440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 11, 2008 10:47 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Morris demonstrates use case for line numbers, clarifies objectives.

2...Line Numbers Well Ordered Record Precision Access Convincing Evidence
3...Experience Convincing Evidence Line Numbers Well Ordered Record
4...Line Numbers Well Ordered Record Conflicts Experience Publishing Documents
5...Wordprocessing Documents Not Convincing Evidence Line Numbers Needed
6...Use Case Requirements Clarified for SDS Windows Application

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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 6 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040505 -
040507 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Line Numbers Well Ordered Record Precision Access Convincing Evidence
040902 - Experience Convincing Evidence Line Numbers Well Ordered Record
040903 -
040904 - Received a letter from Morris responding to a letter earlier this
040905 - evening offering assistance understanding requirements for flexible
040906 - structure using line numbers for a well ordered record, ref SDS 6
040907 - 0Z9V; this was discussed a few days ago on 080606. ref SDS 5 2C5I  The
040908 - letter to Morris also asked about clarifying his request for "use
040909 - cases." ref SDS 6 0Z8U
040911 -  ..
040912 - Morris says...
040913 -
040914 -    1.  Subject:  SDS Use Cases
040915 -        Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 20:38:39 -0700
040920 -         ..
040921 -    2.  Rod,
040923 -         ..
040924 -    3.  I did not say...
040925 -
040926 -        500489 - "Morris seemed to relate today that a few years ago Intel considered
040927 -        500490 - developing technology to improve health care.  But this effort was
040928 -        500491 - abandoned because lawyers issued an opinion that HIPAA regulations to
040929 -        500492 - protect patient privacy prevent patients from using technology and
040930 -        500493 - services that improve quality care."
040932 -         ..
040933 -    4.  You added the "prevent patients from using technology" from
040934 -        some other discussion.
040936 -  ..
040937 - Morris provides an example using line numbers to facilitate
040938 - discussion, which Morris asked about during the meeting on 080606.
040939 - ref SDS 5 2C5I
040940 -
040942 -  ..
040943 - Line Numbers Well Ordered Record Conflicts Experience Publishing Documents
040944 - Wordprocessing Documents Not Convincing Evidence Line Numbers Needed
040945 -
040946 -
040947 - Morris' letter continues...
040948 -
040949 -    5.  Line numbers are dead.  You have failed to convince me of the
040950 -        use or need.  I understand you are comfortable with them, but
040951 -        since they change every time you save the record, they have no
040952 -        long term use.
040954 -  ..
040955 - Morris discussed during the meeting on 080206 that experience using
040956 - wordprocessing cannot convince people about benefits of a well ordered
040957 - record using line numbers. ref SDS 4 RT9I  The publishing paradigm
040958 - that conflicts with flexible structure was reviewed. ref SDS 4 6F9G
040959 - Morris asked at that time on 080206 how SDS makes linking fast and
040960 - easy, and could not be convinced that the structure of knowledge
040961 - begins with a well ordered record. ref SDS 4 NB5H
040963 -  ..
040964 - Comments today in this part of the letter on eliminating use of line
040965 - numbers that conflict with the first part which relies on line
040966 - numbers, rather than apply explicit links, seem convincing evidence
040967 - that experience using wordprocessing to publish attractive documents,
040968 - explained in the record on 890523. ref SDS 1 JY7O, makes understanding
040969 - requirements for flexible structure to provide a well ordered record
040970 - very difficult, also set out on 890523. ref SDS 1 OP4H
040971 -
040973 -  ..
040974 - Use Case Requirements Clarified for SDS Windows Application
040975 -
040976 -
040977 - Morris' letter continues...
040978 -
040979 -    6.  A use case is not a feature list.  It is more like:
040981 -         ..
040982 -    7.  To create a record, you sit at the computer, access the
040983 -        schedule, select a record, clone it forward, and begin editing.
040985 -         ..
040986 -    8.  To schedule an action item, the user ...
040988 -         ..
040989 -    9.  To add a reference, the user ...
040991 -         ..
040992 -   10.  To remove an item from the calendar, the user ...
040994 -         ..
040995 -   11.  To get a report of delinquent action items owed the user ...
040997 -         ..
040998 -   12.  The actual mechanisms aren't as important as the "uses".  The
040999 -        program should provide a reasonable way to perform the uses of
041000 -        importance.
041002 -         ..
041003 -   13.  Typically a table format is included:
041005 -         ..
041006 -   14.  This email is text, so I won't show a table:
041007 -
041008 -               UseCaseName:
041009 -               UseCaseDescription:
041010 -               UseCaseFrequency:
041011 -               UseCaseImportance:
041012 -               AlternateTechniques:
041014 -         ..
041015 -   15.  The list is used to understand how the end user "uses" the
041016 -        software, and how important each thing is.  The alternate
041017 -        technique helps one consider if other methods exist that could
041018 -        be "used" also.
041020 -         ..
041021 -   16.  The exact mechanism is not important, the use is important.
041022 -        Pushing function keys, clicking on a mouse, or hitting a key
041023 -        are implementation, not uses.
041025 -         ..
041026 -   17.  A use case should have user action --> data or diplay change.
041028 -         ..
041029 -   18.  How the user action occurs, and the exact format of the display or data is
041030 -        not important to the use case.
041032 -         ..
041033 -   19.  Hope this helps,
041034 -
041035 -        Morris
041036 -
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041038 -
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041040 -
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