440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 17, 2008 10:04 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Millie hiking at Lafayette reservoir increased speed and distance.

2...Exercise Hiking Maintain Fitness Strengthen Immune System
3...Side Effects Neupogen Treatments Increase May Be Chemotherapy

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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

2203 -
2203 -    ..
2204 - Summary/Objective
2205 -
220501 - Follow up ref SDS C7 0000. ref SDS C6 0000.
220502 -
220503 -
220504 -
220505 -
220506 -
220508 -  ..
2206 -
2207 -
2208 - Progress
2209 -
220901 - Exercise Hiking Maintain Fitness Strengthen Immune System
220902 -
220903 - Follow up ref SDS C7 3E4K, ref SDS C6 3E4K.
220904 -
220905 - Bone pain, fatigue, and headache from Neupogen have not recurred since
220906 - the report last week on 081110. ref SDS C7 3E4K
220908 -  ..
220909 - Did 2 laps today in about the same time as last time out on Tuesday
220910 - 081110; first lap in 48 minutes, and the second in about 46.
220912 -  ..
220913 - Millie was not hiking for several days, because she took a trip to
220914 - Yosemite with friends over the weekend.
220916 -  ..
220917 - Millie has not had another attack of Cellulitis and lymphedema since
220918 - going to the emergency care unit on 080409. ref SDS 24 0001  There was
220919 - a slight flare up on 080520. ref SDS 35 OU5J
220921 -  ..
220922 - Last week on 081111, she experimented in the gym exercising her left
220923 - arm slightly to see if muscle tone can be restored.  There was no
220924 - indication of Cellulitis nor lymphedema that has occurred previously
220925 - with exercising the left arm, reported on 070607. ref SDS 11 ZH6I
220927 -  ..
220928 - Tomorrow she will try more weight training using the left arm.
220930 -  ..
220931 - Last week on 081110, Millie complained about diffiuclty lifting
220932 - herself from a squatting position.  She has since been exercising she
220933 - can to do to strengthen her legs. ref SDS C7 HX67
220935 -  ..
220936 - Hiking will rise this week after several off for vacation, and then
220937 - getting setup to change treatments.
220938 -
220939 -                                              +- c = Carboplatin
220940 -                                              +- s = Sunitinib
220941 -                                              +- e = Erbatex cetuximab
220942 -                           Time     Pulse     |
220943 -    Location        Miles Minutes  Avg Max  Chem Neupo  Date
220944 -    ----------------------------------------------------------------
220945 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.6   115 138    s         081117, ref SDS 0 3E4K
220946 -    Concord home                              s         081116, ref SDS D0 Y68J
220947 -    Concord home                              s         081115, ref SDS C9 EK7I
220948 -    Concord home                              s         081114, ref SDS C8 XW6H
220949 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.2   115 138              081110, ref SDS C7 3E4K
220950 -    Lafayette        2.75   48.4   105 128              081109, ref SDS C6 3E4K
220951 -    Kaiser                                         x    081108, ref SDS C5 UZ7K
220952 -    Kaiser                                         x    081107, ref SDS C2 UZ7K
220953 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.2   120 143              081025, ref SDS B7 3E4K
220954 -    Kaiser                                         x    081025, ref SDS B7 UZ7K
220955 -    Kaiser                                         x    081024, ref SDS B3 UZ7K
220956 -    UCSF                                     c          081023, ref SDS B0 V94O
220957 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.6   115 141              081021, ref SDS A9 3E4K
220958 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.4   110 128              081020, ref SDS A8 3E4K
220959 -    Kaiser                                         x    081018, ref SDS A7 UZ7K
220960 -    Kaiser                                         x    081017, ref SDS A6 UZ7K
220961 -    UCSF                                     e          081016, ref SDS A4 V94O,
220962 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.1   115 154              081014, ref SDS A3 3E4K
220963 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.7   115 138              081013, ref SDS A2 3E4K
220964 -    Lafayette        8.25  146.4   180 224              081012, ref SDS A1 3E4K
220965 -    Kaiser                                         x    081011, ref SDS A0 UZ7K
220966 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.3   116 138              081010, ref SDS 99 3E4K
220967 -    Kaiser                                         x    081010, ref SDS 99 UZ7K
220968 -    UCSF                                      e         081009, ref SDS 97 V94O
220969 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.1   113 137              081006, ref SDS 96 3E4K
220970 -    Lafayette        2.75   48.5   110 136         x    081004, ref SDS 95 3E4K
220971 -    Lafayette        5.50   98.2   117 136         x    081003, ref SDS 94 3E4K
220972 -    UCSF                                      c         081002, ref SDS 93 V94O
220973 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.7   115 142              080929, ref SDS 92 3E4K
220974 -    Lafayette        8.25  150.4   115 135              080928, ref SDS 92 3E4K
220975 -    Kaiser                                         x    080927, ref SDS 91 UZ7K
220976 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.2   120 140         x    080926, ref SDS 90 3E4K
220977 -    UCSF                                      c         080925, ref SDS 89 V94O
220978 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.3   116 138              080923, ref SDS 88 3E4K
220979 -    Lafayette        5.50   98.4   112 134              080922, ref SDS 88 3E4K
220980 -    Lafayette        5.50   98.2   114 137              080921, ref SDS 88 3E4K
220981 -    Lafayette        5.50  101.6   110 133         x    080920, ref SDS 87 3E4K
220982 -    Lafayette        5.50   89.3   115 144         x    080919, ref SDS 86 3E4K
220983 -    UCSF                                      c         080918, ref SDS 85 V94O
220984 -    Lafayette        2.75   46.2   117 139              080916, ref SDS 86 3E4K
220985 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.8   117 142              080915, ref SDS 84 3E4K
220986 -    Clayton Safeway  3.00   62.4    98 118              080914, ref SDS 83 3E4K
220987 -    Lafayette        8.25  129.7   123 147         x    080913, ref SDS 82 3E4K
220988 -    Lafayette        5.50   88.4   118 146         x    080912, ref SDS 81 3E4K
220989 -    UCSF                                      c         080911, ref SDS 80 V94O
220990 -    Lafayette        2.75   46.8   113 140              080909
220991 -    Lafayette        5.50   89.2   117 143              080908
220992 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.1   115 138              080907
220993 -    Lafayette        2.75   45.3   120 144         x    080906, ref SDS 79 3E4K
220994 -    Lafayette        2.75   56.8    93 120         x    080905, ref SDS 78 3E4K
220995 -    UCSF                                      c         080904, ref SDS 77 V94O
220996 -    Lafayette        8.25  140.4   116 131              080903
220997 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.9   115 134              080902
220998 -    Kaiser                                         x    080830
220999 -    Kaiser                                         x    080829
221000 -    UCSF                                      c         080828, ref SDS 74 V94O
221001 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.6   120 137              080826
221002 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.2   117 138              080825
221003 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.2   123 136         x    080823
221004 -    Lafayette        8.25  142.5   110 131         x    080822, ref SDS 72 3E4K
221005 -    UCSF                                      e         080821, ref SDS 71 V94O
221006 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.7   115 137              080820
221007 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.3   115 135              080819
221008 -    Lafayette        8.25  141.7   118 134              080815
221009 -    UCSF                                      e         080814, ref SDS 68 V94O
221010 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.8   120 136              080813
221011 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.4   116 139              080812
221012 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.2   119 133              080810
221013 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.6   114 132         x    080809, ref SDS 65 3E4K
221014 -    Lafayette        8.25  141.1   117 135         x    080808, ref SDS 64 3E4K
221015 -    UCSF                                      c         080807, ref SDS 63 V94O
221016 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.7   115 132              080805
221017 -    Concord          7.00  127.6   105 118              080804
221018 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.2   112 134              080802
221019 -    Lafayette        5.50   93.4   115 138              080801
221020 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.2   118 140              080729
221021 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.6   116 137              080728
221022 -    Lafayette        8.25  142.6   114 134              080727
221023 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.5   120 143              080726
221024 -    Lafayette        8.25  140.8   117 135              080725
221025 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.8   122 141              080723
221026 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.3   120 139              080722
221027 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.3   115 133              080720
221028 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.7   125 144              080719
221029 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.4   123 142              080716
221030 -    Lafayette        2.25   46.8   116 137              080715
221031 -    Lafayette        8.25  141.8   116 136              080712
221032 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.9   116 139              080711
221033 -    Lafayette        8.25  143.3   113 137              080704
221034 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.2   121 147              080630
221035 -    Lafayette        8.25  142.4   116 138              080628
221036 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.4   118 138              080625
221037 -    Lafayette        2.25   47.9   116 136              080623
221038 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.2   112 138              080622
221039 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.7   115 133              080621
221040 -    Lafayette        2.25   48.3   110 129              080620
221041 -    Mt Diablo        7.00  129.4   130 153              080616
221042 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.8   120 146              080615
221043 -    Lafayette        5.50   91.3   124 144              080614
221044 -    Lafayette        5.50   89.7   122 143              080613
221045 -    Lafayette        2.76   45.8   120 147              080611
221046 -    Lafayette        5.50   90.5   123 145              080609
221047 -    Lafayette        5.50   92.7   115 138              080607
221048 -    Lafayette        5.50   94.2   118 139              080602
221049 -    Lafayette        5.50   96.2   110 202              080507, ref SDS 32 WO8M
221050 -
221051 -
221052 -
221053 -
2211 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

2303 -
230401 -  ..
230402 - Side Effects Neupogen Treatments Increase May Be Chemotherapy
230403 -
230404 - Follow up ref SDS C7 SB8I, ref SDS C6 SB8I.
230405 -
230406 - Research on Neupogen side effects was reported on 080629. ref SDS 47
230407 - RQ9I  Previous case study on Neupogen side effects listed on 081002.
230408 - ref SDS 90 SB8I
230410 -  ..
230411 - Millie last reported side effects of Neupogen on 081109 experiencing
230412 - bone pain, headache, and fatigue associated with Neupogen and
230413 - chemotherapy. ref SDS C6 9V4H
230415 -  ..
230416 - Millie may not need Neupogen for the sunitinib treatment.
230418 -  ..
230419 - She cancelled treatment on 081114 and 081115.
230421 -  ..
230422 - Side effects of Neupogen may be increasing, reported on...
230423 -
230424 -               081109................, ref SDS C6 SB8I
230425 -               081018................, ref SDS A7 Y17L
230426 -               081011................, ref SDS A0 FL4H
230427 -               081010................, ref SDS 99 SB8I
230428 -               081006................, ref SDS 96 3E4K
230429 -               081004................, ref SDS 95 Y17L
230430 -               081002................, ref SDS 93 Y17L
230431 -               080930................, ref SDS 92 Y17L
230432 -               080923................, ref SDS 88 K16F
230433 -               080915................, ref SDS 84 9W9I
230434 -               080810................, ref SDS 66 9W9I
230435 -               080803................, ref SDS 62 9W9I
230436 -               080726................, ref SDS 59 9W9I
230437 -               080721................, ref SDS 57 9W9I
230438 -               080713................, ref SDS 51 RM94
230439 -               080629................, ref SDS 46 6Q5J
230440 -               080628................, ref SDS 44 6Q5J
230441 -
230442 -
230443 -
230444 -
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