440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

June 22, 2000

04 00067 61 00062202

Mr. Cliff Joslyn
Computer Research Group (CIC-3)
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Distributed Knowledge Research Team; MS B265
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Subject:   Boost for Knowledge Management

Dear Cliff,

A short follow up to my letter this morning. Later in the afternoon, I spoke with Jack Park, who is just back from Paris attending a conference on XML, and is full of ideas about building a DKR. We reviewed concern about the viability of KM, expressed by Doug Engelbart's DKR team during a meeting at SRI on June 15. Doug did not attend the meeting. He is fund raising in Washington D.C. Jack and other key figures in the project, also, did not attend.

We thought, in light of your strong reputation, it might be helpful if you could make a presentation, to the group meeting at SRI, say within the next 4 - 6 weeks. Meetings are typically on Thursday from 4 - 6p. Announcing your willingness to come and share your progress, perhaps with attention to the challenge of launching a KM effort, this would provide a boost to the project. Additionally, if you could distinguish KM from past IT efforts, and explain why this is a reachable target, that, too, would be helpful.

Jack has a particular interest in your ideas on mathematical applications, having used an idea you offered at a professional event he attended, some time ago, to initiative a KM project for a colleague, Howard Liu, who is also supporting Doug's DKR project.

So, this is an exploratory inquiry to see if you would be able to make a presentation at SRI. Jack is asking the team at the meeting today about extending an invitation in the event you can fit this into your schedule. If it works, we can discuss details on your remarks.

Thanks for your consideration. I can appreciate that the current situation at Los Alamos may not be a good time for this.



Rod Welch

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  1. Jack Park