440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 28, 2003 09:18 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Mark uses explicit links to complain that complaints are confidential.

2...Explicit Links Self-evident Easy to Learn for Motivated Customers
3...Learning to Work "Intelligently" Fast and Easy with Explicit Links
4...3-layer Architecture Bridge from Information to Culture of Knowledge
5...Don't Get Mad, Don't Waste Time Getting Even, Get Better
.........Explicit Links Make Transformation Fast and Easy
6...Confidentiality Raises Issues Not Temperatures
7...Raise Issues Not Temperatures Key Ingredient 3-layer Architecture
8...Balancing Confidentiality with Requirements for Useful Intelligence
9...SDS Improvements Make Good Management Faster and Easier
10...Better Mousetrap Does Not Draw Customers to the Door

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Fear Confidential Communications Reported on Internet Prevents Demons
Customer Fears Privacy Compromised by SDS Record on Internet
Internet Object Organizational Memory Worry Accountability Confidenti
Confidentiality Privacy Communication on Internet
Mark Requests Removal of Telephone Number in
Mark Complains His Complaint Demanding Confid
Complaint Letter of Complaint About Confidentiality Was Not Confident
Explicit Links Make Creating Connections to SDS Records on the Intern

4810 -
4810 -    ..
4811 - Summary/Objective
4812 -
481201 - Follow up ref SDS 65 0000. ref SDS 60 0000.
481202 -
481203 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Mark following up on his letter on 030513
481204 - asking for his phone number to be removed from an SDS record on the
481205 - Internet, ref SDS 65 0001, and saying in particular today....
481206 -
481207 -   1.  I do not appreciate you making lite of my concerns or my issues
481208 -       as posted here:
481210 -          ..
481211 -
481212 -
481213 -
481215 -  ..
481216 - Explicit Links Self-evident Easy to Learn for Motivated Customers
481217 - Learning to Work "Intelligently" Fast and Easy with Explicit Links
481218 - 3-layer Architecture Bridge from Information to Culture of Knowledge
481219 -
481220 - The explicit link in Mark's letter today further shows that people can
481220 - learn to use "intelligence" delivered anytime, anywhere on the
481220 - Internet, as planned on 971021. ref SDS 20 3636  Explicit links were
481220 - added on 020320 to make creating and using a connected record fast and
481220 - easy. ref SDS 49 VP6F  At that time, Gary Johnson reported on 030325
481220 - that SDS enables people to work smarter, rather than harder.
481220 - ref SDS 50 XQ4M  Despite this significant advance, transformation from
481220 - familiar methods using information technology like meetings, cell
481220 - phones, fax, Powerpoint and email, to a new way of working using a
481220 - connected record of organizational memory for accurate understanding
481220 - of cause and effect has been slow.  The record on 020812 shows that
481220 - everyone, including people who have called for linking, resists using
481220 - links. ref SDS 55 659F
481234 -  ..
481235 - Now today, we have another instance where someone learned to use SDS
481236 - explicit links entirely on their own and without any instructions.
481237 - Earlier on 030131 Virginia at PG&E made the same discovery.
481238 - ref SDS 59 1E7F  On 020905 Stuart Harrow at DCMA was given
481239 - instructions and learned to use a connected record in less than 2
481240 - minutes for saving time and money. ref SDS 57 DAPW  Since Stuart wrote
481241 - back a week later on 020912 saying SDS technology offers a unique and
481242 - novel solution, and asked for more information, ref SDS 58 HH92, this
481243 - indicates SDS may offer a new marketing opportunity.
481245 -  ..
481246 - Delivering a connected record of "intelligence" with explicit links
481246 - that people can quickly learn to use, demonstrated by Mark today, and
481246 - noted by Stewart, per above, ref SDS 0 0175, shows promise of
481246 - attracting customers in light of the report yesterday at Aerospace
481246 - company that SDS records prepared by an expert communicator, like
481246 - Gary, enable people to understand daily working information that is
481246 - otherwise too complex and moves too quickly to understand. ref SDS 67
481246 - 0001  The letter reviewed on 020217 shows that failure to accurately
481246 - remember is a common problem that degrades command and control at DOD,
481246 - and is solved by SDS. ref SDS 47 3105  Since understanding is the
481246 - essential predicate to effective management that saves time and money
481246 - and lives to improve productivity, earnings and stock prices, using
481246 - SDS and Communication Metrics support seem like good business in light
481246 - of the report on 001207 that too many people are having too many
481246 - problems using the tools they like. ref SDS 38 V54M
481262 -  ..
481263 - This record supports planning for a 3-layer architecture to sell SDS
481264 - to people like Dave, Mark and Stewart, as developed on 020820.
481265 - ref SDS 56 0001  In particular the ability of people to quickly learn
481266 - and apply explicit links provides a path for transformation from
481267 - information to a culture of knowledge that is otherwise blocked by the
481268 - dynamics of daily work that presently force people to rely on printed
481269 - documents for information management, reviewed on 030512 discussing
481270 - the dilemma of two (2) worlds. ref SDS 64 RX5O
481271 -
481272 -
481274 -  ..
481275 - Don't Get Mad, Don't Waste Time Getting Even, Get Better
481276 -
481277 - Still, there are several challenges....
481278 -
481279 -     1.  So far, the only people willing to invest time for learning a
481280 -         faster, easier way to use good management are those who get
481281 -         mad about something, as Mark demonstrates today, per above.
481282 -         ref SDS 0 0001  Making the customer mad is not a common
481283 -         strategy for gaining market share.
481285 -          ..
481286 -         While we would like to promote the idea....
481287 -
481288 -               Don't get mad, and don't get even, get better!!!
481290 -          ..
481291 -         ...the chances of enough people following this dictum to form
481292 -         a market is probably not very great.
481293 -
481294 -
481296 -          ..
481297 -         Explicit Links Make Transformation Fast and Easy
481298 -
481299 -
481300 -     2.  On 030429 Stuart confirmed SDS support for organizational
481301 -         memory is a self-evident benefit that would save time and
481302 -         money on the carrier project he is managing at DOD, where a
481303 -         lot of people need timely access to a lot of information,
481304 -         ref SDS 62 EB86; however, he went on to ask how SDS capability
481305 -         that is unique and novel can be accomplished using Microsoft
481306 -         programs that are already in stock at DOD. ref SDS 62 EB9X  At
481307 -         that time, Stuart was told how to avoid using SDS by applying
481308 -         common practices for good management. ref SDS 62 S14J  Telling
481309 -         customers how to avoid using the product is not a common
481310 -         strategy for growing market share.
481312 -          ..
481313 -         The meeting at SRI yesterday revealed strong market inertia
481314 -         earned by Microsoft and IBM for selling excellent information
481315 -         technology (IT) crowds out consideration of Knowledge tools
481316 -         for improving management to save time and money.
481318 -          ..
481319 -         Cultural latency adheres to old ways, and so requires about 50
481320 -         years to improve an established culture, reported on 011210,
481321 -         ref SDS 46 R66K, and based on Andy Grove's experience at Intel
481322 -         showing that people like to work on familiar things in
481323 -         familiar ways, reported on 980307. ref SDS 21 3740
481325 -          ..
481326 -         The lesson here seems to be that nobody is going to change
481327 -         from using tools they already know how to use until better
481328 -         results are demonstrated using something else.  Therefore,
481329 -         only experience showing better results will transform people
481330 -         from information technology to Knowledge Mangement, as Gary is
481331 -         doing at Aerospace company.
481333 -          ..
481334 -         SDS records on the Internet are one component that
481335 -         demonstrates a visible product that offers a stronger
481336 -         solution.
481338 -  ..
481339 - Mark has expertise that can make a dent in this 50 year period, so
481340 - there might be a chance for transformation during our watch; however,
481341 - the effort to gain his attention has likely created a trauma that
481342 - precludes this effort.
481344 -  ..
481345 - In this case, Mark cites the record on 030513 reviewing his letter
481346 - asking to have his company telephone number removed from the record on
481347 - 950329. ref SDS 65 RK66
481349 -  ..
481350 - Mark says today...
481351 -
481352 -   2.  In effect now you decide to not only ignore the problem but you
481353 -       republish my name and the company name and personal and
481354 -       confidential information as stated at the bottom of the very
481355 -       email you dissected? ref DRT 1 4T5O
481357 -  ..
481358 - Initially, I thought Mark is incorrect because of work done on 030513.
481359 - ref SDS 65 IY5N
481361 -  ..
481362 - Mark continues in his letter....
481363 -
481364 -   3.  Do you want to resolve this or will you insist that your clearly
481365 -       inferior technology or your knowledge of it could continue to
481366 -       cause concerns for myself, staff and prospective clients doing
481367 -       web searches? ref DRT 1 FT6J
481368 -
481370 -  ..
481371 - Mark does not cite a web search that turns up his company name on an
481372 - SDS record.  However, I did a web search and found two SDS records
481373 - with the company name still in the record....
481374 -
481375 -        Complaint on confidentiality........ 010615, ref SDS 44 0001
481376 -        Mark's follow up letter............. 030209, ref SDS 60 0001
481378 -  ..
481379 - Mark does not cite either of these records today, perhaps because they
481380 - are not business meetings, and so Mark's customers could not make the
481381 - mistake of thinking Mark and his company published an SDS record of a
481382 - business meeting that compromises confidentiality, since these records
481383 - show Mark vigorously opposes such practice.
481384 -
481385 -
481387 -  ..
481388 - Confidentiality Raises Issues Not Temperatures
481389 - Raise Issues Not Temperatures Key Ingredient 3-layer Architecture
481390 - Balancing Confidentiality with Requirements for Useful Intelligence
481391 -
481392 - Accordingly, Mark's complaint today, appears to be frustration that a
481393 - request for action was not fully implemented, despite lack of grounds
481394 - for such request.  Since Mark is making a big point about it, will try
481395 - using this record to experiment on developing methods for improving
481396 - confidentiality, since this has been raised by others.  For example on
481397 - 030521 a representative at DOD made a similar request. ref SDS 66 0001
481398 - As noted, at that time, while there is no legal duty to avoid
481399 - mentioning DOD on the Internet, the request to remove someone's name
481400 - can be honored to satisfy personal preference, and without harming the
481401 - integrity of the record, so that a broader base of people can gain
481402 - confidence in the methodology to aid understanding of complex daily
481403 - work under the general rule....
481405 -               ..
481406 -              Raise issues not temperatures!
481408 -  ..
481409 - Since Mark's temperature has been raised, edited these two (2) records
481410 - to remove the company name from published SDS records on the Internet,
481411 - per above. ref SDS 0 Y19J  This will test the level of anonymity
481412 - required to satisfy stringent requirements for confidentiality, and
481413 - still accomplish the objective to deliver anytime, anywhere
481414 - intelligence on the Internet?
481415 -
481416 -         [On 030729 reviewed cost benefits of SDS records on Internet.
481417 -         ref SDS 69 UL4P
481419 -  ..
481420 - Mark continues in his letter....
481421 -
481422 -   4.  Rod had you been an ethical individual perhaps we might have
481423 -       worked together to start.  Had the technology been worthwhile it
481424 -       might also have been something we would have happily worked on.
481425 -       But it simply was not. ref DRT 1 FT6O
481426 -
481427 -
481429 -  ..
481430 - SDS Improvements Make Good Management Faster and Easier
481431 -
481432 - Mark is correct that in 1995 SDS technology was less robust when he
481433 - was contacted and offered ideas on 950329, ref SDS 4 0100, than it is
481434 - today.
481436 -  ..
481437 - There is a continuum in technology development from idea to prototype,
481438 - then to implementation.  Disruptive technology, particularly tools for
481439 - fundamental skills, like in the case of SDS that improves literacy,
481440 - explained in POIMS, ref OF 5 6649, requires a long period of
481441 - experimentation to discover the best mix of tools, ease of use, user
481442 - interface and application on the job.  For example, in recent months
481443 - Mark has been appropriately pressing requirements for confidentiality
481444 - to aid marketing, with requirements for clear, concise, complete
481445 - communication to aid accurate understanding.  Both of these objectives
481446 - are important to productivity, earnings and stock prices.
481448 -  ..
481449 - On 970328 the US Army Corps of Engineers reported that SDS enables
481450 - Communication Metrics that adds "intelligence" to daily management.
481451 - Later in 1997 the Corps issued a follow up report that better
481452 - intelligence on the job saves time and money with an ROI of 10:1.  On
481453 - 971021 began developing Internet support that delivers anytime,
481454 - anywhere intelligence. ref SDS 20 3636  As noted above, the SDS design
481455 - was recognized for improving command and control for daily management,
481456 - reviewed on 020217. ref SDS 47 3105  On 001130 Jack Park reported to
481457 - the OHS/DKR team at SRI that SDS has the design for knowledge and the
481458 - user interface that makes the structure of knowledge useful to people.
481459 - ref SDS 37 H17O
481460 -
481461 -
481463 -  ..
481464 - Better Mousetrap Does Not Draw Customers to the Door
481465 -
481466 - Eric Armstrong reported on 000125 that a connected record boggles the
481467 - mind. ref SDS 31 GE65
481469 -  ..
481470 - Mark continues in his letter.....
481471 -
481472 -   5.  So if you want to add violation of confidentiality to a
481473 -       potential lawsuit go ahead but I suggest you read the bottom of
481474 -       this and prior emails before you arrogantly add more information
481475 -       about this issue to your web notes game. ref DRT 1 OT7J
481477 -  ..
481478 - Mark makes clear that confidentiality is another powerful force
481479 - resisting a connected record of organizational memory.  Hopefully, a
481480 - balance can be struck to provide anonymity that shields people from
481481 - unwanted scrutiny.
481483 -  ..
481484 - Mark continues in his letter.....
481485 -
481486 -   6.  You know something? ref DRT 1 KT7O
481488 -        ..
481489 -   7.  I was really nothing but nice and reasonable all these years in
481490 -       asking you to solve what was a problem for me.  You could have
481491 -       changed names dates and phone numbers but instead you become
481492 -       judge and jury and ignore my request no posting my confidential
481493 -       letter to the already stated problem? ref DRT 1 ST8H
481495 -        ..
481496 -   8.  You my friend are a piece of work. ref DRT 1 1U8N
481498 -        ..
481499 -   9.  I am so happy we chose not to associate ourselves with you.
481500 -       It's sad that I even wasted my time with you to begin with and
481501 -       what is even more sad is that you choose to post confidential
481502 -       correspondence to prove a point. ref DRT 1 9U9G
481504 -        ..
481505 -  10.  Yes technology is a wonderful thing.  I wonder if your clients
481506 -       if you have any will continue to use this application in the
481507 -       future should they find out that you can post anything you want
481508 -       even if they request it not appear publicly? ref DRT 1 BU9L
481510 -        ..
481511 -  11.  If you want to continue this game go ahead.  But be prepared to
481512 -       lose what you have built if you insist on operating in this
481513 -       manner and with no regard for other's wishes or the damage you
481514 -       may well do to another who has done nothing to harm you in any
481515 -       way. ref DRT 1 NU4H
481517 -  ..
481518 - Mark is correct on a couple of fronts.  He has for the most part been
481519 - "nice" conveying a legitimate request for avoiding harm to his
481520 - standing with customers, especially given the false starts he has had
481521 - to endure.  He is on point, also, cautioning that failure to support
481522 - confidentiality greatly diminishes the pool of people who might be
481523 - customers. ref SDS 0 QQ4X  Indeed, everyone needs confidence they
481524 - retain command and control of their private communication, as related
481525 - in the meeting yesterday. ref SDS 68 ZU3G
481527 -  ..
481528 - Mark continues in his letter.....
481529 -
481530 -  12.  As before I am willing to resolve this without us both spending
481531 -       a great deal of money on attorneys but at this point it's your
481532 -       choice. ref DRT 1 UU4N
481534 -        ..
481535 -  13.  I respectfully request that my name the name of my company and
481536 -       all identifiers that would link these records to [my company] or
481537 -       any of our subsidiaries be changed or removed at once.  You
481538 -       clearly have the ability to do it so please do so immediately.
481539 -       ref DRT 1 LU5H
481541 -  ..
481542 - Think today we have fully complied with Mark's request by severing all
481543 - association between Mark and his company with SDS records.
481545 -  ..
481546 - Mark may initially be troubled that his letter is published, but on
481547 - reflection, hopefully there will be realization that nothing in the
481548 - letter concerns a personal private or company confidence.  Moreover,
481549 - Mark makes a strong case that deserves attention.  Since his name and
481550 - his company are not in any way identified, hopefully, this matter is
481551 - now at rest in terms of Mark's objectives for confidentiality.
481553 -  ..
481554 - We could take this record down, but Mark has demonstrated today, with
481555 - application of explicit links, per above, ref SDS 0 016Y, that
481556 - struggle with important issues leads to helpful breakthroughs.
481558 -  ..
481559 - So far, to manage confidentiality we have the following options...
481560 -
481561 -     1.  Mark a record confidential to avoid publication.
481563 -          ..
481564 -     2.  Redact confidential and sensitive information from the record
481565 -         when published.
481567 -          ..
481568 -     3.  Anonymity avoids association of people and organizations with
481569 -         SDS records.
481571 -          ..
481572 -         This comes up particularly in medical cases, where the history
481573 -         of diagnosis and treatment of one patient, illustrated by the
481574 -         record on 020405, ref SDS 51 0001, is helpful for a great many
481575 -         other people, illustrated by the report on 020221 citing SDS
481576 -         records for improving medical care at Kaiser. ref SDS 48 0001
481578 -  ..
481579 - Sent Mark an email linked to this record for further review.
481580 -
481581 -
481582 -
481583 -
481584 -
481585 -
481586 -
481587 -
