS 39 FW4J
780442 - ..
780443 - The record format proposed, ref SDS 0 H19U, does not conform to SDS
780444 - standards shown by this record.
780446 - ..
780447 - Line numbers are missing from Morris' sample records, implementing
780448 - discussion on 071212. ref SDS 32 GI9I
780449 -
780450 - [On 080206 Morris proposes using an editor that cannot
780451 - support flexible structure for the Subject Index,
780452 - Control Fields, and line numbers; creating the editor
780453 - required for SDS takes a lot of hard work. ref SDS 41
780454 - RT9I
780456 - ..
780457 - [On 080606 Gary seemed to support Morris' feeling that
780458 - SDS can be effective without support for shallow outline
780459 - using line numbers for flexible structure. ref SDS 45
780460 - 9A5Q
780462 - ..
780463 - [On 080606 Morris asks for help understanding purpose of
780464 - line numbers to provide a well ordered record that
780465 - supports efficient communication. ref SDS 45 2C5I
780467 - ..
780468 - [On 080611 Morris' letter to the team illustrates how a
780469 - well ordered record using line numbers for flexible
780470 - structure orients communication. ref SDS 46 M38T
780472 - ..
780473 - Case study shows long standing requirements for flexible structure
780474 - supported by line numbers...
780476 - ..
780477 - 1. Requirements for seven (7) elements
780478 - of flexible structure are
780479 - presented......................... 890523. ref SDS 1 P13O
780481 - ..
780482 - 2. Line numbers are a flexible structure
780483 - that provide command and control of
780484 - the record........................ 890523, ref SDS 1 5C6L
780486 - ..
780487 - 3. Flexible structure to maintain order
780488 - in the record of daily work was
780489 - submitted to the SDS
780490 - team.............................. 070907, ref SDS 29 FB7H
780492 - ..
780493 - 4. Benefits of maintaining order in the
780494 - record discussed with Morris
780495 - again during another
780496 - meeting........................... 071106, ref SDS 30 FL50
780498 - ..
780499 - 5. Line numbers as a component of
780500 - flexible structure was
780501 - discussed......................... 071106, ref SDS 30 UV5O
780503 - ..
780504 - 6. Requirements for structured analysis
780505 - aided by flexible structure was
780506 - discussed citing Jack Park's review
780507 - on 001130 fiding SDS has the right
780508 - design for the structure of
780509 - knowledge......................... 071113, ref SDS 31 EF8M
780511 - ..
780512 - 7. Discussed again work on 890523 specifying
780513 - requirements for seven (7) elements of
780514 - flexible structure citing article by
780515 - Vannevar Bush in 1945 on special
780516 - needs for making computers
780517 - useful to daily
780518 - management........................ 071212, ref SDS 32 863H
780520 - ..
780521 - Morris' sample narrative today has the correct concept of improving
780522 - the alphabet with enhanced grammar for flexible structure using
780523 - anchors, time, line numbers, and context that increase command and
780524 - control of text to leverage intelligence from remembering cause and
780525 - effect. The description that SDS "...only uses numbers" is not
780526 - supported by the record, illustrated by this reord. SDS design for
780527 - "flexible structure" is explained is the record on 890523. ref SDS 1
780528 - P13O
780530 - ..
780531 - [On 080128 follow up letter suggests Morris review Vannevar
780532 - Bush article that set original goals using computers for
780533 - management, leading to Knowledge Management. ref SDS 40
780534 - M37Y
780536 - ..
780537 - Numbers provide enhanced control for organizing words into building
780538 - blocks connecting cause and effect that yields the power of knowledge.
780539 - Numbers provide significant granularity to efficiently manage
780540 - chronology, context, and connections, explained in POIMS, ref OF 6
780541 - 8555, within a framework of Knowledge Space that enables precision
780542 - access, explained in NWO. ref OF 13 PX6J
780544 - ..
780545 - Jack Park's letter to the team on 071212 illustrates benefits of SDS
780546 - support for precision access using line numbers. ref SDS 33 RH6L
780547 -
780548 - [On 080127 cite Havelock supporting Lenant's opinion that
780549 - the alphabet is an explosive technology that lifts
780550 - civilization, ref SDS 39 OM9R; Plato is also cited for
780551 - historical perspective. ref SDS 39 OM9Y
780553 - ..
780554 - [On 080206 Morris objects line numbers can be corrupted by
780555 - people writing over the field, similar to people writing
780556 - over punctuation and spelling. ref SDS 41 DI73
780558 - ..
780559 - [On 080606 Morris asks for help understanding purpose of
780560 - line numbers to provide a well ordered record that supports
780561 - efficient communication. ref SDS 45 2C5I
780563 - ..
780564 - [On 080611 Morris' letter to the team illustrates how a
780565 - well ordered record using line numbers for flexible
780566 - structure orients communication. ref SDS 46 M38T
780568 - ..
780569 - Precision access accomplishes the "utopia" Morris cited on 010425
780570 - because SDS has everything in the right place at the right time.
780571 - ref SDS 18 EP7F
780573 - ..
780574 - Morris mocks SDS record flexible structure continues...
780575 -
780576 - Initially, numbers representing words are created by
780577 - multiplication of the letter weighted prime numbers. This
780578 - results in a very efficient way of teaching children. The
780579 - issues surrounding letters can be removed, and children simply
780580 - taught the numerals 0-9. All of the old letters and words are
780581 - created from numbers... Afterwards, the old letters and words
780582 - are removed from instruction, and pure numbers are used for
780583 - everything. See ref Rod10329476561-094321893751-
780584 - 098741092837641092784576- 29348562903-847520934875 on proper
780585 - file system naming (Rod invents the file system) Careful study
780586 - has shown that a 7 digit number would easily support millions
780587 - of words, and except for a few SDS users who have significantly
780588 - augmented intellegence, most people can't remember that many
780589 - numbers anyways. Society would benefit by replacing all word
780590 - processors and spelling checkers with spreadsheets and
780591 - calculators.
780593 - ..
780594 - [On 080127 the paper Jack submitted on Techologies of
780595 - Cooperation was cited in a letter to Morris on the role of
780596 - alphabet technology to lift civilization, ref SDS 39 OM4U,
780597 - and noting that Jack does not support this part of the
780598 - paper. ref SDS 39 OM5R
780600 - ..
780601 - [On 080606 Morris asks for help understanding purpose of
780602 - line numbers to provide a well ordered record that
780603 - supports efficient communication. ref SDS 45 2C5I
780605 - ..
780606 - [On 080611 Morris' letter to the team illustrates how a
780607 - well ordered record using line numbers for flexible
780608 - structure orients communication. ref SDS 46 M38T
780609 -
780610 -
780611 -
780612 -
7807 -
Case Study SDS Flexible Structure Frustrating Difficult Learn New Wa
9203 -
920401 - ..
920402 - Case Study SDS Frustrating to Learn and Implement Flexible Structure
920403 -
920404 - Significant effort expended today parodying SDS design using numbers
920405 - to complement alphabet technology for faster and accurate memory of
920406 - the record using precision access, ref SDS 0 945F, suggests deep
920407 - frustrations struggling to understand the mystery of the mind that
920408 - uses "connectionist theory" reviewed on 900303, ref SDS 3 6006, for
920409 - converting information into the "power of knowledge," reviewed on
920410 - 040312, ref SDS 25 YH4G, like the mystery of "turning water into
920411 - wine," reviewed on 960409. ref SDS 8 7211 Mystery of "Knowledge
920412 - Management" seen from "Black Box" technology with no design, no
920413 - process, no work product of "experts" reported on 000113. ref SDS 9
920414 - 3380
920416 - ..
920417 - Frustrations understanding SDS design today, ref SDS 0 JR8L, reflect
920418 - Morris' explanation on 010924 that nobody uses other software the way
920419 - flexible structures of SDS are used for intelligence support.
920420 - ref SDS 21 XT5F Earlier on 920215 Morris cited counterintuitive
920421 - design that is hard to grasp. ref SDS 6 5820 Many years experience
920422 - using Microsoft and other information technologies does not yield
920423 - understanding of SDS support for Knowledge Management.
920425 - ..
920426 - [On 080502 health care Kaiser computer "Black Box"
920427 - transaction ordering medication prescription results
920428 - uncertain. ref SDS 44 PW6M
920430 - ..
920431 - Case study shows....
920432 -
920433 - 1. Morris has thought a lot about the
920434 - way Rod uses SDS and the way other
920435 - people work, and SDS is a new way
920436 - of working........................ 911123, ref SDS 5 4930
920438 - ..
920439 - 2. Morris uses SDS effectively with
920440 - support........................... 910520, ref SDS 4 655O,
920441 - and that experience yielded the
920442 - view that SDS is very
920443 - effective......................... 910520, ref SDS 4 I66F
920445 - ..
920446 - 3. Frustration about difficulty learning
920447 - new way of working without support
920448 - and many responsibilities to get
920449 - things done using tools and skills
920450 - already acquired makes SDS design
920451 - counterintuitive and mysterious
920452 - leading to outpouring of focus
920453 - numbers........................... 920215, ref SDS 6 5820
920455 - ..
920456 - 4. SDS improves management better than
920457 - other methods because the tools
920458 - have been refined from direct
920459 - experience with routine
920460 - implementation.................... 010924, ref SDS 21 NK4J
920462 - ..
920463 - 5. Nobody uses software to support daily
920464 - management the way SDS does things
920465 - like assembly a case study shown
920466 - in this record.................... 010924, ref SDS 21 XT5F
920467 - lack of experience with SDS doing
920468 - Knowledge Management, and 30 years
920469 - experience using information management
920470 - software prevents understanding
920471 - requirements for flexible structures
920472 - to complement conventional tools that
920473 - improve appearance of
920474 - documents......................... 080124, ref SDS 0 6I9N
920476 - ..
920477 - 6. Flexible structure SDS powerful and
920478 - frustrating like religion that "kicks"
920479 - on occassion, but also gives "milk"
920480 - that sustains generally tranquil
920481 - human relations so that civilization
920482 - flourishes in a world rife with
920483 - competition for limited
920484 - resources......................... 080206, ref SDS 41 RR70
920486 - ..
920487 - Morris mock SDS record continues...
920488 -
920489 - Title: Improved alphabet
920490 - Author: Rod
920491 - Created Thu Jan 24 07:21:54 -0800 2008
920492 - Modified Thu Jan 24 07:21:54 -0800 2008
920494 - ..
920495 - Show Edit Destroy
920497 - ..
920498 - The numeric alphabet technology is further refined to
920499 - consist of 7 digit numbers. these numbers are easily
920500 - remembered (Like phone numbers). If you assume the old
920501 - letters are prime numbers from 1001 and above, then simply
920502 - multiplying them and taking the remainder will map most
920503 - words (About 20,000 is all people really use) to different
920504 - numbers. A few words will map to the same number, but people
920505 - are already used to dealing with the same word spelling
920506 - having multiple meanings. See ROD1448987363839020-
920507 - 2784664839390-99329389436456383893 <Rod invents the
920508 - dictionary> for examples of several words with multiple
920509 - meanings.
920511 - ..
920512 - Morris shows a lot of imagination and determination to use alphabet
920513 - technolgoy on a matter that has no import.
920514 -
920515 - [On 080606 Morris asks for help understanding purpose of
920516 - line numbers to provide a well ordered record that supports
920517 - efficient communication. ref SDS 45 2C5I
920519 - ..
920520 - [On 080611 Morris' letter to the team illustrates how a
920521 - well ordered record using line numbers for flexible
920522 - structure orients communication. ref SDS 46 M38T
920524 - ..
920525 - The same effort could be used to explain objectives and rationale for
920526 - SDS design considerations, as planned on 071212. ref SDS 32 JR97
920527 -
920529 - ..
920530 - Title: Continued alphabet improvement
920531 - Author: Rod
920532 - Created Thu Jan 24 07:27:43 -0800 2008
920533 - Modified Thu Jan 24 08:32:26 -0800 2008
920535 - ..
920536 - Show Edit Destroy
920538 - ..
920539 - Words can be multiplied, and common phrases such as the
920540 - current "Hello, how are you" can be replaced by 867-1176.
920541 - A proper reply such as "I'm doing well, isn't this a lovely
920542 - day" would be 715-8115. If a person was having a bad day,
920543 - they could reply "It's been a tough day here, bummer"
920544 - or 225-5413. The younger generation will probably use
920545 - slang, and just greet each other with '76' with a response
920546 - of '15' or '13' depending on the situation. This should be
920547 - avoided and youth should have the discipline instilled to
920548 - use all 7 digits of a phrase properly. As society changes
920549 - to rod speak, they will soon learn that a foreign language
920550 - can be spoken quickly if one simply learns how to say the
920551 - 'digits' in the foreign language. An international body of
920552 - word and phrases should be created that can be used to
920553 - replace any alphabet and language from Chineese to Polish.
920554 -
920556 - ..
920557 - Title: Improved alphabet reflections
920558 - Author: Rod
920559 - Created Thu Jan 24 07:35:40 -0800 2008
920560 - Modified Thu Jan 24 07:40:14 -0800 2008
920562 - ..
920563 - Show Edit Destroy
920565 - ..
920566 - On further study, Rod has decided that helping young infants
920567 - learn to "speak" faster would require a set of 2 digit numbers
920568 - as a form of "baby talk". this would allow a young parent to
920569 - thrill at hearing a child first say 27 instead of Da-Da. Since
920570 - "No" is currently one of a young childs favorite words. See
920571 - Rod193846191230- 219082763478906- 8735641932-826256 <Rod
920572 - invents parenting>. A parent should only use the full proper
920573 - form of NO 715-2347. This will delay infants constantly saying
920574 - no until thier minds develop sufficiently to remember and
920575 - repeat 7 digit numbers.
920576 -
920578 - ..
920579 - Title: Alphabet technology benefits business
920580 - Author: Rod
920581 - Created Thu Jan 24 08:27:08 -0800 2008
920582 - Modified Thu Jan 24 08:37:07 -0800 2008
920584 - ..
920585 - Show Edit Destroy
920587 - ..
920588 - Business will benefit from Rod speak by multiplying all the
920589 - words in standard business contracts, and coming with a unique
920590 - number for each type of legal agreement. Due to the nature of
920591 - prime numbers, if someone changes even a single word number in
920592 - the "master" contract, the user would know. People would soon
920593 - learn they shouldn't apply thier signature (Number) to a
920594 - contract 545-7611... During a tough negoation, an agent would
920595 - simply assert 999-9999 "No Way!!! I don't do business with
920596 - random number contracts. It's a standard government sponsered
920597 - contract number or nothing". The government would supply a
920598 - list of legally accepted and binding agreement numbers that
920599 - would save significant time and legal efforts. Even the law
920600 - could be reduced to a single number. A legal document would be
920601 - reduced to 3 7 digit numbers. The contract number, the first
920602 - party number (Replaces all names), and the second party number.
920603 - In the event a person has a common identifier (replacement for
920604 - names in Rod speak. See Ref Rod02193458975- 10w98374519083274-
920605 - 383619823764-383783- 1093287419032874) They can use the full
920606 - given first number, middle number, and surnumber. The contract
920607 - would still only be 7 numbers, and would easily fit on a single
920608 - piece of paper. Filing costs would be considerably reduced,
920609 - and establishing the entire contract would only require a few
920610 - minutes.
920612 - ..
920613 - 5. New record
920614 -
920615 -
920616 -
920617 -
920618 -
9207 -