440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 10, 2002 11:36 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called Jerry on advancing SDS; discussed trying Com Metrics at CSG.

2...Calculating ROI Using SDS for Organizational Memory
3...Pilot Test SDS for Intelligence, Organizational Memory at CSG
4...Organizational Memory Developed by SDS for Com Metrics Can Aid CSG
5...GUI Front-end for SDS Jerry Has Engineer Who Might Contribute
6...SDS Implemented Initially with Com Manager Role, Per USACE Experience

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Jerry will submit a letter by Friday, 020412, on carrying out this

0201 - CSG Systems Inc.                                                                                                                                                   O-00000795 0404
020101 - Mr. Jerry Nord; 402 963 8725                                                                                                                                     O-00000795 0404

SDS Unique KM Secret Industry Doesn't Know How to Design KM
CSG, Jerry Nord Reports Jury Duty Prevented Submitting Ideas for Deve
Law Organizational Memory History Experience Diary Capturing Record o
Manages Software Development Department of 150 Engineers
$40K per Week Lost Due to Poor Communication Fixed by SDS, Jerry Nord
GUI Front-end Development Jerry has Engineer in Mind to Work on SDS
CSG Com Metrics Support for Jerry Nord's Software Engineer Group

3409 -
3409 -    ..
3410 - Summary/Objective
3411 -
341101 - Follow up ref SDS A2 0000, ref SDS A0 0000.
341102 -
341103 - Jerry clarified the potential ROI for a Com Manager role is in the
341104 - area of $40K per week by reducing "rework."  He will try to comment on
341105 - the USACE report showing comparable recovery. ref SDS 0 3G6H  This
341106 - will be helpful input for Mark Clare to consider in formalizing ROI
341107 - theory and practice on improving communication.  Com Metrics can
341108 - benefit CSG operations.  A pilot test using SDS can recover the $40K
341109 - per week, and lead to wider application at CSG. ref SDS 0 5N3M  Jerry
341110 - related ideas about developing a front-end for SDS that increases
341111 - market acceptance; he discussed a particular engineer who might
341112 - contribute to this effort. ref SDS 0 MR7I  Applying SDS for Com
341113 - Metrics would enable CSG management and staff to discover the benefits
341114 - and dimensions of advancing from IT to a culture of knowledge.  Jerry
341115 - will submit a letter by Friday, 020412, on advancing this initiative.
341116 - ref SDS 0 K54I
341117 - ..
341118 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record and to issues
341119 - that may assist in advancing this pilot test effort.
341120 -
341121 -     [On 020415 called to follow up. ref SDS A4 4P5N
341122 -
341123 -
341125 -  ..
3412 -
3413 -
3414 - Progress
341501 -  ..
341502 - Calculating ROI Using SDS for Organizational Memory
341503 -
341504 - Jerry has not had time to follow up on the letter submitted 020228
341505 - with links to analysis in the record on 020217 showing Roy Roebuck's
341506 - explanation of need for SDS to improve productivity of meetings, which
341507 - Jerry raised in his letter on 020208. ref SDS A0 J66L   The record on
341508 - 020217 citing need for SDS to improve communication, ref SDS A1 1332,
341509 - is a good fit for Jerry.
341510 - ..
341511 - Today, mentioned effort to work with Mark Clare at Kanisa on
341512 - developing cost savings analysis (ROI) for using SDS, per the record
341513 - on 020322. ref SDS A3 0001  It would be helpful to get some input from
341514 - Jerry on his calculation related in our telecon on 011213. ref SDS 97
341515 - FK4M
341516 - ..
341517 - Jerry advised that his calculation of losing $40K per week was
341518 - based on an assessment of rework.
341520 -  ..
341521 - Jerry related recent problems that occurred because staff cannot
341522 - remember important communication in meetings, calls and email.  These
341523 - issues reinforce his objective to improve management, as related in
341524 - Jerry's letter on 020208. ref SDS A0 J66L
341525 -
341526 -      The general problem solved by SDS improving organizational memory
341527 -      has been set out by Jeff Conklin, reviewed on 010422. ref SDS 64
341528 -      IE4M
341530 -       ..
341531 -      Widespread loss due to failed communication because people cannot
341532 -      remember is reported on 020208. ref SDS A0 5Z4K
341533 -      ..
341534 -      Loss and delay caused by small, seemingly inconsequential
341535 -      details were reported on 921127. ref SDS 6 0674
341537 -       ..
341538 -      Other examples are in the record on 950327. ref SDS 18 0200
341539 - ..
341540 - Today, we used the Internet to briefly review the calculation
341541 - done by USACE on 971007 based on reducing mistakes that cause
341542 - "rework." ref DRP 12 4680
341544 -  ..
341545 - Jerry will comment on this analysis in relation to the calculation he
341546 - has done at CSG, as input to considerations by Mark Clare at Kanisa on
341547 - firming up an ROI calculation for improving management and
341548 - communication, planned on 020322. ref SDS A3 JS5K
341549 -
341550 -     [On 020415 Jerry submits calculation of loss caused by failed
341551 -     communication which he feels SDS can avoid. ref SDS A4 C28K
341552 -
341553 -
341554 -
341555 -
341556 -
341557 -
3416 -

Pilot Test CSG Needs SDS Support for Daily Management to Capture Orga
Lotus Notes & IBM, 910625

3604 -
360501 -  ..
360502 - Pilot Test SDS for Intelligence, Organizational Memory at CSG
360503 - Organizational Memory Developed by SDS for Com Metrics Can Aid CSG
360504 -
360505 - Jerry indicated CSG needs support from Com Metrics to make meetings,
360506 - calls and email more effective, confirming Jerry's letter on 020208.
360507 - ref SDS A0 J66L  He cited the example of using SDS this morning to
360508 - obtain critical details about prior understandings and commitments....
360509 -        ..
360510 -        Need for and advantages of SDS related
360511 -        by DOD project manager..................020228, ref SDS A2 0001
360513 -         ..
360514 -        Jerry's plan to submit ideas for
360515 -        business development on SDS.............020208, ref SDS A0 0001
360516 -
360517 - ...illustrate benefits of SDS.
360518 - ..
360519 - Jerry related that CSG tried using IBM and Lotus Notes, but this
360520 - was not effective.  CSG's experience reflects the record showing that
360521 - LN.....
360522 -
360523 -     Does not integrate time and information... 940519, ref SDS 9 2171
360524 -     Lacks SDS ability to improve management... 940519, ref SDS 9 0770
360525 -     Not used regularly to improve productivity 951011, ref SDS 23 1511
360526 -     Does not support KM....................... 001030, ref SDS 50 F26K
360527 - ..
360528 - Difficulty getting IBM to improve management reflects experience
360529 - by....
360530 -
360531 -          PG&E................................ 940726, ref SDS 10 PQ4O
360532 -          USACE............................... 960410, ref SDS 26 5577
360534 -  ..
360535 - More recently, there was a report that NASA hired Aerospace company to complete
360536 - software for the International Space Station project, after IBM was
360537 - fired.  On 011006 Aerospace company is having difficulty for the reasons cited by
360538 - Jerry today. ref SDS 92 O99K
360539 - ..
360540 - We considered doing a pilot test using SDS at CSG for about 4 to
360541 - 6 months at a cost of $15K to $20K per month.  This should save about
360542 - $120K to $160K per month, based on Jerry's initial calculation.
360543 -
360544 -      [On 020415 Jerry calculates substantially greater value at risk
360545 -      that increases cost savings using SDS for Com Metrics.
360546 -      ref SDS A4 EY3L
360547 - ..
360548 - If these savings materialize so that CSG further establishes the
360549 - efficacy of SDS, then a project would be considered to commercialize
360550 - SDS, and/or to expand use at CSG
360552 -  ..
360553 - The letter to Jerry provides an alert that past efforts to help
360554 - companies have encountered cultural resistance, ref DIT 1 SI6J, e.g.,
360555 - at Intel on 990527, ref SDS 35 074D, and earlier on 971126.
360556 - ref SDS 31 3256 Similar perspective at the San Francisco International
360557 - Airport (SFO), reported on  990505. ref SDS 34 4732
360558 -
360559 -
360560 -
360561 -
360562 -
360563 -
360564 -
360565 -
360566 -
360567 -
360568 -
3606 -

GUI Front-end Development Jerry has Engineer in Mind to Work on SDS
CSG Not Good Candidate for Project to Develop and Market SDS Commerci

3804 -
380501 -  ..
380502 - GUI Front-end for SDS Jerry Has Engineer Who Might Contribute
380503 -
380504 - Jerry indicated that CSG would not be an effective organization to
380505 - commercialize SDS.  He feels management is closely focused on a
380506 - particular part of the market that has been successful for CSG, and
380507 - so expanding beyond that existing realm is not an immediate goal.
380508 - //
380509 - He described the culture at CSG as dominated by a East Coast mentality
380510 - where being a good golf partner is a big part of influencing CSG
380511 - // management.
380512 - ..
380513 - Jerry discussed ideas about contributing to a front end for SDS.
380514 - He said they have an engineer who is on home leave to care for an
380515 - infirm spouse, and working on SDS might be something that would
380516 - interest her.
380517 - ..
380518 - This part of Jerry's ideas were not clear.  He seems to feel CSG
380519 - might contribute a GUI front end for SDS independent from an actual
380520 - effort to market a commercial product.  Jerry further commented about
380521 - making a presentation to CSG management to participate in a separate
380522 - business effort on SDS.
380523 - ..
380524 - So these steps need more work in terms of coming up with a
380525 - strategy.
380526 -
380527 -
380528 -
380529 -
380530 -
3806 -

CSG Needs SDS Support for Daily Management to Capture Organizational
Com Manager Role to Pilot Test SDS for Com Metrics at CSG
Knowledge Worker Communication Manager Adds Intelligence to Informati
Com Manager Deliberates Organizational Memory Different Tasks from Tr

4206 -
420701 -  ..
420702 - SDS Implemented Initially with Com Manager Role, Per USACE Experience
420703 -
420704 - Jerry asked how Com Metrics would be implemented, if it did not entail
420705 - an initial training effort for his people to learn and use SDS?
420706 -
420707 - We looked briefly at the USACE report on a Com Manager role for using
420708 - SDS, ref DRP 11 8449, that is further explained in NWO. ref OF 4 6369
420710 -  ..
420711 - Three (3) points need consideration....
420712 -
420713 -     1.  There are eight (8) steps for using SDS to create a record
420714 -         like this one, as shown on 001219. ref SDS 54 4W4L
420715 -         ..
420716 -         These steps have proven culturally challenging for busy
420717 -         people to adopt without expert support for reasons in the
420718 -         record on 010908, ref SDS 88 UV4H  The record on 941010 shows
420719 -         why the Com Manager role is needed and how it contributes to
420720 -         earnings, based on experience at PG&E....
420721 -
420722 -            Not enough time for training.............. ref SDS 12 0042
420723 -            Benefits of SDS........................... ref SDS 12 ES37
420724 -            Why new role is needed.................... ref SDS 12 M98F
420726 -          ..
420727 -         A report on 010725 from Wayne Wetzel, Deputy Director with the
420728 -         Department of Natural Resources and Conservation for the State
420729 -         of Montana offers further ideas on need for Com Manager
420730 -         because using SDS is psychologically demanding. ref SDS 80
420731 -         02EW and ref SDS 80 D15I
420732 -         ..
420733 -         So, the initial effort is to deliver "intelligence" to
420734 -         the team for a few months, so that people experience benefits
420735 -         without the burden of having to change work style.  An example
420736 -         of this result is the record on 970110 reporting on a team
420737 -         that was helped in this way at USACE. ref SDS 28 2487
420738 -         ..
420739 -     2.  On 970603 the role of the Com Manager in relation to
420740 -         existing staff and management was discussed for a project at
420741 -         Intel; a similar approach would be used for CSG. ref SDS 30
420742 -         4528
420743 -         ..
420744 -         See particularly....
420745 -
420746 -           a.  Maintaining alignment.................. ref SDS 30 TY8F
420747 -
420748 -           b.  Org chart.............................. ref SDS 30 0049
420750 -          ..
420751 -     3.  A scope of services is shown in a report published by USACE on
420752 -         970328. ref DRP 11 4929
420754 -          ..
420755 -         This provides a baseline for tailoring Com Metrics to fit the
420756 -         CSG culture.
420758 -  ..
420759 - Jerry will submit a letter by Friday, 020412, on carrying out this
420760 - general plan, as discussed previously on 011213. ref SDS 97 HC6N
420761 - ..
420762 - In the letter confirming these understandings, suggest we talk
420763 - by phone tomorrow if there is not enough time to prepare the letter
420764 - that Jerry has in mind.  The aim is to maintain visibility and
420765 - momentum. ref DIT 1 HG8F
420766 -
420767 -
420768 -
420769 -
420770 -
420771 -
420772 -
420773 -
420774 -
420775 -
420776 -
420777 -
420778 -
4208 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"