440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 8, 2002 09:46 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Letter to Mark Clare on calculating savings from Com Metrics.
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0201 - Kanisa, Inc. O-00000799 0606
020101 - Mr. Mark Clare; Knowledge Architect
Measuring Communication Issues
Calculate Cost Benefit Level of Effort
Calculation Cost Savings Knowledge Value Equation, Powerpoint Present
Reality Forces Mistakes into Span of Attention
Front-end Invest Planning v. Immediate Action Management Dilemma
ROI Good Management Difficult Calculate Compare Cost Front-end Invest
10:1 ROI Killer Application Cost Effective
Calculate ROI SDS for Com Metrics 10:1 by Reducing Mistakes that Caus
1510 -
1510 - ..
1511 - Summary/Objective
1512 -
151201 - Follow up ref SDS 45 0000, ref SDS 44 0000.
151202 -
151203 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Mark proposing that we table telecon
151204 - planned for 020405 until first week in May, i.e., for about three (3)
151205 - weeks.
151207 - ..
151208 - Mark does not indicate continuing difficulty understanding Com Metrics
151209 - theory of intelligence and how this improves management to save time
151210 - and money. Perhaps this reflects favorable results from reviewing
151211 - NWO, which was suggested to Mark on 020329, ref SDS 44 4D5N, along
151212 - with providing explanation for him with links to the record on 020322
151213 - when he said he does not "get" Com Metrics. ref SDS 42 G49N
151215 - ..
151216 - Further research on 020322 concerning Mark's book showed he has
151217 - education in philosophy and cognitive science which are helpful to
151218 - understand the theory of cognition implemented by SDS, ref SDS 42
151219 - SY9K, as proposed in meeting at Stanford on 011219. ref SDS 39 4P6H
151220 - ..
151221 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 agreed to Mark's idea for telecon in
151222 - May, and suggest a meeting to help him "get it," as related on 020322.
151223 - ref SDS 42 ST9J
151224 -
151225 - [On 020415 Jerry Nord at CSG submits calculation of cost savings
151226 - using Com Metrics that may fit Mark's model. ref SDS 46 Q75M
151227 -
151228 - [On 020531 submitted request to Gary at Aerospace company for
151229 - calcualtion of extra cost caused by bad management shown in case
151230 - study; cite Mark Clare's work, and sent copy of the letter to Mark
151231 - to let him know I am following up our planning to meet on this
151232 - matter. ref SDS 47 0001
151233 -
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"