440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 6, 2008 09:00 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Millie 2nd Neupgogen at Kaiser for 3rd cancer treatment 7th cycle UCSF.

2...Neupogen Treatment at Kaiser Prescribed at UCSF for Clinical Trial
3...Schedule Neupogen Treatments Extended through August
4...Exercise Hiking Maintain Fitness Strengthen Immune System

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Neupogen Side Effects Bone Pain Fatigue No Headache Suffered Today A

1503 -
1503 -    ..
1504 - Summary/Objective
1505 -
150501 - Follow up ref SDS 68 0000. ref SDS 66 0000.
150502 -
150503 -
150504 -
150506 -  ..
1506 -
1507 -
1508 - Progress
1509 -
150901 - Neupogen Treatment at Kaiser Prescribed at UCSF for Clinical Trial
150902 -
150903 - Follow up ref SDS 68 9W9I, ref SDS 66 9W9I.
150904 -
150905 - Background on missing treatment at UCSF due to low blood counts, and
150906 - requirements for Neupogen are reported in the record on 080821.
150907 - ref SDS 60 ON5M   Case study on neutropenia reported in the record for
150908 - 080828 shows continuing need for Neupogen. ref SDS 64 8O7I
150910 -  ..
150911 - Donna was Millie's nurse today.  She gave Millie 1 injection required
150912 - for prescription of treatment...
150913 -
150914 -            Neupogen 480 mcg SQ on D2 3 3 carbo
150915 -
150916 - shown in UCSF Chemotherapy Order on 080821, ref SDS 61 PWSY, and
150917 - ordered by primary care physician at Kaiser on 080609. ref SDS 34 L16I
150919 -  ..
150920 - Prior instructions describe Kaiser protocol calls for 480 mcg be given
150921 - with 2 injections, discussed on 080801 ref SDS 53 9W9I, and originally
150922 - presented by Laura on 080628. ref SDS 38 Q74G
150923 -
150924 -
150925 -
150926 -
1510 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1603 -
160401 -  ..
160402 - Schedule Neupogen Treatments Extended through August
160403 -
160404 - Follow up ref SDS 68 WJ4O, ref SDS 66 WJ4O.
160405 -
160406 - Millie's schedule was last updated yesterday on 080905. ref SDS 68
160407 - SY8G
160408 -
160409 -
160410 -
160411 -
1605 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1703 -
170401 -  ..
170402 - Exercise Hiking Maintain Fitness Strengthen Immune System
170403 -
170404 - Follow up ref SDS 68 3E4K, ref SDS 66 3E4K.
170405 -
170406 - Millie went hiking at Lafayette Reservoir after treatment today, and
170407 - did 1 lap, about 2.75 miles.  She ran part way.  Her time was 45+
170408 - minutes, which is much better than prior times.
170410 -  ..
170411 - Hiking was only 1 lap today, because of other tasks.
170412 -
170413 -
170414 -
170415 -
170416 -
1705 -
