440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 13, 2000 11:26 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Received call from Cliff Joslyn at LANL about trip to Bay Area.

2...Meetings on SDS with Cliff, Presentationt to SRI during 000720 - 21
3...Context of Chronology Aids Memory, Enhances Decision Support
4...SDS Yields Theory of Knowledge, Better Memory Augments Intelligence
5...Intelligence Integrates Time, Information for Knowledge Cause, Effect
6...Knowledge Interprets Information to Guide Action
7...Semiotics Covers Communication, Meaning, Inference (Causation)
8...Professor Ransdell explains semiotics from Peirce's work as
.................Communication, Meaning and Inference
9...Adding Intelligence to Information Intially Appears Shocking
10...Knowledge Management Opens a Development Path That is Only Starting
11...Graphical Mapping May Add Value and Focus to Knowledge Management
...................Clear, Concise, Complete Communication
12...SDS Demo, Meeting with Morris at Intel, Presentation at SRI on KM
13...Background on Cliff and purpose of addressing Doug's DKR team...
14...Subject Ideas for Cliff's Presentation to SRI on 000727

Click here to comment!

0202 - Los Alamos National Laboratory                                                                                                                                     O-00000755 0602
020201 - Mr. Cliff Joslyn; 505 667 9096                                                                                                                                   O-00000755 0602
020203 - Computer Research Group (CIC-3)                                                                                                                                  O-00000755 0602
0203 - Texas Tech University                                                                                                                                              O-00000761 0504
020301 - Mr. Joseph Ransdell; Associate Professor                                                                                                                         O-00000761 0504
020303 - Department of Philosophy                                                                                                                                         O-00000761 0504

Demo SDS via Web Site
Alliances on Development
Los Alamos National Lab
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
LANL Planning
Propose Presentation to SRI Group by Cliff Joslyn

1308 -
1308 -    ..
1309 - Summary/Objective
1310 -
131001 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0000, ref SDS 31 0000.
131002 -
131003 - Cliff will be in town from 000721 - 000724, but is willing to change
131004 - his schedule to arrive either on 000720 to address the team at SRI, or
131005 - he can stay over to visit SRI on 000727.  Called and left message
131006 - asking Jack Park to coordinate Cliff's presentation to SRI, with
131007 - Eugene Kim. ref SDS 0 2480  We will meet sometime during his stay in
131008 - the Bay Area, for a demonstration of SDS, and will, also, try to meet
131009 - with Morris at Intel.  Jack and Howard can join that meeting, or make
131010 - separate arrangements to entertain Cliff during his stay in Palo Alto,
131011 - since that is close to Cliff's meeting at Xerox.  During the call
131012 - today Cliff asked about the distinction between information and
131013 - knowledge.  The discussion led to review of semiotics, which covers
131014 - communication, meaning and inference, which is another word for
131015 - causation that flows from sequence. ref SDS 0 4078
131016 - ..
131017 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Jack, linked to this record, and
131018 - with copies to Cliff and Morris for information on coordinating.
131019 - ..
131020 - Eugene responded that Jack is out of town; Eugene requests
131021 - information on Cliff and scope of remarks. ref SDS 0 3584
131023 -  ..
131024 - Sent ref DIT 2 0001 to Eugene with copy to Cliff and Jack.
131025 -
131026 -     [On 000714 received letter from Eugene. ref SDS 40 0001
131027 -
131028 -     [...called to notify Cliff. ref SDS 40 1886
131030 -  ..
131031 - Submitted ref DIT 3 0001 to Professor Ransdell to inquire about
131032 - correlation of SDS to semiotics. ref SDS 0 0616
131033 -
131034 -     [On 000715 sent copy to Morris, Jack and Eugene for information.
131035 -
131036 -     [On 0000716 received letter from professor Ransdell. ref SDS 42
131037 -     0001
131038 -
131039 -
131040 -
131042 -  ..
1311 -
1312 -
1313 - Discussion
131401 -  ..
131402 - Meetings on SDS with Cliff, Presentationt to SRI during 000720 - 21
131403 -
131404 - Cliff called to follow up his letter, ref DRP 3 0001, received on
131405 - 000629, and responding to my letter, ref DIP 1 0001, sent on 000622.
131406 - ref SDS 31 0001
131407 -
131408 - He is currently scheduled to be in town from 000721 through 000724,
131409 - initially for a two (2) day conference on linguistics at Berkeley;
131410 - then, he has meetings with Xerox in Palo Alto on 000722 and 000724.
131411 - This provides time to meet about SDS, per Cliff's letter, ref DRP 1
131412 - 4895, on 000502. ref SDS 21 0001  This leaves a few days for our agenda
131413 - to review SDS.
131414 - ..
131415 - I asked Cliff if he is open to making a presentation to Doug's
131416 - DKR team meeting at SRI, per my letter, ref DIP 2 0001, submitted to
131417 - Cliff on 000622, based on discussion with Jack Park. ref SDS 32 4089
131418 -
131419 -      [On 000727 Cliff gave a presentation on KM at SRI. ref SDS 49
131420 -      5555
131422 -  ..
131423 - Cliff said he can revise his schedule in order to make a presentation
131424 - on Knowledge Management to Doug's DKR team at SRI on either 000720,
131425 - which is next Thursday, or the following week on 000727.  He would
131426 - like to meet Doug Engelbart, if possible.  I mentioned understandings
131427 - that Doug is traveling with Pat Lincoln doing fund raising in
131428 - Washington for the next 10 days, and so may be back for the meeting on
131429 - 000727, per telecon with Pat on 000711. ref Sds 39 5250
131430 - ..
131431 - Cliff related having received a long letter from John Deneen on
131432 - 000509, discussing the SRI project, and providing a bunch of links,
131433 - but the letter did not actually ask or propose any action.  Cliff
131434 - responded to John, and got another long letter, but still no request
131435 - for Cliff to do anything.  Based on John's letters, Cliff would like
131436 - to address the SRI team, if there is interest in hearing about the
131437 - LANL KM program, and how it might relate to Doug's DKR effort.
131439 -  ..
131440 - We reviewed KM briefly, and some history of the SRI team, beginning on
131441 - 000324 when Lee Iverson with SRI explained difficulties other projects
131442 - are having developing specific solutions. ref SDS 14 4877   On 000406
131443 - the SRI team seemed to adopt a course to create software development
131444 - tools, as a first step in bootstrapping a DKR capability. ref SDS 17
131445 - 5078
131446 - ..
131447 - Cliff asked why software is a first step?  I related
131448 - understanding about Bootstrapping, also set out on 000406. ref SDS 17
131449 - 5078
131451 -  ..
131452 - He asked about the meaning of DKR, which stands for...
131453 -
131454 -
131455 -                     Dynamic Knowledge Repository
131456 -
131458 -  ..
131459 - The team worked on definitions, for example on 000423. ref SDS 18 5933
131461 -  ..
131462 - Eric Armstrong has done an excellent job preparing requirements to
131463 - improve collaboration with an enhanced email capability, using XML and
131464 - other modern methods, like IBIS and Wiki, analysed on 000505.
131465 - ref SDS 24 0001  Reviewed Eric's concern on 000503 about not
131466 - understanding KM, after 5 months of collaboration. ref SDS 23 5033  On
131467 - 000615 the team announced consensus about not understanding KM well
131468 - enough to develop a DKR. ref SDS 30 6271
131469 - ..
131470 - Cliff recalled the record on 000615.
131472 -  ..
131473 - When this consensus was announced on 000615, Jack Park was out of the
131474 - country attending an XML conference in Paris.  When he returned, Eric
131475 - went on vacation to Ireland.  Jack has since submitted on 000623 an
131476 - architecture that moves the DKR project further toward a Knowledge
131477 - Management objective. ref SDS 33 4752
131478 -
131479 -
131480 -
1315 -

Knowledge and Logic Derived from Experience, Semiotic Theory
Semiotics = Communication + Meaning + Inference
Information Different from Knowledge that Guides Action
Knowledge Cause Effect from Information over Time, Guides Action
Peirce's Semiotic, Leading Ideas, Ransdell, 971120
Meaning Connections Cause Effect
Past Prologue, Shows Future by Causation, Chronology, Semiotics
Links Improve Access to Needed Information, LANL, Joslyn
Useful Design Time Organizes Chronology Context Causation Sequence Semi  ics
Knowledge Define Chronology Causation Experience
Knowledge Differt from Information
Semiotics Guides Cliff's KM Research
Semiotics Knowledge is Experience Peirce, 000515

5415 -
541601 -  ..
541602 - Context of Chronology Aids Memory, Enhances Decision Support
541603 - SDS Yields Theory of Knowledge, Better Memory Augments Intelligence
541604 - Intelligence Integrates Time, Information for Knowledge Cause, Effect
541605 -
541606 - Cliff feels SDS is very powerful, confirming prior notice in his
541607 - letter on 000425. ref SDS 19 0001  He mentioned being able to find
541608 - references in the record to Jack Park that prompted recollection of
541609 - prior contacts, and of Jack's colleague, Howard Liu, who is working on
541610 - a KM project using an idea which Jack got from Cliff at a professional
541611 - conference, reported on 000503. ref SDS 22 6860  This experience
541612 - aligns with Cliff's letter on 000425 commending ease of using SDS work
541613 - product. ref SDS 19 0001
541614 -
541615 -        [On 000721 professor Joseph Ransdell, at Texas Tech, reports
541616 -        favorably on SDS design that aids "understanding." ref SDS 47
541617 -        E2FY
541619 -         ..
541620 -        [On 000925 Cliff reports SDS has good design for some KM tasks;
541621 -        wants SDS in a different implementation. ref SDS 52 RK3I
541623 -  ..
541624 - I commented that SDS provides context that aids memory which augments
541625 - "intelligence" explained on 900319. ref SDS 1 0005  This aids decision
541626 - support under the rule that "past is prologue," see POIMS. ref OF 1
541627 - 1112  On 000515 Peirce's semiotics indicate memory of the past is
541628 - instrumental to understanding the present, and planning for the
541629 - future. ref SDS 25 5282  A few days later on 000517 there was
541630 - discussion during a meeting at Intel that SDS enhances human memory.
541631 - ref SDS 26 5083
541633 -  ..
541634 - Cliff asked about differences between information and knowledge
541635 - applied in the SDS design?
541637 -  ..
541638 - Addressing this question constructively, is why I recommended in the
541639 - letter on 000622 that Cliff make a presentation to SRI's DKR team.
541640 - ref SDS 32 5795
541642 -  ..
541643 - Today, we reviewed the explanation of knowledge and information in the
541644 - record on 000517 at Intel, ref SDS 26 4972, supported recently by
541645 - discussion with Bill and Morris on 000709 about using time for
541646 - organizing information, i.e., to augment alphabet technology.
541647 - ref SDS 37 0004
541648 -
541649 -        [On 000717 Professor Joseph Ransdell, Texas Tech University,
541650 -        explained how SDS aids understanding. ref SDS 43 3825
541652 -         ..
541653 -        [On 020608 knowledge define case study hard for people to
541654 -        grasp, ref SDS 57 CC6J; philosophy grounding for "Knowledge
541655 -        Management" reviewed 050115, ref SDS 59 SF5K, correlates with
541656 -        cognitive science reviewed 960518, ref SDS 4 GS58, management
541657 -        tasks considered 000307, ref SDS 12 767G, and physical science
541658 -        locality principle power of knowledge predicts and controls the
541659 -        future, reviewed on 040312, ref SDS 58 YH4G
541661 -  ..
541662 - A new article by David Gelernter received on 000710 makes a similar
541663 - point, that time is a foundational organizing theory. ref SDS 38 3961
541664 -
541666 -  ..
541667 - Knowledge Interprets Information to Guide Action
541668 -
541669 - Cliff noted that we use different words, but come out at the same
541670 - place. He defines "knowledge" as an "interpretation" of information
541671 - leading to action.  I concurred that "knowledge" is a predicate to
541672 - action.  We reviewed the "intelligence" process set out in POIMS.
541673 - ref OF 1 6649
541674 -
541675 -      [...below, recommend Cliff address this in his remarks to SRI.
541676 -      ref SDS 0 3348
541678 -  ..
541679 - Semiotics Covers Communication, Meaning, Inference (Causation)
541680 -
541681 - Follow up ref SDS 25 0784.
541682 -
541683 - Cliff related knowledge managment views grounded in semiotics, which
541684 - studies the use of signs and symbols, and guides his assessment of SDS
541685 - as supporting context management, per above. ref SDS 0 4267
541686 -
541687 -     [On 000926 Henry van Eykan commented on the importance of context
541688 -     management. ref SDS 53 375K
541690 -  ..
541691 - This seems to align with Jack Park's letter on 000405 discussing signs
541692 - and symbols in relation to ontology. ref SDS 16 1548
541693 -
541694 -       [On 001130 Jack explains ontology to improve SDS. ref SDS 54
541695 -       2X7N
541696 -
541697 -       [On 001214 Jack proposes use cases to develop ontology under
541698 -       Qualitative Process Theory (QPT). ref SDS 55 0001
541700 -      ..
541701 -     After talking to Cliff, did a check on the web and found a paper
541702 -
541703 -
541704 -                Some Leading Ideas on Peirce's Semiotic
541705 -
541706 -
541707 -     ...dated 971120 by...
541708 -
541709 -                    Joseph Ransdell
541710 -                    Dept of Philosophy, Texas Tech
541711 -                    University
541712 -                    Lubbock, Texas 79409,
541713 -                    U.S.A.
541714 -          
541715 -          
541716 -
541718 -         ..
541719 -
541720 -
541722 -  ..
541723 - Professor Ransdell explains semiotics from Peirce's work as
541724 - covering...
541725 -
541726 -
541727 -                 Communication, Meaning and Inference
541728 -
541729 -
541730 -       [On 000717 Joe commends SDS theory and design. ref SDS 43 3825
541731 -
541732 - ...analysed as follows...
541733 -
541734 -
541735 -      •  Communication
541736 -
541737 -         On 950201 historical origins, and correlation to cost and
541738 -         schedule control reviewed. ref SDS 2 0756
541740 -          ..
541741 -         On 950327 Communication Metrics defines "communication" as
541742 -         enabling cooperation through "community" based on shared
541743 -         meaning over time, using tools and processes for alignment
541744 -         metrics. ref SDS 3 8492
541745 -
541746 -           [On 000718 Cliff's outline explains semiotics. ref SDS 44
541747 -           8240
541749 -            ..
541750 -           [On 000721 Joe says communication is not a prominent aspect
541751 -           of philosophy. ref SDS 47 8954
541753 -            ..
541754 -           [On 000723 discussed semiotics with Cliff. ref SDS 48 0784
541756 -            ..
541757 -           [On 000727 Cliff explained semiotics to SRI team on DKR.
541758 -           ref SDS 49 5151
541760 -  ..
541761 -      •  Meaning
541762 -
541763 -         ...explained on 000518, ref SDS 27 3528, and meaning drift
541764 -         explained on 991101, ref SDS 9 0857, makes....
541765 -
541766 -
541767 -               Communication the biggest risk in enterprise!
541768 -
541769 -
541770 -         ...derived from relative location of information in Knowledge
541771 -         Space set by "intelligence" process that connects information
541772 -         into chronologies of cause and effect, and assigns subjects
541773 -         based on recognized needs, drives, objectives of human body to
541774 -         survive.  SDS applies this process as a core management cycle.
541775 -
541776 -            [On 000716 Professor Ransdell identified scientific process
541777 -            of inquiry, and seems to indicate Periece semiotics applied
541778 -            logic to signs to form meaning. ref SDS 42 7216
541779 -  ..
541780 -      •  Inference
541781 -
541782 - a predictive power needed for decision support that
541783 -         comes from timely accurate experience and analysis showing
541784 -         causation, explained in POIMS, ref OF 1 9225, which is mostly
541785 -         hidden by the complexity of daily activity, and thereon
541786 -         comprises a significant knowledge management dilemma, reviewed
541787 -         on 991014, ref SDS 8 5600, and again on 000106. ref SDS 11 5120
541788 -         ..
541789 -         SDS design integrates time and information to enhance
541790 -         alphabet technology by making it fast and easy to segment
541791 -         subjects and assemble accurate chronologies showing cause and
541792 -         effect based on context.  On 000517 this environment was
541793 -         defined as "knowledge." ref SDS 26 5096  This Knowledge
541794 -         Management capability enhances cognitive inferences that are
541795 -         otherwise based on recall, gut feel, guess and gossip, hunch
541796 -         and hope.
541797 -
541798 -            [On 000716 alphabet technology applies signs and symbols of
541799 -            semiotics to support communication and Knowledge
541800 -            Management. ref SDS 42 7216
541802 -             ..
541803 -            [On 000717 Professor Joseph Ransdell, Texas Tech
541804 -            University, explained how SDS aids understanding.
541805 -            ref SDS 43 3825
541807 -             ..
541808 -            [On 010425 Cycorp releasing "inference" engine to build
541809 -            knowledge bases, ontology. ref SDS 56 079K
541810 -     ..
541811 -     As a result of evident alignment between semiotics and POIMS
541812 -     theory for advancing alphabet technology, ref OF 1 1298, sent
541813 -     ref DIT 3 0001 to professor Ransdell requesting comments on SDS,
541814 -     Communication Metrics and POIMS, per letter, ref DIP 3 6018, sent
541815 -     to Mary Keeler on 000624. ref SDS 35 1534  Cited POIMS explanation
541816 -     of "intelligence." ref OF 1 6649
541817 -
541818 -        [On 000715 sent copy to Morris, Jack and Eugene for
541819 -        information.
541821 -         ..
541822 -        [On 0000716 received letter from professor Ransdell, further
541823 -        explaining semiotics as the study of logic gounded in "signs,"
541824 -        which relates to speech using distinct sounds to form symbols
541825 -        that to convey discrete thoughts, and alphabetic characters
541826 -        that can be assembled to do the same. ref SDS 42 7216
541828 -         ..
541829 -        [On 000718 letter from Mary commends Joe's work. ref SDS 45
541830 -        0001
541832 -         ..
541833 -        [On 000721 Professor Ransdell reported finding that SDS
541834 -        strengthens communication. ref SDS 47 0002
541836 -         ..
541837 -        [On 000729 Joe plans to address semiotics further. ref SDS 50
541838 -        0005
541840 -         ..
541841 -        [On 000922 sent letter to Joe about following up on plans to
541842 -        analyse SDS, Com Metrics and Peirce's semiotics. ref SDS 51
541843 -        0001
541844 - ..
541845 - I asked Cliff if his application of semiotics reflects Charles
541846 - Peirce's work, reviewed on 000515, ref SDS 25 0784, based on Professor
541847 - Mary Keeler's paper submitted by Jack Park.  We considered briefly
541848 - distinctions between philosophy and connectionist theory in cognitive
541849 - science, for explaining "knowledge," which is bridged in some respects
541850 - by Peirce, as set out on 000515. ref SDS 25 5083
541852 -  ..
541853 - Cliff advised that his understanding of semiotics includes Peirce's
541854 - work, and extends more broadly, taking notice of cognitive science. He
541855 - cited a tendancy for KM work, including professional events, to get
541856 - bogged down defining terminology.  Cliff strives to focus on practical
541857 - steps that technology can accomplish to improve daily work.  Theory
541858 - provides some direction, and a way of communicating about complex,
541859 - difficult methods and design concepts.
541860 -
541861 -     [On 000721 Professor Joseph Ransdell reported finding that SDS
541862 -     strengthens communication. ref SDS 47 0002
541863 -
541864 -
541865 -
541866 -
541867 -
541868 -
541869 -
5419 -

Links Hard to Keep Orientation, Need Map
Links Overwhelm People Using SDS on Web
Links Improve Access to Needed Information, LANL, Joslyn
Links Overwhelming, LANL, Joslyn
Connected Environment Confusing, Prefer Printed Letter
Overwhelmed Links Complexity of Management Details
Shocking to See Details of Daily Management, SDS Format
Clear Concise Complete Com Web Mail
Linking Creates Understanding, Aided by Technology
Microcosm Productivity Discover Details Don't Align and Adjust Before
Microcosm Power to Organize, Link Complex Details
Map for Links Indicate Which to Open Judicious Review Only Open 10% L

7414 -
741501 -  ..
741502 - Adding Intelligence to Information Intially Appears Shocking
741503 - Knowledge Management Opens a Development Path That is Only Starting
741504 - Graphical Mapping May Add Value and Focus to Knowledge Management
741505 -
741506 - Cliff reported getting lost in SDS links, which makes connections in
741507 - the record a "double edged sword," having both advantages, per above,
741508 - ref SDS 0 4267, and, also, new challenges to manage a new power for
741509 - converting information into "knowledge."
741511 -  ..
741512 - I explained this occurs because, when we look into the microcosm of
741513 - connections that are otherwise hidden in the human mind, beyond the
741514 - our span of attention, these connections are shocking.
741515 -
741516 -    [On 000720 complexity of human thought process causes mistakes,
741517 -    but, also, opportunity to improve productivity. ref SDS 46 2448
741519 -  ..
741520 - We need new tools to harness new power.  One method is....
741521 -
741522 -                   Clear, Concise, Complete Communication
741523 -
741524 -
741525 - ...proposed on 990419. ref SDS 6 2320
741527 -  ..
741528 - Cliff advised that he has ideas for a graphical map to better navigate
741529 - and grasp the location of information in Knowledge Space.
741530 -
741531 -     On 990426 Morris wanted a map to navigate links.
741533 -  ..
741534 - We discussed the concept of Knowledge Space that evolved from the SDS
741535 - design, described on 960620. ref SDS 5 3516  The need for a graphical
741536 - map was cited by Morris on 990426. ref SDS 7 1100
741538 -  ..
741539 - Cliff likes the concept of Knowledge Space.  He related earlier work
741540 - he did in the 80s on AI and related fields, which seems to be
741541 - implemented in some degree by SDS.
741543 -  ..
741544 - I mentioned that Jack Park, also, has ideas about developing graphical
741545 - mapping to navigate the record.  He is strongly committed to Open
741546 - Source, which SDS can support, as set out on 000503, ref SDS 22 6903
741547 - Jack wants SDS to be released as an Open Source application.
741548 -
741549 -
741550 -
741551 -
741552 -
7416 -

Demo SDS via Web Site
Alliances on Development
Los Alamos National Lab
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
LANL Planning
Propose Presentation to SRI Group by Cliff Joslyn
Presentation to SRI Group by Cliff Joslyn
SDS Demonstrattion Planning for Cliff

8710 -
871101 -  ..
871102 - SDS Demo, Meeting with Morris at Intel, Presentation at SRI on KM
871103 -
871104 - We will try to meet separately while Cliff is in town, for a
871105 - demonstration of SDS.  He will be staying in Berkeley, and then in
871106 - Palo Alto.
871107 -
871108 - Will, also, try to have a meeting at Intel with Morris.  Jack and
871109 - Howard can attend that meeting to discuss SDS and project development
871110 - ideas, if they wish are available.
871112 -  ..
871113 - I will coordinate with Morris and Jack for a date and time that fits
871114 - Cliff's schedule.
871115 -
871116 -     [On 000714 submitted letter to Morris. ref SDS 41 2106
871117 -
871118 -     [On 000723 met with Cliff. ref SDS 48 1804
871119 - ..
871120 - Suggested that Jack would be a good contact for coordinating
871121 - Cliff's presentation to SRI on either 000720 or 000727 at 1600.  Jack
871122 - has a strong standing with Doug and the SRI team.  Eugene Kim would
871123 - likely make the final decision.  He and Jack can develop ideas for
871124 - shaping Cliff's presentation.  Jack's archiecture submitted on 000623
871125 - has elements that Cliff's people at LANL are considering, ref SDS 33
871126 - 4752, per telecon with John Hogden on 000331. ref SDS 15 2405  I have
871127 - some ideas which can be put in the hopper that might be helpful, as
871128 - well. So Cliff will have plenty of support to prepare, if a
871129 - presentation can be arranged.
871131 -  ..
871132 - I advised that Jack or Eugene Kim might be contacting Cliff to follow
871133 - up on a presentation at SRI.  I will keep in touch on both SRI and our
871134 - own agenda.
871136 -  ..
871137 - Cliff noted there are a range of ways to develop contracts through
871138 - LANL for doing needed government research and development in Knowledge
871139 - Management.  He expressed interest in licensing SDS under some
871140 - arrangement for use at the Lab.
871141 -
871147 -
871148 -
871150 -  ..
8712 -
8713 -
8714 - 1357 called Jack Park
8715 -
871501 - Left message that Cliff is interested in addressing the DKR team, and
871502 - can do this on 000720 or 000724.  Asked Jack to coordinate with Cliff
871503 - and Eugene Kim on extending a formal invitation to Cliff for making a
871504 - presentation at SRI on a KM matter of interest to the DKR team.
871506 -  ..
871507 - Since Cliff is meeting with Xerox on 000723-24 in Palo Alto, visiting
871508 - with the team on 000727 at SRI should work well.
871509 -
871511 -  ..
8716 -
8717 -
8718 - 1829 received letter from Eugene
8719 -
871901 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Eugene, responding to my letter to Jack,
871902 - with copy to Eugene.
871904 -  ..
871905 - Jack is on vacation for the next two (2) weeks.
871907 -  ..
871908 - Eugene recalls Cliff's name coming up, but requests background on his
871909 - position in the industry, and why he would be someone who can
871910 - contribute to the DKR project by giving a presentation to the team
871911 - meeting at SRI?
871913 -  ..
871914 - At the meeting this afternoon, Eugene will bring up the idea of Cliff
871915 - speaking.
871916 -
871918 -  ..
871919 - Background on Cliff and purpose of addressing Doug's DKR team...
871920 -
871921 -    On 000314 Jack Park sent a letter to the Colloquium citing Cliff's
871922 -    group at Los Alamos National Lab, as doing KM work that should be
871923 -    reviewed by the DKR team.
871924 -
871925 -    Review showed CIC3's is doing important work under Cliff's
871926 -    leadership. ref SDS 13 3855
871928 -     ..
871929 -    LANL expressed interest in SDS, and on 000331 disclosed that they
871930 -    have a KM project with Xerox in Palo Alto. ref SDS 15 4839
871932 -     ..
871933 -    On 000428 Cliff Joslyn made plans for a meeting to review SDS the
871934 -    week of 000521, when he was scheduled to be in town for meetings
871935 -    with Xerox.  At that time, I mentioned Cliff's plans to Jack Park.
871936 -    Jack explained that Cliff has considerable standing in the KM
871937 -    community based on his independent work, and his role in the KM
871938 -    program at LANL. ref SDS 20 5722
871939 -    ..
871940 -    These plans were deferred due to the fires at Los Alamos, per
871941 -    Cliff's letter on 000522. ref DRP 2 0001
871943 -     ..
871944 -    On 000622 contacted Cliff about proceeding with our meeting.
871945 -    ref SDS 31 0001
871947 -     ..
871948 -    Later on 000622, after consulting with Jack Park, I sent a second
871949 -    letter asking Cliff, if he would consider addressing Doug's DKR
871950 -    team, ref SDS 32 5082, in light of events during the meeting on
871951 -    000615 at SRI.
871953 -     ..
871954 -    Jack planned to mention this idea to the SRI team on 000622, but
871955 -    there wasn't enough time.
871957 -     ..
871958 -    Now that Cliff is setting his schedule for a Bay Area visit, we
871959 -    discussed again this morning him making a presentation.
871960 -
871961 -
871962 -
8720 -

Presentation to SRI Group by Cliff Joslyn
Cliff Presentation to SRI on KM Theory and Work at LANL, Planning

9004 -
900501 -  ..
900502 - Subject Ideas for Cliff's Presentation to SRI on 000727
900503 -
900504 - Jack and Eugene are best positioned to propose a topic for Cliff's
900505 - comments to the team.  Some ideas might include...
900506 -
900507 -       a.  Overview of KM work worldwide....
900508 -
900509 -           Who is doing KM projects.
900511 -              ..
900512 -             [On 000718 Cliff advised he is not a good source for a
900513 -             survey of progress on KM. ref SDS 44 2880
900515 -            ..
900516 -           How are these projects progressing, per Lee Ivrson's remarks
900517 -           on 000324. ref SDS 14 4877
900518 -           ..
900519 -           Who is funding KM projects?  How is KM presented for
900520 -           funding purposes?   What's in it for those putting up the
900521 -           money?
900523 -  ..
900524 -       b.  Knowledge Managemnt - What is it; how does it differ from
900525 -           Information Management, per our discussion above this
900526 -           morning, ref SDS 0 4480, and suggestion on 000622 for Cliff
900527 -           to address SRI's team, discussed with Jack Park. ref SDS 32
900528 -           5795
900529 -
900530 -             [On 000718 Cliff submitted ideas. ref SDS 44 8240
900532 -            ..
900533 -           Why is KM a "Killer Application?"
900535 -            ..
900536 -           What breakthroughs have to be achieved in order to realize
900537 -           the dreams for KM?
900538 -
900540 -            ..
900541 -       c.  What is a KM project?
900542 -           ..
900543 -           What are people trying to produce?
900545 -            ..
900546 -           How are KM projects being explained with respect to
900547 -           deliverables and benefits?
900548 -
900550 -  ..
900551 - Sent ref DIT 2 0001 to Eugene with copy to Cliff and Jack.
900552 -
900553 -     [On 000714 received letter from Eugene. ref SDS 40 0001
900554 -
900555 -     [...called to notify Cliff. ref SDS 40 1886
900556 -
900557 -
900558 -
900559 -
900560 -
9006 -