440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 26, 1994 09:30 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Visited PG&E to demonstrate SDS; submitted proposal.

2...SDS Presentation for PG&E
.....Welch Temporary Workstation
8...Project Support
9...Prototype Record

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0201 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company     415 973 6778 fax 8426
020101 - Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
020102 - Senior Project Manager, Room 1183B-V11C =415 973 5655; Transmissions Systems
020103 - Mr. Christopher A. Snyder,P.E., PMP
020104 - Director, Project Management, Room 1161B-V11C =415 973 7639
020105 - Transmissions Systems
020106 - Mr. Kent J. Hea, PMP
020107 - Senior Cost/Schedule Analyst, Room 1161A-V11C =415 973 3858
020108 - Transmissions Systems

Proposal, Contract & Support
Sales discussions
PG&E, Bill DeHart
Trial Installations
Industry Contacts
PG&E IBM Failed Develop Technology to Aid Management

1109 -    ..
1110 - Summary/Objective
1111 -
111101 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000.
111102 -
111103 - Submitted POIMS, ref OF 3 0001, and NWO..., ref OF 4 0001, papers;
111104 - demonstrated SDS.
111105 -
111106 - Reached tentative terms on providing an SDS prototype support project.
111107 -
111108 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 confirming these understandings, and
111109 - including proposal, per Chris Snyder's request.
111110 -
111111 -
111112 -
111113 -  ..
1112 -
1113 -
1114 - Discussion
1115 -
111501 - Used record of presentation with IBM on 940725, ref SDS 8 0001, to
111502 - illustrate character and quality of SDS deliverable, including the
111503 - POIMS exam.
111504 -
111505 -      Chris asked about my impressions in working with IBM.  He said
111506 -      PG&E had bad luck asking IBM to develop useful management
111507 -      support.
111508 -
111509 -         [On 960410 General Hatch reported similar experience at the US
111510 -         Army Corps of Engineers. ref SDS 14 5577
111511 -      ..
111512 -      I indicated that like most big organizations, they have
111513 -      excellent people, but it can take a major effort to find the
111514 -      right connections, gain visibility and follow through.
111515 -
111516 -         [On 941114 IBM found SDS integrates key communication tasks.
111517 -         ref SDS 11 5380
111518 -
111519 -
111520 -
111521 -  ..
111522 - SDS Presentation for PG&E
111523 -
111524 - We considered giving a formal presentation on POIMS and SDS to a wider
111525 - group of PG&E project managers.  Chris will call Ahemet Taspinar to
111526 - schedule it.
111527 -
111528 - Ahmet saw an SDS demonstration on 930830. ref SDS 1 0001
111529 -
111530 -
111531 -  ..
111532 - Implementation
111533 -
111534 - Chris Snyder, Bill's boss who heads up the PM Department, explained
111535 - the need to work out integrating SDS with PG&E infrastructure and
111536 - alert key people about testing a new method.
111537 -
111538 - Kent advised we need to configue SDS to run on PG&E's network.
111539 -
111540 - I proposed doing a pilot test project so PG&E can evaluate SDS by
111541 - supporting Bill's work for a month or so, per our discussion on
111542 - 940628. ref SDS 2 8490  This will cost $100 per hour.  Recommended
111543 - budgeting approximately 2 months work or about $30,000.  If PG&E feels
111544 - progress is inadequate, they can cancel at the end of a month.
111545 -
111546 -     [On 941010 Chris asked why a Com Manager role is needed.
111547 -     ref SDS 10 M98F
111548 - ..
111549 - Bill feels the CDWR project with the State of California needs
111550 - special help that can pilot test SDS, as PG&E has done previously to
111551 - assess new systems for cost control, CPM, Project Management, TQM,
111552 - personal computers, and most recently adding the Project Analyst Role.
111553 -
111554 - Initially we have to work with PG&E's computer people to configure SDS
111555 - for their network, per Kent's recommendation.
111556 -
111557 - The pilot test will illustrate how SDS is applied to manage contracts,
111558 - and demonstrate cost savings.  PG&E can assess cultural impact of
111559 - using good management practices consistently.  This experience will
111560 - support planning for internal training and support.
111561 -
111562 - Chris said PG&E wants to evaluate SDS.  He requested a proposal
111563 - confirming these understandings.
111564 -
111565 -     [On 940728 clarified objectives and scope. ref SDS 9 5J6I
111566 -
111567 -     [On 941010 PG&E assessed progress and extended pilot test.
111568 -     ref SDS 10 0001
111569 -
111570 -
111571 -
111572 -
111573 -
1116 -
1117 -
1118 - 1048 Met with Bill
1119 -   ..
111901 - Bill will be on vacation from Jul 29 - Aug 5.
111902 -
111903 - He wants to begin this evaluation project on Monday, Aug 15.
111904 -
111905 -
111906 -  ..
111907 - Contract
111908 -
111909 - He will be in the office today and again on Thursday, Jul 28.  I will
111910 - try to bring the proposal over today, so we can finalize arrangements
111911 - on Thursday, before he leaves for vacation.  Chris is also on vacation
111912 - next week.
111913 -
111914 -
111915 - Computers
111916 -
111917 - We checked and found Bill's computer has about 83 MB free.  He wants
111918 - to load SDS on their shared drive so Cynthia Chan can begin learning
111919 - SDS right away.  This will likely require using drive S (shared), or
111920 - drive P.
111921 - ..
111922 - There are several work areas next to Bill's location, where I
111923 - can work. One has a computer.  We are unsure about its features.
111924 - There appears to be a scanner.
111925 -
111926 -
111927 -      ..
111928 -     Welch Temporary Workstation
111929 -
111930 -     I will want to configure a worstation that emulates my office
111931 -     system, so I can work at my office or at PG&E comparably.  Ideally
111932 -     this requires a 17" hi res color monitor, and a 486 50 Mhz cpu
111933 -     with at least 600 MB free on the boot drive.  I will load OS2 and
111934 -     Omnipage in addition to SDS, to support document management, using
111935 -     the scanner in the office we inspected.
111936 -
111937 -     Some reasonable proximity to this spec will be adequate.
111938 -
111939 -
111940 - It will likely take 3 to 4 days to get Bill, Cynthia and I all
111941 - configured on the network with SDS.  Sometimes this can take only a
111942 - few hours.  But often there are small snags here and there that
111943 - require scoping out, coordination with others, and a few false starts
111944 - before things are running correctly.
111945 - ..
111946 - Bill is using "Reach Out" for offsite access via modem to the
111947 - network. <060Y
111948 -
111949 - Contacts
111950 -
111951 - Bill said Cynthia has been working on an assignment to assemble his
111952 - contacts into a single data base.  After getting the computers
111953 - configured, Cynthia and I will load these into the SDS Contacts data
111954 - base.  This might take 1 or at most 2 days of my time, and a compara-
111955 - ble amount of time for Cynthia.  For her it will be an introduction
111956 - into data entry procedures.
111957 -
111958 -
111959 -  ..
111960 - Subjects
111961 -
111962 - Bill and I will do this together, since it entails figuring out how to
111963 - track or structure his work.  This might take 2 days, perhaps spread
111964 - out over a week to get an initial baseline Subject Index.  Cynthia
111965 - will also be involved, because the SI is used to track and assemble
111966 - information, which is an Analyst operation in conjuction with the
111967 - Project Manager.
111968 -
111969 - Once the baseline SI is assembled, we need to work out some rules for
111970 - maintenance and coordination between Analyst and PM, because everyday
111971 - new subjects arise, more detail is needed on existing subjects.
111972 -
111973 -
111974 -  ..
111975 -
111976 -  ..
111977 - Project Support
111978 - Prototype Record
111979 -
111980 - Welch will initially support Bill's schedule.  Cynthia will observe
111981 - the evolution and nature of things that are accomplished.  Welch and
111982 - Bill will attend project meetings together, so Welch can prepare
111983 - agendas and issue meeting notes to control the record.  Welch will
111984 - issue correspondence.  Bill will advise Welch of important calls that
111985 - require follow up, and Welch will perform research.  The result will
111986 - be to build a prototype record that reflects how SDS is applied to
111987 - Bill's work.
111988 -
111989 -
111990 -
111991 -
111992 -  ..
1120 -
1121 -
1122 - 1700 met Bill
1123 -
112301 - Cynthia met me at the door, and showed me into Bill's office.
112302 -
112303 - Submitted proposal.  He wants me to join a meeting on 940728 with Kent
112304 - to discuss Kent's concerns about the interface of SDS and Welch with
112305 - PG&E culture.
112306 - ..
112307 - Bill met briefly with Chris in the afternoon and was told that
112308 - following the demonstration this morning, per above, ref SDS 0 PQ4O,
112309 - Ken Hea recommended approval of a limited pilot test for SDS.  Bill
112310 - understands that Kent has reservations about SDS, but wants to see the
112311 - functionality tested under conditions of daily work at PG&E.
112312 -
112313 -     [On 940728 Ken confirmed he likes SDS functionality, but is
112314 -     worried about SDS will work with PG&E other business systems being
112315 -     converted to Microsoft protocols. ref SDS 9 OQWT
112316 -
112317 -     [On 941130 favorable results reported to PG&E management, SDS
112318 -     extended and expanded. ref SDS 12 BT8K and ref SDS 12 0003
112319 -
112320 -     [On 950110 received favorable report on using SDS at PG&E.
112321 -     ref SDS 13 0001
112322 - ..
112323 - As a result Chris wants to limit the initial obligation to 4
112324 - weeks.  I advised the proposal meets that objective at ref DIT 1 line
112325 - 337, and also at ref DIT 1 line 514.
112326 -
112327 - Chris evidently will not be available to meet on Thursday.
112328 -
112329 - Bill intends to submit the proposal to Kent in advance of the Thursday
112330 - meeting, so when we meet, Kent can identify specific concerns that we
112331 - can consider jointly.  Bill will advise me tomorrow of any changes he
112332 - would like in the proposal prior to submitting to Kent.
112333 -
112334 - Bill feels that in light of the reduced evaluation period, we should
112335 - limit my scope to only a few projects, rather than his entire port-
112336 - folio.  I concur.
112337 -     ..
112338 -     He described a contract PG&E has to provide power to a State
112339 -     construction project for approximately $5M.  Work does not begin
112340 -     until next year, but they are doing administration now.
112341 -
112342 -     Bill wants me to attend a meeting Aug 18, in Sacramento on this
112343 -     project.
112344 -
112345 -
112346 - I am also concerned about trying to train Cynthia and Bill to use SDS
112347 - when it may all be over in a few weeks.  My guess would be for me to
112348 - simply do the PM with SDS, so PG&E can evaluate its impact based on an
112349 - expert user.  This would enable me to work out the computer and
112350 - procedural interfaces, without the burden of having to train someone.
112351 - So under this scenerio we might not want to involve Cynthia, until
112352 - after the 4 weeks, and PG&E decides to proceed with training.
112353 -     ..
112354 -     This means doing things a step at a time.  See if we can
112355 -     work out the technical interface.  Find out how big a hurdle it
112356 -     is, what work arounds are available.  Let people get used to an
112357 -     SDS effort under way.  If that works, then go the next step of
112358 -     training.
112359 -
112360 -
112361 -
1124 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"