Intel Corporation
350 East Plumeria; Mail Stop CHP02-1
San Jose, CA 95124

Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1999 16:44:51 -0700

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496

Subject: NSF Proposal #9961176
Communication Metrics
Commercial Partners
Be Prepared, Making Meetings Productive
Intel Aids Diligence to Be Prepared


[Responding to your question about blue letters ...] I am just using my normal EMAIL system. It is blue because this is a reply, and my system puts my comments in a different color. I am not sure what problems you are having. I have switched this message to plain text. We use HTML a lot here as the color, picture, and other things improve communications.



Morris Jones>