440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 31, 2002 11:46 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Gary notified about cost savings using SDS.


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0201 - Dynamic Alternatives                                                                                                                                               O-00000793 0101
020101 - Mr. Garold L. Johnson; 714 896 3311 ext 71223                                                                                                                    O-00000793 0101

Architecture Counterintuitive SDS Design Aided by Synergy from Daily
Reality Forces Mistakes into Span of Attention
Fewer People Chasing More Information
ROI Communication Metrics Higher Than Hiring Managers
Increased Overhead Costs Reflects Rework
Good Management SDS Pays for Itself Like Advertising
Bad Management Cheaper than Good Management in the Moment Failure Cos
Clare, Mark Solving Knowledge Value Equation, Powerpoint Presentation
Nord, Jerry CSD Cost Savings Using SDS that Includes Call Center and
Aerospace company Cost Saving Analysis to Calculate ROI based on Value    Risk S
Calculate ROI SDS for Com Metrics 10:1 by Reducing Mistakes that Caus

4613 -
4613 -    ..
4614 - Summary/Objective
4615 -
461501 - Follow up ref SDS 75 0000, ref SDS 74 0000.
461502 -
461503 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Gary mentioning discussions with Stuart
461504 - yesterday about improving FAR based on lessons learned, ref SDS 76
461505 - 0001, from case study Gary has developed on the Aerospace company ISS Software
461506 - project, ref SDS 76 VE7F, and following Gary's letter on 020525
461507 - agreeing to release the case study. ref SDS 75 O276
461508 -
461509 -      [On 020604 called Gary about progress. ref SDS 77 0001
461511 -  ..
461512 - In a telecon on 020415 Gary indicated he would consider doing a
461513 - calculation based on case study for ISS Software project, ref DIT 1
461514 - 016L and, ref DIT 1 S88M similar to what Jerry Nord did, ref SDS 71
461515 - 0H85, reported the same day on 020415. ref SDS 69 C28K
461516 - ..
461517 - Want to gather more evidence of cost savings based on value at
461518 - risk (VAR) to help people grasp the value of good management as called
461519 - out by.....
461520 -
461521 -       Covey, diary to understand......... 921205, ref SDS 3 2229
461522 -       Drucker, analysis to plan.......... 931130, ref SDS 5 7911
461523 -       PMI, ISO audit trail to verify..... 950721, ref SDS 7 1740
461524 -       FAR, document history of work...... 020504, ref SDS 72 IY4I
461526 -  ..
461527 - All of these "expert" prescriptions for good management, and FAR
461528 - requirements are enabled by SDS using Com Metrics for adding
461529 - "intelligence" to information, but are ignored as explained in POIMS,
461530 - ref OF 1 QT5L, and cited in a recent letter to Gary on 020315,
461531 - ref SDS 60 I95J, which Gary mentions in his letter on 020522.
461532 - ref SDS 74 UB4M
461533 - ..
461534 - Communication is biggest risk in enterprise, ref DIT 1 B26H,
461535 - because meaning drift causes continual error in meetings, calls and
461536 - email. ref OF 1 049O
461537 - ..
461538 - Perhaps Gary can calculate the high price people pay for bad
461539 - management when people fail to pay the cost of good management, which
461540 - reflects Jeremy Campbell's book, ref DIT 1 B26H, that explains
461541 - mistakes arise from reliance on spontaneous communication in meetings,
461542 - calls and email, reviewed on 900303. ref SDS 1 4456 and ref SDS 1 6689
461543 - ..
461544 - Specific examples of areas to improve....
461545 -
461546 -     SRS requirements ignored................. 020315, ref SDS 60 I95J
461547 -     Gap between work and requirements........ 020522, ref SDS 74 T29G
461548 -     Magnitude of problems cannot be
461549 -     overstated............................... 020525, ref SDS 75 T29G
461550 - ..
461551 - On 990525 Morris noted that engineers don't like good
461552 - management; they are in love with technology, ref DIT 1 ZP8L, and so
461553 - need help to avoid the slippery slope of bad management. ref SDS 18
461554 - 0966 A few days later, on 990527, Intel's CEO Andy Grove made the same
461555 - point. ref SDS 19 0682
461557 -  ..
461558 - Stuart Harrow made a similar point on 010619 about contract managers.
461559 - ref SDS 39 KWSQ
461561 -  ..
461562 - Earlier, on 980307 Grove noted that getting executives to improve
461563 - management for saving time and money is like walking through the
461564 - valley of death. ref SDS 14 0502 and ref SDS 14 1657  Kissinger
461565 - worried that management is an Alice in Wonderland of continual
461566 - bumbling, reported 940609. ref SDS 6 4238  Fortune reported on 990625
461567 - that laziness prevents CEOs from using good management to save time
461568 - and money. ref SDS 20 4914
461569 - ..
461570 - On 020131 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld commented on the
461571 - need for persistance in helping people grasp improvement to change
461572 - entrenched attitudes that desire to work on familiar things in
461573 - familiar ways. ref SDS 55 6L5K
461574 - ..
461575 - Calculation helps people grasp difference between using
461576 - Microsoft programs for documentation, and using SDS for intelligence,
461577 - explianed in the record on 020504. ref SDS 72 AV9K
461578 - ..
461579 - National security failure on 010911 demonstrates Kissinger's
461580 - concern about continual bumbling. ref SDS 43 UP5K
461581 - ..
461582 - On 020522 Gary feels organizational culture breeds attitudes
461583 - that prevent good management. ref SDS 74 FL5H
461584 - ..
461585 - This additional data, together with input from USACE and now CSG
461586 - can help Mark Clare at Kanisa apply his discounted cash flow
461587 - methodology for calculaing ROI for SDS, ref DIT 1 005M, as discussed
461588 - on 020408. ref SDS 68 0001, and specifically on 020329. ref SDS 67
461589 - EJ4L
461590 -
461591 -      Copy of the letter to Gary was sent to Mark Clare to let him know
461592 -      I am following up our planning to discuss this calculating ROI
461593 -      from using intelligence to avoid the price people pay for using
461594 -      bad mangement by paying the cost of good management. ref SDS 63
461595 -      O547
461596 -
461597 -         [On 020607 Mark responds to the letter by proposing we meet at
461598 -         a KM event in the city during July. ref SDS 78 0001
461599 - ..
461600 - Evidence showing cost savings can help DCMA apply FAR
461601 - requirements for advising and assisting the contractor in using good
461602 - managments called out under part 42.302(a)(33) reviewed on 020504.
461603 - ref SDS 72 OY8N
461604 -
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4617 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"