440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: February 5, 2001 09:37 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Memory for SDS in DOS under w2k, and batch files.


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0201 - Intel Corporation
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager
020103 - Cable Network Operation

DOS Technical Support
Memory Management
DOS Tips and References
Mem Command Increases RAM for SDS
Medit C Version Upgrade to Run SDS
Upper Memory Enable EMMS
Medit C Version Update to Run SDS on Windows Solve Memory Problem
Memory Solution for SDS Macro Language in Morris's New Medit Editor f
6 Months Debug 1 Week of Programming Macro Language for SDS in Morris

1211 -
1211 -    ..
1212 - Summary/Objective
1213 -
121301 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000, ref SDS 6 0000.
121302 -
121303 - Should let Morris know the Medit "beep" seems to be back in the latest
121304 - version of w2k, so they are improving.
121306 -  ..
121307 - On 001005 discussed with Morris modifying SDS to increase the amount
121308 - of memory available for SDS under DOS running on w2k, like IBM did for
121309 - os2. ref SDS 6 H15I
121311 -  ..
121312 - This step is needed per planning on 000503 for developing next version
121313 - of SDS to provide KM. ref SDS 4 0760
121315 -  ..
121316 - He indicated that more documentation is needed to develop this program
121317 - feature.
121319 -  ..
121320 - On 001010 some resources were found for maximizing RAM available to
121321 - DOS under Windows, and this was submitted to Morris.  Morris advised
121322 - that this information is not adequate to improve Medit. ref SDS 7 ME4K
121324 -  ..
121325 - A week ago we discussed for an hour or so increasing memory, again,
121326 - per planning to do this on 930814. ref SDS 1 6333
121328 -  ..
121329 - Morris indicated during this recent call that he has programmed Medit
121330 - to use all of the RAM that Windows makes available to the DOS
121331 - environment for programs.
121333 -  ..
121334 - Morris explained that modifying the current Medit assembly language
121335 - code to use extended memory would require a lot of changes.  He seemed
121336 - to feel the basic work might be done in a week, but debugging errors
121337 - would take 6 months or so, i.e., it is a big effort.
121338 -
121339 -     [On 040505 Gary submits information to upgrade 16-bit assembly
121340 -     code for Medit to 32-bit code that addresses more memory in
121341 -     Windows. ref SDS 8 QU8K; Morris does not have enough time to
121342 -     implement this level of improvement. ref SDS 8 TW43
121344 -  ..
121345 - Six months is 26 weeks, or 26 times longer to debug than to program,
121346 - which shows urgency of completing SDS so more people can "debug" daily
121347 - communication and management, per POIMS. ref OF 3 5795
121349 -      ..
121350 -     Ideas for the easiest, fastest and most direct way to increase
121351 -     memory for Medit and SDS are...
121352 -
121353 -        1.  Write SDS in C.
121355 -             ..
121356 -        2.  Add commands to the C version of Medit that addresses
121357 -            currently all of the memory available in Windows, so this
121358 -            program can be used instead of the originally program
121359 -            written in Assembler.  Morris seemed to have this in mind
121360 -            in our meeting on 980722. ref SDS 2 3280
121362 -             ..
121363 -        3.  Enable the current Assembler version of Medit to support
121364 -            the extended memory feature of Windows, per Morris'
121365 -            planning on 930814. ref SDS 1 YK3M
121367 -             ..
121368 -        4.  Enable the current Assembler version of Medit to use memory
121369 -            above 640K and below 1 MB, per discussion today this takes
121370 -            1 week to program, and 6 months to debug. ref SDS 0 Q54L
121371 -
121372 -                [On 040505 Gary submits information to upgrade 16-bit
121373 -                assembly code for Medit to 32-bit code that addresses
121374 -                more memory in Windows. ref SDS 8 QU8K; Morris does not
121375 -                have enough time to implement this level of
121376 -                improvement. ref SDS 8 TW43
121378 -  ..
121379 - While talking, Morris asked to execute a mem command to see if there
121380 - are any free memory blocks above 640K and below 1 MB.
121382 -  ..
121383 - Mem command by itself seems to have a fairly significant impact on
121384 - memory available for SDS, as reported on 000310. ref SDS 3 WX6M
121386 -  ..
121387 - Today, I noticed that under w2k....
121388 -
121389 -
121390 -                        C>mem /c
121391 -
121392 -
121393 - ...produces following information.....
121394 -    ..
121395 -    Conventional Memory :
121396 -
121397 -      Name                Size in Decimal       Size in Hex
121398 -    -------------      ---------------------   -------------
121399 -      MSDOS              12608      ( 12.3K)       3140
121400 -      KBD                 3280      (  3.2K)        CD0
121401 -      HIMEM               1248      (  1.2K)        4E0
121402 -      COMMAND             3408      (  3.3K)        D50
121403 -      FREE                 112      (  0.1K)         70
121404 -      FREE              634528      (619.7K)      9AEA0
121406 -     ..
121407 -    Total  FREE :       634640      (619.8K)
121409 -     ..
121410 -    Upper Memory :
121412 -       ..
121413 -      Name                Size in Decimal       Size in Hex
121414 -      -----------      ---------------------   -------------
121415 -      SYSTEM 184304      (180.0K)      2CFF0 MOUSE              12528      (
121416 -      12.2K)       30F0
121417 -      MSCDEXNT             464      (  0.5K)
121418 -      1D0 REDIR               2672      (  2.6K)        A70 DOSX
121419 -      34848      ( 34.0K)       8820 FREE                 848      (
121420 -      0.8K)        350 FREE               26336      ( 25.7K)
121421 -      66E0
121422 -    ..
121423 -    Total  FREE :        27184      ( 26.5K)
121425 -     ..
121426 -    Total bytes for programs (Conventional+Upper) :  661824 (646.3K)
121427 -    Largest executable program size :                633664 (618.8K)
121428 -    Largest available upper memory block :            26336 ( 25.7K)
121429 -
121430 -       1048576 bytes total contiguous extended memory
121431 -             0 bytes available contiguous extended memory
121432 -        941056 bytes available XMS memory
121433 -               MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area
121434 -
121436 -  ..
121437 - This reports there is a 26K memory block in upper memory that is
121438 - available to "programs."
121440 -  ..
121441 - Medit is a "program."
121443 -  ..
121444 - Is Morris using this 26K upper memory block under the design objective
121445 - to for Medit to use "all availalbe memory, ref SDS 0 6Q8H, or is this
121446 - a block that could be investigated and possibly added to current
121447 - memory?
121449 -  ..
121450 - During our call a week or so ago, Morris asked for the results of....
121451 -
121452 -
121453 -                           C>mem /p
121454 -
121455 -
121456 -   Address     Name          Size       Type
121457 -   -------     --------     ------     ------
121458 -   000000                   000400     Interrupt Vector
121459 -   000400                   000100     ROM Communication Area
121460 -   000500                   000200     DOS Communication Area
121462 -    ..
121463 -   000700      IO           000370     System Data
121465 -    ..
121466 -   000A70      MSDOS        001700     System Data
121468 -    ..
121469 -   002170      IO           0021D0     System Data
121470 -                 KBD        000CD0      System Program HIMEM
121471 -                 0004E0      DEVICE=
121472 -                            000490      FILES=
121473 -                            000090      FCBS=
121474 -                            0002D0      LASTDRIVE=
121475 -                            0007D0      STACKS=
121476 -   004350      COMMAND      000A20     Program
121477 -   004D80      MSDOS        000070     -- Free --
121478 -   004E00      COMMAND      000330     Environment
121479 -   005140      MEM          000350     Environment
121480 -   0054A0      MEM          017550     Program
121481 -   01CA00      MSDOS        0835E0     -- Free --
121482 -   09FFF0      SYSTEM       02D000     System Program
121484 -    ..
121485 -   0CD000      IO           003100     System Data
121486 -                 MOUSE      0030F0      System Program DOS
121487 -                 000350     -- Free -- CDEXNT     0001D0     Program
121488 -                 DIR        000A70     Program SX         0087A0
121489 -                 Program SX         000080     Data DOS        0066E0
121490 -                 -- Free --
121491 -
121493 -      ..
121494 -     655360 bytes total conventional memory
121495 -     655360 bytes available to MS-DOS
121496 -     633664 largest executable program size
121498 -     ..
121499 -    1048576 bytes total contiguous extended memory bytes available
121500 -            contiguous extended memory bytes available XMS memory <QS43
121501 -            MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area
121502 -
121503 -
121504 -
121505 -
121506 -
121507 -
121508 -
121509 -
121510 -
121511 -
121512 -
121513 -
1216 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"