440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 29, 2008 07:00 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Millie sunitinib #16 treatment IBC 5th relapse hiking 3 miles.

2...Sunitinib Metronomic Treatment Loading Dose Clinical Study UCSF
3...Sunitinib Cyclophosmaide Methotrexate Patient History
4...Side Effects Sunitinib Study with Cyclophosphamide Methotrexate
5...Exercise Hiking Maintain Fitness Strengthen Immune System
6...Case Study on Pateint History Exercising

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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 81 0000. ref SDS 80 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040505 -
040506 -
040507 -
040509 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Sunitinib Metronomic Treatment Loading Dose Clinical Study UCSF
040902 -
040903 - Follow up ref SDS 81 505G, ref SDS 80 505G.
040904 -
040905 - On 081113 Millie received sunitinib drugs from UCSF to treat the 5th
040906 - relapse of IBC.
040908 -  ..
040909 - Millie began the 14 day "charging" treatment on 081114. ref SDS 63
040910 - EK7I  After 14 treatments ending on 081127, ref SDS 80 6D63, Millie
040911 - tolerated sunitinib well at the prescribed dose.
040913 -  ..
040914 - During the meeting at UCSF on 081126, UCSF prescribed adding
040915 - chemotherapy treatment with cyclophosphamide each day with sunitinib,
040916 - and also adding 2 treatments of methotrexate twice a day for 2 days a
040917 - week as prescribed in the treatment protocol, reviewed on 081017.
040918 - ref SDS 49 004O
040920 -  ..
040921 - These supplemental treatments started yesterday, on 081128.  Kaiser
040922 - did not have drugs in stock on Wednesday, 081126, and so could not
040923 - fill the UCSF prescription issued by Doctor Rugo at that time on
040924 - 081126. ref SDS 79 GM99
040926 -  ..
040927 - After hiking yesterday, Millie stopped at Kaiser Park Shadelands
040928 - pharmacy on the way home.  Drugs ordered on Wednesday, ref SDS 79
040929 - GM93, had been received, and so the prescription was filled.
040930 - ref SDS 82 GM5J
040932 -  ..
040933 - Millie took the first pill of cyclophosphamide and a pill of
040934 - methotrexate in the parking lot about 1200 noon, yesterday; in the
040935 - evening OA 2100, she tookd the 2nd treatment with methotrexate.  This
040936 - morning she took the 2nd treatment with cyclophosphamide, including
040937 - the 1st pill of methotrexate.
040938 -
040940 -  ..
040941 - Sunitinib Cyclophosmaide Methotrexate Patient History
040942 -
040943 - Follow up ref SDS 81 OE6K, ref SDS 80 OE6K.
040944 -
040946 -        Cycle 1  begin 081128 after 14 treatmenst sunitinib alone
040947 -        Cohort: 3
040949 -        ..
040950 -                                          Cyclophos  Metho
040951 -                               Sunitinib   phamide   trexate
040952 -       Days  Date  Time  Cycle    37.5       50        5
040953 -       =======================================================
040954 -       Follow up ref SDS 81 PA8Y, ref SDS 80 PA8Y.
040955 -
040956 -        1.  081114 0700  Load    37.5        0        0 ... ref SDS 63 OE6K
040957 -        2.  081115 0700  Load    75.0        0        0 ... ref SDS 64 OE6K
040958 -        3.  081116 0700  Load   112.5        0        0 ... ref SDS 65 OE6K
040959 -        4.  081117 0700  Load   150.0        0        0 ... ref SDS 66 OE6K
040960 -        5.  081118 0700  Load   187.5        0        0 ... ref SDS 69 OE6K
040961 -        6.  081119 0700  Load   225.0        0        0 ... ref SDS 71 OE6K
040962 -        7.  081120 0700  Load   263.5        0        0 ... ref SDS 72 OE6K
040963 -        8.  081121 0700  Load   301.0        0        0 ... ref SDS 73 OE6K
040964 -        9.  081122 0700  Load   338.5        0        0 ... ref SDS 74 OE6K
040965 -       10.  081123 0700  Load   376.0        0        0 ... ref SDS 75 OE6K
040966 -       11.  081124 0700  Load   413.5        0        0 ... ref SDS 76 OE6K
040967 -       12.  081125 0700  Load   451.0        0        0 ... ref SDS 77 OE6K
040968 -       13.  081126 0700  Load   488.5        0        0 ... ref SDS 78 OE6K
040969 -       14.  081127 0700  Load   526.0        0        0 ... ref SDS 79 OE6K
040970 -       15.  081128 0700  1  1   563.5       50   2    5 ... ref SDS 81 OE6K
040971 -       16.  081129 0700  1  2   601.0      100   4   10 ... ref SDS 0 OE6K
040972 -
040973 -
040974 -
040975 -
0410 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0503 -
050401 -  ..
050402 - Side Effects Sunitinib Study with Cyclophosphamide Methotrexate
050403 -
050404 - Follow up ref SDS 81 LF8M, ref SDS 80 LF8M.
050405 -
050406 - Sunitinib study side effects are listed in the study Consent document,
050407 - reviewed on 081017. ref SDS 49 4G7G
050409 -  ..
050410 - Vitals before after getting up from bed, and before hiking was...
050411 -
050412 -               BP 140 75 Pulse 50
050414 -  ..
050415 - Millie feels minor joint pain, ref SDS 49 U18H, and fatigue, side
050416 - effects listed for sunitinib on 081017, ref SDS 49 4G7G, are now
050417 - non-issues for sunitinib.
050419 -  ..
050420 - Millie did not report upset stomach today.  This evening she had
050421 - heartburn again.
050423 -  ..
050424 - Yesterday, she got Prilosec medication at Kaiser for heartburn
050425 - prescribed by UCSF on Wednesday, 081125; she decided not to take it
050426 - today.
050428 -  ..
050429 - Energy has declined considerably, hopefully due to methotrexate,
050430 - which ends today until next Friday.
050432 -  ..
050433 - Millie's record of exercising shows correlation between treatments and
050434 - exercise that indicates rising side effects of fatigue. ref SDS 0 X64F
050436 -  ..
050437 - Blood pressure seems more normal for Millie again today.
050439 -     ..
050440 -                                   Date
050441 -    Description Adverse Event   Start  Stop     Medication
050442 -    ---------------------------------------------------------
050443 -    Follow up ref SDS 81 MV5H, ref SDS 80 LF8M.
050444 -
050445 -    Diarea                      081114 081114   Imodium........ ref SDS 63 LF8M
050446 -    Low pulse                   081120 081120   None........... ref SDS 72 LF8M
050447 -    Low pulse                   081121 081121   None........... ref SDS 73 7G8M
050448 -    BP 144 84 Pulse 48          081121 081121   Hiking......... ref SDS 73 LF8M
050449 -    Joint pain minor            081121 081121   Hiking......... ref SDS 73 LF8M
050450 -    Fatigue minor               081121 081121   Hiking......... ref SDS 73 LF8M
050451 -    Low pulse                   081122 081122   None........... ref SDS 74 7G8M
050452 -    Fatigue minor               081122 081122   Hiking......... ref SDS 74 LF8M
050453 -    Low pulse                   081123 081122   None........... ref SDS 75 7G8M
050454 -    BP 121 74 Pulse 53          081123 081123   Hiking......... ref SDS 75 LF8M
050455 -    Fatigue minor               081123 081122   Hiking......... ref SDS 75 LF8M
050456 -    Joint pain minor            081124 081124   Hiking......... ref SDS 76 LF8M
050457 -    Fatigue minor               081124 081124   Hiking......... ref SDS 76 LF8M
050458 -    Heartburn                   081124 081124   None........... ref SDS 76 HS9K
050459 -    BP 144 78 Pulse 52          081125 081125   Hiking......... ref SDS 77 LF8M
050460 -    Joint pain minor            081125 081125   Hiking......... ref SDS 77 LF8M
050461 -    Fatigue minor               081125 081125   Hiking......... ref SDS 77 LF8M
050462 -    Heartburn                   081125 081125   None........... ref SDS 77 HS9K
050463 -    Heartburn                   081126 081126   None........... ref SDS 78 HS9K
050464 -    Heartburn                   081127 081127   None........... ref SDS 80 HS9K
050465 -    BP 135 73 Pulse 48          081128 081128   Hiking......... ref SDS 81 5X6K
050466 -    Upset stomach               081128 081128   Hiking......... ref SDS 81 T76O
050467 -    BP 140 75 Pulse 50          081129 081129   Hiking......... ref SDS 0 5X6K
050468 -    Heartburn                   081129 081129   None........... ref SDS 0 HS9K
050469 -    Fatigue                     081129 081129   Rest........... ref SDS 0 LF8M
050470 -
050471 -
050472 -
050473 -
0505 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0603 -
060401 -  ..
060402 - Exercise Hiking Maintain Fitness Strengthen Immune System
060403 -
060404 - Follow up ref SDS 81 3E4K, ref SDS 80 3E4K.
060405 -
060406 - Millie went to the gym this morning at 0800, and did aerobics for 60
060407 - minutes.  She reported a vigorous work out, pulse reached 122.  Millie
060408 - was tired after going to the gym.
060410 -  ..
060411 - After aerobics in the gym, Millie went hiking at Lafayette reservoir,
060412 - and did 1 lap, about 2.75 miles in 56.7 minutes. ref SDS 0 X64F
060413 - Slower time reflects rising side effects from adding cyclophosphamide
060414 - and methotrexate, per above. ref SDS 0 RE9K  Previously on 081125
060415 - Millie worked out in the gym, and the hiked 1 lap at Lafayette, about
060416 - 2.75 miles. ref SDS 77 3E4K
060418 -  ..
060419 - Millie had her 16th treatment with sunitinib this morning at 0700.
060420 - ref SDS 0 PA8Y  This is the 2nd day starting the 1st cycle, and she
060421 - treatment includes sunitinib, cyclophosphmaide, and methotrexate.
060423 -  ..
060424 - On 081110, Millie complained about difficulty lifting herself from a
060425 - full squatting position. ref SDS 61 HX67  She has since been
060426 - exercising to strengthen legs, and arms.
060428 -  ..
060429 - This morning Millie did...
060430 -
060431 -        Arm presses 3 sets of 10 leaning against bannister.
060432 -        Squats 3 sets of 10 vary depth useing bannister for leverage
060433 -
060435 -  ..
060436 - Case Study on Pateint History Exercising
060437 -
060438 - Follow up ref SDS 81 X64F, ref SDS 80 X64F.
060439 -
060440 -                                             +- scm = Sunitinib Cyclophosphmaide Methotrexate
060441 -                                             +- sc  = Sunitinib Cyclophosphmaide
060442 -                           Time     Pulse    |
060443 -    Location        Miles Minutes  Avg Max  Chem  Neupo  Date
060444 -    ================================================================
060445 -    Lafayette        2.75   56.7    90 115   scm        081129, ref SDS 0 3E4K
060446 -    Lafayette        2.75   46.5   100 128   scm        081128, ref SDS 81 3E4K
060447 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.3   100 122    s         081127, ref SDS 80 3E4K
060448 -    Concord home                              s         081126, ref SDS 78 3E4K
060449 -    Lafayette        4.00   73.7   105 127    s         081125, ref SDS 77 3E4K
060450 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.4   100 129    s         081124, ref SDS 76 3E4K
060451 -    Concord home                              s         081123, ref SDS 75 3E4K
060452 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.8    95 122    s         081122, ref SDS 74 3E4K
060453 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.4    85 112    s         081121, ref SDS 73 3E4K
060454 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.7    90 122    s         081120, ref SDS 72 3E4K
060455 -    San Francisco    1.00   60.0    65  75    s         081119, ref SDS 71 3E4K
060456 -    Lafayette        2.75   49.2    97 130    s         081118, ref SDS 70 3E4K
060457 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.6   115 138    s         081117, ref SDS 67 3E4K
060458 -    Concord home                              s         081116, ref SDS 65 Y68J
060459 -    Concord home                              s         081115, ref SDS 64 EK7I
060460 -    Concord home                              s         081114, ref SDS 63 XW6H
060461 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.2   115 138              081110, ref SDS 61 3E4K
060462 -    Lafayette        2.75   48.4   105 128              081109, ref SDS 60 3E4K
060463 -    Kaiser                                         x    081108, ref SDS 59 UZ7K
060464 -    Kaiser                                         x    081107, ref SDS 58 UZ7K
060465 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.2   120 143              081025, ref SDS 56 3E4K
060466 -    Kaiser                                         x    081025, ref SDS 56 UZ7K
060467 -    Kaiser                                         x    081024, ref SDS 55 UZ7K
060468 -    UCSF                                     c          081023, ref SDS 54 V94O
060469 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.6   115 141              081021, ref SDS 53 3E4K
060470 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.4   110 128              081020, ref SDS 52 3E4K
060471 -    Kaiser                                         x    081018, ref SDS 51 UZ7K
060472 -    Kaiser                                         x    081017, ref SDS 50 UZ7K
060473 -    UCSF                                     e          081016, ref SDS 48 V94O
060474 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.1   115 154              081014, ref SDS 47 3E4K
060475 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.7   115 138              081013, ref SDS 46 3E4K
060476 -    Lafayette        8.25  146.4   180 224              081012, ref SDS 45 3E4K
060477 -    Kaiser                                         x    081011, ref SDS 44 UZ7K
060478 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.3   116 138              081010, ref SDS 43 3E4K
060479 -    Kaiser                                         x    081010, ref SDS 43 UZ7K
060480 -    UCSF                                      e         081009, ref SDS 42 V94O
060481 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.1   113 137              081006, ref SDS 41 3E4K
060482 -    Lafayette        2.75   48.5   110 136         x    081004, ref SDS 40 3E4K
060483 -    Lafayette        5.50   98.2   117 136         x    081003, ref SDS 39 3E4K
060484 -    UCSF                                      c         081002, ref SDS 38 V94O
060485 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.7   115 142              080929, ref SDS 37 3E4K
060486 -    Lafayette        8.25  150.4   115 135              080928, ref SDS 37 3E4K
060487 -    Kaiser                                         x    080927, ref SDS 36 UZ7K
060488 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.2   120 140         x    080926, ref SDS 35 3E4K
060489 -    UCSF                                      c         080925, ref SDS 34 V94O
060490 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.3   116 138              080923, ref SDS 33 3E4K
060491 -    Lafayette        5.50   98.4   112 134              080922, ref SDS 33 3E4K
060492 -    Lafayette        5.50   98.2   114 137              080921, ref SDS 33 3E4K
060493 -    Lafayette        5.50  101.6   110 133         x    080920, ref SDS 32 3E4K
060494 -    Lafayette        5.50   89.3   115 144         x    080919, ref SDS 31 3E4K
060495 -    UCSF                                      c         080918, ref SDS 30 V94O
060496 -    Lafayette        2.75   46.2   117 139              080916, ref SDS 31 3E4K
060497 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.8   117 142              080915, ref SDS 29 3E4K
060498 -    Clayton Safeway  3.00   62.4    98 118              080914, ref SDS 28 3E4K
060499 -    Lafayette        8.25  129.7   123 147         x    080913, ref SDS 27 3E4K
060500 -    Lafayette        5.50   88.4   118 146         x    080912, ref SDS 26 3E4K
060501 -    UCSF                                      c         080911, ref SDS 25 V94O
060502 -    Lafayette        2.75   46.8   113 140              080909
060503 -    Lafayette        5.50   89.2   117 143              080908
060504 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.1   115 138              080907
060505 -    Lafayette        2.75   45.3   120 144         x    080906, ref SDS 24 3E4K
060506 -    Lafayette        2.75   56.8    93 120         x    080905, ref SDS 23 3E4K
060507 -    UCSF                                      c         080904, ref SDS 22 V94O
060508 -    Lafayette        8.25  140.4   116 131              080903
060509 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.9   115 134              080902
060510 -    Kaiser                                         x    080830
060511 -    Kaiser                                         x    080829
060512 -    UCSF                                      c         080828, ref SDS 21 V94O
060513 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.6   120 137              080826
060514 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.2   117 138              080825
060515 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.2   123 136         x    080823
060516 -    Lafayette        8.25  142.5   110 131         x    080822, ref SDS 20 3E4K
060517 -    UCSF                                      e         080821, ref SDS 19 V94O
060518 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.7   115 137              080820
060519 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.3   115 135              080819
060520 -    Lafayette        8.25  141.7   118 134              080815
060521 -    UCSF                                      e         080814, ref SDS 18 V94O
060522 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.8   120 136              080813
060523 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.4   116 139              080812
060524 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.2   119 133              080810
060525 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.6   114 132         x    080809, ref SDS 16 3E4K
060526 -    Lafayette        8.25  141.1   117 135         x    080808, ref SDS 15 3E4K
060527 -    UCSF                                      c         080807, ref SDS 14 V94O
060528 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.7   115 132              080805
060529 -    Concord          7.00  127.6   105 118              080804
060530 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.2   112 134              080802
060531 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.4   115 138              080801
060532 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.2   118 140              080729
060533 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.6   116 137              080728
060534 -    Lafayette        8.25  142.6   114 134              080727
060535 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.5   120 143              080726
060536 -    Lafayette        8.25  140.8   117 135              080725
060537 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.8   122 141              080723
060538 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.3   120 139              080722
060539 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.3   115 133              080720
060540 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.7   125 144              080719
060541 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.4   123 142              080716
060542 -    Lafayette        2.25   46.8   116 137              080715
060543 -    Lafayette        8.25  141.8   116 136              080712
060544 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.9   116 139              080711
060545 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.3   113 137              080704
060546 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.2   121 147              080630
060547 -    Lafayette        8.25  142.4   116 138              080628
060548 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.4   118 138              080625
060549 -    Lafayette        2.25   47.9   116 136              080623
060550 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.2   112 138              080622
060551 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.7   115 133              080621
060552 -    Lafayette        2.25   48.3   110 129              080620
060553 -    Mt Diablo        7.00  129.4   130 153              080616
060554 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.8   120 146              080615
060555 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.3   124 144              080614
060556 -    Lafayette        5.50   89.7   122 143              080613
060557 -    Lafayette        2.76   45.8   120 147              080611
060558 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.5   123 145              080609
060559 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.7   115 138              080607
060560 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.2   118 139              080602
060561 -    Lafayette        5.50   96.2   110 202              080507, ref SDS 5 WO8M
060562 -
060563 -
060564 -
060565 -
060566 -
060567 -
0606 -