440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 2, 2008 08:11 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Letter from Steve on advantages using assembly for SDS 64-bit program.

........The MASM32 SDK version 10
............MASM32 Version 10 Downloads
............Teaching MASM32
............Support for MASM32
............DEP Compatibility
............Required OS Version
............Things to Get
............Why Write Assembler

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Assembler 32-bit Code for Medit Gary Johnson Submits Techno  gy Sour

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040506 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - On 040505 Gary submitted a source to research using assembly to create
040902 - the next version of SDS with more memory by updating the current Medit
040903 - program based on assembly. ref SDS 1 QU8K
040905 -  ..
040906 - Earlier today on 081202, sent a letter to Steve asking for comments,
040907 - ref SDS 4 QW6G, on 2 or 3 advantages using assembly language rather
040908 - than Java. ref SDS 4 6R7V
040910 -  ..
040911 - This afternoon received a response from Steve...
040912 -
040913 -    1.  Subject:  Editor 16-bit Upgrade 64-bit Microsoft Vista with assembly language
040914 -        Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 15:46:37 -0800
040921 -         ..
040922 -    3.  Rod's letter on 081202 says...
040923 -
040924 -        Was hoping to get 2 or 3 advantages for upgrading the editor
040925 -        from 16-bit to 32-bit and/or 64-bit assembly, rather than write
040926 -        the program de novo with Java, which is the current effort.
040927 -        ref SDS 4 6R7Y
040929 -         ..
040930 -        Steve comments...
040932 -         ..
040933 -        Right.  It'll be difficult to recode into an entirely different
040934 -        language environment without needing to then fight for perfect
040935 -        compatibility on all of the "edge" cases.
040936 -
040937 -            [On 090403 2057 having trouble getting search to work
040938 -            correctly with the Java version of Medit. ref SDS 8 HL75
040940 -         ..
040941 -    4.  Rod's letter on 081202 says...
040942 -
040943 -        My colleagues say the only benefits of assembly are small
040944 -        program size and fast processing. ref SDS 4 6R8R
040946 -         ..
040947 -        Steve comments...
040949 -         ..
040950 -        That's true.  But to that I'd add another *significant* benefit
040951 -        ... which is that it's *already* in assembly language, so
040952 -        moving from 16-bits to 32-bits is a *vastly* smaller task which
040953 -        is inherently much less prone to translation errors than
040954 -        effectively recoding the underlying app from scratch in an
040955 -        entirely different language.
040957 -         ..
040958 -        (I'd recommend recoding in 32-bit MASM so that you have
040959 -        universal compatibility both with all current PC systems, and
040960 -        with future x64 platforms which will certainly be supporting
040961 -        x32 forever.)
040963 -  ..
040964 - This seems like good news to accomplish stability of Medit to run SDS
040965 - into the future and maintain compatibility with existing records.
040966 -
040967 -            [...below, Steve cites his "...own version of 32-bit
040968 -            assembler" and nice featrues of MASM he feels improve
040969 -            programming with elegant control structures. ref SDS 0 8L6W
040971 -             ..
040972 -            [On 081204 0630 visited Morris and reviewed Steve's letter
040973 -            on 081202; Morris feels prospects of Microsoft supporting
040974 -            "x32 forever," means 5 years. ref SDS 5 YK4J
040976 -             ..
040977 -            [On 081204 0630 checked DOS prompt on Morris' Vista
040978 -            computer with 64-bit technology, and it seems to support
040979 -            all DOS commands used by SDS in Windows XP; does this align
040980 -            with Steve's experience? ref SDS 5 V24F
040982 -  ..
040983 - Steve's letter continues...
040984 -
040985 -    5.  Rod's letter on 081202 says...
040986 -
040987 -        They note increasing memory for SDS from 640K to 64 MB makes
040988 -        size a non-issue, and running SDS on 64-bit quad-core
040989 -        processors will maintain SDS responsiveness using Java, rather
040990 -        than assembly.  I have doubts.  Making the program bigger, and
040991 -        increasing the size of work files may reduce responsiveness,
040992 -        even for faster processors. ref SDS 4 6R8R
040994 -         ..
040995 -        Steve comments...
040997 -         ..
040998 -        Right.  In fairness, on the "plus side" for JAVA, is that it's
040999 -        a platform-independent solution with JVMs available pretty much
041000 -        everywhere.  So there's something to said for that as well.
041001 -        And they're likely right that current machines are SO FAST that
041002 -        JAVA would work well.  At least for anything that's
041003 -        predominantly interactive and not heavily computational.
041005 -         ..
041006 -    6.  Rod's letter on 081202 says...
041007 -
041008 -        My sense is that the current program in 16-bit assembly has
041009 -        worked well for 30 years, as SDS evolved through trial and
041010 -        error into a robust application. ref SDS 4 6R8U
041012 -         ..
041013 -        Steve comments...
041015 -         ..
041016 -        Right -- and by keeping it in assembler, just expanding the
041017 -        code from 16-bits to 32-bits -- you RETAIN 100% of all of the
041018 -        trial and error work.
041020 -         ..
041021 -    7.  Rod's letter on 081202 says...
041022 -
041023 -        Therefore continuing this platform in 32-bit or 64-bit assembly
041024 -        introduces the fewest changes that have to be solved for
041025 -        getting macros to run in order to maintain continuity of SDS
041026 -        development and daily use for Knowledge Management. ref SDS 4
041027 -        XF5F
041029 -         ..
041030 -        Steve comments...
041032 -         ..
041033 -        Yep.  That's without question I'd say.  The JAVA project might
041034 -        be more appealing to anyone who is not comfortable with
041035 -        assembler, but it's also the case that whereas the straight
041036 -        16-bit to 32-bit translation is LINEAR, the JAVA conversion
041037 -        could wind up taking MUCH longer -- it could become a black
041038 -        hole as the recoders attempt to get it to work in exactly the
041039 -        same way.
041040 -
041041 -            [On 090403 2057 having trouble getting search to work
041042 -            correctly with the Java version of Medit. ref SDS 8 HL75
041044 -         ..
041045 -        One of the reasons I choose -- to this day -- to code in
041046 -        assembler is that there's no compiler producing anything
041047 -        unexpected.  I control exactly what the outcome will be.
041049 -  ..
041050 - Does this include controlling the font, which Morris feels is an
041051 - insurmountable problem using Java, reported on 081114, ref SDS 3 PS6O,
041052 - and things like function keys which evidently are also called by the
041053 - OS.  The current Medit provides all of this control, but there has
041054 - been concern that Java has less control.
041056 -  ..
041057 - At that time on 081114 Morris considered going back to assembler to
041058 - program the Medit version for 32-bit and 64-bit technology in the DOS
041059 - emulator. ref SDS 3 MW7O
041060 -
041061 -           [On 090320 2019 Morris had trouble controlling F10.
041062 -           ref SDS 6 YR5U
041064 -            ..
041065 -           [On 090331 0630 Morris problems controlling pa7, and advised
041066 -           other function keys may present problems, ref SDS 7 XN4F;
041067 -           seemed to eventually get pf10 and pa7 to work correctly, but
041068 -           evidently only for Microsoft; there may be further problems
041069 -           with Unix. ref SDS 7 PA4L
041071 -  ..
041072 - Steve's letter continues...
041074 -         ..
041075 -    8.  Rod's letter on 081202 says...
041076 -
041077 -        You seem enthusiastic about assembly, so I thought you might
041078 -        have several points that could inform our considerations.
041079 -        ref SDS 4 6R8X
041081 -         ..
041082 -        Steve comments...
041084 -         ..
041085 -        I've been coding in assembler my entire life and all of my
041086 -        software is written in assembler.  All of my web site's special
041087 -        services are coded in assembler.  My own mode of 32-bit
041088 -        assembler looks quite a bit different from others (see attached
041089 -        PNG image) thanks to my use of readable variable names and the
041090 -        nice features of MASM which allow for some elegant control
041091 -        structures.
041093 -  ..
041094 - Can Steve's "mode" of 32-bit assembler" and MASM control structures
041095 - make the Medit update process easier and/or better documented than
041096 - using other tools?
041098 -  ..
041099 - Where is this available, and how much does it cost?
041101 -  ..
041102 - On 081114 Morris was worried that trying to use assembler would cost a
041103 - lot of money to purchase software development tools, ref SDS 3 RM5M,
041104 - cited initially on 081104. ref SDS 2 VN6F
041106 -  ..
041107 - Gary Johnson later found a website that seems to indicate MASM
041108 - compiler is available free, similar to Java tools Morris proposees...
041109 -
041110 -
041111 -        The MASM32 SDK version 10
041112 -
041113 -    
041114 -
041116 -             ..
041117 -            MASM32 Version 10 Downloads
041118 -
041119 -
041120 -    
041121 -
041123 -             ..
041124 -            Teaching MASM32
041125 -
041126 -            Reference for teachers at educational institutions
041127 -
041128 -    
041129 -
041131 -             ..
041132 -            Support for MASM32
041133 -
041134 -            The MASM Forum...
041135 -
041136 -    
041138 -             ..
041139 -            The MASM32 SDK version 10 is a working development
041140 -            environment for programmers who are interested in either
041141 -            learning or writing 32 bit Microsoft assembler (MASM). The
041142 -            installation is an automated process that installs the
041143 -            correct directory tree structure on the local drive of
041144 -            your choice. Note that MASM32 will not install on a
041145 -            network drive. MASM32 comes with its own runtime library
041146 -            written fully in assembler and an extensive range of
041147 -            macros for improved high level emulation and faster
041148 -            development. It builds its own IMPORT libraries for the
041149 -            Windows API functions and supplies its own include files
041150 -            for a very large number of API functions.
041152 -             ..
041153 -            The default editor in MASM32 has been fully recoded from
041154 -            scratch in MASM and it is smaller, faster and more
041155 -            powerful with two (2) separate scripting engines, a legacy
041156 -            version to maintain backwards compatibility of existing
041157 -            scripts and a completely new one that is much faster and
041158 -            more powerful than its predecessor. New CHM documentation
041159 -            and a wider range of "Create New" project types directly
041160 -            supported by the new script engine from the editor place a
041161 -            wider range of project types at your fingertips. There is
041162 -            also a new format PLUGIN system for the default editor as
041163 -            well as the old one for backwards compatibility.
041165 -             ..
041166 -            DEP Compatibility
041167 -
041168 -            The MASM32 SDK has been rebuilt to ensure it is fully
041169 -            compatible with the Data Execution Prevention safety
041170 -            feature in later versions of Windows.
041172 -             ..
041173 -            Required OS Version
041174 -
041175 -            The MASM32 SDK requires Win2000 or higher Windows
041176 -            versions. A legacy version will be supplied for earlier
041177 -            Windows versions.
041179 -             ..
041180 -            Features...
041181 -
041182 -
041183 -            1.  The most up to date version of Ray Filiatreault's
041184 -                floating point library and tutorial.
041186 -                 ..
041187 -            2.  A completely new dedicated time and date library
041188 -                written by Greg Lyon.
041190 -                 ..
041191 -            3.  The MASM32 library with over 200 procedures for
041192 -                writing general purpose high performance code.
041194 -                 ..
041195 -            4.  A new dynamic array system for variable length
041196 -                string and binary data with both a macro and procedural
041197 -                interface.
041199 -                 ..
041200 -            5.  The include files and libraries have been
041201 -                upgraded to XP SP2.
041203 -                 ..
041204 -            6.  A specialised linker, resource compiler and
041205 -                assembler from Pelle's tool set with working examples.
041207 -                 ..
041208 -            7.  An extensive range of example code ranging from
041209 -                simple examples to more complex code design.
041211 -                 ..
041212 -            8.  Prebuilt scripts in the editor for creating working
041213 -                templates for assembler projects.
041215 -                 ..
041216 -            9.  A very easy to use console interface for developing
041217 -                algorithms, test code and experimental ideas in code.
041218 -                More ......
041219 -
041221 -             ..
041222 -            Targeted Users
041224 -             ..
041225 -            The MASM32 SDK is targeted at experienced programmers who
041226 -            are familiar with writing software in 32 bit versions of
041227 -            Windows using the API interface and who are familiar with
041228 -            at least some direct mnemonic programming in assembler. It
041229 -            is not well suited for beginner programmers due to the
041230 -            advanced technical nature of programming in assembler and
041231 -            beginners are advised to start with a compiler first to
041232 -            learn basic concepts like addressing, programming logic,
041233 -            control flow and similar.
041235 -             ..
041236 -            Application
041237 -
041238 -            MASM is routinely capable of building complete executable
041239 -            files, dynamic link libraries and separate object modules
041240 -            and libraries to use with the Microsoft Visual C
041241 -            development environment as well as MASM. It is an esoteric
041242 -            tool that is not for the faint of heart and it is
041243 -            reasonably complex to master but in skilled hands it has
041244 -            performance that is beyond the best of modern compilers
041245 -            when properly written which makes it useful for
041246 -            performance critical tasks.
041248 -             ..
041249 -            Things to Get
041250 -
041251 -            For both space and copyright reasons the MASM32 SDK does
041252 -            not include reference material from either the Intel
041253 -            Corporation or the Microsoft Corporation but both make the
041254 -            best comprehensive reference material available as free
041255 -            downloads.
041257 -             ..
041258 -            With the Intel Corporation you would obtain the PIV set of
041259 -            manuals or later for compete mnemonic and architecture
041260 -            reference and with the Microsoft Corporation you can either
041261 -            use their online MSDN reference or download an appropriate
041262 -            PLATFORMSDK or its successor for you own version of
041263 -            Windows.  If you can still find it it is useful to have the
041264 -            very old WIN32.HLP file on your computer even if you have
041265 -            to download the Winhelp engine to use it on OS versions
041266 -            like Vista as it is a lot faster to load than the later CHM
041267 -            format help files and works with the F1 help key system
041268 -            built into the default editor.
041270 -             ..
041271 -            Why Write Assembler
041272 -
041273 -            The simple answer is because you can.  While there are very
041274 -            good compilers that in many instances produce good quality
041275 -            code when run with the right options, you are usually stuck
041276 -            with doing things their way where with an assembler as
041277 -            powerful as MASM you have a high degree of architectural
041278 -            freedom which you manipulate to your design advantage to
041279 -            produce high precision high performance code without
041280 -            compromise to language format or compiler designer
041281 -            preference
041283 -             ..
041284 -            MASM's flexibility allows the skilled programmer to target
041285 -            areas as diverse as dynamic link libraries for Visual
041286 -            basic, object modules that are linked directly into a
041287 -            Visual C program and of course complete executable files
041288 -            for task critical applications.  MASM when mastered
041289 -            correctly puts power and performance into the hands of
041290 -            programmers that few have ever seen and contrary to popular
041291 -            opinion, a modern assembler like MASM used in conjunction
041292 -            with both macros and libraries can be coded at about the
041293 -            same speed and reliability as C code.
041295 -  ..
041296 - Steve's letter continues...
041297 -
041298 -    9.  Rod's letter on 081202 says...
041299 -
041300 -        On your last point about running SDS with Virtual PC, have
041301 -        [you] done this and so know from experience it will work?  We
041302 -        have been running SDS with NTVD in Windows XP; that is what I
041303 -        would first consider using.  Any reason to try Windows 3.1
041304 -        mentioned in your letter today? ref SDS 4 6R9Q
041306 -         ..
041307 -        Steve comments...
041309 -         ..
041310 -        Oh, no.  It was just that a VM allocates main memory
041311 -        statically, taking it away from the host OS.  So since your
041312 -        code is 16 bits, it could presumably run in Windows 3.1, which
041313 -        has a much smaller RAM requirement footprint than XP.
041315 -         ..
041316 -        All the best,
041318 -         ..
041319 -        Steve.
041320 -
041321 -
041322 -
041323 -
041324 -
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041326 -
041327 -
041328 -
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0414 -