440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 17, 1999 08:18 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Morris sent letters saying that "being prepared" is a people problem.

2...Technology Helps People Do Things that People Do
3...Managers Need Help to Be Prepared for Meetings and Other Tasks
4...Remembering Reminding Personal Organizational Memory Aided by SDS
5...Innovation Loop People Don't Remeber to Use Tools that Help Remember
6...Response Requests Consideration of Language in Letter
7...Sound Bites Don't Improve Civilization Nor Build Understanding
8...Disruptive Technologies Require Focused Effort to Experiment
9...Giving up on Communication Blaming Bad Attitude
10...Morris Says "People" are the Problem in Management
11...Education Advertizing Helps People Grasp Opportunity of Intelligence
12...Hard to Recognize Technology Can Help Being Prepared Need Education
13...Right Attitude Commitment to Discipline Improvement
14...Business Methodology Needs Tools to Facilitate Implementation
15...Morris Says Commitment to Discipline Leads to Using Tools
16...Better Tools Improve Attitudes on Implementing New Methods
17...Email from Morris Not Saved to Disk
18...Morris Says Intel Using HTML to Improve Communication

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0201 - Intel Corporation                                                                                                                                                  O-00000704 0201
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Director of Architecture

Communication Main Factor of Success, Management Productivity
Aligning Communications to Maintain Shared Meaning from Meetings, Cal
Meeting Productivity Improved by SDS Communication Metrics
Communication Predicate to Action
Management Details Meeting Notes Intellectual Capital
Action Items Linked to Details, History, Requirements
Preparation Planning Faster Save Time Communication Metrics
Command & Control Determines Meaning and Impact of Events, SDS Meet
Meetings Arguing About Prior Understandings
Tired Meetings Get to Point Where People Want to Go Home
Understanding Improved by Writing
Be Prepared SDS Provides 80% of Preparation Automatically
Preparation Requires Intellectual Capital Management Details
New Realities 21st Century, Prepare
Discipline, Redundant, Lazy, Lack Perspective
Diligence Thinking/Planning v. Doing Immediate Action to be Effective
Attitudes Must Change Before People Will Use SDS Good Management SDS

5119 -
5119 -    ..
5120 - Summary/Objective
5121 -
512101 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0000, ref SDS 35 0000.
512102 -
512103 - Morris wrote 4 letters today saying Communication Metrics supports
512104 - diligence by reducing the time and effort needed for managers to be
512105 - prepared for meetings.  He says technology helps people remember,
512106 - which is a big part of "being prepared." ref SDS 0 8663  He says in a
512107 - second letter, that the "problem" is located in people, which is
512108 - beyond the reach of technology. ref SDS 0 3780  Since he found that
512109 - technology helps people remember, and since remembering is a problem
512110 - located in people, it seems conflicting to say that technology cannot
512111 - solve problems located in people.  In a third letter he says better
512112 - management is achieved by focusing on business methodology, and noting
512113 - that people need commitment to use tools. ref SDS 0 6829  Morris' 4th
512114 - letter says Intel is using HTML technology for color and pictures to
512115 - improve communication. ref SDS 0 4477
512117 -  ..
512118 - Circuitous reasoning conotes an emotional aversion to Communication
512119 - Metrics, Welch, or both, which is difficult to resolve, similar to
512120 - complaints on 990712 about clicking on links to get relevant
512121 - information. ref SDS 26 5837
512123 -  ..
512124 - I suggest in response that cursory analysis leads to mistakes and
512125 - missed opportunities, due to limited span of attention, and set out a
512126 - number of issues that show Communication Metrics improves management.
512127 - ref SDS 0 3660   Ask Morris to inquire at Intel for people seeking
512128 - ways to use technology for improving management. ref SDS 0 5877
512129 -
512130 -      [On 990831 rejection of Communication Metrics on the web supports
512131 -      Morris' reaction. ref SDS 38 4420]
512133 -       ..
512134 -      [On 000227 Colloquium at Stanford reports SDS aids diligence by
512135 -      enabling people to work quickly in capturing an effective record
512136 -      and converting it into knowledge. ref SDS 40 2058]
512137 -
512138 -
512139 -
512141 -  ..
5122 -
5123 -
5124 - Progress
5125 -
512501 - Technology Helps People Do Things that People Do
512502 - Managers Need Help to Be Prepared for Meetings and Other Tasks
512503 - Remembering Reminding Personal Organizational Memory Aided by SDS
512504 - Innovation Loop People Don't Remeber to Use Tools that Help Remember
512505 -
512506 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0001.
512507 -
512508 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Morris responding to my letters,
512509 - ref DIP 3 9675 and ref DIP 4, sent on 990816. ref SDS 36 2146
512511 -  ..
512512 - Morris says technology can aid discipline, ref DRT 1 0001, explained
512513 - in the letter to Morris, ref DIP 3 6837, ref DIP 3 9077, and again in
512514 - a second letter to Morris, ref DIP 4 4118, submitted on 990816,
512515 - ref SDS 36 2146, based on the record of Morris' work showing on 990718
512516 - consistent lack of analysis, because popular technology does not make
512517 - analysis fast and easy. ref SDS 28 5251  POIMS argues that "attitude,"
512518 - "discipline" and "diligence" are aided by the flexibile structure of
512519 - SDS, as reported on 890523, and explained in POIMS.  Below, Morris
512520 - submits another letter saying people don't use the tools, which
512521 - presents an innovation loop under the proposition that tools aid
512522 - discipline. ref SDS 0 3780
512523 -
512524 -         [On 000227 Colloquium at Stanford reports SDS aids diligence
512525 -         by enabling people to work quickly in capturing an effective
512526 -         record and converting it into knowledge. ref SDS 40 2058]
512528 -          ..
512529 -         [On 010924 Morris says SDS has evolved over many years to
512530 -         integrate commands that make learning and using SDS faster and
512531 -         easier; good management therefore takes less discipline and
512532 -         diligence. ref SDS 44 GV6H
512534 -      ..
512535 -     This aligns with the letter on 990718, ref DIP 5 4690, posing an
512536 -     understanding that Morris expects people can accomplish SDS tasks
512537 -     with other tools, like wordprocessing and 3 x 5 cards, if they
512538 -     wanted to do so, which is a diligence issue. ref SDS 28 8996
512540 -  ..
512541 - Morris says technology cannot help people with management tasks
512542 - mentioned in my letter, except "remembering. ref DRT 1 6781  This
512543 - supports his suggestion on 990721 to explain Com Metrics helps memory.
512544 - ref SDS 29 0001
512545 -
512546 -        [On 991208 Morris says luck impacts mistakes. ref SDS 39 0001
512548 -      ..
512549 -     On 951117 Dr. Brussman, a psychologist concurred that SDS helps
512550 -     people remember. ref SDS 10 8956
512552 -      ..
512553 -     My letter does not mention "remembering" nor "memory," although
512554 -     these terms are commonly related to "intelligence" derived from
512555 -     writing copious notes that avoid inherent ambiguity of mental
512556 -     maps, set out in paragraph 2 of my letter. ref DIP 3 4071
512558 -      ..
512559 -     A second letter on 990816, does mention memory, along with other
512560 -     tasks. ref DIP 4 4118  Possibly this is Morris' reference, but
512561 -     that is not clear from the record.  On 990716 he suggested
512562 -     explaining Com Metrics helps people remember, rather than support
512563 -     intelligence.
512564 -
512565 -     "Ambiguity of mental maps" is an aspect of "remembering"; but,
512566 -     Morris does not cite this nor any specific language in my letter.
512567 -     This makes his  observation ambiguous due to lack of clear
512568 -     alignment with anything.
512569 -
512570 -         Response, ref DIT 1 2112, asks Morris to deal with specific
512571 -         language.
512573 -      ..
512574 -     Morris' failure to offer specifics, exemplifies limited time
512575 -     causing limited analysis that increases ambiguity and mistakes,
512576 -     which Grove says requires diligence by managers to take copious
512577 -     notes, reviewed on 980307. ref SDS 16 3101  Fortune reports
512578 -     failure to exercise diligence, called out by Grove, causes top
512579 -     executives to fail, see on 990625. ref SDS 24 1024  But, like
512580 -     Grove, ref SDS 16 2189, Fortune fails to explain how managers can
512581 -     be "diligent" in the new world order of limited time and
512582 -     information overload. ref SDS 24 9671
512584 -  ..
512585 - Morris says technology ...does none of the things [you] mentioned in
512586 - the letter on 990816. ref DRT 1 6781
512587 -
512588 -     The letter to Morris on 990816 mentions alignment, ref DIP 3 0877,
512589 -     and span of attention, ref DIP 3 4575, which are aspects of and
512590 -     "intelligence," ref OF 3 0582, that are aided by timely access to
512591 -     relevant, accurate information, which is a "remembering" function
512592 -     that Morris says technology aids. ref SDS 0 1320  Without
512593 -     technology, like SDS, remembering alignment is much harder.
512594 -     ref DIP 3 0877
512596 -      ..
512597 -     Morris does not explain why technology can help people remember,
512598 -     but that better memory does not improve alignment and span of
512599 -     attention.  Clearly, "memory" is closely related to alignment and
512600 -     span of attention.
512602 -      ..
512603 -     My letter mentions writing. ref DIP 3 4071  Clearly technology
512604 -     helps writing, and this is set out in the letter on 990816.
512605 -     ref DIP 3 1536
512607 -      ..
512608 -     SDS technology that helps people remember, also aids alignment and
512609 -     writing which are dependent on memory.
512611 -  ..
512612 - Morris says... people do those things. ref DRT 1 JW5O
512613 -
512614 -     People move, lift, build, look, speak and remember alignment.
512615 -     Technology helps people do all of these tasks.
512616 -
512617 -     Timely access to relevant, accurate information is commonly called
512618 -     a "good memory."
512620 -      ..
512621 -     On 990303 counsel for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers found that a
512622 -     Communication Manager, using SDS technology, has a memory that is
512623 -     "better than most." ref SDS 19 9499
512625 -  ..
512626 - Morris does not cite need to help managers remember alignment better
512627 - in the face of limited time, so they are prepared for meetings and
512628 - other tasks.
512629 -
512630 -     My letter cites limited time as inhibiting managers from preparing
512631 -     copious notes, recommended by Grove, that position people to
512632 -     remember better. ref DIP 3 0765
512634 -      ..
512635 -     Morris seems to recognize that technology helps people remember
512636 -     better which saves time by avoiding mistakes from remembering
512637 -     incorrectly.  On 960721 Morris was concerned that people waste a
512638 -     lot of time in meetings because they remember differently.
512639 -     ref SDS 12 0896
512641 -      ..
512642 -     Technology that helps people generate effective records more
512643 -     quickly, necessarily reduces the diligence required to be prepared
512644 -     so that memory is enhanced.
512645 -
512646 -
512648 -  ..
512649 - Response Requests Consideration of Language in Letter
512650 -
512651 - Sent ref DIT 1 6466 responding to Morris' letter. ref DRT 1
512652 -
512653 - Asked Morris to address the language in my letter on 990816,
512654 - ref DIT 1 2112, under reasoning below. ref SDS 0 5877
512655 -
512656 -        [On 010411 same problem on peer review. ref SDS 42 MS6J
512658 -      ..
512659 -     What impact does time have on discipline, ref DIT 1 6084, cited in
512660 -     the letter on 990816? ref DIP 3 0765, and ref DIP 3 4944
512662 -      ..
512663 -     How about ignorance, ref DIT 1 2862 cited in the letter on 990816?
512664 -     ref DIP 3 0765
512666 -      ..
512667 -     How does writing relate to discipline for the management function
512668 -     in being prepared for meetings and other tasks, ref DIT 1 3363,
512669 -     discussed in the letter on 990816? ref DIP 3 1536
512671 -      ..
512672 -     What responsibility does leadership have to provide tools that
512673 -     help people be more disciplined, ref DIP 3 6837, based on analysis
512674 -     of Grove's book on 980307, ref DIT 1 2968, set out in the letter
512675 -     on 990816? ref SDS 16 4485
512677 -      ..
512678 -     How does technology support the "plan, perform, report" management
512679 -     cycle set out in POIMS -- does this support Deming's "plan, do,
512680 -     study, act" cycle, and is it an effective analog of human
512681 -     intelligence cited by George Miller per the link in the letter,
512682 -     ref DIT 1 2805, reviewed in the letter on 990816? ref DIP 3 9755
512683 -
512684 -
512685 -
512686 -
512687 -
5127 -

Time Not Enough to Read and Write
Sound Bites Don't Move Civilization Forward
30 Seconds Tell Me What I Need to Know, Path to Murphy's Law
Disruptive Technologies Experiment Discover Value
Cursory Analysis Limits Understanding
Small Details Later Cause Major Problems Need Proactive Discovery Inv
Ignoring Details Cursory Analysis Look Inconsequential Become Major P

7009 -
701001 -  ..
701002 - Sound Bites Don't Improve Civilization Nor Build Understanding
701003 -
701004 - It is difficult to move civilization forward with 30 second sound
701005 - bites in Morris' letter, ref DIT 1 2907, per above showing cursory
701006 - analysis because of reluctance to adopt SDS that enables analysis.
701007 - ref SDS 0 8663
701009 -  ..
701010 - This relates to my letter on 990718, ref DIP 5 2728, which is
701011 - explained as an aspect of diligence. ref SDS 28 5251 and ref SDS 28
701012 - 5904
701013 -
701014 -
701016 -  ..
701017 - Disruptive Technologies Require Focused Effort to Experiment
701018 -
701019 - Follow up ref SDS 22 5258.
701020 -
701021 - The letter, ref DIT 1 1591, to Morris notes that Intel is a big firm
701022 - where 20 or so different people every day get excited about using
701023 - technology to do something useful. Most of these ideas don't work, but
701024 - they keep trying.  Experience over 15 years shows SDS, like the
701025 - alphabet, is a big help to management when applied over time.
701027 -  ..
701028 - Morris can help discover how to develop SDS technology and the market,
701029 - as suggested by Christensen, reviewed on 990527. ref SDS 22 9711
701031 -  ..
701032 - We should be able to find people in Intel who can get excited about
701033 - using Intel technology to improve the utility of the alphabet by
701034 - integrating time and information to produce useful "intelligence" for
701035 - management.
701037 -  ..
701038 - We are using the NSF proposal as a vehicle, as reported on 990713.
701039 - ref SDS 27 0001
701041 -  ..
701042 - Morris' first two contacts were not successful, so we need to expand
701043 - the base of people exposed to the ideas.
701044 -
701046 -  ..
701047 - Giving up on Communication Blaming Bad Attitude
701048 - Morris Says "People" are the Problem in Management
701049 -
701050 - Received ref DRT 2 6781 from Morris saying in total...
701051 -
701052 -     You wrote a long letter, but failed to address the issue of where
701053 -     the problem is located.  It is not in tools, but in people.  Tools
701054 -     help people only if they use them!
701055 -
701056 -        [On 000706 Morris reported there is not enough time to use all
701057 -        of the features in Microsoft programs. ref SDS 41 8505
701059 -         ..
701060 -        [On 010720 Morris disappointed people do not use all of the MS
701061 -        program features, which he feels would improve productivity,
701062 -        similar or better than SDS. ref SDS 43 0K5K and ref SDS 43 V55N
701064 -         ..
701065 -        [On 020110 Morris reported studies showing people only use
701066 -        about 5% of commands in Microsoft programs. ref SDS 45 CK4K
701068 -         ..
701069 -        [On 021108 Bill Gates announced new project to integrate
701070 -        commands so peoople can use more features in Microsoft
701071 -        programs. ref SDS 47 EFBE
701073 -  ..
701074 - On 951228 Morris reported using only 20% of the features in Ecco Pro.
701075 - ref SDS 11 5850
701077 -  ..
701078 - The first letter saying technology aids discipline, ref SDS 0 8663,
701079 - seems to conflict with Morris' second letter saying tools only help,
701080 - if people use them, ref SDS 0 3780, which commonly describes laziness,
701081 - where the "attitude" lacks discipline.  The problem of "attitude" was
701082 - cited previously by Jason Yuen at the San Francisco International
701083 - Airport expansion project, on 990505. ref SDS 21 4732  Circular
701084 - reasoning creates an innovation loop, arguing tools aid discipline,
701085 - but people lack the discipline to use tools.  SDS solves the dilemma
701086 - by expanding span of attention to make analysis fast and easy, per
701087 - above. ref SDS 0 8663  People don't use tools when benefits do not
701088 - appear to exceed the costs.  Therefore, lowering the cost yields more
701089 - use.  Thus, making analysis fast and easy, yields more anlaysis, as
701090 - explained in POIMS. The letter to Morris on 990816 cited the problem
701091 - of limited time and limited span of attention, that make it difficult
701092 - for people to develop timely intelligence to be prepared for meetings
701093 - and other management tasks. ref DIP 3 0765
701094 -
701095 -        [On 010720 Morris feels that bad attitude prevents people from
701096 -        using Microsoft tools to aid discipline, rather than that
701097 -        Microsoft needs better tools to aid human cognition.
701098 -        ref SDS 43 0K5K
701100 -  ..
701101 - This problem "located" in people is limited span of attention, as
701102 - explained by George Miller in his paper on human cognition reviewed on
701103 - 990303. ref SDS 19 6120
701105 -  ..
701106 - Miller describes the problem as "processing information."  Pinker and
701107 - Landauer explain that "intelligence" is the "process" that converts
701108 - information into knowledge.  When information comes too fast, commonly
701109 - described as "information overload," the human mind is overwhelmed. No
701110 - amount of diligence can solve this problem.  Try playing Tetris on
701111 - level 10, and see if being more diligent solves the problem of getting
701112 - too much information too fast.
701114 -  ..
701115 - Communication Metrics is a management science that uses SDS technology
701116 - to help people process information more quickly and accurately, to
701117 - maintain alignment with objectives and chronologies of cause and
701118 - effect.  Morris described this as "remembering," and noted in his
701119 - first letter this morning, that technology can aid this process.
701120 - ref SDS 0 8663  On 911123 he explained how SDS accomplishes this task.
701121 - ref SDS 3 0477
701123 -  ..
701124 - Improving the ability to remember, reduces the level of diligence
701125 - required to be prepared.
701127 -  ..
701128 - Peter Drucker writes in his book,
701129 -
701130 -
701131 -             Management, Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices
701132 -
701133 -
701134 - ...that people are giving up on communication, as reported on 931130.
701135 - ref SDS 5 3851
701137 -  ..
701138 - Dismissing a solution to information overload by remarking that the
701139 - problem is located in people, reflects Drucker's point.
701140 -
701142 -  ..
701143 - Education Advertizing Helps People Grasp Opportunity of Intelligence
701144 - Hard to Recognize Technology Can Help Being Prepared Need Education
701145 -
701146 - Submitted ref DIT 2 5987 pointing to conflict between Morris' first
701147 - and second letter, set out above. ref SDS 0 3780
701148 -
701149 - Cite difficulty people have grasping that SDS aids intelligence,
701150 - ref DIT 2 9788, despite Morris' recognition that technology helps
701151 - people remember. ref SDS 0 8663
701153 -  ..
701154 - When there is a big need that is growing bigger for intelligence, and
701155 - people do not yet see the advantage of intelligence support using SDS,
701156 - then education and advertising are needed foster a climate of cultural
701157 - acceptance for new capability.
701159 -  ..
701160 - Mental state, processing information, span of attention, subconscious,
701161 - intelligence and knowledge are still mysterious, more in the realm of
701162 - religion, as pointed out in the NWO paper. ref OF 4 5650
701164 -  ..
701165 - This dilemma is characterized as "...people just don't get it," by
701166 - Grove in his book reviewed on 980307. ref SDS 16 2648
701167 -
701168 -     Grove attributes inability to grasp new ideas to the inertia of
701169 -     success, which is common at Intel. ref SDS 15 3740
701170 -
701171 -     Cite limited time and span of attention, as contributing to the
701172 -     difficulty of successful people to "get it." ref DIT 2 5850
701174 -  ..
701175 - Cite writing as a form of therapy in psychology because it is a window
701176 - on the mind, ref DIT 2 9788, based on meeting with Dr. Maynard
701177 - Brussman on 951117. ref SDS 10 9624
701178 -
701179 -
701180 -
701181 -
7012 -

Attitude Commitment to Work Done Correctly Right Rather than Merely G
Attitudes Improve Change Empower Improvement Incentives Positive Nega
Attitude Empowered with Incentive of Being Replaced Fired Encourages
Attitude Ignorance Fear Denial Silence POIMS Things We Don't Talk Abo
Attitudes Improve Change Incentives Payment Empowers People to Use Go
People Need Right Attitude About Using Good Management and Then Techn
People Need Right Attitude with Commitment to Discipline Then They Wi
Attitude Fear Knowledge Avoid Discovery Mistakes Wriggle Room Flexibi

8210 -
821101 -  ..
821102 - Right Attitude Commitment to Discipline Improvement
821103 - Business Methodology Needs Tools to Facilitate Implementation
821104 - Morris Says Commitment to Discipline Leads to Using Tools
821105 - Better Tools Improve Attitudes on Implementing New Methods
821106 -
821107 - Follow up ref SDS 36 2146.
821108 -
821109 - Received ref DRT 3 5832 saying in total...
821110 -
821111 -     Tools help people if they use them!  I think focus needs to be
821112 -     placed on a business methodology (Not much new actually), and then
821113 -     when people have a commitment to discipline, they will find the
821114 -     tools helpful.
821116 -  ..
821117 - Morris's view that the right attitude for using technology to save
821118 - time and money occurs when people have a commitment to discipline,
821119 - re-states his earlier letter, ref SDS 0 3780, and his letter yesterday
821120 - about the boy scout napsack analogy. ref SDS 36 2146  He really "hits
821121 - the nail on the head" about cultural resistance to technology for
821122 - overcoming limitations on processing information by the human mind,
821123 - cited by George Millier in the record on 990303. ref SDS 19 6120
821124 -
821125 -     [On 020110 Morris reports research showing that Microsoft programs
821126 -     have features that support better management, but people only use
821127 -     5% of the features. ref SDS 45 CK4K
821129 -  ..
821130 - On 890809 we discussed SDS support for commitment to better
821131 - management. ref SDS 2 2079  On 911123 Morris explained SDS features,
821132 - ref SDS 3 0477, that improve conventional feel good management, which
821133 - relies primarily on conversation. ref SDS 3 1331
821134 -
821135 -     [On 020618 Gary explains SDS features that make good
821136 -     management fast and easy change attitudes and encourage commitment
821137 -     to improve. ref SDS 46 MM3G and ref SDS 46 8V5O
821139 -      ..
821140 -     [On 030830 progress reported changing corporate culture by
821141 -     empowering people at aerospace company to experience benefits of a
821142 -     new culture without making any effort. ref SDS 49 PPWS
821144 -  ..
821145 - Fear of accountability fuels emotional resistance, as reviewed on
821146 - 980405. ref SDS 17 5065  On 940628 the problem was described as
821147 - laziness. ref SDS 7 0550  But, is this really an explanation for
821148 - poor management that leadership can accept?
821150 -  ..
821151 - On 950927 Dave Vannier gave up on trying to use technology to support
821152 - management, ref SDS 9 8943, because Intel could not accomplish it.
821153 - ref SDS 9 7732   On 970603 Dave wanted to use SDS technology to
821154 - improve management, but could not get approval. ref SDS 13 5803  On
821155 - 990422 he found Communication Metrics moves in the direction Intel is
821156 - trying to take, and asks, "Where to take it from here?" ref SDS 20
821157 - 4590
821159 -  ..
821160 - On 990505 Jason Yuen at the San Francisco International Airport, noted
821161 - that improving communication requires changing attitudes. ref SDS 21
821162 - 4732
821164 -  ..
821165 - Today, Morris seems to indicate that the change in attitude is to
821166 - adopt a commitment to discipline. ref SDS 0 6829  This overlooks the
821167 - fact that "commitment" is a variable.  There can be a high level
821168 - commitment, some commitment, little or none, i.e., indifference.  But
821169 - no matter how much commitment there is, if a task is impossible then
821170 - strong commitment which is nominally commendable, causes exhaustion,
821171 - and prevents productivity on other tasks that are achievable.  Lack of
821172 - progress causes synical rejection of improvement and refusal to be
821173 - helped when others demonstrate that improvement is within reach using
821174 - new technology.  Ultimately, people simply give up, as reported by
821175 - Dave Vannier on 950927, per above. ref SDS 0 OZ4L
821176 -
821177 -      [On 021121 Morris refused to be helped by technology that
821178 -      provides clues about how to get things done by providing instant
821179 -      access to history of relevant experience. ref SDS 48 HA6G
821181 -  ..
821182 - Better tools change attitudes by improving the work with less effort.
821183 - ref SDS 21 1568  On 990527 Morris cited cultural resistance to change
821184 - that makes "Disruptive Technology" a significant opportunity.
821185 - ref SDS 22 1233  On 980307 Andy Grove cites the role of leadership to
821186 - overcome the inertia of success so that managers can improve earnings
821187 - by using new tools and methods. ref SDS 15 3740  Grove further cites
821188 - Intel founder Gordon Moore's methods for empowering people to change
821189 - attitudes about improving by replacing people who failed to make
821190 - improvements needed for Intel to survive. ref SDS 16 1660
821191 -
821192 -      [On 990827 advise NSF that resistance to Communication Metrics on
821193 -      the Internet is quite emotional. ref SDS 37 1088]
821195 -       ..
821196 -      [On 990831 example of attitude that prevents progress using
821197 -      technology to improve management. ref SDS 38 4420]
821199 -  ..
821200 - My letter yesterday, ref DIP 3 4071, explains leadership requires
821201 - proactive support for tools that help people perform essential tasks
821202 - faster, better and cheaper, rather than simply calling for commitment
821203 - to diligence. ref SDS 36 2880  Review on 980307 of Andy Grove's book
821204 - supports this solution. ref SDS 16 1813
821206 -  ..
821207 - On 950327 Communication Metrics was developed as a methodology to
821208 - enable managers to expand the use of business metrics to the most
821209 - dominate aspect of daily management:  communication. ref SDS 8 4822
821211 -  ..
821212 - Communication Metrics provides new methodologies to support alignment
821213 - of information, also, called, traceability to original sources, which
821214 - is otherwise impossible to accomplish due to information overload.
821215 - Another new feature is integrating time and information management,
821216 - which supports alignment.  Another new feature is integrating document
821217 - management with contact and time management under a process called....
821218 -
821220 -                       ..
821221 -                      plan, perform, report
821222 -
821223 - ..
821224 - This new capability automates the management cycle, cited by
821225 - Deming and others, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 6649
821227 -  ..
821228 - Below, Morris' 4th letter today, explains that Intel provides HTML
821229 - features for email. ref SDS 0 4477  It is difficult to believe that
821230 - Intel waited for a commitment from employees before providing this
821231 - capability.  How would such a commitment be established?
821232 -
821233 -
821234 -
821235 -
821236 -
821237 -
8213 -

Email Does Not Improve Productivity, Degrades It
Email Unreliable
Intel Meeting Note Procedures

8605 -
860601 -  ..
860602 - Email from Morris Not Saved to Disk
860603 -
860604 - Follow up ref SDS 36 9799.
860605 -
860606 - My letter, ref DIT 1 4007, points out that the letter from Morris this
860607 - morning, ref DRT 1 6781, did not write to the disk when I saved it
860608 - from within Netscape.
860610 -  ..
860611 - The letters are blue, rather than black, as prior letters from Morris
860612 - and others.
860614 -  ..
860615 - This may be a new method of something-or-other.
860617 -  ..
860618 - Explain this method takes quite a bit more time to accomplish an
860619 - effective record.  This increases the demand on diligence to manage
860620 - the record, and so illustrates the importance of technology that saves
860621 - time to reduce the level of discipline needed to work effectively,
860622 - which Morris inquired about on 990816, ref SDS 36 2146, and is
860623 - discussed above. ref SDS 0 8663
860624 -
860626 -  ..
860627 - Morris Says Intel Using HTML to Improve Communication
860628 -
860629 - Received ref DRT 4 6781 from Morris explaining that...
860630 -
860631 -     I am just using my normal EMAIL system.  It is blue because this
860632 -     is a reply, and my system puts my comments in a different color.
860633 -     I am not sure what problems you are having.  I have switched this
860634 -     message to plain text.  We use HTML a lot here as the color,
860635 -     picture, and other things improve communications.
860637 -  ..
860638 - On 971021 Communication Metrics applied HTML to improve communication
860639 - by delivering intelligence via Internet. ref SDS 14 9999
860641 -  ..
860642 - On 980628 Morris helped create a web page that explains this
860643 - application in 25 words or less. ref SDS 18 7425
860644 - ..
860645 - On 990422 Dave Vannier indicated Communication Metrics reflects
860646 - Intel's efforts to use the Internet for communications. ref SDS 20
860647 - 4590
860649 -  ..
860650 - Communication Metrics uses HTML to support SDS links that provide
860651 - alignment in communication, as explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 0582
860653 -  ..
860654 - On 940609 review of Henry Kissinger shows reliance on pictures impairs
860655 - management which requires greater focus on analysis. ref SDS 6 4238
860657 -  ..
860658 - It would helpful to see an example of how "... color, picture, and
860659 - other things improve communications," at Intel.
860660 -
860661 -
860662 -
860663 -
860664 -
860665 -
860666 -
860667 -
860668 -
860669 -
8607 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"