440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: August 3, 1999 05:32 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Received letter from Dan on SDS architecture, Common Administration.
2...Welch Language Aligned with Objectives of Network Bookkeeping
3...SDS Architecture Can be Presented without Disclosing Trade Secrets
4...Dan Will Present Universal Pattern Language in Network Bookkeeping
5...Cognitive Science Uses Patterns and Context to Explain Meaning
6...Context Controlled by Subject, Function, Time, Organizations, People
7...Integration of Communication Metrics and Network Bookkeeping
8...Context Managed by Double Entry Bookkeeping
9...Power of Microcosm - Controling Lower Levels of Organic Structure
10...Accounting Practices Have Evoloved Over 600 Years to Manage Context
11...Universal Patterns from Network Bookkeeping Can Support Com Metrics
12...Lack of Patterns Makes Management a Process of Continual Bumbling
13...Network Bookkeeping Distinguishes Personal and Organizational Time
14...Communication Predicate to Action, Universal Business Metric
15...People Welcome Properly Applied Accountability
16...Experience Reveals Benefits of Intelligence, Credit for Good Job
17...Privacy Balances Competition and Cooperation
18...Communication Metrics Supports Common Administration
19...Clear, Concise, Complete Communication Improves Email
20...Judicious Review Supports Clear, Concise, Complete Communication
Click here to comment!
0201 - Dan Palanza and NSF 508 548 7421
020101 - Mr. Dan Palanza
Risk Communication Main Factor of Management Success
Palanza, Dan Com Metrics Helps Engineering Management
Context Linking Analysis Intelligence Adds Value
Accounting Best Management System, Drucker
Trade Secrets - Disclosure
Pattern Language SDS Context Accomplishes Accounting Double Entry Boo
Microcosm SDS Power to Understand Pattersn Chronology Cause Effect Lo
Bookkeeping Pattern Language for Context Management
Context Management Organizes Information Augment Intelligence Decisio
3311 - ..
3312 - Summary/Objective
3313 -
331301 - Follow up ref SDS 38 0000, ref SDS 37 0000.
331302 -
331303 - Received ref DRT 1 from Dan responding to my letter, ref DIP 4 0001,
331304 - sent yesterday. Dan makes a strong case for using accounting
331305 - principles to manage time and information. He feels SDS architecture
331306 - can be disclosed without risk to business interests. I need to study
331307 - pattern language; it would help to see some examples of Dan's
331308 - universal pattern language. ref SDS 0 4374 and ref SDS 0 6822
331309 -
331310 - Submitted ref DIT 1 as a conventional email to facilitate evaluation
331311 - of SDS on the Internet compared to conventional email, per below.
331312 - ref SDS 0 9773
331313 -
331314 - [On 990804 received letter from Dan. ref SDS 40 0001
331315 -
331316 - [On 990806 sent letter to Dan. ref SDS 41 0001
331317 -
331318 -
331319 -
331320 -
331321 -
331322 -
331323 - ..
3314 -
3315 -
3316 - Progress
3317 -
331701 - ..
331702 - Welch Language Aligned with Objectives of Network Bookkeeping
331703 -
331704 - Follow up ref SDS 32 LV4K.
331705 -
331706 - Dan comments today on the language in ref DIP 4 0001 throughout,
331707 - including relevant records and the POIMS paper. Dan's effort helps
331708 - address issues from the record on 990802. ref SDS 38 5711 and further
331709 - at ref SDS 38 4234.
331710 -
331711 - This facilitates communication to align objectives, assess opportunity
331712 - and grow new knowledge, noted in response to Dan. ref DIT 1 3174
331713 -
331714 -
331715 - ..
331716 - SDS Architecture Can be Presented without Disclosing Trade Secrets
331717 - Dan Will Present Universal Pattern Language in Network Bookkeeping
331718 -
331719 - Follow up ref SDS 38 5711.
331720 -
331721 - Dan says...
331722 -
331723 - ... I am interested in ... [SDS] architectur[e] My accounting
331724 - system is built around a universal pattern system. I know that
331725 - patterns are present in your system. If I can convey this pattern
331726 - to you we can talk freely without exposing the inner details....
331727 - ref DRT 1 8330
331728 -
331729 - On 990710 Dan indicated that SDS supports implementation of a network
331730 - bookkeeping system that Dan is developing. ref SDS 30 LF5I On 990711
331731 - Dan related further research showing SDS enables networking
331732 - bookkeeping. ref SDS 31 2200 Yesterday, he commended Common
331733 - Administration supported by SDS. ref SDS 38 1628
331734 - ..
331735 - The record on 940901 shows architecture scope. ref SDS 4 2929
331736 -
331737 - ..
331738 - Dan plans to review the SDS schematic. ref OF 3 3385
331739 -
331740 -
331741 -
331742 - ..
331743 - Cognitive Science Uses Patterns and Context to Explain Meaning
331744 - Context Controlled by Subject, Function, Time, Organizations, People
331745 - Integration of Communication Metrics and Network Bookkeeping
331746 -
331747 - Follow up ref SDS 38 2226.
331748 -
331749 - Dan recommends reviewing pattern language, commenting...
331750 -
331751 - What would help, if you have the time, is to begin reading some
331752 - patterns literature. The problem being attacked here is not going
331753 - to be solved without the help of patterns. Every ancient culture
331754 - worked out a pattern system. So pattern study is nothing new. But
331755 - when a culture shifts a major paradigm, as the computer is forcing
331756 - on our culture, for leadership to understand patterns is
331757 - essential. ref DRT 1 6160
331758 - ..
331759 - Some progress has occurred on this objective...
331760 -
331761 - Understanding "pattern language" comes from experience developing
331762 - processes for organic subject structure, where "pattern" is
331763 - similar to "structure, cited on 990802. ref SDS 11 0960
331764 -
331765 - Pattern language may be inherent in the definition of "meaning"
331766 - from cognitive science reviewed on...
331767 -
331768 - 960321. ref SDS 10 2882
331769 -
331770 - 960324. ref SDS 11 8848
331771 -
331772 - 960809. ref SDS 15 0085
331773 - ..
331774 - In my letter today, I ask for a source. ref DIT 1 7822
331775 -
331776 - ..
331777 - Dan cites the following from the record on 990802...
331778 -
331779 - There has been less attention given to accounting in SDS, because
331780 - opportunities for application, which yield experience for
331781 - improving the technology, have needed more help with time and
331782 - information, than with accounting issues. So, accounting support
331783 - in SDS is largely untested, except for doing billings to
331784 - customers. ref SDS 38 7892
331785 -
331786 - He observes...
331787 -
331788 - This is ...backwards reasoning. Accounting was devised to manage
331789 - time--a history of what happened.
331790 -
331791 - Time and information have structure, just like a building has
331792 - structure. The accounting *must* come first. ref DRT 1 6821
331793 - ..
331794 - I believe that accounting practices add "intelligence" to
331795 - management when applied with an effective design. POIMS strives to
331796 - accomplish this objective. (see below. ref SDS 0 9077)
331797 -
331798 -
331799 - ..
331800 - Context Managed by Double Entry Bookkeeping
331801 - Power of Microcosm - Controling Lower Levels of Organic Structure
331802 - Accounting Practices Have Evoloved Over 600 Years to Manage Context
331803 -
331804 - Dan comments...
331805 -
331806 - I can't say enough about the importance of managing context in a
331807 - computerized world. Double entry bookkeeping was worked out for
331808 - just that reason. And it has has a 600 year monopoly of
331809 - experience. If there is a better way to manage and reconstruct
331810 - context, there is a good chance someone in the world, in 600
331811 - years, would have discovered that better way. ref DRT 1 6771
331812 -
331813 - On 980101 Peter Drucker cited accounting as the best information
331814 - technology for managers. ref SDS 21 1368
331815 - ..
331816 - On 990427 Roy Roebuck proposed researching context management,
331817 - in a grant request to NSF. ref SDS 28 3360 Tom Landauer's research
331818 - paper on Latent Semantic Analysis, reviewed on 960518, explains the
331819 - role of "context" in human cognition. ref SDS 14 3374
331820 -
331821 - [On 000926 contributor on DKR project commended SDS for context
331822 - management. ref SDS 42 IP7F
331823 -
331824 - POIMS technology applies accounting in a new, more powerful way.
331825 -
331826 - Response to Dan, ref DIT 1 6649, notes that SDS impliments POIMS to
331827 - organize narrative, also, "contextual" information into patterns of
331828 - chronologies that show cause and effect. Since narrative is the
331829 - dominate form of communication, SDS provides a useful form of business
331830 - metrics for the management function, where communication is the
331831 - primary activity. This gives rise to the science of Communication
331832 - Metrics. ref OF 4
331833 - ..
331834 - SDS permits unlimited structural levels.
331835 -
331836 - Complexity grows exponentially at each level, which presents a
331837 - practical challenge that is evident through daily experience. Most
331838 - subjects in the SDS record have less than 5 levels; some have up to 7
331839 - or 8. This provides significant power to manage complexity, which can
331840 - be characterized as the...
331841 -
331842 -
331843 - power of the microcosm
331844 -
331845 -
331846 - ...reviewed with Intel on 950927. ref SDS 8 5412 The ability to
331847 - manage lower levels of organic structure greatly expands human span of
331848 - attention, which improves the quality of management, and therefore
331849 - improves earnings, as set out on 990802. ref SDS 38 8922 A recent
331850 - article in Fortune reviewed on 990625, ref SDS 29 1024, explains the
331851 - critical role of managing critical details to the success of CEOs,
331852 - reflecting the proposition...
331853 -
331854 - ..
331855 - The Devil in the Details
331856 -
331857 -
331858 - ...explained in the New World Order... paper. ref OF 4 9449
331859 -
331860 - The NWO... paper discusses the power of the microcosm. ref OF 4 5846
331861 -
331862 - Accounting practices help manage organic structure.
331863 -
331864 - On 960326 accounting was cited in a meeting with Intel as the paradigm
331865 - for a new work role to improve management. ref SDS 12 3420
331866 -
331867 - On 960405 accounting standards improve accuracy of writing, especially
331868 - email, which lacks a double-entry check, and so reduces productivity
331869 - by an order of magnitude, ref SDS 13 4995, due to entropy, cited on
331870 - 970707. ref SDS 20 0108 Dan's final report to NSF cites the value of
331871 - accounting methods to "reverse entropy." ref OF 1 8966
331872 - ..
331873 - The POIMS paper recognizes...
331874 -
331875 - 1. Accounting uses organic, structured systems... ref OF 2 8936
331876 -
331877 - 2. ... adding intelligence to information by analysing, organizing
331878 - and making "connections" is a "double-entry" check on personal
331879 - perceptions... ref OF 2 3084
331880 -
331881 - 3. ...a "double entry" check of impressions from conversations that
331882 - are linked back to original sources and forward to future tasks.
331883 - This audit trail of facts and reasoning... ref OF 2 7822
331884 -
331885 - 4. ... links facts to compensable issues, ... instantly assemble
331886 - chronologies, i.e., date ordered chains of related events, to
331887 - discover causation, necessary for good decisions... "Control the
331888 - Record" by issuing required notices at the touch of a button,
331889 - which permits "double entry" verification by others in advance
331890 - of potentially harmful action.
331891 - ..
331892 - 5. Investing Intellectual Capital... ref OF 2 1101;
331893 - ref OF 2 8644
331894 -
331895 -
331896 -
331897 - ..
331898 - Universal Patterns from Network Bookkeeping Can Support Com Metrics
331899 -
331900 - Dan cites the following from the SDS record yesterday...
331901 -
331902 - A principle control for context is time; specifically, chronology,
331903 - or the sequence of events, which imparts cause and effect, that is
331904 - the foundation of human intelligence. This is the driving force of
331905 - SDS, as reviewed on 900303. ref SDS 1 3002
331906 -
331907 - ...and comments...
331908 -
331909 - Whoever generated this speculation as to the role of time in the
331910 - control of context could benefit a great deal from the universal
331911 - patterns that have grown out of my experience with network
331912 - bookkeeping. ref DRT 1 6621
331913 - ..
331914 - The source of information in SDS is shown at the top of the
331915 - record.
331916 -
331917 - Links provide an audit trail to sources that enable people to test the
331918 - strength and correctness of information. In this case, there is a link
331919 - to a record on 900303 which reviews Jeremy Campbell's book...
331920 -
331921 -
331922 - The Improbable Machine
331923 -
331924 -
331925 - The record on 900303 links into Campbell's book so that assessment of
331926 - accuracy and context can be accomplished with minimal time and effort.
331927 -
331928 - Dan's Final Report to NSF cites Campbell's earlier work...
331929 -
331930 -
331931 - The Grammatical Man
331932 -
331933 -
331934 - ...shown at ref OF 1 5394
331935 -
331936 - ..
331937 - Response today asks for examples of universal patterns that have grown
331938 - out of Dan's network bookkeeping project. ref DIT 1 7822
331939 -
331940 - [On 990804 Dan urges review of pattern language. ref SDS 40 3294]
331941 -
331942 -
331943 -
331944 - ..
331945 - Lack of Patterns Makes Management a Process of Continual Bumbling
331946 - Network Bookkeeping Distinguishes Personal and Organizational Time
331947 -
331948 - Dan comments...
331949 -
331950 - If you study people in organization you will find that time for
331951 - the individual is very different from time for an integrated
331952 - management. So the above statement: "A principle control of
331953 - context is time" forces the obvious question, "what type of
331954 - time, individual or common?" ref DRT 1 7740
331955 - ..
331956 - Need explanation/source on "individual" and "common" time.
331957 -
331958 - Dan comments...
331959 -
331960 - If that question can't be answered intelligently by the users --
331961 - in other words there is no shared pattern language with which to
331962 - differentiate the two times -- then the underlying structure of
331963 - the management is sitting upon swampland. ref DRT 1 2912
331964 -
331965 - Management is a "swampland," of continual bumbling due to information
331966 - entropy, reviewed on 970707. ref SDS 20 0108 see also POIMS on limits
331967 - of traditional documentation. ref OF 2 5820 Entropy reflects lack of
331968 - shared patterns, also called "shared meaning," Landauer explains in
331969 - his paper on cognitive science, reviewed on 960321, that in language
331970 - meaning derives from "referents" which comprise patterns of language.
331971 - ref SDS 10 2882 and ref SDS 10 5588 Productivity and earnings can be
331972 - improved by adding accounting rigor to information management, which
331973 - is the aim of Communication Metrics embodied by the notion of...
331974 -
331975 -
331976 - adding "intelligence" to managment
331977 -
331978 -
331979 - ...set out in the NSF proposal. ref OF 5 and ref OF 5 9766
331980 - ..
331981 - I am inclined to the view that SDS implements at some level a
331982 - "shared pattern language," since it has the power to build and
331983 - maintain shared meaning, and this necessarily requires common
331984 - patterns. see report by US Army Corps of Engineers on 990328.
331985 - ref DRP 1 3142 Indeed, building shared patterns (again "shared
331986 - meaning") is a primary aim of communication.
331987 -
331988 - I would like an example of how common patterns differentiate
331989 - "individual" from "common" time. ref DRT 1 2912
331990 -
331991 - [On 990804 Dan urges review of pattern language. ref SDS 40 3294]
331992 -
331993 -
331994 -
331995 -
331996 -
3320 -
Accountability Avoided, Turn Out the Lights
4304 -
430401 - ..
430402 - Communication Predicate to Action, Universal Business Metric
430403 - People Welcome Properly Applied Accountability
430404 - Experience Reveals Benefits of Intelligence, Credit for Good Job
430405 -
430406 - Dan continues...
430407 -
430408 - Without a definition that takes in both cases, people will pick
430409 - the one that fits their immediate needs but is not necessarily
430410 - the right thing to do. This is what accountability sets out to
430411 - discourage. But the people must have the tools with which to be
430412 - accountable. Given the proper tools, I find, people find great
430413 - comfort in being accountable. Without the tools people go into
430414 - denial, simply because no one likes being wrong. ref DRT 1 4690
430415 - ..
430416 - Fear of accountablity is a challenge that requires experience
430417 - with the tools that support performing better work, as reported in the
430418 - record on 980405. ref SDS 22 5065
430419 -
430420 - Problem was cited more recently on 990226. ref SDS 23 2160
430421 -
430422 - On 9990802, yesterday, role of leadership cited. ref SDS 39 2500
430423 -
430424 - Explain in my letter today, ref DIT 1 2964, the point in the NSF
430425 - proposal that communication is a predicate to action. ref OF 5 5561,
430426 - Adding intelligence makes the actions work better over time. Gaining
430427 - experience with this cause and effect, builds confidence and faith to
430428 - overcome fear of accountability, as people get credit for doing a good
430429 - job, per record on 980405. ref SDS 22 1491 This continues experience
430430 - cited on 990726, ref SDS 35 9766, and again yesterday. ref SDS 39 0406
430431 -
430432 -
430433 -
430434 -
4305 -
Privacy, Security - Discovery
4404 -
440401 - ..
440402 - Privacy Balances Competition and Cooperation
440403 -
440404 - Follow up ref SDS 38 0828.
440405 -
440406 - Dan does not address this subject.
440407 -
440408 -
440409 -
440410 -
4405 -
Common Administration
4604 -
460401 - ..
460402 - Communication Metrics Supports Common Administration
460403 -
460404 - Follow up ref SDS 38 5711.
460405 -
460406 - Ask Dan in my letter today about alignment of Common Administration
460407 - with his experience as a general contractor, ref DIT 1 2491, based on
460408 - explanation to USACE on 990328. ref SDS 24 9641
460409 -
460410 -
460411 -
460412 -
460413 -
4605 -
Judicious Review Guide to Avoid being Overwhelmed
Clear Concise Complete Notes, Needs Special Skills and Tools
Clear, Concise Complete Improves Email
Sel -evident Benefits
5007 -
500701 - ..
500702 - Clear, Concise, Complete Communication Improves Email
500703 - Judicious Review Supports Clear, Concise, Complete Communication
500704 -
500705 - I sent a response to Dan today as conventional email, and ask in the
500706 - last para for comment on how productive this is in relation to
500707 - conventinoal email. ref DIT 1 7994
500708 -
500709 - Cite the work on 990419 developing judicious review procedures to
500710 - support this objective. ref SDS 25 2601
500711 -
500712 - [On 990804 need comments from Dan. ref SDS 40 7833]
500713 -
500714 -
500715 -
500716 -
500717 -
500718 -
500719 -
500720 -
500721 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"